Caustic terror: A PalArab woman threw acid on the faces of two IDF soldiers at the Huwwara checkpoint. She escaped into Nablus.
Hamas still trying to break strike: Hamas continues to raid the houses of doctors participating in the health-care strike in Gaza. Hamas also closed dozens of free clinics that the striking doctors set up in Gaza City. I have yet to see a "human rights" organization blame Hamas for these kinds of activities; instead making "even-handed" statements about how both sides are wrong.
Trouble in Paradise: There are increasing reports of friction between Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza, although they are trying to hold talks in Damascus.
Shocking: A Gazan was killed - apparently electrocuted - while working in a smuggling tunnel on the Egyptian border.
Party of God wants to party: Hezbollah leader Nasrallah hinted that he would attack Israel if Israel does anything "aggressive," even in Gaza.

"Stupid woman": A Gazan man, probably a municipal worker or teacher, divorced his "stupid" wife because she didn't want him to continue his Fatah-encouraged strike in Gaza.