Mukhtar Ahmad Al-Maulood, head of the Conciliation Department at the General Court in Makkah, underscored the need for strengthening the religious conviction of Saudi students chosen for scholarships abroad."Deviant" is a Muslim codephrase for gay.“Students should undergo religious orientation programs so that they can live in unfamiliar societies that have conflicting values without compromising their own moral and religious principles,” Al-Maulood told Arab News.
The judge said he became convinced of the need to strengthen the religious sentiments of students — particularly of those who go abroad shortly after finishing secondary school — after his visit to Australia last Ramadan (September).
“I am convinced of the need for the religious rehabilitation of Saudi students selected for scholarships abroad after my visit to Australia. While discussing the difficulties faced by Saudi students, Sheikh Tajuddin Al-Hilali, former mufti of Australia, related to me some of his painful experiences. For instance, Al-Hilali said once two drunken Saudi students were brought to the Islamic Center by a taxi driver. Unfortunately, the students were totally nude,” Al-Maulood said.
Al-Maulood said a lack of strong religious convictions would make the students easy prey to deviant groups.
Of course, it is not only Saudi students who get wild when they are away from home. Saudi adults seem to also have a habit of visiting foreign countries, "marrying" women there and abandoning them (and any resulting children) after their vacations are over.
It is not clear if Al Maulood is as upset over that, because presumably those marriages are legal according to sharia.