One is a Ma'ariv article that quotes an analysis of the footnotes in the Goldstone report, done by Im Tirtzu, that are negative against the IDF, and finds that 92% of them come from Israeli NGOs who are funded by the New Israel Fund, which spends huge amounts of money - so far over $140 million - from abroad to fund these far-left, often anti-government NGOs. Examples include Adalah, Breaking the Silence, B'Tselem, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, HaMoked, the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, Yesh Din, and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel.
The other is a Channel 2 video report about the "religious war" in Gaza, where Christians have been subject to abuse and worse by Hamas since the coup. The video shows where Christian holy books were burned and schools sacked.
Here is an English translation of that story: (h/t "Guest")