Thursday, June 22, 2023

Today, the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations will hold hearings on "Responding to Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israel Bias in the UN, Palestinian Authority, and NGO Community."

Prominent leaders in the field of antisemitism and anti-Zionism will be speaking. Most of their testimonies have been published ahead of time. Here are some highlights.

Natan Sharansky, the famous Soviet dissident, describes how the Soviet Union's pretense of using "anti-Zionism" as a proxy for antisemitism has now been widely adopted by much of the world:

In the Soviet Union, where I grew up,...each time when official Soviet propaganda starts a new round of attacks on Israel, every Jew, whether he knows what Zionism means or not, knows that he has a problem. They are all treated as not loyal to the Soviet Union, but loyal to Zionist Israel. Attacks on the Jews have always been a convenient platform for attacks on Israel and vice versa. Assuming that all this is a direct result of the dictatorial regime of the Soviet Union, which needs a convenient scapegoat for accusations, an external and internal enemy, and a more convenient scapegoat than the Jews and Israel cannot be imagined. Therefore, when in 1975 the Soviet Union initiated a resolution that Zionism is racism, it was adopted only thanks to the communist bloc. The Free World voted against it. 

I thought that in the free world, this would not happen. 

It was all the more surprising when at the beginning of 2000 at the first U.N. conference against global racism in Durban - the only result of this conference was the accusation of Israel as an apartheid state. Soon the cartoons published in the international press against Israel surprisingly began to resemble those in the Soviet and Nazi press against the Jews. Israel, which fights against terrorist attacks daily in defense of itself, has been declared to be fighting the Palestinians, as the Nazis fought the Jews, and Palestinian refugee camps were compared to Auschwitz. All this had nothing to do with constructive criticism of the policies of Israel, which deserved this or that criticism like any other democratic country. It was then, 20 years ago, that I proposed my three-D test to distinguish justified criticism of Israel from new antisemitism.

Over the 20 years, I have visited about 100 American campuses, where I have clearly seen how the new antisemitism is creating a very difficult environment for Jewish students who consider themselves Zionists. There is much evidence of how the growing attacks on the Jews are encouraged, developed and reinforced by the attacks on Israel, like colonial white racism. Much like in Soviet times, antisemitic attacks on Israel are weakening the sense of security of Jewish students at American universities. And attacks on Jews are often accompanied by anti-Israeli slogans. It is impossible today to analyze the growth of antisemitism without seeing that these phenomena are very closely linked. 

That is why there must be one explanation linking the demonization of the Jews, the double standard towards the Jews, the denial of the Jews as a nation with the demonization of the State of Israel, the double standard towards the State of Israel and the denial of Israel's right to exist. 

There can be no success in the fight against antisemitism if we do not fight it on all fronts. Therefore, the exact definition of antisemitism is crucial. It is very important that the US administration adheres to this definition of antisemitism in its policy.
Prof. Eugene Kontorovich shows why the IHRA Working Definition is important and how the "Nexus Document" that was welcomed in the Administration's strategy plan against antisemitism is an effort to whitewash modern antisemitism:

Not surprisingly, the IHRA definition is opposed by those who wish to engage in precisely the kind of anti-Israel double standards that it warns of. In an effort to confound or counteract the legitimacy and clarity of the IHRA working definition, a few other groups have offered definitions of antisemitism that greatly minimize the role of Israel-focused antisemitism. One such effort is the Nexus Document, a project hosted by Bard University. The Nexus definition differs from IHRA primarily in its treatment of Israel-focused conduct. Nexus does not regard as presumptively antisemitic either the questioning the basic legitimacy of Israel’s existence or the application of double standards to Israel.  According to Nexus, such views may have legitimate grounds. 

Unlike IHRA’s adoption by a wide range of countries (including many states that are often sharply critical of Israel), not one single country has adopted the Nexus Declaration. The IHRA definition was developed by an international group of scholars not known for their views on Israel or their politics one way or another. The Nexus Advisory Board, by contrast, is overwhelmingly left-wing and includes people, like the head of J-Street, who can only be described as professionals in the field of Israel bashing. Members of Nexus’s advisory board have described Israel as “fascist,” denounced it as an “apartheid state,” and justified those who say it should have never existed. 

While IHRA has become the global benchmark, the narrow Nexus definition has languished in total obscurity—that is, until the White House suddenly announced its “welcome and appreciation” of the Nexus Document last month, while still “embracing” IHRA.  Nexus leaped from the discussions of like-minded academics straight into a White House policy document. While the IHRA definition remains the only one officially used by the government, the White House’s National Strategy harms efforts to respond to antisemitism by referring to two different, and fundamentally contradictory, definitions 

...The obsessive focus on the supposed wrongs of this one tiny group has resurfaced across an amazing array of cultures and epochs. From the Romans to the Crusades. From the Reformation to the Inquisition. From National to International Socialism. The justifications change, the target remains same. Then after two thousand years, the Jewish people reconstituted their nation—and immediately found it the subject of unparalleled international defamation and libel—accompanied by ongoing efforts at physical elimination. Jews have been hated sometimes as adherents of a faith, sometimes as members of a people. Now the extraordinary enmity is aimed at their State. The coin lands on the same side on every toss. The segue from earlier modes of antisemitism to “anti-Zionism” is a remarkable coincidence.

...The accusations leveled against Israel often resemble those made by antisemites throughout history. Instead of the Jews being accused of killing Gentile children,  Israel is accused of deliberately killing Palestinian children;  instead of Jews being accused of causing plague among Gentiles, Israel is accused of causing disease among Palestinians. And the accusation of “apartheid” is a modern blood libel—an absurd “Big Lie,” but inciteful in ways that cannot be rectified by mere refutation. Just as the classic blood libel resonated with the theological preoccupations of earlier ages, today’s claims resonate with the ethnic justice concerns of our times.
Yair Rosenberg of The Atlantic ties all forms of antisemitism, from Left to Right, to conspiracy theory:

For almost as long as there have been Jewish people, there has been anti-Jewish prejudice. This bigotry predates the United States of America and the modern state of Israel. It is older than capitalism and communism, Republicans and Democrats, progressives and conservatives. And it precedes Christianity and Islam. Because of this, while antisemitism is expressed by these communities, it cannot be caused by them. The source is something much more fundamental. 

Consider recent antisemitic incidents that on the surface seem to have little connection to each other. In 2018, a white supremacist massacred 11 congregants in Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue. In 2019, assailants tied to the Black Hebrew Israelite movement shot up a kosher supermarket in Jersey City, killing three. And in 2022, an Islamic extremist held an entire congregation hostage in Colleyville, Texas, for much of the Jewish Sabbath. 

To take another odd example: Both the supreme leader of Iran’s Islamic theocracy and Robert Bowers, the Pittsburgh shooter who hated Muslims, posted memes on social media alleging Zionist control of American politics. During the 2016 presidential race, supporters at campaign events for both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders were captured on tape claiming that “Zionists” run America’s finances.

What unites all of these seemingly disparate antisemitic actors? Not their identity or background, but their adherence to a conspiracy of Jewish control. The Pittsburgh white supremacist believed that Jews were responsible for flooding the country with the brown people he hated, as part of the so-called “great replacement” of the white race. One of the Black Hebrew Israelite sympathizers in Jersey City wrote on social media about how Jews controlled the government. And the British Islamic extremist who targeted the Texas synagogue did so because he thought American rabbis held sway over the U.S. authorities and could free someone from prison. 

...Because people have long been conditioned to conceive of Jews in an underhanded fashion, it doesn’t take much to update the ancient conspiracy theory to persuade contemporary audiences. And thanks to centuries of material blaming the world’s problems on its Jews, conspiracy theorists seeking a scapegoat for their sorrows inevitably discover that the invisible hand of their oppressor belongs to an invisible Jew.

Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch explains how antisemitism forms the core of Palestinian Authority ideology:

PA Antisemitism is not a collection of disconnected hate-speech; it is a systematically disseminated ideology that is by now deeply ingrained in the Palestinian national and political identity. It serves as a primary source of loathing towards Jews and Israelis and is a significant motivator for Palestinian terror. 

The PA’s Political Antisemitism asserts the following:

1. Jews are inherently evil, endangering not only Palestinians but all of humanity. 

2. Accordingly, Jews themselves are responsible for the antisemitism and hatred they have faced throughout history. 

3. The PA turns this demonization of Jews into its political ideology: the Western countries were anxious to get rid of the Jews and solve their "Jewish problem,” so they initiated the establishment of a Jewish state. The Jews would never have come to Palestine on their own because the Jews have no history in the land. Israel is defined as an illegitimate result of "settler-colonialism" with no right to exist. 

This ideology is disseminated by PA leaders, Mahmoud Abbas appointees, and through the structures controlled by the PA.
Other speakers include Hillel Neuer from UN Watch, Yona Schiffmiller from NGO Monitor, and the ADL's Sharon Nazarian, all of whom show how anti-Israel bigotry is a proxy for anti-Jewish bigotry. 

The webcast can be seen here at 11:00 AM EDT.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Arabic and particularly Palestinian media have been spreading a new fake story over the past couple of days, claiming that the Jordanian ambassador to the UN confronted Benjamin Netanyahu at the General Assembly with the "real" racist lyrics of Israel's national anthem, Hatikvah.

In a session of the United Nations General Assembly attended by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Jordan's ambassador to the United Nations, Mahmoud al-Hamoud, asked:

"Why is the Israeli national anthem not taught to our children in Arab schools and in Muslim countries as a kind of culture? Certainly knowledge of something is better than ignorance of it?.... Until every Arab and Muslim determines who his enemy is and prepares to confront him!"

He continued, saying: "Let us learn about an accurate literal translation of the Israeli national anthem, which is played on occasions and holidays and when receiving presidents and ambassadors in the Zionist entity (including Arab ambassadors)."

He wondered: "Why are they pressuring us to change our educational curricula and amend the interpretation of some Quranic verses, and it has never been suggested that they change their official national anthem?"

Al-Hamoud continued, saying: "What does the "Israeli" national anthem say? And why did the Jews choose this anthem for the Zionist entity when it carries hateful religious slogans for a country that claims to be secular, civilized, and democratic!"

He explained that the real translation of the Israeli national anthem is:

As long as there is a Jewish soul in the heart!
She longs forward to the east
Our hope is not made yet!
A dream of a thousand years on our land
Land of Zion and Jerusalem
Let him who is our enemy tremble
Let all the inhabitants of Egypt and Canaan tremble.
Let the inhabitants of Babylon tremble.
Let fear and terror hang over their skies 
- When we plant our spears in their chests!
  And we see their blood spilled!
  And their heads cut off!
- Then we will be God's chosen people wherever God wants!

Al-Hamoud concluded his speech by saying: "The question that must be asked.. Who are the original terrorists, the masters of beheadings: the Muslim extremists, or the Jews!?"
It turns out this fake Hatikvah translation is at least five years old, and has surfaced every once in a while in Arabic media. AFP and Al Hurra debunked it years ago, but its too good a rumor to check. 

In fact, since many Palestinians know Hebrew quite well, the Palestinian newspapers that have published this fake translation almost certainly know they are lying. 

Do you know whose anthem is filled with violent imagery? Why, the Palestinian national anthem, known as "Fida'i" - "Warrior!"

Warrior, warrior, warrior,
Oh my land, the land of the ancestors
Warrior, warrior, warrior,
Oh my people, people of eternity

With my determination, my fire and the volcano of my vendetta
With the longing in my blood for my land and my home
𝄆 I have climbed the mountains and fought the wars
I have conquered the impossible, and crossed the frontiers 𝄇

With the resolve of the winds and the fire of the weapons
And the determination of my nation in the land of struggle
𝄆 Palestine is my home, and the path of my triumphal[b]
Palestine is my vendetta and the land of withstanding 𝄇

By the oath under the shade of the flag
By my land and nation, and the fire of pain
𝄆 I will live as a warrior, I will remain a warrior,
I will die as a warrior - until my country returns 𝄇

Yes, Elder's First Rule of Palestinian Projection ("whenever Palestinians accuse Israel of doing some crime, they are doing that exact crime, usually on a far grander scale than their accusations") remains in force, 16 years since I coined it.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Wednesday, June 21, 2023

From Ian:

The antisemitic BDS war on celebrities
The BDS movement has been a total failure. It has not damaged Israel’s economy, it has not turned Israel into a pariah, it has not changed Israeli policy, and it has not destroyed the Jewish state. The BDS movement has tried to create the image of winning by claiming phony victories. It has also capitalized by convincing a handful of mostly B- and C-list celebrities to shun Israel. The fight to achieve these symbolic “victories” is the subject of Lana Melman’s well-researched book, Artists Under Fire: The BDS War Against Celebrities, Jews, and Israel.

Melman is an industry insider who has been on the frontline of the fight to educate celebrities and try to insulate them from the global assault waged against them by BDS advocates through relentless social-media campaigns, threats and disinformation. She does not mince words in defining antisemitism as “demonizing Israel.” The BDS campaign, she writes, “seeks to use the celebrity of artists a tool to destroy Israel and stir up hate against Jews worldwide.”

“Artists are public figures who need audience support to succeed, making them particularly vulnerable to attacks on their character,” Melman explains. “Artists are afraid that “false charges against them will stick like chewing gum on the bottom of one’s shoe” and ruin their reputations.

It’s more than reputations at stake. Sometimes, the threats are more serious, as when Paul McCartney was threatened by Islamic activist Omar Bakri Muhammad: “‘If he values his life Mr. McCartney will not come to Israel.” McCartney ignored the threat and played in front of 50,000 people in Tel Aviv in 2008. He told an Israeli journalist: “I was approached by different groups and political bodies who asked me not to come here. I refused. I do what I think, and I have many friends who support Israel.”

McCartney is by no means the only A-list celebrity (or Beatle) who has defied the boycotters to appear in Israel. Others include Ringo Starr, Rhianna (twice), Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Mariah Carey, Art Garfunkel, Chick Corea, Julio Iglesias, Herbie Hancock, Madonna, Bon Jovi (three times), 50 Cent (twice), Andrea Bocelli and Guns N’Roses (three times, most recently on June 5).

The A-listers can usually withstand the pressure and not worry about their careers being affected. Others are more sensitive and are bombarded with petitions, statements, open letters, criticism on social media and Photoshopped images “associating Israel and the artist with destruction, racism, apartheid, the murder of children and worse.” Demonstrators protest outside venues. Artists’ representatives are overwhelmed by malicious emails and calls.
Why is Avi Shlaim recycling the ‘Baghdad bombings’ theory?
It is a mystery why "the Zionists" might have thought it necessary to bomb the synagogue when, by late 1950 a backlog of 80,000 Jews, who had already registered to leave for Israel, were stranded in Iraq. Indeed, the Iraqi government toyed with the idea of dumping these Jews on Israel’s border with Jordan or in the Kuwaiti desert because Israel was not shipping them out fast enough.

All the evidence for the bombings points to the nationalist Istiqlal party as the culprit. An Istiqlal member confessed to an Iraqi historian, Shamel Abdul Kader, that he planted the first bomb in April 1950. The Israeli new historian Tom Segev produced evidence blaming the synagogue bombing on Iraqi nationalists.

Iraqi Jews already had reason enough to seek a haven in Israel – rising pro-Nazi sentiment, the memory of a vicious Baghdad pogrom in 1941, the execution of the wealthy non-Zionist Shafik Ades in 1948, arrests, extortion, racist laws persecuting and dispossessing them. A vibrant community of 150,000 is now reduced to three Jews.

But Shlaim claims there was no antisemitism in Iraq until the Iraqis ‘turned on the Jews’ for their alleged complicity with the British invasion of 1941 and the foundation of Israel.

It is a travesty that Shlaim should not only fail to blame Arab regimes for the mass ethnic cleansing of their Jewish citizens, but that his reputation as an Oxford academic should lend ‘exceptional authority’ and respectability to these highly controversial claims,

What lies behind Shlaim’s anti-Zionism? In reviewing ‘Israel and Palestine’ Benny Morris pronounced himself puzzled.

“Many intellectuals, in Israel as in the West, have been moved by the Palestinians’ history and their plight, but at the same time they have remained sympathetic to Israel’s predicament…. In Israel and Palestine, by contrast, there is no sign of any such complex sympathy.

"For Shlaim, Israel and its leaders can do no right. It all begins to seem very personal. What is the source of this bias and this resentment? ‘

It appears that Shlaim’s memoir holds the answer. Israel is responsible for his unhappy childhood, his family’s impoverishment and his broken home.
Examining Islamic Group’s Ties to Hamas
CAIR emerged out of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), an organization that served as a propaganda arm of a now-defunct Hamas-support network called the “Palestine Committee.” The Committee was created by the Muslim Brotherhood to help Hamas politically and financially in the United States. As the committee’s propaganda outlet, the IAP organized “annual conventions and meetings, which were regularly addressed by members of Hamas brought from the Middle East.” The outlet published magazines with articles supporting the terrorist group. It also “published the Hamas charter in English and distributed Hamas communiques.”

Founded in 1994, CAIR was incorporated by three IAP leaders — Nihad Awad, Omar Ahmad, and Rafeeq Jaber. Mousa Abu Marzook, a member of the Hamas Politburo, “served as a member of IAP’s advisory board and served as its chairman in 1988-90.” He also provided IAP with $490,000. IAP, which is now defunct, was long a central player in Hamas’ US support network.

In August 2002, a Federal judge ruled that there was evidence that “the Islamic Association for Palestine (“IAP”), has acted in support of Hamas.” In November 2004, a Federal magistrate judge held IAP civilly liable for $156 million in damages in the 1996 shooting of an American teenager by a Hamas member in the West Bank.

And evidence from the Dallas trial charging the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) and its officers with providing material support for Hamas shows that the IAP played a central role in the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee.

According to the Committee’s 1994 meeting agenda and a 1991 organizational chart introduced into evidence, the IAP, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, and a Virginia think-tank that Marzook founded were the committee’s primary components.

A November 1991 committee status report approved by the Shura Council explained that the Ikhwan, or Brotherhood, created IAP “to serve the cause of Palestine on the political and media fronts. The Association’s work has developed a great deal since its inception, particularly with the formation of the Palestine Committee, the beginning of the Intifada at the end of 1987 and the proclamation of the Hamas Movement.”

On Tuesday, the US Department of State issued a statement regarding the Jews who were murdered for filling their gas tanks while Jewish:

"The United States condemns the terrorist attack against Israelis near Eli in the West Bank today. We express our deepest condolences to the families of those killed and wish the injured a speedy recovery," said Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller.

So far, so good, right? I had been gritting my teeth waiting to hear the White House do the usual both-siding of the issue: “We ask both sides to refrain from violence at this difficult time.”

I call this “both-siding it.” When you both-side a situation, you’re not pointing a finger or assigning blame, because terrorist and victim are the same. Or rather, in drawing a moral equivalence between the two, you whitewash the actions of the terrorist. The effect of this is to appease the Muslim world and its sympathizers, because of course, that world thinks that murdering Israelis is a mitzvah (l’havdil). So the terrorists are good, because they’re killing ZIONISTS.

Lucy, Maia, and Rina Dee, HY"D.

It is tragic to report this here how despite the fact that Israel and the US are allies, the US so often draws a moral equivalence between Israeli citizens and soldiers with the people who brutally murder them. This in spite of the fact that the US claims to be committed to the safety and security of Israeli citizens and says that Israel has right to defend itself. 

Why does the US tell the world that there is no difference between Israelis and the people who brutally murder them? It’s simple: Because it can. US officials know that the Jews will understand and take it on the chin. We don’t REALLY mean it, they probably tell Israeli leaders behind the scenes, but hey, you know. Diplomacy. Realpolitik.

Yet Miller’s statement had thus far been free of all that crap this sort of rhetoric. I was rather pleased with that White House statement.

But I shouldn’t have been. I should have known there’d be more, and that it would not be nice at all—not nice to US ally Israel, and not nice to the Jews. Not respectful. Painful to hear and read. A betrayal. We wish we could leave our children forever innocent of such things, forever in love with wonderful America. We would give anything not to have our Jewish children, whether Israeli or American, or any children at all, including those who reside in Gaza and in the Occupied Jewish Territories (OJT), hear such things as Matthew Miller would now say as an official representative of the United States of America:

"We are also concerned about the continuation of violence in Israel and the West Bank in recent weeks that has killed and injured Palestinian and Israeli civilians. We will continue to work with Israel and the Palestinian Authority to promote steps towards de-escalation."

This is a very problematic statement. There is a vague mention of “violence” but not one word about terror. There is an allusion to a nonexistent “Palestinian” state “in Israel and the West Bank,” as if Israel’s Jewish heartland, Judea and Samaria, had already been swallowed whole by this nonentity, a done deal. 

I take it personally. To me this is the US spitting in my face because I make my home in Judea.


Miller speaks of violence in “recent weeks” equating the terror attack on Jewish civilians getting gas, with soldiers on missions in Jenin for the specific purpose of routing out terrorists so that they may be brought to justice, and of course, in order to protect Israeli citizens. It is not easy to be a soldier in that situation and having to enter a hostile terrorist enclave like Jenin. The violent (!) locals, bred to hate Jews, lie in wait for Jewish soldiers and drop concrete blocks on their heads, which is how Ronen Lubarsky (HY”D) was killed. And that’s the least of it.

This was not two equal warring parties, but the IDF doing the right thing—the morally correct thing—by apprehending terrorists so that they can no longer injure or murder Jews. Yet the State Department speaks of violence “that has killed and injured Palestinian and Israeli civilians,” saying “Palestinian” first, to show evenhandedness. Or rather, to say to the terrorists, “We close our eyes to what you are, because to do otherwise would not be the popular thing to do and anyway, nobody cares about the Jews.”

This is not, in actual fact, both-siding it, but one-siding it, by dint of lumping terrorists in with their victims. No matter how neutral they seem, they’re taking a side, and it ain’t the side of the Jews. Miller’s prepared remarks speak of violence as a spontaneous eruption that has no source, “violence” that kills, similar to saying that guns kill when guns don’t generally shoot themselves.

Violence doesn’t kill. Guns don’t kill. Terrorists kill. Those who murder people at a gas station are terrorists. Violent protestors who impede an IDF mission are not “civilians” but enemy combatants. Even when they are 17, rather than 26. Perhaps especially so. (Why aren’t they kept away from the “violence” by the adults?)

In not holding them guilty, you take their side. You take the side of terror. What is wrong with the United States that it excuses terror? And what is wrong with the people of Jenin?


What is wrong with the residents of Jenin is that they see nothing wrong with killing Jews. So much so that town is now an Iranian stronghold. The US, on the other hand has no good excuse for equating victim with perpetrator, thus excusing terror, because all things being equal, it’s just violence, right?

No one’s responsible. “Palestinian” casualties are mentioned before Israeli casualties to identify for us the guilty party, as if that hadn’t already been made perfectly clear: Israel started it, because the “Palestinian” dead were mentioned first.

Miller winds up his canned remarks by stating that the US will “continue to work with Israel and the Palestinian Authority to promote steps towards de-escalation,” as if the latter two parties were equal partners, as if the PA were not sworn to murder Jews and steal their land, as if Israel had no reasonable motive for being in Jenin in the first place—and as if Jews had no right to be at a gas station near Eli.

What does it mean to speak of de-escalating when you won’t say the T word? It means, “Israel, knock it off. Back off these terrorists. We can’t and won’t take your side on this. Diplomacy. Realpolitik. (Black gold, Texas tea.)

Wait, whut??

This is, incredibly, the official position of the White House, and it is as abhorrent as it is antisemitic. But then it’s not just official US that officially hates the Jews. It’s the done thing the world over. The EU, UK, UN (here and here, for example), Canada. They all do it. Such examples are too numerous to mention. It’s certainly not the first time a spokesperson for the Biden White House has expressed this same antisemitic sentiment.

Thanks to all of these world powers, and many, many others, the “de-escalation” of “violence” will not be occurring any time soon. How can you de-escalate violence when you can’t name its source? How can you sue for peace when you excuse terror BECAUSE of the identity of the victims: “it’s only the Jews again”?

In effect, this is the world blaming Jews for all that happens to them by making them responsible for being Jewish in the first place. (Jews, ya know. Everyone hates ‘em. Totally disposable. Easy to exploit. For centuries.)

For that is the way of the world. The US et al. don’t want de-escalation. If they did, they’d support Israel in its efforts to eliminate terror, by eliminating terrorists such as those stowed away in Jenin—terrorists with Jewish blood on their hands. Innocent blood. But Jewish blood. Specifically.

Israelis are meant to take it on the chin, like good Jews.

We can almost feel the pat on the head.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



On Sunday, the Israeli Prime Minister's office issued a brief statement:
In the framework of the existing efforts between the State of Israel, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority (PA), with emphasis on Palestinian economic development and maintaining security stability in the region, it has been decided to develop the Gaza Marine gas field off the coast of Gaza.

Implementing the project is subject to coordination between the security services and direct dialogue with Egypt, in coordination with the PA, and the completion of inter-ministerial staff work led by the National Security Council, in order to maintain the security and diplomatic interests of the State of Israel on the matter.

This is very vague.

In the past, Israel has tied the development of the field off the Gaza coast to returning the Israeli hostages  and recovering the bodies of Israeli soldiers still held by Hamas. 

But it looks like Netanyahu is dropping that condition and playing some word games:

An unnamed Israeli official at the prime minister’s office told Ynet on Sunday that all of the security agencies recommended the government approve the project. The same agencies had also approved the resolution of the maritime border dispute with Lebanon in November 2022, but Netanyahu rejected the recommendation, and the agreement with Lebanon was reached under the previous Bennett-Lapid government. 

“The issue of the [Israeli] prisoners and missing people was and still is a condition for the development of infrastructure in Gaza. In this case [of the Marine field], we are not talking about Gaza infrastructure, but rather about an agreement with the PA and with Egypt," said the official.

Hamas has been pretty much maintaining calm in Gaza since Israel has allowed thousands of Gazans to work in Israel. It seems like Netanyahu (and Israel's security agencies) are looking at Gaza Marine as a means to make life easier for Gazans but Israel could theoretically turn the spigot off in case Hamas decides to resume hostilities.

If that is the logic, there are a couple of flaws. One is that if there is a direct line of natural gas from the field to Gaza, Israel could not turn it off, because that would look clearly like collective punishment. 

The real fear is that the revenues would help fund more Hamas weapons and attacks. This will undoubtedly happen. Is that certainty worth the possibility/probability that Hamas will keep Gaza quiet? 

Which brings up the other problem. While Hamas might be quieter in Gaza, they are active in the West Bank and taking credit for terror attacks. When Abbas is gone, while there is infighting within Fatah to replace him, Hamas is planning to take advantage of the chaos to make its own bid for controlling the West Bank.  And the Gaza money will be critical to that plan succeeding. 

Beyond that, what's wrong with leveraging Gaza Marine to get the hostages back? Why give up a concession and get nothing in return? Why not publicly tell the world, "We are happy to allow Gaza gas to be exported as soon as our boys come home?" Europe needs to replace Russian gas, which is why this has become a hot issue over the past year again.  Why not give them a reason to pressure Hamas?

I hope Bibi knows what he is doing, and that there will be appropriate guardrails on this effort.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

Funerals held for victims of Eli terror attack
Hundreds of Israelis paid their last respects on Tuesday to Elisha Anteman and Harel Masoud, two victims of the day’s Palestinian terrorist attack near Eli in the Binyamin region of Samaria.

The funerals of Ofer Fairman of Eli and Nachman Shmuel Mordoff of Ahiya took place on Wednesday.

Anteman, 17, a 12th-grade student at a seminary in Eli, was buried in the town.

Masoud, 21, had just completed his military service. He was laid to rest in Moshav Yesodot, in the Nahal Sorek region.

Eulogizing her son Harel, Yael Masoud said, “Our beautiful Haralush [“little Harel”]. I can’t understand that you are not here with us. How can we talk about you in the past tense? You have only just been released from the army, from the most rigid framework, and you have only blossomed. Now that you have finally started to live, to fulfill your dream and to settle the land you loved—now she is taking you to the depths of her land.”

The 63-year-old Fairman was buried in Eli. Those who knew him said he was “a man above and beyond, full of light and goodness. A man who loves to help everyone, unimaginable.”

Mordoff, 17, was buried in Shiloh. He leaves behind parents and seven siblings. His family said at the funeral that Mordoff was “a smiling boy, energetic and loved by all his friends. He was always involved in the sacred, helping others, smiling and strengthening the weak.” Friends and family attend the funeral in Shiloh of Nachman Shmuel Mordoff, 17, June 21, 2023. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.

The four Israelis were killed, and four others wounded, when two masked Palestinian terrorists arrived at a gas station near the community of Eli, in the Binyamin region north of Jerusalem, and fired on diners at an eatery there. Morel Nikkel, a security guard from Eli, returned fire, killing one of the terrorists. The second was killed several hours later in a shootout with security forces in the city of Tubas.

Caroline Glick: What’s behind the escalating Palestinian terror offensive
The Biden administration is the fourth factor emboldening the Palestinians to attack Israel today. On Sunday, just before IDF forces were ambushed, the State Department issued a condemnation of Israel’s decision to permit Jews to build 4,000 new homes in Judea and Samaria and ease the approval of future building requests. State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller excoriated the decision as “an obstacle to peace.”

Following the massacre in Eli on Monday, U.S. Ambassador Tom Nides tweeted out a statement that indicated that for the Biden administration, there is no difference between the deliberate murder of Israeli civilians and the incidental death of Palestinians during a gunfight between Palestinian terrorists and IDF forces.

Nides wrote, “Deeply concerned about the civilian deaths and injuries that have occurred in the West Bank these past 48 hours, including that of minors. Praying for the families as they mourn the loss of loved ones, or tend to those injured.”

Nides posted an additional, unconditional condemnation of the massacre in Eli after he came under massive criticism and Israel’s Ambassador in Washington Mike Herzog wrote, “Any attempt of a so called ‘balanced’ condemnation is misguided and disrespectful to the memory of the victims.”

The administration’s open hostility towards Israel, and desire to blame Palestinian terrorism on Israel, along with its massive financial and military assistance to the P.A. despite the P.A.’s underwriting and sponsorship of terrorism and rejection of Israel’s right to exist, is a major backwind for Palestinian terrorism.

In blaming Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria and IDF counterterror operations for Palestinian massacres of Israelis, the Biden administration is effectively embracing the mendacious Palestinian narrative. That narrative rests on four falsehoods:

First, that the Jewish people are not the descendants of Jews of biblical times.

Second, the Palestinians are the descendants of the Jebusites and Canaanites, who disappeared 3,000 years ago, and of the Philistines who disappeared 2,700 years ago.

Third, that Israel is a colonialist power which can only be permitted to exist by appeasing the Palestinians.

Finally, based on their fabricated Palestinian history and erasure of Jewish history, the Palestinians insist that rejecting the Jewish people’s right to freedom and self-determination in their homeland is not anti-Jewish.

On Tuesday evening, news reports indicated that the IDF is finally beginning to come around to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Cabinet’s view that the time has come to take off the kid gloves and carry out a major counterterror operation in northern Samaria. At least, the IDF is reportedly rethinking its position on roadblocks.

The coming days will tell whether the Netanyahu government and the IDF have decided to take serious action against the growing power and boldness of Palestinian terrorists, particularly in northern Samaria. But what is clear enough is that without major military action, the security situation in Judea and Samaria and countrywide will only grow more precarious.

Every successful assault and massacre increases the terrorists’ confidence and boldness. If Israel fails to act aggressively, the attacks will spread through Judea, Jerusalem and central Israel. Israeli Arabs, incited against Israel and awash with illegal weapons, are also liable to join the terrorist ranks.

Tuesday’s massacre needs to be a glaring warning. The time to act is upon us.
Nides appears to draw equivalence between Eli terror attack, IDF Jenin operation
Mere hours after Palestinian terrorists murdered four Israelis and injured four others, U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides tweeted a statement.

“Deeply concerned about the civilian deaths and injuries that have occurred in the West Bank these past 48 hours, including that of minors,” he wrote. “Praying for the families as they mourn the loss of loved ones, or tend to those injured.”

On Monday, Israeli forces struck targets in Jenin after a deadly gun battle erupted during an IDF counter-terror raid in the city. Five Palestinian gunmen were killed, and seven Israeli soldiers were wounded.

“Unfortunate statement from Israel’s best friend and ally. It borders on moral equivalency!” tweeted Abraham Foxman, the former head of the Anti-Defamation League.

Arsen Ostrovsky, CEO of the International Legal Forum, also responded on Twitter. “Mr. Ambassador, might you clarify your statement? Are you referring to today’s massacre of four Israelis, by Palestinian terrorists in Eli? Or that Israel was forced to defend its citizens from terrorists in Jenin yesterday?” he wrote. “I sincerely hope you are not implying moral equivalence.”

Rabbi Elchanan Poupko, who teaches at a New York Jewish day school, wrote that the ambassador’s statement was very poorly worded. “Palestinians massacred four Israelis and injured eight. Please don’t All-Lives-Matter it.”

“Are you equating Israeli terror victims to terrorists themselves who were killed?” added Aaron Goren, a CAMERA on Campus advisor.

“As a U.S. citizen, I am dismayed at the lumping together of terror victims and those killed in a terrorist firefight with the IDF days earlier,” another Twitter user posted. “Good to know not much has changed in the State Department.”

One thing did change. Nearly an hour after Nides posted the first tweet, he tweeted another statement. “I condemn in the strongest terms the senseless murder of four innocent Israelis today—my heart is with their grieving family members,” he wrote.

This morning, a 15 year old Palestinian girl who was shot in the head during Monday's clashes in Jenin died of her injuries. This brought the death toll of the fighting to 7.

By all accounts and videos, the fighting in Jenin was fierce. Constant gunfire is heard. We have video of terrorists firing from a mosque. 

But, invariably, even though there were bullets coming from every direction, every civilian killed is blamed on Israel.

Of those killed in Jenin, two were members of terror groups and two were throwing stones at the IDF soldiers who were trapped in the camp after the IED blast that disabled their armored vehicle. Three civilians have died - a 21 year old university student, a 48 year old man and now this 15 year old girl.

While we know Palestinian gunmen fire wildly in all directions, and the IDF is far more professional in targeting and firing, "human rights groups" like PCHR - who aren't on the scene - reflexively blame the IDF for all civilian deaths. The Palestinian Ministry of Health automatically blames every death on Israel. 

And the media accepts these unfounded assertions because they don't want to contradict the "narrative."

A spokesperson told Army Radio said that the chances that Israeli forces hit the girl were “low”.  It takes time for the IDF to investigate each death, and by the time they do, the media has moved on to the next story. 

There is no doubt that Palestinians are injured and killed from Palestinian fire. We see it happen from misfired rockets in Gaza. We see masked gunmen firing without aiming. We see trigger happy militants firing wildly in the air. And Palestinians have a lot more to gain from their own civilian casualties than Israel does. 

What needs to change is the assumption that every Palestinian civilian death during firefights is killed by Israel. The IDF makes some mistakes but they are the exception, not the rule. 

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Israel's Kan News reports:

During a discussion held last week in the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee of the Knesset, it was revealed that a Hezbollah force invaded the sovereign territory of the State of Israel, in the Mount Dov sector, and established an armed military position there. This was announced today (Wednesday) for the first time in the program "Hatze Hayom".

These facts were discovered and discussed by several members of the Knesset in a meeting held last Tuesday in the committee, with the participation of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Members of the Knesset drew the Prime Minister's attention to an unusual and serious incident that is taking place on the northern border.

According to what was said in the discussion, in recent weeks a Hezbollah force crossed the Blue Line on Mount Dov and set up two tents inside Israeli territory. The position is manned by Hezbollah with several armed men on its side (between three and eight) who are stationed in front of the IDF soldiers within the sovereign territory of the State of Israel.

The IDF spokesman's response: "The issue is recognized and being dealt with in front of all the relevant parties."
This IDF response does not fill one with confidence. 

After Israel withdrew behind the Blue Line in 2000, certified by the UN, Hezbollah created the fiction that the Shebaa Farms/Mount Dov area that was under Israeli control was still Lebanese and uses that as a pretext to continue building its massive arsenal, to "defend" Lebanon from "Zionist aggression." 

Israel captured the area from Syria in 1967. Interestingly, Syria's president has said that that the Shebaa Farms is Syrian, not Lebanese. 

Hezbollah has been aggressive in recent years in shoring up its forces on the Blue Line while providing pretexts to UNIFIL that it wasn't changing anything. It seems unlikely that either the UN forces or the Lebanese Armed Forces would do anything to force Hezbollah out of the area; after all, Hezbollah as an armed group is not allowed to exist in the entire southern Lebanon under UNSC resolution 1701. 

Israeli territory is being stolen by a terrorist group. It seems unbelievable that Israel would outsource the solution to the impotent UN.

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There is a subtext behind all reporting out of Israel. This subtext is both bigoted against Arabs and antisemitic at its core - at the same time. And it is a subtext that is accepted not only by the media but by many Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs as well.

The unwritten rule of all media coverage is that only Arabs are allowed to be angry. Only Arabs are allowed to act irrationally. Only Arabs gain sympathy for reacting to things that upset them with violence. 

After every terror attack, without fail, the terror groups and Palestinian apologists say as a chorus, "This attack was a natural reaction to their suffering at the hands of Israelis."

Yet when Jews act with 10% of the irrationality and anger that the Palestinians are expected to act with all the time, it is proof that there is something deeply wrong with the Jews.

Israeli settler vigilantes tore through several Palestinian towns in the West Bank following a deadly shooting attack on a nearby settlement Tuesday night, setting cars and fields on fire, vandalizing homes and terrorizing residents in a grim repeat of an incident some termed a pogrom earlier this year.

Palestinians in Luban a-Sharqiya, Huwara, Beit Furik, Burin and other towns south of Nablus in the northern West Bank said carloads of settlers rampaged through the villages Tuesday night, hurling stones and setting cars, fields, homes and other property ablaze.

Three Israelis were arrested over the attacks, Israel’s Ynet news reported.

The rampage was set off by an attack hours earlier in which two Palestinian gunmen opened fire on a hummus restaurant and gas station in the settlement of Eli, killing four people, including two 17-year-old boys, and injuring four others. 
I want to be crystal clear: these vigilante actions are wrong and should be condemned.

But both Jews and Palestinian Arabs should be judged the same way.  When Palestinians riot, it is just as wrong as when Jews riot. When Palestinians attack civilians, it is just as wrong as when Jews attack civilians. While Jews are expected to hold themselves to a higher standard and not attack random Palestinians, Palestinians should be held to the exact same standard and not excused when they attack random Jews.

Anything else is bigotry - bigotry that says that Arabs are naturally violent, and bigotry that says Jews must not show anger when their friends are murdered. 

When Jews get targeted and murdered by Palestinians, the media shows lots of photos of crying Jews at the funeral. When a Palestinian dies and Jews are blamed, it shows angry crowds. Jews are expected to rise above such base emotions as anger and vengeance while Arabs are not. 

Double standards for Jews and for Palestinians is bigotry, by definition. It is a bigotry that is embraced by the media as well as by Palestinians and terror supporters who justify every terror act, no matter how heinous, as natural and acceptable and part of a "cycle of violence." . And to an extent Israelis are guilty of it as well, priding themselves on being on a different moral plane than Palestinians are. For the most part, that is true, but that attitude also helps keep the status quo of Palestinians being expected to act like animals. 

Both sides should be expected to act morally and according to the law. Neither side should target civilians, ever. Neither side should celebrate the deaths of innocents on the other side (and only one side ever does that.)  And each side should strive to always be better, to improve, to be more moral. 

It is up to the players themselves to choose to act morally, to rise above the desire for blind vengeance. It is not for the world to impose one set of morality on one side and a completely different set of standards, or no standards whatsoever, on the other. 

By the same token, it is human to get angry when something truly outrageous occurs, and Jews have that right as much as Palestinians do. Chanting "Death to Arabs" is unacceptable, but "Death to Hamas" is appropriate. It is antisemitic to insist that Jews react to Palestinian atrocities with nothing but coolness, logic and restraint.

All of this should be obvious. But the reality is that expectations are very different for the two sides. The world tolerates and encourages this bigotry, and the violence is partially a result of these double standards. The Western world, by accepting Palestinian irrationality as normal, encourages more terror. 

Judge everyone equally. Be more critical of the side that acts with less regard for human life and that literally celebrates death.

Why is that such a difficult concept?

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

From Ian:

Why I don’t love ‘Jew hate’ as a substitute for ‘antisemitism’
The term “antisemitism” — like the reality it describes — encompasses not only hate, but also fear and envy. People can fear or envy Jews without hating them. True, these biases can lead to stereotypes about Jews and the negative consequences of those stereotypes. People with preconceived notions about Jews are likely to notice and remember selectively or simply hear and believe whatever supports their biases while disregarding, disbelieving or downplaying information to the contrary. One Jewish head of a major newspaper or movie studio, according to this thinking, shows that Jews control the media. In this way, antisemitism can be self-perpetuating even when not powered by outright hatred.

“Jew hate” does not take into account apathy, the lack of concern that throughout history has allowed the actual haters to get away with much more than they would have otherwise. Nor does “Jew hate” take into account a dangerous kind of admiration. Well-meaning people may have positive stereotypes about Jews being intelligent and good in certain professions. These biases are not hateful, but they do reduce Jews to stereotypes.

“Jew hate” does not adequately capture antisemitism born of ignorance — not only of Jewish history and culture but also of the history and effects of antisemitism. Ignorance about Jewish culture, history and traditions can contribute to discrimination against Jews, thus perpetuating antisemitism even when there is no hate. The rising and amazing ignorance of the facts of the Holocaust, for example, sets the stage for more people to dismiss or downplay its severity. That, in turn, will breed resentment — or worse — toward Jews, who are increasingly being cast as obnoxious and self-pitying for insisting that the Shoah happened and seeking to remind the world how bad it was.

If it irritates people when a Jew doesn’t care to join them in singing Christmas carols or to buy the annual Christmas stamp, that’s not necessarily hatred. It’s probably just ignorance of what it means to be in the minority versus the majority. Nevertheless, such ignorance, like ignorance of the Holocaust, can have an antisemitic effect.

Most alarming, the concept of “Jew hate” undermines the fight against antisemitism by — and this was supposed to be a point in its favor — making antisemitism just one instance of a broader category: hate. It should go without saying that one should be against most forms of hate. “Hate has no home here” lawn signs are admirable. But there are essential differences between each form of hate. They are not simply flavors to be served up when the media or a corporation wants to take a popular position. Diseases of the society, like diseases of the body, need to be understood and combatted on their own specific terms. Antisemitism has its own distinct history and pathology. The fight against antisemitism is not just the fight against white supremacy or misogyny or Islamophobia with a different name on the tee shirt.

Ultimately, what worries me most is that the concept of “Jew hate” lets people off too easily. Most people aren’t going to defend hatred, but having disavowed hatred, there’s still a lot to answer for. Antisemitism is real and there seems to be no end in sight. The digital age has amplified the speed and spread of anti-Jewish tropes, extremist ideologies and antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Metal detectors and armed guards are now common at major Jewish gatherings. That’s a sign of real sickness in the culture, but rebranding antisemitism to fit more neatly into the “fight hate” agenda isn’t the cure.
The Caroline Glick Show: Biden is Back in Bed with UNESCO
The US is rejoining UNESCO and the UN Human Rights Council sets out on its most anti-Israel and anti-semitic inquiry yet.

To discuss this, Caroline’s guest on this week’s Caroline Glick Show is Prof. Anne Bayefsky. Prof. Bayefsky is the Director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust and President of Human Rights Voices. Bayefsky has an encyclopedic knowledge of the UN, its official bodies and agencies and their anti-Semitic campaigns.

They delve into
- how rejoining UNESCO is rewarding the Palestinians and an organization that works against US interests
- the antisemitic nature of the new inquiry by the UN Human Rights Council
- what the US Congress can do

Alex Soros: The Mirror Image of His Israel-Hating Father
Critics of Alex Soros view his efforts to undercut a popular and mainstream definition of antisemitism as turning back the clock on the fight against antisemitism in the name of a backward left-wing ideology.

Alex Soros wrote that "critics grew increasingly concerned that the definition had been 'hijacked' by some pro-Israeli groups to shield the government from accountability for its human rights policies, as a group of 100 scholars wrote in a statement urging the U.N. not to adopt the IHRA language."

Fox News Digital has reported over the years on alleged anti-Israel and antsemitism scandals that have plagued the world body.

Alex Soros added in his article that "It is essential that the tools used to combat antisemitism cannot be repurposed to target academics, activists, students and advocacy groups that voice support for Palestinian human rights."

Chikli fired back: "Shamefully, his son is fighting the International Holocaust Remember Alliance."

Alex Soros and the Open Society Foundations did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital press queries.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate dean of the Los Angeles-based human rights organization Simon Wiesenthal Center, told Fox News Digital, "If I had $25 billion to put in play, I would stay far from politically linked institutions and instead focus on helping to transform societies by helping guarantee universal education and health care for billions of people who currently do not have full access to these fundamentals. In the Gulf and Maghreb, I would invest in projects that would give young people jobs and with it hope for a brighter future; environmental projects that would provide clean water, air and energy – would benefit all people."

Cooper continued "If Soros Junior wants to make a long-lasting contribution to transforming the world, he would also do well to roll up his sleeves and personally help the poor and indigent. Money alone will never guarantee results – not in parts of the world where billions in aid have poured into countries, some of which are failed states."

The prominent rabbi added, "And as for Israel and Jewish people the world over, remember Jews also have needs and also have rights. Show respect to the lone Jewish state, which had it existed in 1939, the Nazi Holocaust, the murder of 6 million Jews and the disastrous impact on children, like his father, would never had happened."

George Soros survived the Holocaust in Hungary. Rachel Ehrenfeld, who published "The Soros Agenda" in April, told Fox News Digital that she expects "Alexander to increase his funding of progressive left, globalized and woke agendas and support anti-U.S. and anti-Israel organizations."

Her book devotes a chapter to Soros-funded organizations that "criminalize the state of Israel," she said.

Al Jazeera published this graphic to illustrate who has been a refugee for the past 75 years.

Notice that the Palestine stream is the only one (besides "Others") that keeps getting bigger and bigger. Every other individual refugee situation either disappears eventually or, in the case of Afghanistan, cycles to an extent. 

The UNHCR annual report gives all the proof we need to show how UNRWA should be dismantled.

Of course, if we would apply the Refugee Convention definition of refugee to Palestinians, there wouldn't be 5.9 million. There wouldn't be 30,000. 

And even if you include descendants of refugees, the number would still be roughly one million, since nearly 5 million are either full citizens of another country (Jordan - 2M), they live in British Mandate Palestine (West Bank/Gaza- 2.2M) or they have already moved to other countries (most from Lebanon ~300K and many from Syria ~200K.)

Instead of  17% of world refugees being Palestinian, it is between 0-3% by any sane definition.

When statistics are subjective with different rules for different people, they are meaningless. And when they are weighted to damn only the Jewish state, they are antisemitic. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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