Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
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Praying to the False God Named Balance (Judean Rose) Showing “balance” by offering honest criticism of Israel, has become a thing. There’s a formula to achieving this balance and it appears to go something like this: If you say something good about Israel, you must say so… Read More
Arson fires continue (many photos and video)There are still dozens of fires a day in Israel from Gaza arson kites and balloons. Here are some photos (and video) showing different aspects of the damage, and some typically Israeli responses. (h/t Yoel) … Read More
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Open thread Sorry, haven't been able to blog this morning. Here's an open thread to discuss vital issues amongst yourselves. We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please dona… Read More