According to the Mezan Center for Human Rights, this is the third "honor killing" in less than two months. This is one of them, and here are some details on the other one, from March 26th:
The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, based in Gaza, reported on Wednesday that a 31-year old woman was stabbed to death on Tuesday at night. The woman gave birth to a child boy less than two weeks ago.Remember, violence against women in Gaza is completely normal and should only be blamed on barbaric Israeli practices.
The Center added that on Tuesday approximately at 21:15, four young men came to the house of Ola Hasan Safi, 31, and then the neighbors heard screams coming from her house.
The police was called to the scene and found Safi repeatedly stabbed in her neck and back. Forensic examination showed several bruises on her back in addition to stab marks on her back, chest, abdomen, and neck.
The Al Mezan Center said that Safi gave birth to a healthy child less than two weeks ago, and that she was staying at her father’s home due to a conflict with her husband.
The 2009 PalArab self-death count is at 61.