Hungarians don ‘Jude’ stars to protest anti-Semitic attacks
On June 7, four days after an attack on a Jewish cemetery near Budapest, some 120 Hungarians lined up in protest on the bank of the Danube in downtown Budapest wearing the German word for “Jew.” During the Nazi era, Jews were forced to wear the yellow-colored stars as a means of identification.Go to Monash University for another lecture on the enemies of Allah
Tareq Al Suwaidan said his foremost cause is that of Palestine and Jerusalem. “The most dangerous thing facing the Muslims is not the (Arab) dictatorships. The absolutely most dangerous thing is the Jews. They are the greatest enemy.”I doubt Al Suwaidan realises that Monash University is named after General Sir John Monash born in Victoria, on 27 June 1865, the son of Louis Monash and his wife Bertha, née Manasse. Both parents were Jews from Germany (the family name was originally spelt Monasch).
US Ousts Israel From Counterterrorism Forum
“The US blocked Israel's participation in the Global Counterterrorism Forum's, due to fierce objections from Turkey.”[Israel's foreign ministry denied this story - EoZ]
The Cyberwar
Oh No You Didn't Mossad Agents Claim Obama Lying About Stuxnet
Leaking Cyberwar Secrets The White House wants credit for successes but blames Israel for failures, a New York Times expose shows
Vatican Christians expelled from war-torn Syrian town
"Some mosques in the city have relaunched the message, announcing from the minarets: 'Christians must leave Quasir,' " read the report from the Vatican agency, which has sought to document the parlous plight of Syria’s ancient Christian community.
Iran, PFLP leaders tout anti-Israel 'resistance'
IDF brass warns of Syria’s chemical weapon threat
My Right Word discovers that the Irgun once tried to bomb British soldiers - with a camel bomb
Harry's Place shows us that the Guardian is publishing an op-ed from someone who really likes terrorism.
The New Yorker plays fast and loose with Mavi Marmara history
How the media conditions people to be anti-Israel
(h/t Elias, Yosef H))