Monday, April 25, 2022

  • Monday, April 25, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

On Saturday, Palestinian prime minister Muhammad Shtayyeh spoke to the Palestinian Businessmen Association. In attendance were also government ministers.

His words make it pretty clear that the Palestinians have never accepted Israel's existence.

Shtayyeh said, "Israeli Prime Minister Bennett’s recent statements that Palestine is not an occupied land but a disputed land, and this statement was adopted by all previous Israeli governments. We responded to him that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and this occupied land will be liberated. The historical right is ours, Jerusalem is ours, and Palestine is ours."

He also compared Palestinian terrorism to Ukraine, saying, "The world uses double standards, as it sees in Ukraine heroism and Palestine as terrorism. "

Yeah, well, no one in Ukraine is attacking Russians sitting in coffee shops.

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  • Monday, April 25, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ian is under the weather, so I will post a couple of things I saw around...

The Biden administration has “serious concerns” about “possible undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran,” according to an annual report the State Department released on Tuesday. The administration’s admission that Tehran continues to stonewall inspectors and conceal its nuclear activities shows why it would be a serious mistake to revive a weaker version of the 2015 nuclear deal, whose verification and enforcement mechanisms were already deficient.
On April 20, 2022, in the aftermath of the Middle East Studies Association’s endorsement of an academic boycott against Israel, 87 organizations (including Legal Insurrection Foundation) sent a joint letter organized by The AMCHA Initiative to the U.S. Secretary of Education asking the federal government not to fund Middle East studies programs boycotting Israel.

In her April 16 New York Times article on Israel’s response to the deadly terror wave the country has suffered in recent weeks, Jerusalem correspondent Raja Abdulrahim fails to mention that the majority of the Palestinians killed by Israeli forces were members of terrorist groups.

The article, titled, “‘We’re Exhausted’: Palestinians Decry Israeli Raids as Collective Punishment,” decries the Israeli “killings” of Palestinians “in response” to terror attacks that claimed the lives of 14 Israelis.

Given that the terrorists’ local obituaries include pictures of them in uniform or carrying weapons, this omission raises troubling questions.

Israel has been subjected to a wave of terror over the past three weeks and social-media mourners are nowhere to be seen. You’ll be searching a long time – forever – to find a blacked-out square on Instagram or an Israeli flag in the Twitter bio of a member of the great and good. Many people I’ve mentioned the terror wave to hadn’t even heard of it.
While hailing himself as a man of peace, Ayman Odeh's call to Arab police officers to lay down their arms and fight 'Israeli occupiers' proves he is nothing but another extremist who will eventually fade away.
Crowds in anti-Israel protests in the United Kingdom have repeatedly chanted Arabic death threats to Jews while police do nothing, a JC investigation has revealed. UK’s Jewish community leaders say the police do not wish to enforce the law even as protesters shout out clear death threats at demonstrations against Israel across the UK.
Contemporary left-wing antizionist discourse reproduces with stunning fidelity some of the central tropes of Soviet antizionist propaganda, which demonized Israel and Zionism. The article explores the background of these tropes, looks at the biographies of the rightwing Soviet ideologues who developed them, and examines the mechanisms through which they reached the West. The article concludes that these tropes are inextricably linked to antisemitic conspiracy theory, containing seeds of anti-Jewish violence that we ignore at our own peril.   
Their allegiance isn’t to the state in which they live and in whose parliament their representatives serve, but rather to various radical Muslim groups. Even many members of Israel’s Knesset—not to mention its governing coalition—belong in this category.

“There is no left-wing! It is all right-wing, it is all settlers, and it is all Zionist dogs. If someone wants to be in solidarity with me, he should get out of Palestine, [then] be in solidarity with me.” (Translated by CAMERA Arabic)

This statement, at best, is an open call for “Palestine” to be ethnically cleansed of Jews. This would include all of Israel, considering that she openly declares that “Palestine” is from “its sea to its river.” Considering that polls show that as many as 95% of American Jews have favorable views of Israel, the embodiment of Zionism, it seems Muna has some rather dehumanizing terminology for diaspora Jews, too. Referring to Jews as “dogs” is a common antisemitic term, particularly among Palestinians and even among antisemites at the United Nations. Chants of “Jews are our dogs” are heard fairly regularly at demonstrations. No matter what way you slice it, Muna’s words are deplorable and overtly bigoted.
The terrorist who murdered 3 Israelis at a bar in Tel Aviv and another Palestinian who shot at Israeli forces were both “defending the land of Palestine and the people’s honor” according to the Fatah Movement, which added that their terror was “for the sake of Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

This message was delivered by Jenin District Governor Akram Rajoub when he conveyed condolences on behalf of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to the families of the two terrorist “Martyrs”: murderer Ra’ad Hazem and shooter Ahmed Al-Sa’adi.

It has long been known that the Guardian newspaper has lost the plot. It is not just anti-Israel obsessive. The Guardian jumped down the rabbit hole of ‘woke’ ideology and today provides oxygen for every toxic hard-left movement that exists. But the Guardian also runs smear campaigns to undermine those who oppose its friends. How do I know this for sure? Because they just tried to pull that stunt with me.

 I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is indispensable reading for Israel advocates and those who care about combating Jew hatred and hatred of Israel. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Monday, April 25, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
A couple of years ago, Arabic language media was a bit careful to avoid blatant antisemitism and couched hate for Jews behind opposing the "occupation."

But between the Abraham Accords and the constant incitement over the Temple Mount, that pretense has been falling away. They no longer hide their hate of Jews behind calling them "Zionists" or "occupiers."

Some examples from the past couple of days:

Ahmed Salama, in Jordan's Ammon News, writes, "Jews might think that an agreement here, a dance with an Arab there, and the lighting of a site with the Star of David means that Judaism has excelled and desecrated the nation of Muhammad....Our cousins, the sons of Jacob, are doing themselves in by humiliating the Palestinians and breaking into the sanctities of his sanctuary. This arrogance that the Jews are doing with all this arrogance and this obscenity has only one explanation, that the Jews cannot be a nation and a state..."

Fayez el-Fayez, writing in Al-Rai, says that Jews have been lying ever since the sons of Jacob lied to their father about the fate of Joseph. He continues on saying that "Jews do not hesitate to kill women and children."

Amin Mahmoud, in Rai al-Youm, writes, "The Zionists have continued to publish more of their historical claims, especially those related to mythology that is not recognized by any scientific evidence, such as their claim - for example - that there is a 'Jewish nation' that has existed throughout the ages  and Jews have a shared historic past....  However, a simple reflection on these statements, especially the saying of the 'Jewish nation,' which claims that this nation 'has been waiting and looking to Zion for two thousand years to return to it' shows us that this saying can only be included among the biggest fakes in the record of human history. "

Also, in that same site,  Abdel Hamid Fajr Salloum engages in Temple denial: "It must be emphasized that Al-Aqsa was not built over the (alleged) Temple of Solomon, and all documents and historical evidence refute this dialectic of the Jews."

Yasar Khasawneh in Rum Online approvingly quotes the Jordanian prime minister as saying, “We are with the Palestinian resistance against the Jews who desecrate Al-Aqsa Mosque."

An emergency meeting held by the League of Arab States in Amman called on Israel to prevent Jews from praying in Al-Aqsa Mosque, warning that this “represents a flagrant violation of the feelings of Muslims.”

Open antisemitism has returned to Arab media.

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  • Monday, April 25, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian Media Watch has video of an imam, broadcasting a Ramadan prayer live from El-Bireh near Ramallah, wishing to see the extermination of "evil Jews."

Not only that, but anyone who supports them should be killed by merciful Allah as well.

Here's the video:

“Grant us victory over the infidels... Allah, delight us with the conquest and liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Allah, make us among the first to enter, the conquerors, the worshippers, and those calling out ‘Allahu Akbar’ inside [the mosque] to You, Master of the Universe. Allah, delight us with the extermination of the evil Jews, O Master of the Universe, and [the extermination] of their hypocritical supporters who have evil in their hearts.

Once again, the real issue isn't that there is a Palestinian antisemite. It isn't even that the people in the mosque at the time didn't even raise an eyebrow at the desire for the genocide of all Jews and their supporters.

The real issue is that this antisemitism is so much a part of Palestinian culture that there are literally zero people who publicly oppose these examples. No op-eds, no letters to the editor, no "point/counterpoint" discussions on TV. 

There never is.

Hating Jews and wishing for their extermination is not only mainstream but unopposed.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Monday, April 25, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
I noted yesterday that a Chicago anti-Israel activist claimed in a speech to a crowd that on Saturday, "Israeli police and military entered the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, during the Orthodox observance of the Holy Saturday of Easter weekend."

It isn't true. 

Israeli police did some crowd control. This is hardly newsworthy. But Palestinians are trying to exaggerate everything Israeli security services do to make them look aeful.

One particularly absurd example comes from Ramallah News, in a headline that says, "WATCH: the occupation attacks the 'Holy Fire' Saturday celebrations in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre."

The video, from the official Wafa news agency, shows an utterly boring scene that looks like any security guards at any event with more than a few hundred people.

No pushing or shoving. No raised voices. Nothing. (There was one minor incident of shoving when dome pilgrims decided to break through the barricade.)

But it is headline-worthy for Palestinians who want to create a story of Israeli evil, so the facts are secondary to the narrative.

Here's the really ironic part: Even if you claim that Israel is occupying Jerusalem, the security of the event is the responsibility of the occupying force!

Thousands of people want to jam into a tiny space to see this annual event, and it has been chaotic, dangerous and even deadly in the past, especially under Muslim rule. Here is the description from a AP dispatch datelined April 2, 1955:

Under international law, an occupier (and even more so a sovereign state) has a primary obligation to ensure public health and safety. 

The 1907 Hague Regulations says that the occupier "shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety." This is a primary responsibility. If Israel wouldn't bring police to maintain order at an event that could easily get out of hand in occupied territory, it would be violating international law!

But doing basic, polite and unobtrusive crowd control is being blown up into a huge violation of human rights. 

The only reason for the crowd control to begin with is that Israel does not want a repeat of the disaster that happened last year in Meron when 45 Jews were trampled to death. 

Israel-haters, though, want to see bloodshed - that they can blame on Israel. And if Israel prevents the bloodshed, then they blame Israel for maintaining order. 

The lies and hypocrisy are obvious to anyone who isn't already invested in hating Israel.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Sunday, April 24, 2022

  • Sunday, April 24, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
Some tweets from a German "anti-Zionist" rally show that many of the participants have a problem with...Jews.

Here, a reporter from Bilde who was being protected by police from the protesters is jeered as a "fucking Jew."
Journalists were also insulted as "dirty Jews." Here, someone is called a "Drecksjude" - a Shit Jew. Also "Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Mohammed will return." And chants in support of Qassam rockets aimed at Jewish civilians.
What lovely people!

Multicultural Germany! The exact opposite of Nazi Germany - except, of course, for how they think about Jews.

Notice also that the anti-Zionists who swear up and down that they abhor antisemitism never say a negative word about things like this.

I'm blocked from most of the JVP idiots, but if you are not, challenge some of them to condemn this hate without adding a "but."

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  • Sunday, April 24, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Sunday, April 24, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
As Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tries to ingratiate himself with Israel and world Jewry,  here's a story from 2020 that shows how he tries to gaslight the English speaking world.

He issued a statement justifying the conversion of the historic Hagia Sofia church, which was then a museum, into a mosque. He used the language of tolerance and openness and legal rights:

But his message in Arabic was much different in content and tone:

Reviving Aya Sofia is glad tidings regarding the return of the Al-Aqsa Mosque’s freedom.

Reviving Aya Sofia is a new beginning for Muslims all over the world on the way out from dark ages.

Reviving Aya Sofia does not only represent the return of hope for Muslims, but for all the wronged, oppressed, down-trodden, and exploited.

Reviving Aya Sofia is a greeting from the bottom of our hearts to all the cities that represent our civilization, starting with Bukhara, all the way to Andalusia.

Reopening the Aya Sofia – the will of Mehmed Fatih (Mehmed “the Conqueror”) – as a mosque, 70 years after the return of the call to prayer is a revival (resurrection) that was fulfilled belatedly.

This scene is the best answer to the disgusting attacks that target all our symbolic values all over the Islamic world.

Through all the steps that Turkey has taken lately, it affirms that it is active, not passive, in this time and place.

Allah willing, we will continue on this blessed path, without stopping, tirelessly and indefatigably, with all our resolve, sacrifice, and persistence, until we reach our goal. 
And what goal might that be, if it includes Islamicizing Spain (Andalusia)  and making the Temple Mount Judenrein again?

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

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  • Sunday, April 24, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

Here was the scene yesterday at a "US Palestinian Community Network" rally in Chicago that was co-sponsored by American Muslims for Palestine. (Video here, starting around 13:45)

Most of the speakers simply led mindless chants to brainwash people to hate Israelis, but one speaker gave a brief, twisted synopsis of the events of the past week. In only one minute, she claimed:

* Israelis invaded, and Jews desecrated, Al Aqsa for no reason, injuring hundreds
* Israeli forces invaded the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (they didn't)
* Israel banned Muslims from the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron (they did - during two days of Passover; but during Ramadan they will ban Jews for six days!
* The terrorist acts that started before Ramadan that have killed 14 were heroic acts of "resistance across 1948 Palestine."

This is incitement, justifications and praise for murdering Jews, in the streets of Chicago, today.

And it contributes to attacks on Jews - today. In Chicago, there has been an uptick of hate crimes against Jews, and some have been done by Chicago-area Muslims who have been exposed to this kind of hate.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Sunday, April 24, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
For over a hundred years, Palestinian Arabs have been making up the lie that JEws are plotting against Al Aqsa mosque.

Why? Because no matter how Jews react, Palestinians end up gaining more support.

Incidentally, the lie that "Al Aqsa is in danger" is an example of something that is definitely antisemitic under the EoZ definition of antisemitism (as a "malicious lie against Jews as a people/nation"), and not obviously under the IHRA Working Definition or the others.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Saturday, April 23, 2022

From Ian:

Stephen Daisley: Israel is an apartheid state - Just look at Temple Mount
If you’re after evidence of apartheid in Israel, you don’t have to look very far. Amid rioting by Palestinians and Arabs, the Israel Police has declared the Temple Mount in Jerusalem off-limits. For ten days, only practitioners of one religion will be allowed to visit.

For context, Temple Mount is home to the Holy of Holies, the most sacred site in Judaism, and is where the First and Second Temples stood until their destruction by the Babylonians and Romans, respectively. Following Jerusalem’s conquest by Islamic imperialists in the 7th century, a succession of caliphs worked to Islamise the Temple Mount by erecting Muslim worship sites including the Dome of the Rock, built on top of the old Jewish temple, and Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third-holiest site in Islam.

In recent days, Arab and Muslim rioters have run amok on the Temple Mount and throughout the Old City. They have fired off Molotov cocktails and rocks at law enforcement from inside Al-Aqsa. They have beaten religious Jews on their way to pray at the Western Wall. They have stoned at least ten buses, injuring passengers including a 13-year-old girl. Hence why the Israel Police has said adherents of one religion and one religion alone will be permitted on the Temple Mount for the next ten days. That one religion is, naturally, Islam.

Welcome to Israel, apartheid state. This interdict is not unusual and nor is the tumult that has occasioned it; both have played out semi-regularly in recent years. Religious discrimination against non-Muslims is in fact routine on Temple Mount, which is governed by the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf, a Jordanian religious trust, in cooperation with the Israel Police.

For centuries, Jews were forbidden from ascending Temple Mount by the occupying empire of the day, and even after they liberated their capital city in 1967, almost all senior rabbis have forbidden Jews to set foot on the hill. Nevertheless, some have persisted and Israel permits a limited number of its Jewish citizens to visit their holiest site, provided they do not pray while there. Those Jews who do pray are arrested. Jews may only enter the complex through a separate gate designated for use by non-Muslims.
Arab Israeli Christian aims to debunk myths about Jewish state
An Arab Israeli Christian has made it his mission to debunk myths about Israel’s Christian minority.

“We want to educate college students about Israel’s minorities and to counter anti-Israel activity on campuses that use Israel’s minorities to attack Israel and say we do not have full rights,” said Jonathan Elkhoury, an international speaker, columnist and project manager for the NGO Reservists on Duty.

Elkhoury spoke recently with Robert Walker on Honest Reporting’s podcast, “The Honest Report.” Listen to the full podcast:

Five years ago, Elkhoury formed a group of Israeli minorities – Muslims, Christians, Druze and Bedouin - who were interested in getting more involved in society, including serving in the Israel Defense Forces and other forms of national service. What he found was that while there were a number of Arab Israeli diplomats, there were few average Arab citizens speaking out about life in Israel. His efforts helped change that.

“Now we have so many that are just waiting to go and speak,” he told Walker.

When the group is on campuses they are often met with a combination or surprise and even animosity by anti-Israel activists, Elkhoury described. He said that many anti-Israel activists don’t recognize Israel’s basic right to exist and when minorities appear on their campuses defending the Jewish state, “it shakes their whole lives and beliefs… These people – we take the rug from under their feet.”

Sometimes, he said, members have been kicked and spat on because these activists do not want to accept their side of the story.

“They see me and my ideas as a threat to what they are trying to promote,” he said.

According to Elkhoury, Christians make up 2% of Israel’s population, around 160,000 people. The majority live in northern Israel, Jerusalem and Nazareth.
Harris Spoils Passover Seder By Dissing Israeli Wine
While the White House has expressed vocal opposition to the BDS movement, its State Department has hired several officials who have publicly backed Israel boycotts and have been critical of the Jewish state. The Washington Free Beacon first reported in March that the administration is offering nearly $1 million in grant money for groups to investigate alleged human rights abuses in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, an effort that critics say is meant to delegitimize the world’s only Jewish state.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment on Ziskend’s tweet and its stance on the BDS movement.

Harris's office went into damage control after Israeli reports on her wine selection left BDS activists on Twitter up in arms.

"They should have known better. She wouldn’t make this mistake with wine from Kashmir or Kosovo—or with products breaking the ban on Russia," tweeted one observer. "How did NO ONE on their staff stop this?!?!," said another. A third said, "How do you celebrate Passover supposedly a celebration of freedom by drinking wine from stolen lands and taking away other people freedom."

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) said the Passover wine row illustrates how the Biden administration courts the BDS movement in contrast to its rhetoric.

"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris just can't help themselves. They say they support Israel, but they take every opportunity they can to bolster anti-Israel boycott campaigns," Cruz told the Free Beacon. "It’s disgraceful."

"The State Department is already giving nearly $1 million to subsidize the international NGO campaign to demonize and isolate Israel, and now the vice president's office is wringing their hands about where in Israel her wine came from," Cruz said. "The only trade policy the United States should have toward Israel is that we want to trade with Israel, full stop."

The administration's decision to distance itself from the West Bank winery is renewing focus on its hiring of anti-Israel activists.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

  • Thursday, April 21, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
Have a wonderful chag! I will not be back online until Saturday night at the earliest.

Chag sameach!

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

Mark Regev: Islam has never had a tolerance for the Jewish state
Many of today’s anti-Zionists will be surprised to learn that discrimination of Jews under Islamic rule was recorded by none other than Karl Marx. Writing in 1854, some half-century prior to the rise of political Zionism, Marx described the situation of Jerusalem’s Jews under Ottoman rule: “Nothing equals the misery and the suffering of the Jews of Jerusalem, inhabiting the most filthy quarter of the town… [They are] the constant objects of oppression and intolerance…”

In the decades following Marx’s article, the situation of Jews in the Middle East improved with the lessening of historic dhimmi discrimination. But as this process was inspired by liberal European ideas, it brought with it an anti-Jewish backlash, heightening the association of the indigenous Jew with the hated foreigner.

Paradoxically, many Muslims who rejected western influence still eagerly embraced European antisemitic tropes, including the blood libel, most famously in Damascus in 1840, and the global Jewish conspiracy, evident in numerous Arabic editions of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Undoubtedly the birth and development of Zionism contributed to Islamic hostility, building upon long-standing prejudicial attitudes. For while traditional Islam was willing to tolerate Jews whose status was safely inferior, Jewish aspirations for national self-determination and equality among the nations ran counter to centuries of established Islamic teaching.

While serving as Israel’s ambassador in London I experienced my first Ramadan breaking-the-fast iftar meal. Jewish-Muslim coexistence groups promote joint iftar events, but generally the subject of Israel is politely left at the doorstep, it being understood that a discussion of the Jewish state could negatively impact the desired ambiance. Yet, the Israeli embassy also hosted an annual iftar meal, attended by a small group of remarkable Muslims willing to engage.

Recent developments provide some optimism as to the trajectory of Jewish-Muslim relations. The Abraham Accords’ breakthroughs are significant and include a state-to-state interfaith and intercultural dialogue designed to enhance understanding. And in Israel, MK Mansour Abbas is breaking stereotypes, demonstrating that political Islam doesn’t have to be the Muslim Brotherhood’s unbridled hostility.

Genuine Muslim-Jewish coexistence is neither simple nor impossible, requiring the expansion of Islam’s commitment to tolerance to include an appreciation of the Jews’ desire not to revert to their former subservient status.

Ramadan Kareem.
‘Listen to the Names Being Named’: Russian State TV in ‘Straight-Up Antisemitism’ Against Critics of Ukraine War
Russian President Vladimir Putin has falsely depicted Ukrainian leaders — including the country’s Jewish president, Volodymyr Zelensky — as Nazi sympathizers, as part of a propaganda campaign to justify Russia’s invasion.

Applebaum, a Polish-American journalist who has been a staunch critic of the Putin regime, responded on Twitter to the segment, “I am bothered more by their blatant disregard for their own history and their insistence on lying about it, especially since they are right now repeating it.”

She also re-shared her original post that was later seized upon by Russia-1, noting it was not originally written in the Russian language as displayed on-air. In the Tuesday thread, Applebaum shared observations from the ground in the Bucha, Irpin and Hostomel — Kyiv suburbs whose near-total destruction by Russian forces over the past eight weeks has emerged more clearly with their eastward retreat.

“Other than the airport at Hostomel, none contain military targets. Nevertheless, all are destroyed,” Applebaum wrote. “It will be important, not just now, but 100 years from now, as we try to understand how the Russian army came to act in 2022, just as the Red Army did in 1939 and 1944-45. There is nothing predetermined about this behavior, or inevitable. Nations can and do change.”

“But after WW2, nobody talked about the mass rape, thefts carried out by the Red Army,” Applebaum continued. “After 1991, there was no broad exploration of the crimes of communism either. Instead, the same practices were taught to a new generation of soldiers. We saw them in Chechnya, Syria, now Ukraine.”

“If the institutions, culture and practices didn’t change, no wonder the behavior didn’t change. When we were shown a mass grave, the sense of deja vu was just as overwhelming as the horror. Nothing was learned.”

In March, Alexei Venediktov, former editor-in-chief of the liberal Echo Moskvy radio station, faced antisemitic intimidation for speaking out against the Kremlin, when he found a severed pig’s head and a sticker bearing Ukraine’s coat of arms along with the slogan “Judensau” (“Jewish pig”) outside the front door of his Moscow apartment.
91-year-old Holocaust survivor dies in freezing Mariupol basement
As she lay dying in a Mariupol basement, freezing and pleading for water, Holocaust survivor Vanda Semyonovna Obiedkova wanted to know only one thing: "Why is this happening"?

Ill and emaciated during the last two weeks of her life, the 91-year-old could not even stand up. She died on April 4, not peacefully of old age in her own bed, but as a victim of the horrific war that has engulfed her hometown.

"Mama didn't deserve such a death," Obiedkova's daughter, Larissa, told through tears, just hours after arriving with her family in a safe location.

She had watched helplessly as her mother's life ebbed away, remaining at her side until the last moment. After her mother passed away, Larissa and her husband risked their lives to bury Obiedkova amid non-stop shelling in a public park less than a kilometer from the Azov Sea.

"The whole Mariupol has turned into a cemetery," said Rabbi Mendel Cohen, director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Mariupol and the Ukrainian port city's lone rabbi.

Obiedkova and her family had long been active members of Mariupol's Jewish community, the matriarch regularly receiving medical aid from Cohen's synagogue.

"Vanda Semyonovna lived through unimaginable horrors," the rabbi told "She was a kind, joyous woman, a special person who will forever remain in our hearts."

Since the war began, Cohen has been working full-time to evacuate community members from the inferno, working the phones even on Shabbat, and most recently, Passover. He was able to evacuate Larissa and her family earlier this week.

Vanda Obiedkova was born in Mariupol on Dec. 8, 1930. She was 10 years old in October of 1941 when the Nazis entered Mariupol and began rounding up the city's Jews. When the SS came to the family home and took away Vanda's mother, Maria, the little girl managed to evade arrest by hiding in a basement.

"She couldn't scream; that's what saved her," says Larissa.

I love virtue signaling.

“Palestinians have basically said … that Zionism is a bedfellow of Nazism and antisemitism,” claimed Rutgers University assistant professor Noura Erakat during an April 13 webinar.

Sponsored by the University of Illinois’s Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (CASMES), her presentation on “Unfinished Business: Zionism as Racism and Racial Discrimination,” further established her reputation as one of academia’s leading bigots.
Her lies and antisemitism are all over the place:
Zionist Jews “do not want to assimilate with non-Jewish society,” she claimed, without explaining whether religious preferences or even communal survival for relatively small groups, including Jews, requires limits to assimilation. “Jewish superiority” is “fundamentally rooted in the belief that Jews are God’s chosen people.” 
Hmmm. Israel wants relations with all Arab and Muslim countries, many of them want nothing to do with the Jewish state. Zionist Jews are interested in dialogue with ll, BDSers like Noura Erakat want no one to speak to them.

Who's intolerant again?

But this is the part I really love:
“I recognize myself in North America as a settler,” who is “white adjacent,” yet proud of being “quite brown,” she said eagerly.
A lot of social justice warriors love to identify which part of Native American land they are living.

But when they demand that Jewish "settlers" - one of the few people son Earth who are literally living in the land of their original ancestors -  be the only ones who must move out of their houses and give them to people who falsely claim to be "native."

Will Noura give up her apartment and find some North American land that was never settled by anyone before to build her new house? Or will she move back to where her ancestors lives in Arabia?

If not, this is nothing more than virtue signaling - "Hey, I recognize that I am an oppressor, but I don't have to pay the price - the other oppressors that I identify do!"

Noura Erakat is a hypocrite. But I repeat myself.

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Sorry, I'm Still Working On My Op-Ed Arguing Selling Chametz To Non-Jews Is Exploitative
By Peter Beinart

Credit: New America Foundation via Wikipedia
Credit: New America Foundation via Wikipedia

To: Dean Baquet, Executive Editor, NY times

I must offer my apologies, Dean. I know that a week or two ago we agreed that I would supply an opinion article for the Times exploring the myriad ways in which the Jewish practice of arranging for someone outside the faith to purchase leavened-grain products before Passover - to avoid adherents from violating a Biblical injunction against possessing such products during the festival - places the purchaser - and by extent anyone outside Judaism - in a vulnerable economic or social position, and likely constitutes hate speech or violence or even settler-colonialism. But development of the article has defied my predictions, and I fear it will remain unfinished even after Passover ends this weekend and the valence of the issue fades.

My original pitch, I readily acknowledge, offered what I considered at the time a robust conceptual basis for the assertion. The ensuing days, however, have demonstrated my premature assumption that I could offer an analysis for Times readers that makes a sufficiently-compelling case devoid of blatant use of so-called "tropes" that feature in too many antisemitic instances to allow for intellectual honesty when I put them to what I could defend as good-faith use.

For example, I had to get more creative and more dishonest than my usual rhetorical practice - I know that says quite a bit - in order to tie the sale of chametz practice to the worst possible interpretations of Zionism without overt reference to Jews in general as rapacious, predatory capitalists. Under normal circumstances one can often restrict the use of such epithets to Zionists qua Zionists and still claim no animus toward Jews, but the parameters of the pre-Passover chametz sale to a non-Jew, with its history bearing no discernible connection to Zionism, made that too high a bar to reach.

Second, the reversible nature of the "sale" as specified in the contract - if not completed with full payment, the transaction is undone after Passover - undermines most of the "capitalist" side of things. Try as I might, I have not found a case in which the sale took place under duress, making a coherent link with exploitative landlord practices that much less available.

Also, I have yet to arrive at what I consider a discreet, or at least not-blatant, method to shoehorn the blood-in-the-matza, or its contemporary analog, Israel-kills-Palestinian-children, into the argument. I welcome suggestions from you or other members of the Editorial Board, but as it stands, I suspect I will be unable to provide the article I had pitched. I apologize.

I hope this error does not dissuade you from soliciting or accepting my contributions going forward. I know how enthusiastic you were upon hearing this pitch. But you do have my permission to use this instance as an example of what happens when you trust a Jew.

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