Tuesday, April 17, 2018

  • Tuesday, April 17, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
When Husam Zomlot gave his speech at J-Street, he described every single thing that Palestinians will never accept.

Most of these were things that any Israeli government, from right to left, would insist on in any peace deal.

No to anything less than a full state - with an army, with control over its borders, which would threaten Israel's nine-mile pre-1967 width. Bill Clinton was OK with this, Barack Obama was OK with this - but not J-Street.

No interim peace plans. Give Palestinians everything they demand unconditionally, and trust them, even though they have given Israel no reason to trust them and celebrate terror, today.

No state without East Jerusalem - a huge amount of applause from the supposedly pro-Israel Jewish crowd, willing to give up their very souls. Yitzchak Rabin would never have dreamed of doing this.

No state without "resolving" refugees - meaning flooding Israel with people whose ancestors were in British Mandate Palestine in 1947. Why a Palestinian leader wants his own people to move to the Jewish state and not "Palestine" is obvious to anyone with a brain - but J-Street audience members support it.

No state with"one Israeli soldier on its soil" - meaning, Israel must outsource its very security to people who celebrate terrorists as heroes and martyrs.

None of these would be accepted by any reasonable Israeli leader without severe restrictions at the very least. But J-Street doesn't represent the needs and wants of Israel.

As  the audience proves here, J-Street is pro-Palestinian - and nothing else.
The audience was also remarkably willing to believe the most absurd lies. "We vow that once peace prevails, once the State of Palestine is created, with East Jerusalem as its capital, we will not only recognize the Jewish connection to Jerusalem, we will celebrate it."

Recognizing the Jewish connection to Jerusalem shouldn't be dependent on a peace deal - it is a fact. A promise to recognize a fact doesn't show flexibility - it proves that the negotiator is a liar from the start.

 The idea that J-Street actually believes these obvious lies is, by itself, enough to discredit it as any sort of serious group of people.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Monday, April 16, 2018

  • Monday, April 16, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Husam Zomlot, the PLO representative in the US, was called an "Ambassador" by J-Street in their conference today.

He isn't an ambassador. That title is reserved to representatives from a nation, and the US does not recognize "Palestine."

But it isn't only J-Street that lies about Zomlot's title.

Haaretz does too.

I remember when truth was a thing.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Evelyn Gordon: Israel proves exceptional, once again
In January 2017, the Ipsos Mori research company published a shocking poll headlined “Six in ten around the world think their society is ‘broken.’ ” Out of 23 countries surveyed—13 Western democracies and 10 non-Western democracies, most with relatively strong economies—only in six did a majority of respondents disagree with that statement.

Moreover, almost four in 10 respondents agreed another troubling claim: “These days I feel like a stranger in my own country.” Though the proportion topped 50 percent in only two countries, it exceeded a third in all but three.

Pollsters then asked several questions designed to elaborate on those general sentiments—some exploring trust in national institutions and others exploring attitudes toward immigration. Their theory was that low trust in institutions would correlate to high levels of belief that society was broken, while negative attitudes toward immigrants would correlate to high levels of feeling like a stranger in one’s own country. And there was, in fact, some correlation, albeit not perfect. Notably, countries with both high trust in institutions and low concern about immigration had among the fewest respondents saying either that society was broken or that they felt like strangers in their own land.

And then there was the one glaring exception: Israel.

A majority of Israeli respondents voiced little or no confidence in all seven categories of institutions—international institutions, banks, the justice system, big companies, the media, the government and political parties. In five of the seven categories, more than 70 percent did so. Israel was among the top 10 most distrustful countries in all but one category; in most, it was in the top six.
Bethany Mandel: The Holocaust: What Happened and Why It Still Matters
The saying goes “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” In Europe, even before the last survivors have passed, history is already repeating itself. In Paris recently a Holocaust survivor was murdered in her own home, the victim of an anti-Semitic attack. Not only was the 84-year-old woman stabbed eleven times, but she was then burned beyond recognition. The Times of Israel reported on the crime, comparing it to another similar attack on a Jewish woman, Sarah Halimi, in her home last year.

France has been Ground Zero for anti-Semitic attacks in a continent not exactly unfamiliar with the phenomenon. Twelve years ago a young Jewish man, Ilan Halimi was kidnapped, tortured and killed in Paris. In 2012, seven were killed, including children at a school in Toulouse, France. The Times of Israel called those attacks the beginning of a wave of terror in the country; though one could argue it began with Halimi’s murder in Paris, a brazen attack which French authorities initially refused to attribute to anti-Semitism.

In her story on the disappearing knowledge of the Shoah among Americans, especially Millenials, Maggie Astor spoke with a number of historians and curators of Holocaust Museums and memorials, who suggested more personalized experiences; hearing directly from survivors whenever possible.

To be sure, ignorance of the slaughter of millions of Jews stems from ignorance of all history, not just that of that era. Americans know less and care less about history; it’s no coincidence the History Channel has somehow morphed into the alien chasing channel.

The sad truth about the study isn’t just that Americans don’t know about how anti-Semitism led to the mass death of Jews, but also that they don’t care. How many know of the continued attacks on Jews in the present day in Europe; at schools, grocery stores, restaurants, synagogues, and even their own homes? The news isn’t even met with a shrug here, so why should historical accounts of the murder of Jews elicit anything more?
Amos Schocken’s Schocking Racism
As Haaretz is fond of reminding its readers and its critics alike, the Israeli broadsheet is the voice of the nation’s embattled intelligentsia, an unabashedly progressive publication that spends much ink criticizing Israel’s faults, small or large, real or imagined. It’s why the paper’s long-time marketing slogan was “a newspaper for people who think”—the same distinction, presumably, did not apply to those who started their mornings with, say, Yediot Aharonot—and why it opted to celebrate Israel’s 70th Independence Day by asking its reporters to choose which classic Israeli song, the national anthem included, they despised the most. You could write all of that off as the same sort of hilariously unaware and irritating condescension you get every day in The New York Times or any other bastion of self-appointed elites anywhere; but this weekend, the paper’s publisher, Amos Schocken, crossed a line.

An active Twitter user, Schocken, the son of the newspaper’s original publisher, Gershom, got into an argument on the social media platform on Saturday after several readers tweeted at him that commemorating Israel’s Independence Day by mocking the anthem was, at best, in poor taste. Schocken held nothing back, and several of the exchanges grew heated. At some point, one woman, Ravit Dahan, tweeted at Schocken that it was security-minded people like her who kept Israel safe and allowed Schocken “to continue and live here like a king and publish your surreal newspaper without interruption.” At that, the publisher lost his cool.

“You insolent woman!” he tweeted back. “My family led the Zionist movement when you were still swinging from trees.”

It didn’t take long for people to note that a privileged, wealthy, Ashkenazi man accusing a Mizrahi woman of apishness was, to put it mildly, wildly racist. Schocken must’ve realized it, too, as he deleted his tweet and issued an apology, claiming that he didn’t think accusing someone of swinging from trees had any racial connotations.

  • Monday, April 16, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

I should have posted this on Yom HaShoah, especially in light of the Polish law criminalizing discussing Polish complicity in the Holocaust.

Unfortunately I cannot embed it here, but watch it.

For more than 70 years,the story of the barn in Jedwabne,east Poland where the local Christians burned to death their Jewish neighbors-all 1'600 of them-was perceived as a unique case of cruelty and brutality. The movie "2 Barns" proves irrevocably that the Jedwabne incident was not an exception, but rather the rule.Even before the Nazis declared their 'Final Solution' tens of thousands of Jews had been murdered by their neighbors in villages and township all over Poland,Russia and Ukraine. The leading protagonist of our story Prof. Shevah Weiss who served as the Isareli Ambassador to Poland. The story of his survival due to Righteous among the nations allowed the Polish people the opportunity to honestly look into their history throughout the war.
The Historian Prof. Jan Tomasz Gross, who revealed the story of the Jedwabne pogrom. Issac Lewin, who was with his family at the outskirts of the Jedwabne on the day of the pogrom.
The poet Wislawa Szymborska, a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature,who,even she cant put the cruelty of her people into words.
The Historians Prof. Yehuda Bauer,Prof Jan Garbowski and Dr. Havi Driefuss,some of the world's most prominent Holocaust reserarches.

(h/t Phyllis)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
We are introducing a new columnist at EoZ, Noah Phillips. He is a young man who has written for a number of places and who started his own Jewish online magazine. His writing will focus on American Jewish youth but he will be writing on other topics as well.


by Noah Phillips

Earlier this week, fifty NYU student groups voted to support the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, refuse to co-sponsor any events with pro-Israel campus groups, and pressure the premier academic institution to divest any holdings from companies that do business with Israel.  No such group or movement voiced any concerns about Syrian President Assad’s chemical gas attacks on civilians and children in his own country or state-sponsored terrorism by many of Israel’s neighboring countries or campaigns to obliterate Israel out of existence that are regularly mounted in Palestinian school textbooks, imam sermons, and government declarations within the West Bank and Gaza.  In fact, this same week also marked Holocaust Remembrance Day, when we commemorated the savage annihilation of six million Jews and millions of Catholics, Gypsies and others, while most countries of the world sat silently and took no actions to intervene or help. So what should our reaction now be to these organized local BDS efforts to debilitate Israel’s legitimacy as the only democracy--albeit imperfect--in the Middle East region?

According to a 2013 report by the Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), a lead sponsor of the BDS campaign at NYU, “consistently co-sponsors rallies to oppose Israeli military policy that are marked by signs and slogans comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, demonizing Jews and voicing support for groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. JVP has never condemned or sought to distance itself from these messages. Indeed, JVP’s Executive Director Rebecca Vilkomerson recently gave an interview to American Free Press, a conspiracy-oriented anti-Semitic newspaper.”

For a Jewish student organization that preaches peace and coexistence, an appropriate outlook would be to recognize the merits and shortcomings of both the Israeli and Palestinian ideologies, rather than slandering against Israel unconditionally and furthering the partisan divide over the conflict.

Along with the rejectionist group, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), JVP portrays an exclusively one-sided narrative to the Israel-Palestine conflict. The groups and primary sponsors of the student-group-endorsement of BDS solely present the ideologies of Palestinians while ignoring and propagating fallacies regarding Israelis and Israeli society. With the pressing issue of the ongoing protests in Gaza for a so-called right of return for Palestinians, JVP wrote falsely on their website that the protests were peaceful in nature and refused to acknowledge that the protests were largely orchestrated by known terrorists from radical Jihadist groups including al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and of course, Hamas, a days-old example representative of the practices used in anti-Israel advocacy by JVP.

JVP and SJP student affiliates at NYU seek to promote BDS with their anti-Israel contentions distorted and lopsided. No effort was made on the part of the activists to grasp or explain a pro-Israel perspective, a necessary task if any meaningful two-state and peaceful resolution is to be viable. In their pledge, they repeatedly condemn Israel, blatantly overlooking the immense and glaring flaws with the Palestinian nationalist movement. This is particularly disconcerting considering the intended audience of the pledge: the larger NYU student and faculty body.  They hope to sway and mobilize the larger student populace in sympathy with the Palestinian cause, altogether disregarding the Israeli history and context. It’s a shameful tactic not aimed to promote discourse or foster constructive engagement, but promote a hostile political agenda in an aggressive and targeted manner.

And to dispel any lingering doubt about the implications of the pledge, I remind you that BDS is by no means a peaceful movement. Founder of BDS Omar Barghouti has repeatedly condemned the two-state solution for a viable Israel and Palestine in coexistence, and countless other prominent leaders have endorsed the eradication of the Jewish state in favor of the displacement of the millions of Jewish people residing in Israel. The movement from inception has excused violence through economic boycotts, with the intention of crippling Israel and undermining the concept of a Jewish homeland.

While BDS leaders and NYU activists and even NYU professors draw absurd comparisons between Israel and the former South African apartheid regime, pandering to the passionate emotional and rightful moral opposition of students to the suffering endured by black and minority South Africans at the time, such logic is entirely inapplicable to the State of Israel. Israel is the sole democratic state in the Middle East and contrary to the opinions of student leaders on campus, is in fact not a genocidal regime mass-murdering Muslims and raiding West Bank villages. 1.7 million of Israel’s 8.5 million citizens are Arabs, notwithstanding the Druze, Bedouins, the sizable Christian population, and other religious and ethnic minorities in Israel enjoying full and irrevocable integration in Israeli society. There are Arab Members of Knesset (Israeli Parliament), voting and shaping the nation’s democracy, in addition to Arab members of the Israeli Supreme Court.

And having BDS implemented in the ways outlined—promoting an academic and economic boycott and total dissociation and refusal to interact with pro-Israel groups on campus—will only further the marginalization of pro-Israel students at NYU and the abhorrent blurring and legitimization of anti-Semitic sentiments.  

All in all, a deplorable effort.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Germany Abets a New World War
Of course, the U.S. itself views with alarm Iran’s threats against Israel specifically and its nuclear weapons program generally. Not only is a nuclear-backed threat to commit genocide a serious one, a nuclear-armed Iran could easily instigate a new world war.

Alarmingly, in the midst of Germany’s malign efforts to protect Iran and Hezbollah from sanction while permitting them to operate throughout Europe, for the past seven months, the U.S. has been without an ambassador in Germany. Democrats in the Senate are blocking the confirmationof seasoned Republican diplomat Richard Grenell.

While the White House waits for the Senate to permit the U.S. to be represented by an ambassador, the Germans have broken a deal with the U.S. and Israel to permit Israel to run for a rotating UN Security Council seat unopposed. Germany shocked both Israel and the US by opting to run against the Jewish state in the June election. The move ensures, once again, that the Jewish state will be denied representation at the Security Council.

It bears noting that Germany’s central role in empowering Iran and Hezbollah undermines the central rationale of Germany’s postwar governance. For 70 years, the Federal Republic of Germany has insisted it learned the lessons of its past aggression and crimes against humanity.

After fomenting two world wars and carrying out the most egregious genocide in human history, the Germans insist they abjure aggression and take seriously their “special responsibility” to protect the Jewish state. But Germany’s treatment of Iran and Hezbollah on the one hand, and its treatment of Israel on the other hand, indicate that whatever lessons the Germans may have learned, they missed the two most important ones.

First: If you wish to prevent a world war, you shouldn’t empower forces that seek to initiate one.

And second: If you are committed to preventing evildoers from enacting another Holocaust, you shouldn’t enable evildoers committed to annihilating the Jewish state from acquiring the means to do so.

Peter Lerner: The Gaza border – Israel’s White Cliffs of Dover
The Palestinians of Gaza are three weeks into a six-week campaign, the #GazaReturnMarch, that is expected to build up to May 15, or Nakba Day, the day Palestinians mark the establishment of the State of Israel, and their dispersal, chosen or forced, throughout the region.

The main motif of the campaign is the right to march to the lands lost 70 years ago, and as one journalist said, the mixture of participants in the events so far include disenchanted, unemployed young men that wouldn’t know what to do if they crossed the fence but also Hamas’ armed wing, Izzadin Kassam terrorists, that want to attack the IDF along the border fence.

The underlying message, missed by most of the media coverage so far, is the wish to trample the border and extinguish hope for a two-state solution. Beyond the immediate security consequences, this is a main reason for concern, exemplified by one image of a Nazi swastika pitched up alongside the Palestinian flag.

There have been many images of the wounded and killed, and of rocks being hurled, as well as some firebombs and shooting.

Every life lost is a tragedy, and while the IDF went to extensive lengths to convey the message of the dangers of storming the fence, the IDF used live ammunition as a last resort, in a controlled manner to limit casualties, and specifically targeting the lower extremities of violent rioters. Hundreds of people storming into the Israeli communities adjacent to the fence would have most definitely been more lethal. Nevertheless, the deaths must be investigated, and lessons will be learned. This past weekend we experienced less violence on the border fence, which explains the reduction in casualties.

The reality in Gaza today is one of despair, a desperation that is a result of the bad decisions Hamas’ leaders have made. This is one reason for people coming to protest. But for almost 11 years now Hamas has ruled Gaza with an iron fist. That iron fist was chosen by the Palestinian people – but they chose the Islamists over the corrupt Fatah. Since 2007’s violent coup by Hamas, there have been wars, rockets, tunnels and death. Too many deaths.
UNRWA, the EU and the map
The visit of the European Union Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) schools in the Beddawi camp in Lebanon on 27 March was an important and welcomed visit by UNRWA. The EU is now the biggest donor to the UN contributing EUR 82 million to the 2018 UNRWA budget.

But events surrounding the visit also reveal UNRWA’s and the EU’s incapability to deal with extremism in the camp.

Ahead of the commissioners visit to the Beddawi camp, UNRWA decided to polish the facade of its camp. The Palestinian news site Al-Quds News reports that UNRWA had told the inhabitants of the camp:

1. That they had to remove from schools UNRWA flags carrying ”slogans” against the official UNRWA policies.

2. Visible maps of the Palestinian one state solution in which Israel is erased and replaced by an Arab Palestine had to be removed also.

The removal of one such in the Kawkab-Battouf School for Girls caused a lot of angry feelings among the Palestinian Arabs. Terror organizations like Hamas complained and spoke in Palestinian media of the humiliation among those who had to remove the maps, claiming that the decision violates the so called right of refugees to their identity.

The EU commissioner came, gave some speeches and left.

  • Monday, April 16, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Arab Youm recently went into the famous story of how Jews were turned into apes and pigs according to Islamic legend.

The Quran (2:65) refers obliquely to the story:

 And well ye knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath: We said to them: "Be ye apes, despised and rejected."

It is interpreted like this:

This Ayah means, O Jews! Remember that Allah sent His torment on the village that disobeyed Him and broke their pledge and their covenant to observe the sanctity of the Sabbath. They began using deceitful means to avoid honoring the Sabbath by placing nets, ropes and artificial pools of water for the purpose of fishing before the Sabbath. When the fish came in abundance on Saturday as usual, they were caught in the ropes and nets for the rest of Saturday. During the night, the Jews collected the fish after the Sabbath ended. When they did that, Allah changed them from humans into monkeys, the animals having the form closest to humans. Their evil deeds and deceit appeared lawful on the surface, but they were in reality wicked. This is why their punishment was compatible with their crime. This story is explained in detail in Surat Al-A`raf, where Allah said (7:163),

(And ask them (O Muhammad ) about the town that was by the sea; when they transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath (i.e. Saturday): when their fish came to them openly on the Sabbath day, and did not come to them on the day they had no Sabbath. Thus We made a trial of them, for they used to rebel (disobey Allah).)(7:163)

In his Tafsir, Al-`Awfi reported from Ibn `Abbas that he said,

(We said to them: "Be you monkeys, despised and rejected'') means, "Allah changed their bodies into those of monkeys and swines. The young people turned into monkeys while the old people turned into swine.'' Shayban An-Nahwi reported that Qatadah commented on,

(We said to them: "Be you monkeys, despised and rejected''), "These people were turned into howling monkeys with tails, after being men and women.''
In short, the story goes, Jews went around the spirit of the Sabbath law by putting nets to catch fish on Saturday even though they were doing no work, and they were punished by being turned into monkeys and pigs, according to this Islamic legend.

However, the question of whether a Jew can set up nets before the Sabbath and catch fish that way is discussed in the Talmud, in a Mishna in Shabbat 17b:

ב"ש אומרים אין פורסין מצודות חיה ועופות ודגים אלא כדי שיצודו מבעוד יום וב"ה מתירין
 Beit Shammai say: One may spread traps for an animal and birds and fish only if there is sufficient time remaining in the day for them to be trapped in them while it is still day, and Beit Hillel permit doing so even if there is not sufficient time remaining in the day.
Beit Shammai nearly always rules more strictly than Beit Hillel - and Beit Hillel nearly always is the one whose arguments win in Jewish law.

The Islamic story gets Jewish law exactly wrong. Placing the nets is acceptable in Jewish law as interpreted by the Talmud.

The early Islamists knew the Talmud, as is evidenced from the many Talmudic legends that made it into the Quran.

So this story is indeed an antisemitic story, but it goes beyond that - it is apparently an attack on the Talmudic system of jurisprudence, where lenient opinions are often accepted as mainstream. Islamic scholars were seemingly aghast at the idea of "loopholes" in Jewish law provided by the Talmud, and this story is a way for them to assert themselves morally superior not only to Jews, but specifically to the Jews who follow Talmudic law - which is what all normative Jews follow.

When Muslims complain about "Talmudic rituals" today, it might not be a recent phenomenon. It is possible that Muslims felt threatened by the Talmud from  their beginnings, which came after the Talmud was completed. They sometimes try to justify Mohammed as a successor prophet to the Biblical prophets, but the Talmud would contradict that idea, so it could be that the Muslim antipathy to the Talmud is quite old indeed, and this story is merely one early example of it.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, April 16, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Al Akhbar (Lebanon) reports on a European offer to help Gazans.

According to the report, the EU contacted Hamas through a third party to say that if PA president Mahmoud Abbas would impose further sanctions on Gaza, the EU would take over all humanitarian issues and salaries to Gaza civil employees. The EU would receive all the tax revenues that Israel collects for the PA (I assume the percentage that would go to Gaza, not all the revenues.)

To sweeten the deal for Israel to pay the EU directly and not Abbas, Hamas would pledge not to support any military operations for some unspecified number of years  and to prevent any other terror groups from doing the same.

This sounds far fetched, and the PA would never agree to it. I can't tell from the article if this is an official EU proposal or just some NGO trying to throw stuff on the wall to see if anything sticks. Also, Al Akhbar is pro-Hezbollah and anti-PA.

According to the article, Hamas is studying the proposal.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, April 16, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Amnesty's Kristyan Benedict has lashed out at Roger Waters.

Not for his absurd pro-Hamas positions, but for his pro-Assad one:

The article that he refers to says:
The founder and frontman of British band Pink Floyd has echoed Russian propaganda claims that Syria's White Helmets had staged a recent chemical attack that has prompted US-led strikes against Damascus.

Roger Waters made the accusation during a concert in Barcelona on Friday after announcing that a supporter of the volunteer first responders had wanted speak to the crowd about the deadly chemical attack.

"The White Helmets are a fake organisation that exists only to create propaganda for the jihadists and terrorists," Waters said.
When it was pointed out to Benedict that Amnesty and Waters have worked together in the past, on the basis of Waters' purported human rights work as he obsesses about Israel and "Israeli" influence on world media and politics, Benedict acts surprised.

Yet Amnesty had an employee from 2011 to 2016,  who had openly admired Palestinian terrorists and leaders who praised blowing up Jews on his Facebook page. The employee remained on their payroll for some 18 months after it was pointed out to them, and they never said anything against him..

Amnesty has carried water for Hamas by claiming that scores of terrorists were "innocent civilians" killed by Israel.

Benedict has refused to answer my points - because he knows that Amnesty is just as much a tacit supporter of anti-Israel terror by its one-sided reports that blame Israel more than Palestinian terrorists by a 20-1 ratio as Roger Waters is a supporter of Syria's regime.

And now Amnesty is claiming that Roger Waters is only a fool with respect to Syria but still a stand-up guy with respect to supporting Palestinian terror?

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

  • Sunday, April 15, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
I wrote last week about Jerome Segal, an apparently aging hippie and founder of the Jewish Peace Lobby, who is upset that J-Street is not endorsing him against fellow Democrat Ben Cardin, and who had hoped that he could raise $5 million from J-Street.

If you thought he was on 'shrooms beforehand, wait for this.

He sent out another email where he quoted my entire article, not distinguishing between my quoting him and my making fun of him, so his readers have no clue what I really wrote. (And no link to my article so they could see it for themselves. What are you afraid of, Jerry? Actually, I think that he simply doesn't know how to use links.

He quoted me in order to galvanize whoever bothers reading his screeds, saying:
Segal has appealed these decisions, made by J-street President Jeremy Ben-Ami to the J-Street Board, all of which has delighted the right wing organizations. Thus one blogger group that calls themselves "the elders of Zion," wrote: "Nutty peacenik upset that J-Street won't endorse him for Congress"
After quoting my entire article in a way that no one could actually read it, he writes:

 All this gave Dr. Segal a big laugh. He predicted that 100,000 Palestinians will write to the citizens of Maryland asking them to Vote: Jerry in the Ben or Jerry Primary, and it will swing the election.
Yes, Jerome Segal believes that 100,000 Palestinians will write to the citizens of Maryland to ask them to vote for him - and this will help him win.

I predict that zero Palestinians will write to citizens of Maryland on behalf of Jerry Segal.

Let's see who's closer.

Seriously - this poor deluded man is one of the founders of the "peace" movement.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, April 15, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
German news outlet ZDF covers the story of Israel destroying a Hamas tunnel meant to kidnap and bomb Israelis as an example of more "violence" (Gewalt.)

The violence on the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip does not stop. Israel is destroying another Hamas tunnel, but is more cautious [this time.]

Israel's army has claimed to have destroyed another attack tunnel of Gaza-ruling Hamas. The tunnel has reached tens of meters into Israeli territory, said army spokesman Jonathan Conricus. It is the fifth tunnel of this kind that Israel has destroyed in recent months.

No explosives were used in the destruction, Conricus said. In the destruction of a similar tunnel last October, twelve Palestinians were killed.
Yes, what a cycle of violence. Hamas builds tunnels to kill Israelis and Israel destroys them.

Oy gevalt.

In case the bias of commission wasn't egregious enough, note the bias of omission: The 12 (really 14) people killed when the tunnel was destroyed in October were all Islamic Jihad and Hamas terrorists. But to ZDF, they are implied to be civilians. (The impression one gets from reading this story is thatIsrael is "more cautious" because it doesn't want to kill as many civilians this time)

(h/t Petra)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Israel rebukes German paper for claim Jews took Arab land to create Israel
An Israeli diplomat in Berlin reprimanded leading weekly Die Zeit for the cover story of its current issue, which argues that Jews from across the globe “settled Arab lands” to build the State of Israel.

“@zeitonline, friendly reminder: Jews have been living in this land since the time of King David, King Solomon and Jesus,” embassy spokeswoman Adi Farjon tweeted on Thursday.

The article’s headline, “Israel at 70: Why is There No Quiet in This Country?” triggered outrage over the omission of historical facts.

The paper asserted that “Jews from across the world settled Arab lands and simply created facts out of which the State of Israel grew.”

Responding to the omissions in the article, the Anne Frank Educational Center wrote on its Twitter feed that the “historical background of the founding of Israel is not mentioned [nor] centuries-old antisemitism & the Shoah.”

The Frankfurt-based organization added: “Why did Die Zeit not write that since Israel’s creation in 1948 its existence has been threatened?”
Netanyahu: The West should treat Iran the same way it treated Syria
The same resolve the US, Britain and France showed in standing up to Syrian President Bashar Assad's use of chemical weapons in Syria needs to be shown in preventing terrorist states and organizations from getting nuclear capabilities, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a phone conversation Saturday night with British Prime Minister Theresa May.

Netanyahu, who was referring to Iran, spoke about this conversation at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting.

US President Donald Trump has given the European powers – France, Britain and Germany – until May 12 to fix the Iranian nuclear agreement signed in 2015. If it is not satisfactorily altered, he has warned, he will walk away from the deal.

Netanyahu reiterated that Israel fully supported Trump's decision to act against Assad's use of chemical weapons, and added that Jerusalem welcomed the French and British participation in the mission.

Netanyahu said he told May that “the important international message that was given with the attack was zero tolerance for the use of non-conventional weapons. I added that this policy also needs to be expressed in preventing terrorist states and organizations from obtaining nuclear capabilities.”

UN Watch: Corbyn wants ‘dialogue’ with Assad, sanctions on Israel
Jeremy Corbyn’s latest calls for “negotiations for peace” and “a political settlement” in response to Assad gassing to death his own people are part of a pattern whereby the UK Labour Party leader calls for “dialogue” with murderers he likes, as when he called the Hezbollah terrorist group his “friends” with whom the UK should promote “peace, understanding and dialogue.”

In marked contrast, however, when Israel has taken military action to defend itself against Hamas terrorist attacks and rockets fired at civilian population centers, Corbyn’s response is not to call for negotiations, but rather to demands sanctions and “justice” against Israel. As shown below, he has never called for sanctions or justice in regard to Syria.

Corbyn continues to say intervention in Syria should only take place through the UN. Which Russia has repeatedly vetoed…

  • Sunday, April 15, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

This video shows Israeli soldiers approaching a Gaza kid who is at the fence.

They give him a "Bissli" snack.

Even if there were any Western reporters in the area, do you think any of them would have publicized this?

(h/t Yoel)

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  • Sunday, April 15, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

AP has an analysis of why Gazans want to demonstrate against Israel at the border.

Although the named purpose of the demonstrations is to "return" to Israel and destroy it, the AP's Josef Federman and Dan Perry really don't bother to mention that. Even though the name of the demonstration is the "Great Return March."

Apparently, the fact  that Gazans are brainwashed to want to destroy Israel by "returning" to a land most of them never lived in is not worthy of being mentioned.

[I]t’s just the latest reflection of basic facts on the ground: the situation for the 2 million people of Gaza is extraordinarily harsh and difficult to resolve. It’s not surprising so many would risk death by converging on the border fence, which has now happened three Fridays in a row, with dozens killed and hundreds injured.
By and large the people of Gaza — over two-thirds of them descended from refugees who left communities in what is now Israel — cannot leave their tiny strip of arid land along the Mediterranean coast. Anger toward Israel runs deep, yet dependence is great.
The analysis of the players in the region is not terrible, but Federman and Perry miss the real impetus for Hamas throwing its weight behind the riots. They know the facts but they cannot draw the lines:

While the bulk of the article blames Israel for the "blockade" on Gaza, it only mentions in passing the important facts:

For years, President Mahmoud Abbas, based in the West Bank, tried to retain influence in Gaza by paying salaries to tens of thousands of former civil servants and funding fuel shipments from Israel to generate Gaza’s electricity. The unintended result: Abbas provided a safety net that helped keep Hamas in power.

A frustrated Abbas has taken a tougher line over the past year, scaling back electricity subsidies, reducing salaries of his former employees and now threatening to cut them off altogether.

These tough measures have added to the hardship in Gaza but had little effect on Hamas. A renewed attempt at reconciliation has deadlocked over Hamas’ refusal to disarm, collapsing last month after a bombing on the convoy of Abbas’ prime minister during a stop in Gaza.
Israel calibrated its measures to limit the damage Hamas could inflict while still allowing, as much as possible, Gaza civilians to live their lives. Abbas went way beyond that, sharply reducing medicines, electricity, fuel, salaries of critical infrastructure workers  and the paperwork allowing Gazans to receive medical treatment.

It was Abbas' cruel moves that almost brought Hamas to its knees, forcing Hamas to agree to a unification deal that would have sharply restricted its power. But they two sides disagreed on the extent and the deal fell through. So Abbas maintains his own blockade, far beyond what Israel and Egypt do, with little international reaction.

Hamas is worried about its people revolting. Polls shows that Gazans now prefer Fatah over Hamas by a large margin. 

So Hamas needs to get the people back on its side, distract them from their misery, act like it is the vanguard of the resistance, and - as usual - use Israel as the focal point of any actions.

The "Great Return March," based on the myths that Palestinians tell their kids from birth that they have a "right" to destroy Israel, fits Hamas' goals perfectly. It wasn't Hamas' idea but Hamas ran with it, since it was exactly what it needed to maintain its control over Gaza.

Getting people to die was exactly what Hamas wanted, to fuel successive riots and demonstrations.

The world media sees all the facts, but because of their skewed view of the region and their inability to look beyond Arab propaganda talking points, they simply cannot draw the lines and realize what the riots are all about.

The Great Return March is a magician's trick, a master class in misdirection to redirect potential Gaza anger at Hamas into anger against Israel.

And the fake "right of return" - the wish to destroy Israel - is a critical component.

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  • Sunday, April 15, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Gazans demonstrated today in support of the regime that gasses its own people.

A group of people in Gaza City denounced the US-led raids on Syria on Friday night, calling them "continued violations by the US administration on the sovereignty of the Arab countries."

They said that Syria will remain steadfast in the face of evil and terrorism practiced by the US, Britain and France.

Flags from Syria, Iran and Hezbollah were waved.

Hamas does not allow demonstrations that go against its own positions.

One of many ironic points made by speaker Talal Abu Zarifa was that "this aggression is an attack on international law against a member of the General Assembly of the United Nations."

Israel is also a member of the General Assembly.

This pro-Assad chant, although in Arabic, sounds exactly like the mindless leftist demonstrations one sees in Western college campuses.

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