Thursday, August 18, 2022

Yesterday, Israel shut down seven Palestinian organizations with ties to the PFLP terror group.

I have recently shown how the PFLP remains a terrorist organization, which explicitly calls for violence and killing Jews as part of "legal resistance."  Organizations like Al Haq, Addameer and Defense for Children-Palestine are dominated with PFLP operators. The idea that terrorists are also human rights advocates is obscene, yet the UN and groups like Human Rights Watch support them (and the PFLP itself.)

The PFLP website is the best place to see how, to them, human rights is just another weapon. Two articles are juxtaposed: praise for the terror attack in Jerusalem and a meeting between PFLP representatives and UNRWA to discuss "human rights" in Gaza.

But now, the Palestinian Authority has responded to the Israeli closure - by saying that they will soon publish their own list of Jewish organizations that they claim are terrorist!

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Dr. Riyad Al-Maliki, expressed the readiness of the State of Palestine to announce a large list of names of Israeli organizations to be placed on terrorist lists, as part of steps the leadership is working to take in response to the ongoing crimes of the occupation against our people, and its denial of international legitimacy resolutions.

Al-Maliki said in an interview with "Voice of Palestine" radio this Thursday morning, that work is underway to complete the legal procedures to put Jewish organizations on terrorist lists, and mobilize international support to classify them as terrorist organizations and demand the international community not to deal with them so that this list will be announced in the appropriate time.
Notice that the Palestinian Authority calls them "Jewish organizations."

This sounds like the Palestinian response to MEMRI and Palestinian Media Watch reports on incitement in Palestinian media - they now regularly publish their own examples of what they call "incitement" in Israeli media, which is usually nothing of the sort.

But if Israel accuses Palestinians of something, they respond with the "I'm rubber, you're glue" strategy of saying that Israel is always the more guilty party in every single sphere.

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The Palestinian Supreme Fatwa Council warns against Israeli interference in Palestinian schools:

The Supreme Fatwa Council warned against targeting Palestinian education in Jerusalem and the rest of the Palestinian territories by canceling the Palestinian curriculum, closing and demolishing schools, and attempts to impose the Israeli curriculum on Palestinian students studying in Jerusalem schools, in order to market the Zionist narrative, related to the religious and historical rights of Jews. 

The council explained, in a statement today, Thursday, that the occupation authorities had developed an Israeli education curriculum for Arab citizens in the city of Jerusalem after its occupation in 1967, in an attempt to confront the Palestinian narrative and impose the Israeli narrative in its place..., claiming that these schools practice incitement in their curricula, while the real goal lies in trying to impose the Israeli curriculum.
Of course, Israel should impose the same standards on Arab Jerusalem schools as in Arab schools elsewhere in Israel. And Israel has been encouraging that in various ways for years. And many Arab schools have embraced and supported that!

The Council also condemned the decision of the occupation court, to demolish and destroy the Ain Samia Basic School, stressing that these attacks against education and schools constitute a heinous crime added to the series of continuous crimes of the occupation against the educational sector, noting that these crimes constitute a flagrant violation of the right of students to safe and free education. They call on international legal, human rights and media institutions and organizations to assume its legal and moral responsibilities towards the escalating violations of the occupation, and work to curb these aggressive practices, expose them and provoke them in all forums and fields, and provide protection and advocacy for our students.  
We see rhetoric like this all the time, escalating and threatening in the most extreme terms whenever anything doesn't go their way.

Let's look at the Ain Samia school:

It is an illegal structure. And it is unsafe.

According to this article that is sympathetic to the desire to build these ad-hoc schools as land grabs in the West Bank:

Although construction was not completed, the educational process began with the attendance of ten students, with about 50 others joining their colleagues within days.

The tin-built school looks like a skeleton, and lacks the main facilities such as yards, laboratories, water and electricity networks, and even the blackboard, while activists and parents are trying to complete the construction.  

No one would tolerate such a school that doesn't even have a bathroom.  But the Palestinians tell the world that Israel is violating Palestinian human rights by stopping classes in such a dangerous structure. 

This is a small example of how they lie, constantly, consistently, and in a way to appeal to ignorant Westerners who don't bother to Google the information to learn the truth.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

From Ian:

Anti-Israel orgs plan to protest 125th anniversary of the first Zionist Congress
BDS Movement-affiliated organizations are planning a number of demonstrations at the end of the month in Basel, Switzerland, opposing a series of events commemorating 125 years since the first Zionist Congress.

The World Zionist Organization will be marking 125 years since the historic first Zionist Congress in Basel on August 28. The events will take place at different sites related to the 1897 congress.

“This commemorative political event, supported by the Basel government and secured by a massive police and military presence, affirms the supremacy of right-wing organizations over the importance and history of Zionism,” the official Swiss BDS Facebook page stated.
“We once again urge the Basel government to withdraw from any involvement in the Zionism celebrations and to end any cooperation with official Israeli institutions and state representatives.”
Swiss BDS
“Along with the WZO, this anniversary is also organized by an organization that plays an important role in illegal settlement building and systematic expropriation of Palestinian land,” the BDS group claimed, but didn’t specify which organization it was referring to. BDS Switzerland's post on Facebook regarding their upcoming demonstrations. Posted 9 August, 2022. (credit: Zvika Klein) BDS Switzerland's post on Facebook regarding their upcoming demonstrations. Posted 9 August, 2022. (credit: Zvika Klein)

“The history of violence of Zionism is denied at the celebration,” the Facebook post said, adding that “the colonial character of the Zionist occupation in Palestine is obscured and, in continuity with the Zionists of the time, the mere existence of Palestinians made their suffering invisible.”

Two major events are planned to take place as a demonstration against the Zionist events in Basel and the existence of Israel. The first event will take place on Saturday evening, where a “panel discussion on Palestine will relate to the critical contributions to the situation in Palestine,” the Swiss BDS site has disclosed.

In addition, a protest will take place on Sunday afternoon against the Zionist Congress events. Swiss BDS shared that “the route will be discussed with the authorities, any expression of antisemitism is prohibited; only flags of Palestine desired.”

Gil Troy: If you're being silenced, ask yourselves: What would Salman Rushdie do?
Iran’s ayatollahs, the countries that banned The Satanic Verses and the twitterdummies, who applauded Rushdie’s butchering, all want to create what the Soviet-born human rights activist Natan Sharansky calls fear-societies. Traditionally, fear-societies, like Iran, impose terror from the top down. Increasingly in Western democracies, fear-societies are springing from the bottom-up, as peer-censorship and self-censorship spread. Even if they defend basic liberties, democracies falter if their loudest and most influential citizens lose faith in the free marketplace of ideas.

Building trust combats such grassroots fear and bullying. We need to trust one another. We must remember the basic democratic lesson that those who come to different political conclusions are not evil, while fostering more faith in the democratic process. Vigorous, respectful debate among different political factions can keep us talking together, then building together.

In that spirit of candor, we also should acknowledge that we are in a civilizational war with brutal enemies. As hard as it is to imagine any 24-year-old attacking a 75-year-old author, it is even harder to imagine anyone stabbing a person again and again in the eye, the abdomen and the chest, as the blood spurts and people yell. What kind of incitement riles someone up like that and what kind of people cheer such evil?

Similarly, closer to home, it’s hard to conceive how a 26-year-old east Jerusalemite this Sunday morning could shoot a pregnant woman in the stomach, an older man in the neck and head, and five other Western Wall worshipers waiting to board a bus and a taxi also wins applause.

It’s not just Hamas and so many others who have called that terrorist heroic, the masquerading moderates of the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s (PLO) Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) called this latest attack proof that “the resistance of our people continues in all forms and throughout the occupied Palestinian land.” Although their Western enablers don’t like noticing, these maximalists define “the occupied Palestinian land,” as every inch of territory they covet, leaving zero room for Jews or anyone else they detest.

Ultimately, we can only fight fear and cultivate trust by regaining confidence in ourselves and our Western democratic values. Confidence is not arrogance. It can include self-criticism. But today’s new nihilism, with unpatriotic patriots and illiberal liberals, with conservatives who don’t conserve institutions, progressives who don’t appreciate progress and uber-partisans who don’t respect their rivals’ democratic rights, reflects a crisis of democratic faith, a vacuum of trust and totalitarian culture of fear that spawned Rushdie’s attacker. Right now, only doctors can save his body, but all of us must preserve and expand Rushdie’s bold, freedom-fighting, democracy-affirming legacy.
‘Different rules’ apply with Islam
Society has just agreed people can’t publish novels criticising Mohammed as “different rules apply” with Islam, says author Douglas Murray.

It follows the stabbing attack on novelist Sir Salman Rushdie in New York.

Mr Rushdie has had a fatwa calling for his death for his novel The Satanic Verses since 1989.

“This is of course intolerable,” he told Sky News Australia.

“It’s the demand of one fanatical sect of Islam to dictate not only what all Muslims will be able to say, but what everybody else is too.

“And that should be deemed totally intolerable with any sense of pride.”

What, exactly, is an Israeli settler, from the point of view of the Arab terrorist? I ask because Sunday morning I woke up to news of an Arab terror attack in Jerusalem on private cars and a bus that all told, wounded 8.

Some of the victims were tourists from Brooklyn, yet according to Elder of Ziyon (Data point: Palestinian media calls terror victims "settlers," Arab media calls them "Jews" (or "Israelis")), local Arab media referred to the collective victims as “settlers.”

Elder correctly notes that calling the victims “settlers” implies that they are guilty and deserved to be attacked. But Jerusalem is a cosmopolitan city and a major tourist magnet. Anyone could have been riding in that bus or in a private car on the streets of Jerusalem: a Thai worker, religious pilgrims of various faiths and nationalities, a Jerusalem Arab, Nancy Pelosi. Or, as in this case, Jewish tourists from Brooklyn. The percentage of actual settlers that are likely to have been on that bus or in passing cars—that is to say Israeli Jews who actually  live in Judea and Samaria—is likely to mirror the percentage of actual settlers in Israel, fewer than five percent.

The world, of course, likes to play fast and easy with the definition of “settler” when it comes to Jews. To the haters, every Jew who lives in Israel is a “settler” because the haters deem Jews living in their indigenous territory as European squatters on Arab land. But even if you consider every single Israeli Jew to be a settler, the tourists from Brooklyn certainly do not qualify. They don’t live in Jerusalem. They don’t live in Israel. They aren’t staying. They haven’t made Aliyah. How then, does the media get away with calling these Brooklyn tourists “settlers?”

The answer is, no one cares. The word “settler” is an excuse, a pretext for murder. The accusation is enough: the passengers MIGHT have been settlers. Therefore terrorists can kill them. But the only reason terrorists try to kill them is because they might have been JEWS. 

The others who die? Not a problem. They can be martyrs for the cause.* That is, if they’re Muslims.

Well, that covers any Muslims who happened to get in the way. But what about the others? Through the years, many non-Jews have been killed in Arab terror attacks. And they are definitely not settlers.

The answer? Who cares? Maybe they weren’t Jews, but they MIGHT have been Jews. Good enough reason to eliminate them. Because they might have been settlers.

But again, I’m left with the question: What is a settler? It can’t be someone like me who lives in Judea. Because the Arabs are the latecomers to the region and my people have been in Judea for thousands of years.

You and I know, of course, that this is the entire point of the settler designation: to make it seem the other way around: as if the Jews originate in Europe, while the Arabs originate in “Palestine.” Which is complete bullpucky, and which is why I won’t call Arabs “Palestinians.” That narrative is an inversion of the truth.

Arabs are not Palestinians, because there has never been a state called Palestine, and certainly not an Arab state by that name. Hence there can be no such Arab nationality, there being no nation with which such a nationality might be associated.

Arabs are Arabs. They come from Saudi Arabia. Jews, meanwhile, are Jews. They come from—HELLO—Judea.

The Arabs and their worldwide fan club want you to think they come from Eretz Israel, so they gave themselves a fake name—Palestinian—and the media swallowed it whole. But that doesn’t mean you or anyone else has to believe it or use it. Just as no one needs to invent the name "settler" for Jews who happen to live in Judea, to make it sound as if the Jews have never been there before—as if the Jews invented the history of their sojourn in their God-given indigenous territory.

Some swallow whole the line that all Israeli Jews are settlers, no matter where they live. Others believe that only those who live over the Green Line are "settlers." But all those who use the word "settler" as epithet, fall into one or both of the following two categories: Ignorant, stupid sheeple with no critical thinking skills, or antisemites—and yes, that includes progressive, self-hating Jews—who think that throwing around words like “Zionist” and “settler” lends legitimacy to their hate for the Jewish people.

After all, if the media, who does this for a living, can call tourists from Brooklyn, “settlers,” then who are they—the masses—to question this?

The fact is, they don’t have to. So they don’t. Because all’s fair in love and war and stealing Jewish land.

*'cause they want our land.

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In an op-ed at Arabic21 TV, Ahmed Al-Hila writes:

[Israel] was founded on the concept of gentiles, the concept of human slavery to the Jews, the concept of humans in the service of Judaism, the concept of the ego god that resembles humans in their bodies, eyes, noses, hands and feet, but in fact they are a state of human nausea, a cloud of hatred and loathing, and a source of the racism that permeates the chest of humanity.

Many prestigious international institutions spoke about the racism of these people and their entity, and the level of sadism that they love to the point of death...
He must be an expert on Judaism!

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From Ian:

Mahmoud Abbas’s lifelong falsification of Jewish history
First came Yasser Arafat, who repeatedly and clear-headedly chose to forgo the opportunity of winning statehood for the Palestinian people on much of the territory they sought — notably during the Clinton administration, in negotiations with prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Barak. Ultimately, he could not bring himself to abandon terrorism against the Jewish state, to transition from terror chief to national leader.

And then came Mahmoud Abbas, who did not so much as respond to departing prime minister Ehud Olmert’s hurriedly scribbled offer of a state that met almost all of the Palestinians’ ostensible demands, including control of much of East Jerusalem and shared sovereignty in the Old City. While not directly orchestrating the killings of Israelis, Arafat-style, Abbas evidently shared and continued to promulgate Arafat’s murderously incendiary narrative that the Jewish people have no legitimacy in their ancient homeland.

Abbas’s remarks in Berlin on Tuesday, accusing Israel of carrying out “50 holocausts” against the Palestinians, are the pernicious, logical culmination of the false narrative he set out in his 1982 People’s Friendship University of Russia doctoral thesis, which in turn shaped his failed leadership.

As published in book form in 1984, he sought to minimize the scale of the Holocaust, writing, according to a translation by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, “It is possible that the number of Jewish victims reached six million, but at the same time it is possible that the figure is much smaller – below one million.” And he blamed the Zionists for such murders as did take place, claiming that Zionist leaders gave “permission to every racist in the world, led by Hitler and the Nazis, to treat Jews as they wish, so long as it guarantees immigration to Palestine… More victims meant greater rights and stronger privilege [for Zionist leaders] to join the negotiation table for dividing the spoils of war once it was over.”

Four years ago, in a speech in Ramallah, Abbas amended and expanded his inflammatory falsification of history, to allege that the Holocaust was caused by the Jews’ “social behavior, [charging] interest, and financial matters.” As for Zionists, Israelis and Israel itself, the Palestinian leader pronounced, “Their narrative about coming to this country because of their longing for Zion, or whatever — we’re tired of hearing this. The truth is that this is a colonialist enterprise, aimed at planting a foreign body in this region.”

“It’s classic antisemitism,” and “classic blame the victim,” Deborah Lipstadt, the scholar who in 2000 had triumphed in a libel suit brought against her by British Holocaust denier David Irving, told The Times of Israel after that May 2018 Abbas speech. “This brings one back directly to his dissertation, to his distortion of history.”

Added Lipstadt, “Here’s a man who started his career denying the Holocaust and now, at the latter stages of his career, seems to be engaging in rewriting the history of the Holocaust.”
Palestinian President Abbas' holocaust comment is not new - analysis
It is foul because it is a vile falsification of history. It is foul because it obscenely trivializes the Holocaust. It is foul because it is an antisemitic libel aimed at demonizing the Jewish state.

It is foul because it plays into the narrative that still holds sway in much of the Mideast that the West created Israel as a form of “compensation” for the Holocaust. However, if the Jews themselves perpetrated “50 Holocausts,” as Abbas believes, then there is no justification in the world for the creation of the State of Israel as compensation for “just one.”

Abbas has in the past already denied that there were any Jewish temples in Jerusalem, thereby denying any historical or religious justification for a Jewish state in this part of the world. Now he is undermining any moral justification.

It is also foul because it pollutes any chance of dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians. CNN, the BBC, The New York Times and Fox News will report his statement and Abbas’s “clarification,” and then move on. It will be forgotten by the next news cycle.

Israelis, however, will remember it, maybe not the exact words, but the overriding sentiment.

And, wouldn’t you know it, it is with those Israelis – not Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, two organizations that will surely give Abbas a pass for these comments – with whom Abbas needs to make peace. These comments don’t build a whole lot of confidence among Israelis that there is anyone on the other side right now with whom they are able to make peace.

This is especially true this week. Just two days before Abbas’s comments in Munich, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad labeled “heroic” the act of a Palestinian terrorist who opened fire in Jerusalem and wounded eight people, including critically wounding a 26-year old pregnant woman whom he shot in the stomach.

Peace begins in the hearts and the minds. These comments from both ends of the Palestinian leadership spectrum, Hamas on one end and Fatah on the other, are not exactly winning over the hearts and minds of Israelis who will have to agree to any concessions for peace.
From Human Rights Watch:

 Israeli authorities should immediately release the French-Palestinian human rights worker Salah Hamouri from administrative detention and reverse the decision to revoke his residency status in his native Jerusalem, Human Rights Watch said today.

...The military courts based their decisions to detain him on secret information they allege points to Hamouri’s involvement in the activities of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a Palestinian political movement with an armed wing. 
UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese tweeted, "French-Palestinian Salah Hammouri is a human rights defender who has been persecuted for years. Israel may call him a 'terrorist' but the reality says otherwise. "

Let's look at reality.

HRW used to mention that the PFLP does not distinguish between its terror and "political" wings. Now it treats it as a political organization - even though nothing has changed.

The PFLP's own political platform explicitly supports terror: "It it is a natural right, and duty that the Palestinian people should defend itself, resist the occupation through various means of struggle, including armed struggle. ..[T]he form of armed struggle should be dealt with at each stage as a means to serve the inclusive political vision which is responsible for determining the function to be done at each stage of the struggle..."

And the PFLP still engages in terror. They were responsible for the murder of Rina Shnerb in 2019.

There is no doubt that Hamouri is a member of the PFLP, even though HRW says it is "alleged."  Here is an article (archived) from the PFLP website that calls him a "comrade" and notes that he planned to assassinate the Chief Rabbi of Israel - and he justified it years afterwards.

Comrade Salah Hamouri, the former Palestinian prisoner freed as part of the prisoner exchange on December 18, 2011, said upon his release that “there is no option for the Palestinian people except resistance, because it is the only way for us to achieve our people’s rights, our freedom, and our self-determination.”

He served nearly seven years in Israeli prison, charged with planning to assassinate Ovadia Yosef, the leader of the Shas party and the Chief Rabbi of Israel. “This man is and will remain a symbol of racism and fanaticism in Israel,” Hamouri said.
And when he says "resistance," he means murdering Jews. 

A PFLP envoy to Cuba claimed the organization supports human rights - and one of those human rights is to murder Israeli Jews. 
We reaffirm our commitment to our goals, principles and inalienable Palestinian national rights. Some of these have been recognized and approved by the norms, principles, conventions, international resolutions, international law and human rightsThe first of these rights is the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation by all means and methods.
"All means and methods" means terrorism. And its main website is filled with praise and support for terror attacks. 

The PFLP is a terrorist organization. It is designated as such by the US, EU, Canada and other countries. No major Western nation distinguishes between a "political party" and "armed wing." Neither does the PFLP itself. This was something apparently created by Human Rights Watch.

But "human rights" leaders are claiming that this convicted and admitted terrorist, who calls for violence, is a "human rights defender." Which indicates that they subscribe to the PFLP philosophy that the first and most important human right is to murder Jews. 

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After Mahmoud Abbas yet again spouted antisemitic lies in Germany on Tuesday, Palestinian officials and pundits unanimously supported him. 

Bassam al-Salihi, head of the People's Party and PLO Executive Committee member,  wrote that Abbas' statement that Israel committed fifty "holocausts" against Palestinians was true. "President Abbas' statements express the position of all the Palestinians, and the unrelenting Israeli incitement against the Palestinian president is totally and completely rejected," he wrote on his Facebook page.

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement also supported his statement. Fatah spokesman Munther al-Hayek said that Abbas' words were meant "to remind the world of the suffering of the Palestinian people and the massacres committed by Israel." If there is to be any apology, al-Hayek said, it should be to the Palestinian people "whose land was occupied and the most heinous crimes were committed in front of the eyes and ears of the world without the killer being held accountable."

Ma'an News Agency reported Abbas' statements as "bold" and dismissed criticism by Israel as "hysteria."

The editor of Amad strongly defended Abbas' antisemitism, saying that "the patriot must stand without hesitation, conditionality, or thinking in the battle to defend President Abbas’s words, and that they represent what every Palestinian inside and outside the homeland believes… It is a political moment that never accepts neutrality. Silence on the fascist entity's war against the content of President Abbas's words is a partnership in it..there is no consolation for the cowards and the trembling." even went beyond Abbas' words, with a Jew-hating screed that said that Israel is guilty of far more than 50 "holocausts." By insisting that the Holocaust is a unique event, the editorial says, Jews believe that their lives are worth more than anyone else's. "The Zionist extremist voices that have become addicted to blackmailing the world are nothing but a follow-up to the idea of ​​ethnic or religious discrimination linked to the illusion and myth of 'God’s Chosen People'  attributed to a racist god, and a real estate and land dealer who is intolerant of a part of his creation, which does not fit the description of the Creator."

I could not find one condemnation of Abbas' words in Palestinian media. 

For his part, Abbas' fake apology was an excuse to insult Israel again. He didn't apologize at all, but merely said that he "condemned the Holocaust in the strongest terms," which is as low a bar as one can imagine. 

But Abbas then attacked Israel, and implied that what Israel does is worse than the Holocaust, saying, "the crimes and massacres committed against the Palestinian people since the Nakba at the hands of the Israeli forces... have not stopped to this day." Meaning, the Holocaust ended in the 1940s but Palestinian suffering has lasted for over seven decades. (This theme has been used often in Palestinian media.)

Among the anti-Israel activists I follow on social media, I could not find one condemning Abbas' words besides J-Street. This includes the self-described experts on antisemitism who follow he Middle East extensively like Linda Sarsour, Rashida Tlaib, Marc Lamont Hill, and Peter Beinart. Because to them, if antisemitism doesn't come from a white nationalist, it isn't antisemitism

Their silence condones Abbas.

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On Tuesday, Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of perpetrating 50 "holocausts" on the Palestinians:
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas caused shock in Germany Tuesday when, standing beside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin, he accused Israel of committing “holocausts” against Palestinians over the years.

Abbas was responding to a reporter’s question about the upcoming anniversary of the Munich massacre half a century ago.  Asked whether as Palestinian leader he planned to apologize to Israel and Germany for the attack ahead of the 50th anniversary, Abbas responded instead by citing allegations of atrocities committed by Israel since 1947.

“If we want to go over the past, go ahead,” Abbas, who was speaking Arabic, told the reporters.

“I have 50 slaughters that Israel committed….50 massacres, 50 slaughters, 50 holocausts,” he said, taking care to pronounce the final word in English.
This antisemitism and Holocaust trivialization is hardly anomalous for Abbas. He has a long history of making unmistakably antisemitic statements - yet he is still considered a respected statesman who travels to Western capitals.

The fact that he spouted this hate while answering a question about apologizing for the Munich Olympic massacre of 1972 is telling, because it was Mahmoud Abbas himself who financed that operation. 

Abbas' antisemitism goes back decades. His doctoral thesis, which he turned into a book ("The Other Side: the Secret Relations between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement") says that it was a "myth" and "fantastic lie" that six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. And Jews were responsible in large part for the Jews that were killed: "The Zionist movement led a broad campaign of incitement against the Jews living under Nazi rule, in order to arouse the government's hatred of them, to fuel vengeance against them, and to expand the mass extermination." He also compared Jews to Nazis, saying, “We find that Zionists believe in the purity of the Jewish race, as Hitler believed in the purity of the Aryan race."

And to top it all off, he quoted a Holocaust denier saying that the gas chambers were a myth.

In 2015, Abbas spread antisemitism and incitement to violence. He said, "The Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher are ours. They are all ours, and [Jews] have no right to defile them with their filthy feet. We shall not allow them to do so, and we shall do whatever we can to protect Jerusalem."

Two weeks after calling on protecting Jerusalem by any means, the "knife intifada" broke out, ostensibly to defend Jerusalem from Jews. And on the first anniversary of the speech, another terror wave gripped Israel. 

In 2018, Abbas suggested that Jews who were facing extermination in Europe preferred to stay there than to emigrate to Israel. “The Jews did not want to emigrate even with murder and slaughter. Even during the Holocaust, they did not emigrate." In reality, hundreds of thousands were unable to emigrate because Abbas' fellow Arabs pressured Great Britain to block nearly all Jewish immigration. This is a particularly degusting example of victim-blaming - but not even close to the worst.

Abbas came up with new justifications for the Holocaust in a speech of pure hate in 2018. He told an audience of PLO members that the Jews of Europe brought the Holocaust upon themselves because of usury, banking and their “social function.” He also said that Jews are descended from Khazars, and Israel is a purely European colonial project with nothing to do with Jewish history,

Beyond that, he blamed Jews for their own persecution throughout the centuries: “From the 11th century until the Holocaust that took place in Germany, the Jews – who moved to Western and Eastern Europe – were subjected to a massacre every 10 to 15 years. But why did this happen?...The Jewish issue that was widespread in all European countries... was not because of their religion, but rather their social role related to usury and banks.”

In 2016, speaking to the European Parliament, Abbas said, “Only a week ago, a number of rabbis in Israel announced, and made a clear announcement, demanding that their government poison the water to kill the Palestinians." After a firestorm, he retracted that statement - and today, no one seems to remember his blood libel.

Earlier this year, he said, "The Christian is the brother of the Muslim. They celebrate together, suffer together, live together, work together, and fight together against their enemy." Meaning, the  Jew is the enemy.

This is a consistent pattern of antisemitism. These words are not errors or mistakes - this is what Mahmoud Abbas believes. 

Inevitably, since Germany is up in arms over this latest outrageous statement, Abbas will issue a thoroughly fake apology, claiming that he has nothing against Jews, and the media and world leaders will let it slide - as they did every single previous time. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

From Ian:

Amb. Alan Baker: False and Malicious Catchphrases and Buzzwords in the Israeli-Palestinian Context
Over the years, states, leaders, international organizations, and the international and Israeli media have developed a tendency to endlessly repeat certain internationally recognizable catchphrases and buzzwords with the aim of dictating and influencing a distinct, partisan political narrative against Israel.

This tendency is becoming a permanent phenomenon and increasingly obstructs any genuine attempt to achieve reconciliation between the Palestinian and Israeli peoples.

The repetition of such phrases and terms in all and any discussion and reporting of events and developments in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute is legally inaccurate and blatantly misleading.

While such uses may emanate from ignorance as to the genuine meaning of such phrases and buzzwords and the actual facts and legal background of the various issues, it is more likely that they are deliberately intended to mislead the public.

The following are several examples of such false, misleading, and malicious catchphrases and buzzwords.

5. “Settler Colonialism”
The use of this curious terminology by extreme left-wing and ostensibly progressive elements is nothing more than a shallow and dishonest attempt to manipulate international thinking. It is done by using outmoded, anarchistic, and quasi-intellectual templates taken from age-old colonial situations in an effort to transpose them onto the case of Israel.

Such templates bear no relation whatsoever to the situation in the Middle East.

Accusing Israel of colonization is an attempt to fraudulently and artificially represent Israel in the same light as the European powers that colonized Africa and the Americas in centuries gone by. Such representation is absurd and an insult to intelligence.

This false and malicious accusation totally ignores the circumstances of the defensive war that brought about Israel’s acquisition of control of the territories in 1967.

It ignores and undermines those central UN resolutions and signed agreements calling for a negotiated settlement of the Middle East dispute.

It ignores that both the Israelis and the Palestinians have agreed to divide governance of the territories pending the outcome of the negotiations on the permanent status.

It also ignores the indigenous rights of the Jewish people in the area as well as the internationally acknowledged historical and legal claims of the Jewish people regarding the area, as recognized in such instruments as the 1917 Balfour Declaration, the 1920 San Remo Declaration, the 1922 League of Nations Mandate instrument, and reaffirmed in Article 80 of the UN Charter.

The establishment of settlements by Israel in the territories, in accordance with its prerogatives under international law as the governing authority in the territory, cannot in any way be seen as any form of colonialization. The use of non-privately-owned public land for settlement or agriculture is entirely consistent with accepted international norms as long as the status of the land is not changed pending its final negotiated outcome.

Pursuant to the Oslo Accords, settlements are an agreed issue of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians to determine the permanent status of the territories, together with other issues such as borders, refugees, security, economic interests, and Jerusalem.
In Berlin, Abbas says Israel committed ‘holocausts’; Scholz grimaces but is silent
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas caused shock in Germany Tuesday when, standing beside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin, he accused Israel of committing “holocausts” against Palestinians over the years.

Scholz did not react verbally to Abbas’s comment in the moment, though he grimaced at the use of the word, which Abbas uttered in English. Scholz later said the use of the term in such a context was “unbearable.”

Abbas made his remarks when the two spoke to the media after holding a meeting on Middle East issues.

Abbas was responding to a reporter’s question about the upcoming anniversary of the Munich massacre half a century ago. Eleven Israeli athletes and a German police officer died after members of the Palestinian militant group Black September took hostages at the Olympic Village on September 5, 1972. At the time of the attack, the group was linked to Abbas’s Fatah party.

Asked whether as Palestinian leader he planned to apologize to Israel and Germany for the attack ahead of the 50th anniversary, Abbas responded instead by citing allegations of atrocities committed by Israel since 1947.

“If we want to go over the past, go ahead,” Abbas, who was speaking Arabic, told the reporters.

“I have 50 slaughters that Israel committed….50 massacres, 50 slaughters, 50 holocausts,” he said, taking care to pronounce the final word in English.

Scholz scowled at the use of the word but did not say anything.
'Apartheid' not true description of Israeli-Palestinian conflict - Scholz
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz rejected the word apartheid to describe relations between Israel and the Palestinian Territories after a meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

"Naturally we have a different assessment with a view to Israeli politics, and I want to expressly say here that I do not espouse the use of the word apartheid and do not think it correctly describes the situation," said Scholz during a joint news conference with Abbas in Berlin on Tuesday.

Germany's stance on Israel
In March, Scholz made a visit to Israel after being invited in December 2021 by former Prime Minister Naftali Bennet. Bennet and Scholz visited Yad Vashem where he reaffirmed Germany's commitment to Israel's security.

"Germany will continue to be steadfast at Israeli's side," Scholz said.
Palestinian site Amad discusses a new song by anti-Israel folksinger David Rovics, celebrating British antisemites who broke into Elbit Systems and destroyed equipment.

I hadn't heard that name in years. 

Back in 2010, I saw that Rovics had a series of really bad, barely sung songs that were rabidly anti-Israel and aligned with other "social justice" issues.

While Rovics has a song to praise the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, he seems to lose interest in Jews fighting when they actually win. Similarly, he has a song about how terrible it was for Jews and Muslims to be expelled from Christian Europe - but he says that Jews are European and Israelis are Nazis.

And while I am sure he would insist he is not in any way antisemitic, one of his more recent songs ironically titled "God Bless the USA"  lists the things he hates about America - which includes "Jewish bankers." 

Here are the lyrics from the beginning so no one can accuse me of taking it out of context.

God bless all the Indians living in their reservations
God bless all the strippers and their bodily gyrations
God bless Trump Towers reaching up so high
God bless the Blue Angels screaming through the sky
God bless Appalachia, mountains and moonshine
God bless the creeks, bulldozers and strip mines
God bless the megachurches and all of those who speak in tongues
God bless the corporate ladder, every single rung
God bless the homeless families living under bridges
God bless the golden valleys and the mountain ridges
God bless the beaches and the swamps and the alligators
God bless the NFL and the Oakland Raiders
God bless the USA

God bless the conspiracy theorists and the Jewish bankers
God bless ExxonMobil and all their oil tankers
God bless Clearchannel, Toby Keith and Taylor Swift
God bless anorexia, lyposuction and facelifts
God bless the mighty rivers and the nuclear reactors
God bless Fox, Rupert Murdoch and X Factor
God bless the USA
Yeah, this sounds antisemitic to me. (He could have said "their Jewish bankers" if he meant that they were part of the conspiracy theory.)

At the time, I wrote my own song, with an accurate history of the Palestinian people, called "Pawns of the Middle East." I didn't bother working too hard on rhyming and meter, because Rovics sure doesn't.

The pawns of the Middle East

In 1948 their leaders abandoned them
The rich Arabs packed up and went to Lebanon
Their confident leaders told them to get out of the way
So the Jews could be slaughtered and then they'll be back to stay

But that's not what happened. Their fighters didn't fight.
Wild rumors scared them, and most then joined the flight
They ended up in Egypt, Syria, Jordan
The Palestinian Arabs thought they'd start over again

They thought that they'd be welcomed by the Arabs who said that they loved them
But they were placed in giant camps, and had to stay in tents
They thought that they were all Arabs, but they were only that in name
The other Arabs didn't want them to remind them of their shame

Decade after decade, the Arabs let them down
They treated them like animals, and just used them as pawns
They thought that their problem was that they didn't have a state
But the real problem was that they were taught only to hate.

They wanted jobs, they wanted land, they wanted to fit in
Their hosts only wanted the millions given by the UN
They kept them stuck in camps, in disgusting misery
They did everything possible to ensure they'd never be free.

The Arab states passed laws to let them know where they stand
They couldn't work in certain jobs, couldn't own any land
They had no choice, no rights, no control over their fate
And they raised a generation who was taught nothing but hate.


Jordan never gave them an inch of "historic Palestine"
The entire world had no problem. They thought that this was fine.
The only land that Arabs would allow them to receive
Was the land that would be left over when they forced the Jews to leave.

Their new leaders taught terror, for them not to be so meek
Jordan slaughtered thousands of them in a matter of just weeks
And so it went, year after year, kept in dire straits
400,000 of them got kicked out of Kuwait

Decade after decade, the Arabs let them down
They treated them like animals, and just used them as pawns
They thought that their problem was that they didn't have a state
But the real problem was that they were taught only to hate.

At the time, I found someone to actually sing this for me, but unfortunately my YouTube channel was taken down and I cannot find the original video anymore.

So if anyone wants to record this folksong, I'll make a new video.

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This article was published in August, 1947 in the Edmonton Journal:

Life Of Jews In Arab Lands 
By Gerold Frank 

JERUSALEM - The United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, now deliberating at Geneva, may ponder the true situation of Jews in Arab states—their treatment, discrimination against them, the entire suffocating framework in which the average Jew finds himself. 

Arab spokesmen. seeking to prove the idyllic status of a Jewish minority in the independent Arab Palestine they demand, are always ready to point out the general lack of anti-Jewish laws on the books in the Arab States. But there is a long step between statute and practice. The fact is that the lives of Jews in all Arab states range from generally unenviable to intolerable; from Egypt where the situation of Jews, many of whom are wealthy, is comparatively the best, to Yemen. a backward country where the Jews are the lowest of the low. 

It must be remembered that religion in the Middle East is a much more divisive factor than ,in the West, Religion is the basis of social mores: communities are religious communities. Fear, suspicion and hate have deep roots. Add to this the fact that Jews in Arab lands are mainly in commercial pursuits, vulnerable economically and subject to envy if successful; add also the nationalistic propaganda and anti-Zionist movements, and one better understands the Jewish plight. 

Take the roll-call of countries. 
First, Iraq. Here is the largest Jewish population of any Arab state-130,000 Jews out of 4.000,000 inhabitants. Of the Jewish total, 100,000 live in Bagdad. There were frightful pogroms in Bagdad in June. 1941. The temper of the Iraqi was best expressed by Pedal Jamaili, minister of foreign affairs. who declared, according to the Iraqi Times of March 3, 1946. "The problem of i protecting the Jews of Iraq when disturbances occur in Palestine often is a cause of anxiety and restlessness in Iraq. No Iraq government can for long maintain peace and quiet unless justice is rendered the Arabs of Palestine." This last sentence may not constitute official incitement, but it comes suspiciously close to it. 

Today, Iraq Jews are unable to  leave the country on the grounds that they might go to Palestine. When a Jew can leave—a medical student, for example—he must pay 2,000 dinars ($8.000) as warrant for his return and his passport is stamped "not valid for Palestine." In Iraq. anti-Jewish laws are kept off the records. but Iraq's raw materials are not currently permitted to be exported to Palestine; the government has begun a boycott of the Haifa port by insisting that exporters send their goods to Europe through Beirut. in the Lebanon. There is a campaign of vilification against Jewish merchants, charging they are trying to break the boycott, in league with Jewish colleagues in Palestine. 

In Iraq today there is no Jewish magistrate, and no Jews of any country. including the United States, are granted transit visas. 

Second. Syria. Here are 10,000 Jews-2.500 in Damascus, 7,500 in Aleppo. The Damascus Jews are in a sorry state. Half live on charity funds contributed by Jewish societies. Eighty percent of the Jews are peddlers. 15 percent are in the middle class and five percent, are '"wealthy." There are six Jewish physicians, but no Jewish industrialists, lawyers. architects or other professionals. Discrimination is practiced in many ways. Thousands of Syrians flock to Palestine in times of emergency, but if one Jew is caught on the border, the entire press launches a campaign. Today Syria makes it virtually impossible for Jews to go to Palestine. There are almost no Jewish officials in the Syrian government. Jewish newspapers are not permitted to enter Syria, and when the Syrian press has occasion to speak of Jews it is often derogatory. 

In June. 1946, a regulation was adopted, reading: "Any person who imports. sells. buys or smuggles or tries to smuggle Zionist goods into Syria is liable to life imprisonment or death." In recent elections based on the new constitution, Jews were accorded one parliamentary seat out of 137. At first they refused this, not wishing to have the responsibility. They turned out to be prophetic, for when Jewish Deputy Wahid Mizrachi was elected, he declared he would be faithful to his people and his fatherland. The newspaper Alif Ba of July 15, 1947, demanded, "What people and what fatherland?" 

Third, the Lebanon. Jews from Palestine are not freely allowed Into the Lebanon. Even when the United Nations committee went there, it took official protests to force the Lebanese government to grant visas to a handful of Palestinian Hebrew journalists. The Lebanon today has 6.000 Jews in a population of more than 1,000.000. with the Jews mainly concentrated in Beirut. There is outwardly less discrimination than in other Arab countries because of various population groups such as the Sunnites, Kurds, Armenians and indigenous Christians. The Maronite Patriarch Aridas is a friend of the Jews, Nevertheless. when Jewish students from the United States came to Palestine last year, they were not permitted to disembark at the port of Beirut although other passengers were. Today, large signs on the Palestine-Lebanese border warn against bringing in "Zionist" goods, which means any Jewish-made goods of any kind. 

Fourth, Egypt. There are 70.000 Jews in a population of 17.000,000. Their situation is economically good, but their future is uncertain because of the "Egyptization" of commerce and industry and intensified xenophobia. All accountings of companies, for example, must be written in Arabic, which means that many Jews are replaced. Many Jewish companies are compelled to take Egyptian partners. 

Many Jews do not have Egyptian nationality. This correspondent has seen one Jew proudly unlock a safe and show a certificate of his Egyptian nationality, saying. "This is my most precious possession. very hard to obtain; it is my safeguard for the future." Without this certificate, Jews have no defence against the government. 

There are currently intense nationalistic anti-Jewish campaigns. Only three months ago the newspaper Al Saw. adi denounced Jews in terms reminiscent of Goebbels. 

Fifth. Yemen. Here is an incredible situation for 45 000 Jews in a population of 1,000,000. The treatment of Jews is so bad that even the Arabic paper Aid Ba of Damascus attacked it, pointing out on January 2. 1945, that Jews are not permitted to ride horses—only donkeys: that if a Jew  riding a donkey sees a Moslem ahead of him, he must dismount 30 paces away, wait until the Moslem passes, then mount the donkey again when the Moslem has gone another 30 paces; that a Jew must pass only to the right of a Moslem, and if he does otherwise the Moslem is entitled to force him to return and pass correctly.

Saudi Arabia and Transjordan need no discussion because they have no Jews and no Jews are permitted. 

The things cited here are examples only. but where such things are tolerated, where Jews are continuously and relentlessly held up to ridicule, denounced as dangerous, called a menace to the community and segregated by word, deed and act-in such a framework the life of the average Jew is an endless ordeal of accumulating cruelty and helplessness. (Copyright 1947. Overseas News Agency) 

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From Ian:

JPost Editorial: Palestinian response to terror on Israelis shows why peace is impossible
A nation, said John F. Kennedy in October 1963, just a month before he was assassinated, “reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors, the men it remembers.”

How true, not only of nations, but also different societies, and segments within those societies. Whom do they honor? Whom do they lionize? So much can be learned about people by understanding who their heroes are. Are their heroes celebrities or scientists? Athletes or teachers? Multibillionaires or social workers?

It is in this vein that The Jerusalem Post’s lead headline on Monday was so terribly troubling and so dismally depressing: “Palestinian terror groups applaud Jerusalem attack, call for more ‘heroic operations.’”

A Palestinian terrorist goes on a shooting spree in the middle of the night in Jerusalem, wounding eight innocent people – including critically wounding an American Jewish woman in her 26th week of pregnancy who is shot in the stomach – and the reaction of a segment of Palestinian society is to term the operation “heroic,” thereby coronating its perpetrator a hero. Why can't the conflict be solved?

Those well-meaning people around the world who can’t understand why the Israelis and Palestinians can’t just find a way to solve their problems and move on already, need to look no further than that headline to understand.

How is peace possible with those who view as heroic the shooting in the stomach of a woman in her 26th week of pregnancy? How is peace possible with people who put in their pantheon of heroes the person who carried out such an attack? What kind of accommodation can possibly be made with those who view an act so despicable as one that is heroic?
Abbas cheers shooting of Americans (but gets a big check from U.S. anyway)
As five Americans and three Israelis lie wounded in a Jerusalem hospital, some of them fighting for their lives, the official web site of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas is praising the terrorist who shot them.

Yes, the same Abbas who will be receiving more than $500 million in aid from the Biden administration this year. Most of the money will be channeled through third parties, but it’s all fungible—it covers bills that Abbas and the PA would have to pay if the U.S. wasn’t paying them.

Abbas is chairman of both the PA and Fatah, which is the largest faction of the PA. Abbas was a leader of Fatah for many years under Yasir Arafat, before succeeding him as chairman.

Here is what Abbas’s official Fatah website had to say about the shooting attack on the Americans and Israelis in Jerusalem:

“Praise to the one whose rifle only speaks against his enemy. Long live our people’s unity and long live the free hero. Praise to the rifle muzzles, our people will fight the occupation with all kinds of resistance.” (Translation courtesy of Palestinian Media Watch)

According to my data base, at least 146 American citizens have been murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists since the 1968. The international community has largely forgotten them.

Even more forgotten—if that’s possible—are the wounded. At least 203 American citizens have been injured in Palestinian Arab attacks. Very often, their names are not even mentioned in the media coverage until days after.

The Biden administration hosts a web site which offers monetary rewards for information leading to the arrest of terrorists who have harmed Americans overseas. Yet as far as I can tell, it has never paid a reward in connection with Palestinian Arab terrorists who have harmed Americans; there are none listed in the “Success Stories” section of the site ( .

The Biden administration has an Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism. It has never brought about the arrest of a single Palestinian Arab terrorist involved in attacks on Americans—even though the names of many of the terrorists are publicly known, because they serve in the Palestinian security forces or other Palestinian Authority government positions.

The Biden administration recently invited the family of the late Al Jazeera correspondent, Shireen Abu Akleh, to Washington to meet with American officials. Yet Arnold Roth, the father of Malki Roth—murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists in the Sbarro pizzeria bombing in Jerusalem in 2001—reports that the administration has ignored his repeated requests to meet with U.S. officials in Washington.

NGO Monitor: EU funds NGO agendas seeking to undermine European and Israeli counter-terror policies
On February 1, 2022, the highly politicized and terror-linked Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO) – an umbrella organization of over 135 Palestinian organizations – hosted an EU-funded conference, titled ”Shrinking Civic Space for Palestinian Civil Society Organizations: Local and International Policies.” The gathering included a workshop “focused on the strategies and mechanisms needed to combat counter-terrorism policies, regulations, and policies (sic)” (emphasis added).

The conference was attended by Head of the EU Delegation to the West Bank and Gaza Strip Sven Kühn Von Burgsdoff (see below). The event marked the launch of a €588,299 EU-funded project (2021-2024), “Shoraka: Enabling the Environment of CSOs [civil society organizations] in Palestine and Participation of Grassroots Organisations in Decisions Making Process and Constituency Building,” with the primary official objective of seeking “to mitigate and reverse the shrinking space trends, to amplify the Palestinian narrative and the effectiveness of Palestinian advocacy efforts in the EU/EUMS [EU member states]”.

During the conference, Von Burgsdoff referred to Israel’s October 2021 designation of six Palestinian NGOs – including PNGO member organizations – as terrorist entities. He declared, “with concern we have followed alarming incidents recently where human rights defenders, activists, and civil society organizations were subject to unprecedented violations whether in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, or Gaza. In this context, our position remains principled and unchanged: civil society is and will remain our partner as we promote together the human values and principles that we share.”

As such, Von Burgsdoff appears to be promoting noncompliance with the EU’s own anti-terror policies, which require grantees to ensure that no aid reaches terror groups or entities.

Israel’s October 2021 decision, as well as the other “incidents” (security-related actions) referred to by Von Burgsdoff, are wholly consistent with EU policy and broader efforts to address the problem of terror-linked NGOs.

The multiple links between a number of Palestinian NGOs funded primarily by the EU and other European government frameworks have been documented in detail in NGO research publications.


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