Monday, August 09, 2021

From Ian:

JISS: Israel's National Security Doctrine
Israel has an unwritten but broadly accepted national security doctrine - "first principles" - which can assist in long-term planning, setting priorities and allocating resources.

Israel will forever face a yawning gap between the size of its resident population and that of neighboring countries, which have all been hostile to Israel's existence in the past, and some remain so. Israel always will be a small country in size, and hence hyper-sensitive to any loss of territory and to artillery and rocket fire - unlike most of its neighbors.

Israel can never attain a decisive victory in war - a moment which would radically transform the political culture of the region regarding the desire to annihilate it. No victory in any war would ensure, once and for all, that Israel again will not face threats to its existence. Moreover, Israel's first defeat may well be its last, if its territory ends up being conquered by Arab or Islamic forces. This is not the case for any Arab country which Israel might defeat and occupy its territory.

Thus, Israel is doomed to plan for the next war at the end of any war it fights, no matter how successful; and in every war it must prevail against all odds. In sharp contrast to its adversaries, the IDF has no option of retreat.

Israel's "center of gravity" is concentrated in a narrow geographical space in the greater Tel Aviv region - 10 miles from the Green Line, 45 miles from the Jordan River border, and 25 miles from Gaza. Keeping the enemy away from the region and defending it from attack is vital and critical for Israel's ability to survive and to function during any wartime scenario. Beyond that, due to its small size, Israel does not have much redundancy when it comes to critical infrastructure, which is a serious vulnerability.

Israel will make every effort to bolster its ability to defend itself by itself. It cannot and must not rely on others to fight its wars. Both to deter, as well as to defend effectively, and to attack and win when necessary, Israel must maintain a "qualitative edge" over its enemies, mostly using advanced technology and highly-qualified manpower. Israel will do everything necessary to sustain and increase its qualitative advantages.
Bennett Cabinet Cuts Taxes Collected for PA by $31 Million Paid Out to Terrorists
One month after the Political-Security Cabinet approved the decision not to transfer terrorist funds to the Palestinian Authority, on Monday morning Israel transferred the tax money it collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority after offsetting NIS 100 million ($31 million). The offset was made in accordance with the cabinet decision and according to a calculation presented by the IDF and the Finance Ministry as an estimate of the sums of money the PA transferred to the families of terrorists between the years 2019-2020.

According to a law passed in 2018, the defense minister is charged with presenting at the end of each year the total money paid out by the Palestinian Authority to terrorists and their families during that year, and in the following year, an equal amount shall be frozen out of the taxes Israel collects for the PA, in accordance with the Paris Agreement.

But in years past, the Netanyahu government did not keep up with the requirements of the 2018 law that it initiated, and, in fact, in March 2020 transferred NIS 800 million ($248 million) to the PA to help it deal with its economic crisis following the Corona pandemic. But as right-wing news website Hakol HaYehudi pointed out back then, the main reason that led to the PA’s economic crisis was the transfer of more than one and a half billion shekels each year as wages to terrorists who carried out attacks against Jews.

The Bennett cabinet decided to move ahead with freezing those terrorist wages and restarting the monthly payments of collected taxes sans the terrorist payments to the PA, which is facing a collapse over not paying its public employees for several months. In the past, Chairman Mahmoud Abbas refused to receive the discounted funds from Israel, but he appears to have softened over time and now he’ll take whatever Israel gives him.

According to the report that was prepared by the Defense Ministry’s Economic Warfare Headquarters, in 2020 the Palestinian Authority paid out NIS 597 million ($185 million) as indirect support for terrorism. Following the approval of the report, 1/12 of these funds will be frozen every month from the money that Israel transfers to the PA.
"Pay-for-Slay" Explained by Former Head of IDF Military Prosecution for Judea & Samaria
Lt. Col. Maurice Hirsch, former Head of IDF Military Prosecution for Judea & Samaria and current Director of Legal Strategies for Palestinian Media Watch, explains the Palestinian Authority's "pay-for-slay" program.

Lebanon's Maronite patriarch calls on army to confront Hezbollah
Lebanon’s Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rahi called on Sunday for the Lebanese army to take control of the southern part of the country, Hezbollah’s stronghold, and strictly implement UN Security Council Resolution 1701, after recent clashes between Israel and Hezbollah.

“We call upon the Lebanese army, which is responsible with the international forces for the security of the South, to take control of the entire lands of the South, to strictly implement Resolution 1701 and to prevent the launching of missiles from Lebanese territory, not for the sake of Israel’s safety, but rather for the safety of Lebanon,” said Rahi during Sunday Mass, according to Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA).

The Maronite patriarch stressed that he could not “accept, by virtue of equality before the law, that a party decides peace and war outside the decision of legality and the national decision entrusted to two-thirds of the members of the government.”

On Friday, 19 rockets were fired from southern Lebanon into northern Israel, with the Iron Dome intercepting 10 rockets and six rockets falling in open areas near Har Dov, along the Lebanese border. The others fell inside Lebanon. There were no injuries or casualties.
  • Monday, August 09, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here are only a sampling of boycotts of Jews around the world before 1920. They have different reasons (when any reasons are given) but the bottom line is that they are simply antisemitic. 

The feel just like BDS does today. The last one I list is exactly like BDS today. 

Germany, reported in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, January 9. 1881:

West Fork, Indiana, from the Gazette of Cedar Rapids IA, March 1, 1893:

Algiers, reported by Western Mail of Cardiff, December 9, 1898:

This is exactly like Fatah saying that they keep track of  and photograph Palestinians who shop at Rami Levy stores in Judea and Samaria.

France, reported in the Chicago Tribune, May 10, 1900:

Sounds lot like the extensive rules the BDSers have on what is forbidden.

Ireland, from Inter-Ocean (Chicago), May 8, 1904:

As always, instead of protecting the Jews, the Jews are told to run away "for their safety."

Odessa, Russia, October 1906:

Atlanta, GA, from Montgomery Times,. June 24, 1915:

Jersey City, from the New York Times, June 5, 1919, in an echo of the current Polish refusal to admit complicity in atrocities against Jews during the Holocaust:

And here was a justification for boycotting Jews in Europe, by pretending to care about a fictional Jewish boycott of Arabs in Palestine - this is pure BDS from 1894 reported in The Jewish Voice of St. Louis:

BDS isn't new. It is just like the boycotts of Jews worldwide for at least 140 years.

  • Monday, August 09, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas has started a military training camp under the name "Sword of Jerusalem" for Gazans.

Its photos show that not only do they appear to be training children to join the Hamas Al Qassam Brigades, but also some grey-haired men.

  • Monday, August 09, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas is outraged that some 69 members of the terror organization have been sentenced to prison terms in Saudi Arabia. 

Those sentenced include the Hamas representative in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed al-Khoudary, and his son Hani.

The elder Khoudary is said to have been close to the Saudi royal family in years past.

Saudi Arabia arrested scores of Palestinians and Jordanians in 2019 - over a year before the Abraham Accords.

This indicates (but does not prove) that the Saudis were turning against the Palestinian terror groups independently of any potential ties to Israel.

Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Saudis have outlawed that group as a terrorist group since 2014. 

Al Qaeda likewise has its ideological roots in the Muslim Brotherhood, although the Brotherhood claims to have been against violence for decades. 

Obviously, Hamas does not subscribe to that philosophy. Indeed, Hamas' defense of their members in Saudi Arabia has been that they hadn't committed any crimes specifically against the Kingdom.

There are strong indications that the sentences were not handed out with what anyone would consider due process - there are reports that the defendants were denied access to lawyers. By any measure, the Saudi kingdom is one of the worst offenders against human rights in the world. 

On the other hand, the Saudis have to deal with a large population of potential extremists; after all, most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi and were products of Saudi schooling. They look at Hamas as potentially disruptive to the kingdom as they want to distance themselves from terrorism altogether. 

It doesn't appear that the Saudis arrested the Hamas members for Israel. They have plenty of reason to dislike Hamas anyway, and the kingdom has been steadily less sympathetic to the Palestinian cause over the years. 

If Israel is in the Saudi calculus at all, it is more that the entire Gulf had been moving away from blind support for Palestinians who have been seen more and more to be the real obstacle to peace, not Israel. 

Sunday, August 08, 2021

  • Sunday, August 08, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
A writer for The National (UAE) writes,  "Vaccines aren’t easy to come by in Gaza, from where I’ve just returned."

That's strange, because UNRWA announced that there are plenty of vaccines just waiting for people to come. They have COVID vaccines available in clinics in 

(Sputnik)Sheikh Radwan 

North Gaza (Al-Saftawi)
Beit Hanoun
Deir Al-Balah
Khan Younis
Al YaBaniat
Tal al-Sultan

For some reason, there has been no update on vaccination data for the Palestinian territories since August 5, but only 20,000 Palestinians altogether got their first dose in the week before that. 

Palestinian health officials  have the capacity to administer 50,000 shots every day.

For months we were told that the Palestinians were suffering from a severe shortage of vaccines. Now it turns out that even if they would have accepted the million Israeli vaccines offered since mid-June, they would have thrown them out anyway - very few Palestinians are interested in the shot. There aren't lines of people wanting the shot, but lines of clinics begging people to take the shot.

But the news media suddenly lost interest in the story.

From Ian:

PMW: Blood money: The PA has already paid $1,183,257 to the terrorists who blew up the Sbarro pizza shop murdering 15 and injuring 130
Tomorrow, August 9, 2021, will mark 20 years since the attack on the Sbarro pizza restaurant in Jerusalem. 15 people were murdered, including 5 members of one family, and 130 people were injured.

As a reward for carrying out the attack, each month the Palestinian Authority pays a total of US$8,006 (25,800 shekels) to the imprisoned terrorists and the families of the dead terrorists, who were involved in the attack.

By now, the PA has paid Abdullah Barghouti, the terrorist who built the bomb and is responsible for the murder of 67 people in various attacks, a cumulative sum of US$285,571 (921,500 shekels). Every month, the PA pays him a salary of US$2,255 (7,300 shekels). In addition, the PA has paid the family of the suicide bomber US$68,498 (221,400 shekels). Every month the PA continues to pay his family an allowance of US$432 (1,400 shekels). The minimum wage in the PA is 1,450 shekels/month (US$44).

The monthly PA salary payments to the imprisoned terrorists are not just a whim. Rather, they are codified in the PA Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners, No. 19 of 2004 and regulations promulgated pursuant to the law.

Thus, "Government Decision No. (23) for 2010 regarding a regulation of payment of a monthly salary to the prisoner" sets the salary scale the PA pays to imprisoned terrorists, including additional benefits for married terrorists, terrorists who have children, and terrorists who are residents or citizens of the State of Israel.

In addition to the issue of payments, section 4 of the Law of Prisoners stipulates that the PA will not sign a peace agreement "without the release of all prisoners", including terrorists like Abdullah Barghouti and hundreds of other terrorists like him, who are responsible for killing thousands of people.

The PA payments to the families of the dead terrorists (so-called “Martyrs”) is not regulated by law. Rather, these payments are made based on internal regulations of the PLO Institute for the Care of the Families ‎of the Martyrs and the Wounded, which is entirely funded by the PA.

Father dies by suicide on grave of son killed by Gaza rocket fire in 2014
Moshe Etzion, 88, the bereaved father of Ze’ev Etzion who was killed by rocket fire from Gaza during the 2014 war, took his own life at the gravesite of his son on the Hebrew anniversary of his death on Sunday.

The Etzion family lived in the southern Kibbutz Nirim, near the border with the Strip.

Moshe Etzion left his home early Sunday morning, and after he did not return for a number of hours, authorities launched a search for him.

He was found dead next to the grave of his son in the kibbutz, the Eshkol Regional Council said. He is to be buried tomorrow in Nirim.

His son Ze’ev, also known as Zevik, was a local security officer for the kibbutz during the 2014 war, as well as an emergency medic and ambulance driver.

Ze’ev was killed on August 26, 2014, when a Hamas-launched mortar shell landed in the kibbutz and shrapnel hit him. The seventh anniversary of his death fell on Sunday, according to the Jewish calendar.
For Anti-Zionists, 'Palestine' Does Not Stop at the Green Line
In the aftermath of the recent uproar over the Ben & Jerry's ice cream company announcing it would boycott the "Occupied Palestinian Territory," it is worthwhile to look closer at that term: "Occupied Palestinian Territory."

In 1964, Ahmad el-Shukairy convened a conference at which he created a terror movement called the "Palestine Liberation Organization." The PLO undertook to perpetrate terror acts against civilians to "liberate Palestine from the Israelis." At the time Jordan occupied Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank"), and Egypt occupied Gaza. Yet, none of the PLO's terror campaign was aimed at driving Jordan or Egypt out of those illegally occupied lands. Rather, to liberate the newly fabricated "Palestine," all PLO terror aimed instead at driving the Jews out of Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ra'anana, and other cities, towns, and villages in pre-1967 Israel and "into the [Mediterranean] sea."

It always has been Arab Muslim Orthodoxy that "Palestine" actually is the entire country of Israel, not merely Judea and Samaria. Just contemplate the emblems of the "Palestine" terror groups, including the PLO, Fatah, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

That is their "Occupied Palestine Territory" – not the "West Bank" nor Gaza but all of Israel. It is as clear as day — on their flags and banners. It is their logo. There is no need to gain fluency in Arabic to grasp what is on their minds and in their attack plans.

To the degree they claim they want "back" their "Palestine territory" from which they claim they were "expelled," anti-Zionists' demands would not be resolved by telling Arabs who claim their families once lived in Akko (Acre) or Yafo (Jaffa) that, in satisfaction of their aspirations, they now may have Jenin in Samaria or Beit Hanoun in Gaza. People claiming Akko or Yafo lineage do not want Gaza. It's like a real estate agent telling a Chicago-based Midwestern American Jew seeking to relocate to the Brooklyn, NY of his childhood: "I know you have a cultural longing for Brooklyn, the sights of Flatbush, old Ebbets Field where the baseball Dodgers played, Boro Park and Crown Heights, and Irv's Knishery of Canarsie. Unfortunately, I cannot offer you that, but here is something that is basically identical: I have a listing in Chubbuck, Idaho and another in Waterloo, Iowa. Believe me, you won't know the difference."
  • Sunday, August 08, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
In April 2004, President Bush sent a letter to Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon supporting Israel's withdrawal from Gaza - but with a crucial addition that Sharon sought.

The letter said, "As part of a final peace settlement, Israel must have secure and recognized borders, which should emerge from negotiations between the parties in accordance with UNSC Resolutions 242 and 338. In light of new realities on the ground, including already existing major Israeli populations centers, it is unrealistic to expect that the outcome of final status negotiations will be a full and complete return to the armistice lines of 1949, and all previous efforts to negotiate a two-state solution have reached the same conclusion. It is realistic to expect that any final status agreement will only be achieved on the basis of mutually agreed changes that reflect these realities."

Two months later, the House and Senate voted overwhelmingly to support that position. The Senate resolution 393 said:
Whereas, in light of realities on the ground, including already existing major Israeli population centers, it is unrealistic to expect that the outcome of final status negotiations will be a full and complete return to the armistice lines of 1949, but realistic to expect that any final status agreement will only be achieved on the basis of mutually agreed changes that reflect these realities;
The House resolution H.Con.Res.460 was largely the same.

Among the 95 senators and 407 representatives who voted for this resolution was Joe Biden.

Everyone who looks at the situation with clear eyes knows that it is out of the question that Israel would ever move back to the 1949 armistice lines. 

Yet the US contradicts that every day by treating the entire area of Judea and Samaria as presumed to be belonging to Palestinians. Joe Biden's angry reaction to the announcement that Israel would build additional units in Ramat Shlomo in 2010 is just one example - no one could possibly think that Ramat Shlomo would ever be part of a Palestinian state. We see the same absurdity today in American policy.

So is the Bush letter - and its confirmation by the overwhelming majority of Congress - just a joke? Should Israel not trust what the US has to say? Or, more specifically, the US government makes a solemn promise, should Israel assume that a later less-friendly administration will not adhere to those promises?

And should we not insist that President Biden keep his own promises?

(h/t Mitchell)

Back in 2014, I looked at the origins of the phrase "drive the Jews into the sea," because some have claimed that the expression was a hoax by Jews  and Arabs never used that phrase in reference to Jews in Israel.

I found solid evidence that it was used after 1948, and then saw that the phrase was documented in the book "O Jerusalem" as having been used first by a Jerusalem police chief Kamal Irekat, adopted by the infamous Mufti of Jerusalem and then used by Fawzi el Kaukji, an Arab League field commander.

Yisrael Medad looked at the issue and found a British memo from August 1948 from Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin:

It is quite untrue to suggest that we have let the Arabs down or failed in any obligations towards them. We did not urge them to intervene by force in Palestine, nor did we promise them support if they did so. They went in of their own accord, in most cases without telling us beforehand. Very small measure of military successes which they achieved shows that their forces, while capable perhaps of occupying friendly territory, were not prepared for and incapable of undertaking major military operations, which would have been necessary to achieve the announced object of the Arab states, namely to drive the Jews into the sea.
I wanted to see if I could find an earlier version in contemporary newspapers.

An AP dispatch from June 10, 1948, said that Jews were amused at Arab claims that they already had thrown Jews into the sea:

This article from the News York Daily News in April 1948 quotes Fawzi al Kaukji directly:

An AP analysis from February 8, 1948, uses quotation marks for the phrase referring to Arab leaders in 1947:

The earliest quote I can find is from AP from a December 19, 1947 dispatch, quoting "Arab informants:"

That is a lot of different sources for an identical expression. It sounds like this was a common Arab response to the 1947 partition plan.

Medad also found this cover of an Egyptian pamphlet literally titled "Throw the Jews into the sea" before the 1967 war:

  • Sunday, August 08, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

In 2013, the EU added Hezbollah's military wing to its list of terror groups.

So why couldn't they mention Hezbollah in this press release?

The European Union strongly condemns the firing of rockets from southern Lebanon towards northern Israel and the occupied Golan Heights including those for which the “Islamic Resistance” has claimed responsibility.

The European Union is following closely the developments that ensued over the last days, including the artillery and air strikes response by Israel. It is crucial for all parties to exercise utmost restraint and work towards a quick resolution of the current tensions.
For some reason, they use the euphemism "Islamic Resistance" instead of Hezbollah - which is arguably worse, since it promotes the lie that Hezbollah is "resisting" Israel even though Israel withdrew from Lebanon more than two decades ago.

(h/t Irene)

Saturday, August 07, 2021

From Ian:

Rhythmic gymnast Linoy Ashram wins Israel’s 3rd-ever Olympic gold
Rhythmic gymnast Linoy Ashram won Israel’s third-ever Olympic gold medal on Saturday, beating out tough competition to take the top spot on the Tokyo 2020 podium and ending over two decades of Russian dominance in the sport.

Ashram is the first Israeli woman to win a gold at the Olympics.

“It’s what I dreamed of for all my life,” Ashram said after the win.

“It’s an amazing feeling to stand in this place, at this time, on the podium and in first place,” said the 22-year-old gymnast who has now been picked to carry the flag at the closing ceremony.

“It’s a crazy experience that I still haven’t fully digested and with peak levels of excitement,” Ashram said.

She was visibly moved as Israel’s national anthem, Hatikva, rang out through the gymnastics center as the flag was raised.

The gymnast won Israel’s third Olympic gold medal just days after gymnast Artem Dolgopyat won Israel’s second. Israeli windsurfer Gal Friedman won the first gold for Israel in Athens in 2004.

As well as the two golds, Israel’s Olympic team had already picked up two bronze medals in Tokyo — for the judo mixed team, and Avishag Semberg for taekwondo in the women’s 49kg category.

The Tokyo games are thus Israel’s most successful, since it has never previously won more than two medals at any one Olympics.

Linoy Ashram brings joy to Israel with gold medal win - comment
When Saturday’s final results were announced, placing Ashram in first place in the hoop, ball and clubs exercises, and securing her the gold with an overall score of 107.800, the ‘twittersphere’ exploded.

It wasn’t the public explosion of cars honking and joyous fans running into the street, like when Maccabi Tel Aviv won its first European basketball championship in 1977 and, as star player Tal Brody, excitedly proclaimed, put “Israel on the map.”

But it was a source of happiness in a country that could sorely use some.

“Israeli pride!” someone posted. “So proud of Linoy” wrote another.

“It’s a shame that observant people aren’t going to find out about this for hours,” piped in another.

It indeed was a shame, especially when, for the second time in a week, “Hatikva” was heard from the podium in Tokyo as the ecstatic Ashram stood with the coveted medal. Last week, of course, the anthem was played after artistic gymnast Artem Dolgopyat won gold in the men’s floor exercise on Sunday.

That was certainly an emotional moment, and even the most hardened observers could be seen with moist eyes. Saturday’s repeat performance was icing on the cake, but no less resonant in its evocation of the elation felt at witnessing the blue and white flag dominating the screen and the national anthem resounding to the world.

We Israelis can be divided about and argue about anything and everything. Politics, vaccines, traffic, neighbors and the government, and the list goes on. There aren’t many issues or events that bring us together, as a country and as a people. There’s something transcendent about seeing young men and women stretch themselves to the limit of their abilities, and then some.

Linoy Ashram and Artem Dolgopyat, along with bronze medalists Avishag Semberg in women’s tae kwon do and Israel’s mixed team in judo, did just that. Their accomplishments in Tokyo made us all proud of them and of our country. It’s no small feat and should be savored for as long as the news cycle allows.

And it’s another reminder to those that might like to think otherwise that Israel is still on the map after all these years.

Friday, August 06, 2021

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: Lipstadt must tackle antisemitism among Democrats
The fact is that the left consistently refuses to acknowledge the Jew-hatred in its own ranks. Exactly the same denial occurred in Britain's Labour Party under Corbyn and continues within the wider British Left today.

This is partly because so much of this Jew-baiting is wrapped up with the demonization of Israel, an animus that many on the left fail to understand possesses the unique characteristics of antisemitism throughout the ages.

On a deeper level, it's because the left find it impossible to accept that their side is capable of bigotry; and that's because their precarious moral and political identity rests upon the fantasy that their attitudes and goals are the quintessence of virtue.

Liberal Jews subscribe to the same paralyzing fantasies and delusions; and whether out of ignorance or cowardice, many others seem unable or unwilling to scratch beneath surface pieties.

So Lipstadt's appointment has been lauded by a wide range of Jewish organizations. Once again, it's only the Zionist Organization of America that has called out a reality that most American Jews find too difficult to acknowledge.

As with the rest of the viciously oppressive "intersectionality" agenda, the reason the new antisemitism has achieved such traction in America and the West is that so many in positions of cultural power and influence have stayed silent or cravenly genuflected to these unspeakable positions.

As Biden's anti-Semitism envoy, Lipstadt's first duty is to call out the antisemites in Biden's own party. We'll soon see whether the concerns about her appointment are borne out or whether she rises to this particularly loaded challenge.

Islamists and the Left are linked in rejecting the Enlightenment
For too many others on the Left, Islamists have become an essential part of what they seem to construe as a new Popular Front against the oppression and injustice of neo-colonialism and neo-liberalism which — it is claimed — arise from the deification by the post-Enlightenment western state of instrumental reason and Eurocentric universalism. You can see this in the Stop the War Coalition. You can see it in the common cause Islamists and Leftists make over the issues of Palestine or Iran. And you can interestingly see it in shared attitudes towards Israel more generally, where Jewishness often becomes — as Stephan Malinowski has recently reminded us — the emblem of a wider and deranging capitalist modernity.

It was Marx and then Hannah Arendt who suggested that antisemitism could function as an anti-Enlightenment/anti-modernist cultural code. And it is this belief in the wrong turn the Enlightenment represents that binds Islamists and Leftists together in an unholy alliance against the Enlightenment’s heirs. This belief is in practice founded upon 200 years of largely European Counter-Enlightenment thought, privileging cultural relativism over Kantian universalism, nativism over cosmopolitanism, Being over Scientism, romanticism over rationality. It can be traced from Vico, Herder, Fichte and le Maistre through Nietzsche, Spengler, Heidegger, Croce and Sartre to Derrida and Deleuze — among many others. And it powerfully influenced the development of Islamist thought, sometimes at second-hand, sometimes more directly.

In my Policy Exchange paper, I take Michel Foucault, the French philosopher, theorist and activist, as an example of the reciprocal influence of this intellectual current. In Iran in 1978 he saw in Khomeini and his followers the birth of what he described as a new “political spirituality”, reenchanting the dismal Weberian bureaucratic state and dissolving oppressive power structures. That judgement was harshly criticised for its ignorance at the time by the great French scholar, Maxime Rodinson. And it has not (ahem) stood the test of time. But Foucault had been shaped by the thought of Heidegger, Adorno, Sartre, Fanon and other critics of the Enlightenment. So had many Iranian revolutionaries. And this current of thought, with all its faults, remains intensely seductive to those in search of an ultimate meaning beyond instrumental reason, especially if it is enables them to reject the West at the same time as they make it central to their own discontents. It is present in different ways and to different extents in Hassan al Banna, Abul A’la Mawdudi, Sayyid Qutb, Ali Shariati and Yusuf Qaradawi. It is why Ali Khamenei can regard the West as doomed at the same time as he thinks Les Misérables is the greatest novel ever written. And it is fundamental to a way of thinking about the world shared by too many on the Left.

The fact they tend to believe truth is unobtainable, while Islamists claim to have exclusive access to it, that when Islamists take power, one of the first things they do is turn on the Left, the fact that among the first targets of Islamist insurgents are feminists, lawyers, novelists and journalists and the fact that Islamists are constitutively misogynist, homophobic, totalitarian, illiberal, antisemitic and wholly intolerant seems to be lost on them.

They don’t care — not because they don’t know but because whatever else may divide them, the higher goal, the drive for a “counter-Enlightenment in the garb of post-Enlightenment”, is precisely what Islamism and the self-styled progressive and postmodern Left share. If it ever arrives, it will be a disaster for all of us.
The Tikvah Podcast: Kenneth Marcus on How the IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism Helps the Government Protect Civil Rights
With anti-Semitism on the rise over the last few years, it is essential for institutions to be able to assess clearly whether an incident is anti-Semitic or not. For this purpose, over the last two decades many governments, companies, and international organizations have, as Joshua Muravchik discusses in this month’s Mosaic essay, adopted the “working definition of anti-Semitism” from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). Today, the U.S. federal government uses the IHRA definition to assess federal claims of anti-Semitism under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and all government agencies also consider the IHRA definition in their own assessments of anti-Semitism.

This week, Kenneth Marcus, who was instrumental in getting the federal government to adopt the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, joins our podcast. Formerly the assistant secretary for civil rights in the Department of Education, Marcus has played a major role in protecting the civil rights of diverse groups, including Jews facing anti-Semitism; he’s also the author of Jewish Identity and Civil Rights in America, and The Definition of Anti-Semitism. In conversation with Mosaic’s editor Jonathan Silver, he explains how the IHRA definition helps American officials protect civil right
Jonathan Tobin: Is the ADL a greater threat to liberty than extremists?
Since Greenblatt replaced Abe Foxman as head of the ADL, the organization has repeatedly demonstrated that it is now just another Democratic Party auxiliary. That's a shame since, unlike most national Jewish groups, it still has a job that needs to be done in terms of monitoring antisemitism. By intervening in partisan fights like the US Supreme Court confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, slandering former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as an "Islamophobe," engaging in relentless, dubious efforts to link former US President Donald Trump to right-wing antisemites, and being constantly willing to wink at false analogies between his administration and the Nazis — the ADL surrendered its non-partisan status.

That is the context for understanding how the ADL/Moonshot effort to root out "right-wing violence" worked. It ignored the fact that hate, not to mention antisemitism, is also emanating from the Left. That's the only explanation for why they signed off on criteria for determining whether someone was searching for a hate site that included typing in the words, "the truth about Black Lives Matter." Anyone who was curious about the movement or who wanted to know more about its opposition to the State of Israel and Zionism, or the way critical race theory has granted a permission slip to Jew-hatred, was automatically labeled a hater by the ADL and its partners.

That's more than ironic following the wave of violence directed at American Jews in the wake of Israel's conflict with Hamas terrorists in May, and the way the BLM movement and its most prominent congressional supporters sought to demonize Israel and its supporters.

Yet it is the same ADL that has just been asked by PayPal to set criteria that will allow the global online payment service to shut down financial networks that, according to the group, "support extremism and hate" or endanger "at-risk communities." Again, the ADL isn't saying how it plans to decide who fits that bill. Its record, however, leaves little doubt that the group is being empowered by PayPal to put any group that dissents from its support for BLM or other left-wing causes out of business by pinning the extremist label on them.

That prospect raises more questions about the future of free speech than answers about how to deal with extremism.

You don't have to be a Trump supporter or have the slightest sympathy for actual extremists, whether on the Right or the Left, to understand what this means. The ADL's partnerships with Big Tech should be fueling worries of a growing threat of a liberal corporate tyranny regime that will — in the name of safeguarding democracy, "anti-racism," and opposition to extremism — not merely chip away at free discourse in the public square but shut it down altogether. In what may be the ultimate expression of gaslighting, those, like the ADL, who pose as the defenders of democracy may be a far more serious threat to our freedoms than the marginal groups they claim to be targeting.
Unpacked: Why is Antisemitism Still Around? | Antisemitism, Explained
Why is it that even post-Holocaust, Jews experience a large percentage of the world’s hate crimes, despite being less than 0.2% of the world’s population? That’s because the Holocaust wasn’t an antisemitic exception — it was the culmination of years of religious, scientific, cultural and political anti-Jewish sentiment. This foundation still exists today. Many still subscribe to anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, resulting in disproportionately high statistics of anti-Jewish sentiment and large numbers of hate crimes.

  • Friday, August 06, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here are some memes I made this week:

  • Friday, August 06, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

(From a Twitter thread yesterday)

A quick lesson on psychology, anti-Zionism and antisemitism:

It has been known for quite a long time that people tend to make decisions based on emotion and only afterwards back up their decisions with what passes for logic. 

Studies have consistently shown that people will trust facts that confirm their biases and reject those that prove them wrong.

Antisemitism has been around forever, but since the Holocaust it has been socially unacceptable to be publicly antisemitic. But the Holocaust didn't change people's natures; it just made it shameful to be on the same side as Hitler.

Israel became a convenient target for antisemitism. And an entire industry has sprouted up to justify this hate of Israel as somehow being supported by facts - after the fact.

By any measure, the amount of time and effort made by people to demonize Israel is far, far out of proportion to any real or imagined human rights crimes it is guilty of. Israel is shown to fall short of moral standards that no other nation is expected to reach. 

But because so many people still have antisemitic attitudes, and need to justify their hate, Israel is the target they choose. The "facts" are justifications for their hate, not the reasons for it.

The hate we see, the double standards, the creation of "international law" that is only applied to Israel, it is all an ex post facto justification for the Jew-hatred in people's hearts.

Antisemitism never went away. It just morphed, as it always has, to make Jews the collective target for everything people hate. A country full of Jews is an irresistible proxy for the Jewish collective that has been the world's scapegoat for centuries. 

From Ian:

Ruthie Blum: Time to take advantage of cracks in Tehran’s armor
According to MEMRI, he went on to say, “Lebanon and Hezbollah now stand strong and capable against the Zionists, and every time the enemy wants to make a move, Hezbollah nips it in the bud. America has brought the nations of the world nothing but poverty, backwardness and the looting of their wealth. America has lost its credibility in Iran, and we sacrifice our lives for the Iranian nation.”

Then, he hit the relevant crux of the matter.

“Now that the enemies have all realized that they are unable to defeat the Iranian nation in bitter warfare,” he said, “they have hatched other plots, such as imposing economic sanctions… From the first day of the [Islamic] Revolution, our enemies, chief among them America, showed their hostility towards us with all kinds of plots, assassinations, sanctions and threats, but our nation never stopped; [on the contrary, it] accelerated its pace.”

These foes, he announced, “must know that the Iranian nation will not give up Islam and the revolution because of power outages or a water shortage… The people of Iran have shown these days that they are loyal to the ideals of Islam and of the revolution.”

Salami seemed not to grasp that footage of those very people shouting to be released from the chains of the corrupt, repressive regime’s bondage has managed to make its way to Twitter for everyone to see and many to champion.

Whether or not his social-media adviser failed to fill him in on the discrepancy between his words and goings-on in the street below, however, he was able to claim with no small amount of justification: “Today, we are dictating the terms under which a superpower like America will return to the nuclear deal, and this indicates the [extent of] the authority wielded by Islamic Iran.”

Biden and his European cohorts must not prove him right. The time has come to take advantage of the cracks in the regime’s armor. Khamenei, Raisi and Salami should be put on notice that it is not they, but rather their victims, who warrant bolstering.

Since that’s not likely to happen in the immediate future, Israel will have to go it alone. Let’s hope that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is up to the task.
The Caroline Glick Show: Episode 16: How to Overthrow the Iranian Regime | Guest: Cameron Khansarinia (NUFDI Policy Director)
In this week's episode of the Caroline Glick Mideast News Hour Caroline filmed from Washington, DC. Where she spoke with Cameron Khansarinia, Policy Director of the National Union for Democracy in Iran. The two discussed the anti-regime protests that have spread throughout the country. They talked about how the US and/or Israel can assist the protesters to bring down the regime. And they contemplated what Iran's achievement of military nuclear capabilities will mean for human rights in Iran and international security.

This episode is dedicated to the courageous men and women in Iran risking their lives for freedom. Their struggle truly is our struggle. Their success will be a blessing to us all.

On Israel TV, prisoners who escaped Iran’s 1988 killings compare Raisi to Hitler
In Israeli TV interviews broadcast Thursday, former political prisoners who escaped Iran compared the Islamic Republic’s new President Ebrahim Raisi to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler for his alleged central role in extrajudicial executions, mostly of young people, across Iran in the late 1980s.

“It was exactly like the final solution that Hitler made for the Jews,” Iraj Masadagi, a former Iranian political prisoner, told the Kan public broadcaster.

“Raisi was a killer,” Masadagi continued. “He talked to me, and he said that they don’t want to have any more political prisoners. He said that we want to solve the ‘problem.”

The ultra-conservative cleric Raisi was sworn in on Thursday as the Islamic Republic’s eighth president. He has been accused by activists and human rights groups of having played a key role as a prosecutor on the “death commission” that sent thousands of prisoners to their deaths in 1988.

Amnesty International has described the killings as a crime against humanity.

“They sent hundreds of prisoners to the gallows,” Masdagi said. “When I see him I see the face of the one who killed my fellow prisoners, my friends, my beloved ones.”

Masdagi, one of the tens of thousands of political prisoners in Iran at the time, told Kan he spent 10 years in jail, starting in 1981. “I was in solitary confinement for a long period, and when I see him, I remember those days, that I was tortured,” he said.
Israeli Officials, Human Rights Activists Condemn EU for Envoy Appearance at Iranian Presidential Ceremony Next to Terrorist Leaders
Israeli officials and human rights activists criticized the presence of a top European Union diplomat seated immediately behind senior leaders of the Hamas and Hezbollah terror groups at Thursday’s inauguration of hardline Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi.

The Israeli embassy in Austria — the country hosting ongoing talks between Iran and world powers over the 2015 nuclear deal — called the attendance of EU representative Enrique Mora at the inauguration of the cleric “unbelievable but true.”

Raisi was placed under US sanctions in 2019 after his appointment to lead Iran’s judiciary, for his alleged role executing thousands of political prisoners in 1988.

Also attending Thursday’s event were leaders of three militant groups that the Israeli embassy noted are on the EU terrorist list.

Mora was spotted behind Palestinian Islamic Jihad chief Ziad al-Nakhalah, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah deputy chief Naim Qassem, who were taking their seats in the first row at the presidential ceremony.

“Hezbollah, Hamas & the EU in one photo at the inauguration of the ‘butcher of Tehran.’ How can they [EU] preach about human rights while sitting with representatives of terrorist organizations days after Iran’s murderous attack on a civilian ship and right before the UNSC discusses the issue?” Gilad Erdan, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States and the United Nations, questioned.

This week, UN Watch issued a report on the pro-terror, antisemitic social media posts of over 100 people who claim to be UNRWA employees. 

I had started this line of research back in 2014 when I exposed antisemitic and pro-terror posts in  nearly 100  specific Facebook pages of UNRWA employees after earlier exposing antisemitism in official UNRWA school sites.

UN Watch ran with this idea, and since then has issued reports on UNRWA employees' hate.

While UNRWA read my reports and silently removed the posts, it never actually did anything to address the underlying problem - that UNRWA teachers and UNRWA itself support terror and Jew-hatred as part of their official and unofficial curriculum.

UNRWA's response to the UN Watch report this week is a classic example of not taking responsibility, shifting the blame, superficially covering up the main problem attacking the messenger:

This week, UN Watch -- an organization with a deep history of unfounded and politically-driven assertions against the Agency -- released a report accusing 22 UNRWA personnel of promoting violence and hate through social media channels. UNRWA confirms that 10 of the 22 persons mentioned in the report are UNRWA personnel; the others are not associated with the Agency.  

UNRWA is upholding the values of the United Nations and has a zero-tolerance policy for hatred. The Agency takes each allegation seriously. It has immediately launched a thorough investigation through due process to determine if any of these 10 persons, out of more than 28,000 personnel, violated the Agency’s social media policies that prohibit personnel from engaging in non-neutral behaviors online. We are concerned that some of the posts violate our rules and policies, and should misconduct be found, UNRWA will take immediate administrative or disciplinary action.

In previous reports over a five years period, UN Watch identified a total of 101 cases where UNRWA personnel allegedly posted content on social media that was in breach of its Regulatory Framework, including the neutrality policy. Upon investigation of these cases, UNRWA found that 57% of the allegations could not be tied to personnel employed by the Agency at the time of the reported incident. Personnel who were found in breach, then, where either censured and/or subjected to financial penalties. 

To suggest that hate is widespread within the Agency and schools is not only misleading and false, but validates sensationalist and politically-motivated attacks that deliberately harm an already vulnerable community: refugee children. UNRWA’s mandate is to provide life-saving humanitarian assistance to over five million Palestine refugees, a responsibility the Agency takes very seriously. The Agency has invested immense efforts in training its personnel to promote their understanding of neutrality and the vital role it plays in their daily work and of their obligations in that regard, including through courses on social media and neutrality, ethics trainings, and in-person field trainings on neutrality. Oversight and accountability of any organization is vital, and UNRWA welcomes future opportunities of assessment and looks forward to continued partnerships with all parties engaging with UNRWA to ensure every Palestine refugee child has access to quality education.
If UNRWA is really neutral, then find a single map of the Middle East showing Israel in an UNRWA school. 

Let us know specifically what was done in the past when UNRWA schools held student events commemorating terrorist attacks besides removing the evidence.

Explain why UNRWA designated a "youth ambassador" who glorifies violence against Israeli in music videos - and extended his contract. 

Ask UNRWA whether they still teach students that they will "return" to destroy Israel. 

And very simply - explain why doesn't UNRWA have school websites anymore? If they have a zero tolerance policy for hate, then they should not be worried that their school sites will have anything problematic! Why take down the sites if the problem is so minimal or nonexistent? Why deny students the pride of a website?

UNRWA knows that they are selling lies. They may have invested a lot in neutrality, but they know that schools that teach that the students will defeat Israel is not going to be neutral. 


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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