Friday, May 19, 2023

From Ian:

Dore Gold: One state or two: What will Israel's future look like?
The latest issue of Foreign Affairs (May-June, 2023) features an article provocatively titled “Israel’s one-state reality.” Its subtitle gives away its real purpose, for it proposes that it’s time to give up on the two-state solution.

For years, Foreign Affairs was the flagship of writing on issues related to US foreign policy. It used to serve as a bellwether for where the US foreign policy establishment was heading. For example, in 1947 it published a long cable by foreign service officer George Kennan, on how America was to respond to the challenge of Soviet expansionism at the dawn of the Cold War.

The latest Foreign Affairs article essentially presents a false choice for Israel: either the Jewish state should openly embrace the two-state solution or just admit that it is heading for a “one state reality,” and may even be there already. The article places those who have reservations about a two-state outcome as “defending colonialist principles in a post-colonial world.” This is name-calling dressed up as an intellectual argument.

Even so, the article’s authors qualified their conclusions about Israel’s apartheid, stating: “Israel’s system may not technically be apartheid.”

US administrations have been correct in denying the attempts by some who are trying to force this choice by designating Israel now as an “apartheid state.” In October 2011, justice Richard Goldstone of South Africa headed a UN commission that examined charges made by the UN Human Rights Council concerning how Israel handled the Gaza War (Operation Cast Lead, December 2008-January 2009).

Goldstone took Israel to task on the questions that the UN raised. But then he withdrew his tough conclusions in an op-ed for The Washington Post that grappled with the question of whether Israel was an apartheid state today. There, he explicitly dropped the apartheid charge, writing that “in Israel, there is no apartheid.” Still, the writers at Foreign Affairs make a nasty assertion by concluding that “Israel is even worse than apartheid.”

Iran is the force behind all of Israel's enemies
Regardless of whether Hamas and Hezbollah were deterred by Israel or simply saw satisfaction in seeing a rival terrorist group clobbered, one thing is clear: Hamas and Hezbollah leadership feared they would face a similar fate as the top three PIJ commanders and thus exposed Iran’s own weakness. It turns out that Hamas and Hezbollah’s leaders, like the ayatollahs themselves, are fearless with the lives of others but are much more concerned with their own lives.

Despite its efforts, Iran’s influence was limited to convincing the Islamic Jihad’s leadership abroad (ensconced in luxury hotels) to turn down Egypt’s initial ceasefire efforts, to prolong the skirmish with Israel by three days, and to lose scores of additional terrorists and facilities in the process.

Israel’s targeted killing policy proved effective and will hopefully deter future escalations. Once again, Israel showed the world it tries its best not to harm Palestinian civilians, while Palestinian terrorists do their best to target Israeli civilians and hide behind their own. That is the reason for the limited calls heard this time in the international community to put an end to the PIJ’s drubbing.

Importantly, key actors and potential peace partners in the region, like Saudi Arabia and others, got reassurance after seeing a glimpse of Israel’s power. They surely have no illusions as to where the future lies.

Israel has grown into a global economic and technological power, with a per-capita GDP that surpasses countries like Italy, France and Germany. As a hub of cutting-edge technology and a gateway to Europe and America, any responsible leader who has his people’s future in mind would seek peace with Israel.

While Tehran and the PIJ lick their wounds, Israel and their potential peace partners, along with their longstanding partners, should bring an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict and stop Iran’s pursuit of nuclear arms.
Biden's weakness has driven Iran & Saudi Arabia to China
President Joe Biden may have come into office as a purported foreign policy expert but according to JNS editor-in-chief Jonathan Tobin he’s maintained his streak of being wrong on every issue for the last half-century.

Tobin is joined by Hudson Institute scholar Michael Doran to talk about the far-reaching consequences of Biden's weakness.

They discuss - Biden's policy in the Middle East leading to China, Saudi Arabia and Iran coming together.
- Erdogan's possible re-election and what the US gets wrong about Turkey
- The waning of US power in the region
- The hope for other nations to join the Abraham Accords
  • Friday, May 19, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

My Twitter followers have been growing steadily, as I have been gaining over a thousand new ones every month. 

A lot of the new ones are there not to learn but to attack, or perhaps to see what the "hasbaristas" are doing so they can come up with responses.

I thought it would only be polite to welcome them with a list of the consistent themes of my writings, truth bombs for those who live in an anti-Israel bubble. I added only a small number of representative links. 

1. Anti-Zionism is thinly veiled antisemitism
2. Arab antisemitism is orders of magnitude worse than reported in the media
3. Too many partisans on the Left and Right use antisemitism and Jews as a political football to demonize their enemies but don't really care about Jews
5. The media presents a hugely distorted negative picture of Israel
6. NGOs like Amnesty and HRW knowingly distort the truth and often lie to demonize Israel
7. The Jewish national claim to Israel is much, much stronger than that of Palestinians
8. The Jewish claim to Jerusalem is far stronger than that of Muslims, and denying that claim is classically antisemitic
9. Jerusalem under Jewish rule supports the human rights of all religious groups far better than anyone in history
10. Israel is an amazing, liberal state that has been a light unto nations
11. Israel does not violate the Geneva Conventions at all. In recent years, international law (i.e., Rome Statute)  has been twisted specifically against Israel. 
12. Palestinian laws discriminate against women, gays and Jews 
13. The Jewish people have a historic, religious, moral and legal right to Israel
14. Historic newspaper articles and books show a completely different reality than the revisionist history popular today
15. Today's media is more interested in presenting a simplistic narrative than exploring the truth about Israel
16. Israel isn't perfect but its enemies are far more guilty of the crimes they accuse Israel of
17. The media and NGOs treat Palestinians like children who cannot be held responsible for their actions, which is real racism
18. The Arab honor/shame mindset is what drives the conflict, not Israeli actions
19. "Occupation" is an excuse for violence, not the cause. Arab violence to Jews pre-dates 1967, 1948 and 1917.
20. Israeli strength is the only guarantee of peace, or at least détente. Perceived weakness prompts more violence.
21. Demanding perfection from Israel without holding others to the same standards is antisemitism
22. This isn't an issue of Palestinian human rights. It is an issue of competing Arab and Jewish human rights, and Israel tries to balance the two. 
23. Until recently, the Arab world would use the Palestinian issue to keep their own people in line, but in general they don't really care about the Palestinians.
24. Arab discrimination against Palestinians, often enshrined into law, is the real apartheid. 

My book deals with many of these issues.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Friday, May 19, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

Salah al-Bardawil, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, made a promise on Wednesday on his Twitter account (translations by Abu Ali Express):

The flag march will not take place! Those who dare to knock on the door will receive an answer, and the door of al-Aqsa is not an ordinary door for impure hands to touch. The unruly herd must understand this when the response is heard, and it will come. There is no other option…  
Then, after the march that he promised would never take place, he changed his tune, in the very next set of tweets:

The flag march. The nearsighted, impatient, and historically ignorant individuals are the ones who believe that the Zionist enemy emerged victorious due to their Korah-like march (referring to the biblical Korah, who was swallowed by the earth – Abu Ali). They assume our people and resistance were too feeble to curb their arrogance. Everyone needs to understand that the balance of gain and loss runs much deeper than what one perceives… Our people have not surrendered or forsaken their rights, and our enemy will know no rest from the terror. History reveals that the rightful prevail in the end.
Abu Ali notes that Fatah has been making fun of Hamas for its days of threats to stop the march evaporating so quickly.

The typical theme in Arab media this morning is that the large police presence proves that Israel's hold on Jerusalem is weak. 

The police presence was there because of the (quite credible) threats of violence. 

The terrorist leaders threaten war, Israel takes no chances with the security of its citizens, and then they exult "Look how seriously they took us! We are powerful!"

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Friday, May 19, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
The US State Department issued its annual report on world religious freedom for the year 2022.

Its section on Israel and the territories is huge - over 22,000 words, and it might be the largest chapter in the entire report. 

It is also highly problematic.

Its methodology is flawed; it appears to rely on English language  newspaper articles and anti-Israel NGO reports,  and has a laundry list of supposed Israeli crimes in great detail. 

But for the Palestinian Authority, while it does mention a number of cases of incitement on Palestinian TV, it too often relies on their official statements and does not look any further into the issues. It follows that there are a lot of omissions and mistakes when it comes to Palestinian violations of freedom of religion.

For example, it says, "PA land laws prohibit Palestinians from selling Palestinian-owned lands to 'any man or judicial body corporation of Israeli citizenship, living in Israel or acting on its behalf.'” The laws might say that officially, but in reality Israeli Arabs buy lots of properties in the West Bank without any issue - the land laws are specifically meant to stop Jews from buying land.

That's an egregious example of religious discrimination that flew under the State Department radar.

Similarly, while it brings many examples of haredi Jews supposedly attacking Christians, there is not a word about Muslim persecution of Christians in Palestinian controlled areas. Emigration of Christians is explained by Christian groups who are both antisemitic and scared to antagonize their Muslim antagonists:

According to NGOs, community members, and media commentators, factors contributing to Christian emigration included political instability, the inability to obtain residency permits for spouses due to the Law of Citizenship and Entry, limited ability of Christian communities in the Jerusalem area to expand due to building restrictions, difficulties Christian clergy experienced in obtaining Israeli visas and residency permits, loss of confidence in the peace process, and economic hardships created by the establishment of the barrier and the imposition of travel restrictions. The Israeli government previously stated such difficulties stemmed from the “complex political and security reality” and not from any restrictions on the Christian community.
This Christian site, writing in 2022, mentions many of the same factors - but then adds this:

The main factor driving Christian emigration is persecution. In the survey conducted by the Philos Project and the PCPSR, over 40% of Palestinian Christians surveyed indicated that they feel that Muslims do not wish to see them in Palestine. Additionally, 44% feel that there is discrimination against Christians when seeking employment, and 50% describe their economic situation as “bad or very bad.” Nearly 30% have been called a “non-believer” or “crusader” by Muslims.

Palestinian Christians are no strangers to violence. Father Justinus, a monk at Jacob’s Well Monastery on the outskirts of Nablus, a Palestinian city in the West Bank, was beaten in January 2022. The elderly monk has survived 32 life-threatening attacks throughout his time at the monastery.
Even though the report details dozens of specific attacks, the attack on Father Justinius was not mentioned.  Neither were those surveys and the fact of Muslim persecution of Christians. They had their narrative and didn't want to look beyond what the anti-Israel NGOs said.

Other parts of the report are just strange. It says, "On April 14, Israeli police arrested six Jewish activists who were planning to sacrifice a goat on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount ahead of Passover." In the context of this report, they are making it sound like they were violating the religious rights of the Jews - and in a sense, they did - but the report doesn't mention the reason for the arrests, to avoid a huge escalation in tensions on the holy spot is not mentioned. 

The sheer size of the report, and its overwhelming emphasis on Israeli violations compared to the PA and Hamas, gives the false impression that there is little religious freedom under Israeli rule compared to other countries. Considering how detailed the report is, it seems unlikely that the omissions were accidental. 

(h/t Irene)

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Thursday, May 18, 2023

From Ian:

Walter Russell Mead: Israel at 75 Is Threatened but Strong
For the first 25 years of Israel's independence, American presidents were more interested in cultivating Arab leaders than in aligning with Jerusalem. Only after Richard Nixon concluded that an Israeli defeat in the 1973 Yom Kippur War would empower the Soviet Union across the Middle East did Washington move toward a strategic relationship. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Washington saw Jerusalem as a necessary partner in containing Iran and, after 9/11, the war on terror.

American policy toward Israel depends on how a given U.S. president sees American interests world-wide. For the past half-century, American presidents generally believed that the Middle East, thanks to its oil reserves, was a high priority in America's strategy of global engagement and that a close relationship with Israel on balance strengthened America's position in the region and beyond.

The likelihood of a wholesale American withdrawal from the Middle East is likely overestimated. The energy transition will probably take longer and be less total than greens hope. And global geopolitical competition is more likely to buttress American support for limiting Chinese influence in the Middle East. In any case, Israel today is orders of magnitude stronger, wealthier and more influential than it was in 1948.
We Will Not Forget the Importance of Jerusalem
There is much misunderstanding about the centrality of Jerusalem to Judaism. At Jewish weddings, the common practice is for the groom to state: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy" (Psalms 137).

Many years ago I interviewed MK Yossi Beilin, an architect of the Oslo Accords with the Palestinians who later became chairman of the Meretz party, on Jerusalem Day. He told me, "Jerusalem is historically the center of the Jewish world. There is no denying that. Promoting a peace accord with the Palestinians...does not contradict that."

In the aftermath of the Six-Day War, there was a surge in Jewish identity and in the feeling that Israel was the place to be. It didn't mean you were an extremist. It meant that you knew you were witnessing a modern-day miracle. You knew that your ancestors could only pray in the direction of Jerusalem and could only put up a picture of the Western Wall on their living room wall to remind them that Jerusalem was in that direction. You, on the other hand, could now put your hands on the stones of the Western Wall. This is Jerusalem Day.
  • Thursday, May 18, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

There is now a  Morocco-Israel friendship group within the Moroccan House of Representatives, although no official announcement about it has been made.

According to the Parliament’s website, the Morocco-Israel friendship group within the House of Representatives is chaired by Nor-Ddin Elhrouchi of the Democratic and Social constitutional group.

The other members are Nadia Touhami of the Progress and Socialism group, Abdelmajid Ben Kamra of the Haraki group of the Popular Movement, Tarik Kadiri of the Istiqlalien group of unity and egalitarianism of the Istiqlal Party, Abdellatif Zaim of the authenticity and modernity group of the PAM, El Mehdi El Alaoui of the socialist-opposition group ittihadi of the USFP, as well as two deputies who do not belong to any group, in this case Raouf Abdellaoui Maan Chafika Lachraf.

Notably, some of these groups in 2013 proposed bills penalizing any attempt at normalization with Israel, with prison sentences and fines against offenders. 

Things can change quickly in the Middle East - even hate for Israel.

There are no members from the opposition Islamist  Justice and Development Party (PJD) nor from the National Rally of Independents, which is a major bloc.

The Hamas  Palestinian Legislative Council denounced the move.

The Moroccan Parliament maintains about a hundreds similar friendship groups to most of the countries they have relations with. 

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Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Plains of Moab, May 18 - In deciding which types of produce to invoke in praising the Land of Canaan before the imminent entry of the Israelites, Moses specifically decided not to mention members of the Rubus Idaeobatus subgenus, which he characterized as repulsive, the prophet acknowledged today.

Part of Moses's farewell address to the people, contained in the developing book of Deuteronomy, touted the land promised to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as "A land of wheat, barley, grapevines, fig trees, and pomegranate trees; a land of the oil-olive tree and of honey," the last term of which referred not to the product of the beehive, but of dates. Pointedly, however, Moses refused to mention raspberries, a fruit he finds unremarkable at best, and nauseating at worst.

"Verily, I left out that abomination," he confirmed in an interview following today's portion of the address. "The accursed raspberry may well grow in the land the Lord vowed to grant to the offspring of the Fathers. As doth the mosquito, but we sing not the praises of that foul beast, for similar reasons."

The Man of God admitted that he had requested of the Almighty approval for a passage, however short, denouncing the execrable raspberry in terms analogous to those barring incest, usury, theft, and judicial corruption, among other offenses. "He turned me down," recalled the greatest prophet. "Not the first time. I beseeched him five hundred fifteen times to be allowed into the land after the incident with the rock and the hitting, to no avail. Have to get used to rejection after almost a hundred twenty years."

"I am not overly sour," he continued, "unlike the foul raspberry, which maketh one recoil from its acridity even as it cloyeth the teeth with its repulsive stickiness. Cleave unto the Lord, but not with this monstrosity's adhesive properties. The Lord created all manner of flora and fauna with purposes other than human consumption, such as the coelacanth and the raspberry. Cursed is the man who treateth the raspberry as food."

The people were no longer present to declare, "Amen," having retired to their tents for the evening.

Moses noted that although the Lord has barred him from explicit invocation of his distaste for raspberries, the Almighty has not, technically, prohibited His prophet from conveying to his successor Joshua, under the Deuteronomical table, an admonition to wipe out all raspberries from the land once the people begin its conquest, not leaving a single bush alive.

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From Ian:

'An affront to Holocaust victims': Deborah Lipstadt slams Mahmoud Abbas
Deborah Lipstadt, the State Department’s top envoy combating antisemitism, condemned Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for comparing Israel to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda chief.

“PA President Abbas’s equating Israel with the lies of top Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels is an affront to Holocaust victims and survivors,” Lipstadt wrote Wednesday on Twitter. “Especially during a time of rising antisemitic violence throughout the world, such rhetoric about the world’s only Jewish state is entirely unacceptable.”

Abbas spoke Monday at a United Nations event commemorating the 75th anniversary of what Palestinians call the “Nakba,” the word meaning “catastrophe” that denotes the displacement of Palestinians during and after Israel’s establishment. It was the first-ever event at the UN General Assembly commemorating the Nakba.

“Israeli and Zionist claims continue by saying that Israel made the desert bloom. As if Palestine was a desert and they made the desert bloom,” Abbas told the event in New York. “These are lies. They continue to lie, like Goebbels, and they continue to lie until people believe their lies.”

Abbas also said at the event that the United Nations should suspend Israel’s membership at the body until it allows the establishment of a Palestinian state and recognizes a Palestinian right of return.
JPost Editorial: Abbas' Hate Speech at the UN Shows He Is Not Interested in Peace with Israel
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' speech on Monday at the UN commemorating the "catastrophe" of Israel's creation was a text full of hate and lies. There is no proof of Jewish ties to the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, Abbas claimed, referring to the ancient Temple Mount, where overwhelming archaeological and textual evidence proves that the First and Second Jewish Temples once stood there. He accused the U.S. and UK of being responsible for the displacement of Palestinians during the 1948 War of Independence for "their own colonial goals and objectives."

Abbas also repeated his claim that the Palestinians were descendants of the biblical Canaanites, who lived centuries before the birth of Islam. But they certainly didn't make Jerusalem their capital. Only the Jews have ever made Jerusalem their capital.

"The biggest lie is the claim that Israel is the only democratic state in the Middle East," said Abbas, who has just completed the 18th year of his four-year term. Abbas' reiteration of old lies and libels against Israel and the Jewish people is proof that the head of the PA is simply not interested in peace with Israel.
Jonathan Tobin: Joe Biden’s empty words about antisemitism
Just as important is the fact that far from setting an example of opposing the tropes of left-wing antisemitism, the Biden administration is itself a main supporter of its ideology and core beliefs.

The main source of the left’s delegitimization of Jews is the woke catechism of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), as well as critical race theory (CRT) studies. DEI is a toxic force in contemporary America because by substituting the notion of equity—or equal outcomes—for equality, it maintains that equality and equal opportunity is not just attainable but also undesirable. In this way, race is seen as always trumping merit, something that works to destroy the primary method by which Jews gained acceptance in American society.

Along with the CRT belief that everyone must be primarily classified by race and ethnic group, rather than individuals, that sets up a permanent war of those who are labeled as the oppressed, and those who are designated as oppressors and beneficiaries of “white privilege.” And among those who fall into the latter categories are Jews and the State of Israel. In that way, DEI and CRT act not merely to embitter relations between the races but also grant a permission slip for antisemitism.

An administration that was serious about opposing all forms of antisemitism would have nothing to do with the likes of Omar and fellow “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.). Instead, they have become welcome guests at the White House and were even singled out recently for compliments by Biden.

It would also oppose efforts to impose DEI on the country. Again, Biden has taken up the cause of the woke catechism and made its promotion one of his chief priorities, forcing every government agency and department to submit its own DEI plan. That will substitute racial quotas for merit, something that always bodes ill for Jews.

It also lends legitimacy to those very forces that are pushing the hardest for BDS discrimination against Israel and its Jewish supporters. Indeed, underneath the push for official recognition of Jewish heritage is a desire to get in on the same intersectional victim racket that left-wing antisemites promote.

The sort of lip service given to the threat of antisemitism at the White House party is to be welcomed. But honoring Jewish heritage means nothing if, at the same time, the Biden administration is enabling and empowering the same forces that are seeking to legitimize left-wing antisemitism.

Christiane Amanpour yesterday accepted the Columbia Journalism Award and spoke there as a commencement speaker.

“Be truthful, but not neutral,” Amanpour urged. “Bothsidesism is not always objectivity. It does not get you to the truth. Drawing false moral or factual equivalence is neither objective or truthful. Objectivity is our golden rule and it is in weighing all the sides and hearing all the evidence, but not rushing to equate them when there is no equating.”

“I refuse any more to say or to concede that we live in a post-truth world because that is lazy and it is ultimately a self-fulfilling prophecy,” Amanpour said. “We need to seek to provide and defend the truth.”
And who decides what the truth is? Why, it is Christiane Amanpour, of course!

The same person who said that Lucy Dee and her daughters Maia and Rina were "killed in a shootout" instead of accurately saying they were murdered at point blank range. 

The same person who compared the presidency of Donald Trump to Kristallnacht.

The same person who lied about polling of Palestinians, claiming that "recent polls" say that they want a two state solution when every poll says the opposite.

The same person who made an equivalency between Israeli actions and Syria's mass murder of its own citizens.

The same person who falsely claimed the Oslo Accords and Geneva Conventions mandated that Israel provide vaccines to Palestinians - when they say that the Palestinians are the ones responsible. 

Are we really supposed to trust Christiane Amanpour's perception of what the truth is when she has such a rich track record of lying and bias?

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Thursday, May 18, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

Earlier this week, Palestinian media published calls to have Jerusalem Arabs enter the Temple Mount early this morning for the explicit purpose of attacking any Jews that want to visit the holy spot on Jerusalem Day. They also urged Jerusalem Arabs to confront and disrupt the Jerusalem Day flag march, especially t Damascus Gate and in the Muslim Quarter.

Because of those reports, the Israeli police ensured that Muslims under 40 could not enter the Temple Mount this morning, and they removed the Muslims from the Qibli prayer hall of Al Aqsa after dawn prayers, knowing that they are likely to do what they did during Ramadan - stockpile stones and fireworks to start a battle. They also closed the shops along the route to minimize any chance of friction.

So now the Muslims are complaining about Israeli restrictions - and using them as incitement.

I don't know if there will be any violence, but when there is, the media starts the story with Israeli restrictions - and not with Palestinian threats that prompt those restrictions. 

Did you see a single article about the Palestinian plans to disrupt both any visits to the Temple Mount and the Jerusalem march? 

Because the media hardly ever reports the entire story, the Palestinians can claim that their anger is justified by unreasonable Israeli restrictions, and conveniently not mention the explicit incitement and historic violence that prompt those restrictions. Israeli security has to monitor the threats and it has to plan accordingly, but the media doesn't scratch beyond the surface.

Instead of portraying the Israeli security forces as doing everything possible to minimize the chances of violence while ensuring the rights of all to peacefully assemble, they are shown as going way overboard to suppress Palestinians in Jerusalem. 

Palestinians take advantage of this. Fatah pre-emptively announced, as they always do, that they hold Israel responsible for any violence - a message to the media to stick with the narrative that Israel is the only party with any responsibility.

And because the media (and NGOs) don't show the entire story, the world thinks that Israel imposes restrictions arbitrarily and out of sheer spite. This in turn encourages Palestinians to more violence knowing that they will never be blamed. 

It is a pattern we have seen for years. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Thursday, May 18, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Majd is a Jordanian opposition online news site which espouses a Nasserist philosophy.

On Wednesday it published a Holocaust denial article.

Former PLO official Ghazi Hussein first claims that Zionist Jews were happy with Hitler's rise to power,  One of his "proofs" is a claim that Robert Weltsch, who was the editor of Germany's  Jüdische Rundschau, said nice things about Hitler in an April 1933 editorial. 

The truth is quite the opposite, as we will see below. Hussein twists Weltsch's words that even the most assimilated Jews who turned their backs on everything Jewish in an attempt to avoid antisemitism are still persecuted, so being ashamed of their Jewishness holds no advantage over pride. 

Hussein then goes on to claim that the Wannsee Conference,  where the Final Solution of the genocide of European Jewry was decided, was really only about deporting Jews to Palestine and elsewhere, and not about killing them:

He then says that Jews have been the ones behind real genocides, like when Joshua Bin Nun exterminated the "Arab Palestinian people."

Finally, he claims that the Mufti begged Hitler to stop sending Jews to Palestine but Hitler refused and kept sending them, because he opposed the Mufti and didn't want to upset Britain and the Zionists.

I don't know what drugs Ghazi Hussein is on, but they are pretty potent.

Jordan is the source of the most virulent antisemitism in the world today. Algeria and Egypt are close behind, but the reach of the Jordanian media that spreads these lies is orders of magnitude higher than that of the far-Right in the Western world. 

In the Arab world, there is no visible pushback or controversy when the most disgusting lies about Jews are published in the media. Google News does not publish any caveats when it indexes articles like these. It is just the way things are and the daily hate is swept under the rug and brushed off as valid anti-Zionist opinion.

Because this article smeared Robert Weltsch, I thought it would be appropriate to reproduce Weltsch's editorial in the wake of the first Nazi boycott of Jewish stores on April 1, 1933. This is one of his most famous essays.

Wear it with pride, the Yellow badge!

The first of April, 1933, will remain an important date in the history of German Jewry – indeed, in the history of the entire Jewish people. The events of that day have aspects that are not only political and economic, but moral and spiritual as well. The political and economic implications have been widely discussed in the press, though of course the need for agitation has frequently obscured objective understanding. To speak of the moral aspect, that is our task. For however much the Jewish question is now debated, nobody except ourselves can express what is to be said on these events from the Jewish point of view, what is happening in the soul of the German Jew. Today the Jews cannot speak except as Jews. Anything else is utterly senseless... Gone is the fatal misapprehension of many Jews that Jewish interests can be pressed under some other cover. On April 1 the German Jews learned a lesson which penetrates far more deeply than even their embittered and now triumphant opponents could assume…. 
We live in a new period, the national revolution of the German people is a signal that is visible from afar, indicating that the world of our previous concepts has collapsed. That may be painful for many, but in this world only those will be able to survive who are able to look reality in the eye. We stand in the midst of tremendous changes in intellectual, political, social and economic life. It is for us to see how the Jews will react. 
April 1, 1933, can become the day of Jewish awakening and Jewish rebirth.
If the Jews will it. If the Jews are mature and have greatness in them. If the Jews are not as they are represented to be by their opponents. The Jews, under attack, must learn to acknowledge themselves. Even in these days of most profound disturbance, when the stormiest of emotions have visited our hearts in face of the unprecedented display of the universal slander of the entire Jewish population of a great and cultural country, we must first of all maintain composure. Even if we stand shattered by the events of these days we must not lose heart and must examine the situation without any attempt to deceive ourselves. One would like to recommend in these days that the document that stood at the cradle of Zionism, Theodor Herzl's "Jewish State," be distributed in hundreds of thousands of copies among Jews and non-Jews…. 
They accuse us today of treason against the German people: The National-Socialist Press calls us the "enemy of the Nation," and leaves us defenseless.
It is not true that the Jews betrayed Germany. If they betrayed anyone, it was themselves, the Jews. Because the Jew did not display his Judaism with pride, because he tried to avoid the Jewish issue, he must bear part of the blame for the degradation of the Jews.
Despite all the bitterness that we must feel in full measure when we read the National Socialist boycott proclamations and unjust accusations, there is one point for which we may be grateful to the boycott Committee. Para. 3 of the directives reads: "The reference is...of course to businesses owned by members of the Jewish race. Religion plays no part here. Businessmen who were baptized Catholic or Protestant, or Jews who left their Community remain Jews for the purpose of this Order." This is a [painful] reminder for all those who betrayed their Judaism. Those who steal away from the Community in order to benefit their personal position should not collect the wages of their betrayal. In taking up this position against the renegades there is the beginning of a clarification. The Jew who denies his Judaism is no better a citizen than his fellow who avows it openly. It is shameful to be a renegade, but as long as the world around us rewarded it, it appeared an advantage. Now even that is no longer an advantage. The Jew is marked as a Jew. He gets the yellow badge. 
A powerful symbol is to be found in the fact that the boycott leadership gave orders that a sign "with a yellow badge on a black background" was to be pasted on the boycotted shops. This regulation is intended as a brand, a sign of contempt. We will take it up and make of it a badge of honor.
Many Jews suffered a crushing experience on Saturday. Suddenly they were revealed as Jews, not as a matter of inner avowal, not in loyalty to their own community, not in pride in a great past and great achievements, but by the impress of a red placard with a yellow patch. The patrols moved from house to house, stuck their placards on shops and signboards, daubed the windows, and for 24 hours the German Jews were exhibited in the stocks, so to speak. In addition to other signs and inscriptions one often saw windows bearing a large Magen David, the Shield of David the King. It was intended as dishonor. Jews, take it up, the Shield of David, and wear it with pride …! 
Source: Juedische Rundschau, No. 27, April 4, 1933 . 

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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

From Ian:

Bret Stephens: At 75, Israel Has Plenty to Celebrate
It helps to remember the circumstances in which the country was born. Israel is a post-colonial state. It started its national life dirt-poor. Its peer group of countries includes Syria, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and North and South Korea. These states came into being with many of the same core problems: hostile neighbors, unsettled borders, deep poverty, restive ethnic and religious minorities and other unresolved dilemmas from their independence struggles.

As with Israel, many of those problems still dog most of those states. The Koreas don’t have a settled border. India and Pakistan have painful memories of forced population transfers. Those who think the Palestinian issue is unique should consider the situation of Kashmiris in India, Tamils in Sri Lanka, or Kurds in Syria.

But if Israelis haven’t settled the conflict with the Palestinians and other neighbors, neither have they allowed themselves to be consumed by it. Israel is not a country that defines itself in terms of what it’s against, what it’s not, or who has done what to it. There is also an affirmative vision of Israeli identity, centered on the ideal of a renovated and renewed Jewish civilization within which its citizens can find prosperity, a sense of purpose and relative security.

It’s easy to take for granted how fully that vision has been realized. “We will know we have become a normal country when Jewish thieves and Jewish prostitutes conduct their business in Hebrew,” was how David Ben-Gurion famously defined normality. Israel got there long ago. On a visit to Israel last week, I casually checked an iPhone app to see where the rockets were falling — not too worried, since the Iron Dome and David’s Sling missile systems provide effective defense.

If the success of a society can be measured by the speed at which the miraculous becomes the mundane, Israel is doing fine.
Meir Y. Soloveichik: Why Jews Speak of Memory, Not History
On a recent visit to Israel, I toured the Museum of the Underground Prisoners, in Acre. It is housed in the Ottoman fortress that the British utilized as their most important prison during their colonial administration of Palestine between 1920 and 1948. It was the most emotional museum visit I have ever experienced. It was at this site that the pioneering revisionist Zionist leader and thinker Vladimir Jabotinsky had been held in 1920 by the British for the “crime” of organizing a Jewish defensive response to Arab riots in Jerusalem. And it was there that Menachem Begin’s Irgun staged the prisoner breakout later immortalized in Leon Uris’s novel Exodus and Otto Preminger’s eponymous 1960 film. But we had not come to Acre to remember Jabotinsky, or Begin, but a young soldier who had been imprisoned there, a young soldier who had died there, a young soldier by the name of Dov Gruner.

Gruner was a Jew who fled Hungary ahead of the Holocaust, illegally made his way to the Holy Land, and served with distinction in the British Army. He had grown convinced that the government that had betrayed the promise of the Balfour Declaration by closing the gates of Palestine to the Jews of Europe and thereby condemning them to death had lost the right to rule. Upon his discharge, he joined the Irgun, the militia that grew out of Jabotinsky’s visionary belief in Jewish self-determination and self-defense, to fight under and alongside Menachem Begin.

Captured during an Irgun raid on a Ramat Gan police station, Gruner was sentenced to death. Given his wartime service, an international campaign sought the commutation of Gruner’s sentence. But the British, in an act that horrified even Menachem Begin’s opponents in the Zionist movement, hanged Dov Gruner in the middle of the night in the Acre prison, denying him the right to see a rabbi before his execution. His sister, who had come from America to see him before she lost him forever, learned about her brother’s death from the radio.

Prior to his hanging, Dov Gruner wrote a letter to Begin, which was somehow smuggled out of prison on several scraps of paper. He thanked his commander “from the bottom of my heart for the great encouragement you have given me in these fateful days.” He added:
Of course I want to live. Who does not? But if I am sorry that I am about to “finish,” it is mainly because I did not manage to do enough. I too could have “let the future fend for itself,” taken the job I was promised, or left the country altogether and lived securely in America. But that would not have given me satisfaction as a Jew and certainly not as a Zionist.

Gazan rocket attacks may not seem to kill many Jews, with notable, tragic exceptions such as 4-year-old Daniel Tragerman, 16-year-old Daniel Viflic, and most recently, 80-year-old Inga Avramyan. But Gazan terror rockets may be killing Jews in other, more insidious ways. Since 2012, for example, researchers have known that rocket attacks are a significant risk factor for preterm delivery (PTD), the leading cause of infant mortality among Jewish Israelis. In effect, one might say that rockets are killing Israeli Jews even before they are born.

Tamar Wainstock, PhD, School of Public Health; Faculty of Health Sciences Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, has done groundbreaking work on the effect of rocket attacks on pregnancy outcomes for women in Southern Israel. I reached out to Wainstock who sent me the 2012 study, Was the military operation “cast lead” a risk factor for preterm deliveries?, along with three related studies that she, personally led.

Pregnancy and Delivery Outcomes: Operation Cast Lead

In the 2012 study, pregnancy and delivery outcomes of women who gave birth during Operation Cast Lead are compared to those of women who gave birth during the same time period of 1 and 2 years before and after the war. Women exposed to the stress of the military campaign were found to have significantly more preterm deliveries at gestational age 32-34 weeks (1.6% vs. 0.8%). 

The researchers introduce the subject of the study as follows (emphasis added):

Gestational age is one of the most important predictors of an infant’s subsequent health and survival. Preterm infants are at an increased risk of death or short-term and long-term disability than those born at term. Preterm delivery (PTD) refers to birth that begins after 20 weeks gestation and before 37 completed weeks of gestation.

The 2012 study authors explain that stress is recognized as a risk factor for PTD, offering examples of other stress-producing attacks and conflicts in various parts of the world that have affected pregnancy outcomes. At that time (2012), the data was sparse, as the researchers note:

Studies on the influence of war related acute stress on fertility and pregnancy outcomes are limited and very controversial. The Persian Gulf War at 1990–1991 which presented Israel with a threat of chemical attacks on civilian localities have been studied and examined for the effect of environmental stress on health. After the Gulf War a significant rise of spontaneous abortions has been observed – starting from 1992, reaching a peak in 1994, which then began to decline in 1996.

The NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999 included widespread bombing [affecting] civilians for a period of four month. Krstić et al. examined the influence of stress on duration of pregnancy and prenatal outcomes during the NATO operation. They found a significant shortening of the last trimester under the influence of stress but no significant difference in the incidence of PTD. Spandorfer et al. examined women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles over 13 weeks that included September 11th, the terrorist attack on New York. Although conception rates were similar before and after the terrorist attacks, patients who became pregnant in the weeks after September 11th had a pregnancy loss rate of 47.9% compared with 28.6% among women pregnant in the weeks before this period.

[Aside from these] few studies, there is not enough evidence of the impact of war and terrorism on gestational duration.

The researchers write of the need for national resilience in times of emergency:

Emergency national resilience is the physical and mental ability of the country’s civilian economy and government authorities to ensure the continued functioning of routine life, in light of the ongoing emergency. This strength is measured by the ability to effectively manage the event, and to return to a functional community thereafter. Treatment of populations with special needs at the time of emergency reflects the society’s resilience. Preliminary mapping of special populations by the local and national authorities has a great influence on the ability to handle effectively these populations during an emergency. Historically special attention was given to special populations at times of war.

During World War II in the “London Blitz” the government decided on preventive evacuation beginning with children and elders from the city centers. They also [devised] a special maternity care plan for pregnant women and sent them to maternity homes established far from [cities under attack]. At Israel’s independence war (1948) an organized evacuation of children was carried out. The “Second Lebanon War” between the terrorist organization Hezbollah and Israel (2006) [lacked any] organized national evacuation program.

In their conclusion, the Operation Cast Lead-related study researchers find that the period of the military operation “was adversely associated with an increase in the rate of early PTD (<34 weeks gestation). From a public health perspective, pregnant women should be considered a special population and should be taken into account in a preparedness program for an emergency crisis and must be an important part of the public agenda and the state’s infrastructure.”

Preemies are rushed to shelters at Barzilai Hospital

Rockets, Preterm Delivery, and Low Birth Weight

Wainstock’s 2014 study, Exposure to life-threatening stressful situations and the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight, evaluated the association between exposure to life-threatening rocket attacks and the risks of preterm birth (PTB) and low birth weight (LBW). The rates of PTB and LBW were found to be higher among the exposed women as compared to those in other parts of the country (PTB: 9.1% versus 6.8%, P=0.004; LBW: 7.6% versus 5.8%, P=0.02). The paper offers the following context for this research:

The unfortunate situation in southern Israel presents an opportunity to study this association. The southern Israeli town of Sderot (population of approximately 20 000) has been a constant target of rocket-firing from the Gaza Strip (4 km away) since 2001. These rocket attacks are preceded by a warning alarm, informing residents to seek shelter. The alarms are loud, sudden, and stress-inducing because they are sounded only a few seconds before rockets hit the town. Between April 2001 and December 2008, over 1000 alarms were sounded around the town. Numerous rockets fell and exploded, causing damage to property and human lives.

Stress and Fetal Sex 

Wainstock led a further study on maternal stress and pregnancy outcomes that same year, Fetal sex modifies effects of prenatal stress exposure and adverse birth outcomes, with the aim of discovering whether the sex of the fetus makes a difference in “the association between continuous exposure to life-threatening rocket attack alarms and adverse pregnancy outcomes.” Wainstock and her team found that male fetuses may handle stress better than their female counterparts. “Regarding all adverse outcomes, the male-to-female ratio was higher in the exposed group than in the unexposed group. The findings support the hypothesis that male and female fetuses respond differentially to chronic maternal stress.”

The introduction explains:

Male-to-female ratio at birth, defined as secondary sex ratio (SSR), is usually greater than 1.0, and has been shown to vary with exposure to stressful conditions experienced by pregnant women either pre-conception or during pregnancy. Under circumstances including terror attacks, earthquakes, periods of economic insecurity and unemployment, a decreased SSR has been observed (Catalano et al., 2005, 2006; Hansen et al., 1999; Navara, 2010; Obel et al., 2007).

It is suggested that female fetuses adapt to poor intrauterine environment by decreasing growth rate, while fetal male response may be less adaptive, and may be expressed as IUGR stillbirth or early pregnancy loss, often referred to as the ‘‘male culling effect’’ (Clifton, 2010; Torche & Kleinhaus, 2012).

Here the focus is on stress produced in relation to the sirens that warn of impending rocket-fire:

Since 2001, the Israeli southern city of Sderot (population 20,000) has been constantly exposed to rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip (distance 4 km), creating extremely stressful conditions. These rocket attacks are preceded by warning alarms, informing residents to seek shelter. The alarms are loud, sudden and stress-inducing, as they are sounded only a few seconds before the rocket hit the town and residents have 15 [seconds] to run for cover.

This study looked at the data on deliveries from years 2002 to 2008. While we are now somewhat better prepared, for example with Iron Dome, things have not much changed since that time. The pregnant women of Sderot are still hearing alarms, and running for cover. Quite possibly to the detriment of the female population.

Premature babies being moved to safety at Barzilai Hospital

Objective and Perceived Stress

The final study shared with me by Dr. Wainstock, The association between prenatal maternal objective stress, perceived stress, preterm birth and low birthweight, involved a smaller sample and self-reporting, but was, in some way, even more striking: “Women exposed to rocket attacks during the second trimester of pregnancy were more likely to deliver LBW infants than were unexposed women (14.9% versus 3.3%, p = 0.03).”

Note that according to the World Health Organization (emphasis added), “Low birth weight infants are about 20 times more likely to die than heavier infants."

Two groups of women were studied this time around:

[The] women residing in Sderot were considered the Exposed Group. Women residing in Kiryat Gat, located 20 km from Gaza strip, which at the time was not a target for rocket attacks, were considered as the ‘‘unexposed group’’. Kiryat Gat was chosen for comparison since it has the same socioeconomic ranking as does Sderot and is located at the same distance from Barzilai Medical Center.

The study population composed of 267 women who resided in Sderot at the time of delivery and 403 women who resided in Kiryat Gat, all of whom delivered singletons at Barzilai Medical Center during 2008. During that year the rate of rocket-attacks and alarms intensified, with 500 alarms sounded in and around Sderot (versus 239 during 2007 and 125 during 2006).

The paper concludes:

Although sample size was limited, the present findings suggest that the use of objective measure of stress might adequately identify women at risk for adverse birth outcomes, whether or not the extent of the stress is perceived.

Most of us realize that stress and trauma lead to anxiety, depression, and PTSD. All of these ill effects have been found to be more extensive in residents of the Gaza envelope who suffer from hundreds of rocket attacks each year. But how many of us realize the impact of rocket attacks on infant mortality and consequently on the overall population of Israel?

Media consumers look for a body count. When they don’t see reports of large numbers of Jewish dead, they tell us that it’s the people of Gaza who are suffering—that for Jews, the rockets have only nuisance value. What they don’t see (and aren’t looking for) is the number of babies who just don’t make it due to maternal stress—the kind of stress that is due to alarms, rocket-fire, and living under constant threat of death.

That’s a body count that has yet to be tallied and you’ll likely never see it in the news.

A special thank you to Dr. Tamar Wainstock, who gave so generously of her time to share the research cited here. Any and all errors here are my sole responsibility.

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  • Wednesday, May 17, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Guardian:

New York’s state assembly is to consider legislation to stop registered charities from sending tens of millions of dollars a year to fund illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

State assembly member, Zohran Mamdani, has introduced the “Not on our dime!: Ending New York funding of Israeli settler violence” act to prohibit tax-deductible donations from being used to expel Palestinians from their land and other activities widely regarded as war crimes under the Geneva conventions.

The United Nations security council has called Israeli settlement construction “a flagrant violation under international law”.

“This legislation makes it clear that New York will no longer effectively subsidise war crimes and the flouting of international law,” Mamdani told the Guardian.

“What we have is a number of New York state-registered charities that are sending at least $60m a year to Israeli settlement organisations which then use that funding to continue the history of expulsion and dispossession of Palestinians in the occupied territories that has been going on for decades.”
The Guardian, naturally, does not research the history of anti-Israel rhetoric and slanders that Zohran Mamdani has been responsible for. See CAMERA-UK for details.

The bill says it is trying to revoke the non-profit status of any organization that supports:

* Unlawful transfer of Israeli civilians into occupied territory
* Acts of violence committed by Israeli citizens against protected persons living in occupied territory
* Forced transfer or eviction of protected persons within occupied territory, or eviction from occupied territory
* Appropriation, expropriation, seizure, destruction, demolition, dismantlement, or confiscation, in whole or in part, of private Palestinian land or residential, business, social, or public structures or infrastructure, inhabited or uninhabited

The first bullet point is nonsensical. The Geneva Conventions do not prohibit people from voluntarily moving where they want, and organizations that help them are not breaking any laws. 

The rest of the bullet points are almost completely irrelevant - there are no non-profits that fund violence. None of them fund expelling Arab residents. None of them support destroying Arab homes. 

The only word that is not a complete lie is "appropriation." Some of these non-profits raise money to legally purchase properties from Arabs. This is not illegal. It is not immoral. On the contrary, it is immoral and antisemitic to claim that Jews do not have the right to buy property in Judea and Samaria 

And yes, this bill is only against Jews. Israeli Arabs can and have bought properties all over the West Bank with no one calling them "illegal settlers."  So saying that only Jews cannot purchase property is the definition of antisemitism. Which makes this bill antisemitic. 

Like the proposed bills in US Congress to prohibit the US funding Israel, this bill is not meant to reflect reality - it is anti-Israel propaganda disguised as a piece of legislation. It is meant to put on the record the accusation that charities in the territories are illegally displacing or attacking Arabs, an absurd and slanderous accusation.

After all, have you ever seen a state government bill that has its own logo? It is propaganda, not a serious piece of legislation. 

This graphic supporting the bill shows the lies, as it falsely claims that these organizations violently attack and displace Arabs.

It gets worse, though. Because the secondary goal of this bill is to label all Israeli Jewish charities that work in Judea and Samaria as illegal. This includes those that fund schools, security, ambulance services, social programs, rehabilitation and  many other worthy causes. All of them can and have been interpreted as "unauthorized support of Israeli settlement activity" that the bill refers to.

If you say that saving the lives of people depends on whether they are Jewish or not, and what specific geographic area they are in, then you are saying that you consider some Jews to be less than human - and that some Jews do not have normal human rights. 

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