Fatah is not happy about this.
Here's an autotranslated reaction from PalPress that is really funny:
The Fatah movement demanded of all Palestinians to launch a national campaign against international Arab cartoon instigation no serious for children aired channel space Hamas and inciting Fatah elements. "After years of Fatah TV inciting against Jews it is really amusing to see the outrage that Fatah is showing when it is on the receiving end of similar hate.
This came during a panel set up to the training committee of the Fatah movement on no Animation (animation) directed against serious movement (Fatah) produced, and aired space Aqsa inflammatory.
He said Abu Bakr Al-Bakr, a leader of the Fatah movement and responsible training "that this movie aimed at children and broadcast by the channel and the number of sites, which included an illustration of the movie serious violators of Hamas in Gaza, any (opening) rats damaged and rotten and wage which kill and loot and violate privacy and destroy, any Assad Hamas (? ! ) expected that the patient felt the need to move against the mice, and not against the enemy, whose images only greatness Azahha Assad from the point easily, then began the eradication of rats, and the remainder fled to the West Bank stronghold of any traitors "by portraying movie.
Abu Bakr said, "It is the first time since World War II are portrayed as dirty rats offenders must blitz as it did with Nazi violators.
Meanwhile, he said that the movie seriously Deek an unprecedented degree requires him to the national campaign and the Arab world because it is simply first wave of children to any young people decide where the new movie that the other does not exist and killers allowed, and also shows that the Bank Habitat traitors, and promotes the eradication of all dissenting hatred and racism, and that Hamas only God successors are survivors and the lords of the jungle.
He said Yasser Egyptian that the movie is making them Palestinian issue to the conflict between the animals in the jungle (? !) The only power which must be controlled sense that categorically rejected democracy and ends the movie threatening words and say you returned back (?!).
Participants asked not diverted jamming ideas Safaehem children and the destruction, and the failure to devote concepts blind hatred, racism and blasphemy in the minds of people from Hamas, which eventually lead to a dangerous extremism in the society, especially in Gaza, and participants demanded the national campaign against the Arab world and these ideas, pushers of killers who govern Gaza iron The fire, and brought lawsuits against the mentioned space issues that threaten peace and national reconciliation, and add propaganda in favor of the enemy.
PA outrage at Israeli actions is an act meant for both Western useful idiots as well as for whipping up their masses in an orgy of hate, but it always appears rehearsed and planned. This statement, though, is truly hysterical and emotional. You can almost feel the spittle being sprayed as Al-Bakr fumes.
Deep down, the PalArabs know that Israel treats them far better than any Arab country ever has and that their campaign against Israel is not defensive in the least. They know that they are not in existential danger from Israel. But when they see real hatred, when they see real incitement aimed at them, -in other words, when they see all the things that they have been claiming for years is how Israel acts towards them coming instead from fellow Arabs - they regress into a visceral reaction, not the sound-bites we are used to hearing from the Erekats and Barghoutis mouthing outrage at Zionists.
After years of being coddled by billions from the West and Israel and empty promises from their brethren, the Fatah thugs are getting a taste of what Arab hate feels like.