Friday, September 03, 2010

  • Friday, September 03, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Iran's Mehr News:

Iran released two anti-Israeli computer games on the eve of the Quds Day.

“Devil Den 2” and “Freedom Convoy”, which have been produced by the School Students Basij Organization, were unveiled during a ceremony on Thursday.

“Devil Den 2” is about the Israeli protocols, Brigadier Mohammad-Saleh Jokar, the director of the organization, which is affiliated to the Education Ministry, said in the ceremony.

The illegitimate regime has said in its protocols that they will abolish all beliefs,” he stated.

“We have witnessed that the foundations of the illegitimate Zionist regime have been weakened and our younger generation must be familiarized with the protocols and the antihuman ideology of the regime,” he added.

Iran plans to produce six sequels to “Devil Den”. “Devil Den 1” was released in 2009.

In “Devil Den 1”, a number of top Iranian students are abducted by U.S. troops during their pilgrimage to Karbala in Iraq. They are handed over to the Zionist regime to convert them into Israeli soldiers. One of the students manages to escape and tries to help liberate the other students.
Well, it's about time they turned my work into a videogame. But there's one big problem:
A large number of the games were distributed free of charge among the demonstrators participating in the Quds Day rally on Friday in Tehran.
They're cheating me out of my royalties!

I'll have to capture the distributors, convert them into Israeli soldiers, brainwash them to hate all religion, confiscate all their money, humiliate them, kill them, and sell their organs.

After all, I have a reputation to maintain.
  • Friday, September 03, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Iran's Supreme Leader, Honcho and Big Cheese now tweets!

Today, in honor of Al Quds Day, he tweeted:

Israel Is A Hideous Entity In the Middle East Which Will Undoubtedly Be Annihilated

A half hour later, perhaps thinking that he didn't properly make the point, he added:

Israel Is Rushing Towards Its Decline And Is Doomed To Annihilation.
He also posted this picture:
If "Allah has ordained that Palestine will be liberated" then why is he doing such a poor job of it? Wouldn't things have been easier in 1948?

Anyway, to make his point crystal clear, he tweeted in Farsi:
Israel will be destroyed

Even more amusing was his article in honor of Al Quds day. You see, the day was made up in 1979, and pretty much only Shiites and terrorists who rely on Iran for money (like Hamas and Islamic Jihad) are celebrating this annual hatefest. Other Arab governments have other days of the year to bash Israel - Naqba Day, Balfour Day, Partition Day, the anniversary of the Christian dude who set a fire in Al Aqsa, and pretty much any day that has a "d" in it.

But their failure to embrace Iran's special day really ticks off Khameini. Obviously, they are Zionist!

So he writes on his English website:
The battle against Quds Day by Israel’s official supporters and their allies – which are the unofficial supporters of Israel – is an interesting fight. They created a rival for Quds Day and tried to erase it from people’s minds. In no part of the world of Islam have global powers allowed local governments to encourage people to take part in Quds Day rallies. Unfortunately, the policies of the bullying global powers are influential in many Muslim countries. This is one of the misfortunes of Muslims and the world of Islam. Is there any reason why Muslim governments should not encourage their people to take to the streets on Quds Day? What harm would this do to them? If they support the ideals of Palestine, why do they not allow their people to take part in Quds Day demonstrations?
Does this sound like the supreme leader of a great nation, or a five year old child who didn't get his way? What a tool!

(h/t Foreign Policy blog)
  • Friday, September 03, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
I mentioned this earlier today, and the IDF took video:

As the IDF said,
Today’s incident is only one of many that clearly show that Hezbollah systematically violates United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, which stipulates that Hezbollah should be disarmed and that no paramilitary groups will be active south of the Litani river.
  • Friday, September 03, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JTA:
A group of Jewish interfaith educators is asking rabbis to talk about Islam next Shabbat.

A letter signed by six prominent rabbis and scholars points out that Shabbat Shuvah, the Sabbath between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, falls on Sept. 11, the ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

In light of the controversy over the Islamic center planned near the New York site, the letter asks rabbis and rabbinical students to “speak out against the bigotry that has erupted,” and promote the ideals of religious freedoms for Muslims as well as Jews.

Rabbis in leading positions at the Reform, Reconstructionist and Conservative seminaries, as well as the rabbinical school at Hebrew College, signed the appeal.

It reads, in part: “The proposal for the ‘Mosque at Ground Zero’ that turns out not to be a mosque and not at Ground Zero has brought to light this simple fact: We Americans need to know a whole lot more about Muslims and their religion.”
I have no problem with people learning more about Muslims and their religion. It is important.Bigotry is certainly something to be fought against and real education - not relying on sanitized, second hand materials -  is the best tool to fight it.

But the major problem in the Jewish community is not ignorance of Islam - it is ignorance of Judaism. Shabbat Shuvah is part of the "Days of Awe" when Jews should be improving themselves and discarding bad habits, something that requires serious contemplation and time if it is to be done correctly. Rabbis on Shabbat Shuva transitionally talk about repentance and getting closer to God, about strengthening their own communities and striving to do better.

This is not the time of year for rabbis to prioritize teaching Jews about Islam. It is the time to teach Jews about their own religion.

If they want to make a "get to know Islam day" in their temples on some weeknight in November, fine. Choosing specifically this date indicates that they put a higher priority on the secular calendar than on their own Jewish calendar. One would hope that rabbis would have their priorities a little straighter than that.

Unless they really do have more respect for the nebulous concept of multiculturalism than for their own beliefs and traditions.
  • Friday, September 03, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
George Bisharat, writing in the Washington Post, paints a lovely picture of how well a bi-national state in Palestine would work:

The answer is for Israelis and Palestinians to formalize their de facto one-state reality but on principles of equal rights rather than ethnic privilege. A carefully crafted multiyear transition including mechanisms for reconciliation would be mandatory. Israel/Palestine should have a secular, bilingual government elected on the basis of one person, one vote as well as strong constitutional guarantees of equality and protection of minorities, bolstered by international guarantees. Immigration should follow nondiscriminatory criteria. Civil marriage between members of different ethnic or religious groups should be permitted. Citizens should be free to reside in any part of the country, and public symbols, education and holidays should reflect the population's diversity.

Although the one-state option is sometimes dismissed as utopian, it overcomes major obstacles bedeviling the two-state solution. Borders need not be drawn, Jerusalem would remain undivided and Jewish settlers could stay in the West Bank. Moreover, a single state could better accommodate the return of Palestinian refugees. A state based on principles of equality and inclusion would be more morally compelling than two states based on narrow ethnic nationalism. Furthermore, it would be more consistent with antidiscrimination provisions of international law. Israelis would enjoy the international acceptance that has long eluded them and the associated benefits of friendship, commerce and travel in the Arab world.

It sounds so lovely! Palestinian Arabs from Lebanon, Syria and Jordan can move into this new binational Palestine by the millions, but don't worry: they won't do anything to hurt their treasured Jewish minority.

Once upon a time, not too terribly long ago, there was an Arab majority in Palestine. How well did they treat the minority population? Here are the news briefs for a single day, September 4, 1938, in the Palestine Post:

Wasn't life just grand then? Didn't everyone live together in peace and harmony? No need for a state for Jews - that would be racist. No, they can live in peace among the Arabs, in full safety and security, knowing that they are protected as dhimmis by force of Koranic law.

Bisharat couches his dream in multicultural terms:
The main obstacle to a single-state solution is the belief that Israel must be a Jewish state. Jim Crow laws and South African apartheid were similarly entrenched virtually until the eves of their demise. History suggests that no version of ethnic privilege can ultimately persist in a multiethnic society.
The idea that there are 22 or so states that define themselves as "Arab" - and discriminate against non-Arabs - is not a problem at all for Bisharat. The fact that the constitutions of many of those states proclaim that their state religion is Islam, and that the Koran is the source for their laws, is also just peachy for oh-so-cultured Bisharat. No, the only evil is a Jewish national home - that is racist! Jewish self-determination is inherently evil, while the addition of another de-facto Arab state is supremely moral.

His plan recalls another Arab plan.

In 1947, on the eve of the partition, Arabs put forth another single-state plan in a desperate effort to avert the possibility of a Jewish state, however tiny, in Palestine.

Notice how they stressed so much that the state would have equal rights, free access to holy places, and they would even deign to let Hebrew be spoken in certain ghettos where Jews would be the majority.

This plan was just as utopian-sounding as Bisharat's plan today, and its purpose was exactly the same: to destroy Israel.

Yet one only has to look at what happened a mere ten days after this transparent Arab plan couched in liberal terms of equality and tolerance and co-existence was offered. Jews were attacked mercilessly by the very people who were supposedly ready to display tolerance towards them.

And what happened when the relatively liberal kingdom of Transjordan took over the Jewish areas? Jews were forbidden to visit their holy places. Every Jew in the country was expelled. The Jewish Quarter was destroyed; the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives gutted, dozens of synagogues burned down in the course of a few weeks.

This is the reason why a Jewish state is needed. To have a tiny area in the world where Jews can live as Jews, without fear. The morality of a Jewish state where Jews can live safely and securely far outweighs the pseudo-morality of Bisharat's vision where the clock would go back to the days of Jews being bombed in markets because of a never-ending series of perceived injustices and affronts.

When the Arab world shows that it can treat its minorities with the sensitivity that Israel treats hers, then maybe Bisharat can make a valid point. When Jews can buy land in Jordan and Lebanon and Syria and Saudi Arabia and move there without fear, then maybe we can talk about how Israel discriminates against parts of its population. When that day occurs, and Jews can live anywhere in the world with as little fear as Muslims can today, then the raison d'etre of a Jewish state would melt away.

However, today, it is Arabs themselves who show by their actions exactly why a Jewish state, in the Jewish homeland, is not only  necessary but moral.

(H/t bc. I have linked to the two articles previously, here and here.)
  • Friday, September 03, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
A few weeks ago, when the BBC aired their Panorama show about the Mavi Marmara, anti-Israel activist Ken O'Keefe was furious.

O'Keefe is the former Marine who had been a prominent passenger on board the ship.

He wrote about how the BBC lied to him, how they twisted his words, how the entire program was a lie...well, just read it yourself:

The BBC, absent of integrity, contemptuous of humanity, attempts in this program to turn disarmed, helpless Israeli commandos into heroic self-rescuing commandos who managed to Superman their way out of a circle of well over 100 very motivated men whose brothers lay murdered with multiple gunshot wounds. That is what we call a bald-faced lie. Big time lie, in your face lie, you in the audience are a bunch of drooling idiots lie.
He claims that his jihadist comrades let the Israeli soldiers go - which is, of course, a lie.

Anyway, this paragon of honesty was on Iran's PressTV a couple of weeks ago, showing the world his idea of truth.

I'm sure that this TV appearance boosted his credibility - in that Bizarro world of "truthers," wackos, psychopaths, anti-semites, America-bashers, and Israel haters.
  • Friday, September 03, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
13 terrorist groups are establishing a "joint operations room" to coordinate attacks on Jewish civilians in Israel.

Since this is the 21st century, they called a press conference to announce themselves.

Since they are terrorists, here's how they looked:

Look at all those microphones!

They promise to come up with new and novel ways of killing Jews, with "iron and fire," and they stressed their intention to stop the PA from any compromise in negotiations.

  • Friday, September 03, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Daily Star:
A Sidon neighborhood referencing the Jewish people was renamed by locals in honor of the besieged Palestinian Gaza Strip on Thursday.

Residents of the southern city of Sidon raised a metal sign that read “Haret Gaza,” Arabic for Gaza neighborhood, in an area known as “Haret al-Yahoud,” Arabic for neighborhood of the Jews.

The redubbing of the street was organized by a number of locals who wished to show solidarity with the International Quds Day, or Jerusalem Day, which falls on Friday.

“The move to rename the neighborhood is concurrent with the launching of negotiations between the Zionist entity and Palestinian authorities … It also expresses our refusal of the unjust siege that has been imposed on Gaza for more than four years,” said Sheikh Khoder al-Qabsh. Qabsh called on Sidon authorities and all officials to fully adopt the new name.

The original name of the neighborhood dates back to when most of its residents were Lebanese of Jewish religion. They started leaving the country in the 1950s and were absent by the time the Civil War erupted.

The new name given to the neighborhood stirred the interest of young people and many children carried plastic weapons and acted out battle scenes between the Resistance and Israel. “The Resistance won of course,” said the child leader of the make-believe Resistance Mahmoud al-Rifaii.
Nah, no anti-semitism here.

Don't tell Fareed Zakaria!
  • Friday, September 03, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Three breaking news ticker items from Naharnet:

1:00pm Security sources to VDL: Sounds of explosions were heard in one of Hizbullah’s bases in the southern town of Shehabiyyah

1:07pm Future News: A fire erupted in Shehabiyyah and sounds of blasts were heard.

1:15pm Al-Jazeera TV: The Shehabiyyah explosion went off at a house that is believed to be an arms depot.
Work accident!

I'm sure UNIFIL will get right there and condemn Hezbollah for violating the terms of UNSCR 1701 by openly bringing arms into southern Lebanon.


1:30pm Future News: Ambulances and firefighters rushed to the scene where the blast went off.
2:00pm MTV: Sounds of blasts continue to be heard in Shehabiyyeh.

2:15pm VDL: The 3-storey building in Shehabiyyeh is owned by a man from the Salloum family.

It wasn't too hard to find a connection between people named Salloum and Hezbollah.
  • Friday, September 03, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:

The inauguration of a discotheque called Mecca in Spain infuriated Muslims in the country and raised questions about the position of Muslim workers offered jobs in the controversial place.

After 10 years of renovations, an old discotheque in the city of Aguilas in the southwestern province of Murcia opened its doors on June 18 under the name La Meca amid protests from Muslim individuals and organizations, the Arab Spanish newspaper Andalus Press reported Wednesday.

Mohamed Ali, head of the Spanish Federation of Islamic Religious Entities (Federación Española de Entidades Religosas Islámicas- FEERI), said Mecca is the most venerated place for Muslims all over the world.

“Muslims pray towards Mecca and it is there that the prophet received the holy Quran,” he said in a statement. “Calling a place for dancing and drinking by that name shows disregard to the feelings of Muslims.”
A little research shows that there have been at least three nightclubs called "Vatican" in the world. I couldn't find anyone protesting. (Although a poster for a British nightclub called Berzerk, which featured a Photoshop of Pope John Paul II dancing with a young blonde and holding a beer, did receive complaints and it was withdrawn.)

Interestingly, there is a bar called "Jerusalem" in London. As far as I can tell, Muslims have never protested that. Perhaps they don't venerate Jerusalem as much as they claim?

Thursday, September 02, 2010

  • Thursday, September 02, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian Media Watch has been finding new examples of PA incitement and honoring terror just about every day. Here's the latest:

"The Palestinian mother is a central partner in the struggle...
It is she who gave birth to the fighters, and she deserves
that we bow to her in salute and in honor."

Those were the words of the Palestinian Authority's Minister for Prisoners' Affairs, Issa Karake, when he honored a Palestinian woman by awarding her "the Shield of Resoluteness and Giving."

The Minister of Prisoners' Affairs, Karake, honors mother of 4 terrorists with PA Shield. [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 28, 2010]
She received this honor because she is the mother of four sons who are serving a total of 18 life sentences in Israeli prisons. They all killed Israeli civilians in terror attacks.

The Minister also "praised the Abu Hamid family as a model of willpower and of the struggle for the independence of Palestine" when he visited the family with a ministry delegation, human rights organizations and released prisoners, the official PA daily newspaper reported.

The four sons are serving life sentences for the following crimes: 
Nasser Abu Hamid - 7 life sentences + 50 years - commander in Fatah's military wing the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades in Ramallah. Convicted of killing seven Israeli civilians and 12 attempted murders.
Nasr Abu Hamid - 5 life sentences - Member of terror faction of Fatah, Tanzim, and convicted of involvement in two terror attacks and arms dealing.
Sharif Abu Hamid- 4 life sentences - a member in one of the brothers' units carrying out terror attacks against civilians and soldiers. Accompanied a suicide bomber to his attack in March 2002.
Muhammad Abu Hamid - 2 life sentences + 30 years - involvement in terror attacks.
Minister Karake also chose this week to visit the home of the suicide terrorist Ayyat Al-Akhras who in 2002 entered a Jerusalem supermarket and detonated a bomb murdering two Israelis and killing herself. The minister's visit took place on the occasion of the Palestinian "National Day for Returning the Bodies of Palestinian and Arab Shahids and MIA's."

The mother who received the award for having four terrorist sons was described as "Khansa of Palestine," which is a reference to Al-Khansa, a woman from the earliest period of Islam who sent her four sons to battle and rejoiced when they all died as Martyrs. Calling the Palestinian mother by this name reinforces the message that seeking death as a Martyr is a worthy and honorable goal and that parents should proudly sacrifice their children.
  • Thursday, September 02, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
This one might not make the news, because it wasn't a gun. And this sort of thing happened often before the current round of negotiations.

From JPost:
A 12-year- old girl was injured in moderate to serious condition after being hit in the head by a rock thrown at her vehicle near Tapuach junction in Samaria Thursday night.

Magen David Adom Yarkon crews evacuated the girl to Belinson Hospital in Petah Tikva.

IDF soldiers are scouring the area for the perpetrators.
Aren't terrorists so macho? They try as hard as they can to kill women and children - and then they celebrate, hand out candy, create heroic posters, and give military-style names to these operations when they succeed.

I guess they are frustrated since they had so little luck in battling against "Zionist boars."


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