Wednesday, October 13, 2021

  • Wednesday, October 13, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

MEMRI quotes an Iranian opposition group's Telegram channel as saying that Iranian Vice President Mohsen Rezaee, deputy for economic affairs, has threatened to use Iran's Jews as hostages in case Israel does anything Iran doesn't like.

The Telegram page said:
In an unprecedented speech, Mohsen Rezaee, [President] Ebrahim Raisi's deputy for economic affairs, took Iran's Jews hostage, warning that they would be punished by the [Iranian] regime if Israel makes a mistake!

Rezaee told members and directors of [the ideological organization] Tharollah Tehran: 'The Israeli government knows very well that if it makes a mistake, the regime will treat the 10,000 Jews living in Iran differently.'

Elements in the Islamic Republic [of Iran] have in the past threatened Israeli citizens and cities such as Tel Aviv and Haifa, in order to confront the Israeli threat, but this is the first time that a senior [Iranian] regime official is threatening the Jews, who have been living in Iran for thousands of years.
It seems that Rezaee has a habit of threatening to take people hostage:

On June 10, 2021, Iranian journalist in the U.S. Masih Alinejad tweeted a video clip showing then-presidential candidate Rezaee in an Iranian television broadcast calling for solving Iran's economic problems by taking 1,000 Americans hostage and demanding billions of dollars in ransom for them.

Alinejad herself had been the target of an Iranian kidnap plot.

MEMRI notes that Rezaee is also secretary of the Expediency Council, of the Supreme Council for Economic Coordination, and of the Iranian government's Economic Committee. He is no fringe figure.

This pretty much destroys Iran's insistence that it is not antisemitic.

It sure sounds like a terror state, doesn't it?  

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

From Ian:

Ambassador Erik Ullenhag: A Common Battle Against the Poison of Antisemitism
We live in a formative time with fewer and fewer survivors who can tell us what happened, which calls for intensified efforts to commemorate the Holocaust. Deniers should never be allowed to falsify the history of the worst crime against humanity.

On Oct. 13, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven will be hosting the Malmö International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism, Remember ReAct, with President Isaac Herzog as one of the main speakers. The Forum aims to jointly take concrete steps on Holocaust remembrance and the fight against antisemitism.

During the pandemic we saw it again – when there is a crisis in the world, some will always blame the Jews. And during the flair-up of the Gaza conflict, Europe witnessed an appalling rise in antisemitism and hate crimes against Jews, so to in Sweden. In Malmö, a 12-year old Jewish girl found a derogatory comment about Israel written by her cloakroom hook in school. In Gothenburg, a man wearing a Kippa to show solidarity with his Jewish friends was assaulted. I am repulsed by these heinous acts and the hatred aired publicly and online. antisemitism is a poison that must be fought.

Going back to the personal engagement of former Prime Minister Göran Persson, who in 1998 initiated the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), successive Swedish governments have sought ways to combat antisemitism, with an emphasis on education. In these efforts, Israel and Yad Vashem have been indispensable allies.

This has yielded results, but much work remains. A recent report by a Swedish expert agency indicates a decrease in anti-Semitic prejudices among Swedes. But it also concludes that antisemitism is more prevalent among older people, persons born outside of Europe, and persons of the Muslim faith.

Quick notes on anti-zionism
Anti-zionist activism reached fever pitch during the Israel-Scotland World Cup qualifier recently. Twitter lit up. Boorish Scottish fans threw food missiles at Israeli players on the pitch and jeered and heckled when the Hatikvah was played. The Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (SPSC) had a lovely day out screaming ‘apartheid’. A touch incongruous that, because one of Israel’s two goals was scored by an Arab-muslim Israeli, Mu’nas Dabbur. Israel was edged out by a 3-2 win by Scotland. Israel won’t be in Qatar for the World Cup. Yes the same Qatar that has its grand football stadiums built by slave labour in boiling heat and has seen over 6500 migrant worker deaths since it was awarded the World Cup hosting rights. One hopes that Scottish fans take their activist fervour to Qatar. Human rights are so important.

Palestinian Authority cancels meeting with FIFA president
The Palestinian Authority has canceled a meeting with FIFA President Gianni Infantino, Army Radio reported on Monday. The cancellation is due to Infantino's scheduled appearance at Monday's Friedman Center's inaugural gala at the Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem.

While Infantino's camp reportedly attempted to pass it off as a "schedule constraint," his appearance and scheduled speech are viewed by the PA as a "violation of the Islamic religion," Army Radio said.

The Friedman Center for Peace through Strength is a non-profit institution established with the goal of advancing peace and prosperity throughout the Middle East. Infantino will also speak at The Jerusalem Post's 10th Annual Conference on Tuesday.

In addition, the FIFA president met with Israeli Football Association (IFA) Chairman Ori Sasson on Monday. Infantino was also scheduled to meet the Palestinian Football Association (PFA) Chairman Jibril Rajoub.

"I'm happy to be in Israel," Infantino said, according to N12. "Oren Sasson and his team presented me with the vision and strategy to advance Israeli football to the next level," the FIFA president said.

"The hard work has already started. It is an encouraging time for Israeli football."
  • Tuesday, October 12, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,

  • Tuesday, October 12, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
In 2016, the Palestinian Authority created a Social Security Insitution..

It's been a joke ever since.

In 2018, two members of its board resigned because of non-transparency and non-independence.

Now, a new audit report shows that despite millions of dollars put into it, the organization can point to zero accomplishments.

Its budget has never been published. No financial reports have been published. 

Employees were appointed without any regard to their qualifications. 

Office furniture was purchased without any oversight.

Board meetings were held without most members of the board.

Unauthorized people signed contracts on behalf of the entire organization.

There is no mechanism to identify any conflicts of interest by employees.

There has been tampering of electronic records.

In other words - business as usual for the PA. Cronies use their government positions for their own purposes, the people get screwed, and no one really expects any change.

While Palestinians are well aware of the corruption in their government, Western media shows remarkably little interest in what happens, especially given that the West funds so much of the Palestinian Authority government and activities.

From Ian:

Israel’s critics have a new slogan
Every couple of years, critics of Israel come up with a new slogan that they hope will pressure the Israelis into making more concessions to the Palestinian Authority. They’ve just trotted out their latest model: “Shrinking the conflict.”

Such slogans are usually invented to try to overcome some obstacle that’s interfering with the left’s campaign to force Israel to accept a Palestinian state in its back yard. The current obstacle is that it’s been more than seven years (!) since Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas has been willing to negotiate with Israel.

If Abbas won’t talk, there’s no way to talk Israel into surrendering half its country. So, Israel’s leftwing critics figure they will wait him out—after all, Abbas, now in the 16 th year of his four year term of office, is 85 and facing various domestic problems. He can’t last forever. While they wait, the pressure-Israel crowd is looking for other ways to engineer Israeli concessions. Hence “shrinking the conflict.”

The Israel-critics think they’re being very clever with this one, because it actually comes from a phrase that was spoken by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. But of course, they’ve taken it out of context and tried to turn it into a weapon against him.

The concept that Prime Minister Bennett has mentioned is that since there’s no way of ending the conflict, then all that’s possible is to “shrink” it somewhat, through small steps aimed at economic improvement for the Palestinian Arabs.

But critics of Israel see “shrinking the conflict” differently—they see it as a new formula for building a Palestinian state, just more gradually. So, they’ve seized on the phrase and are running with it.
Do the EU and the UN Know They Are Supporting Scholarships for the Children of Terrorists?
A promotional flier for a course run by an internationally-funded Palestinian NGO shows how the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Palestinian NGOs abuse international donors, duping them into funding ostensibly worthy causes, but at the same time supporting terror.

While Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) welcomes European Union (EU) and United Nations (UN) funding for training courses for Palestinians, the problem arises when the courses offer full scholarships to the children of terrorist prisoners and dead terrorists, thereby rewarding the terrorists for their crimes.

A new flier — posted by Fatah Central Committee Deputy Secretary Sabri Saidam, the former PA Minister of Education and current advisor for communications and information technology to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas — promotes a Digital Academy for Scientific Innovation (DASI) program run by the Palestinian NGO Al-Nayzak.

According to the flier, while the children of law-abiding Palestinian families are potentially entitled to a 65% discount for the course, the children of “Martyrs and prisoners” are entitled to a full scholarship.

In other words, children of terrorists and murderers — be they imprisoned, released, or dead (so-called “Martyrs”) — are rewarded and can study for free.
Text on image: “Hurry to register at the following link:
With a possibility to receive a full scholarship for the children of Martyrs and prisoners.
And a discount of up to 65% for the rest of the recipients.”
[Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee Deputy Secretary Sabri Saidam, Sept. 18, 2021]
This means that Safa, the daughter of Abdullah Bargouhti, an imprisoned Palestinian terrorist convicted for the murder of 67 people in multiple terror attacks, and the children of Marwan Barghouti, convicted for his part in the murder of 5 people, are entitled to special privileges, simply because their fathers are mass murderers.
Ben & Jerry Struggle to Defend Israel Boycott Decision in Sanctimonious Interview
Bennett Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, the founders of the eponymous ice cream brand, sat down for an interview with Axios political reporter Alexi McCammond as part of an Emmy Award-winning docuseries.

The in-depth conversation saw the famously progressive duo grilled about the Vermont-based firm’s divisive decision to end sales of its products in “Occupied Palestinian Territory” — that is, the disputed West Bank — as well as the subsequent fallout that included numerous US states divesting funds from Ben & Jerry’s parent company Unilever.

After acknowledging they were aware of having waded into an “emotional issue,” Greenfield was quizzed by McCammond on why the company only took a stance on the issue recently when the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been ongoing for many years.

Greenfield replied:
The policy of the Israeli government has been to endorse these settlements in the occupied territories that keep on making it harder and harder to actually have a two-state solution.”

In fact, Israeli peace plans have been rejected repeatedly by Palestinian leaders, including those that would have seen the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

If anything, it is the actions of the Palestinian Authority that have stymied the peace process, not those of the Israeli government.

Greenfield later described the steps taken by US states to divest from Unilever as “largely based on misinformation,” before clarifying, “I think Ben & Jerry’s and Unilever are being characterized as boycotting Israel, which is not the case at all. It’s not boycotting Israel in any way.”

However, a noteworthy point of contention that is conspicuously absent in this exchange is that the Ben & Jerry’s independent board did want to boycott Israel in its entirety.

Ben & Jerry suffered an AOC moment - comment
Like AOC, Cohen hooked onto the settlements, because that’s easy, because it takes a very complicated issue and reduces it to one source of all the problems. Because it’s acceptable and in vogue and “progressive” to bash settlements.

And how is the boycott of settlements good for business? Greenfield hinted at this when he said that Ben & Jerry’s “publicly supported Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, but over the years the company continues to sell more ice cream and thrive.”

Perhaps the “but” here is out of place. Perhaps he should have said, “Ben & Jerry’s publicly supported Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and as a result, over the years, the company continues to sell more ice cream and thrive.”

Might that also have been one of the rationales for the company taking its move now on settlements? Get behind an issue seen as cutting edge ‘woke,’ in the hopes that by virtue signaling on a popular Progressive issue, it may boost sales.

Or, as Nick Kostov wrote in the Wall Street Journal piece last month about various states divesting from Unilever stocks because of the Ben & Jerry/settlements brouhaha, the fallout for Unilever “comes as more companies take public stands on societal issues, an approach Unilever has put at the heart of its strategy. For decades, companies largely tried to avoid wading publicly into social and political debates, preferring to influence policy through lobbying efforts, campaign contributions and membership in industry groups. But in a reversal for many big businesses, brands have embraced what has become known as purpose marketing, which many believe helps to drive sales growth.”

What Israel-supporters opposed to Ben & Jerry’s move are seeking to do, is show that when it comes to the Jewish state, this type of “purpose marketing” will have the opposite effect.
  • Tuesday, October 12, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Jewish Voice for Peace tweeted, "Thousands of Palestinians who took part in uprisings this May are still detained in Israeli prisons." It then gave a link to a fund that pays Palestinian terrorists. 

Thousands of them are still in prison? Given that for the past few years, there have been roughly 5000 security prisoners in Israeli prisons at any time, that seemed to be unlikely.

Another NGO that is critical of Israel, HaMoked, keeps track of the number of security prisoners in Israel by month. (B'Tselem used to but says that they can no longer get the information under Israel's Freedom of Information Act. It is unclear how HaMoked does.)

The first thing you notice is that the number of prisoners has stayed roughly the same between April and today.

The second thing is that the number of security prisoners actually decreased during the time period in question, between April and June, indicating that however many people Israel arrested were not placed in prison (unless Israel released a similar number of prisoners, which seems highly unlikely.)

The third thing you realize is that these anti-Israel organizations are filled with liars.

  • Tuesday, October 12, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Airhead actress Susan Sarandon retweeted a graphic by the absurdly named "Jewish Voice for Peace:"

The top half of the graphic is, of course, the much-debunked "Map That Lies" which has been recanted by MSNBC, McGraw-Hill and others.

This version is even more inaccurate than the usual ones, which often say "Map of Palestinian dispossession" or words to that effect.

This one says that the black areas in the top maps were "inhabited and stewarded by natives" and the white areas were "controlled by settlers."

Even if you think that most Palestinians are natives, when did they ever "steward" the areas of Palestine? The area was controlled by British, Turks, Ayyubid and Mamluk Egyptians, Crusaders, Byzantines, Romans - but never by Arab residents. 

The last time it was controlled by natives was when it was called Judea.

But according to JVP and Sarandon, Jews aren't native to Judea. They are all "settlers."

Where exactly are Jews native to, then?

Whether she realizes it or not, Sarandon is saying that Jews are native to Europe, meaning that she is denying the very origins of the Jewish people - which is antisemitism. 

While some Palestinians are descended from Second Temple-era Jews, most of them proudly trace their families back to areas around the world, from Arabia to Turkey to Morocco. 

Clueless Westerners who consider themselves liberal, like Sarandon, are really racists.They romanticize the idea of being native into backwards, primitive, dark-skinned people who cannot speak English and cannot do any wrong. Jews, who they say are "white passing" and who win Nobel prizes for science, are clearly racist Europeans like them, and could not possibly be natives to the Middle East like the righteous Arabs are. (And Jews who never left the Middle East, who were ethnically cleansed from the wonderful Arab countries, are not to be mentioned except as victims of European Jewish oppression.)

This is another manifestation of modern antisemitism, one based on the idea that Jews are interlopers and outsiders no matter where they live - just like the old antisemitism. 

Hollywood isn't exactly the place to go to learn about history. Unfortunately, it is a very good place to learn bigotry.

  • Tuesday, October 12, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yair Rosenberg points to a 2011 Jewish Telegraphic Agency article that shows one reason the Western world didn't know about the Holocaust.

In JTA's words:

At no time in history were JTA correspondents more needed than during the 12 long years of the Hitler regime. The JTA reported on the persecution and then the annihilation of Europe’s Jews, often providing the first, and sometimes the only, reports on the unfolding Holocaust. And at no time did its correspondents face more peril to their livelihood and lives.

As soon as Hitler came to power in 1933, problems began for the agency. It was, after all, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in a country that was determined to deprive all Jews of their rights. The agency faced the Nazi regime’s physical attacks on its operations and rhetorical attacks on its journalistic integrity. “Much of the JTA’s superb reporting from Germany … was labeled Jewish anti-Nazi propaganda,” JTA’s founder and editor, Jacob Landau, explained years later in a report to the JTA board.

The German government was not the agency’s only problem.

“About 1933 …a resistance began to develop in the world press to acceptance of news involving Jews and others from what was considered a partisan (Jewish) source,” Landau wrote.

The New York Times dropped the service in 1937 despite repeated entreaties from JTA editors. The Associated Press followed suit. So many non-Jewish newspapers canceled that the agency felt compelled to form the Overseas News Agency so it could report from Europe under a non-Jewish moniker. 

Still, JTA maintained its mission of serving as “the eyes and ears of world Jewry.” To the rest of the press, the destruction of Europe’s Jews was a secondary story, buried deep within newspapers. To the JTA, the extermination campaign was the story. As Germany marched into Austria and then into Czechoslovakia and other European countries, JTA correspondents chronicled the ensuing anti-Semitic legislation, property confiscations, sporadic violence, work formations, round-ups, and deportations.
 At the very time that the US and the world needed accurate reports about the impending genocide of Jews in Europe, the major news agencies decided to no longer trust the Jewish news agency that they had used for decades - because it couldn't be unbiased.

That decision is based on antisemitism, saying that Jews cannot accurately report about other Jews.

Who knows how many lives could have been saved if Americans could have been reading about the Holocaust a year or two earlier than they did?

I found an example of the media's skepticism of JTA's objectivity in this January 1940 article about how difficult it was for Western reporters to know what Germany had done to Poland, because the only sources were from Polish, Catholic and Jewish sources.

Note the scare quotes about "authentic details." Clearly United Press didn't believe the reports of Jews about massacres of Jews either.

Monday, October 11, 2021

From Ian:

David Singer: Antisemitic EU & ECRI policies on Israel cannot be whitewashed
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) - in attempting to whitewash European Union (EU) policies directed against Israel in Judea and Samaria being labelled as “antisemitic” – is itself engaging in antisemitic criticism of Israel’s right to claim sovereignty there.

Antisemitic EU anti-Israel policies:
- Require goods produced by Israelis living in Judea and Samaria to be distinctively labelled for sale in the EU: “Product from West Bank (Israeli settlement)”
- Facilitate and finance illegal Arab building in Area C of Judea and Samaria - totally under Israeli control pursuant to the Oslo Accords – without the EU seeking Israel’s approval

ECRI’s 47 members – one from each Council of Europe member state – are appointed:
“on the basis of their independence, impartiality, moral authority and expertise in dealing with issues of racism, discrimination, xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance.”

ECRI – in a recent report - clarified when it considers criticism of Israel to be antisemitic:
“Contemporary forms of antisemitism can differ from traditional forms of prejudice against Jewish people, but both forms can also exist in parallel. Nowadays, antisemitism can also be expressed in certain criticism of Israel that is baseless. For example, denying Jews their right to a national homeland, holding the State of Israel to a different standard of behaviour than other states, or demonising the State of Israel and viewing it and its people as inherently evil or racist, may be regarded as antisemitic.”

Under these guidelines:
- Textbooks used in Palestinian Arab and Saudi Arabian schools depicting hundreds of maps without “Israel” being designated on them - are antisemitic
- The Palestine Liberation Organisation and Hamas - whose respective Charters deny Jews have any right to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in their ancient and biblical homeland – are antisemitic organisations and their leaders are antisemites.
- EU criticism of Israel for its responses in protecting Israel’s citizens from rockets fired from Gaza indiscriminately into Israeli population centres - is antisemitic - since European States would act similarly were their countries so confronted

ECRI however shoots itself in the foot when stating what criticism of Israel is not antisemitic:
“However, ECRI strongly emphasises that any attempts to stifle, or stigmatise as antisemitic, legitimate criticism of Israel and its policies, in particular towards the Palestinian people and in the context of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, will jeopardise efforts to combat antisemitism and should therefore be rejected.”

Ben & Jerry’s excruciating Israel interview
Ben & Jerry have never been shy about making politics part of their brand. The ice cream makers have made social activism a mainstay of their corporate outlook in recent years, with stunts including the refusal to serve two scoops of the same ice cream flavor in Australia (in support of same-sex marriage) and unveiling an anti-Trump batch flavor called ‘Pecan Resist’ to ‘lick injustice.’ They even found time to involve themselves in little local difficulties across the pond, berating UK home secretary Priti Patel last year for trying to stop migrants from crossing the English Channel in boats.

Now, though, one of the company’s stunts appears to have backfired spectacularly. In July the ice cream manufacturers declared that Ben & Jerry’s would stop sales in the ‘occupied Palestinian Territory’ as ‘we believe it is inconsistent with our values for our product to be present within an internationally recognized illegal occupation’. And who better to defend those values than Ben Cohen, appearing alongside his co-founder Jerry Greenfield in an Axios on HBO interview this weekend?

The septuagenarian Sanders supporter could only flounder when asked about the reasoning behind the Israel boycott, as the company he started continues to peddle its wares in Georgia and Texas, despite attacking the abortion and voting rights laws in those two states.
Scoop: Ben and Jerry stumped by Texas and Georgia
The activist co-founders of Ben & Jerry’s admitted in an interview with “Axios on HBO” that they don't know how to hold states like Georgia and Texas accountable when they pass laws with which they disagree.

Why it matters: Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield have made progressive politics synonymous with their brand. The 70-year-old entrepreneurs, who no longer control the company but retained their right to be its social conscience, have shown they’ll use business muscle in pursuit of their ideals.

Axios' Alexi McCammond asked, during an interview in the brand’s home state of Vermont: “You guys are big proponents of voting rights. Why do you still sell ice cream in Georgia? Texas — abortion bans. Why are you still selling there?”
- “I don’t know,” Ben Cohen said with a laugh. “It’s an interesting question. I don’t know what that would accomplish. We’re working on those issues, of voting rights. ... I think you ask a really good question. And I think I’d have to sit down and think about it for a bit.”
- When pressed on the Texas limits on women’s access to abortion, Cohen said: “By that reasoning, we should not sell any ice cream anywhere. I’ve got issues with what’s being done in almost every state and country. ”
- "One thing that's different is that what Israel is doing is considered illegal by international law. And so I think that's a consideration," Greenfield said.

One of the company’s latest moves — its 2021 decision to stop selling ice cream in Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories — led to serious backlash.
- Cohen and Greenfield wrote a joint NYT op-ed defending the company’s decision. “While we no longer have any operational control of the company we founded in 1978, we’re proud of its action and believe it is on the right side of history,” they wrote.
- Thirty-five states in the U.S. have anti-Israel boycott laws, and so far four have announced they’re taking action or considering divesting from Unilever, Ben & Jerry’s parent company.
- Greenfield told “Axios on HBO” that those states’ decisions are based on “misinformation” that “Ben & Jerry’s and Unilever are being characterized as boycotting Israel — which is not the case at all. It’s not boycotting Israel in any way,” he said.
Axios on HBO: Ben & Jerry’s founders on sales in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
  • Monday, October 11, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AP and NYT wire services in 1934:

Even now, scholars haven't determined the reason for the rampage.  The Muslim version was that a Jew was drunk and insulted Islam.  The Jewish community disputed that.  What is undeniable is that the Arabs hated the Jews and any excuse was enough for them to massacre their innocent Jewish neighbors. 

What is also undeniable is that this attack had nothing to do with Zionism. 

The JTA quotes here were incomplete and whitewashed the real horror: "A scene of utter desolation and horror, of Jewish girls with their breasts cut off, of little children with numerous knife wounds and of whole families locked in their homes and burned to death."

Arabs and Muslims love to claim that Jews lived in peace and harmony with them until Zionism. That is garbage.  The Jews always knew that they were second class citizens and that one wrong move could spark a pogrom like this one.

Notice also that even in 1934, the media would "both sides" a massacre of Arabs to Jews, claiming it was fighting between two sides and not a one sided massacre.

This was not the only Muslim pogrom of Jews in 1934. Only two months earlier, in the Thrace region  of Turkey, Jews were attacked mercilessly and some 15,000 were forced to flee the area.

It is considered poor taste to mention Muslim antisemitism nowadays. All hate of Jews is assigned a "logical" excuse, Israel. But until you understand that antiemitism among Arabs and Muslims pre-dates Israel and Zionism by centuries, you cannot understand what is euphemistically called "anti-Zionism" by today's Arabs and Muslims. 

The final official death toll in Constantine was 34 Jews.

Islamist site 5Pillars writes:

Civil society organisations and activists in the UK and overseas are threatening to organise a mass boycott of the University of Bristol unless it reverses its dismissal of Professor David Miller for his outspokenly critical stance on Israel and its supporters.

In a letter sent to the university today, they accuse the university of caving in to the demands of the pro-Israel lobby and violating the freedom of speech that is necessary for intellectual enquiry.

In doing so, they say, the university is no longer a safe space for students and staff.
Of course, David Miller attacked Jewish students in class, making it no longer a safe space for them. The academic freedom to attack one's students is fairly iffy, even for Jews and even at Bristol.

At least this year.

The letter justifies his actions, saying "his comments offended some of those whom his work identifies as racists, upholders of an apartheid regime and perpetrators of systematic oppression." 

When they say they want to "boycott" the university, they of course don't mean that because such a boycott would not be noticed by any halfway decent school. What they really mean is that they are threatening to "cancel" the university. The letter says:

We hereby serve notice that unless Prof Miller is reinstated, we intend to bring the full force of civil society and public opinion to bear on your institution for as long as it takes to redress this injustice. This will include persuading national and international students and academics to boycott Bristol University because it cannot be relied upon to guarantee freedom of expression for racial and religious minorities, as well as political dissent which offends its targets.
It is a threat. Which is the only language that Israel-haters understand. 

The signatories include such luminaries as "Rabbi Ahron Cohen, Neturei Karta" and "John Tymon, Football Against Apartheid."

From Ian:

Ronald Lauder: The war Israel must fight
The State of Israel is in a fight for its life: but you wouldn’t know it. For 75 years, Israel’s enemies could not defeat it militarily. What’s more, given enviable strides over the last decade, Israel’s enemies cannot defeat it economically. Yet we are in a far more dangerous place than ever.

That’s because these achievements are only part of the equation of Israel’s security and the battle for the safety of the Jewish people. Israel’s enemies have opened a new political front in their attacks – and Israel is losing that battle, which is not being fought on a border, in the sky or on the ground.

The battle for public opinion is being fought on campuses and billions of iPhones. And Israel has let itself fall behind and, as Jews in Israel and in the Diaspora, by not fighting the daily lies, distortions, dishonesty, and slander unequivocally and with one voice, we have let it happen on our watch.

Opponents of Israel’s right to exist have overtaken many mainstream press outlets, and this bias has infiltrated editorial boards and even supposedly unbiased reporting, who parrot anti-Israel, antisemitic talking points that would make the Muslim Brotherhood proud. They refer to Israel as an “apartheid state,” guilty of “ethnic cleansing,” and “crimes against humanity” – simply for defending itself.

On social media, influencers attack Israel for said self-defense in the face of rocket barrages launched by terror groups.

In the past, Israel’s opponents and enemies of the Jewish people funneled money to the state’s adversaries through weapons programs and militias. Today, it’s more insidious. It has effectively penetrated former staunch Israeli allies, including the US, through media and academia. It has split American Jews. Jewish students and professors are openly ridiculed, censored, and penalized for expressing support for Israel, including by fellow Jews. Universities recognize the problem, but most stay silent out of fear of condemnation and cancellation.

In government and politics, formerly unassailable allies of Israel and the Jewish people, including the Speaker of the House, are starting to bow to extremist factions including, terrifyingly, agreeing to temporarily pull votes for Iron Dome funding.

Yisrael Medad: Jewish prayer should be permitted on the Temple Mount
It should be clear: No Jew enters a Muslim building on the Temple Mount and surely not in a mosque. The compound is rather large and there is more than enough room for it to be shared. After all, in Hebron, Jews do pray daily in a structure considered a mosque (the Cave of the Patriarchs). So why is there this form of Islamic cancel culture which can be summarized so: The Temple Mount belongs solely to the Muslims and the Western Wall to the Jews.

First, the facts. Invading Muslim armies conquered Jerusalem in 638 CE and usurped, physically and theologically, Mount Moriah. Although Jews were permitted to enter at times, from the 13th century until the late 19th century, Jewish entry was prohibited. This also was the situation in Hebron. In 1947, a Jew who accidentally entered the compound was killed. Parallel to this, the majority rabbinic opinion was that, despite the compound being larger than the original sacred area, all entry would be prohibited.

On this background, in 1967, the famous status quo was adopted. But if that situation is not static – Muslims have opened three new mosques since then – do they have any right to protest? Are they the only ones who have the right to be “provoked?” The Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty’s Article 9 calls for the promotion of “interfaith relations … with the aim of working toward religious understanding … freedom of religious worship and tolerance.” Should that not be honored?

Can we not attempt to achieve peace through religious unity and compromise? Why do we need to tolerate such degrading language in the Arabic media on this issue as when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Jews "defile the Al-Aqsa Mosque with their filthy feet."

The Waqf, and its financial patron, Jordan’s Ministry of Awqaf Islamic Affairs and Holy Places, have prevented surveillance cameras that could reduce violence and encourage the bullying attitude that presages rock throwing and worse. They need to be more responsible.

In the spirit of Isaiah 56:7, that “my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations,” cannot we accept that all who seek to respect and worship at their holy sites be allowed to do so reasonably without recourse to threats of violence?
Kushner in Knesset: We all have a role in advancing Abraham Accords
It is time to act to ensure the Abraham Accords fulfill their potential, former senior advisor to the US president Jared Kushner said at a ceremony in the Knesset on Monday.

“What we created is a new paradigm in the region. It can have many different outcomes,” he said. “It is imperative on all of us to set high expectations for what we want the Abraham Accords to achieve.”

Kushner, who founded the Abraham Accords Institute for Peace, spoke at an event in honor of the one-year anniversary of the peace and normalization agreements between Israel and Arab states. The Knesset Abraham Accords Caucus, which includes 107 MKs and is led by MKs Ofir Akunis (Likud) and Ruth Wasserman-Lande (Blue and White), hosted the event.

The adviser to former president Donald Trump recalled that the announcement of peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates “shocked everyone.” He quipped that it was “one of the few things between Israel and the US that didn’t leak out.”

Kushner said that when he, together with the first Israeli delegation, arrived in Abu Dhabi on a direct flight, “the image captured the imaginations of the whole region. People realized things were just different.”

Now, he said, Israel is more popular in Arab states than he had imagined.

“Muslims in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Pakistani are seeing that Israel is not what they thought it is. They are seeing that Israel is welcoming their Muslim brothers,” he stated. “A new era has really begun.”
  • Monday, October 11, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is defined as the average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime if: (1) she was to experience the exact current age-specific fertility rates (ASFRs) through her lifetime and (2) she was to live from birth until the end of her reproductive life.. It is the sum of the fertility rates for all childbearing ages for any particular year.

According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, the TFR of Jewish women for the past 12 months is 3.00, while for Muslim women it is 2.99.

As far as I can tell, this is the first time in history the TFR for Jewish women was higher than for Muslim women in Israel.

In contrast, in 2002, the TFR for Jewish women was 2.56 and for Muslim women it was 4.19.

(h/t Noah)

  • Monday, October 11, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Usually, even the worst anti-Israel propaganda outlets try to base their lies on some crumb of truth. But when Iran owns the media, why even bother?

Zionist settlers attack Palestinians in Al-Aqsa Mosque
TEHRAN, Oct. 10 (MNA) – Settlers of the Zionist regime launched a large-scale attack against Palestinians in Al-Aqsa Mosque on Sunday with the support of the regime’s military forces and clashed with Palestinians.

Zionist settlers continue their hostile actions against Palestinian sanctities. The settlers brutally attacked Al-Aqsa Mosque again on Sun., Palestine Al-Youm reported.

According to the report, Zionist settlers chanted anti-Islamic slogans after attacking courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. A fierce clash took place between the Zionist regime's settlers and Palestinian citizens following the attack launched by Zionists on Al-Aqsa Mosque.
This never happened. Jews who visit the Temple Mount don't come near any of the Muslims there, and police keep them away from each other. If there had been an incident, it would have been widely reported.

The source given was "Palestine al-Youm." I believe this is the satellite channel PalToday.TV. When you visit their website you see something interesting:

In June, the United States seized 33 Iranian websites with domain names registered in the US, for operating illegally by not obtaining an Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) license. The Department of Justice noted "that components of the government of Iran, to include IRTVU and others like it, disguised as news organizations or media outlets, targeted the United States with disinformation campaigns and malign influence operations."

One of those websites seized was, a satellite channel that is an Iranian mouthpiece for Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Israel-haters are pushing a multi-pronged attack on Jewish rights, based on pure Jew-hatred. This is only one example; another one today comes from the socialist PFLP terror group, who said that the region could explode because of Talmudic prayers. The PFLP's only concern for prayer is when Jews do it.

A member of the Central Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Mahmoud al-Ras, called on the Palestinian people, their forces and resistance to continue to confront and be ready and ready to fight the battle to defend Jerusalem in light of the escalation of the occupation’s attack on the courtyards of Al-Aqsa and the decision of the occupation court, which paves the way for settlers to perform Talmudic prayers in its courtyards. Al-Ras considered that Jerusalem, with its churches and mosques, is the identity of a homeland and the beating heart of Palestine, pointing out that the attempt to evoke the Talmudic prayers with aggression against Al-Aqsa is to ignite religious fires that will explode the entire situation, not only in Palestine but outside it as well.

  • Monday, October 11, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian Wafa news agency reports:

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates and the Chief Islamic Justice, Mahmoud Habbash, today condemned the intention of American Zionist groups to hold a ceremony at Mammilla cemetery in West Jerusalem, considering it a desecration of the Islamic graveyard and a flagrant violation of international law and conventions.

They said in two separate statements that the historic cemetery includes the remains of Muslim leaders and residents of Jerusalem who have been buried there for more than a thousand years.

The ceremony is for the Museum of Tolerance. 

Iranian media is already trying to turn this into major incitement.

I looked at this issue 11 years ago, and unearth this Palestine Post article from November 22, 1945::

An area of over 450 dunams in the heart of Jerusalem, now forming the Mamilla Cemetery, is to be converted into a business centre. The townplan is being completed under the supervision of the Supreme Moslem Council in conjunction with the Government Town Planning Adviser. A six-storeyed building to house the Supreme Moslem Council and other offices, a four-storeyed hotel, a bank and other buildings suitable for it, a college, a club and a factory are to be the main structures. There will also be a park to be called the Salah ed Din Park, after the Moslem warrior of Crusader times.

...In an interview with "Al-Wihda." the Jerusalem weekly, a member of the Supreme Moslem Council stated that the use of Moslem cemeteries in the public interest had many precedents both in Palestine and elsewhere....

The member added that the Supreme Moslem Council intended to publish a statement containing dispensations by Egyptian, Hejazi and Damascene clerics sanctioning the building programme.  

The Supreme Muslim Council said that building on the cemetery was perfectly halal in 1945, and they even received support from Muslim clerics in Egypt and Saudi Arabia to build on top of these supposedly thousand year old graves. 

Of course, the Museum of Tolerance was not built on top of a single grave. Court rulings consistently found that the graves had been moved years before. 

There are few examples of Palestinian Arab hypocrisy more stark than how they themselves wanted to treat Mamilla Cemetery and their hysterical reactions to how Jews treat it in a far more respectful way.

One final piece of hypocrisy is how the Mufti himself acted when he built his own Palace hotel across the street from the cemetery. 


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