The speech itself was long, as usual, and covered a lot of topics where Nasrallah describes his vision for Lebanon. He said that Lebanon should accept arms from Iran to equip the army, that Lebanon should insist that Israel give up all of the town of Ghajar that is now split in two, that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon is illegitimate, and that Israeli spies must be executed.
He also spoke about Lebanese water and electricity shortages. There have been some public protests in Lebanon over these shortages. Nasrallah suggested that Lebanon solve the problem by building a "peaceful" nuclear power plant, which would allow it to become an electricity exporter.
Then, the article prints this tiny, unimportant, parenthetical statement:
(According to observers Hezbollah and Amal neighborhoods refuse to pay for electricity and water. Bill collectors in Hezbollah and Amal strongholds have reportedly been subjected to attacks and many were killed or wounded.)
All of a sudden, Hezbollah's leader doesn't look nearly as civic-minded and responsible as his speech implies, does he? That final sentence shows that Nasrallah's revamping of Hezbollah's image from a violent terror organization to a peaceful political party is a sham, and that his soothing words that are meant to make Hezbollah look like a team player in building up Lebanon is really to turn Hezbollah into a Trojan horse to take over the country.
If Nasrallah wants to solve Lebanon's electricity woes, shouldn't he pay his own electric bills?
If Hezbollah kills those who try to collect them, then why would we think that they have any peaceful motives for a nuclear plant?