Tuesday, June 26, 2012

  • Tuesday, June 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

It looks like Mel Gibson has fallen off the wagon again:
Anti-Semitic Elmo detained in NY
“Man dressed as Sesame Street character is removed from Central Park after obscene rants against Jews”

Birthplace of Christ Used in Bid for Palestinian Statehood
“The issue is not genuinely about a two-state solution – as many are fooled into believing. Lethal opposition to the State of Israel remains fierce. This tiny democracy, Israel, which lives by individual freedoms, equal justice under law and respect for universal human rights, is an affront to these autocratic regimes.”

“The drive to have the Church of the Nativity recognized as a global heritage site is nothing short of offensive. Christians have been driven out of their ancestral lands; Palestinians have shown nothing but hostility to both Christians and Jews. Moreover, Christ himself was a Jew.

Upon the birth of the State of Israel in 1948, Bethlehem had a Christian population of over 80 percent. With the rise of the Muslim population, Christians dwindled in numbers. Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority took over the town in 1995, thanks to the Oslo Accords. Along with the PA, came a tribal political system which caused Bethlehem's Christian population, already at 15%, to further sink to 2% today. Under this political system Christians are targeted, seen as inferiors, and subjected to threats, violence, discrimination and acts of terrorism.”

BBC Apologies:
BBC apologises over Itamar massacres coverage
The BBC “got it wrong” by not giving prominence to the massacre of the Fogel family by Palestinians in the West Bank settlement of Itamar, the outgoing director-general has admitted.
Our coverage of the Arab Spring was over-excited, admits BBC
Head of news admits reporters may have failed to explore both sides of the story
Countries where regimes were not overthrown were ignored, says BBC Trust report by former UN director of communications
Two thirds of mobile footage and other user-generated content was broadcast without any caveats
BBC boss sorry for reply to campaign to save radio show
“BBC head of north-west programming Aziz Rashid has apologised for snubbing Jewish leaders with a standardised reply to their complaint over the scrapping of the Jewish programme on Radio Manchester.”

Emanuel Cleaver and the Congressional Black Caucus Fail to Condemn Antisemitic Democrat
“Here is a list of organizations that have endorsed Barron, to their eternal shame: the Sierra Club, one of the most influential environmental groups in the nation; DC 37 and 1707, the big New York City public sector unions affiliated with AFSCME and the AFL-CIO; outgoing incumbent Democrat Edolphus Towns; and the local Amsterdam News, among others.“

A Hamas victory at the UN Human Rights Council
“Here is some of what Habeeb had to say while speaking in a UN room, at a UN-provided microphone, at a UN-advertised event associated with the UN’s top human rights body: “In 1947, 1948 and 1949 the Palestinian refugees were ethnically cleansed by the Israeli gangs.... Some Arab armies came to Palestine to fight the Zionist project, which came from all over Europe to take over Palestine and to make it as a national home for the Jews, although it was always the national home for the Palestinians for thousands and thousands of years.”

AFP Whence the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty?
"Today AFP refers to "1980, the year after Cairo signed its peace agreement with Tel Aviv." (Emphasis added.)

The Church of England Battles the Israeli Satan
"The Anglican Church, the UK's largest, is in the vanguard of Jew-hatred. Israel is demonized and their upcoming Synod may be a watershed."

New Memri Video:
Egyptian Leftist Politician Rifat Said: The Muslim Bortherhood Will Never Relinquish the Presidency

Also, Mostly Kosher on Amnesty's latest absurdity (h/t Benjamin of Tudela)

An searing first person account of being sexually abused at Tahrir Square (h/t CHA)

Israel's SodaStream surges, BDS fails again (h/t Tobias)

A German judge prohibits circumcisions

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