For the past two months, however, they reduced the money they rewarded the terrorists with.
And the terrorists are whining about it.
From Palestine Today:
The government of Ramallah, for the second consecutive month, has cut the salaries of a number of Church of the Nativity fighters who had been deported to the Gaza Strip.For seven years, these people who desecrated one of Christianity's holiest shrines - including some Hamas members - have been rewarded by the Palestinian Authority. They were lauded as heroes at the time and they have been paid handsomely for their terror.
Ra'id Abayat (35 years old) is one who is affected by this: "This arbitrary decision was sudden and without warning, and it is a severe blow to the deportees, especially with the approach of the seventh anniversary of the deportation. "
Abayat criticized strongly the Government of Ramallah in a Palestinian daily newspaper, describing it as "a tool for executing the occupation's wishes..."
He added: "There was no justification for the salary cut. I am particularly dire need of money, I am the head of a family of 7 children, mostly in schools, and one of them mentally disabled. It is difficult for me to treat him which costs $100 per month. I am also suffering from back problems."
Another fighter from the Church of the Nativity, AH Hammoud (34 years old), is the breadwinner of the family of seven, described what happened as "unjust resolution", especially as it comes in the backdrop of the national dialogue to be held in Cairo.
Hammoud said: "We were expecting a reward from the government, marking the eighth anniversary if the operation in Bethlehem, and we were surprised by this sudden decision to cut our pay two months ago. I can assure you that there is no ambiguity in the subject, and that this was done deliberately."
How many other terrorists are being paid by the moderate PA government out of our taxes?