Wednesday, May 17, 2023

From Ian:

Arsen Ostrovsky: A Holiday of Hate Celebrated by the UN
Today, the only "catastrophe" is that 75 years later, whereas Israel has made peace with most of her immediate Arab neighbors—and those beyond with the Abraham Accords—the Palestinian leadership is still seeking the Jewish state's annihilation. And it's all under the cover of the United Nations.

Instead of celebrating 75 years of Israel's independence and rebirth, in which the UN played such an instrumental role, it abominably chose to hold an event calling the creation of its sole Jewish member state "a catastrophe," doing so merely days after Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group rained down almost 1,500 rockets on Israel.

This is, of course, not the first time that the United Nations has welcomed a Holocaust denier, having done so previously with former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and more recently, with the current Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

Although many nations showed principled leadership and refused to dignify this Nakba Day hate-fest with their attendance, the room at the UN was still full, and included participation from some European nations, such as France, Spain, and Luxembourg, as well as senior UN officials, including UN Under-Secretary Rosemary DiCarlo and UNRWA Commissioner-General Phillipe Lazzarini.

Most sickeningly, Abbas' Holocaust distorting speech, rooted in historical revisionism and dripping with Jew hatred, was greeted with applause and cheers of "free, free Palestine" and "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free." These are common slogans used by pro-Palestinian groups and terrorist organizations like Hamas and Islamic Jihad, as rallying cries calling for Israel's destruction.

Speaking in January this year, on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that we must "stand against those who deny, distort, relativize, revise" the Holocaust. Except perhaps at the UN, where you get rewarded with a podium and a standing ovation.

To Fight Jew-Hatred, the Time Has Come for the UN to Promote the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day in January 2022, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres -- a dedicated champion for human rights and a stalwart ally of the Jewish people -- recited the text of the definition and commended “the efforts of countries that have agreed on the common definition of antisemitism.”

The European Union, the Organization of American States, and numerous UN member states on the national level have used the definition as a cornerstone of strategies to combat antisemitism.

Next month, in Cordoba, Spain, a summit organized by High-Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, Miguel Moratinos, will be held to discuss a UN action and response plan for antisemitism.

This initiative offers a can’t-miss opportunity for the UN to stand up and show its solidarity with the global Jewish community by recommending that all its member states and affiliated agencies adopt the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism.

There would be no better way for the UN to prove its commitment to fighting antisemitism and securing and nurturing Jewish life around the world than by taking this vital step.

The Caroline Glick Show: Gaza and the Red-Green Alliance Against Israel
Islamic Jihad’s assault on Israel did not happen in a vacuum. It happened in the context of the Red-Green alliance.

The Red-Green alliance is the partnership of the international left and Islamists – led today by the Islamic regime in Iran. In her update for this week’s Caroline Glick Show, Caroline explained how the alliance works to tie Israel’s arms on the battlefield by diplomatically criminalizing the Jewish state. Caroline points out the weak points in both sides of the alliance and the way they need to be leveraged to defeat the forces arrayed against Israel and the free world as a whole.
  • Wednesday, May 17, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

This column by Ahmed Al-Sarraf was published in Kuwait's liberal Al Qabas newspaper, and it was republished in Al Arabiya:

I remembered the Kuwaiti proverb, “We satiated them with insults... They satiated us with jokes”! It means that we cursed our enemies, but they beat us up! I remembered it while reading passages from one of the textbooks, which are taught in our schools, and which clearly show that whoever sets educational curricula is either completely detached from reality, or that he lives in a fantasy world steeped in aspirations that are difficult to achieve.

From reading three or four pages of a textbook, we find that the greatest concern of the nation, which the educators, who wrote the books, would like to focus on is the enmity of the Jews and their elimination, and this is indeed confusing, as the number of Arabs is 400 million, and above them is a billion Muslims, and it is inconceivable that it is Are all of these with this “mental” humility and desire to eliminate a country of 6 or 7 million?

There is no doubt that there is a defect in the matter, and if the Ministry of Education allowed school students to be taught the subject of critical thinking, then the students themselves would have shown the absurdity of the equation and the absurdity of the text. The issue is not a sword and horses and a hand in which camels run and horses spear, but rather knowledge, understanding and achievement. Not all of our nation can eliminate Israel with our current reality that is weak, disjointed, and backward in health, socially, morally, industrially, and financially. They continue to defeat us in every military or moral battle!

Our children are taught, based on school texts, how to confront the conspiracies of the Jews, and we forget that we conspire against each other more than they conspire against us, because our involvement in our differences represents the greatest support for them and their continued survival, especially since the curricula are completely devoid of materials related to how to eliminate our differences, and accept each other, stop our dispersion and fragmentation, and reject the distinction between free and slave, indigenous and faction from faction, Muslim and Christian, Shiite and Sunni, Druze and Alawite, Coptic and Amazigh, Kurdish and Ibadhi, without liberalism and freedoms we will not exist!

The curricula also focus on the fact that the enmity of the Jews towards Islam and Muslims is deep-rooted and ancient! Of course, this is not true, and if it is true, I do not think for a moment that they are as preoccupied as we are with this enmity, thinking about it and teaching it in their curricula.

Our curricula also focus on the story that the Jews are covenant-breakers, and this automatically means that we are among those who keep them. It is another lie that is difficult to deceive the least bright  of male and female students.

Conclusion: We are the enemies of ourselves more than others are our enemy.
Notice he doesn't say that Jews are good, just that they aren't as bad as Arabs are to each other.

Articles like this are few and far between, but they do get published occasionally. 

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  • Wednesday, May 17, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today is the 26th of Iyar on the Jewish calendar, which is the Hebrew anniversary of Nazi Germany's surrender in World War II. 

Several years ago, this day was established as a new holiday, the Day of Salvation and Liberation. There have been various  events in Europe and Israel to mark the day in recent years. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin added a political message in his press release congratulating Jews for this year's event.

Today, in Russia and other countries, the 26th of Iyar, the Day of Salvation and Liberation, is solemnly celebrated.

This date occupies a special place in the Jewish religious calendar, serving to preserve the memory of the unprecedented feat of the soldiers of the Red Army and the armies of the allied countries in the anti-Hitler coalition, who crushed Nazism and saved the Jewish and other peoples from the threat of total annihilation.

Both we and future generations must sacredly keep the historical truth about the Second World War, understand what destructive consequences any connivance with nationalism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia leads to. It is with the direct followers of Nazism that our fighters and commanders are fighting today in the course of a special military operation.

His message last year did not refer to the war in Ukraine, although he said that the day helps combat all forms of antisemitism.

This is ironic because in recent years Russian antisemitism, as well as persecution of other religious minorities like Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Protestant Christians, has been steadily increasing. 

According to Pinchas Goldschmidt, the exiled chief rabbi of Moscow, some 80,000 Jews have fled Russia since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, most to Israel. “This new situation for Jews in Russia is becoming more and more dangerous,” he said in March. “We are worried about the state of the Jewish community there. Not everyone can leave. We can definitely call the Jewish community of Russia today a community in distress.”

Last year, assistant secretary of the Russian Security Council Aleksey Pavlov wrote an article in a state journal that attacked Chabad-Lubavitch with a classic antisemitic trope, saying, “The main principle of the Lubavitch Hasidim is the superiority of the supporters of the sect over all nations and peoples.” 

Also in 2022, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov claimed that Adolf Hitler had “Jewish blood.”

In 2018, Putin himself suggested that Jews might have been involved in manipulating the US elections. 

As is usually the case, those who claim to be against antisemitism are merely using Jews as political footballs, and don't really give a damn about antisemitism from their own side.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Wednesday, May 17, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Jordan's Ad Dustour:

Zionist Jews are the most impure deformed people on this earth. They are the sons of apes, pigs, tyrant worshipers, and cow worshipers. They are the kings of sorcerers, immoral people, and warlocks.  In order to expand your knowledge of the Jews, I invite you to refer to the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, as they surround you with abundant, more accurate and detailed information about the Jews.

The Zionist Jews killed children, women, the elderly and youth by slaughtering, burning and dragging, and displacing millions of people.

These impure Zionists consider the whole world and people, whether Americans, Europeans, Chinese, or Japanese people, and all non-Muslim nations must live at their service and under the power of these impure and deformed people. Until someone finds a magic solution to get rid of them forever and ever without return..

Is it reasonable for eight million Zionists to control the world, which has a population of eight billion people, with the exception of the resistant and free Palestinian...?

Since the occupation of our land, the Zionist entity has been using biblical names. Because it realizes that the war with the Palestinians is religious and the conflict is religious and ideological.

 No matter how much the Zionists use various biblical religious names, like  Iron Dome, David's Sling, Moses' Magic Wand, Yellow Cow, Star of David, or other Biblical names, they will not succeed in defeating the Palestinian resistance and continuing their violation of Aqsa; Rather, the resistance will crush them through its hell, and will terrify them in their lives from morning until evening and the minutes of life and daily living..

The author, Dr. Ghassan Mustafa al-Shami, is not considered crazy. He also writes for respected Palestinian and Arab publications like Al Jazeera, Ma'an News, Arab48 (Israeli-Arab), Al-Watan and a half dozen Palestinian sites. 

This hate will not cancel him - it will make him more popular. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

From Ian:

A new low in Israel-bashing
Targeting terrorist leaders and their bombmakers is legal according to international law.

The only way to avoid civilian casualties when fighting terrorists embedded in civilian neighborhoods is never to attack the terrorists. That would reward the terrorists by granting them immunity as they plot and execute attacks and hide rockets in civilian homes.

Perhaps the French and the U.N. missed the story that PIJ leader Abu al-Ata was hiding inside a Gazan hospital to make himself immune to attack. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies said using “civilians to shield its weapons or fighters from lawful attack, the terror group committed a war crime in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.”

I have seen firsthand how Israel tries to avoid civilians in responding to missiles launched from civilian areas in Gaza. Israel often releases videos of aborted drone and missile strikes because civilians were in the line of fire. One example was on May 11, when an IDF pilot said, “There is a child here outside. Forty meters. Two. Hold fire. Hold fire.”

Yet when a missile aimed at Israeli civilians misfired in Gaza and killed four Palestinian civilians, including a 10-year-old child, the French made their best impression of famed mime Marcel Marceau, remaining mute.

The Obama administration defended targeting terrorists during our wars with al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Jeh Johnson, Obama’s general counsel at the Department of Defense, said, “Under well-settled legal principles, lethal force against a valid military objective in an armed conflict is consistent with the law of war.”

Harold Koh, Obama’s State Department legal advisor, said, “A state engaged in an armed conflict or legitimate self-defense is not required to provide targets with legal process before the state may use lethal force. … The principles of distinction and proportionality … are implemented rigorously … in accordance with all applicable laws.”

In war, bad things happen to innocent people. Conflating civilian deaths associated with the legitimate targeting of terrorists with the accusation that Israel specifically targets civilians is a new low in Israel-bashing. Knowing that hostilities with asymmetric actors will plague the West for decades, it would behoove our government to articulate the rules of engagement with an enemy that places civilians in harm’s way for military and political gain.

Paris, let’s end the hypocrisy of pretending you don’t know that the IDF is unsurpassed in avoiding civilian casualties, while Iran’s proxy Palestinian terrorist organizations have deliberately aimed for civilian casualties for decades, targeting Israelis and drawing fire on their own involuntarily martyred “human shields.”
Stephen Daisley: The inconvenient Palestinians
His name was Abdullah Abu Jaba and I want you to remember it because it’s the last time you’ll hear it. He was a Palestinian from Gaza, reportedly a father of six, and was killed in the latest clashes between Israel and Palestine Islamic Jihad. You haven’t heard of Abu Jaba because he was an inconvenient Palestinian, one who cannot be held up as the latest victim of Zionist aggression. Pictures of his weeping widow and confused children will not fill your social media timeline. Major media outlets will not compete to tell human interest stories about how he played with his children or how his family will cope without him. No US congressmen or British MPs will demand justice for him.

Because Abu Jaba was not killed by Israel, but by Palestine Islamic Jihad. He was a labourer and working on an agricultural building site near Shokeda, a tiny Israeli village near the boundary with Gaza, when a PIJ rocket strike hit on Saturday. He was not protected by Israel’s Iron Dome missile defence system which only targets rockets heading for populated areas. Abu Jaba and a number of other men were working in a remote field despite an evacuation order issued by the Israeli army. A father will take whatever risks are necessary to put food on the table. Abu Jaba was 34, his eldest child is said to be 11.

He was one of the 18,000 Palestinians from Gaza who go to work in Israel every day. His brother, Hamad, is another. Hamad was seriously injured in the same attack. Israel’s defence ministry has recognised Abu Jaba as a terror victim, meaning his widow and children will receive the same compensation payments that go to Israeli families bereaved by terrorism. Palestinian guest workers in Israel can encounter suspicion, hostility and racism. It’s a relief, albeit a small one, that the Jerusalem bureaucracy will do right by Abu Jaba’s loved ones.

Abu Jaba is not the only inconvenient Palestinian. Among the civilian casualties recorded in the past week were Palestinians Ahmed Muhammad a-Shabaki (51), Rami Shadi Hamdan (16), Yazan Jawdat Fathi Elayyan (16), and Layan Bilal Mohammad Abdullah Mdoukh (10). Each is believed to have perished after Palestine Islamic Jihad rockets fell short and dropped inside Gaza instead of Israel. They join other inconvenient Palestinians, such as the 14 Gazans — half of them children — killed by misfired Palestinian rockets last August, and Mahmoud Abu Asabeh. Abu Asabeh, a Palestinian working in Ashdod, was killed in 2018 when a rocket from Gaza hit his apartment building. He was 48 and had five children.
NGO Monitor: NGO Ties of PFLP Bus Bombers
On May 8, 2023, Israel announced that it had arrested a six-member cell from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) responsible for manufacturing and planting a bomb on a bus in the town of Beitar Illit, on March 9, 2023. Authorities named the six suspects: Mohammad Al-Barq, Wisam Owainah, Ahmed Abu Naima, Mazen Abdallah, Rami Al-Ahmar, and Nour Mahmoud – all members of the PFLP’s student organization.

Based on open-source information, NGO Monitor has determined that at least two members of the cell have ties to European-funded NGOs. Mohammad Al-Barq volunteered at the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS), and Wisam Owainah participated in a project organized by ActionAid. Notably, both previously expressed public support for PFLP terrorists and terrorism, an obvious indication to both the NGOs and their donors that these are terror-supporting individuals.

These links add to the approximately 50 PFLP-linked NGO board members, officials, and employees named in NGO Monitor’s February 2023 report, “Clear and Convincing: The Links between the PFLP and the European Government-funded NGO Network.”

Mohammad Al-Barq
According to the open source information, as of April 2023, Mohammad Al-Barq had been an active member at PMRS since at least December 2017. As documented by NGO Monitor, PMRS officials have participated in PFLP events, among other links.

On April 3, 2023, PMRS President Mustafa Barghouti wrote that “the prisoner volunteer Mohammad Al-Barq’s family” was honored and invited to the PMRS’ celebratory Iftar dinner, which Baraghouti himself also attended.
  • Tuesday, May 16, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian prime minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, put this graphic on his Facebook page on New Year's 2018 Eve:

Yes, he wrote "Next Year in Jerusalem."

I think that is a far more offensive cultural appropriation than falafel could ever be. It is clearly meant to denigrate the Jewish claim to Jerusalem.

This is the prime minister of the Palestinian Authority insulting all Jews worldwide. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Tuesday, May 16, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Islamic Jihad:

You are invited to the great national festival: 
Revenge of the Free  .
This will be on Friday, May 19, 2023, immediately after the Asr prayer, 
on the battalion land in Gaza City. 
Your participation is a message of strength and support for the resisters and loyalty to the martyrs 

The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, and its military arm, the Al-Quds Brigades

Yes, they lost their leaders, but they managed to murder an 80-year old Jewish woman, so it is time to party!

What exactly is the definition of victory, you may ask? 

Based on the ecstatic news articles during the fighting, anytime an Israeli is affected by anything the terrorists do, it is a victory. 

Walking to a bomb shelter, mostly. But any damages from rockets are huge victories as well. Causing Israelis to cancel school is a big one. 

Their bar for "victory" is very low.

It is as if mosquitoes avidly follow when they make humans wave them away in irritation, and publish huge headlines when a person scratches their bites. Once in a great while a mosquito with a virus manages to kill a person, which is the best news they can receive. Even if lots of mosquitoes get killed by sprays and swats, they proudly announce that there are plenty more mosquitoes coming. And then they throw a party to celebrate all the bites they managed to land. 

(And, no, I'm not comparing Palestinians to mosquitoes. I am comparing terrorists to mosquitoes.)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

The tragedy of the Palestinians
More recently, Iran has come to play more of a role in the Palestinian tragedy. Its aim is to bolster its regional presence at the expense of Israel. So it has provided substantial backing to the heavily armed Hezbollah militia of Shiite Muslims in Lebanon as a way of threatening Israel. It has also supported Islamist terrorist groups among the Palestinians, such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

These Palestinian Islamist groups, as I have previously argued, do not support Palestinian self-determination. On the contrary, they share the Islamist goal of creating a transnational Islamic order. They are hostile to national self-determination. The Palestinians are being used to lead a fight for an Islamist order that transcends national borders.

Finally, there is the UN itself. It has a special organisation, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), formed in 1949, charged with dealing with the large number of Palestinians still deemed as refugees in the West Bank, Gaza and the surrounding countries. This is separate from the UNHCR, which deals with refugees around the world.

The problem with the UNRWA is that it helps perpetuate the refugee status of many Palestinians. There are now not only first-generation refugees, but also those deemed second- and third-generation and beyond. Rather than encourage the Palestinians to integrate with the local populations, the UNRWA works to keep them separate. In Lebanon, many Palestinians are forced to live in UNRWA-run refugee camps, attend UNRWA-run schools and rely on meagre handouts from the agency.

The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has proven to be extremely intractable. But a precondition for its resolution is for numerous outside forces to stop interfering. Presenting Israel as a universal oppressor inevitably promotes a crass narrative, with Israel cast as a fount of evil. Pushing the Palestinians into the role of universal victim is arguably even worse. It has proved to be another catastrophe for the Palestinian people.
Jordanian Journalist Voices Unusual Position: West Bank Is Part Of Jordan; Palestinian Authority Is Artificial Entity That Must Cease To Exist; We Should Seriously Discuss Reuniting The Two Banks Of The Jordan River
In a recent article in the daily Al-Ghad, Jordanian media figure Malik Al-'Athanmeh voices an unusual opinion, calling to seriously consider the option of reuniting Jordan and the West Bank. He criticizes the Arab states for refusing to recognize Jordan's annexation of the West Bank in 1950 and for recognizing the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.[1] Al-'Athamneh, a Jordanian who resides in Belgium and writes a regular column in Jordan's Al-Ghad, notes that the West Bank was part of the kingdom of Jordan from 1950 until1967, and that the Arab League initially opposed Jordan's annexation of this territory. However, it ultimately accepted this fact, and the UN later recognized it as well. He laments the fact that the "obsessive pan-Arabism" and "false delusions of heroism" of Gamal 'Abd Al-Nasser, president of Egypt at the time, swept Jordan and Syria into the 1967 war, in which all three countries lost territory to Israel and Jordan lost the West Bank.

According to Al-'Athamneh, the Arab League's recognition of the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, which was affirmed at the 1974 Arab League summit in Rabat, was a significant and "despicable" act that undermined the historical and geographical reality, namely that the West Bank is part of Jordan. Calling the PA an "artificial" entity that should cease to exist, he contends that the Jordanians should start talks with a "real and active" Palestinian partner about the option of reuniting the two banks of the Jordan river, which would benefit both sides.

It should be mentioned that Al-'Athanmeh disregards the decision taken by the Jordan's King Hussein on July 31, 1988, in which he severed the connection between Jordan and the West Bank, i.e., renounced any claim to Jordanian sovereignty over this territory and severed all legal and administrative ties with it, except for Jordan's custodianship over the Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem. With this move King Hussein relinquished his dream of forming a federation between Jordan and the West Bank, and affirmed Jordan's support for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

"In practice, the West Bank of the Jordan river used to constitute one half of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and all the debates about how to describe what happened at the Jericho Congress,[3] whether it was 'annexation' or 'unification,' will not change the geographical and historical [facts that prevailed] after April 24, 1950 [Jordan's official annexation of the West Bank]. On that [day], two years after the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, the West Bank and its inhabitants became part of Jordan. In December 1949 the inhabitants of the West Bank had already been granted the right to apply for Jordanian citizenship.

"The Arab League opposed the unification of the two banks, and some Arab countries even demanded to expel Jordan from the [league for this]. In 1955, after Jordan joined the UN, the latter recognized the unification of the two banks, or the annexation of the West Bank. But the Arab League had already announced, on June 12, 1950, that the annexation was [merely] a practical and temporary measure and that Jordan would hold [the territory] in trust until [some other] arrangement could be made regarding it – a naïve statement that sought to rescue the self-respect of those who had opposed the reality [of Jordan's annexation of the West Bank].
  • Tuesday, May 16, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

Celebrating our Jewish Gooners

Ahead of Sunday's match against Brighton & Hove Albion, we celebrated the official launch of Jewish Gooners with a special party at Emirates Stadium.

The Jewish Gooners supporter banner was also revealed inside the stadium for the very first time at the match, marking the arrival of our newest official supporters' club.

The group has been set up by Jewish Arsenal supporters wanting to express and celebrate their identity as a community.

Around 70 supporters attended the launch event, including club legend Perry Groves and Lord John Mann, the UK Government’s independent advisor on antisemitism.

Speaking at the launch, Lord Mann, said: “It’s fantastic to see Arsenal and their community of Jewish supporters working together in this special way. Football has a unique power to unite communities and Arsenal and Jewish Gooners are setting the example for others to follow. I’m looking forward to seeing what they can achieve together, and I’m delighted to support them on their journey.”
The Algerian Echorouk Online site is very angry at this. How dare a British football club honor its Jewish supporters ....on Nakba Day! Honoring Jews provokes the feelings of Arabs and Muslims! 

The newspaper sarcastically added:

The Arsenal club management, which knows the British colonial past in the Arab world well, has chosen history carefully to honor its Jewish fans. It is synonymous with the 15th of May, which coincides with the Arabs and Muslims“Nakba Day.” The fateful date on which Britain expelled the people of Palestine (May 15, 1948) and planted the Zionist entity in the heart of the Arab land.
The match where it was introduced was on Sunday, not Monday.
And Arsenal officials do not care about their team losing by3-0 to the visiting Brighton Club, and abandoning the dream of winning the Premier League title.... As far as the old mother (Britain) is concerned, the spoiled girl (Israel). is taken care of .
Arsenal and the Jewish fans didn't mention Israel once. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Tuesday, May 16, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

Now that the Gaza micro-war is behind us, it is time for Palestinians to create the next crisis: this Thursday, Jews will march in their capital city with Israeli flags.

Obviously, this is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad event. Because Jews being proud of the reunification of their historic capital city is regarded as an insult to those who prefer those Jews to be dead and unable to march.

Palestinian feelings are more important than Jewish pride. That's an axiom - after all, some murder people when their feelings are hurt, so it is clearly important. In fact, Jewish pride itself insults Palestinian feelings.  Jews with flags are an insult, Jews walking around their holiest spot is an insult, Jews praying at the Kotel is an insult, Jews living in Hebron is an insult, Jews breathing as free citizens is an insult.  And insults are Very Bad, worse than death. Jews marching with flags is effectively genocide.

So, we have a completely artificial crisis brewing based on Palestinians not being able to tolerate Jews acting like normal people.

The question is, what will happen this Thursday? 

In 2021, Hamas shot rockets towards the "third holiest city in Islam" at precisely the moment that the march was set to begin. This is considered a major victory for Gaza terrorists, who say that they linked the events in Gaza with Jerusalem. They call this the "unity of the squares," a warning that whatever Israel does in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem will cause a reaction from Gaza. 

It seems unlikely that there will be a repeat of that scenario this time, not so soon after a ceasefire. 

Islamic Jihad media predicts there will be a major terror attack in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv ahead of the march. 

Hamas media is trying to reproduce the hysteria that accompanied the rumors that Jews would sacrifice a lamb on the Temple Mount for Passover, saying that Temple groups requested to allow the march to enter the Temple Mount. This of course will not be allowed.

They also say that the Flag March will be confronted by Arabs with Palestinian flags at Damascus Gate trying to physically block them. In addition, Jerusalem Arabs plan their own version of the flag march on the Temple Mount, planning to stay overnight or to arrive very early as they did during Ramadan so they can block any Jews from touring on Thursday.

A Palestinian youth movement plans is announcing their own Palestinian flag day, for both Thursday and Friday, in an attempt to marginalize the flag march.

It appear that the strategy is to do everything possible to create points of friction in Jerusalem. They are hoping that the media will take video of Israeli security forces pushing Arabs with flags back, and/or video of clashes on the Temple Mount to allow Jews to visit like they do every weekday. As usual, those videos will be used to charge that Israel is violently suppressing Palestinians who are just trying to peacefully protest, with the hope that this will inspire other acts of violence. 

Ultimately, as is often the case, the modern antisemites want to make it more expensive for Israel to protect its citizens' rights than to give in to Palestinian threats of violence. And any specific incident has the potential to spiral out of control - something that the Palestinians are hoping for.

And all of this is artificial. There is nothing wrong with Jews marching with flags. Yet there is an entire industry dedicated to demonizing people exercising their right to peaceful assembly. The media, sadly, buys into the narrative that Palestinian Arabs are right for wanting to quash Jewish freedoms. 

 In 2021, Netanyahu agreed to re-route the march around the Muslim quarter of the Old City to avoid unnecessary conflict. As usual, this was interpreted by Palestinians as weakness, not conciliatory, and Hamas attacked anyway. 

Netanyahu is not making that mistake this year. The threat of violence has nothing to do with the march itself - the march is an excuse for violence, not a cause. 

Normal adults do not respond to perceived insults with threats of violence. The media, and the world at large, needs to stop allowing Palestinians to act like spoiled children. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Tuesday, May 16, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

Mahmoud Abbas' speech at the UN for "Nakba Day" included many parts that weren't reported in the official version, meaning that he ad-libbed.

And when Abbas ad-libs, he proves that he is an antisemite, a consummate liar and a conspiracy theorist.

From JPost:

There is no proof of Jewish ties to the area of Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Monday at the United Nations. He mentioned Judaism’s holiest site, the Temple Mount and its adjacent Western Wall.

They [Israel] dug under al-Aqsa… they dug everywhere, and they could not find anything,” Abbas said.

There is rich archaeological evidence for the Temples that have been found in the Temple Mount Sifting Project and in the City of David, where thousands of clearly Judean artifacts and others have been found. 

But that sidesteps the real issue: the entire Temple Mount was built by Jews, in sections, from the time of the Biblical kings to the Hasmonean extensions to the Herodian extensions. These extensions can be seen from the Eastern Wall of the Mount. 

The entire Temple Mount is proof of the Temples!

Denying the Temples - which have been accepted as legitimate by Muslim scholars without question before Palestinians sprouted up in the mid-1950s - is denying Jewish history, and is pure antisemitism.

But that was just the beginning of Abbas' delusions mentioned in his speech.

During his speech, Abbas said the US and the UK were responsible for the permanent displacement of what he said was close to a million Palestinians during the 1948 war.

These countries wanted to get rid of the Jews and benefit from their presence in Palestine,” Abbas said. 

He compared Israel’s rendition of its historical narrative to the kind of misinformation disseminated by Nazi propaganda minister Goebbels during World War II.

“The Israelis and Zionists continue their false claims that Israel made the desert bloom,” he said. “Palestine was a desert, and they made it blossom, a paradise. They can’t but lie. But what can we do? They lie and lie just like Goebbels. They lie, lie and lie until people believe.”

The early Zionists “falsely” claimed that “Palestine was a land without people,” but this was never true, Abbas said, adding that the Palestinians were descendants of the biblical Canaanites. This was proven “in religious scriptures, including the Torah,” he said.

Saying that the US and Great Britain supported Zionism to get rid of their Jews is a crazed conspiracy theory.

Comparing Jews telling the truth to Nazi Goebbels is antisemitism. 

Saying that the Torah says that Palestinians descend from Canaanites is delusional. (Palestinians used to claim they were Philistines, but the Torah doesn't say Philistines were Canaanites either.) 

The New York Times didn't mention a single one of these lies or delusions in its report on his speech.  Neither did AP nor AFP , Haaretz and The National (UAE) and Axios.

And the world just shrugs at Mahmoud Abbas' lies. Because everyone understands that this is what Palestinians do.

There is one delusion that Abbas said that the mainstream media did note - but did not check. From AP:
He held up a letter from Israel’s foreign minister, Moshe Sharett, after resolutions were adopted in 1947 and 1948 promising to implement them and said: “Either they do respect these obligations, or they stop becoming a member.”
I cannot find any record of a letter from Israel promising to adhere to resolutions 181 and 194. Certainly Israel never agreed to go back to the borders suggested by resolution 181 or the internationalization of Jerusalem. There is lots of literature about Israel's negotiations over the refugees and its offers to help solve the problem, notably an offer to allow 100,000 refugees to return. I find it difficult to believe that Sharett wrote what Abbas claims he did. His position can be seen here.

 Members of the Knesset are fully aware of the basic attitude of the Government on this problem, that in the main a solution must be sought, not through the return of the refugees to Israel, but through their resettlement in other states. There has been no change in this basic attitude. At the same time, the Government has repeatedly stated that, within the framework of an overall and all inclusive peace settlement, it is ready to contribute to the resettlement of the refugees by allowing the return to Israel of a limited number. This was stated by Israel’s permanent representative at the United Nations at the session of the Ad Hoc Committee on May 5th, 1949. It was repeated by the Head of the Israeli Delegation at Lausanne to the Conciliation Commission during May and June. I myself made a similar statement before the Knesset in my address during the foreign affairs debate on June 15th. Hitherto, there has been no change in policy.
...  If peace is not achieved, if the Arab States refuse responsibility for the absorption of the great majority of the refugees, if an overall solution to the problem is not found, then the present fixing of Israel’s contribution shall not be binding. This contribution is presented as a link in a chain. It does not exist on its own, but only as part of a whole. This is the attitude of Israel’s Delegation at Lausanne, which now awaits the word of the Arab States.

So Abbas waved a document that almost certainly did not say what he claims. And the media didn't bother to check.

As usual.

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Monday, May 15, 2023

From Ian:

David Collier: Things you really need to know on ‘Nakba Day’
The current Nakba narrative is a masterpiece of deception and antisemitic propaganda.

The conflict of 1947 – 1949 happened just like we say it did. It was an unnecessary conflict that the Arabs wanted and started because they could not accept Jewish self-rule in any part of British Palestine. Casualties were high on both sides and the fighting was brutal. The Jews declared independence, fought off the invading armies and won the war.

It was a war of extermination launched by Arabs to destroy the world’s only Jewish state. The Arab ‘catastrophe’ is that the Jews survived. This is really what their Nakba Day is all about.

Nobody should mourn the Arab failure to eradicate the Jews.

Everything that they say about the Nakba today – changed as they needed it to evolve. In reality the Nakba myth only expanded in the last few decades, as extremists wanted to make it more difficult to negotiate a settlement over the refugees.

This simple explanation – that the Nakba was the Arab failure to destroy Israel – is how the Nakba story was being reported in 1975:

That is the advantage with myths – you can just make it all up as you go along.
NGO Monitor: NGOs Mark 75 Years of “Nakba”
Each year around May 15, the network of anti-Israel non-governmental organizations (NGOs) marks the “Nakba,” an Arabic word meaning “catastrophe” used to describe the establishment of the State of Israel. The NGOs repeat this term to declare Israel as inherently illegitimate and to push for a Palestinian “right of return” that would result in the elimination of the Jewish state. These efforts often rest on false historical claims and portrayal of Jews as “alien” or “foreign” to the Middle East. They erase Arab rejection of the UN partition plan and the launching of war against the fledgling state of Israel in the immediate aftermath. These activities are enabled by extensive funding from foreign governments, primarily from Europe.

In their commemorations, the NGOs accuse Israel of “ethnic cleansing”, “colonialism,” and “apartheid” to characterize all Jewish aspects of Israel as inherently racist, thus denying the Jewish people’s right to self-determination. As stated in the consensus working definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), this is an example of antisemitism.

This year, as seen in the selections below, many of the NGO events reference the 75th anniversary of 1948 in promoting divisive campaigns. Palestinian NGOs
On May 19, Al-Haq founder Raja Shehadeh will participate in a “book talk” at the Museum of the Palestinian People’s “series of events…to commemorate the 75th year since the Nakba began.”
Since 2020, Al-Haq has received funding from Denmark, Sweden, European Union, Italy, France, and Norway.

In April 2023, BADIL held a poster competition “under the slogan: “75 years of ongoing Nakba… 75 years of ongoing Resistance.” The competition called for submissions to “reflect the ongoing resistance of the Palestinian people against the Israeli colonial-apartheid regime.” The winning posters will be featured in an exhibition at the UN headquarters in Geneva and New York.
Donors have included Ireland, Spain, DanChurchAid (Denmark), Diakonia (Sweden), and Trocaire (Ireland).
US, UK are responsible for the Nakba - Abbas tells United Nations
There is no proof of Jewish ties to the area of Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Monday at the United Nations. He mentioned Judaism’s holiest site, the Temple Mount and its adjacent Western Wall.

“They [Israel] dug under al-Aqsa… they dug everywhere, and they could not find anything,” Abbas said.

He spoke during a special session of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People to mark the 75th anniversary of Nakba Day, Arabic for “Catastrophe Day,” the term Palestinians use to describe the 1948 war. The UN also planned to hold a second Nakba Day event on Monday evening.

Israel has in the past waged a stiff diplomatic battle against Palestinian attempts at the UN to disavow its connection to the Temple Mount, known to Muslims as al-Haram al-Sharif, the third-holiest site in Islam.

It also protested the UN General Assembly resolution approved last November to hold Nakba Day events for the first time at the organization’s headquarters in New York.

In his speech, Abbas emphasized that “the ownership of al-Buraq Wall [the Western Wall] and al-Haram al-Sharif [Temple Mount] belongs exclusively and only to the Islamic Wakf alone.” He cited a 1930 League of Nations report that he said affirmed this conclusion.

Abbas also repeated the claim, which Israel has denied, that Palestinians were not given freedom of worship on the Aqsa Mosque compound.

During his speech, Abbas said the US and the UK were responsible for the permanent displacement of what he said was close to a million Palestinians during the 1948 war.

These two countries “bear political and ethical responsibility directly for the Nakba of the Palestinian people because they took part in rendering our people a victim when they decided to establish and plant another entity [the Jewish people] in our historic homeland,” he said.

The US and the UK did this for “their own colonial goals and objectives,” Abbas said, adding that “Israel would not have continued its hostility and aggression without the support it receives from these two countries.”
  • Monday, May 15, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

Today there was a special "Nakba Day" event at the UN, with special guest liar Mahmoud Abbas!

Here is some of what he supposedly said, based on an Arabic Wafa article:

In his speech at the United Nations on the anniversary of the catastrophe, today, Monday, the president said that Britain and the United States in particular bear direct political and moral responsibility for the catastrophe of our people, as they are the ones who participated in making our people a victim when they decided to establish and plant another entity in our historical homeland, for special colonial goals. with them.
Interesting how he doesn't mention, say, the Soviet Union which voted for partition and recognized Israel. I wonder if it has anything to do with Abbas' KGB background...

He formally called on His Excellency to oblige Israel to respect Resolutions 181 of 1947 and 194, or to suspend its membership in the United Nations, especially since it did not fulfill the obligations to accept its membership in the UN organization.
The same Resolutions 181 (1947 partition resolution) and 194 (1949) that every Arab nation rejected? Let's get a time machine and undo our mistakes!

By the way, 194 says Jerusalem should be an international city. But Abbas wants it to be his capital! Does that mean he rejects it, too? Does that mean the "State of Palestine" should be suspended from the UN as well?

It is a lie that Israel's membership was conditional on accepting 194. 

His Excellency pointed out that Israel is making other false allegations to cover up its aggression and crimes, and claims that its wars against the Palestinians and Arabs were defensive wars, asking: How can committing massacres, destroying villages, and displacing half of the population of Palestine in 1948 be a defensive war?
Um, because the Arabs were attacking with the stated aim to destroy it?

His Excellency referred to another false narrative propagated by Israel and picked up by its supporters, without scrutiny or scrutiny, which is the claim that the Palestinians do not miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity, and that there is no Palestinian partner for peace, asking: What does it mean, then, for the Palestinian people to accept a state on only 22%  of their historical homeland, recognize Israel and prepare to live alongside it in security, peace and good neighbourliness?
And less than a decade later, starting a terrorism war killing a thousand Israelis with suicide bombs and bus bombs! It seems that this pledge for peace was, let's say, less than honest.

He stressed that the continuation of the Israeli occupation of our land and the imposition of the blockade on the Gaza Strip is the real reason for the continuation of the cycle of violence, and if the occupation is gone forever, there will be no justification for violence and wars.
There's no justification now. And there were wars and terror before 1967. Clearly the "occupation" is an excuse, not a valid reason, for violence, and it is the existence of Israel itself that Abbas is against - hence his insistence that Palestinians move to Israel and not to the areas under his own control. 

By coincidence, I found this today.

That is the real issue. Everything else is a smokescreen to make genocidal desires palatable to the West.

Apparently, Abbas ad-libbed a bit from this official account, and landed in hot water with other Palestinians. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Monday, May 15, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas issued a decree stating that it is a crime to deny the so-called "nakba."

The decree states that states that "the Nakba of Palestine is an integral part of the Palestinian national narrative based on historical right and international resolutions, and the denial of the Nakba is a crime punishable by law with imprisonment not exceeding two years, and the competent authorities will prosecute the perpetrators both inside and outside the country."

Among the things forbidden to say or write under the decree:

* Questioning some or all of the implications of the Nakba 

* Claiming that the Palestinian people left voluntarily and without coercion

* Denying the classification of the nakba crime as a crime against humanity

* Absolving Zionist groups of their responsibility for the crimes

* Denying the role of the British Mandate authority in facilitating the occurrence of the Palestinian Nakba.

It turns out that Mahmoud Abbas himself is guilty of "Nakba denial." In 2009, he gave an interview about the circumstances of how his family left Safed in 1948, and he admits that they left without any coercion:

 Fatah's cofounder reminisced at length about his Safed origins and haphazardly let the truth slip out. "Until the nakba", he recounted, his family "was well-off in Safed." When Abbas was 13, "we left on foot at night to the Jordan River... Eventually we settled in Damascus... My father had money, and he spent his money methodically. After a year, when the money ran out, we began to work. 

"People were motivated to run away... They feared retribution from Zionist terrorist organizations - particularly from the Safed ones. Those of us from Safed especially feared that the Jews harbored old desires to avenge what happened during the 1929 uprising. This was in the memory of our families and parents... They realized the balance of forces was shifting and therefore the whole town was abandoned on the basis of this rationale - saving our lives and our belongings."
This was the case with most Palestinians who left in 1947-48. 

This decree violates international law. It violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, among others. 

This law obviously violates the human rights of Palestinians, as it infringes on their freedom of speech and freedom of opinion. Palestinian researchers can no longer publish anything, or make a TikTok video,  that contradicts what this law says. 

And the chance that "human rights organizations" will denounce this law for explicitly violating the freedom of Palestinians is exactly zero.

We'll see if the media covers this at all. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

Jonathan S. Tobin: Israel Immediately United in the Face of Palestinian Rocket Fire
As Israel was subjected to a barrage of over 1,000 rockets fired by Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Israelis pulled together, united behind their government, and carried on with normal life as much as possible. The resilience of Israelis in the face of challenges that might break other people is one of the most remarkable aspects of life in the Jewish state. This past week's events demonstrate that the vast majority of Israelis are able to rise above their differences and present a fairly united front against people trying to kill them.

The contrast between the Israeli and Palestinian casualties is depicted as the result of a disproportionate IDF response to the rockets. Yet what it really shows is the difference between the two sides' priorities. In Gaza there are plenty of bomb shelters (underneath the entire Strip lies a massive network of tunnels and fortified strongholds used for terrorist purposes), but they are used as weapon storage facilities for the people firing them. Israel has prioritized the defense of its people with both defense systems and mandatory bomb shelters.

Americans should be inspired by Israel's resolution in defending its people against those who seek their deaths, as well as by the ability of Israelis to temporarily put their differences aside in the face of deadly threats. This is a moment to recognize that the Israeli people's strength and determination represent the future of the Jewish people.
The Rocket Attacks from Gaza Brought Out the Best in Israelis
Even the leader of the opposition in the Knesset, Yair Lapid, offered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu support for the government's actions against Islamic Jihad rocket fire from Gaza, and there was no question of reservists refusing to respond to a call-up. Perfect strangers offered home hospitality to residents of the Gaza envelope seeking refuge.

There were also the familiar touching pictures of newborn babies being moved from maternity wards to rocket-proof, subterranean units. No country should have to act as if this is normal.

The plight of the elderly struggling to reach safety with just a few seconds' warning of incoming rockets is less photogenic but no less serious. Sderot and the nearby communities must be among the few places in the world where wearing a seatbelt is at times forbidden - for safety reasons - when you have just seconds to seek shelter from an incoming rocket.

Don't forget who is the aggressor and who is the victim. If the Palestinian terror organizations were to cease their murderous campaigns, there would be peace.
IDF Showcased Improved Capabilities, Restored Deterrence
Hizbullah and Hamas have now witnessed how Israeli intelligence identifies and targets senior operatives, striking them one after another, even during combat, despite their attempts to remain hidden. All of this was accomplished while Israel maintained international and public legitimacy to continue its operation, as it demonstrated that it does everything possible to avoid harming uninvolved civilians. Strikes against non-combatants were carried out only when Israel determined that the targeted individuals posed an immediate danger to the well-being of hundreds of thousands of Israelis.

The Gaza Division's "Fire Canopy" system demonstrated impressive capabilities to target Islamic Jihad missile launchers and mortar teams. It represents a significant advancement since Israel's last operations.

Operation Shield and Arrow reassured us all that in times of national and personal security threats, we know how to unite and defend ourselves. Civilians on the home front demonstrated both self-discipline and high morale.


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