Sunday, August 08, 2021
Sunday, August 08, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
A writer for The National (UAE) writes, "Vaccines aren’t easy to come by in Gaza, from where I’ve just returned."
That's strange, because UNRWA announced that there are plenty of vaccines just waiting for people to come. They have COVID vaccines available in clinics in
(Sputnik)Sheikh Radwan
North Gaza (Al-Saftawi)
Beit Hanoun
Deir Al-Balah
Khan Younis
Al YaBaniat
Tal al-Sultan
For some reason, there has been no update on vaccination data for the Palestinian territories since August 5, but only 20,000 Palestinians altogether got their first dose in the week before that.
Palestinian health officials have the capacity to administer 50,000 shots every day.
For months we were told that the Palestinians were suffering from a severe shortage of vaccines. Now it turns out that even if they would have accepted the million Israeli vaccines offered since mid-June, they would have thrown them out anyway - very few Palestinians are interested in the shot. There aren't lines of people wanting the shot, but lines of clinics begging people to take the shot.
But the news media suddenly lost interest in the story.

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