On the other hand, (possibly because of the bad press,) the Organization of the Islamic Conference has asked Muslim nations to help the victims.
The Al-Arabiya article about this call to help is interesting in the reactions by the readers.
The first one said:
My Heart Dances Of Joice Just Thinking About It May The Biggest Catastrophe in Human History,since the creation of this planet wipe USA from the face of the Earth.Deep inside me i feel it happening but i ask THE ALMIGHTY to make me live to witness it with my own eyes..Amen Amen Amen
The third addresses the issue of aiding Haiti a little more directly:
To donate money for an alcoholic is prohibited (haram),so how about the devil's worshipper? Why didn't/don't these so-called "Islamic" organizations urge Muslims,to help Muslims in Afghanistan,Pakistan,Gaza,Yemen,Somalia,Chechneya,..Anywhere?! How do you call for outside Cleansing while inside is full of $h*t? They and the apostate traitors are Muslims' real turmoil,so..?! Deaf,Blind and Dumb*UPDATE: This Muslim website says that Jordan sent a field hospital, medics and supplies pretty early on. The Iranian contribution it claims was through its Red Crescent, not the government.