The government on Wednesday condemned the visit of a senior right-wing Israeli lawmaker and several extremists to Al Aqsa Mosque compound under police escort.Just wanted to point out that the most "moderate" Arabs want to see Jews barred, permanently, from their holiest site. Why this is not considered bigoted by the world at large is one of those mysteries.
Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications and Government Spokesperson Nabil Sharif described the move by Danny Danon, a deputy speaker of the Israeli parliament, as provocative and offensive, calling on Israeli authorities to prevent such practices and spare Muslim and Christian shrines such provocative acts.
And, in case you were wondering, at least some Jordanians would like to expand the Judenrein area to the Kotel as well. An op-ed in Al Anbat, also in Jordan, speaks fondly about the 1929 massacres of Jews in Jerusalem, Hebron and Tzfat, which Arabs link to the Kotel, and the writer concludes:
The Buraq yard (Kotel plaza) and the wall will remain a source of inspiration for the Palestinians to revolt against the occupation and preserve the Arab identity of Jerusalem and its holy sites and its Islamic and Christian landmarks, rejecting the policy of the Zionist settlement at whatever cost and whatever the sacrifices!!!