Nothing clears your head quite like the ocean. I need to do this more often.
Anyway, besides spending time on creating an EoZ forum which may or may not become a permanent feature, here is some other meta-blog news:
The month of June shattered my previous record for monthly page views, with some 118,000 hits this month, beating my old record (of January 2009) by 35,000 and doubling my average volume from the past few months. It seems that a number of people who found this blog during the flotilla incident have stuck around, so thanks!
My quarterly numbers were also record breaking (for me, at least.)
In other EoZ news, posts on this blog have been nominated twice for the weekly Watcher of Weasels non-council awards:
The first, nominated by Snapped Shot, was for my post on Reuters' photo caption lies.
The other, nominated by the Watcher himself, was for Adam Levick's guest post "Mondoweiss: Hate as 'Progressive' Jewish Politics."
If anyone else has written a piece that they believe needs to get more attention, I would happily look at it for posting here.
I also want to thank those who have been sending me links and ideas; I appreciate them all even if I don't always reply back.
One last topic: as you can imagine, this is taking up a great deal of my time, far more than I comfortably have. If something is posted here that you think should be publicized more, or that should be brought to someone's attention, I would appreciate if you do that for me and let me know. This includes posting links in other forums or comment sections of newspapers, emailing to appropriate organizations or journalists, and placing them on bookmark sites like Yahoo Buzz, Reddit, Delicious or Newsvine.
Thanks again!