Israel Defense:
The US government has agreed to allow the air force to install Israeli-produced radio and data link systems onboard the F-35 stealth fighter aircraft. As revealed in the report of the US Congressional Research Service, which IsraelDefense has obtained, this commitment represents the first significant US waiver with regards to the installation of Israeli systems onboard the advanced fighter aircraft.
The use of advanced radio and data link systems will provide the aircraft with greater immunity to deliberate jamming of its communication systems.
The report further reveals that if Israel were to procure more than 20 F-35s, the US government would consider allowing the country to add “black boxes” to the aircraft’s Electronic Warfare (EW) system, which would present unique Israeli-developed capabilities to the system.
The US has so far refused to allow the air force even partial access to the fighter's EW system.
(h/t Yoel)
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