A terrorist driving a black BMW ran his car into a crowd of pedestrians at a busy intersection in central Jerusalem near the Old City on Monday evening.The JPost adds:
At least 17 people were confirmed wounded at Zahal Square, all in light-to-moderate condition. Magen David Adom paramedics evacuated those wounded to the Hadassah Ein Karem and Shaare Zedek hospitals for treatment.
Jerusalem police chief Aharon Franco said that the attacker was shot dead "within seconds" by an off-duty IDF officer who was touring the city with his unit.But why, oh why would anyone associate Ramadan, the holiest Muslim month, with terror attacks?
He added that there was no intelligence information ahead of the attack, but noted that Jerusalem was under heavy security alert due to Ramadan.
Could it be because a couple of days ago there was a Ramadan terror attack against a hotel in Pakistan, killing dozens?
If Islam is a religion of peace, wouldn't it be logical that their holiest month would be the most peaceful month?
Perhaps, unlike what we've been told by apologists for Islam, Ramadan is really the "month for Jihad," as this Christian Science Monitor article from 2003 discovered.
But Israelis know this very well. After all, the Yom Kippur War in 193 is known in the Arab world as "The Ramadan War."
So there is nothing unusual for terror attacks to occur during Ramadan. On the contrary, it is expected.