Wednesday, December 27, 2023

From Ian:

Qanta Ahmed: I Saw the Children Hamas Beheaded With My Own Eyes. Shame on Queen Rania
Back in New York City, Israeli criminal prosecutor Ayelet Razin Bet Or shared with me evidence compiled in Israel's ongoing investigation into Hamas' crimes. Michal Yaniv, Head of Foreign Affairs on Israel's National Security Council, provided me testimonies recorded by Israeli security officials.

One account, far from unusual, is especially harrowing: A woman who survived the Nova music festival in Re'im witnessed a young woman encircled by Hamas, stripped naked, violated, and manhandled by multiple Hamas terrorists as they gang raped her, repositioning her by the waist and hips, moving from one rapist to the other.

Shuddering at the memory, covering her face, with difficulty, the eyewitness continued: One terrorist pulled the woman's long hair, forcibly arching her neck backwards, fully exposing her naked torso, only to sever both her breasts from her chest with his commando knife. Her entire torso fell backwards, slackened in agony. She may have fainted, though she lived through the mutilation. The disembodied breasts fell to the ground, where terrorists casually played with them.

Sergeant Major Natah Katz from the IDF Rabbinical Unit at the Shura base near Ramle described to me cadavers he received with breasts and genitals hacked off, one with a knife impaled directly into the vagina. The mutilation of sexual organs and breasts, "seemed to be an obsession," he recalled. Dr. Chen Kugel, head of Israel's National Forensic Center has confirmed to me the same.

Indeed, Hamas arrived with orders to mass rape: Phrasebooks belonging to Hamas found in the Re'im area listed phonetic Hebrew commands in Arabic "Take your clothes off!"; " Spread your legs!'; "Get down!" Terabytes of their own video data confirm Hamas raped, amputated breasts, mutilated women's genitals, and committed systematic sexual crimes on both the living and the dead. Necrophilia has been explicitly reported.

Despite all of this, almost two months would pass before the U.N. denounced the October 7 sexual violence during hearings. Congressional and Senate Hearings must urgently follow.

Silence ensures Islamist antisemitism overrides human morality. Silence also grants open season for Hamas to continue these obscene crimes with impunity, as they likely still do this hour upon the remaining 129 hostages in captivity.

Genocidal rape has no context. Contextualization is contemptibly antisemitic and pure misogyny, if not open Islamist sympathy.

Repudiation must reverberate globally. In the meantime, I will not rest until Congress, the Senate, and the U.N. speak in unison on the international humanitarian values protecting women, for only then can the decapitated screams of the tiny girl in Abu Kabir can at last be granted silence.
The world’s foremost rabbinic authority on declaring death grapples with Oct. 7 horrors
Rabbi Yaakov Ruzah’s eyes are privy to unspeakable horrors. Horrors that can shake even a man like Ruzah, the world’s foremost rabbinic authority on the laws of death and mourning.

“What I saw after October 7, I haven’t seen in my entire career,” says Ruzah as he sits at his living room table in Bat Yam, a city just south of Tel Aviv, where he serves pro bono as chief rabbi.

“You saw how they purposely desecrated bodies, you saw bodies of babies… you never see babies like this… It is very difficult. I am managing to hold on, but there are people around me who are not able to deal with it,” he says.

As the supreme halachic authority on death, Ruzah wears two hats, one civilian and one military. During his five-decade military career, he has risen to the rank of colonel and serves as the IDF chief rabbi’s adviser on matters related to death and body identification.

As chairman of the Chief Rabbinate’s Dignity of the Deceased Council and as former rabbi of Abu Kabir’s National Center for Forensic Medicine, he is responsible for all non-military personnel murdered in the October 7 massacre.

Judaism has developed a robust and intricate legal system for determining death, even when there is no corpse. A Jewish people that is no stranger to horror and the hostility of host nations — pagan, Christian or Muslim — has seen pogroms, blood libels, the Crusades, auto-da-fés, and the Holocaust. Throughout this bloody history, sages have generated hundreds of legal precedents codifying responses to nearly every imaginable atrocity.

Yet even this rich legal tradition, developed over the ages in exile under repressive and extreme conditions, has come up short, says Ruzah.

“The slaughter of October 7 revived halachic rulings dormant for centuries. And some of the cases that arose were totally unprecedented” in the corpus of Jewish law, he says.

What should be done, for instance, with the cars in which dozens of victims were shot to death? Judaism’s unique sensitivities surrounding the bodies of deceased people dictated that all remains should be removed from the cars.

But for Ruzah that was not enough.

“Even if we manage to remove all of the remains, there is something not right about selling cars in which Jews were massacred for scrap metal so that the insurance companies could get back some of their money.”

Ruzah’s halachic ruling, still pending Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi David Lau’s affirmation, is to bury the cars. The resulting mound would become a monument to the victims.
Denying Israel’s right to exist condemns Palestinians to another generation of suffering
How can you expect calls for a ceasefire to be heard if you do not recognize the right to exist of those doing the fighting? Peace depends on the hope of coexistence. It's logical to conclude that the repeated failures of Palestinian leaders to reach a deal for their own state are inextricably linked to a refusal to consider true coexistence. Accepting a two-state solution means accepting Israel, and for some that cannot happen.

The two-state solution is little more than wispy Western fantasy that Israel no longer believes in and Palestinians never believed in. Undermining Israel's right to exist means it has no right to defend itself, which renders everything it does an act of evil.

The implications of this are profound, not least because what happens over there has a measurable aftershock around the world. In my part of London, social media mums lead calls for mass walkouts by primary school children in support of Palestine. Jewish children open their atlases to find Israel has been scribbled out by their classmates. Inculcating political militancy in nine-year-olds will lead to more and more antisemitism. To pretend otherwise is gross deceit.

Some of the pro-Palestinian movement is motivated by a desire for peace and to protect the rights of Palestinians, yet this fervor does not extend to any other conflict or region anywhere else on the planet. Why would this be?

"From the river to the sea" is not merely an expression of solidarity. It is a call for the obliteration of Israel and its inhabitants. Israel can hardly be expected to listen to, let alone negotiate with, another party that plots its destruction. Spare us the moral and intellectual hypocrisy of calling for the protection of one people and the destruction of another. It's not a peace movement if what you really want is war with a different result.
  • Wednesday, December 27, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
I rotated and pieced together two set of maps from, showing areas under IDF control in Gaza on December 2 and December 26. This shows graphically the IDF's progress in Gaza over those three weeks.

When you zoom in you can see that the IDF controls most of the urban part of northern Gaza.

Urban fighting is the hardest there is....without extensive tunnels. The hundreds of miles of tunnels makes this one of the most difficult battles any army has ever faced, especially when one tries to minimize the number of civilian deaths.

If Israel was an immoral as the media is reporting, this would be a much faster - and much deadlier - war. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Wednesday, December 27, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Doctors Without Borders issued a press release on November 21:
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is horrified by the killing of two of our doctors, Dr. Mahmoud Abu Nujaila and Dr. Ahmad Al Sahar, and another doctor, Dr. Ziad Al-Tatari, following a strike on Al Awda Hospital, which is one of the last remaining functional hospitals in northern Gaza.

A fourth person was killed as well. 

MSF was careful to word the statement as not to blame either Israel or Hamas - but the media was not so careful.

Time magazine blamed an "Israeli bombardment." Democracy Now called it an "Israeli airstrike." AP reported, "The director of al-Awda hospital, Ahmed Mahna, blamed the strike on Israel.

The Cradle said, 
On 21 November, Israel killed two MSF doctors, Mahmoud Abu Nujaila and Ahmad Al-Sahar, in an airstrike on the Al-Awda Hospital. Other medical staff, including MSF staff, were also severely injured. MSF had shared the GPS coordinates of their staff with Israeli authorities the same day.  
Socialist and Arab sites all unanimously blamed Israel.

I found video footage of the damage to the hospital taken by Al Jazeera several days after the incident, The damage seen is certainly not consistent with the damage one sees from Israeli airstrikes.

Israeli airstrikes cause much more damage than this.

These all look consistent with Hamas or Islamic Jihad rockets that hit buildings in Israel. It seems fairly certain that a Gaza rocket hit the hospital. 

We can even see the signature pattern of the shrapnel that Gaza terror groups place in their rockets to maximize damage over a larger distance.

Here's the full Al Jazeera video.

There have been other similar fatal incidents where no one seems to have take out their phones and taken video at the time.  Chances are pretty good that the remains of the rocket were in the hospital and Hamas removed them before the Al Jazeera did their report, three full days later. 

How many other fatal incidents in Gaza were from Gaza groups themselves? The Al Ahli Hospital incident already proves that hundreds of reported fatalities that are blamed on Israel are either from Gaza rockets or fictional. But the media has not learned anything - or it is actively and knowingly spreading libels. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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The Washington Post writes:
Palestinian officials said Tuesday that Israel had returned the bodies of 80 people it had held during the Gaza war via the Kerem Shalom border crossing. The Hamas-run government media office said Israel had not identified the bodies or said where they had been taken from. They had been “mutilated,” the media office said in a statement, and there were “clear” indications that organs had been “stolen” from the corpses.

The claims could not be independently verified. The Israel Defense Forces referred questions about the bodies to the Israeli agency for civilian coordination with the Palestinians, which did not immediately respond. The corpses, wrapped in blue body bags, were buried Tuesday in a mass grave.

This is not journalism. This is a blood libel pretending to be journalism.

It is impossible to use organs like hearts and kidneys from dead bodies.   Tissue donation must be within 24 hours after death and requires a full medical evaluation of the donor beforehand. 

In short, it is not just a lie, but a lie that is easily proven to be a lie. Yet the Post didn't bother to take that extra step and actually inform their readers that it is indeed a lie.

Which would also prove that one cannot trust anything Hamas says. That is a real story, and it is one that the news media is loathe to tackle.  It continue to give Hamas statements the same gravity that it gives to the IDF.

Israeli officials are (too) professional. They have to chase down these stories and disprove them. It takes time to do that - they need to find and contact the departments that were responsible for the return of the bodies, find out the circumstances of their return, the circumstances of their deaths, what happened to the bodies in between - in short, they need to do an internal investigation to responsibly answer even the most absurd charges, because respected news media is asking for the information and they need to ensure that they don't misstate anything.

It takes minutes for Hamas to make up a lie. It takes dozens of man-hours to debunk them properly. This is an asymmetric cognitive war that Hamas has a huge advantage in - as long as it knows that journalists will take their lies seriously.

A real journalist doesn't simply parrot what a terror organization says. Saying "the claims could not be independently verified" is a way to claim journalistic integrity but in reality it gives the obviously false claims validity. That vaunted journalistic respect for "science" that proves Hamas is lying is missing from this story.

An NBC News tech editor named Ben Goggins posted the organ stealing charges without any skepticism, to the delight of hundreds of antisemites who reposted or "Liked" it.

The same blood libel had surfaced a month ago, when the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor claimed that Israel was stealing bodies from mass graves and said there were "signs of possible organ theft."  It was again uncritically repeated in the media, without any journalists checking to see that this NGO has a history of anti-Israel lies. 

I can only find a single example where a mainstream media outlet actually did reporting on the "organ harvesting" lies - showing its origins and how there is zero evidence that it is happening. (Even they didn't mention the medical impossibility.)

Another part of the story that professional journalists missed is that the bodies were transported from Israel. This means that they are very likely the bodies of terrorists who murdered, maimed and raped Israelis on October 7 - those were the only Gazans in Israel itself, unless you want to believe the IDF is kidnapping Gazans and then killing them for their organs.

Treating Hamas statements the same as Israeli statements is not journalistic integrity. It is an abdication of journalistic responsibility. Instead of informing, it is being used as a means to spread hate. 

Beyond that, the respect that the media gives obvious Hamas lies encourages Hamas to make up morel lies. 

If reporters would do their jobs, and note that these charges are obviously false and part of a pattern of proven lies that goes back decades, then Hamas would have no incentive to use these slanders. Journalists are supposed to hold people to account - but Hamas terrorists get a pass.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

From Ian:

PM Netanyahu (WSJ): Israel's Three Prerequisites for Peace
There are three prerequisites for peace between Israel and its Palestinian neighbors in Gaza. First, Hamas, a key Iranian proxy, must be destroyed. The U.S., UK, France, Germany and many other countries support Israel's intention to demolish the terror group. To achieve that goal, its military capabilities must be dismantled and its political rule over Gaza must end.

Hamas leaders have vowed to repeat the Oct. 7 massacre "again and again." That is why their destruction is the only proportional response to prevent the repeat of such horrific atrocities. Anything less guarantees more war and more bloodshed.

Unjustly blaming Israel for civilian casualties will only encourage Hamas and other terror organizations around the world to use human shields. To render this cruel and cynical strategy ineffective, the international community must place the blame for these casualties squarely on Hamas.

Second, Gaza must be demilitarized to ensure that the territory is never again used as a base to attack Israel. This will require establishing a temporary security zone on the perimeter of Gaza and an inspection mechanism on the border between Gaza and Egypt that meets Israel's security needs and prevents smuggling of weapons into the territory.

The expectation that the Palestinian Authority will demilitarize Gaza is a pipe dream. It currently funds and glorifies terrorism in Judea and Samaria and educates Palestinian children to seek the destruction of Israel. For the foreseeable future, Israel will have to retain overriding security responsibility over Gaza.

Third, Gaza will have to be deradicalized. Schools must teach children to cherish life rather than death, and imams must cease to preach for the murder of Jews. Visionary Arab leaders in the Gulf have led efforts to deradicalize their societies and transform their countries. Once Hamas is destroyed, Gaza is demilitarized and Palestinian society begins a deradicalization process, Gaza can be rebuilt.
Thomas Friedman's emotional numbness
So now Friedman is pleading with the White House, meaning his friend Biden, to have the Israeli war machine halt, to draw a red line, "to declare victory in Gaza and go home," because at this point "Israeli prime minister is utterly useless as a leader" and "prioritizing his own electoral needs over the interests of Israelis."

He suggests a framework: IDF withdrawal, return of captives, and a permanent ceasefire under international supervision. The captive issue, he reckons, "makes rational military decision-making there impossible," and he believes that there is "increasing discomfort in the Israel Defense Forces leadership over the fact that it is being asked by the far-right government of Benjamin Netanyahu to fight a war in Gaza without a clearly defined political objective."

The problem is that such words could make the Western world – and worse, Hamas – conclude that Israel's international credit is running out, that there's a rift between Washington and Jerusalem. Nothing can give Hamas a better lifeline than that. Friedman might as well have written in his column to Yahya Sinwar: "Hold on a little longer, comrade. It's almost over."

Incidentally, he reckons that after an Israeli withdrawal, Gaza's population will take care of Sinwar themselves. You'd need outbursts of obsessive hatred for Netanyahu and the Right, as well as emotional numbness, to put a stick in Israel's spokes right now, to cast aspersions and make terrible accusations against a Jewish state fighting for its existence and its leadership, and to call on its ally to tie its hands.

It's almost ironic that the most hollow oracle of the liberal-Democratic wing, the one vocally opposed to the "occupation" and Israeli control in the West Bank, is calling on the leader of the great empire to leverage its weight against what he apparently sees as a vassal state – an impudent province that has reared its head higher than it should. It's even more astonishing to see how little respect, if any, this great democrat has for Israeli democracy and sovereignty.

It's one thing to criticize Israel, its government, leaders, military on the pages of a newspaper. But Friedman's explicit call for the superpower to impose policy on Israel as it fights for its survival is a frightening vestige of the imperialist master-subject mentality. It's stunning how such a voice emerges from the heart of the Democratic establishment that effectively views US-Israel relations as analogous to Iran-Hezbollah.
Jonathan Tobin: Israel-haters aren’t refighting the Vietnam War
Marxism’s comeback with DEI
Still, it’s not entirely wrong to see the roots of today’s anti-Israel protests in those radicals, who were the most violent elements of the protests against the Johnson and Nixon administrations. Unlike most Americans, the Marxists of the misnamed Students for a Democratic Society—veterans of which were featured in the Times article—wanted the Communists to win in much the same way those who compose the mobs tying up traffic, breaking up Christmas celebrations and intimidating Jewish students on campuses want Hamas to defeat Israel.

Unlike most of the Americans who were against the war in the 1960s without expressing hatred for their own country, the motivations of the large number of young people and Muslims who have swelled the numbers of the anti-Israel movement are ideological in nature. They are the product of a generation of education in which leftists—many of them former ’60s radicals—who believe in the myths of intersectionality that falsely analogize the Palestinian war against Israel to the struggle for civil rights in the United States. They’ve been indoctrinated in the toxic catechism of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), as well as critical race theory, which divides the world into two immutable groups: victims of racism and racist oppressors.

This is a neo-Marxist dialectic not unrelated to the ideas of the so-called New Left that spawned SDS and the radical Weatherman terrorist movement that tried to blow up the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, the State Department and dozens of other targets during their campaign in what might well have been termed a real “insurrection.”

And that is what blinds them to the fact that they are devoting their energy and passion to supporting a cause that is fundamentally evil. The ideological prism through which they view the world mandates that the side that is designated by leftist doctrine as “white” and colonial (Israel) must be wrong and the one labeled as the cause of the oppressed “people of color” (the Palestinians) must be right.

They are insensible to obvious truths about a complex conflict that isn’t racial and that has always been driven by Arab refusal to share the land with the Jews. Their acceptance of the idea that Jews, who are the indigenous people of their ancient homeland, are colonizers in Israel much as Americans were depicted in Vietnam is as egregious as it is false.

But that doesn’t matter to the protesters because they see the facts as irrelevant. Nor do they care about the horrors perpetrated by Hamas on Oct. 7 or even against their own people as they continue to sacrifice them on the altar of their never-ending war against the Jews.

Mainstreaming antisemitism
It’s true that Hamas’s useful idiots are using some of the same tactics pioneered by the anti-Vietnam movement. But what those seeking to lionize today’s demonstrators want to obfuscate in their alleged idealism about helping Gazans is given the lie by the antisemitism they are spreading. The arguments about Vietnam were not predicated on the horrible notion that wiping the only Jewish state off the map—an objective that could only be achieved by the genocide of the Jews—is a righteous cause. And even at their worst, the Vietnam protests didn’t target Jewish students, Jewish businesses or seek to drive Jews from the public square as these mobs seek to do.

There’s no denying that the same core ideology driving the movement to destroy Israel is linked to the war on the West and the principles of American freedom that were championed by the Marxists of the ’60s New Left. Yet what is so damaging about demonstrators right now is not just their unabashed antisemitism. It’s the fact that their lies are being bought not by just a radical fringe but by a broad cross-section of young Americans who have been educated to believe that a genocidal, Jew-hating terrorist movement is the underdog deserving of support. This is the greatest tragedy of the post-Oct. 7 protests. And it is ultimately one that not just threatens Israel or the Jews, but the future of the United States as a free country.
Phyllis Chesler: Destroying Western culture, one Islamist protest at a time
Just last week, pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrators tried to stop Congressmen Richie Torres and Mike Lawler, from speaking about Israeli-Arab peace through the Abraham Accords at the 92nd St Y in New York City.

Approximately twenty to twenty five protestors stood up in waves, one after the other, yelling out "Free Palestine" and "Genocide is not peace." It took about twenty minutes to clear the room. The assembled audience booed them and eventually started yelling "Get them out" and "Yeah, free Palestine from Hamas."

Torres sat on the platform entirely unfazed. Afterwards, he tweeted: "No amount of Astroturf Anti-Israel agitation is going to bully me into supporting a ceasefire that perpetuates the genocidal terrorism of Hamas. I refuse to be intimidated by a fanatical fringe that represents no one and nothing but itself."

This demonstrating-in-waves is hardly original. It is an Islamist/Marxist tactic long in use.

For example, in 2008, female students, members of the Muslim Student Association (a creation of the Muslim Brotherhood), chose to interrupt my friend and colleague Nonie Darwish's lecture about eight Iranian women who were facing execution and about Sharia law. Each hijabbed student sat at the end of each row, cleared their throats rather loudly, and then proceeded to leave, one after the other, for the bathroom. Their interruptions continued as Nonie spoke.

In 2010, ten Muslim students interrupted Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren's lecture at the University of California's Irvine campus. They continued to heckle and shout him down. "Michael Oren, propagating murder is not an expression of free speech" and "Sir, you are an accomplice to genocide." Amazingly, the students were charged, found guilty and sentenced to three years of probation, 56 hours of community service and fines.

For the last twenty years in America outside lecturers, professors, and students have been bullied, cancelled, and shut down all across America. Loud mobs have harassed politicians at their homes, on the street, and while dining out with their families.
  • Tuesday, December 26, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
There is no much antisemitism out there in Arab media, I could write about nothing else.

An Algerian newspaper blames the Mossad for political problems between Algeria and Mali, for declaring a war on Moscow, and for assassinating a synagogue president in Detroit.

The article starts off by doubting the Holocaust, but it says that if the Holocaust really did happen, then what's happening in Gaza means the Jews obviously deserved it. Because now, "the filthy face of human scum called the Jews has been exposed."

No one here is trying to pretend that hate "Zionists." 

The most insane part is where they say:

This is what happened with a woman named “Samantha Woll,” who was walking, a few days ago, in the middle of crowds in the city of Detroit, in the American state of Michigan, only to be surprised by someone attacking her and stabbing her to death...It was the fingers of the Mossad, which plunged the knife ten times into the chest of the sacrificial victim

The victim, “Samantha Woll,” was none other than the head of a synagogue in the city of Detroit, Michigan, USA. Prior to her murder, she participated in marches denouncing the Zionist massacres in Gaza, accusing Israel of committing war crimes. She also remained in constant contact with several members of the US Congress to persuade them to officially condemn “Israel”, ignoring all warnings to stop her campaign and refusing to submit to the threats, believing that her position as head of a Jewish synagogue would protect her, but the victim receiving fatal stab wounds in the street was a message from the Mossad to public American figures, stating that no one is immune, and that the madness of the Zionist entity in Gaza will not hesitate to extend its crimes to the heart of America and everyone is targeted, just as Jewish affiliation will not intercede for those who tweet outside the flock.   
Woll was killed in a home invasion. The crime had nothing to do with Israel or Judaism, one way or another. 

Right after October 7, she helped lead a solidarity event with Israel:

It used to be that antisemitic propagandists at least pretended to base their accusations on at least some half-facts. Now they simply make stuff up - because there is nothing you can say against Jews that is too extreme to be believed.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Tuesday, December 26, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Maher al-Taher

According to the Ultrapal news site, one of the negotiators for a ceasefire in Egypt has released details of Israel's seven ppoint offer for a humanitarian truce.

The head of international relations of the PFLP, Maher Al-Taher, was apparently there and revealed these details about the Israeli offer, which - if true - appears to be way more generous than one would think:

First: a two-week calm, which can be extended for several more days.

Second: A deal to exchange civilian prisoners held by the resistance in Gaza along with female captive soldiers, in exchange for a number of Palestinian prisoners to be agreed upon later.

Third: Israeli withdrawal from some areas of the Gaza Strip, and maintaining a barrier separating the north of the Strip from its south, with a security belt in the northern regions.

Fourth: Introducing relief aid, details not specified.

Fifth: The return of residents to the northern Gaza Strip and allowing relief and humanitarian institutions to set up tents and provide services.

Sixth: The release of key prisoners, including the Secretary-General of the PFLP, Ahmad Saadat, and a member of the Fatah Central Committee, Marwan Barghouti. Barghouti is the murderer who is by far the most popular Palestinian public figure; he would win any election if held today.  Saadat headed the PFLP during some of the worst terror attacks and was directly involved in the assassination of Minister Rehavam Ze'evi.

Seventh: Preparing for the second stage, negotiating for all the prisoners, and withdrawing from Gaza later.

Hamas rejected the proposal completely, claiming that it will only accept full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, a permanent ceasefire, all prisoners for all hostages - essentially, full victory.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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From Ian:

Seth Mandel: The UN’s Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza
The United Nations’ bias against Israel is both obvious and, at times, poorly understood. So we should be thankful for moments in which top UN officials seemingly conspire to make the nature of their corruption clear and plain.

The best examples are when senior UN figures operate against their own organization’s guidelines, definitions, and regulations in order to stick it to Israel, proving that its corruption is intentional and that its other claims to authority on international law are wholly illegitimate.

Francesca Albanese, the UN’s special rapporteur on the demonization of Israel, recently sat for an interview with Jewish News Syndicate. This was to her credit, making it arguably the first and only thing in Albanese’s UN career that is to her credit. Unfortunately, in the course of the interview, Albanese revealed that she does not know the meaning of any of the key terms relevant to her job.

When asked why she speaks as if Gaza is occupied even though Israel’s occupation ended two decades ago, Albanese says that Israel’s blockade of some goods proves there’s an occupation—an insane assertion on its own, but one that conveniently is also debunked by the UN’s own guidelines and definitions. “Because in order to have an occupation, the determining factor was effective control under article 42 of the Hague Regulations,” she said. As the JNS report points out in a note appended to the interview transcript, according to the UN itself,“three elements are identified as being necessary for the existence of an occupation for the purposes of international law.” According to article 42 of the Hague Regulations, the first of these is “the unconsented-to presence of foreign forces.” Those would be the forces that left Gaza 18 years ago. Albanese’s insistence otherwise is an important window into the minds of the fraudulent forces that have long since hijacked the concept of international law in order to sanction unethical behavior by governments that have UN support. The UN doesn’t believe that Gaza is occupied, but the UN nevertheless will say Gaza is occupied at every opportunity.

Presumably this is why, in the same interview, Albanese gives the OK to Hamas soldiers crossing the border to murder Israeli soldiers on Israeli territory during a ceasefire. In any event, it is helpful to have such extensive on-the-record documentation of UN venality at the highest levels.
Bassam Tawil: How UNRWA Grooms Terrorists
By providing the residents of the Gaza Strip with various services, UNRWA exempted Hamas from its responsibilities as the governing body, such as creating a working economy that would pay for education and healthcare, and allowed it, instead, to invest resources in building tunnels and manufacturing weapons.

"They [UNRWA] teach us that the Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to us [Muslims], that Palestine belongs to us," said Atif Sharha, a student at an UNRWA school.

"Yes, they teach us that the Zionists are our enemy," said Nur Taha, a third-year student from Kalandia. "We should carry out an [terror] operation against them [Zionists]."

"The Palestinian matriculation exams [at UNRWA] have become a finishing school in extremism. It is as if the Palestinian Authority is cramming as much hate into the tests as possible, to ensure the twelve previous years of indoctrination stay with them into adulthood." — Marcus Sheff, CEO at the Institute for Cultural Peace and Tolerance in School Education,, July 23, 2023.

Despite years of considerable condemnation of the textbooks, newly produced editions, approved by UNRWA, are exponentially worse....

Whatever hopes that anyone may have held for the trustworthiness of UNRWA have long expired, and were arguably misplaced at the outset. UNRWA, in its current state, has proven itself irremediably defective, unworkable and yet another massive stain on the already scandalously stained UN.

It is high time for the international community and those who actually want a better future for the Palestinians to liquidate UNRWA and take actions that truly help the Palestinians move forward to a golden life.
Hamas is in control of UNRWA aid group in Gaza, Palestinian man says: recording
A man identified as a Palestinian living in Gaza told the Israel Defense Forces on audio tape that Hamas has direct control over the United Nations group coordinating the delivery of humanitarian aid in the territory.

In recordings of the phone call, obtained by The Post, the man accused the troubled Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees in the Near East, known as UNRWA, of being under Hamas’ power, telling an IDF officer that the terrorist group has been hogging all the supplies.

“The situation is terrible because the humanitarian people, those responsible for the humanitarian aid, are thieves,” the frustrated Gaza resident said in the recording.

“Hamas has their hands on UNRWA administration workers, and it manages UNRWA,” he alleges. “From the day they [Hamas] rose to power they took control of everything.”

The man also claimed that Hamas has made sure the incoming humanitarian supplies were distributed to its own people first as opposed to the more than one million civilians who have been displaced by the war.

An IDF official told The Post the call between the soldier and civilian was recorded when the officer was making his rounds to inform Palestinians of where to evacuate to and seek aid supplies as Israel continues its bombardments in Gaza.

The allegations, which reveal the civilian’s frustration over the lack of aid arriving in Gaza amid the war, was just the latest in a troubling series of discoveries made by the Israeli forces during its offensive, including the presence of UNRWA-labeled bags carried by Hamas operatives, the IDF official said.

UNRWA did not respond to The Post’s request for comment Sunday.
  • Tuesday, December 26, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

It has now been some 36 hours since Gaza Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar issued a statement aboutthe war in Gaza - his first such statement since the war began.

As mentioned previously, his statement was filled with obvious lies combined with bravado - claiming that Hamas s attacked about 5,000 Israeli soldiers, “a third of them died, a third were seriously injured and the last third was permanently disable." he also claimed Hamas destroyed 750 armored IDF vehicles.

How has the mainstream media covered these statements?

For the most part, they remain ignored. The live coverage sites of the New York Times, AP, CNN and NBC News did not think that a statement from Hamas' leader and mastermind of the October 7 attacks was worth mentioning.

The media that did cover it generally buried his lies. 

The Telegraph wrote "He falsely claimed that his terrorist forces had killed more than a thousand Israeli soldiers. According to Israel, 156 soldiers have died in the ground operation in Gaza."

Other second-tier media simply quoted other sources, like WION quoting the Times of Israel's report. The Hindustan Times reported Sinwar's claims alongside Israel's count of soldiers who fell, without opining on which is more accurate. 

The theme seems to be that the Gaza Hamas government is trustworthy when making up casualty figures, but when they say things that are provable lies, then it is just Arabs being Arabs and it is not worth taking seriously or even calling attention to them. 

There are two main themes for Hamas: Jew-hatred and deception. October 7 showed that they are experts at both. And they know that the media is reluctant to emphasize either one of those themes.

Which is why they are so effective.

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  • Tuesday, December 26, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
This flyer stunned a lot of people over the past day.

"Doctors" will accuse Israel of "genocide" at the Holocaust Memorial Museum on Thursday. THis is a paradigmatic example of Holocaust inversion, of accusing Jews of being worse than Nazis.

It will surprise no one that "Doctors Against Genocide" was created not in response to any actual genocide but only in the past month, and only for one reason: to make this sort of antisemitism mainstream and acceptable.  

Their website does not list the name of one doctor or member. No founders, no committee, no spokesperson. 

The "Donate" page of "Doctors Against Genocide" gives a hint as to who is behind it. "Doctors Against Genocide is a program of Jetpac, a 501(c)3 nonprofit," it says.   

Jetpac is a Muslim political advocacy group. "Jetpac (Justice Education Technology Political Advocacy Center) seeks to build a strong American Muslim political infrastructure and increase our community’s influence and engagement. Our philosophy of change is rooted in a community-based approach, grassroots mobilization, civics training, and technology application. We have developed our own training curriculum, as well as proprietary social media technology and automation tools, to give our Fellows the skills and resources they need to win elections."

Jetpac was founded by Nadeem Mazen, a Cambridge, MA city council member and leader of CAIR Massachusetts. CAIR has links to Hamas and indeed has never condemned Hamas by name. 

So these aren't doctors against genocide against Jews. 

Mazen himself is an expert at trying to sneak antisemitic propaganda into mainstream discourse, which is the entire purpose of DAG. He even suggested to cast members of Saturday Night Live how they can create a "funny" sketch about Israel's "baby murder addiction.."

That is how propaganda is done, and that is the entire purpose of Doctors Against Genocide.

Not that "Doctors Against Genocide" doesn't attract useful non-Muslim idiots. Earlier this month they joined other anti-Israel protesters in Washington, and Code Pink has a video where three people who claim to be healthcare workers - again, without full names - weigh against Israel by pretending to care about healthcare. One of them, "Lana,"  absurdly claimed said that Israeli actions could cause a new worldwide pandemic because of mosquito-borne diseases from decaying bodies of Gazans under rubble could spread throughout the planet. 

Anti-Israel members of Congress were thrilled to claim that they had doctors on their side in speeches.

A frightening article in Tablet last month showed how the medical profession in the US is succumbing to DEI-type philosophy that leads to antisemitism.  

Needless to say, these "doctors" have nothing to say about thousands of Israelis injured and killed, or the mental health of Israelis who witnessed the massacres, or the lifetime trauma of being raped by the Islamist savages that they defend.

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  • Tuesday, December 26, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
I reported yesterday about explicit incitement to murder Jews in Arab media. Arabic language media has always been antisemitic, but I've never seen this level of hate, and I've been looking at this for a long time now.

Al Jazeera has an op-ed describing how Jews have taken over the West over the past few centuries, mostly using the Freemason movement that so many are convinced is really a Jewish front:

The genocidal war waged by the Zionist-American alliance against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and the massive Western alignment with it, reveals to us the extent of deception and historical falsity that the world experienced in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries AD, where history was falsified and rewritten to suit the new Jewish era, which began its rise in the 17th century AD, established its rules in the 18th century AD, and then continued building on these rules in the 19th century AD. And the first half of the 20th century AD politically, economically, legally, socially, and intellectually, before it embarked on a process of escalating hegemony in the second half of the 20th century AD until now. In order to understand the nature of this war and the true motives of the Western countries for supporting it, we urgently need to reread Western history in this period that witnessed massive bloody transformations, from which the Jewish movement was not far removed under its Masonic cover, which they had the upper hand in establishing, financing and spreading and developing it.
Yes, Jews control the world. And this is what the half billion Al Jazeera consumers are reading.

Meanwhile, Jordan's Ad Dustour continues in its own antisemitic traditions, with an article titled, "Do the Jews want to kill Jesus twice?"

In a march in solidarity with Gaza in an American city, an American girl carried a sign reading: "Do you want to kill Christ twice?"

It seems that the American girl's question angers and annoys Biden, Blinken, and the Washington administration more than the kings and rabbis of the Kingdom of David. 50 million Americans belong to Christian Zionism. These people's ideological conviction says: that Israel is the smaller America, and that America is the greater Israel. When Biden said that he is a Zionist, it is not necessary for a Zionist to be a Jew... and he was not delirious or hallucinating.

 Biden, Blinken, and Austin rushed to Israel in the first days of the Al-Aqsa Flood War and after October 7, armed with the doctrines of the Torah and the ideology of the rabbis of the Kingdom of David, the divine promise, and Greater Israel.

 What America, Britain and France are doing is an implementation of the divine biblical promise. ...The bodies of children and women in Gaza are offered as an offering to the Jewish gods... a Palestinian Holocaust stained with the blood and dignity of all Arabs

Yes, Christ was killed twice and more.. Today, if Christ were to descend again on the land of Palestine, the leaders of the Kingdom of David would kill him and prevent him from returning to heaven.
These are articles that would make David Duke blush. 

Antisemitism in the Arab world is a hugely underreported story. And that is because the media simply does not want the Western world to know this, because the "anti-Zionist" flavor of antisemitism is perfectly acceptable and protected, while the traditional Russian Elder of Zion or Christian Christ-killer versions are not - so reports of them must be suppressed.

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Monday, December 25, 2023

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Monday, December 25, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
I found this 2015 article from the New York Times:

A new training regimen for fighters in Hamas’s armed wing employs slide presentations and a whiteboard rather than Kalashnikov rifles and grenades. The young men wear polo shirts instead of fatigues and black masks. They do not chant anti-Israel slogans, but discuss how the Geneva Conventions governing armed conflict dovetail with Islamic principles.

The three-day workshop, conducted last month by the International Committee of the Red Cross, followed numerous human-rights reports accusing both Israel and Hamas, the Islamist group that controls Gaza, of war crimes in their devastating battle last summer, and came as the International Criminal Court prosecutor conducts a preliminary inquiry into that conflict.

...Red Cross leaders say they have seen an increasing commitment from Hamas leaders and linemen alike, if only because they now consider their international image a critical component of their struggle.

Mamadou Sow, who heads Red Cross operations in Gaza, said that in April he presented a critique of Hamas’s conduct during the 2014 hostilities to its top political and military leaders, and that they “welcomed it” and “indicated that they are a learning organization.” He said they also “challenged us to keep in mind the topology of the Gaza Strip,” one of the most densely populated patches on the planet.

“For the first time,” said Jacques de Maio, director of the Red Cross delegation in Israel and the Palestinian territories, “Hamas is actually, in a private, protected space, expressing a readiness to look critically at a number of things that have an impact on their level of respect for international humanitarian law.”

He added, “Whether this will translate into something concrete, time will tell.”

Besides participating in the workshops, Hamas has altered its propaganda in the aftermath of the war. New talking points stress that tunnel attacks last summer targeted military positions, not civilian communities, and argue — dubiously — that rockets fly toward civilian areas because the Gaza groups lack guiding technology.

Still, Hamas leaders routinely praise attacks on Israelis, and there are widespread reports that Qassam is rebuilding tunnels to infiltrate Israeli territory.

Last week, in announcing the arrest of a Qassam fighter in July, Israel’s security service said that he had told interrogators “the organization’s fighters endanger many civilians by storing explosives in their homes, on the instructions of Hamas commanders.”
In 2011, the media reported that Hamas accepted a two state solution. In 2015, that Hamas accepts international law. In 2017, that Hamas replaced its charter with one that isn't antisemitic.

There is such a desire to judge a hateful, genocidal terror group as positively as possible. And, not coincidentally, to judge Israel as harshly as possible.

Because wishful thinking often trumps reality. Hamas has never moderated its rhetoric in Arabic. Its messaging has always been crystal clear. But Western media and Western politicians turn their desire for a moderate Hamas into a conviction that that know Hamas better than Palestinians do; and that Hamas cannot possibly be lying to them when they say what they want them to hear.

I have not seen one of these reporters or pundits or "experts" apologize after October 7 and say, sorry, we thought they really had changed and we were wrong. This is an unrepentant group of murderers and liars and we cannot trust a word they say. They manipulated us and played on our desire for peace. We were fooled.

On the contrary: Hamas statements are still accepted and published without caveats, as if they have somehow changed since October 7 from a murderous, rapist terror group into a respectable government. Maybe the masked fighters cannot be trusted, but surely their doctors wouldn't lie, wound they? Even when those doctors themselves praised the massacres?

The willingness to give Hamas every benefit of the doubt is part of the reason for the war today. And, yes, the government of Israel was fooled too. But surely, after October 7, the world should have learned their lesson, right?

If Hamas was fighting anyone but Jews, probably. But there is a layer of antisemitism that assumes that Jews are even less trustworthy than Hamas terrorists, and that is a big part of why the media is more tolerant of Hamas' obvious attempts to deceive them than Israel's mostly transparent explanations (within security requirements)  of what they are doing. 

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From Ian:

The UN’s Disgraceful Response to Hamas Massacre Can’t Go Unchallenged
Just two days after the October 7 massacre, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHCR) demonstrated exactly why it is one of the UN’s most notorious and hypocritical organizations. The Pakistani representative, Zaman Mehdi, called for and received a minute’s silence to remember the victims in the “occupied Palestinian territories” and elsewhere, saying it was a result of more than “seven decades of foreign occupation, aggression and disrespect for international law.” He didn’t mention Israel, and he also failed to mention Hamas — the perpetrators of the massacre. By referring to “seven decades,” he made it very clear that he attributed all blame to Israel’s very existence since 1948.

Also disturbingly, despite the overwhelming forensic evidence of sexual assault against Jewish women, including videos, these rapes were completely ignored by the United Nations, including by groups whose entire purpose is to protect women. Only after two months and an international campaign to call attention to the UN’s complete failure to even acknowledge the sick sexual violence, did the UN Women organization finally issue a weak condemnation.

Then there is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, known as UNRWA, whose staff, officials and teachers have long been exposed for involvement in terrorist violence in the past. Despite its supposed pretext of helping Palestinian refugees, it is one of the major impediments to any kind of peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians.

The majority of UNRWA’s $1.6 billion budget, of which Australia contributes $20 million, promotes policies that support the “right of return” for Palestinians into Israel — meaning ending the existence of the State of Israel.

During the current conflict, it was revealed that UNRWA staff celebrated the massacre, and weapons caches have been discovered in UNRWA facilities. It was also revealed that a UNRWA teacher held a hostage captive in their attic. UNRWA denies all this, saying they are being defamed.

Finally, there is the most powerful person in the UN hierarchy, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who had the nerve, even as Hamas terrorists were still running wild and massacring civilians throughout towns and villages of southern Israel, to call for “maximum restraint” from Israel. He cemented his continued descent into the moral abyss by encouraging “understanding” of the attacks by Hamas, saying they “did not happen in a vacuum,” and were a result of the “occupation.”

What happened on October 7 in southern Israel was pure unadulterated evil. The UN had a chance to choose to stand on the side of good against that evil, but as it’s so often done in the past, it made the wrong choice, adding to its ever-growing shame.
Melanie Phillips: The failure of Holocaust education
Since the Hamas pogrom of October 7 in southern Israel, a tsunami of hatred against the Jews has surged across the west. Decent people everywhere are aghast and astonished that this should be the response by so many to the greatest single act of mass murder against Jews since the Holocaust.

They are even more perplexed that a recurring characteristic of such attacks is to tear down the posters of the Israeli hostages that have been pasted up in public areas in a forlorn attempt to keep their fate alive in the public mind so that they may be returned home.

The reason for such driven and unhinged behaviour against posters stuck on walls is as obvious as it is appalling. Certain people simply cannot tolerate the fact of Jewish victimhood. So intolerable do they find this, they have to literally tear down the evidence with their own hands. No less significant is the way they do so, with both verbal and facial expressions of the most intense disgust. They find the idea of Jewish victims disgusting. And that’s because they find the very idea of Jews disgusting. What they are doing to those posters is what they would like to do to Israeli Jews.

For evidence of that, watch this video by Avi Horowitz who went to San Francisco State university to “raise money to kill Jews”. He found 28 out of 35 people with whom he engaged supported this aim, and 17 out of 35 actually offered him money “to kill Jews”.

How is such abhorrent behaviour to be explained? A major reason is that many if not most of these Jew-haters subscribe to the doctrine of “intersectional” identity politics and victim culture, which holds that some groups of people are oppressed and others are oppressors. The “oppressed” can never be held responsible for bad things they may do; the “oppressors” can never be victims of the “oppressed” or of anyone else. The haters believe that the Jews are all-powerful, that they drive capitalism and thus control the levers of world power which they manipulate in their own interests and against those of everyone else.

Why do they believe that? Because “intersectional” identity politics is the product of an education system which has long been captured by Marxist ideology, at the root of which lies an exterminatory hatred of the Jewish people. In other words, those who subscribe to identity politics are motivated at root by Jew-hatred.

And that also motivates those who are indifferent to identity politics but who believe — because historic Christian culture embedded in the west tells them so — that the Jews are motivated by vengeance and blood-lust. So they have eagerly swallowed the demonisation and defamatory lies of the Palestinian narrative, parroted day in, day out by the Hamas Broadcasting Corporation, Sky News and certain posh newspapers which spread the libel that the Israelis are wanton child-killers.

The fact that more than 1200 Israelis were slaughtered on October 7 by the supposedly “oppressed” Palestinians and more than 230 taken hostage, with an unknown number subsequently tortured, raped and murdered by those “oppressed” Palestinians while more than 100 remain captive in the hell-holes of Hamas, gets in the way of that narrative.
‘Tis the season for United Nations to see Jewish holidays as less equal
Leading with a tree emoji, the official United Nations account on X posted on Sunday to its 16.4 million followers: “Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating!”

A JNS review of prior holiday messages on the United Nations account revealed a single instance where the international body—which has long been accused of antisemitism and of unfairly targeting the Jewish state—appeared to celebrate a Jewish holiday.

That lone instance, from last April, came when the United Nations managed to lump a Jewish holiday together with several others.

“‘Peace is needed today more than ever.’ During a special interfaith ‘Prayer for Peace’ moment, António Guterres,” the U.N. secretary-general, “says that even the calendar is sending a message of unity, as Ramadan, Easter, Passover and the Sikh festival of Vaisakhi coincide this month,” the United Nations posted on April 14.

The United Nations shared something similar again on April 14 and on April 6. Those appear to be the only times that the United Nations has posted about a Jewish holiday.

A search of all the handle’s posts on X yielded no other results for “Passover,” and no results for “Pesach,” “Hanukkah,” “Chanukah,” “Shavuot,” “Shavuos,” “Sukkot,” “Sukkos,” “Purim,” “Yom Kippur,” “Rosh Hashanah” nor “High Holidays.” “Jewish holiday” and “Jewish holidays” also returned no results.

“Festival of lights,” returned four results, but none related to the Jewish festival of lights. “During Diwali, the festival of lights—celebrated in India and by followers of many faiths across the world—clay lamps are lit to signify the victory of good over evil,” the United Nations posted on Nov. 11. The U.N. account also mentioned “festival of lights” and wished a happy Diwali in 2022, 2020, 2019 and 2018. (It also wished a happy Diwali in 2021, and two more times in 2020, without mentioning “festival of lights.”)
  • Monday, December 25, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Times of Israel reports:
In his first public message since the massacres of October 7, Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar on Monday remained defiant, while grossly inflating the terror group’s achievements in the war.

Sinwar falsely claimed that the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, had “targeted” over 5,000 Israeli soldiers and officers, and killed about third of them — that is, over 1,500.

The actual figure of IDF deaths is one-tenth of what the terror leader alleged. According to the IDF, 156 soldiers have so far been killed in the ground operation in Gaza. Over 300 members of the security forces were killed in Hamas’s initial October 7 onslaught.

The terror leader also gave inflated claims of the number of Israeli soldiers injured in the war, and the amount of Israeli military equipment that has been destroyed. He claimed that around 3,500 troops were seriously wounded or disabled, whereas that figure according to the IDF stands at less than 200.

He further said that Hamas had completely or partially destroyed 750 Israeli military vehicles. While the IDF has not provided official figures, the commander of the IDF Technology and Maintenance Corps, Brig. Gen. Ariel Shima, said in early November that very few IDF vehicles had been severely damaged beyond repair, and that most vehicles that are hit return to fighting.
Al Jazeera published Sinwar's message, and then deleted it. It may be because it was not meant for the public but only as a message to Hamas' political bureau, and Al Jazeera follows Hamas' instructions to the letter.

Certainly no one is reporting that the statement was a hoax.

While the statement has been widely covered in Israeli media as well as Arab media, the liveblogs of mainstream media have not mentioned it as of this writing. Nothing in the New York Times or CNN's liveblogs of the war. Also nothing at NBC or AP, all of which are updated several times a day.

Isn't it newsworthy that the leader of Hamas is Gaza not only breaks his silence, but his message is filled with obvious falsehoods?

If you cannot trust what he says - even when he is reporting to his own superiors abroad - how can anyone trust a word that is ever released by Hamas to the media or the public, ever?

Could it be that the media is reluctant to share this message because it shows that its "he said, she said" reporting where Israeli statements are treated with skepticism while Hamas' statements are given respect hs utterly misled their audiences?

Maybe they will cover the statements, but it will sure be interesting if they mention that Sinwar is obviously lying. 

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