The Al Kuds Mark of Honor, the PLO's highest medal, will be given to two female terrorists who helped kill Israelis, Israel Radio reported Wednesday.Yes, Mahmoud Abbas wants all young Palestinian Arab women to become terrorists just like Tamimi and Munra. And he had a lot of women terrorists to choose from, too, so it must have been a tough decision.
Ahlam Tamimi, a Hamas affiliate serving a life sentence for driving the suicide bomber who exploded himself in the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem, killing at least half a dozen people, including a whole family and Amra Muna, who seduced Ophir Rahum over the Internet and then lured him to Ramallah where he was murdered, will both be awarded the medal.
Conferring the Al Kuds Mark of Honor is decided at the discretion of the Palestinian Authority's president, and he alone has the final say when choosing the Palestinians to be honored with the medal.
The EU, US and UN should harshly criticize this any minute now.
Previous examples of Abbas' love of terror:
Abbas proud of Fatah terror
Mahmoud Abbas, warmongering extremist
Abbas' support for terror
Abbas wants Israel destroyed
Mahmoud Abbas, terrorist