Palestine Today, which is associated with Islamic Jihad, has a curious article telling its readers that some things about "resistance organizations" that must remain unsaid.
Examples of things about members of terror groups that must never be revealed:
- Names, jobs and social status
- Affiliation
- Type of work done
- Distinctive marks that could identify someone
- Members' temperaments, habits
- Members' routines
- Where they hang out (mosques, cafes, parks)
- Their relatives and friends
- Telephone numbers and addresses
- Details on their cars or transportation methods
As far as the organizations themselves go:
- Objectives, strategies
- Precautions
- Where secret work is done
- Where they get money from
- The organization chart
- How they recruit
- How they communicate
- Their front organizations
Somehow, I don't think a "Wikileaks" in Gaza would go over very well.