Tuesday, December 25, 2018

  • Tuesday, December 25, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Yesterday, UNWRA was embarrassed by UN Watch when they noticed an UNRWA tweet complimenting a terrorist as a "famed Palestinian writer."

UNRWA then claimed that it was all a mistake:

But this isn't the only time UNRWA has mentioned Ghassan Kanafani.

On multiple occasions since 2010, UNRWA has partnered with the Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Center in Lebanon. In 2015 and 2016 it called the Kanafani Center a local partner,

While the Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Center indeed works with disabled people, it makes it very clear that it is anti-Israel and antisemitic, in violation of UNRWA's rules.

On its webpage, it says:

There is nothing wrong with reiterating that Ghassan was assassinated because he was committed to the ideas of the original Palestinian movement, which believes in the final belief that the destruction of the Zionist ghetto [Israel] and its removal from existence is a historical inevitability that must be done. Even if it takes a thousand years. ...The stalemate of the Palestinian leadership, especially those who engineered the infamous Oslo Treaty, will only further humiliate the Palestinian people.

Therefore, the idea of ​​coexistence with the Jews is an absolutely heretical idea, and it is certainly flawed. In truth, Shylock takes and does not give, nor does he coexist with anyone, and the Palestinian would rather be dead than kneeling.

Put this ingrained idea into the rubbish bins and alert those who kneel to the Jews. 
This explicitly antisemitic organization is who UNRWA partners with.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, December 25, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

The official Palestinian Wafa news agency has an article about a friendly soccer match between the Palestinian team and Iran that took place in Doha.

The article headline refers to the team as the "fedayeen." Wikipedia confirms that this is the team's informal name, how it is referred to by Palestinian Arabs.

"Fedayeen" is the Arabic word for commandos, and that is the name that was used for the terrorists who infiltrated Israel in the 1950s as well as the Palestinian terrorists who hijacked airplanes and terrorized the West in the 1970s. For example, this article refers to the 1972 Munich Olympic terrorists as "fedayeen."

When Palestinians are looking for heroes to associate with their sports teams, they choose terrorists.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Monday, December 24, 2018

From Ian:

JPost Editorial: Merry Christmas
The majority of Christians in Israel will not be celebrating this week, as they are Greek Orthodox, and their Christmas falls on January 7.

But this is still a good time to take stock of religious freedom in our region.

Earlier this month, the head of the Church of England wrote in the Sunday Telegraph that millions of Middle Eastern Christians are on the verge of “imminent extinction.”

“In the birthplace of our faith, the community faces extinction,” Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby wrote, calling it “the worst situation since the Mongol invasions of the 13th century.”

Christians face government harassment in Egypt, leading them to emigrate in record numbers.

Lebanese Christians fear Hezbollah’s growing power in their country, along with an influx of Syrian refugees. Turkish Christians are also facing oppression by their government. And in Iraq, the Christian population has been nearly wiped out, but those remaining are trying to rebuild their lives.

Closer to home, the Christian Palestinian population is in a constant downward trend.

Christians have long been fleeing Palestinian-controlled areas in light of systemic abuse. Terrorists affiliated with then-PLO leader Yasser Arafat famously raided and trashed the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in 2002, holding monks hostage.

Last year, Christians were only 2% of the Palestinian population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, less than half their numbers a generation ago.

In 1950 in Bethlehem, Jesus’s birthplace, 86% residents were Christians. In 2017, they were only 12%.

Netanyahu to Christian IDF Soldiers: ‘You Belong to the Most Moral Army on Earth’
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised Christian members of the Israel Defense Forces on Sunday.

“We are proud of you; the entire nation is proud of you,” Netanyahu told them at a civil New Year event at the Tel Aviv Palmach Museum. “You belong to the most moral army on earth.”

Netanyahu then took a shot at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who said on Saturday that “the Jews in Israel kick men, but also women and children, when they’re on the ground.”

“He is obsessed with Israel,” said Netanyahu. “He knows what a moral army is, and he knows what a genuine democracy is, as opposed to an army that massacres women and children in Kurdish villages and a state which, to my regret, is becoming more dictatorial day by day.”

“But there has been an improvement,” he added. “Erdoğan used to attack me every two hours and now it is every six hours.”

  • Monday, December 24, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
The New York Times, finally following up on the Tablet expose of the Women's March and antisemitism, notes:

Ms. Mallory and Ms. Perez say they categorically condemn anti-Semitism, and that when they asked Ms. Wruble to leave the group, it had nothing to do with her being Jewish. But they acknowledged that the role of Jewish women was discussed in that first meeting.

“Since that conversation, we’ve all learned a lot about how while white Jews, as white people, uphold white supremacy, ALL Jews are targeted by it,” Ms. Mallory said in a statement to The New York Times.
So all white Jews uphold white supremacy. We're all racists. Good to know.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

I’ve become a big fan of Jonathan Haidt, co-author of the best-selling Coddling of the American Mind and a social-science researcher committed to bringing political balance and reasoned discourse back into academia and everyday political life. 

Haidt is a scholar who practices what he preaches, including one of the key virtues of a truly free and independent thinker: the ability to say “I’ve changed my mind,” especially about something he once believed deeply. 

In Haidt’s case, he revised his thinking about the role intuition plays in human reasoning between his first best-selling book (The Happiness Hypothesis) and one I just finished reading (The Righteous Mind).

Given that Happiness Hypothesis put Haidt on the map as a public intellectual, I can only imagine what it took to put into print an admission that that book contained a thesis the author no longer buys.  But the ability to both change your mind and admit you have done so has strategic as well as intellectual benefits.

For instance, when I first got into the fight against BDS, I repeatedly argued against turning to authority figures (such as lawmakers, courts or college administrators) to deal with demonization/delegitimization campaigns targeting the Jewish state.

This stance was based on the fact that, back then, BDS was largely taking place within civic organizations, such as colleges and universities, churches, municipalities and food coops, with anti-Israel activism driven by small groups of insurgents within individual institutions.  Since the majority of members of these institutions were either hostile or indifferent to the boycotters’ political agenda, the best strategy was to help that majority organize and find its voice so it could effectively beat back BDS (which they did again and again over the course of more than a decade).
Yes, the Israel haters are relentless which meant they kept coming back those organizations again and again to demand a revote, refusing to take “no” for an answer.  But such behavior meant that, by the time a handful student governments or church votes started going the BDSers way, the public had internalized how unrepresentative or corrupt such votes were, which meant the boycotters either lost or – at worst – acquired tainted victories no one took seriously.

Given how effective grassroots politics was at turning back BDS, I saw turning to authorities as a less effective and riskier short-circuiting of more effective, democratic processes.  But as the fight moved from these small communities to large and powerful institutions, such as the United Nations, I’ve had to revise my thinking regarding the best course of action to take in response new forms of the BDS threat.

As most readers know, the UN’s Orwellian Human Rights Commission is preparing a blacklist of companies doing business in Israel, the publication of which will put pressure on those companies to sever ties with the Jewish state.  Given that this blacklist effort is driven by wealthy and powerful states that dominate the UN and have subverted it to their will, local activists have no way to influence what happens in the halls of that body. 

Understanding this reality, the most effective counter-measure to a UN blacklist is the anti-BDS legislation passed or on the way to being passed in most US states and the federal government.  If one ignores partisan hyperbole regarding such legislation, these laws simply update rules that have been in place since the 1970s that make it illegal for US companies to participate in the Arab Boycott that goes back to the 1920s now that those same boycotters have hijacked the United Nations to give this age-old form of partisan warfare a veneer of global legitimacy.

Once anti-boycott laws are passed, companies (especially those more concerned with the large Arab market vs. the small Israeli one) considering participating in a UN-led boycott will have another factor to take into account: the impact such a choice will have on their relationship with the large US market.  We’ve already seen what happened to one corporation (AirBnB) that thought it would face no consequences for joining the latest version of the Arab boycott.  Given that companies are generally conservative, turning to US state and national legislators to add a counter-weight to the UN blacklist is not just a last resort, but our best choice. 

In science, there is a principle which says you should try to understand a problem in terms of the right level of scale.  For example, while the weather can be studied at the atomic level, there is more insight to be gained by studying the subject at a macro vs micro scale.

Similarly, grassroots fights are still the way to go when the battle is taking place at a local food store or student government.  But when powerful forces are arrayed against you, it is best to marshal equally powerful forces to counter them.

Sticking with an old formula when new situations require new tactics tends to lead to calcification and failure.  This is why I have changed my mind about enrolling authority figures in our fight, but only in situations where that option makes the most strategic sense. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Ben-Dror Yemini: Erdogan is not a benevolent sultan of old, he's a monster that must be stopped
Erdogan has managed to raise this principle to new heights. He complains about Israel, which is fighting jihad, while he also supports this jihad; he has erased the gap (although it is doubtful this gap even exists) between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism; he commits massacres against his own people, while accusing Israel of massacring the Palestinians.

Erdogan's anti-Semitic campaign continues with full force. Last year, Turkish TV aired an anti-Semitic series that included allegations of plots that were allegedly the brainchild the Jew Theodor Herzl, which were "inspired by real historical facts." This was not the first antisemitic series. In Turkey, it's routine.

One cannot easily dismmiss Erdogan, who in the past voiced opposition to Bashar Assad's continued rule in Syria, but soon joined the axis of evil that includes Iran and Hezbollah. There are those who argue that Turkey's economic interests will lead to restraint, but that's a mistake. History proves that leaders of Erdogan's ilk will pick ideological principles, especially those rooted in hatred, over national interests. Erdogan's Justice and Development Party is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, whose founder, Hassan al-Banna, penned an article on the importance of the "industry of death." That's the idea, those are the principles that Erdogan follows.

It is important to note that the president of Turkey is not the enemy of Israel, he is the enemy of the free world. Europe already detests him; countries such as the Netherlands and Germany refused entry to ministers from his party. But this did not stop Erdogan from becoming the contractor for the project to stop the flow of refugees, for which he gets billions. This helps in the short term, but in the long run, Europe is cultivating a monster who is becoming increasingly racist and anti-Semitic.

Monsters like this must be stopped when they are small and toothless. But Europe has forgotten everything and learned nothing. And the monster continues to grow.
Aaron David Miller and Richard Sokolsky (WP): It Wasn't Possible for America to Compete with Russia, Iran and Turkey to Impact Syria's Future
President Trump's move to quickly withdraw U.S. military forces from Syria didn't cause the U.S. to lose in Syria. For all practical purposes, Syria was already lost. Much like his predecessor, Trump's decision is motivated by a calculation that the U.S. can't alter the military or political balance in Syria that has long favored Russia and Iran.

With a modest military footprint and little public support for a larger American role, the U.S. can't really compete with Russia or Iran on the ground. Trump said back in March that "We're knocking the hell out of ISIS. We'll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon."

Moscow and Tehran had long ago won the strategic fight for Syria. Russian military intervention in 2015 saved Assad. Russia and Iran have been more willing to devote resources toward keeping Assad afloat than the U.S. has been prepared to either remove him from power or stand behind the assorted elements in Syria who've tried and failed to overthrow him.

Americans should let go of the idea that we were ever trying very hard to win.

In contrast to the U.S., if and when Syria and its backers decide to conclusively take on the Islamic State, their approach is unlikely to employ much regard for humanitarian concerns or civilian lives.

Critics of the president's decision are right that the U.S. is once again going to throw its reliable Kurdish allies under the bus. But the Kurds could have foreseen this, both because of their previous experiences with the U.S. in Iraq and Trump's chronic unhappiness with the Syria deployment.

  • Monday, December 24, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Abdulaziz Alshatti is a Kuwaiti fencer who refused to compete against an Israeli (Grigori Beskin) at a major competition in Switzerland last month.

He didn't even pretend to be sick. The Kuwaiti National Assembly tweeted their thanks to him when it happened, and said that he refused to play "even though he is a better fencer than his opponent."

Alshatti is ranked 212, while his Israeli opponent is ranked 68.

The International Fencing Federation (FIE) did not do a thing to penalize him. He is still scheduled to compete in upcoming events.

Now, Alshatti is being honored by the Palestinian ambassador to Kuwait. He was presented with a commemorative gift as well as a souvenir and medal presented by the members of the Palestinian community in Kuwait to express their appreciation for his "heroic position."

The ceremony was held in front of the logo of the  Kuwait Fencing Association and the International Fencing Federation.

Apparently, the FIE is fine with people politicizing its sport and its name.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, December 24, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
 An eyewitness writing in 1920 described the effect in Germany of the publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion:
In Berlin I attended several meetings which were entirely devoted to the Protocols. The speaker was usually a professor, a teacher, an editor, a lawyer or someone of that kind. The audience consisted of members of the educated class, civil servants, tradesmen, former officers, ladies, above all students …. Passions were whipped up to the boiling point. There, in front of one, in the flesh, was the cause of all ills – those who had made the war and brought about the defeat and engineered the revolution, those who had conjured up all our suffering …. I observed the students. A few hours earlier they had perhaps been exerting all their mental energy in a seminar under the guidance of a world-famous scholar. … Now young blood was boiling, eyes flashed, fists clenched, hoarse voices roared applause or vengeance. (W. K. Timmermann – Incitement in international criminal law)
Imagine the scene. Authority figures - often academics - riling up groups of people, often students, with lies that are meant to do only one thing: to incite the audience into hating Jews. And their methods worked - they seemed to gather "incontrovertible facts" that fed into the people's need to find a scapegoat, to find a symbol that they can channel all their hate into.

This happens, today, too.

What are BDS meetings all about, anyway? They are meant to incite the audience with lies (in this case, the Protocols are replaced with heavily edited videos and fabricated news stories) in order to get them to hate Israel, and Zionist Jews.

Like the German antisemites of the 1920s, today's Israel-bashers work hard to ensure that any information about their avowed enemies that is not wholly negative get censored, stopped, or drowned out with protests. The entire concept of accusations of "pinkwashing" and "artwashing" is meant to say that even when Israelis do something that aligns with modern liberal and moral values, it is really a nefarious plot to hide their unspeakable crimes. When Israeli Jews do something seemingly bad it is horrendous, when they do something good even that is bad. There is no room in their discourse for truth or honesty. And like then, there are enough idiots who are more than willing to fully adapt a simplistic theory of Jewish/Zionist evil to explain all the ills of the world (today including things like US police brutality, racism, colonialism, slavery, stealing organs, poisoning water, economic woes, and so forth.)

And, sometimes, the BDS meetings go full circle to attack Jews themselves, as this recent video of David Sheen blaming false and twisted interpretations of the Talmud and Jewish scholars for Israeli actions at a BDS meeting in Amsterdam:

This lecture is exactly what the witness from 1920 was talking about.

Sheen makes explicit what BDS and Israel-haters have made implicit: the purpose of these meetings  is to rile people up and cause them to hate mainstream Jews who dare to support the existence of a Jewish state and sanctuary for Jews worldwide.


In case you actually watch this antisemitic video, Sheen quotes Maimonides to make it appear that he teaches Jews to ethnically cleanse gentiles. But the quotes are taken out of context, of course; Maimonides says that gentiles who live in Israel and accept the basic moral (Noachide) laws are to be treated with respect:

"Similarly, it appears to me that in regard to respect and honor and also, in regard to charity, a resident alien is to be treated as a Jew for behold, we are commanded to sustain them as Deuteronomy 14:21 states: 'You may not eat any animal that has not been properly slaughtered... give it to the resident alien in your gates that he may eat it.' ...
However, our Sages commanded us to visit (all) gentiles (not just resident aliens) when ill, to bury their dead in addition to the Jewish dead, and support their poor in addition to the Jewish poor for the sake of peace. Behold, Psalms 145:9 states: 'God is good to all and His mercies extend over all His works' and Proverbs 3:17 states: 'The Torah's ways are pleasant ways and all its paths are peace.'
וכן יראה לי שנוהגין עם גרי תושב בדרך ארץ וגמילות חסדים כישראל. שהרי אנו מצווין להחיותן שנאמר לגר אשר בשעריך תתננה ואכלה. .... אפילו העכו"ם צוו חכמים לבקר חוליהם. ולקבור מתיהם עם מתי ישראל. ולפרנס ענייהם בכלל עניי ישראל. מפני דרכי שלום. הרי נאמר טוב ה' לכל ורחמיו על כל מעשיו. ונאמר דרכיה דרכי נועם וכל נתיבותיה שלום:
And Maimonides' words about how to treat Gentiles come from the Talmud, where they are mentioned (with some variations)  no less than five times without any dispute: Tosefta Gittin 3:13-14, Jerusalem Talmud Gittin 5:9 47c, Jerusalem Talmud Demai 4:6 24a, Jerusalem Talmud Avodah Zara 1:3 39c and Babylonian Talmud, Gittin 61a.

Similarly, Jew-haters like Sheen like to say that when the Talmud says "Whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world" it is really referring only to Jewish lives, but the quote is given twice: once in context of Jews, and once in context of everyone including non-Jews (Jerusalem Talmud, Sanhedrin 4:1 22a).

Sheen's claim that "neighbor" in Leviticus excludes females and the non-religious is too absurd to even discuss. It has no basis in reality, period. 

More on this topic can be seen in the paper Loving-Kindness towards Gentiles according to the Early Jewish Sages by Joan Poulin. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, December 24, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egyptians remain livid at  Fatima Naoot, who wrote an op-ed to weeks ago in Al Masry Al Youm that accurately blamed Egypt for forcing out virtually its entire Jewish population, many of whom were patriotic and contributed to Egyptian culture and politics.

Since my last post about the crazed Egyptian reaction to her article, the Egyptian parliament attacked Naoot, accusing her of "distorting Egypt", of promoting false claims that serve the enemies of the nation, and of working to serve the international organizations that are paying her, which are planning to "distort the history of Egypt."

The most strident parliamentary criticism of her came from members of the Human Rights Committee. Yes, Egypt's human rights parliamentarians want to erase the history of Egypt trampling on the human rights of Jews. 

Al Ghoul
One member of the Human Rights Committee, Mohammed al-Ghoul, went so far as to attack the mental health of Naoot, saying "I doubt that she has any psychological balance. A healthy person  would not write such articles."

That is not the only attack on Naoot. 

Besides the articles that continue to be written that claim that her facts are lies, a journalist has formally filed a complaint.

Abdu Zaki Ali Mousa, a member of the Syndicate of Journalists, filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor against Naoot, accusing her of:

- Angering Egyptians who hate Israel because it "devours whole countries, kills children" and humiliates the Arabs;

- Distorting Egypt's image and inciting against it;

- Harming Egypt economically by exposing it to paying substantial financial compensation to those Jews who claimed to have been forcibly displaced.

- "Flirtation with a foreign country that all Egyptians see as an enemy;"

- Hurting the feelings of the descendants of the "martyrs of the armed forces who were killed by the occupying forces in several wars."

Back in 2013 a major documentary film called The Jews of Egypt that documented the expulsion of Egyptian Jews in the 1950s and 60s was originally stopped from being shown by Egypt's censors for similar reasons, but in the end they backed down when the story became international news. As far as I can tell, the film was received fairly well by Egyptians who watched it, and they understood that it was accurate. 

The hate towards Naoot seems to be not only what she wrote, but also because in the past she has written about Copts and other topics that ruffled feathers. It could be that her being a woman is also a lightning rod for her. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

  • Sunday, December 23, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
A secular Shiite member of the Iraqi Parliament, Faiq Al Sheikh Ali, has expressed regret over how the Jews were chased out of that country in the 1950s..

He posted on social media last week,  hailing the historic role of Iraqi Jews in society, sharply criticizing the abuses they faced before being expelled from Iraq.

"They were old pacifists who loved Iraq and its people; merchants, writers, artists, people of high taste," Sheikh Ali said in a statement Twitter

"They were accused, cheated, attacked, bribed, their possessions confiscated, their homes seized and thy were expelled from their home country," he said.

Jews had been in Iraq from the time of Nebuchadnezzar until the 1950s.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, December 23, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Hatred for Sarah Tuttle-Singer

Michael Lumish

I like Sarah Tuttle-Singer, social media editor of the Times of Israel.

She is a Jewish California mom and Israeli living with her young kids in Jerusalem and writing and editing for that prominent venue. Her 2018 book is Jerusalem, Drawn and Quartered: One Woman’s Year in the Heart of the Christian, Muslim, Armenian, and Jewish Quarters of Old Jerusalem.

This is a young mother and writer under considerable heat for being too sympathetic to the Palestinian-Arabs in their efforts to snuff-out Jewish self-determination and self-defense on our historical homeland.

She has also been heavily accused of getting popular pro-Jewish / pro-Israel native American Métis writer and activist, Ryan Bellerose, fired from his position as an advocacy coordinator for B’nai Brith Canada. He was apparently too confrontational toward her on social media and too hostile toward the enemies of the Jewish people.

I referenced this tension in a recent piece entitled, The “Palestinian Narrative” and Sarah Tuttle-Singer.

The reason that I, nonetheless, like "STS" -- it is not everyone, by the way, that earns an acronym -- is because she stands at the crossroads between pro-Israel advocacy and pro-Palestinian advocacy and that makes her interesting "grist for the mill." This is particularly true given the fact of the fluid nature of contemporary social media in which everyone has a potential voice.

This does not mean that I agree with her overly-broad sympathies for the Palestinian-Arab enemies of the Jewish people. And it certainly does not mean that I take her side over that of Ryan Bellerose. It simply means that I recognize that she walks a tight line between those who wish to slaughter the Jewish people of Israel and the Israeli Jews who refuse to compromise on the matter.

It takes considerable guts to take that position while smiling for the camera.

The Fundamental Criticisms of Tuttle-Singer

Tuttle-Singer has become sufficiently controversial within the pro-Jewish / pro-Israel community that the malice towards her has spawned a mocking Facebook page called Sour Turtle Stinger.  It describes itself as a "Place for sharing dank memes, stories and roasting of certain rare creature." The notion of "rare creature," in this case, suggests prima donna, but I cannot fairly speak to what was in the writer's head.

The primary reason that they tend to despise Tuttle-Singer is out of a sense that she gives far too much credence to the "Palestinian Narrative" and not nearly so much credence to the Jewish experience in that part of the world under thirteen centuries of Arab-Muslim imperial rule. She also generally gives equal moral justification to Palestinian-Arab hostility toward Jews as to Jewish measures of self-defense. Her writings suggest a moral equivalency between Jewish defenders and Arab aggressors. I would not put her on the same low level of, say, Gideon Levy or Amira Hass of Ha'aretz

However, she does not emphasize that the Jewish people in her part of the world live under siege, despite the fact that she lives in Jerusalem with her own children. She acknowledges it but is more concerned with Jewish wrong-doing than the never-ending Arab assault on the Jewish people.

 I covered a bit of this in my previous piece wherein I suggested to Tuttle-Singer:
History as a field of knowledge resides at the crux of the Humanities and the Social Sciences and is, thus by necessity, interpretive.

This is why there is always a significant element of subjectivity within even the most scrupulously professional historical narratives. Nonetheless, for a narrative to be a historical narrative it must be grounded in something that closely resembles the truth of the past.

We do not simply get to make up our own “narratives” as the Palestinian-Arab leadership has done, and then insist that ahistorical nonsense be taken seriously.
Nonetheless, Tuttle-Singer seems to be among those political writers who believe that the "Palestinian Narrative" of Never-Ending Victimhood needs to be given equal consideration to actual Jewish history in consideration of the conflict.

She also believes that the Jews of the Middle East are "Occupying," with "the Big O," the very land of Jewish heritage and tends to be sympathetic toward Arab-Muslim push-back against Jewish self-determination and self-defense. She thus often harps on what she sees as Jewish opression toward others, while generally giving the Arabs a pass. Much of this was previously discussed in a thoughtful January 7, 2018, piece by Paula Stern entitled, The Truth According to Sarah Tuttle-Singer.

But, again, I like Sarah Tuttle-Singer. I have a great deal of sympathy for any public figure who must face malice and hatred in the cause of dearly held beliefs.

Speaking for myself, I can only aspire to earn such hatred.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

PA leader to dissolve Palestinian parliament; Hamas irate
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas pledged on Saturday to implement a court ruling and dissolve the largely inactive Palestinian parliament, triggering warnings of chaos from the Islamist group.

Abbas' announcement is the latest in a series of bitter splits and rivalries between his Fatah party and Hamas, which began in 2007 when Hamas routed Fatah's forces and took over the Gaza Strip, keeping Abbas' rule limited to Palestinian-controlled parts of the West Bank.

Since then, the Palestinian Legislative Council, where Hamas holds a majority after a 2006 landslide victory against Fatah, has been largely disabled. If Abbas follows through, breaking up the legislature would be largely symbolic, maintaining the already entrenched political divide between Gaza and the West Bank.

"We resorted to the Constitutional Court and the court decided to dissolve the PLC and called for parliamentary elections in six months and we have to execute this [decision] immediately," Abbas told a Palestine Liberation Organization meeting in Ramallah.

He accused Hamas of blocking Egyptian efforts to restore Palestinian unity, a charge Hamas vehemently denies. Abbas says the dissolution of the parliament aims to pressure Hamas into accepting proposals for national reconciliation.

The Daily Wire Speaks With Author And Former Israeli Mayor David Rubin About The Effectiveness Of Border Walls
Originally from Brooklyn, New York, author David Rubin has lived in Israel for approximately 27 years, and is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, which is located in Samaria (the West Bank).

In 2001, about a year after his stint as mayor came to an end, Rubin and his three-year-old son were attacked by Palestinian terrorists while driving back from Jerusalem. The terrorists opened fire on Rubin’s vehicle from the side of the road using AK-47s.

"I was shot in the leg, while my son was shot in the head. We both miraculously survived the attack. The bullet that hit my son’s head and neck missed his brain stem by just one millimeter," Rubin says.

After "years of operations" and "post-trauma therapies," Rubin decided to start a non-profit called the Shiloh Israel Children's Fund. The organization’s purpose is to help "heal the trauma of terror-victim children and to restore some of the lost innocence of childhood."

Rubin began writing about his experiences after being encouraged to do so. His most recent book, "Trump and the Jews," hit shelves on October 1.

Rubin is an advocate for the president’s proposed wall along the southern border of the United States, comparing it to the wall between Israel and Egypt, which has allegedly kept illegal immigration at a low in Israel.
Ruthie Blum: Hail to Haley
When Nikki Haley was appointed in November 2016 by US President-elect Donald Trump to serve as America’s ambassador to the United Nations, I wrote that there was reason to hope she would live up to the legacies of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Jeanne Kirkpatrick and John Bolton as “shining beacons in the Midtown Manhattan snake pit.”

Although Haley, the governor of South Carolina at the time, was not well-known beyond the confines of her state, her personal and political history appeared to indicate that she possessed what I called the “kind of clarity on controversial issues that is required in an arena filled with people whose key purpose is to cloud the distinction between good and evil.”

Four months later, when Haley emerged from her first encounter with the UN Security Council and blasted its anti-Israel bias, I was even more optimistic that she had what it took “to navigate the Orwellian universe in which the U.N. operates, where Western values are on a lower hierarchical rung than Third World culture, and where a mockery is made of the concept of human rights.”

From that moment on, Haley continued to exceed expectations. She not only served as a proud and fierce defender of American interests in the world, but did so in her own dignified and powerful voice. Indeed, she made the office her own. It is an accomplishment whose significance cannot be overstated.

  • Sunday, December 23, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Tawfiq Okasha is a well known Egyptian host and hes said many absurd things over the years. But he's still on TV, so his words are still listened to by millions of Egyptians.

In his latest rant, Okasha claims that the Jews of France stole the Rosetta Stone to hide the advanced scientific secrets of Egypt and keep them for themselves. He claimed that only French Jews have access to the stone and can decipher it.

In fact the Rosetta Stone is one of the most studied pieces of archaeology in history and it has been in England for over two hundred years.

Okasha said during his program "Egypt Today" that the secrets of deciphering the Rosetta Stone are not yet known because it is in France now, saying that the Jewish French scholars know very well that the stone contains many secrets. These secrets, when deciphered, would reveal the scientific achievements of ancient Egyptians, but the Jews are keeping that ancient knowledge to themselves.

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  • Sunday, December 23, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement about supposed Israeli "Judaizing" of the city of Jerusalem.

One of the accusations is that Israeli actions in Jerusalem "give the impression to any visitor that it is a Jewish biblical city featuring continuous [Jewish]  presence and Jewish heritage."

Well, yeah. Because it is. For some 3000 years. Except for some very brief time periods where Jews were specifically expelled because of their cultural and religious ties to Jerusalem, as they were ethnically cleansed from the Old City for a mere 19 years in 1948.

This statement reveals more than it intends. Because rather than Jews trying to Judaize Jerusalem - a city that has been the Jewish capital and center of Jewish existence since King David - the Palestinians are trying to separate Jews and Judaism from Jerusalem.

For exactly the same reason that antisemites of previous generations tried to do the same.

Despite how they speak to credulous Western reporters and diplomats, Palestinians don't accept that Jerusalem is sacred to three faiths. They are actively, today, trying to pretend that Jewish ties to Jerusalem are a modern myth and that only Muslims and (reluctantly) Christians have ties to the city.

Israel celebrates the ties of all three faiths to the city while accurately noting that Jerusalem is only central to one. It is the Palestinians who are trying to not only ethnically cleanse Jerusalem of Jews, but trying to cut any cultural, emotional, religious and historic ties that Jews have to the city.

This isn't being "pro-Palestinian." This is being actively antisemitic.

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  • Sunday, December 23, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Israel's Channel 20 has the story of Daniel Dabash, who grew up in the Arab village of Sur Baher as Nidal Dabash. His mother was Jewish but died in 2002; he grew up knowing she was Jewish but not that he would be considered Jewish as well.

His stepmother hated him and he discovered that he was halachically Jewish, so he asked for more information and help on Facebook and got it.

Now he just got married to a Jewish woman.

And the story is driving Arab social media crazy.

They are misreporting the story as if Daniel converted just to marry the girl, and therefore this is being painted as another Israeli plot to "normalize" with its Arab neighbors.

The Dabash family is disowning him, saying that they have nothing to do with this person who had a Jewish mother.

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