Sunday, September 13, 2020

  • Sunday, September 13, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
The utter cluelessness of the Palestinian leadership continues. 

In an interview with Asharq al-Awsat, Bahrain's Foreign Minister Dr. Abdul Latif bin Rashid Al-Zayani emphasized that Bahrain still supports the Arab Peace Initiative. 

He also took pains to say how much Bahrain supports the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people, and even went out of his way to compliment the Palestinian leadership:
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Palestinian leadership, its firm positions and its continuous efforts to safeguard the rights of the brotherly Palestinian people and work to achieve their legitimate aspirations, and with regard to Bahrain, it affirms its commitment to its continuous and supportive approach to the efforts to enable the Palestinian people to advance their capabilities and enhance their resources to achieve their legitimate aspirations, like other peoples in the world.
 Dr. Muhammad Shtayyeh, the Palestinian Prime Minister, said: “We record for history our condemnation of the Bahraini normalization with Israel, following that of the condemned Emirati move, which is a flagrant violation of the official and popular Arab position.”

Shtayyeh said in a statement on Saturday evening that normalization was striking a blow to the Arab backbone and joint Arab action is nothing but a service for the country of use of Israel and its protector, and it is intended for narrow, short-term accounts with the American administration, above considerations of strategic issues, at the expense of the aspirations of the Arab and Islamic nation, Palestinian rights, and legitimization of occupation, settlements, and repeated aggression against Al-Aqsa.
Now, Bahrain and the UAE have a chance to pressure Israel to make peace with the Palestinians. They will be in constant contact with an Israeli leadership that is not only willing but eager to work with them. 

Do Palestinian insults against them make it more likely or less likely that they will act to help the Palestinians?

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, September 13, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
This morning I tweeted:
I'm still trying to figure out how the brilliant diplomats of the Obama administration weren't able to bring accords between Israel and any Arab country, and the incompetent Trump team managed to do it twice.
While the tweet is snarky, there is a serious answer.

The Obama administration (and, to be fair, plenty of previous administrations as well) took for granted various assumptions about the Middle East. Some of these are in the "everyone knows" category, some of them are from an inability of understanding the dynamics of the Arab world and taking some of their leaders' honor-based statements as being 100% true. 

Donald Trump's major strength as President is that he does not accept many of the assumptions that others took for granted, and therefore he has not been straitjacketed by blind adherence to assumptions that are accepted as facts.

Some of these assumptions, in no particular order:

1. Israel is the intransigent party.
2. Settlements are the biggest obstacle to peace.
3. Jerusalem is an intractable problem that must be left for the end of negotiations.
4. Jerusalem must be the capital of Palestine in any peace deal.
5. The Arab world cannot make peace with Israel without a Palestinian state first.
6. Unless Palestinians' demands are met, the Middle East (and maybe the world) will explode into war and terrorism.
7. Solving other Middle East issues depends on the Palestinians accepting a peace plan with Israel.
8. The Arab street will never accept any deviation from the Palestinian demands on settlements and Jerusalem.
9. Arab nations will forego their own self-interest for solidarity with the Palestinian cause.
10. A right wing Israeli government cannot be serious about peace.
11. All of Jerusalem is in dispute until Palestinians are given the parts that were under Jordanian rule for 19 years.
12. The US must be in sync with the UN's and EU's dictates for peace.
13. If Palestinians reject a plan, Israel - as the stronger party - should be pressured into more concessions.
14. A two-state solution is the only possible solution.
15. Israeli rejectionism must be punished by the US, but Palestinian rejectionism must never have any negative consequences.
16. The Oslo process is the only possible way towards peace.
17. Any cooperation between Israel and Arab nations must remain quiet and under the radar; if they go public they would be torpedoed by the Arab media and people.
18. Israel is the only adult in the Middle East and as such the only one that should make sacrifices for peace.

When looked at in total, we see that many of these are articles of faith - almost a religion - that have little relationship with reality. And many of these are self-fulfilling assumptions. 

Trump looks at the world a completely different way, one with completely different assumptions. Trump's assumption is that everyone wants a deal that maximizes their own self-interest, and that the US can facilitate such deals when it is in the US' own self interest. 

It is still an open question whether the Bahrain and UAE deals will work out. But it is clear that the Obama-era assumptions are completely and thoroughly wrong, something that nearly all of those diplomats cannot yet accept. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, September 13, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
I wrote last week how it seems possible that the UAE (and now Bahrain) acceptance of Israel has the potential to severely damage the honor/shame mentality that has reliably guided the Arab world for a very long time. 

I think that the news is vindicating this opinion.

One of the corollaries of the honor/shame system is the refusal to accept win/win solutions, because if your enemy wins, then you lose by definition - and what you lose is honor. 

The New York Times has an article about Mahmoud Abbas' continued refusal to accept tax money that Israel owes the Palestinian Authority - out of a bizarre, misguided sense of honor.

The normalization deal with the U.A.E. was not made in coordination with the Palestinians, who adamantly opposed it. And from the Palestinian perspective, suspending annexation wasn’t enough: They wanted it to be canceled.

As a result, Mr. Abbas has refused to go back to the way things were.

Diplomats who have met with him say that Mr. Abbas is intent on extracting some new concessions from Israel with which to assure the Palestinian public that his rejection of the money, and their summer-long hardship, were not all in vain.

Mr. Abbas’s office and several of his most senior aides all declined to comment.

When the British foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, encouraged Mr. Abbas to take the money in a meeting in Ramallah last week, Mr. Abbas responded, “In return for what?” according to a person familiar with details of the exchange.
He is treating accepting hundreds of millions of dollars as a concession!

This is honor/shame in its purest form - accepting the money is an affront to Abbas' honor, even if that means hurting his own people. 

It is obvious to all that accepting the tax revenue is a win/win  - Israel doesn't want the money and wants a stable Palestinian Authority, and the PA needs to pay salaries and other expenses. 
The European Union, the United Nations, Britain and several Arab countries have all urged the Palestinian Authority to resume accepting the transfers from Israel, according to officials briefed on the talks.
Abbas' bizarre idea of honor is not shared by "several" other Arab countries. They are being practical and want what is best for ordinary Palestinians; Abbas is adamant that honor is more important than his people.

Now, how do you think Arab nations will react to that kind of thinking? A decade ago, they would accept it as a basic requirement to maintain honor. Now they are telling him that some things are more important than honor (or, perhaps, that Abbas' sense of honor is hopelessly skewed.)

The UAE and Bahrain see peace with Israel as a win/win. Mahmoud Abbas sees it as an affront to his honor. 

At any rate, Abbas is not gaining any popularity either with his own people or with other Arabs with his refusal to accept the tax money - because Israel wants to give him the money. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

From Ian:

What Joe Biden told donors at a J Street fundraiser
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden addressed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s indefinitely postponed plans to annex portions of the West Bank during a virtual fundraiser hosted by J Street’s political action committee on Thursday.

In his remarks, obtained by Jewish Insider, Biden said that while “it’s a good thing” that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to annex parts of the West Bank is “off the table for now,” — with the announcement of the U.S. brokered Israel-United Arab Emirates normalization deal — “I don’t know how much is off the table in terms of Netanyahu’s notions.”

Biden told the group that he assumes “Netanyahu knows and the Israelis know my position” on the matter. “I’ve made clear that I’m going to oppose annexation as president,” he said. “A two-state solution is the only way to ensure Israel’s long-term security while sustaining its Jewish and democratic identity. I don’t know how they do it without a two-state solution. And it’s also the only way to ensure Palestinian rights to a state of their own.”

The Democratic nominee remarked that “Trump has put Israel in danger by tearing up the Iran nuclear deal” and “has undermined the stability of self-determination for the Palestinians, undercutting hope for a viable two-state solution any chance that he gets.”

Regarding the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, Biden said, “Like everything else he’s inherited in life, Trump squandered what we left him. So we have to pick up the pieces, and it’s going to be hard. I’ve said that if Iran returns to compliance I will reenter the deal with Iran, and I will move to do that. I’ll work with our allies to make it longer and stronger.” Biden noted that even though Netanyahu was a vocal opponent of the deal, “a lot of the Israeli military supported the agreement.”

Ben Shnider, vice president of political affairs and strategy at J Street, told JI it was “thrilling” for the group to host the former vice president as he “laid out an inspiring vision for how his administration will act to seriously pursue Israeli-Palestinian peace, reverse the terrible damage that Donald Trump has done to our foreign policy and defeat the forces of white nationalist bigotry that pose such a tremendous threat to the American Jewish community.”

After 9/11: can we still talk about Islamist terror?
Today marks the anniversary of the devastating 9/11 terror attacks. Nineteen years on, the fundamental threat of Islamist terrorism remains across much of the world.

Since 9/11, the UK has suffered multiple deadly Islamist terror attacks of its own. This includes the 7/7 London bombings in 2005, which claimed the lives of 52 people, and the 2017 Manchester Arena bombings which killed 22 people attending an Ariana Grande concert. The country has also suffered other deadly Islamist terror incidents, such as the March 2017 Westminster attack, the June 2017 London Bridge attack, and the November 2019 London Bridge stabbings. The perpetrator of the most recent attack, Usman Khan, was an ex-prisoner who was released from jail on license in 2018 – halfway through a 16-year prison sentence for terrorism-related offences. Khan had been participating in Home Office-run rehabilitation schemes for those involved in terrorist activity – eventually carrying out his deadly attack at an offender rehabilitation conference.

While expressing his concerns over the growth of far-right extremism, Neil Basu, the UK’s counter-terrorism policing chief, has made clear that the greatest terror threat still comes from jihadists.

In recent years, however, there has been an increasing amount of thought-policing when it comes to discussion of terrorism – particularly Islamist extremism. This was demonstrated earlier in the year, when The Times revealed that, following calls by the National Association of Muslim Police (NAMP), counter-terrorism police officials had considered dropping the term ‘Islamist’ when referring to religiously motivated terror attacks carried out by Muslim fundamentalists.
Sir Robert Menzies and Australia’s Jewish Community.
In an ABC documentary series to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Liberal Party of Australia, the daughter of Sir Robert Menzies, Heather Henderson, recalled that “sectarianism was alive and well in the fifties” and that her “father fought against that always.”
credit: Menzies Research Centre

Appreciating that he was at the helm of what was then a heavily Protestant-based party, she proceeded to say that the Liberal Party founder “went to great pains to consult and talk to the Jews, the Catholics and everybody he could.”

A great deal, of course, has been written about the legacy of Australia’s longest-serving Prime Minister, but what remains under explored is the religious dimension to his Prime Ministership, and, in particular, the important relationship he cultivated with Australia’s small yet significant Jewish community.

What, then, was Menzies’s relationship with the Jewish community? How was it forged and in what ways did it manifest itself in the post-war Australia he led as Prime Minister?

As well as helping to salve the long-running sectarian conflict between Australia’s Protestants and Catholics, Menzies enjoyed an excellent rapport with Australia’s Jewish community. As Josh Frydenberg and David Kemp acknowledge, “Sir Robert Menzies exhibited a marked degree of respect and admiration for the Jewish people” throughout his life. As a friend of Israel, he deeply respected the Jewish legacy for its profound contribution to Western civilisation and admired the Jewish people for their cultural traditions of scholarship, civic-mindedness, and enduring sense of kinship.

Frequently invited to speak at ceremonies organised by the Jewish community, Menzies praised the Jewish people for their contribution to Australia. Remarking that he felt “completely at home” in the company of the Jewish community, Menzies enjoyed friendships with Jewish community leaders and rabbis — including Maurice Ashkenasy, Baron Snider, Sir Israel Brodie and Herman Sanger.

Friday, September 11, 2020

From Ian:

Netanyahu on 9/11: We shall always stand with the United States
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commemorated Friday those killed during the September 11 attacks on the United States.

In a statement on Twitter, Netanyahu wrote that "Today we remember all those who perished in the greatest terrorist crime in history, committed on September 11, 2001."

He added that "We shall always stand with the United States and free people everywhere in fighting the evil of terrorism."

Alternate Prime Minister and current Defense Minister Benny Gantz also noted the solemness of the day, saying on Twitter Friday "Thinking about our friends in the US today, who are marking 19 years since the unthinkable attack that robbed 3000 innocent people of their lives and changed the world forever. Let the strength and faith of the American people remind us that love will always prevail over hate."

Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi likewise released a statement, saying on Twitter "Today I, and all the people of Israel, join with our brothers and sisters in the #US to remember and mourn the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks carried out 19 years ago."

"The victims of 9/11 meant the world for their families and their beloved ones. I know that nothing can heal the wound or ease the pain. Our heart goes out to the families. Forever we will stand by our friend the #US," the statement concluded.

Some 2,996 people were killed in terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon and on Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, which crashed after being thwarted by passengers on the plane.

Approximately 25,000 people were injured as a result of the attacks, while many more first responders also lost their lives in the years following due to the health effects involved in rescuing trapped survivors.

Remembering Tech Titan Danny Lewin, the Fighting Genius on Flight 11
By most accounts, Danny Lewin was the first victim of 9/11. Seated in seat 9B aboard American Airlines flight 11, he saw Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz al-Omari, sitting just in front of him, rise and make their way to the cockpit. According to calls from flight attendants to air traffic officials, later documented in the 9/11 Commission’s report, Lewin wasted no time in acting. Having served as an officer in Sayeret Matkal, the Israel Defense Forces’ top unit, he moved to tackle the terrorists. The man in 10B, Satam al-Suqami, moved, too, producing a knife and slitting Lewin’s throat. Less than 30 minutes later, at 8:46 a.m., the plane crashed into the World Trade Center’s North Tower.

Elsewhere, in America and all over the world, people desperate for accurate information turned to the Internet for news. Straining under the overwhelming demand of tens of millions of simultaneous requests, the web’s biggest news sites threatened to collapse. Very few did, thanks in large part to the technology that Lewin himself had developed years earlier: Although only 31 at the time of his murder, he was the co-founder of Akamai, a pioneering technology company whose content routing solutions enable the seamless flow of nearly 20 percent of the web’s traffic.

As a terrific new biography of Lewin—No Better Time, by Molly Knight Raskin, released this week—demonstrates, the tenacity that the young entrepreneur displayed in his last moments was the same intense force that propelled him to tech titanhood. Born in Denver, he moved to Israel with his parents at 14 and quickly found high school insufficiently stimulating. Frequently keeping just one step ahead of the truancy officer, he skipped classes to work out at a local gym, eventually winning the title of Mr. Teenage Israel in a coveted bodybuilding competition. When the time came to join the army, Lewin had no doubts about where he belonged—it had to be the best.
Clifford May: The 9/11 anniversary and the 9/11 wars
The Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor was a wakeup call. It led to a high-intensity armed conflict that, within a few years, defeated the fascists of Europe and Asia. The Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington were a wakeup call. They led to a low-intensity armed conflict that, 19 years later, remains inconclusive.

So it should be instructive to hear what President Trump and Vice President Biden say about this week's 9/11 anniversary. My best guess: Both will eulogize the victims, but say little about the policies and strategies necessary to prevent those who call themselves jihadists from achieving their goals over the years ahead.

Americans today face a complex threat matrix. We are menaced by China's ambitious and ruthless rulers; by a virus those rulers somehow let loose on the world; by a revanchist Russia; by a North Korean dictatorship that our diplomats failed to prevent from acquiring nuclear weapons; and by an Iranian regime vowing "Death to America!" Domestically, we are a deeply divided nation. Dazzled by this chaos, you could be forgiven for thinking jihadists are no longer a serious concern. But you'd be wrong.

My colleague, terrorism analyst Thomas Joscelyn, pointed out in congressional testimony in June: "The jihadists today are waging insurgencies across Africa, hotspots in the Middle East, and into South Asia."

Al-Qaida "has spread from South Asia into multiple other countries." Its official branches: "al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), al-Qaida in the Indian Subcontinent, and al-Shabaab in Somalia."

The Islamic State, aka ISIS, "is waging an insurgency across parts of Iraq and Syria. It also has noteworthy 'provinces' in Khorasan (Afghanistan, Pakistan, and parts of the surrounding countries), the Sinai, Southeast Asia, Somalia, West Africa, and Yemen. ISIS has terrorist networks in other areas."

These groups have not launched a catastrophic terrorist attack in the West in recent years but that's not because they wouldn't like to. It's in large measure because the US and some allies have taken the fight to them.

  • Friday, September 11, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
Countercurrents has an opinion piece by Jafar Ramini, a Palestinian who lives in London:

I believe that for us Arabs to survive and progress we must have in common more than religion, language and rhetoric. We need unity, transparency and honesty.

We Palestinians are teetering on the edge of a precipice. Until very recently, every Arab leader, politician, cleric and pundit, given half a chance, would mount the platform and raise the Palestinian flag promising to do what is necessary to liberate the land and restore what is rightfully ours. Not any more.

The language has changed totally from support of the Palestinian cause to condemnation of us Palestinians, accusing us of being ungrateful architects of our own demise. The schism between some Arab regimes, especially in the Gulf and the Palestinians has been widening ever since the two Mohammads – Bin Zayid in the UAE and Bin Salman in Saudi Arabia took control. 

...This schism became even more  apparent during yet another meeting, this time in Cairo two days ago. The Foreign Ministers of the Arab League opposed a proposal put forward by the Palestinian side to condemn the UAE/Israel peace treaty. So, where is the unity? Where is the transparency? Where is the honesty.?

There is none.

You might think that this recent betrayal and open rejection should serve to bring the Palestinian leaders of all persuasions to a realisation that Palestine is not the core subject of most of the Arab regimes.
It sounds like Mr. Ramini might be close to getting it. But, no, the antisemitism that he grew up with is more powerful than actual self-assessment.

I don’t know what to say to those Arab leaders to convince them that any form of treaty with the Israelis is a folly.  Israel is in it for whatever it can distort or squeeze from any Arab country for the betterment and expansion of Israel. ....

Do those Arab leaders think for one moment that when Israel establishes a firm foothold in their countries it will play fair?
This cartoon in Felesteen captures the current Palestinian mindset. 

They are so certain that Israelis and Jews are the worst people on the planet that they are sitting back to wait for Israel to somehow destroy the Gulf. Because that's what Jews do.

And in the meanwhile, instead of thinking that maybe the Arab world that has supported them so much for so long might have some insights, they are convinced that they are right and they will happily ally with Iran to maintain their conceit. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Bahrain to Normalize Ties With Israel, Media Reports Say
The Gulf state of Bahrain is to normalize relations with Israel, the diplomatic correspondent for Israel‘s public broadcaster Kan said on Friday, without citing sources.

Another Israeli reporter, Raphael Ahren of The Times of Israel, said US President Donald Trump would on Friday announce that Bahrain was joining its neighbour the United Arab Emirates in formally establishing ties with Israel.

The White House had no immediate comment. Trump will on Tuesday host a White House ceremony solemnizing the Israel-UAE deal, which was announced on Aug. 13.

The Kan reporter, Amichai Stein, said in a tweet that Bahrain Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa would be in Washington on Monday.

Neither Bahrain’s government communications center nor Bahrain’s embassy in Washington immediately responded to a request for comment.

Last week, Bahrain said it would allow flights between Israel and the UAE to use its airspace. This followed a Saudi decision to allow an Israeli commercial airliner to fly over it on the way to the UAE.

Bahrain, a small island state, is a close ally of Saudi Arabia and the site of the US Navy’s regional headquarters. Riyadh in 2011 sent troops to Bahrain to help quell an uprising and, alongside Kuwait and the UAE, in 2018 offered Bahrain a $10 billion economic bailout.
Israel Advocacy Movement: The EU's divides the Middle East while USA brings peace

Caroline Glick: The UAE and the Democratic-CAIR partnership
The US-brokered peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, which is scheduled to be finalized next week at the White House, strikes a major blow to the twin forces of Islamic imperialism and terror in the Middle East: the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood and the Shiite regime in Iran. The tripartite alliance between the US, Israel, and the UAE openly supported by Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco, gives an institutional structure to a pro-American regional bloc of moderate, anti-jihadist governments all with proven track records of action against the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and their surrogates.

Based as it is on shared interests, the Israel-UAE alliance is likely to persevere in the years to come. But America's continued participation in the alliance is significantly tied to the outcome of the presidential elections.

In 2014, the UAE published a list of 82 designated terrorist groups. Nestled between al-Qaida and ISIS was the Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR, a group with deep ties to the Democratic Party.

The UAE designation was not a slander. As former US prosecutor Andrew McCarthy chronicled in his 2010 book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America, CAIR was founded in 1994 as a front organization for the Muslim Brotherhood and its Palestinian branch Hamas. In conjunction with other Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood front groups and fundraising arms, CAIR's job was to promote political Islam. Its operations, based in Washington, were to focus on political influence. To achieve this end, it presented itself as a civil rights organization.

As McCarthy and terror experts Daniel Pipes and Steve Emerson have copiously documented, CAIR's ties to terrorism are legion and continuous. After 9/11, CAIR refused to condemn Osama bin Laden until after he acknowledged that he ordered the attacks. CAIR denied that al-Qaida was behind the bombing of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 and demanded the removal of billboards in Los Angeles describing bin Laden as "the sworn enemy," of the US claiming the depiction was "offensive to Muslims."

Likewise, CAIR consistently refuses to condemn any terror attacks committed by Hezbollah or Hamas. Making this refusal explicit, in 2004, CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad said, "If they want us to condemn a liberation movement inside Palestine or inside Lebanon they should condemn Israel dozens of times on all levels at all times, and we will not condemn any organization."

  • Friday, September 11, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
A press release from the International Union of Muslim Scholars:
Hitting back at last month's controversial UAE-Israeli deal, IUMS with a group of global Muslim scholars on Tuesday issued a (fatwa) forbidding normalization with the Israeli occupation.

The (Fatwa) came in a statement regarding the normalization of relations with Israel, which occupies Palestinian lands in the West Bank and the holy city of Jerusalem.

The Scholars reiterated the right of the Palestinian people to regain their lands.

“The Palestinian cause is not just a political issue, but an issue related to the Al-Aqsa Mosque,” it said.
Who is the IUMS?

It is essentially a Muslim Brotherhood group, founded by terror supporting Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi. In 2018, it was added to the list of terrorist groups by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt. 

In 2013, officials from the Obama White House met with IUMS' vice president who explicitly supports Palestinian terrorism:
A senior Obama administration official confirmed to Fox News that members of the National Security Council staff met with a controversial Muslim scholar, but stressed that they were focused on his recent efforts to counter the Al Qaeda narrative.

The official was responding to a report on Wednesday from The Investigative Project on Terrorism, which uncovered a statement on the website of Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah claiming he met June 13 with Obama administration officials at the White House.

Bin Bayyah is vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a group founded by Egyptian cleric Yusuf Qaradawi -- a Muslim Brotherhood leader who has called for the death of Jews and Americans and himself is banned from visiting the U.S.

Bin Bayyah, for his part, has urged the U.N. to criminalize blasphemy. His group has spoken out in favor of Hamas and in 2009 issued a fatwa barring "all forms of normalization" with Israel.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Friday, September 11, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
Strategy Page has a nice summary of the growing rift between Palestinian leaders and the rest of the Arab world:
The Palestinian governments in Gaza and the West Bank demanded that the Arab League denounce the recent peace deal between the UAE and Israel. The Arab League refused. At the same time Palestinians admitted that most Arab states had stopped providing financial support for them. Left unmentioned was the reason why the Palestinians have lost the political and financial support of the Arab nations. It’s the corruption, lack of unity, and refusing to accept any peace deal with Israel that did not include the destruction of the state of Israel. The Arabs are tired of this mess and need Israel as an ally to deal with the growing threat from Iran.
While public criticism of Palestinians has been slowly growing in the Gulf for years, it has now exploded with the Israel/UAE deal. Khaled Abu Toameh gives some details:

On September 3, during a videoconference meeting of leaders of several Palestinian factions, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas poured scorn on the Arabs of the Gulf states by hinting that they are illiterate and uneducated. "There are 13 million Palestinians, and they are all educated," Abbas said in a speech he delivered from his office in Ramallah, the de facto capital of the Palestinians. "We don't have illiteracy like others."

Mueen Hamed, a representative of As-Sa'iqa, a pro-Syria Palestinian Ba'athist group, is one of several faction leaders who spoke at the conference from Beirut. Hamed, too, mocked the Gulf Arabs.

Referring to the recent normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, he said:

"We blame the United Arab Emirates and the [Arab] countries that support it. As our comrades said, the Palestinian people were responsible for the advancement of all the Gulf states from 1948 and until today. Everyone acknowledges that the Palestinian worker is the most active in the Gulf. [The Palestinians] taught them how to read and write and lead."

Hamed pointed out that there are 400,000 Palestinians in the UAE "who are capable of changing the society of the Emiratis."

"Why shouldn't these Palestinians play a role? Why shouldn't the Palestinian factions be in contact with all these Palestinians so they could play an active role in preventing any country from following suit with the United Arab Emirates? The situation is dangerous."

The statements of Abbas, Hamed and other Palestinian faction leaders drew strong condemnations from many Gulf Arabs, who denounced the Palestinians as arrogant liars. Many Gulf citizens described the Palestinian leaders as "merchants of the Palestinian issue" and accused them of financial corruption and the embezzlement of public funds.

The Arabs also rejected the Palestinian leaders' claim that it was the Palestinians who contributed to the advancement and development of the Gulf states in the past five decades.

"The Palestinian factions have declared war on the Arabs," commented a Saudi social media user called Al-Sagariah. "The merchants of the [Palestinian] issue are offending the Gulf."

Some Gulf Arabs interpreted Hamed's remarks as incitement to carry out terrorist attacks against the Gulf states. "This incitement makes the Gulf states wary of the Palestinians living on their lands," wrote a Saudi social media user who calls himself inthe_shade911.

"[The incitement] authorizes the Gulf states to keep the Palestinians under constant security observation for fear that they might carry out terrorist acts under the direction of the Palestinian leaders. The funny thing is that Mueen Hamed called for armed actions against the Gulf, not Israel."

Echoing the same fear, Saudi political researcher Emad Al-Mudaifer also accused the Palestinian faction leaders of inciting their people to launch terrorist attacks against the Gulf states. Commenting on the anti-Gulf statements of the faction leaders during the virtual conference, Al-Mudaifer warned: "This is an official declaration of the desire to carry out terrorist attacks by Palestinians residing in the Gulf."


Why are the Palestinian leaders so stupid as to directly insult the people who have given them billions?

The main reason is that they have been treated as spoiled children for so long, they have fully taken on that role.

For decades they have been told by the world that the Palestinian issue is the most important issue in the Middle East, and perhaps the world. They have seen themselves on the covers of news magazines. They have dominated the UN and the Arab League. They have attracted more news reporters per square kilometer than anywhere else on Earth. They have attracted hundreds of NGOs, all willing to take their side in order to maintain funding from European sources who want to expiate their guilt for the Holocaust by claiming that Israel is the new Nazi Germany. They have demanded and received billions from their oil-rich Arab brothers. They have leveraged their seeming control over the Arab world's agenda by saying "no" to every peace agreement, thinking that time was on their side and Israel will eventually offer more.

And they have told themselves that this situation will last indefinitely.

But their Arab "brethren" were really their parents. (Literally - most prominent Palestinian families trace their lineage to the Gulf.)  The billions given to them were not meant to be welfare - they were an investment gone bad. 

Now the parents are telling their spoiled brats that they need to grow up and take some responsibility for their actions. And the Palestinian leaders haven't the foggiest idea of how to act differently. Their whining and threats worked so well in the past that this is all they know.

They tell themselves that they still have support from Syria and Iran, and the Arab street is still behind them (they aren't.) They find obscure anti-Israel rallies in Europe and tell themselves that these are influencing the world. They think that BDS is going to save them. 

In short, they have chosen to embrace their role of spoiled children for the foreseeable future, and if that means screaming at their parents, so be it. 

They don't see that this is only the beginning of anti-Palestinian sentiment in the Arab world. The train is barely out of the station and hasn't even begun to accelerate. 

(h/t MtTB)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Friday, September 11, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

Israel's peace treaty with the United Arab Emirates remains on center stage in the news and is still being analyzed from a variety of angles.

One of those angles is the question of what peace with the UAE, and potentially with other Arab states, could have on the BDS movement.

For example, Emily Schrader -- a research fellow at the Tel Aviv Institute -- writes that With the UAE deal, the BDS movement is over. Considering the official BDS reaction to the announcement of the peace treaty, the threat to the movement is real.

She notes the self-righteous indignation on their official webpage, not only accusing the UAE of being both a 'dictatorship' and a 'police state," but also of allowing Israel to use the agreement 'to support its military interventions and war against democracy in the region'  

Schrader notes:
Funny how the BDS movement has no problem with oppressive and authoritarian regimes which murder their own dissidents, minorities, women and others when they are anti-Israel. In fact, in condemning peace with the UAE, the BDS movement publicly aligned itself with some of the world’s biggest violators of human rights today: Iran and Turkey, which also forcefully condemned peace.
While the Associated Press quotes Hanan Ashrawi singing the praises of BDS --
While #BDS is proving to be an effective tool of peaceful resistance & responsible, ethical investment & consumer responsibility to hold Israel to account, this happens! [emphasis added]

-- this peaceful strategy includes the Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine as part of the global leadership of the BDS operation.

Tablet Magazine has an article on  the Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine, also known as PNIF
Among PNIF’s members are five different groups designated by the US as terrorist organizations, including Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Popular Front – General Command (PFLP-GC), the Palestine Liberation Front, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).
So much for tools of peaceful resistance.

But as Schrader points out, the Arab world in general -- and the UAE agreement in particular -- are a rejection not only of the Palestinian Arab refusal to sit down with Israel, it is also a rejection of the BDS strategy as well.

One would expect the UAE to be even more opposed to the BDS Movement given its radical ties to terrorism which contribute to chaos in the region and has connections with Iran.

But will that matter?

BDS has been criticized before for its hypocrisy -- that those who preach boycott are found to be using Israeli products.

The negative effect of anti-Israel boycotts on Palestinian Arab workers is a common point as well.

In fact, as David Suissa -- president of Tribe Media/Jewish Journal -- points out, boycotts of Israel will now start affecting Arab states as well:
How can they continue to undermine Israel if Arab countries announce that it’s good for the health of their societies to do business with the Zionist state?
A response to these criticisms has been that BDS is not a 'moral principle.'  
It is a tactic.

BDS is no more a moral stand than If Not Now saying Kaddish for Palestinian terrorists is an attempt to save their souls.

These groups thrive on the publicity generated by the controversy and chaos they can cause.

Will that change because one Arab state enthusiastically signs a peace deal with Israel?
Will it make a difference if more Arab states sign on?

The BDS movement and its allies will experiment with different tactics and voices to address this peace treaty. They may rethink the veiled attempt to encourage armed rebellion in the UAE.

Or maybe not.

Saudi Arabia's position as a US ally in the Middle East was severely tarnished by the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

It remains to be seen what the BDS Movement and its allies will come up with.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

From Ian:

My journey from BDS activist to Israel educator
Back home, when I would get into discussions on the issue, I would get incredibly frustrated at the total ignorance and misunderstandings some people displayed. Ignorance that at times would amount to casual Anti-Semitism, simply because people were fed with dogmatic and emotively charged narratives about Israel and the issues surrounding it. This proved to be incredibly frustrating.

What was particularly saddening was being labelled as a “traitor” or a “sell out” whenever I attempted to offer an account of the experience of the Jewish people and the Israeli narrative.

Despite being someone that opposed many aspects of the contemporary Israeli governments, I was still berated for attempting to humanise another side to this issue, a side which entailed another people’s suffering, displacement and persecution.

With this, I slowly began to realise that the most toxic elements of this conflict – the absolute segregation of two peoples, incitement and hatred of the other – had leaked into the contemporary discourse and conversations about Israel and Palestine.

Just like in Israel and Palestine, I saw how some people were so entrenched in their hatred for one side that it became impossible for them to fathom a humanised perspective of the other.

I saw the Emerson fellowship as a big opportunity to achieve what I had been seeking to achieve for a long time – education. Education about the issues that mattered to me and many others, on a platform where I would have opportunities to engage with a variety of people from differing backgrounds and discuss the most complex and difficult issues.
Official With Anti-Israel U.N. Group to Help Train BDS Activists in D.C.
An official with a United Nations body supported by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is scheduled to speak next week in Washington, D.C., before a group of Israel boycott supporters, fueling questions about the organization’s continued promotion of anti-Israel causes.

Laila Mokhiber, communications director for the U.N. Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) U.S. office, is slated to appear Monday at an event sponsored by one of the foremost promoters of the Boycott, Sanctions, and Divestment (BDS) movement, which wages economic warfare on Israel.

The UNRWA official’s participation in the event is generating concerns about the U.N. agency, which saw its funding cut by the Trump administration as a result of anti-Israel controversies. Her attendance is evidence the group has made no effort to reform. In stark contrast to the Trump administration's policy, Biden in May vowed to restore more than $350 million to the group if elected. Biden maintains the aid is necessary to boost the Palestinian government and entice it into serious negotiations with Israel on peace.

The conference is billed by organizers as "an in-depth course on legislative advocacy" in the United States that seeks to train activists to lobby Congress on issues such as BDS and other anti-Israel priorities. The host, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), is a leading BDS group that was formed by alleged Hamas supporters and former leaders of the Holy Land Foundation, a charity shuttered by the FBI in 2001 for acting as a fundraising front for the terrorist group Hamas. Five officials from the Holy Land Foundation were indicted by a federal grand jury for providing material support to Hamas.

UNRWA’s Mokhiber is currently scheduled to speak on a panel at the event focusing on the various issues activists should bring up in meetings with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Mokhiber did not respond to a Washington Free Beacon request for comment on her relationship with AMP and the BDS movement.

The Times: How Britain's Jewish Troops Rescued Holocaust Survivors Trying to Reach Palestine
The People on the Beach, by Rosie Whitehouse, describes how Jewish soldiers in the British Army were instrumental in helping more than 1,000 Jews escape from postwar Europe on a ship that got through a Royal Navy blockade of Palestine. The British army's Jewish Brigade, formed in 1944, included thousands of Jewish volunteers from Palestine, mainland Europe and Britain. The unit wore a Star of David as its insignia and was stationed in northern Italy at the end of the war.

The book, published this week, charts how brigade members crossed into Austria, Germany and eastern Europe, against orders, and took survivors in army trucks to displaced-persons camps in Italy. Their actions went directly against British policy seeking to prevent mass migration of Jews to Palestine. "They drove all the way to Lodz in Poland, turned up in the courtyard of the children's home and loaded the kids into the British army trucks to drive them over the border," said Whitehouse.

Akiva Kohane, a survivor of Auschwitz who was 15 at the time, remembered: "I will never forget when they came in with their truck. They had a Star of David marked on the truck. I got a shock when I looked inside the driver's cabin as there were two Tommy guns with the Star of David on them."

  • Thursday, September 10, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is an entire English language press release from Iran's Revolutionary Guards via Mehr News. They are VERY upset, but I can't figure out exactly at what - it is a mix of Charlie Hebdo and "Zionist plots in West Asia" which probably means the UAE but it is very unclear.

I think they are saying that Charlie Hebdo's decision to republish the Mohammed cartoons is part of a plot to divert Muslims' attention from the horrors of the UAE normalizing relations with Israel. But then the third paragraph says that the US and Zionists are diverting attention towards the UAE. 

If you can figure out their message, let me know. 

Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps condemned the blasphemous move taken by French’s Charlie Hebdo’s Magazine in insulting Holy Prophet, saying that Islamic Ummah will not neglect US-Zionist plot in West Asia.

IRGC called it a US-Zionist plan to deviate and divert the world’s attention from active conspiracies orchestrated in the West Asian region.

The defeat of hostile policies of Global Arrogance and Zionism against the Islamic Ummah and the failure of their consecutive scenarios regarding Islamophobia have forced leaders of US terrorist government and fake Zionist regime to unveil new and already failed plans to neglect and deviate public opinion and world attention especially Islamic Ummah towards what is happening these days in strategic West Asia, the statement is read.

Republication of a cartoon by France’s Charlie Hebdo Magazine in insulting the Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is considered as a part of series of new conspiracies of enemies waged against the Islamic Ummah in the current critical historical situation which has emerged concurrently with unveiling sedition of normalization of Zionist relations with some Arab rulers, it adds. 

Insulting the Holy Quran and the Prophet of Islam in Europe and the West under the pretext of freedom of expression, at the condition that thinking about the Holocaust is an unforgivable crime with punishment, is significant and reflects their false claim to support freedom of expression and human rights, adds the statement. 

Hereby, Iran’s diplomatic apparatus and Islamic international legal institutions are expected to take practical and responsible action in dealing with the perpetrators of this heinous act, the statement reads,.

The French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has republished offensive cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (S) that stirred outrage in the Muslim world when they were first published in 2015. The special issue was released on Wednesday, on the eve of the trial of suspects in a deadly attack on the paper’s office five years ago.

Meanwhile, during an illegal gathering on August 28, supporters of right-wing Danish politician Rasmus Paludan, who leads the anti-Islamic Group Tight Direction (Stram Kurs), burned a copy of the Holy Qur’an in the southern Swedish city of Malmo.
I think that there is serious evidence of mental illness here.

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If We In The EU Undermine Israeli Sovereignty, That Undoes the Holocaust, Right?

by Josep Borell, Chief of Foreign Policy, European Union

Brussels, September 10 - Europe's unified approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict grows in large part out of the Continent's ambiguous legacy when it comes to the wholesale slaughter of Jews under Nazi occupation during the Second World War. The perpetrators could not have committed atrocities on such a vast scale without the enthusiastic collaboration of local gentiles, and to grapple with the shame that knowledge engenders in these subsequent generations, the many nations the Union comprises have settled on a basic principle: that weakening Jewish control of the ancestral Jewish homeland, through the funding and strengthening of the Jewish State's existential foes, will somehow negate the evil perpetrated against Jews who should have enjoyed our protection here in Europe.

This approach currently unfolds on two main axes: Palestinians and Iran.

Concerning the Palestinians, European Union policy aims to sever any Jewish control of the places where Jews have their ancient roots, in this case by underwriting and fostering the construction of facilities to establish Palestinian "facts on the ground" in violation of existing Palestinian agreements with Israel concerning the disposition of various areas of respective control. We also maintain steadfast refusal to recognize Jewish claims to Jerusalem, the center of Jewish ritual and longing since ancient times. All this stems from our effort to expunge the sins, both of commission and omission, the weight of which the various peoples of Europe bear as their post-Holocaust legacy.

Our attitude toward Iran also bears the hallmarks of this approach. Empowering the mullahs who hold Holocaust-denial conferences, vow to destroy the world's only Jewish state, sponsor terrorism against Israeli and Jewish interests all over the globe, and show blatant disregard for all people who stand in the way of their hegemonic ambitions, Jews or otherwise, provides Europe with yet another way to expiate its Holocaust guilt.

Philosophers can quibble over the metaphysical processes by which Europe can undo, to whatever extent possible, its historic shame by following this approach. Speaking for myself and a large part of my constituency, the moral calculus is simple: play up the Jews-are-the-new-Nazis angle in propaganda and political rhetoric; cast the Palestinians as the helpless victims of Israeli aggression, thus inverting the Nazi-Jewish dynamic under the Third Reich (during which the Arab leadership in Palestine sided vociferously with the Nazis and their genocidal policies toward Jews); and then swoop in to rescue the oppressed Palestinians from the new Nazis, and presto - moral carte blanche to be rid of the Jews by whatever means.

Heaven knows we'll never forgive the Jews for the Holocaust.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

The Arab World Begins to Realize that Israel Is Not the Enemy
Israel-haters must not be very happy these days. All of a sudden, the big lie that nourished their anti-Zionist venom for so long is slipping away.

For more than 50 years, diplomatic geniuses kept telling the world that “the key to peace in the Middle East is to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” The convenient corollary was that the solution was all in Israel’s hands, which kept the Jewish state constantly on the receiving end of global condemnation.

This brilliant maneuver sought to camouflage the plain truth that the deepest ills of the region have absolutely nothing to do with Israel or the Palestinian conflict.

Consider just a few: centuries of conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims; brutal dictatorships that have led to general misery and despair; a predatory Iranian regime seeking domination of the region; civil wars in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen; the rise of terror groups like ISIS; and a gross absence of civil liberties that results in the routine jailing of dissidents.

When the Arab Spring erupted in 2011 and millions poured out onto the streets to demand those very liberties, many of us thought the big lie would be exposed. After all, what were these desperate protestors demanding if not the same rights, freedoms and opportunities that their Arab and Muslim brethren already enjoyed in Israel?

Turns out it took a little longer, about nine years.

One can’t overstate the paradigm shift represented by the decision of the United Arab Emirates to go public with its open relationship with Israel. Here is the dreaded Zionist enemy, the scapegoat exploited by countless dictators over the decades to distract from their own failures, being publicly legitimized and validated by a powerful Arab nation.

No wonder Israel-haters are unhappy. Their lie is crumbling. The Zionist state is suddenly turning into a source for solutions and hope rather than hatred.

Kushner: Our plan is bid to save 2-state solution; Israel was eating up the land
Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner said on Wednesday that the Trump administration’s peace plan is an attempt to “save the two state solution” because it stops Israel from further expanding its presence in the West Bank.

“The reality today is that a lot of this land is inhabited with Israelis,” Kushner told reporters during a phone briefing ahead of the White House signing next week of the Israel-UAE normalization deal.

During the call, Kushner, who was extolling the Trump administration’s efforts to reshape the Middle East, was asked about the Palestinians appearing to be left behind.

Kushner said the Trump plan presented in January this year was still on the table even though it had been rejected by the Palestinians, and that it provides them with their best hope of stopping continued Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank, which Israel captured in the 1967 Six Day War.

“What we did with our plan was we were trying to save the two-state solution, because… if we kept going with the status quo… ultimately, Israel would have eaten up all the land in the West Bank,” Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser specified. The comments mark some of the most specific the Trump administration has made at odds with Israel’s expanding settlement enterprise.

The US plan would grant the Palestinians a state with restricted sovereignty in Gaza and in most of the West Bank, with additional land swaps from inside Israel, while allowing Israel to annex some 30 percent of the West Bank including all its settlements and the Jordan Valley, and to keep nearly all of East Jerusalem.
Wake up! Wake up! A Palestinian state is on the way!
The fact that Defense Minister Benny Gantz is willing to hold a meeting of the planning and building committee in order to make 5000 housing units available in Judea and Samaria does nothing to reduce the concern over the establishment of a Palestinian state. There is no better way than a few building crumbs to silence and paralyze the residents of Judea and Samaria and the Right.

Another worrying item: The Prime Minister is still committed and bound to the paradigm of two states. He never denied it or expressed regret for the Bar Ilan speech. Even if he claims that it would be a “demilitarized” state, everyone knows that ultimately a demilitarized state is a state like all other states.

Does Israel gain anything from this political process? Is this really a win-win situation? Will Israel really have “peace in exchange for peace”? After all, the purpose of the Deal of the Century is the solution to the “Palestinian problem”, meaning, the establishment of a state for them. The American president sees this goal as an impressive achievement and proof to his people that he has the power to do what all the presidents before him could not do. President Trump seeks to prove his abilities as a deal-maker in the political sphere too. In the speech that he gave on the 28th of January, 2020, at the White House, President Trump made it clear that “Forging peace between Israelis and Palestinians may be the most difficult challenge of all. All prior administrations, from President Lyndon Johnson, have tried and bitterly failed. But I was not elected to do small things or shy away from big problems.”

It seems that the “peace” process now being formulated for economic and commercial development has one result: the surrender of large parts of the Land of Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state. Pinhas Inbari, a veteran journalist and commentator on Arab affairs, senior consultant and researcher for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, who writes books on the Palestinians, writes clearly on this topic: In his essay from Sep. 9, 2020 in “Zman Yisrael”: “After we have sobered up from the fake-annexation, the time has come to sober up from the fake “peace for peace”. “There is a problem with the Americans. They mean what they say. To understand the Trump plan, you just have to listen to the program manager Jared Kushner. They intend that a Palestinian state will arise in parts of the West Bank. The Palestinian state will bring Arab states into an agreement with Israel – the original Saudi plan but in reserve order. Not a state first and normalization later, but first normalization and then a Palestinian state”.

We must really ask the entire Rightwing camp: Aren’t we, with our paralysis, advancing the establishment of a Palestinian state? Are we, on the Right, at all aware of the tectonic change that is happening here? And what should our response be?

We are raising the alarm about the existential danger concealed in the political processes that are leading to the establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of our Land. A majority of the people and a majority of the Likud ministers and right-wing members of Knesset oppose a Palestinian state and many have worked hard for sovereignty.

The agreements with the various countries must be done from strength and faith, without harming the Land of Israel! We have returned to our Land to dwell in it securely and for our concern for future generations.

A huge process might develop in our area if we act with the knowledge of our own spiritual, physical strength and our historic destiny. It is still possible! True leadership can bring about wonderful results in the world. When historic justice is done, the ethical side is strengthened and will act throughout the entire world.

It is now just before the Days of Awe, days of individual and collective rectification. “Today the world was conceived, today all the creatures of the world are judged”.
Israel Is a True Ally - It's Time We Remembered That
I have noted before that the UK has a Conservative government but a Labour foreign policy. Once Brexit has been completed, there will be no major issue in international affairs that divides the two parties. This is particularly the case when it comes to Israel. I am always bemused when some conspiracy-minded anti-Israel columnist or activist points to the number of Tory MPs who are members of Conservative Friends of Israel (CFOI), typically portrayed as a wielder of awesome institutional power and influence within the Tory party. They are a good bunch and throw a cracking conference booze-up, so I don’t want to beat up on them too much, but the reason they manage to sign up so many MPs is that their agenda is so anodyne. The only aspect of Conservative Friends of Israel that Labour Friends of Israel would object to (and vice versa) is the first word of its name.

If CFOI commanded one-tenth of the sway its demonisers insinuate, the UK’s embassy would be in Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv. The Conservative government would not refer to East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza as ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories’ and would not scold Israel for allowing Jews to live in Judea. Our UN delegation would not abstain on something as basic as extending the arms embargo on Iran, whose Supreme Leader has called for ‘eliminating Israel’. We would not have a prime minister who hits all the right rhetorical notes but remains wedded to the cobwebbed dogma of a world since passed.

There are many ways to be pro-Israel and it ought not to be confused with being on board with the political agenda of the Likud party, but it should involve a Tory government having a position substantively distinguishable from that of the European Commission and the UN Human Rights Council. Boris Johnson is, I believe, instinctively and sincerely sympathetic to Israel and the Jewish people but his policies do not reflect the warmth of his feelings. Maybe he believes his course is wise and right. Fair enough; people like me can bang on in hopes of changing the terms of debate and nudging him out of his wrongheadedness. However, it could as easily be that the Foreign Office, the world’s leading exporter of certainty and paternalism, has defeated another prime minister who would like to have his own foreign policy but doesn’t have the time or energy to challenge the rule of Sir Humphrey. The latter would reflect a fundamental weakness in the Prime Minister, and that is harder to remedy.

Whatever the reason, Boris Johnson is allowing the UK to become irrelevant in a Middle East that doesn’t work the way it used to but in which we still have strategic interests. If the Conservatives are friends of Israel, rather than polite acquaintances, the Prime Minister would, at a minimum, recognise its capital and put our embassy there.

  • Thursday, September 10, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
*The Organization for World Peace (OWP) targets key issues such as war and international security with the aim of educating and challenging individuals  as well as larger international institutions to think critically about peaceful solutions to complex issues plaguing society.

*The OWP aims to challenge the status quo of resorting to war and destruction both within the national and international space. Instead, the OWP proposes peaceful solutions to these complex issues.
In an article about the Israel/UAE deal, they make the mistake that so many other do in viewing the Palestine issue as the major source of problems in the region:
If other gulf states follow Dubai’s lead, as U.S. diplomats have been pushing them to do, this may mark a turning point in negotiations of a peace deal. But a peace that is achieved by progressively ignoring the territorial claims of millions of Palestinians is not likely to have enduring effects.

One would think that the Organization for World Peace would be a bit more enthusiastic about something that furthers world peace. 

The author is a recent graduate from the anti-Israel SOAS at the University of London. 

This shortsightedness is perhaps not surprising, when one looks at their overview of the Israel/Palestinian conflict:

At the end of the Second World War, the issue was handed over to the UN, which recommended the division of the country into separate Jewish and Arab states. The partition plan was reluctantly accepted by the Jewish Agency but rejected outright by Arab leaders. The UN General Assembly adopted the resolution in November 1947, triggering the outbreak of civil war across the country. When the British left in May the following year, Jewish leaders in Palestine declared the establishment of the State of Israel, prompting an invasion by the surrounding Arab states. The ensuing war saw Israel emerge victorious, during which conflict 700,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes, becoming lifelong refugees. By the time of the 1949 armistice agreement, Israel had acquired territory far greater than what it was allocated in the UN Partition Plan of the previous year – territory it would expand upon further during the 1957 Suez Crisis, the Six-Day War of 1967 and the 1973 Yom Kippur War. In response to these latter conflicts, the UNSC adopted resolutions 242 and 338, calling for a ceasefire and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from territories occupied during the Six Day War. These resolutions formed the basis of the Oslo Accords, signed between 1993 and 1995, in which Israel agreed to recognise the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination. Despite this relatively hopeful period, the turn of the century saw a return to violence as Israel stepped-up its building of illegal settlements in the Palestinian territories (a practice adopted in earnest following the 1967 conflict). This government-led, illegal settlement activity continues to be a cause of extreme tension today and is now openly supported by the government of the Unites States.
Besides the many basic factual errors ("700,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes", "1957 Suez Crisis", saying Israel gained territory then, 242 forming a basis for Oslo, and the insane assumption that settlements are the core of the conflict,) this paragraph has startling errors of omission: Nothing about Palestinian terror, whether in 1947 or the 1970s or either intifada. Nothing about Jordan's annexation of the West Bank and Palestinian acquiescence to that. Nothing about Palestinian rejection of multiple peace plans. Nothing about current Palestinians making terrorists into heroes. 

This overview shows that OWP is hardly a serious organization, at least in terms of dealing with Israel.

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