Stand with Us: Danny Ayalon Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the Peace Process (video)
Hamas blasts Palestinian official’s Auschwitz trip
"Islamist group’s spokesman says Holocaust ‘is a big lie,’ and visit by Abbas adviser was against public opinion" See also MEMRI
BDS movement forcing Brits to pay more for medicines?
"The European Union – Israel Agreement on Conformity, Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (ACAA) was approved by the European Council of Ministers in March 2010 and then sent on to the European Parliament for ratification. The European Parliament has delayed that process for over two years – supposedly as a reaction to the May 2010 flotilla incident in which nine Turkish political activists were killed after having attacked Israeli soldiers."
Why Abbas Wants to Go Back to the UN in September by Khaled Abu Toameh
"Abbas's decision to return to the UN is not only a ploy to avoid internal problems at home, it is also a way of trying to extort the Americans and Europeans into channeling more funds into his coffers. Abbas's threat: Give me more money or I will misbehave and file another request with the UN."
Islam at the Olympics "Rid the Streets of Evil" by Shiraz Maher
"With East London hosting the world during the Olympics, a group of Islamists associated with Anjem Choudary and his group, Islam4UK, have taken the law into their own hands.
Over recent weeks the group has launched a vigilante campaign in Waltham Forest, close to the main Olympics venues, to target "Pimps and Prostitutes," part of a wider campaign by Choudary's associates to launch their own vigilante campaigns, based on a narrow interpretation of Shariah law. Last year, the group put up stickers around parts of East London declaring it a 'Shariah Zone.' It warned women to observe strict dress codes, and local residents against drinking alcohol. Homosexuals were also threatened."
The Palestinian Culture of Slapping Israel
“PFD (Palestinians for Dignity), which was instrumental in the protests against Mahmoud Abbas and PA corruption earlier in the summer, is now protesting the European Union’s decision to upgrade a variety of trade and other ties with Israel.
The EU is the largest provider of economic assistance to the Palestinian Authority — so the willingness to antagonize it should be put in the context of what the PFD is willing to sacrifice — not for the benefit of the Palestinian people, but to demand that Israel be slapped:”
IDFBlog: IDF Roundup – What Happened In July 2012
20 Years of Saving Lives Abroad
Delhi Police Charge Muslim Journalist in Attack Against Israelis
“Nearly five months after an Israeli diplomat's car was bombed in New Delhi, the Delhi Police on Tuesday indicted Indian journalist Syed Mohammad Kazmi of conspiring with foreign elements [i.e., Iran] and others for the terror strike.”
German Center on Anti-Semitism Appoints Edward Said Wannabe, Achim Rohde
“Opponents of Dr. Rohde claim that his work is aimed at belittling anti-Semitism by confounding it with Professor Said’s Orientalism philosophy, which Dr. Rohde is now pushing hard as a sort of replacement theology: their confused thinking equates anti-Semitism with Orientalism and portrays Muslims as victims of Nazism and the Holocaust.”
Hungarian Politican Resigns From Anti-Semitic Party After Jewish Roots Become Public
YouTube, Google and Apple Take Steps Towards Combating Online Anti-Semitism
Countering Clifford and His Anti-Israel Maps
House considering Jewish refugees bill
“Bill would also recognize other displaced populations, including Christians from countries in the Middle East, North Africa and the Persian Gulf”
Members of Congress file brief to support Jerusalem passport case
Have a safe flight, thanks to Israel’s XSight
Runway debris costs about $14 billion in damages yearly. That’s why the FAA likes an Israeli system to detect birds and metal fragments 24/7.
Israeli Daily Picture: Rishon LeZion Celebrates Its 130th Anniversary This Week