Besides Ibrahim Hajjar, who I mentioned earlier, we have:
Maha al Mosa, a UNRWA teacher in Syria, who called is a "heroic" operation and who begs Allah to accept the murderers as martyrs in Paradise.
Zuhair Hindi, who had multiple posts praising the murder including a video with the sounds of Jews screaming, a photo of a meat cleaver and a photo of two rabbis with his cursing them in the caption (autotranslation below):.
Naser Haroun of Jordan shows a video of the police action outside the synagogue which he calls "a tribute to the blood of the martyrs."
All of them support the cold-blooded murder of Jews because they are Jews. And all of them are UNRWA teachers.
In a very real sense, UNRWA is responsible for creating the next generation of terrorists. And the world community, by continuing to fund one of the major sources of hate in the Middle East, is complicit.