Too funny:
Rafiq Al-Husseini, the former chief of staff to President Mahmoud Abbas, said Sunday he is innocent of allegations broadcast on Israeli TV days earlier.
Flanked by relatives, Al-Husseini told reporters that a videotape apparently showing him propositioning a job applicant for sex was a fabrication. He refused to answer questions.
In brief remarks, Al-Husseini read aloud a statement alleging that conspirators, who he did not name, dubbed his voice on the videotape for the purposes of blackmail, both political and financial. He described the videotape as manipulated, noted it was more than a year and a half old, and insisted he informed Abbas at the time. [that he was in a dubbed videotape? - EoZ]
...He also said he would not submit to supposed blackmail, which he suggested was intended to compel him to resign and "leave the homeland." Al-Husseini said he would "continue to fight corruption and confront the occupation in Jerusalem, my city, my battle, and my destiny, like all other Jerusalemites."
Al-Husseini termed the broadcast, which appeared Wednesday evening on Israel's Channel 10, "a meeting between corruption and collaboration with the occupation."
Ah, he was targeted because he is such a patriot!