Latma: A song to Jerusalem and everything's really cool in Judea and Samaria
Blaming America
Those commentators who ascribe victimhood to the perpetrators of terror instead of its casualties share an essential idea with those responsible for the Boston bombings. Although one faction justifies its view with blood and the other with ink, their message is the same: that terrorism can be justified.UN Watch: UN’s Richard Falk Again Calls Boston Attack “Resistance” to U.S. “Military Undertakings”
If there is one consistent response that should unite people across the Western world, it is that those who commit acts of terrorism or support terrorist groups are alone responsible for the murderous result. By painting such atrocities as a question of moral ambiguity, rather than as an outrage to be condemned and as a threat to be fought, these opinion writers and cartoonists only embolden terror and weaken the West's ability to defend its freedoms.
UN official Richard Falk, who was condemned for blaming the Boston terrorist attack on U.S. and Israeli policies, has once again justified the bombings as a form of “resistance” that was “bound” to result from U.S. “military undertakings,” in an interview he gave to The Daily Princetonian newspaper.Anti-Israel UN human rights official can’t be fired, State Department says
Richard Falk, the United Nations Human Rights official who said last month that the Boston Marathon bombings were connected to the “American global domination project,” apparently can’t be fired from his position, according to the U.S. State Department.Caroline Glick: NGOs vs those who serve
Support for those who serve in IDF, national service without reference to their religion, race or gender stymied by some NGOs.
A study completed this week by Im Tirtzu exposes the vast array of NGOs generously funded by the supposedly pro-Israel New Israel Fund as well as by foreign governments which are running a campaign to oppose Cpl. Joseph and her comrades – Arabs and Jews alike. Since 1999, these groups have been conducting a campaign to undermine Arab integration into Israeli society specifically and to demoralize and reduce the social standing of those who serve in the IDF, national service and IDF reserves generally. The campaign is being carried out on a dual track of discouraging Israeli Arabs from serving in the IDF or national service, and of opposing government benefits to IDF veterans, reservists and those who undertook national service by claiming that these benefits unjustly discriminate against Israeli Arabs.Washington "Newseum" to honour Hamas terrorists
One think-tank is reconsidering its use of the much-loved "Newseum" in Washington DC after its decision to honour Hamas terroristsIsrael's UK Ambassador Condemns Offensive Church Paper
The famed Newseum, the museum of journalism and news located in Washington, D.C., has found itself in the middle of a major argument over the honouring of two dead Hamas terrorists that some claim were simply journalists in the Palestinian territories.
The Newseum plans to add Mahmoud Al-Kumi and Hussam Salama to its "Journalists Memorial" which honours those killed while reporting the news. But the two men were cameramen for Al-Aqsa, Hamas's propaganda network, and thus qualify as Hamas operatives and therefore terrorists.
Israel's ambassador to the UK, Daniel Taub, condemned on Thursday a report by the Church of Scotland that questioned the divine right of Jews to the land of Israel.Israeli hackers ready to defend US sites, as #OpUSA flops
Anonymous had planned to follow up its #OpIsrael attacks with a mass hacking of American sites
It was supposed to be Anonymous’s glorious followup to #OpIsrael, but a scheduled May 7 “attack day” for Operation USA turned out to be a flop. Security experts prepared themselves for massive denial of service (DDOS) attacks, overwhelming banking, government and business sites with a flood of traffic. And Israeli “white hat” hackers were ready to lend a hand to deflect attacks on American sites, or to counter-attack sites in countries where the attacks originated.Wiesenthal Center calls for zero tolerance for terror online
As terrorist groups expanded their presence on the Internet, the Simon Wiesenthal Center is calling on social networking sites to adopt a policy of zero tolerance.Harvey Weinstein to Elie Wiesel: Without You There Would be no ‘Schindler’s List’ (VIDEO)
“I think there would be no ‘Schindler’s List,’ no ‘Life is Beautiful,’ no ‘Reader,’ so many of the movies that us in the industry have been involved in about the Holocaust, came from that first seminal book which was ‘Night,’ which continues to inspire me,” said Weinstein.