265 militants that the PCHR called "civilian"
139 policemen/members of terror organizations that the PCHR called "civilian"
13 terrorists under 18 years old
Known terrorists killed in Gaza so far by name
265+236 PCHR "militants" = 501
Percentage of policemen who were also known terrorists:
135/239 = 58%
Suzanne is still going through the names on the PCHR list to find references to any terror activities..and doing an amazing job.
I believe that since a preponderance of policemen were also al-Qassam Brigades members, together with the fact that Hamas' military wing is indistinguishable from its "civilian" leadership, justify Israel's bombing of the policemen - something that some human rights organizations have called illegal under international law.
The updated list, as always, is at http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2009/04/more-of-those-civilians-killed-in-gaza.html Our preliminary report on our findings (when the numbers were lower) available here.