Saturday, February 25, 2023

From Ian:

Jonathan Tobin: How worrying is the far-right’s ‘Day of Hate’ stunt?
The proper response to this sort of Internet-inspired attempt at intimidation is for Jews to choose to gather on that day specifically to demonstrate their contempt for antisemites and solidarity in the face of threats. Like the national Jewish response after the Pittsburgh shooting, efforts like that of groups like StandWithUs to promote a “Shabbat of Love” or Club Z’s call for massive synagogue attendance on Feb. 25 demonstrate a healthy unwillingness to be terrorized by a tiny cadre of neo-Nazis. Equally significant (and well-timed) is a Times Square celebration on Saturday night for thousands of young people as part of the annual CTeen Shabbaton sponsored by the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

Still, it is more than likely that such efforts won’t command the same kind of support as those organized by left-wing groups like the National Council of Jewish Women, who used the previous Shabbat to promote their stands in favor of abortion. That’s an issue that seems to generate far more fervor among most American Jews than those that revolve around efforts to defend Jews against attacks, either in the United States or Israel.

The hate groups aren’t really focused on what the organized Jewish community does. But should neo-Nazis or white supremacists attempt some sort of organized march to intimidate Jews, they know that it is unlikely that the community will respond with force or active measures of self-defense since the vast majority of them are still resolutely opposed to gun ownership or any form of counter-protest that could possibly lead to violence.

At the same time, the hysteria about unspecified threats from the neo-Nazis tends to distract the community away from forms of antisemitism that, while seemingly less scary, demonstrates the way hatred for Jews is legitimized in 21st-century America.

The demonization of Israel and its supporters in mainstream political discourse and in national publications and broadcast networks are so commonplace as to become routine. In academia or even in popular culture, the acceptance of toxic left-wing ideologies rooted in intersectional myths about Jews being the embodiment of “white privilege” who assist in the oppression of Palestinian people of color is rarely even challenged. Such charges have the support of many progressives with real political clout in a Biden administration that has embraced an “equity” agenda that is harmful to Jewish interests and ready to treat Israel unfairly. Neo-Nazis have no support anywhere in American politics.

Moreover, as worrisome as threats may be, it should not be forgotten that the epidemic of antisemitic violence against Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn, N.Y., has shown no signs of abating, as New York City hate-crime statistics have recently shown. That is an ongoing threat that has continued to generate little interest among the liberal majority of American Jewry, not least because the perpetrators of almost all of those attacks are African-Americans and perhaps inspired, at least in part, by the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan.

Legacy groups like the Anti-Defamation League are able to enjoy great fundraising success by sounding the alarm about neo-Nazis. But apparently, rallying to the defense of Jews who do not share the beliefs or politics of their donors isn’t as exciting.

At the same time, the publication that liberal Jews continue to venerate as a holy text—The New York Times—has stepped up its bizarre campaign to demonize ultra-Orthodox Jews. The latest entry in the series is an effort to depict them as deceitful looters of the public purse. While the initial point of the Times’ recent coverage of this community was a legitimate inquiry about the standards of secular education in haredi schools, fears that this massive effort by the so-called paper of record was not only fueling antisemitism but also an example of it have been proven correct.

So while Jews do well to take neo-Nazi threats seriously, the general apathy about the Times’ mainstreaming of anti-Zionist rhetoric and its own antisemitic campaign against the Orthodox illustrate the organized Jewish community’s upside-down priorities. A Jewish community that is petrified about vague threats from politically isolated extremists but is largely indifferent to antisemitism at the nation’s leading newspaper is one that no one can pretend has a rational or serious interest in defending Jews or Jewish rights.
Nikki Haley: I’ll cut the billions in foreign aid we send our enemies
America spent $46 billion on foreign aid last year. That’s more than any other country by far. Taxpayers deserve to know where that money is going and what it’s doing. They will be shocked to find that much of it goes to fund anti-American countries and causes. As president, I’ll put a stop to this fiasco.

Here are just a few examples.

We’ve given Iraq more than $1 billion over the last few years, even though its government is getting closer to the murderous thugs in Iran who shout “Death to America!” and launch attacks on our troops.

The Biden administration resumed military aid to Pakistan, though it’s home to at least a dozen terrorist organizations and its government is deeply in hock to China.

Team Biden restored half a billion dollars to a corrupt United Nations agency that’s supposed to help the Palestinian people but in fact covers for deeply anti-Semitic propaganda against our ally Israel.

Russia's President Vladimir Putin speaks with his Belarus counterpart Alexander Lukashenko.

The US gives money to Belarus, which is Russia’s strongest ally.

We give hundreds of millions of dollars to Zimbabwe, a country with one of the most anti-American voting records in the UN.

If those examples aren’t bad enough, it gets worse — almost comical if it weren’t true.
Amid Tensions, Israeli-Palestinian Summit in Jordan Set for Sunday
An Israeli delegation will participate on Sunday in a “political-security” meeting with the Palestinians, hosted in Jordan, to try and restore calm to the tensions after deadly violence, Jerusalem confirmed. The meeting to be held in the Red Sea resort of Aqaba will also be attended by American and Egyptian representatives.

It would be the first such official meeting between Israel and the Palestinian side with participating regional countries in years.

The talks will come after 11 Palestinians, mostly armed terrorists, were killed and many wounded in a gun battle on Wednesday when Israeli troops raided a terrorist hideout in the West Bank city of Nablus. It came after an uptick in Palestinian attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers.

It also comes ahead of Ramadan, the Muslim faith’s holiest month, that routinely coincides with bouts of Palestinian violence in east Jerusalem.
Palestinian factions urge PA to boycott security summit with Israel in Jordan
A number of Palestinian factions, meanwhile, called on the PA to boycott the meeting in Jordan, dubbing it a “stab to the Palestinians and their sacrifices and a betrayal of the blood of the martyrs.”

The factions said in a statement that the meeting would only bring “shame” to the Palestinians and Arabs who are attending it. They warned that complying with American and Israeli “dictates would provide a cover for the continuation if Israeli crimes.”

The PLO’s Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) warned against the “dangerous repercussions” of the meeting, saying it aims to put pressure on the PA to stop the “popular resistance” against Israel. The DFLP warned that such a move would cause “serious internal strife” among the Palestinians.

The DFLP pointed out that the meeting did not receive the blessing of the PLO Executive Committee, but was rather taken unilaterally by the political leadership of the PA.

Saleh Ra’fat, member of the PLO Executive Committee and secretary-general of the Palestinian Democratic Union, said that it was impossible to reach understandings with the right-wing government in Israel “because it has violated all its commitments to the US administration to stop settlement activities and incursions into Palestinian cities and refugee camps.” Ra’fat urged the PA leadership not to participate in the meeting and to continue its push at the UN and other parties to impose sanctions on Israel and compel it to abide by international resolutions.

Mohammed al-Hindi, a senior official with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad organization, the second largest terror group in the Gaza Strip after Hamas, claimed that the meeting in Jordan was tantamount to “surrender to the unjust American understandings.” He also claimed the meeting aims to exert pressure on the PA to resume security coordination with Israel.

Friday, February 24, 2023

From Ian:

Yair Rosenberg: The Invisible Victims of American Anti-Semitism
In December 2019, two gunmen shot up a kosher supermarket in Jersey City, killing four people and injuring three. In the aftermath of the attack, Representative Rashida Tlaib posted a tweet alongside a picture of one of the Jewish victims, declaring simply, “This is heartbreaking. White supremacy kills.” When it became clear that the culprits were, in fact, tied to the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, the lawmaker deleted the tweet, and did not post a replacement. In this, Tlaib is not exceptional but representative. When Americans do not have a convenient partisan frame through which to process an anti-Semitic act, it is often met with silence or soon dropped from the agenda. We understand events by fitting them into established patterns, and without them, we can’t even see the event.

To be sure, anti-Semitic incidents elude our attention for other reasons as well. If an anti-Jewish attack leaves its victims bloodied but breathing, as happened in Los Angeles, it is less likely to make headlines. What’s more, if there is no explicit violence at all, as in the townships of New York and New Jersey, there is often no news. Without a body on the pavement to illustrate the impact, such discrimination remains abstract. There is also the uncomfortable question of the perpetrator’s identity. When the victimizer comes from a victimized community, like the Asian American assailant in Los Angeles or Black attackers in Brooklyn, many observers lack the vocabulary to address the complexity and opt to avoid the conversation entirely. Likewise, when the victims are visibly different, like Orthodox Jews, some have trouble identifying with them. On the flip side, the involvement of a celebrity—such as Kanye West and Mel Gibson—can lend a story greater popular appeal.

But although these considerations have some explanatory capacity, they cannot match the power of partisanship, which regularly enables some acts of anti-Semitism to achieve escape velocity, even as others do not. After all, nothing is able to elevate even the most abstruse anti-Semitism to our attention like a Trump tweet about Jews.

Partisan pull explains how Americans process the problem of anti-Semitism. It is also part of the problem. As long as the frames through which we view anti-Jewish prejudice are narrow and politicized, we will tend to misapprehend its nature and overlook incidents we should not. This has real-world consequences. Just because something goes unremarked doesn’t mean it doesn’t leave a mark. When we lack the language to discuss an anti-Semitic act, we cannot develop a strategy to counter it or find a way to protect and comfort its victims.

Anti-Jewish prejudice is as old as Judaism itself and predates our modern political categories and ideologies. Before there were Republicans and Democrats, progressives and conservatives, there were anti-Jewish bigots. Our response to the problem should acknowledge this fact, and make manifest the victims who have been rendered invisible by our own blinkered biases.
A Community on Edge
While the LA Jewish community may have been able to breathe a sigh of relief once Tran was arrested, some argue that anxiety remains high in the community. Rabbi Noah Farkas, who heads the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, told the Journal in a phone interview that “the community is still afraid and there’s also anger. And the anger, I believe, is that we know that no matter where antisemitism comes from — whether it’s from the left or the right — the victims of antisemitism are always the same, which is us Jews. And we know that we have been sounding the alarm since last year, since Colleyville, since the Kanye West and Kyrie Irving things. For a long time now, we’ve been sounding the alarm that when you normalize hate speech, and if you have more followers on Twitter and Instagram than there are Jews in the world and you normalize this kind of hate speech, we know historically, we know sociologically, that hate speech leads to hate crime … and that’s exactly what has happened.”

Dr. Hillel Newman, Consul General of Israel in Los Angeles, told the Journal that he addressed the Pinto Center on Pico Boulevard during Shabbat services on February 17 and that while congregants were “somewhat shaken” they were in “good spirit[s].” “Rabbi Pinto is a wonderful, kind and gentle spiritual authority who leads the community in a most noble way, enjoying great admiration,” Newman said.

In general, Newman’s sense is “that many in the community are on edge now, feeling uncertain about the future, but the majority are calm.” “There is increased interest in making Aliyah,” he added. “I feel that from the many questions I get in this regard. Of course, we will welcome anyone who wishes to immigrate to Israel, but we believe that first and foremost we must guarantee the safety and security of everyone and every community.”

Security remained a priority for the community over the weekend, as police increased patrols in Jewish community areas. Both Young Israel of Century City and Beth Jacob Congregation sent out emails to their members, both of which were obtained by the Journal, saying that they would be beefing up their security after the shootings.

“Everyone is increasing their security profiles,” Farkas said.

Evan Bernstein, who heads the Community Security Service (CSS), said in a statement to the Journal, “The Los Angeles Jewish community should be reassured that the CSS Western States office is closely monitoring and working with its trained security volunteer leadership and teams on the ground, local law enforcement, and national Jewish communal security partners, including the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles. We stand ready to continue ensuring the utmost safety and physical security of Jewish institutions nationwide.”

“Jews shouldn’t have to be fearful of expressing their First Amendment rights that every other American can enjoy — our right to assemble and our right to pray — and this just isn’t right,” Farkas told the Journal, “and we have to keep working to make life safer and more enjoyable for Jews to live here in the city.”
Douglas Murray: Netflix's ‘Farha’ and the Perils of Propaganda
I started to make a list of things about which the viewer in this film will be left entirely ignorant. These include—but are not limited to—the fact that the war of independence of 1948 was not simply an ethnic genocide carried out by Jews against Palestinians but a war of very nearly all against all. Not only Palestinians against Israelis, but a war of all of the neighboring states on the newly created country. Although we get that one glimpse of Mandate-era British troops retreating, we have no sense of Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian, and other troops advancing. We have no sign that Palestinians or other Arabs were involved in any atrocities or even fighting at this time.

The film fails as a work of entertainment because it is so un-entertaining. But it fails as a work of art because it is so artless. So what is it doing on Netflix?

My suspicion is that the platform has taken a certain amount of criticism because of the number of Israeli-made productions that have appeared on the platform. Dramas like Fauda have been among the most popular series of their kind on the platform—something that has drawn a certain amount of negative attention in the Arab press. Though just consider the difference between what Fauda does and what Farha does.

Does Fauda show all Palestinians to be evil child-killers? No, absolutely not. The series repeatedly shows Palestinians, Israeli Arabs, and others who want the best for their people and advocate and work for peace. Does Fauda show all Israelis as suffering, put-upon victims and people who are morally untainted? No, it shows people at all levels of society who are morally complex, torn, and self-questioning. Would Fauda even work as drama if it showed Israel without the Arabs as the sort of sepia-tinted Eden as Farha portrays the land without Jews as being? Absolutely not. And in that comparison you see the true ugliness of what Netflix has done here.

The platform has clearly fallen for the idea that it must balance out Israeli productions with Palestinian or Arab productions. In the process it has forgotten the fact that the Israeli-made productions just happen to be made by Israelis. The fact that they are Israeli-made is a production detail, not the point. Such productions are not propaganda films arguing a one-sided pro-Israeli case. They are not, for instance, one-dimensional cartoons depicting Arabs as evil, sadistic child-killers. Yet that is precisely the "balance" that Netflix has chosen to apply against Israel in the belief that this creates some kind of level-playing field. It doesn’t. It simply highlights the differences not just between one side in a conflict and the other but the difference between bigoted sermonizing and entertainment, between propaganda and art.
From Times of Israel:

 Law enforcement and Jewish groups in the US are urging vigilance ahead of an antisemitic “national day of hate” planned by white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups for Saturday.

The white supremacists have called for followers to distribute antisemitic messaging with banners, stickers, fliers and graffiti. There are no known threats of violence and a Jewish security group said it did not expect widespread participation.

“Take a stand, and expose the international clique of parasitic vermin that infest our nation,” said a statement attributed to the hate groups. “Make your voices heard loud and clear, that the one true enemy of the American people is the Jew.”
It is definitely getting American Jews spooked. But I can't help but think that "Day of Hate" is just a far-Right version of the many Palestinian "Days of Rage" we have seen dozens of times. 

And it is not like the "Days of Rage" are only in the territories. Israel hating groups have organized plenty of them in the West:

In both cases, they are angry at Jews and only Jews. In both cases, they call for the masses to join and show their hate. The emotions are the same. The antisemitism is the same. 

But the anti-Israel "Days of Rage" are far better organized, more professional and attract far more people.

Of course, the far-Right are more likely to engage in violence. I don't want to minimize the threat - Jewish communities across the nation are being told to be careful and watchful this Shabbat.

But don't pretend that the hateful Right and the hateful Left are all that much different. 

When it comes to Jews, they are practically twins.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: Biden’s less than ironclad commitment to Israel
The Bidenites’ purported belief in being even-handed inevitably means they end up punishing the victim and empowering the aggressor.

Yet suddenly a fresh double standard has arisen over America’s newly tough policy of supporting Ukraine. Speaking in Warsaw, Biden said, “Autocrats only understand one word: no, no, no. No, you will not take my country. No, you will not take my freedom. No, you will not take my future. Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia. Never.”

Yet Biden doesn’t say no to the Palestinian Arab autocrats; he doesn’t tell them they will never take the Jews’ country; he doesn’t tell them that they will never have victory over Israel. Instead, he appeases them and subsidizes their murderous incitement.

Biden went on: “If Russia stopped invading Ukraine, it would end the war. If Ukraine stopped defending itself against Russia, it would be the end of Ukraine.”

But this merely appropriated the well-known saying: “If the Palestinians stopped attacking Israel, it would end the war; but if Israel stopped defending itself against the Palestinians, it would be the end of Israel.”

Yet while America believes this about Ukraine, it clearly doesn’t believe it about Israel.

Israel unfortunately needs America, not least to deal with Iran, which is now dangerously close to a nuclear breakout thanks to America’s lethal appeasement of Tehran.

Nides talks about America’s “ironclad commitment to Israel’s security.” After the betrayals and threats of the past few weeks, this can only elicit fury—and hollow laughter.
Melanie Phillips: Tiptoeing into Israel's judicial minefield
The proposals have ignited not just massive protests in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem but also repeated incitement to violence. This dangerously incendiary atmosphere has been incited by hysterical and misleading reporting and commentary. It is also astonishing that the Israeli government has failed to publish a comprehensive account of the details of this highly complex package of proposals in terms the public can understand.

It’s hard not to conclude, however, that this mass hysteria is in large measure the rage of the left — who have lost political power among the public — at losing the considerable power they have been able to wield through their ideological avatars in the judiciary.

But there is also deep concern about these proposals among many who are not on the left. They may agree that there’s a problem of judicial overreach, but they are frightened that the proposals will give unbridled power instead to the government of the day.

Certainly, Israel’s political system lacks necessary checks and balances. And certainly there’s a need for compromises on details of the reform package, such as the percentage of the Knesset needed to override court rulings and the need to bring an element of non-political independence into the composition of the panel that selects the judges.

It’s therefore beyond unfortunate that opponents of the judicial reforms have refused to take up offers of compromise. The reformers have repeatedly said they want to hear such proposals, but the opposition leader Yair Lapid has equally repeatedly turned down all offers of talks. On Tuesday evening he rejected the offer by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to negotiate without preconditions. reports:
Lapid last month called on President Isaac Herzog, whose role is that of national figurehead, to set up a committee to recommend a “balanced” plan to reform the judiciary. In response, the president two weeks ago presented five principles as “a basis for immediate and decisive negotiations that will arrange the relations between the government branches.”The following day, Justice Minister Yariv Levin and Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee chairman Simcha Rothman urged opposition leaders to meet at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem to discuss the reform program. Lapid rejected that overture as well.

However, it is for Israel alone to resolve all this. It is no-one else’s business. Lawyers and others abroad should stop interfering, lecturing and hectoring on basis of either ignorance, animus against Netanyahu or their deeply held ideological belief that the rule of law means rule by lawyers, and show some humility and respect for Israel’s right to govern itself.
Jewish Democratic Council of America Attacks Israeli Government
It’s seemingly inevitable that every Democrat Jewish operation will eventually turn into J Street.

After holding a session on democratic judicial reform in Israel that would restore vital checks and balances, and the rule of law, featuring Daniel Shapiro and Daniel Kurtzer, the messenger boys for the anti-Israel policies of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, the Jewish Democratic Council of America has announced that while “we respect Israel’s democracy, these bills would weaken Israel’s democratic institutions, undermining the independence of Israel’s judiciary and its system of checks and balances.”

Actually it’s the definition of upholding democratic institutions, like the Knesset, over undemocratic ones, like a Supreme Court which has veto power over the selection of its members and no constitutional safeguards, and claims the power to overrule any law or measure.

The JDCA press releases states that the group urges “the Israeli government to have meaningful deliberations about the serious implications of such actions. We also support President Herzog’s call for compromise to establish a broad consensus within Israeli society and with the opposition before moving forward.”

Those deliberations are ongoing. And since when were leftist governments, like the previous one, asked to deliberate with the opposition on anything, like giving away Israel’s energy resources to Hezbollah?

Or a deal with the PLO that has claimed thousands of lives and proved deadly to the existence of Israel.

The JDCA is attacking a democratically elected Israeli government on behalf of the Left.

The Muslim paranoia about something that doesn't exist remains high.

The new "Abrahamic religion"... a threat whose goal is to destroy Islam 
 Ali Demir23/02/2023

Intellectuals, preachers, and academics are raising their voices to warn of the danger of the new so-called “Abrahamic religion,” pointing out that its goal is to destroy the Islamic religion with attempts that will end in failure.

According to observers, the sources of the promotion of this religion are huge and mysterious research centers that have recently spread around the world and called themselves "centers of spiritual diplomacy", funded by the largest and most important international bodies such as the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the United States of America.

Observers warned that “the apparent vision and message of these research centers depends on the assertion that religions are the main and fundamental reason for igniting the most violent conflicts throughout the ages, and the reason for not accepting the other is because of the lack of understanding of the texts of their religion.”

And the “spiritual diplomacy centers” that work within the framework of spreading love and tolerance have taken upon themselves the task of inviting the senior clerics of the three Abrahamic religions, in order to find general common values ​​between religions such as “love, tolerance, equality, coexistence and acceptance of the other” and other good values, and then proceed to broadcast it, especially among the new generations, in order to instill a hidden hatred for the religions they follow and create a tendency towards embracing the new Abrahamic religion. And the “spiritual diplomacy centers” have already begun to implement their plans on a large scale, according to observers.

Warnings were raised that “what is taking place is a process of brainwashing with the aim of preparing generations to accept the adoption of the new Abrahamic religion when it is presented in the near future as the global public religion, and then the research centers will turn into sacred places and shrines that will replace the temple, church and mosque.

The preacher and researcher, Mustafa Ibrahim, criticized the advocates of the so-called Abrahamic religion, stressing that “Abraham was Muslim according to what was confirmed by the Holy Qur’an."

Ibrahim added that “all the messengers sent by God Almighty were Muslims and called to Islam, and this matter is mentioned and confirmed in many verses in the Holy Qur’an, including the words of God Almighty on the tongue of Jacob, peace be upon him.

And he continued, “The advocates of the Abrahamic religion want to dilute Islam and mix the three heavenly laws of Islam, Judaism and Christianity into one religion in order to open the door to normalization with the Israeli occupation, and to end the cause of Palestine and honorable Jerusalem."

For his part, the doctor in comparative jurisprudence, Muhammad Musa al-Dali, said in a post on his Facebook account, “The people of falsehood claimed that there is a religion that includes Islam, adding to it what they call Judaism and Christianity, and that this religion is the Abrahamic religion in relation to the true Muslim, the Prophet of God Almighty, Abraham, upon him....This is a false claim, and a pure slander, because the Prophet of God, Abraham, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is a Muslim according to the text of the Qur’an, God Almighty denied that he was a Jew or a Christian."
Sounds like a Jewish plot!

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



The announcement that Jimmy Carter is entering hospice care at his home is prompting a wave of fawning pre-obituaries about what a wonderful humanitarian he is.

No one is talking about his antisemitism.

Carter's animus towards Israel is legendary, but the source of that hate is not his progressivism or humanitarianism, but old fashioned Christian antisemitism.

For decades, Jimmy Carter gave a weekly Sunday sermon at his Georgia church. Some of his lessons promoted classic Christian antisemitism, way beyond what the Christian scripture says.

He says that modern Israeli Jews are persecuting Palestinian Christians in line with alleged Jewish persecution of Christians in the New Testament because of Jewish supremacism:
“…this morning I’m gonna be trying to relate the assigned Bible lesson to us in the Uniformed Series with how that affected Israel and how it affects us through Christ personally… It’s hard for us to even visualize the prejudice against gentiles when Christ came on earth. If a Jew married a gentile, that person was considered to be dead. … How would you characterize from a Jew’s point of view the uncircumcised? Non believer? And what? Unclean, what? They called them DOGS! That’s true. … What was Paul’s feeling toward gentiles in his early life as a Jewish leader? [Paul was not a Jewish leader. Ed.] Anybody? Absolute commitment to persecution! To the imprisonment and even the execution of non-Jews who now professed faith in Jesus Christ. … We know the differences in the Middle East. But the differences there are between Jews on the one hand who comprise the dominating force both militarily and also politically and the Palestinians who are both Muslim and Christians. …
Carter bizarrely claims that sacrifices in the Jewish Temples were a means for rich Jews to avoid taking care of their elderly parents:

“Corban [sacrifices] was a prayer that could be performed by usually a man in an endorsed ceremony by the Pharisees that you could say in effect, ‘God, everything that I own all these sheep all these goats this nice house and the money that I have, I dedicate to you, to God.’ And from then on according to the Pharisees law those riches didn’t belong to that person anymore. They were whose? God’s! So as long as those riches were belonged to the person, that person was supposed to share them with needy parents right? But once it was God’s it wasn’t theirs and they didn’t have anything to share with their parents. So with impunity, and approved by the Pharisaic law, they could avoid taking care of their needy parents by a trick that had been evolved by the incorrect and improper interpretation of the law primarily designed by religious leaders to benefit whom? The rich folks! The powerful people! Because the poor man wouldn’t have all of this stuff to give to God. He would probably, in fact he might very well have his parents in the house with him or still be living with his own parents.”
This is a completely fictional reading of Jewish law.

Carter repeatedly said that Jewish leaders wanted to kill Jesus for various reasons, spreading the very source of Christian antisemitism as truth:
 The subject of his first class was the tale of Jesus driving the moneylenders from the temple. The press soon reported that the president had informed his students that this story was “a turning point” in Christ’s life. “He had directly challenged in a fatal way the existing church, and there was no possible way for the Jewish leaders to avoid the challenge. So they decided to kill Jesus.” 
So the Jews wanted to kill Jesus because he opposed the moneylenders! And in another lesson, Carter doubled down on Jewish hate of Christians:
He soon spoke at a Sunday-school class again; and, with an AP reporter in attendance, told those assembled that Jesus, in proclaiming himself the Messiah, was aware that he was risking death “as quickly as [it] could be arranged by the Jewish leaders, who were very powerful.”
There is a theme of rich, powerful Jews who want to oppress the gentiles - that informed Carter's view of the modern Middle East.

And his opinion of American Jews reflected that same animosity he has towards the Jews of Jesus' time. he blamed Jews for his loss in the 1980 election, more than once.

Kenneth Stein, who worked with him and interviewed him for his own book, quotes Carter as railing against the "Jewish money" that opposed him:
"[Vice president] Fritz Mondale was much more deeply immersed in the Jewish organization leadership than I was. That was an alien world to me. They [American Jews] didn't support me during the presidential campaign [that] had been predicated greatly upon Jewish money."

Carter's aide Stuart Eizenstat also says that Carter blames Jews for his 1980 loss: “From the New York primary [in March 1980] onward, I believe Carter was left with the view that New York Jews had not only defeated him in the primary but were also a factor in his loss in November.” However, while New York Jews did vote overwhelmingly for Ted Kennedy in the primary, more voted for Carter than Reagan in the presidential election. 

Reagan took over 90% of the electoral college in 1980. It was a landslide. For Carter to blame New York Jews for his huge loss is nothing less than pure antisemitism. 

Carter's antisemitism doesn't end there. He noted how Palestinian Christians were fleeing, but he blamed not the Muslim supremacists who are persecuting them, but Israel, continuing his theme of powerful Jews persecuting Palestinian Christians - even though Israel's Christian community has stayed steady.

His hate of Jews naturally spread to his supporting antisemites. When Helen Thomas lost her job for calling for the ethnic cleansing of Jews in Israel, saying Jews must "get the hell out of Palestine" and "go home" to Germany or Poland where they were massacred, one of the very few people who supported her was....Jimmy Carter. She told Playboy that he was very sympathetic but didn't want to go into details because it would get him into trouble. 

Carter also condoned terror attacks against Jews in Israel. Really.

In his "Peace, Not Apartheid" book, Carter wrote, "It is imperative that the general Arab community and all significant Palestinian groups make it clear that they will end the suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism when international laws and the ultimate goals of the Roadmap for Peace are accepted by Israel."

This "humanitarian" didn't call for suicide bombings against Jews to end unconditionally. He advised Palestinians to use them as a bargaining chip to force Israel to give in to their demands. That is literally the definition of terrorism, and Carter is saying that he supports the goals of Palestinian terror.

Carter made many hateful statements about Israel which clearly cross the line into antisemitism. For example, he once downplayed the Iranian nuclear threat because they would only have a couple of bombs while Israel has hundreds, as if dropping a nuclear bomb on Tel Aviv is no big deal. Carter's support and even compliments for Hamas, for Palestinian "democracy" and other outrageous anti-Israel statements could fill a book. But even without mentioning Israel, his antisemitism is clear and unambiguous.

The single most damning example of Carter's antisemitism comes from an incident in 1987.

Neal Sher was the head of  the Office of Special Investigations, the Justice Department’s Nazi prosecution unit. They had iron-clad evidence that a Chicago resident, Martin Bartesch, a member of the SS Death’s Head Division at the Mauthausen concentration camp, was a war criminal and a murderer.

Bartesch's family started a huge campaign against the OSI, writing letters to members of Congress and other prominent people asking for help. Most politicians contacted the OSI to find out the details, OSI provided them with evidence of his guilt, and they would drop the matter.

But, Sher says, not Jimmy Carter.
In September 1987, after all of the gruesome details of the case had been made public and widely reported in the media, I received a letter sent by Bartesch’s daughter to the former president. Citing groups that had been exposed for their anti-Semitism, it was an all-out assault against OSI as unfair, “un-American” and interested only in “vengeance” against innocent family members.

...Not even the staunchest and most sincere devotee to humanitarian causes could legitimately claim that an SS murderer who deceived authorities to obtain a visa and citizenship was somehow deserving of exceptional treatment.

That’s why I was so taken aback by the personal, handwritten note Jimmy Carter sent to me seeking “special consideration” for this Nazi SS murderer. There on the upper-right corner of Bartesch’s daughter’s letter was a note to me in the former president’s handwriting, and with his signature, urging that “in cases such as this, special consideration can be given to the families for humanitarian reasons.”

Unlike members of Congress who inquired about the facts, Carter blindly accepted at face value the daughter’s self-serving (and disingenuous) assertions.
Here is Carter's note supporting the case of a known Nazi war criminal.

Carter took the side of a family of a Nazi against his own government. And he couched it in "humanitarian" terms.

Maybe, maybe one could excuse one or two of these examples in isolation. But in the aggregate, there is no denying it: Jimmy Carter is an antisemite, and anyone who doesn't think that this detracts from his humanitarian work is condoning world's oldest hate.

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M. Sameh Mohamed Bassiouni is the head of Egypt's Islamist Nour Party (which has seven seats in Egypt's Parliament) and is also a member of the Presidential Council.

He published an antisemitic screed on his Facebook page, summarized by Fath-News which he linked to on his Twitter account:
The Jews are people of treachery and not people of peace. Throughout history, they are killers of the prophets. They kill children, women, and the elderly in cold blood. They do not respect a believer except for a covenant. They see themselves as above human beings and consider it lawful to kill others and enslave them, as stated in their books and on the tongues of their rabbis.

... On the false claims of normalization, what they promote of an alleged Abrahamic religion or a manufactured Abrahamic house is very dangerous, with which they domesticate generations of Muslims so that they become coexistent with murder, treachery, and the abhorrent Jewish occupation.

Earlier this week, Bassiouni claimed that the synagogue opened in Abu Dhabi was meant to "achieve the fixed strategic Zionist plans to implement the Talmudic dream of a Jewish state from the Nile to the Euphrates."

Don't worry though - human rights groups won't say a word, and if pushed, they'll just say he is anti-Zionist.

Because according to them, only Nazis are antisemitic. 

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Thursday, February 23, 2023

From Ian:

Jonathan Tobin: Golda Meir would agree with Netanyahu on this one
Mirren’s claims about what Meir would think about this issue demonstrate complete ignorance of the subject matter at hand.

During her entire time serving in and then leading Israel’s governments during its first quarter-century, the country’s Supreme Court did not exercise or claim to have the powers that contemporary left-wingers now assert are essential to democracy. On the contrary, the governments led by Prime Ministers David Ben-Gurion and Levi Eshkol did not recognize the right of the court to act in the manner it has done for the last 30 years. Neither did Meir.

The idea that founding father Ben-Gurion or Meir—or anyone in their Labor Zionist-led coalitions—would have tolerated for a single minute the court weighing in on every decision that the cabinet, ministers or the military made is laughable. They didn’t believe that any Israeli court had the right to override their decisions on appointments, policies or military operations without even establishing their standing to do so. The judicial revolution initiated by former Chief Justice Aharon Barak didn’t begin until many years later.

Meir was a hard-core partisan, and despised the Israeli right and its leader Menachem Begin. But the assumption that Netanyahu’s reforms would end democracy in Israel would mean that the country wasn’t one before Barak’s power grab. That happened more than a decade after Meir was driven from office in 1974.

That Mirren doesn’t know any of this is not surprising. But that anyone would listen to her on this question or give credence to her uninformed opinions in order to promote the “resistance” to Netanyahu says more about the Israeli left than it does about the object of their ire.

Whatever we may ultimately think about the current movie about Meir, Mirren’s comments about judicial reform should remind all of both the pitfalls of celebrity culture and the perils of historical ignorance.
Obama gets his revenge
Democrats have not forgotten what they viewed as an insult and a betrayal. For Obama retreads like Blinken and Nides, it’s payback time. Even staunch pro-Israel Democrats in Congress are openly criticizing Netanyahu, and they can do so with some impunity because many of their liberal Jewish constituents are equally upset with the direction Israel is going.

Israeli opponents of the government have been encouraging intervention by the U.S. government and the American Jewish community. It’s a dangerous tactic that they will likely rue when a government more to their liking comes to power and the tables are turned.

We’ve seen this before. It started when the Labor Party began agitating for Americans to oppose the government led by Yitzhak Shamir. The Likud was outraged. When Yitzhak Rabin came to power and signed the Oslo Accords, it was the right’s turn to lobby Americans to attack the government and the left’s to be indignant.

Most people engaged in the current debate probably don’t remember that in 2016, the left also asserted that democracy was in danger when Netanyahu’s government introduced the relatively benign legislation to require nongovernmental organizations to report foreign funding they received because some of them were using the money to promote the boycott of Israel. The left was also upset that Netanyahu was not prepared to trade land for peace—a formula discredited by the disengagement from Gaza. Then, as now, Netanyahu’s detractors called on the U.S. government to save Israel from itself.

The campaign was unsuccessful because Donald Trump had just become president, and Obama’s acolytes left to cash in on their government positions and plot their return to power.

The Democratic Party symbol is a donkey and that is appropriate for the stubborn obsession with the two-state solution (which should have the symbol of a unicorn). In the case of the Biden administration, the Republican elephant is just as apropos as it reflects the long memory of the Obamaites who were frustrated by their inability to bend Netanyahu to their will.

At the end of Obama’s term, when it made no difference, they took out their infuriation by abstaining rather than vetoing a U.N. Security Council resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlement activity and declaring the Jewish communities illegal. This was followed by Secretary of State John Kerry’s farewell speech, which, instead of a review of his diplomatic record, was a tantrum devoted to attacking Israel.

Book Launch - "Can 'The Whole World' Be Wrong?: Lethal Journalism, Antisemitism and Global Jihad"
In his hugely detailed, extensively researched and important new book, Professor Richard Landes documents how a radical inability of Westerners to understand the medieval mentality that drives Global Jihad, prompted a series of misguided reactions that have shaped these early years of the 21st Century. These radical disorientations have created our current dilemma of pervasive information distrust and its attendant proliferation of conspiracy theory, deep splits within the voting public in most democracies, the politicization of science and tribalization of politics, and the inability of Western elites to defend their civilization even as they adopt increasingly self-destructive ideologies.

As the world comes closer to the second quarter of this century and the political arena has become more polarized and distrust in the media has become more pervasive. Can “The Whole World” Be Wrong?: Lethal Journalism, Antisemitism, and Global Jihad offers original and compelling insights into our current trajectory.

At this official launch in Jerusalem, Professor Landes was joined in discussing the book and the issues it raises with renowned journalist and columnist with the Times of London, Melanie Phillips; Yossi Kupperwasser, former director general of Israel's Ministry of Strategic Affairs; and Adam Levick, co-editor of media monitoring organization CAMERA-UK.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Spelling BeeNew York, February 9 - Wordle, Quordle, Spelling Bee - for the vast majority of players, these and other games provide a few minutes of brain-stimulating fun; for a select few, they carry important coded messages to agents from the shadowy Jewish council that manipulates world affairs for the benefit of the Jewish collective.

Tens of millions of people around the world view such pursuits as an enjoyable diversion: find the five-letter word in as few guesses as possible; form as many words as possible with a given set of letters; and so on. Algorithms do exist to select randomly from among the sets of letters or words that conform to the each game's principles - but in the case of the world's most popular such games, their very ubiquity and popularity has made them perfect for the Elders of Zion to reach their thousands of well-placed manipulators, saboteurs, or other agents efficiently without arousing suspicion. In fact, analysts believe, the games themselves only became popular because the Elders desired an additional avenue through which to communicate their daily encrypted instructions.

"The sudden popularity of these games seems like an arbitrary, but still explainable, thing," noted counterespionage expert Alex Jones. "Nobody really knows what makes a thing take off - well, nobody except the people who have made it their job to control the rest of us and keep us preoccupied and ignorant while they take over the world. To the uninitiated, the winning word in Wordle, or words in Quordle, seem unrelated and innocuous. But anyone who knows how these dark forces operate can tell you it's never that simple and never, ever, that innocent. Each word conveys something important that day to Zionist agents, telling them when, whether, or how to implement the plans for domination they've been developing and pursuing for centuries. Anyone who supports 'the current thing,' be it Ukraine, Black Lives Matter, gun control, immigration reform, combating climate change, COVID vaccines, has no idea they're being manipulated and kept in the dark. Same thing here. These games look like harmless fun, but they're communications from a sinister cabal."

Others in the same field suspect that the apps carrying the games on users' devices contain malware for censorship, behavioral modification, and mind control. "I'd be wary of interacting with a phone or computer in any way that involves use of one's brain," cautioned C. J. Werleman, who often shares his anti-Israel takes on Twitter. "You do that and you open yourself to the machinations of the evil people who want to take over your brain and turn you into a drone who cares only about puberty blockers, Greta, and calling Republicans Hitler. If you do need to use technology, try removing the important components from it that were made in Israel."

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From the UN's OCHA:

The number of exit permits for [Gaza] workers and traders issued by Israeli authorities increased from just over 10,000 in January 2022 to more than 18,000 in November 2022. This has allowed more exits of people compared with any time since the early 2000s. At the same time, the Egyptian authorities allowed more exits than any time since 2014.
This is an understatement. The number of Gazans allowed to cross into and Israel and back more than doubled between 2021 and 2022, and it was by far the most since Hamas took over Gaza.

Less authorized goods were brought in through Israel and more were imported through Egypt. Goods exiting through either border increased and, for the first time, exceeded the pre-blockade annual figures.
There are more Gaza exports than there were before the Hamas takeover of Gaza!

These are the exports (ignore the caption, this is for both Erez and Rafah crossings):

Israel is clearly trying to help the Gaza economy. 

When Israel acts the opposite of the narrative (which says they are starving Gazans in their open-air prison),  suddenly the news media loses all interest in reporting about movement and exports from Gaza.

Remember when the UN said Gaza was going to be uninhabitable by...2020?

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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From Ian:

Republican Senators Introduce Bill to Halt Aid to Gaza
Senators Rick Scott (R-FL) and Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) on Tuesday announced the reintroduction of the Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act, which would prohibit US aid expenditures intended for Gaza so long as that aid continues to benefit Hamas and other terrorist groups.

“Israel is a country facing unyielding attacks from terrorist groups, like Hamas, who wish to destroy the Jewish state and its people,” Scott said in a statement. “Our bill, the Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act, requires the president to certify that any taxpayer money authorized to the territory of Gaza will not end up in the hands of Hamas terrorists, making clear that we will cut off ANY AND ALL ties, direct or indirect, to terrorist organizations that attack our allies.”

Critics of US aid to UNRWA – the UN agency that assists Palestinian refugees and their descendants – argue that by operating schools and hospitals in the Gaza Strip, the agency effectively benefits Hamas by relieving it of costs it would otherwise have to pay from its own budget.

“There is no circumstance in which taxpayer dollars should prop up terrorist organizations, especially when such an organization’s goal is the destruction of Israel, an important ally to us. Hamas is just such an organization,” Hyde-Smith said.

The bill follows the introduction on Monday of Republican-sponsored legislation that would cut funding to UNRWA entirely barring radical reforms to the agency.

Reviews by the State Department and independent watchdog groups routinely find UNRWA using school curricula promoting violent and antisemitic content.
American taxpayers should demand accountability from UNRWA
In July of 2022, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) thanked President Joe Biden for his financial support of Palestinian refugees, helping them “to live dignified lives (with) basic health, education and social protection services.” The funds, it said, “contribute to the human rights of Palestine refugees.”

To the average American who is not schooled in the Middle East or believes that media reporting is accurate, this sounds consistent with our values.

What was not stated was UNRWA’s educational programs, which incite violence and delegitimize and dehumanize Israelis. This is antithetical to creating an atmosphere of tolerance, respect and eventual peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

The Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) noted, “UNRWA is complicit in radicalizing schoolchildren through the glorification of terrorists, encouragement to violence and teaching of blood libels to Palestinian schoolchildren.”

“UNRWA’s Facebook pages have glorified suicide bombers, including Wafa Idris, a Red Crescent volunteer who drove an ambulance with explosives into the heart of Jerusalem, killing an elderly man and injuring more than one hundred civilians,” IMPACT-se pointed out. “Mathematical problems in UNRWA textbooks count terrorists, telling students to defend the motherland with blood. A spelling exercise condemns peace and normalization agreements between Israel and Arab states … while Israel is referred to as ‘the Enemy’ and is erased from maps of the region.”

Yet the Biden administration reinstated UNRWA funding to the tune of over $600 million in American taxpayer dollars since 2021. A White House official said UNRWA is committed to “zero tolerance for racism, discrimination and antisemitism.”

But is it?
Rights Groups Send Open Letter Demanding Re-Nomination of Axed Israel ‘Apartheid’ Activist
Dozens of human rights organizations and hundreds of individual activists on Wednesday sent an open letter to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding that he reinstate the nomination of a human rights candidate who called President Biden a “senile gaffe machine.”

The Biden administration on Feb. 14th withdrew the nomination of Professor James Cavallaro to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) after The Algemeiner uncovered his history of incendiary social media posts.

The letter, published on in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, and Arabic, repeats Cavallaro’s claim that “the basis for the withdrawal of his nomination was his posts on Twitter about Israel and Palestine.”

“Withdrawing the candidacy of a distinguished human rights advocate for their criticism of human rights abuses in Israel/Palestine or any other context sets a dangerous precedent that impacts human rights advocacy across the globe,” the letter says.

Signatories to the letter include Human Rights Watch, B’Tselem, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), CODEPINK, and Noam Chomsky.
  • Thursday, February 23, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian government sources and media rushed yesterday to accuse Israel of "massacring" ten people in Nablus. 

But how many of the dead were really killed by Israeli forces?

In an unusual tweet, an UNRWA official described the death of a former UNRWA teacher this way:

Abdelaziz Ashqar, 64 years old retired UNRWA staff was killed yesterday, a loving colleague who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was caught in a crossfire between Israeli military and armed residents in Nablus. Violence must stop. Civilians must always be protected.

If UNRWA doesn't blame Israel for the death of a colleague, that is a pretty good indication that they know that he was killed by Palestinian militants.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights seems to know the truth as well. Even though they accuse Israel of killing seven militants and three civilians, the circumstances for the deaths of the terrorists and civilians couldn't be more different:

According to PCHR’s investigations and eyewitnesses’ testimonies, at around 10:00 on Wednesday, 22 February 2023, an Israeli special force sneaked via a truck belonging to al-Sharq Company for Transportation into the eastern vegetables market in Nablus that is usually crowded at this time.   The Force stationed near a 3-storey old house belonging to Waleed Riyadh Hussein al-Tawil and tightened the cordon off the house.  Shortly after, IOF heavily armored by military vehicles and a drone moved into the city and started intensively shooting and firing projectiles at the cordoned house, where 3 members of the Palestinian armed group were fortified.  Violent clashes broke out in the area and extended to several streets in the City.  As a result, 10 Palestinians, including 3 civilians, were killed.  The civilians were identified as Mohammed Farid Mohammed Sha’aban (16), ‘Abdel ‘Aziz Mohammed ‘Abdel ‘Aziz Ashqar (65), who were both shot in front of al-Rahma clinic: one in the left shoulder and chest and the other in the chest, and a 73-year-old elderly namely ‘Adnan Sabe’a B’arah (73), who was shot with 8 bullets in the neck, mouth, head and chest when he was in the vegetables market.  Meanwhile, the armed group members were identified as Mohammed Khaled Majdi ‘Anbousi (24); Mos’ab Munir ‘Aweis (25); Tamer Nemer Ahmed al-Minawi (33); and Jaser Jamil ‘Abdel Wahab Kan’ir (22), who were all shot with several bullets in their heads during armed clashes.

After IOF’s withdrawal at around 13:00, three bodies were pulled from the targeted house, which sustained severe destruction.  Those recovered were members of the Palestinian armed groups and identified as Walid Riyadh Hussein al-Dakhil (23), who was shot in the head and sustained fractures due to the house destruction; Husam Bassam Bashir Salim (23), who was shot in the neck and abdomen and sustained fractures as well; and Mohammed ‘Omer ‘Abdel Ghani ‘Abdel Fattah (23), who was shot with more than 20 bullets all over his body.
All of the terrorists killed were in the house. All of the civilians killed were outside, in the vegetable market or the clinic. 

Palestinian groups were firing at the IDF from a several block radius. 

What are the chances that the IDF, quite knowledgeable about the laws of armed conflict, shot at a vegetable market and clinic? Even if they were fired upon from those directions, one would expect their return fire would have hit at least one of the shooters - but the narrative is that they only hit civilians!

AP reported, "In the Old City of Nablus, people stared at the rubble that had been a large home in the centuries-old marketplace. From one end to the other, shops were riddled with bullets. "

The IDF is a professional army. They do not fire randomly at buildings.  But Palestinian militants do indeed fire wildly. We've seen this many times. 

It is far more likely that the shooters from around Nablus were firing indiscriminately and hit the Palestinian civilians. And the Palestinian propaganda machine made sure that the first story to reach the media was that Israel killed all of the ten. 

Even UNRWA seems to know that this isn't true.

UPDATE 1: UNRWA took down the tweet after Palestinians were upset at the idea that it wasn't Israeli fire that killed civilians.

UPDATE 2: Joe Truzman shows video of militants wildly firing in Nablus, very close to civilians.

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  • Thursday, February 23, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
One of the targets that Israel attempted to arrest in Nablus yesterday, Hussam Aslim of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades,  went on Facebook live to tell the world that he was about to be "martyred" rather than allow himself to be taken alive. 

In his final message, he included his love for his mother.

Naturally, that became a headline in Palestinian media. 

The Palestinian Health Ministry also originally said that Tamer Nimer Ahmed Minawi, 14, was killed in Nablus. It turns out he was 31.

An eleventh "martyr" was added late Wednesday: a 66 year old man was said to have died from tear gas inhalation. While this is possible, it is unlikely: tear gas is designed to hurt but not to kill. While Palestinians have falsely claimed a number of victims of tear gas "suffocation" over the years, in reality people dying from tear gas that was shot in an open area is very rare. 

Additionally, Palestinian officials like to attribute natural deaths to Israel when possible. In January 2009, during the Gaza war, there is evidence that many of the supposed victims of the war in fact died of natural causes - 400 are expected to die every month in Gaza.

As usual, the media doesn't bother to do the investigation to find out the truth. 

(h/t Adin Haykin)

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