The Hamas Al Qassam website is using this letter as supposed proof of its humanity, although Shalit does say that he is suffering both physically and psychologically. Of course, the Red Cross has not been allowed to see Shalit.
In the letter, he also calls for negotiations for his release.
Translation by Annie:
Dear Mum and Dad, my dear family, I send to you my many homesick feelings. Two long hard years have passed for me since I left you and have been forced to live in prison conditions.
I continue to suffer from health and emotional difficulties and depressions that exist in this kind of life.
Like in my previous letters, I very much hope that your health and emotional situation has not been harmed since you began to live without me.
I still continue to think and dream of the day when I will be released and meet you again, and I still have the hope that this day is close, although I know it is not dependent on me or on you.
I turn to the government that it should not neglect the negotiations for my release, and it should aim its efforts only at releasing the soldiers in Lebanon.
Missing you,
June 2008