Monday, May 15, 2006

  • Monday, May 15, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Our friends the Palestinian Arabs are showing yet again how much they value their economy:

Several greenhouses belonging to the former settlement of Morag in the Gaza Strip were destroyed over the weekend during an attempt by dozens of gunmen to take control of the area.

The Palestinian Company for Economic Development, which is in charge of thousands of greenhouses that used to belong to Morag and other settlements in Gush Katif, said the attack, which took place on Friday, was the latest in a series that began almost immediately after the settlements were evacuated.

The company revealed that hundreds of greenhouses and other agricultural installations have been sabotaged over the past few months, expressing its outrage over the recurring phenomenon. The company issued an urgent appeal to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Interior Minister Said Siam to intervene to halt the attacks on the lands belonging to the former settlements.

"These greenhouses and other installations and projects provide a source of income for over 4,500 families," company officials said. "We are very disturbed by the recurring attacks and thefts. Such actions jeopardize the largest agricultural project carried by the Palestinian Authority after the Israeli withdrawal."

Isn't it strange that 90,000 policemen can't guard a few hundred greenhouses?
Isn't it strange that the Gaza Arabs who are the subject of so many sympathetic newspaper sob stories about how rough they have it can tolerate the destruction of their economy?
Isn't it strange that the world nations (including Israel) are tripping over themselves to help people who have a history of wasting every penny they ever received?
Isn't it strange that a people who pretend to want a state so much cannot expend any effort on actual state-building?
Isn't it strange that the bulk of the money that these emotional infants receive come from the West that they hate with a passion, and not from their own Arab brethren?

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