I remember
plenty of bizarre accusations from the deluded PalArabs about Arafat being killed by
evil Joo-rays and poison or the like, but I do not recall the PA ofiicially going over the edge and accusing Israel of murder before:
On the second anniversary of the death of the late Palestinian president, Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian Authority headed by Hamas has affirmed that it is determined to solve the mystery of Arafat's death and “unmask the identity of his killers”,
The Palestinian government issued a statement on Saturday commemorating the second anniversary of Arafat, and said that he lost his life while defending the Palestinian people in their national interests.
The statement stressed that the Palestinian people will not abandon their national and legal rights, including the establishment of a Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital.
The statement also stressed that the Palestinian will not abandon the Right of Return of all Palestinian refugees and the rights of the detainees to be freed from all Israeli prisons.
“Arafat had gone far in the peace process with Israel, he signed several deals with it, but Israel killed him”, the statement reads, “this is one of the proofs that Israel does not want peace, and always seeks to divide the Palestinians”.
Hamas's statements regarding national unity and the case of Yasser Arafat were welcomed by Fateh leadership.
Now, how can people demand Israel to negotiate with people who cannot even demonstrate a passing acquaintance with reality? It's like negotiating with inmates at an insane asylum. Anything they say is meaningless but you are responsible for everything you say, because normal human beings are expected to keep their promises - and insane people are not.