Wednesday, February 07, 2018

From Ian:

Why the Reduction in U.S. Aid to UNRWA Is Justified
Europe has ignored important reasons for the Palestinians' distress - such as Hamas' huge annual investments of hundreds of millions of dollars in the manufacture of rockets and the construction of attack tunnels, all at the expense of Gaza's needy residents. No one has ever inquired how much money from humanitarian contributions ends up in the private bank accounts of Palestinian leaders.

The Europeans started asking questions only when it was proved to them that the Palestinian Authority was using aid contributions to pay sizable salaries to Palestinian terrorists who had been convicted and imprisoned in Israel, and to build public institutions and name them after terrorists.

According to the Congressional Research Service, since the Oslo Agreement the U.S. has given the PA $5.2 billion, the highest American foreign-aid total per capita. During the same period, the U.S. gave UNRWA $4.5 billion. The Obama administration doubled American allocations to both the PA and UNRWA. In 2008, the PA received $400 million; in 2009, $900 million. In 2008, UNRWA received $184 million; in 2009, $268 million.

The reduction in aid to UNRWA is justified because this agency perpetuates the Palestinians' status as refugees. Most of its employees in Gaza are affiliated with Hamas, and its schools preach hatred of Jews and Israel. Rockets are stashed beneath the floors of these schools and fired at Israel from their vicinity.

UNRWA should have been closed down long ago and its functions transferred to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, which deals with refugees on a worldwide basis.
UNRWA: The greatest obstacle to peace
The United States' definition of a refugee is similar to that of other counties. According to this accepted definition, refugee status is not passed down by inheritance and is not valid for those persons who are citizens of other countries or who live in what is supposedly their own territory. In contrast, more than 2 million Palestinian "refugees" live in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, lands they claim constitute part of their territorial homeland.

If we remove from UNRWA's list of refugees those people who do not meet any of the three criteria, we will then come back to a more reasonable number of somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 Palestinian refugees from the 1948 War of Independence. The remainder could, of course, request humanitarian aid, but they would not be considered refugees by UNRWA.

If the countries of the world are interested in funding genuine humanitarian aid for the Palestinians, this can be done through a variety of alternative channels, whose aim is to create a better future for the population. But first, they must stop using the term "refugees." This is not just a question of semantics: A change in terminology could give the Palestinians hope for a better future instead of ensuring they maintain the victimhood mentality and pass it on to future generations. Second, they must only release funds for the Palestinians on the condition they are then integrated into their host countries or alternatively, those Palestinians living outside Judea, Samaria Gaza find a third country to which to emigrate. Third, they must ensure the funds do not go toward terrorism and incitement.

The implementation of these steps will lead the PA to acknowledge its defeat in the war against the Jewish people's right to self-determination and will put an end to the Palestinian leadership's cynical use of their people and their supporters for the prevention of a solution to the conflict and finally bring about peace.
Reporter to UNRWA: 'Where has all the flour gone?'
The Israel Resource News Agency and Center for Near East Policy Research, an agency founded by American immigrant David Bedein in Jerusalem retains local professional (read that "Arabic speaking") journalists who cover UNRWA facilities in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza, producing stories about UNRWA, Hamas and the PA.

Bedein reports that a study he did of memos from UNRWA to Holland, the US, Canada, Australia and the Israel Civil Administration over last year, shows that UNRWA gave assurances that new textbooks and the atmosphere in UNRWA schools would now reflect peace advocacy. They were to be free of the indoctrination to violence which characterized both the previous UNRWA school books translated by the agency and the contents of talks with UNRWA students interviewed over the past few years.

The news agency's local journalists recently acquired the 2018 school books provided by the PA for UNRWA and have checked the contents thoroughly. A report on the textbooks and the screening of two short films of interviews with UNRWA students will take place at the Jerusalem municipality on Thursday, February 8, at 4:30 p.m.

Arutz Sheva received a preview of the report, which shows that except for two pages about peace in new PA/UNRWA school books, UNRWA indoctrination continues, in all UNRWA schools, UNRWA school books and the UNRWA public domain.

It also reveals that although 68 donor nations continue to pour food, medicine and cash into all UNRWA camps, the UNRWA workers union, under tight control of Hamas for the past 18 years, hoards all humanitarian supplies, while contracting foreign press to witness and record a staged UNRWA humanitarian crisis. "If there were a UNRWA Universal Studios, they couldn't do better," Bedein quips.

  • Wednesday, February 07, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
The leftist feminist movement celebrates Muslim women wearing hijab as if it is a symbol of human rights., of resistance to racism and anti-colonialist.

But real Muslim women know better:

Videos showing women burning the hijab are being posted on social media in solidarity with a protest movement against enforced headscarf in Iran.
Posted online with the hashtag #NoHijabDay, a response to last week's World Hijab Day event, the videos show women removing their headscarves and setting them on fire in front of the camera.

Anoud Al Ali, who grew up in the United Arab Emirates but is now living in France, posted a video of herself burning the hijab and called it 'true happiness'.
She details how she used to be forced to wear the headscarf by her family and in school or she would be punished with lower grades.  
Here's another similar video for #NoHijabDay by an ex-Muslim Canadian woman:

This is besides the heroism of ordinary Iranian women who face jail time for taking off their hijabs:

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

  • Wednesday, February 07, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
UNRWA flack Scott Anderson writes in Foreign Policy:
The population that UNRWA works with is highly vulnerable and dependent upon the international community to help feed their poor, educate their children, and care for their sick. One million Palestinians in Gaza alone survive on food provided by UNRWA. Our schools educate over half a million children in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, and the West Bank, and they have proven to be centers of excellence, consistently outperforming government schools in the region. All of our students receive education in human rights, nonviolent conflict resolution, and tolerance of differences.
It is probably true that UNRWA schools outperform government schools. The answer is to help create a good standard for all, not to treat Palestinians as different, which breeds resentment. No modern NGOs would ever consider setting up a separate school system, and there is a good reason why: it violates the basic NGO dictum of "do no harm" and 'conflict sensitivity."

And it is also true that UNRWA teaches a human rights curriculum. However, it doesn't teach that Jews have any rights to live in Israel. It hardly fosters peace. On the contrary, it teaches children that there will be no peace as long as Israel exists as a Jewish state.
A world that is willing to watch as hungry children cannot access food, students are shut out of their schools, and mothers can no longer access prenatal care is not the world any of us want to live in.
Why cannot Palestinians be fed through the World Food Programme? Why can they not attend Palestinian or Jordanian public schools? Why do they need their own medical infrastructure separate from those of their fellow Arabs? Why, indeed, does the world tolerate Arabs discriminating against Palestinians in their midst?

Just because UNRWA provides services does not mean that it is the only entity that should provide services. This is an argument to keep an agency funded against the best interests of the people of the region. It is an argument to keep Palestinian "refugees" treated differently from their neighbors, forever.

I don't think that President Trump has handled the UNRWA issue as well as he should have, but there is a chance to open up a conversation as to why a single UN agency deserves a billion dollars a year compared the much more dire needs of impoverished people across the world, why funds should be distributed so unevenly.

Most importantly, the point must be made: UNRWA wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Arab discrimination against Palestinians since 1948, and it shouldn't exist in the West Bank or Gaza at all since people cannot be considered "refugees" when they live in their own land.

That is the conversation that UNRWA is desperately trying not to allow the world to have.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, February 07, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas has declared Ahmad Jarrar, the murderer of Rabbi Raziel Shevach, to be a "martyr" and a hero who followed the footsteps of his terrorist father:

But it isn't only Hamas who is enamored with Jarrar.

Fatah makes exactly the same point in this poster on its Facebook page:

The caption says "this cub is from that lion," making it clear that Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah is on the same page as Hamas in supporting the murders of Jews.

And the Fatah logo is on this poster that puts Jarrar at the center of recent "martyrs:"

Interestingly, unlike every other Hamas terrorist, Hamas has de-emphasized any photos of Jarrar holding a weapon. I found this one in a tenth of a second clip in a Hamas video, and apparently it is a photo-illustration:

It is also notable that the numbers of Palestinians who have been going in the streets to defend and support the terrorists that have murdered two Jews recently has dwarfed the number who have been attending Fatah's "Days of Rage" for Jerusalem.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory

Check out their Facebook page.

African childrenTel Aviv, February 7 - A human-rights-monitoring group showcased a survey today of Arabs who hold Israeli citizenship regarding the impending deportation of illegal African migrants as evidence that the Jews of Israel harbor ethnically prejudiced attitudes.

The Rights-Auditing Committee on Israeli Social Trends (RACIST) released a report today citing that because half of the Arab-Israelis surveyed in a recent poll supported the expulsion of illegal migrants from Africa to either their country of origin or a stable third state, the Jews of Israel must be racist.

A poll this week revealed that half of the Arab citizens of Israel who responded agreed with the government's stated intention to deport thousands of such migrants. In response, RACIST issued an analysis of the survey that asserts such numbers demonstrate the systemic racism inherent in Israel's Jewish majority, and called on the international community to take measures to punish Israel for such depravities.

"First, we dispute the relevance of categorizing people as 'Jewish' or 'Arab' Israelis for purposes of the poll," the report read. "Standard practice in NGO work calls for that distinction to be made only when it fits the narrative of evil-Jews, evil-Israel, victim-Arab. Methodologically, then, this poll only shows that half of Israelis want black Africans expelled, which is a bona fide indicator of racism."

"Second, even granting the validity of an ethnically specific focus for such a survey, the results provide evidence for racism," the report continued. "Why do the Arabs who hold Israeli citizenship want Africans deported? Because the Africans compete with Arabs for low-wage, low-skill jobs. There you have evidence that the Jewish majority relegates the Arab minority to poor, second-class status, forcing them to compete with migrants in the cheap labor market." The report included no discussion of the skyrocketing rate at which Arabs are earning academic degrees, and the fact that many Jewish Israelis from the Haredi sector occupy the same economic class. However, a spokesman for RACIST dismissed that data.

"You're ignoring the first methodological point," argued Kagni Tiv de Sonantz, the organization's deputy director. "You can't just cite data without filtering it through the narrative test first. If you were to cite the data in such a way that makes Israeli Jews look bad, that would be one thing, but that's not what you're doing with your question. It's disingenuous, and therefore evidence that Israeli society is disingenuous about everything, especially it's concern for non-Jews. Assuming you're Israeli. Which I am, for purposes of this analysis, because it fits the proper narrative."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

‘Arafat got a Nobel so BDS nomination no surprise’ say Israel activists
Pro-Israel activists have expressed contempt of the Nobel Peace Prize after the BDS movement received a nomination, pointing to the fact that late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat received the award in 1994.

The leader of the Red Party in the Norwegian Parliament, Bjornar Moxnes, nominated the International BDS movement on Friday, stating: “As a member of the Norwegian parliament, I proudly use my authority as an elected official to nominate the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights for the Nobel Peace Prize.”

“Awarding a Nobel Peace Prize to the BDS movement would be a powerful sign demonstrating that the international community is committed to supporting a just peace in the Middle East and using peaceful means to end military rule and broader violations of international law," Moxnes wrote in a statement published by Inter Press Service news agency.

Many pro-Israel activists took to social media to express their disdain of the nomination.

"The BDS movement is an anti-peace movement, they made this very clear over and over again," Israeli activist Hen Mazzig told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. "They are 'anti-normalization' of the relationship between Jews and Arabs and actively pushing Palestinians and Israelis to fight each other."

On Monday, Mazzig debated Rebecca Vilkomerson, the Executive Director of the far-left organization Jewish Voice for Peace on i24 News.

Jewish Voice for Peace is reportedly among some 20 organizations on a blacklist Israel is compiling as part of its ban on BDS activists.

The US-organization tweeted that the nomination was “wonderful news.”
The Cape Town water crisis — proudly brought to you by BDS
Cape Town 2018 is what happens when a city is more concerned about politics than people. Cape Town 2018 is what happens when national government wants to demonstrate to local government who is boss. Cape Town 2018 is what happens when local government is not equipped to deal with a real crisis. And Cape Town 2018 is what happens when communication falls apart to the point that the noise is so deafening, that no message can be heard.

Cape Town 2018 is also what happens when relevant lifesaving solutions are discarded because of BDS and anti-Semitism.

Cape Town is set to be the first major city to run out of water. The city is experiencing its worst drought in history. Residents are being asked to utilize less than 50 liters (13 gallons) per day and it is unlikely that it will avoid “Day Zero.” The day the taps run dry. It is unimaginable what contingencies can be put in place to deal with the series of events that will follow this day.

We all have that friend. Mine often sends me a WhatsApp simply saying “ITYS!” At first, I had no idea what he meant, until I realized he was saying “I told you so” (but was too busy to type out the sentence). It’s annoying and frustrating and infuriating. Especially when he is right. And maybe sometimes it’s not bad to hear it.

There is no satisfaction in the fact the residents of Cape Town are on the brink of a humanitarian crisis that could have and should have been avoided. Even if we saw it coming.
Trump Admin Thwarts Irish Effort to Boycott Israel, Criminalize Trade
The Trump administration played a key role in thwarting a recent effort by the Irish government to boycott Israel and make it a crime for Irish citizens to purchase products made in contested areas of the Jewish state, a move that would have severely jeopardized Ireland's trade with the United States, according to multiple sources familiar with the situation.

The Irish Parliament was poised last week to pass a major piece of legislation that would make it crime to engage in trade with Israelis. The bill, which was seen as part of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, or BDS, would have imprisoned Irish citizens who purchased souvenirs in Israel for a maximum of five years and subjected them to a fine of more than $310,000.

Upon learning of the effort, senior Trump administration officials in the State Department are said to have scrambled to open up channels to Irish leaders in a bid to scuttle the bill and avoid a standoff with the Irish government over the measure.

Trump administration officials are said to have made clear to Irish leaders that passage of the bill would put them starkly at odds with the United States and subject them to inclusion on a list of countries supporting boycotts of the Jewish state.

While some Irish lawmakers described the effort as a "crackpot bill," its passage through the Parliament was all but assured until U.S. officials from the Trump administration became involved, multiple sources told the Free Beacon.

  • Tuesday, February 06, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
This morning, the terrorist behind the murder of Rabbi Raziel Shevach was killed by the IDF.

Hamas took credit for the attack in their press release on his "martyrdom."

Luckily, the other Hamas "martyrs" of the week managed to die without hurting anyone.

Qassam Brigades field commander Mohammed Mousa died after a long illness.

 Mahmoud Safadi "died while working in a tunnel of the resistance" last Wednesday.

May all members of Hamas get the opportunity to show how much they love death sooner rather than later.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, February 06, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ken Roth:

Where to begin?

Roth feels that he can only publicly support Iranian women fighting compulsory hijab after saying that the Shah was just as wrong to ban it. The issue cannot stand on its own; it has to be contextualized to say that, hey, secular people can be just as bad as Islamists.

As other tweeters pointed out, the Shah didn't ban the hijab - Reza Shah did in 1936 and the last Shah of Iran (who is the person that "the Shah" invariably refers to) dropped that ban.

Roth hasn't said a word about compulsory hijab since the Ayatollah Khomeini mandated it in 1979. Only now, after Iranian women are bravely walking bareheaded, does Roth feel comfortable enough to take a position that he otherwise would fear would sound too "Islamophobic."

And suddenly Roth seems to care about religious freedom to wear the hijab if one wants. But ask him if Jews should have the religious freedom to visit their holiest sites unmolested and ...crickets.

This is Ken Roth in a nutshell - hypocritical, not interested in facts, and not leading the fight for human rights but pretending to support them only after the real brave women of Iran make the issue safe for him.

Because the main rule of HRW isn't human rights - it is to avoid upsetting the Muslims, and only then to tentatively ask for human rights from the Islamists once he can make sure that his message is watered down to their standards.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

PMW: Fatah honors last month’s murderer of father of 6 as “young lion”
Abbas' Fatah Movement was quick to honor as a "Martyr" Ahmed Nasr Jarrar who led the group of terrorists who shot and murdered Rabbi Raziel Shevach, father of 6, in a drive-by shooting last month. The terrorist was killed by Israeli soldiers yesterday while resisting arrest. Fatah posted the picture of Jarrar with his father, calling him the "young lion":

Texts below faces: "Martyr Nasr Jarrar ... Martyr Ahmed Nasr Jarrar" [Official Fatah Facebook page, Feb. 6, 2018]

The image shows terrorist Ahmed Nasr Jarrar (left) and his father, terrorist Nasr Jarrar, who is holding an assault rifle. The father was a Hamas terrorist who planned two attacks in central Israel - a double suicide bombing in the Sheba Hospital and a truck bombing in a multi-story building - attacks that were thwarted when he was killed and other members of his terror cell were caught by Israeli soldiers in 2002.

After the attack, Palestinian Media Watch documented that Fatah celebrated that "a settler was killed." Fatah also uploaded a graphic image (see below) of the body of the dead terrorist Jarrar with weapons beside him, honoring him for "facing" the Israeli soldiers rather than running away:

Posted text: "'He faced forward and did not turn his back' Martyr (Shahid) Ahmed Nasr Jarrar"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Feb. 6, 2018]

Fatah also posted the video footage of the Israeli Arab terrorist Abd Al-Hakim Adel murdering Rabbi Itamar Ben-Gal, the 29 year old father of 4, yesterday, calling the terror attack an "operation."

Khaled Abu Toameh: Palestinians: The Atrocities No One Talks About
Why the need to keep reminding the world of the plight of the Palestinians in Syria? It is because the international community and pro-Palestinian groups around the world do not seem to care about the atrocities that are being committed against Palestinians in Syria or any Arab country because they were not committed by Israel.

The 82-year-old Mahmoud Abbas, meanwhile, has made clear where his priorities stand. Instead of searching for ways to help his people in Syria and the Gaza Strip, where hospitals are facing a deathly shortage of fuel and medicine, Abbas has just spent $50 million to purchase a "presidential plane."

Abbas, however, could not care less. In his view, the needs of his people are the responsibility of the world. He wants everyone but himself to continue funneling financial aid to the Palestinians. For him, delivering a speech before the EU Parliament or the UN General Assembly easily takes precedence over the Palestinians who are dying due to lack of medicine and food.
Melanie Phillips: Nunes memo, Obama/Farrakhan, Poland
Please join me here as I discuss with Avi Abelow of Israel Video Network the Nunes memo, shock at the Obama/Farrakhan picture and the new Polish law against claiming Poland was involved in the Holocaust.

  • Tuesday, February 06, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

What the Israeli-Palestinian conflict needs most is an "honest broker."

At least that what Federica Mogherini says. When Trump announced the US was going to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, she claimed that he had forfeited a degree of leadership in leading the negotiation of peace:

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.
Source: Union Europea En Perù

What's so great about being an honest broker anyway?

The phrase "honest broker" goes back to the German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, who applied the term to himself in 1878. At the time he was trying to mediate between Russia and Austria-Hungary.

Bismarck claimed he could be an honest broker, be impartial, because his main interest was not the dispute itself, but rather to see the two sides settle their dispute amicably. In addition, Germany was allied with both Russia and Austria and wanted to maintain the diplomatic relations with both countries.

Bismarck was neither indifferent nor disinterested -- but he did claim he could be impartial.

Otto von Bismarck. From German Federal Archive. Public Domain

Compare that with Trump and his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital -- not exactly an impartial move on his part. For that matter, neither is his decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem (though it is the next logical step), cut back on the funds the US provides to UNRWA or the rumored possibility that Trump will refuse to recognize UNRWA's extension of the definition of "Palestinian refugee" to future generations.

Trump is not acting as an honest broker, nor is his claiming to be. But that was not always the case.

During the presidential campaign, Trump made a point of claiming to be neutral and said that he would not take sides during any peace negotiations.

In response, Rubio claimed that being neutral made you anti-Israel:
"The position you've taken is an anti-Israel position," Rubio said. "And here's why. Because you cannot be an honest broker in a dispute between two sides in which one of the sides is constantly acting in bad faith." Rubio said the Palestinian Authority has "walked away from multiple efforts to make peace" and cited Palestinian terrorist activity.
Once elected, Trump seemed to be taking a neutral approach. According to the Times of Israel, while visiting the Middle East last year in March, "Greenblatt worked exceedingly hard to be perceived by the players he met in Israel, the West Bank and Jordan as an honest broker." [emphasis added]

While some may have questioned Trump's ability to remain neutral, based on some of his associations - especially his Jewish son-in-law, Trump did not take any flagrant action that could be construed as favoring Israel. And then came the announcement.

But just as Rubio claimed that being neutral was the equivalent of being anti-Israel, it could be that being openly pro-Israel could be the only way to be that "honest broker" for peace. At least that was the stand Pence had taken back in 2014.

Herb Keinon quoted Pence in an article reacting to Trump's recognition of Jerusalem:
Those who say that Trump’s decision removes the United States as an honest broker in the Middle East peace process and who see the removal of this “honest broker” tag from the Americans as something that is a negative, should consider what Pence said three years ago in Jerusalem.

At a town hall event put together by Republicans Abroad Israel, Pence – then the governor of Indiana and a possible 2016 presidential candidate – said that America should not aspire to be an “honest broker” in the Middle East, but rather communicate to the world that while it wants an honest and fair solution to the conflict, “we are on the side of Israel.”

Pence said the US can “deal honestly with people on all sides of the equation,” while making clear what “side of the table” it is on.

Being an honest broker may not be all it is cracked up to be.

Take the EU for example - they have not been neutral on the issue of Jerusalem at all.

For example, in 2016 the European Union described its East Jerusalem Programme:
The overall objective of the EU's East Jerusalem Programme is based on the European Council Conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process to maintain the viability of the two-state solution with Jerusalem as the future capital of two states. The specific objective of the Programme is to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian East Jerusalem residents and to preserve the Palestinian character of the city. The East Jerusalem Programme is a multi-sectoral investment that has grown to approximately 10 million Euros annually

If Trump was "discredited a bit" as an honest broker by his Jerusalem announcement, one can ask whether the European Union was ever an honest broker -- a question all the more relevant with the EU claiming a right to be part of the search of a peaceful solution.

This goes hand in hand with the EU construction of illegal buildings, knowing that Israel would take structures down. As Elder of Ziyon notes, the illegality of the buildings is exceeded only by the propaganda value the EU is squeezing out the issue.

But creating negative PR against Israel appears to be a specialty of the EU, and they go out of their way to create it.

Last week, Algemeiner reported on a report that the EU deliberately leaked to The Guardian:
A European Union report leaked to The Guardian newspaper expressed ire over Israeli tourism in and around Jerusalem’s Old City, calling the ongoing development of Jewish infrastructure a form of “touristic settlement.”

The EU Heads of Mission in Jerusalem issued a report warning that the development of Jewish tourism in the ancient City of David, currently located within a heavily populated Palestinian neighborhood, and a planned cable car that would transport tourists from the Western sections of the city to the Western Wall plaza within the Old City, were “a political tool to modify the historical narrative and to support, legitimize, and expand settlements.” The report asserts that the projects promote the “historic continuity of the Jewish presence in the area at the expense of other religions and cultures.”
Making Jerusalem safe and open for Muslims and Christians as well as Jews is apparently not enough. Defending Jewish ties to Jerusalem, and the Old City, at a time when UNESCO is playing havoc with Jewish history, goes against EU principles.

Some principles. The EU regularly leaks these reports to the press each year. NGO Monitor reports these yearly leaks are in violation of internal EU processes and diplomatic norms:
As in the past, this EU report was leaked to the media where its conclusions were covered extensively in Israel and internationally. Yet, despite the leak, the report is still considered an internal document. Thus, the content of the report can affect policy makers and public opinion, but it remains shielded from public scrutiny and bypasses recognized diplomatic norms.
Clearly, EU is no honest broker -- so what is it whining about?
Is EU jealous of Trump doing what they do?

Or is it because Trump appears to be in the process of dismantling, to some degree, the accepted framework for dealing with the issue of the Palestinian Arabs, and in the process reminding people of just how ineffective the status quo has been.

Trump has shed the role of being an honest broker, but at least he is clear about what he is doing and why, as opposed to the EU's machinations.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, February 06, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
From a GoFundMe page:
My name is Emtiaz Zourob (36 years old). I am a writer from Gaza, Palestine. I have granted an asylum in 2015 and my family had an approval to come to USA in 2016. They left Gaza to Egypt and now they are in Cairo for more one year. My family's visa interview was in April 19, 2017. After the interview , they put our case under the administrative processing.

Now we are waiting the US embassy to finish what they called "administrative processing". My husband and I sent a lot of emails to the embassy telling them about our difficult situation and asked them to expedite the administrative processing but we don't get any good response from them until now. They keep saying " Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing ".I can't understand why this administrative processing is taking a long time.

I didn't see my husband Ramzi Zourob and my two kids, Rama (9 years old) and Ahmed (5 years old) for 3 years!
I am trying to work hard to pay my bills and fix my old car or buy a new one but I am still so sick, I can't do it. I need money to establish a new life here for me and for my family, and to continue my study to get master's degree.

In Oct 2, 2017. I got my green card and now it is allowed to me to go to Egypt to see my family for a while then comeback. I feel so excited but the problem is I have to wait until I am done with my procedure and I don’t have enough money to pay my bills and to buy the ticket and gifts to my kids. I will spend one month there, I know it will be very difficult to leave them again, but I have to.

So please help a mom with a broken heart to be reunited with her family again.
Lancaster Online wrote last year:
Three years ago, Palestinian writer Emtiaz Zourob said goodbye to her husband and two children and fled Gaza after being warned her life was in danger because of her views.
U.S. authorities granted her asylum and led her to believe her family would be able to join her in Lancaster, where she was resettled.
Then, with election of Donald Trump as president, Zourob’s hopes for family reunification crashed.
This seems to be the same Emtiaz Zourob who wrote a book extolling female suicide bombers. (Her blog talks about her books and her moving to America, so I'm 99% sure it is the same person.)

Two students at the Islamic University of Gaza had a project to translate "Palestinian Women Through History," by Emitiaz Zoroub, into English.  The book praises female suicide bombers and other female terrorists in no uncertain terms.

 Female Human BombThe "Female martyers" [sic]  is not an incidental phenomena in the Palestinian community. The phenomenon, which began during the second Intifada, was used against the enemy. It caused much damage to the enemy as it forced it to panically search for "human bombs" who were ready to detonate themselves anytime.

Those women, who sacrificed their lives for the cause of their country, were highly educated and satisfied in their personal lives. However, they suffered from the effects of the 1948 Nakbah, (the Palestinian Catastrophe), as well as from the continuing effects of the Israeli apartheid regime. This suffering turned them to 'movable human bombs', in order to stop all barbaric attacks against their people. So they chose to leave their families, friends, ambitions and joined the path of resistance in order to secure a bright future for their people.
Specific female terrorists are described in romantic ways:
On Sunday morning January 27, [2002] Wafa [Idris] woke up greeting her mother as usual and telling her ' the situation is so difficult that makes everyone expect death anytime" Then she left to her voluntary work in the "Red crescent". When she arrived, she greeted everyone for the last time, trying to copy everyone's face and to take with her the memories that will not die. Then she left to the Yafa street in Jerusalem city. On her way she started to remember men, women and children who were wounded or died from Israeli forces attacks; those faces that provoked her to revenge and give other peace. Idris, a volunteer medic who raised doves and adored children, blew herself to pieces in less than a minute, in a downtown shopping district, killing an Israeli man and wounding many other people.

Surrounded herself by an explosive belt Dareen [Abu Aisheh] ran to her target on 27/2/2002. She walked proudly and with confident steps as if she were walking toward the gates of Heavens, and within minutes she blew herself up near the Bit Sira military checkpoint, killing scores of Israelis and injuring others. 
Why was a woman who openly praises the most heinous kinds of terrorists allowed to gain asylum, and a green card, in the US?

(h/t Michelle G)

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From Israel's MFA in February, 2016:

President of Israel Reuven Rivlin (9 February 2016) addressed a ceremony at the President's Residence marking the appointment of seven new Qadis - judges in the Muslim religious (Shariah) courts in Israel. The event was attended by Justice Minsiter Ayelet Shaked MK, as well as the President of the Shariah Court of Appeal Qadi Daoud Zini, and saw the appointment of two Shariah Court of Appeal judges, and five who will serve in the regional Shariah Courts.

The President began by congratulating all the newly appointed judges and said, "Your appointment today serves directly and tangibly the entire Muslim community of Israel. The ceremony today is especially poignant and special, as the last such appointment ceremony for Qadis held at the President's Residence was more than six years ago. Your swearing in today is a tribute to the important work of the appointment committee, whom I wish to personally thank. The new forces joining the Shariah judiciary today refresh and bring new strength and spirit to one of the oldest and most important judicial systems in the State of Israel."

The President stressed, "The existence of the state-supported Shariah courts in Israel, reflects the recognition of the unparalleled importance of the vitality of communities, cultures and traditions to the fabric of the life in the modern state. The authority of the Shariah courts - as assured by Israeli law - to me reflects the fundamental principle that an attachment to faith, to tradition, to a culture and community, is not solely the issue of the individual. Such affiliations are a basic right of a citizen in a democracy, and accordingly it is the obligation of the state to support and nurture them."

Since then, Israel has appointed the first female Qadi judge:

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Monday, February 05, 2018

From Ian:

Irish anti-Semites and the Israeli Left
The attempt by anti-Israel elements in Ireland to promote legislation that would define economic relations with Jews beyond the pre-1967 armistice line as a criminal offense was unfortunately nothing new. What separated the Irish attempt at a boycott of Israel was a remark by one of the country's officials who promoted the legislation, Senator David Norris. Norris, who for some reason considers himself an Israel "expert," accused Russian immigrants to Israel of ruining the country by making it lean to the political Right.

The similarities between Norris' statement and the beliefs of many on the Israeli Left regarding Israeli Jews from the former Soviet Union are astonishing. Norris, a one-time leading presidential candidate in Ireland, has been riding the wave of anti-Israel propaganda in recent years and prides himself on being anti-Zionist. Israel's haters can at times correctly identify historic milestones. After all, even a broken clock is right twice a day. And so, I am happy to confirm the assessment of Norris, the "expert," that aliyah from the former Soviet Union has, in fact, changed the face of the only democratic country in the Middle East. This huge wave of immigration was the end of the dream of the Irish senator and his ilk of witnessing the dissolution of Zionist Israel.

Before the mass arrival of Soviet Jews, many believed the future of Zionism was in question, if only for demographic reasons. While the Israelis saw this as a threat and the Arabs and their supporters saw this as a blessing, both sides were correct in their assessments. Late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's boast that the womb of the Arab woman was his strongest weapon against the Jews was not disconnected from reality. But immigration from the former Soviet Union served to remove the demographic issue from the agenda. The Jewish majority achieved as a result of this mass immigration allows us to now smile at the bleak predictions in the 1980s of our demise. It was God's gift of immigration that allowed Israel's population to instantaneously increase by 20%, solving numerous problems affecting every aspect of life, from guaranteeing there would be enough recruits for the Israel Defense Forces to providing a solution to the lack of medical, education and elite technology experts.

In Responding to the New Anti-Semitism, Jews Must Refuse to Apologize for Themselves
In his reflections on Holocaust Remembrance Day, the British novelist and essayist Howard Jacobson urges Jews not to internalize the messages of today’s anti-Semitism, which so often come in the form of anti-Zionism:

The modern anti-Semite is more subtle than his great-grandparents. He doesn’t smash our windows or our bones. He insinuates himself into consciences that are already troubled and works on spirits that are already half-broken. And we are too responsive to his serpent insinuations. When the history of Jew-hating in our time comes to be written, Jewish collusion in it will feature heavily. . . .

To the question, . . . “How do any of us, as Jews, fulfill the great task imposed on us [by the memory of the Holocaust]?,” here is my part-answer: stop apologizing and resist the sirens who would lure you onto the rocks of guilt and self-dislike, singing of Jewish materialism, Jewish legalism, Jewish exclusivism, Jewish supremacism, Jewish imperialism, Zionism. . . .

[A]lthough we intone the words “never again”—now as a prayer, now as a supplication, now as a commitment—we cannot rid ourselves of the fear that it, or something like it, might indeed happen again. . . . [W]e now accept that it was wild fantasy to hope that after the Holocaust we’d be left alone. . . . But we thought anti-Semitism itself might take a short break. . . . What no one could have expected was the speed with which they found a way round any such compunctions, not least by denying that anything had happened at all. Holocaust—what Holocaust? . . .

But it’s not those obsessive “deniers” who trouble Jacobson the most; rather it’s those who wish to relativize the Holocaust by means of invidious comparisons:
Stephen Pollard: Snowflakes? They're today's fascists! There's nothing funny about the march of the PC brigade
Last weekend I, along with many around the world, commemorated Holocaust Memorial Day. As editor of the country’s leading Jewish newspaper, The Jewish Chronicle, it is a memorial of particular significance.

Through editing the newspaper, I am confronted daily with the legacy of that unique evil, including the suppression of debate, the distortion of truth and even the burning of books at the heart of that terrible chapter in our history.

I know, too, that the Third Reich’s totalitarian impulse – that only one type of question and one type of answer are legitimate, and all else must be extinguished – is far from unique because repressive regimes the world over continue to ban freedom of enquiry and freedom of expression.

We must be on our guard.

If we close our minds to ideas that upset us, the long-term consequence is that our minds will atrophy. We will no longer be able to think for ourselves, writes Stephen Pollard (photograph of Hitler Youth members burning books, dated 1938)

You might wonder, then, what Friday night’s attack on Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg as he attempted to give a talk to students has to do with this. Or last week’s decision – now reversed in the face of near-universal outrage – by Manchester Art Gallery to remove a pre-Raphaelite painting featuring mild nudity, Hylas And The Nymphs.

These are both an attempt to silence a view because it offends some people. It is for good reason that a new word entered the Oxford English Dictionary last month: a snowflake is ‘an overly sensitive or easily offended person’.

Stephane Legar is a dancer, model and singer. He was born in Israel but his parents are from Togo. He did the official theme song of the Israeli basketball league and teamed up with Israeli pop stars Static & Ben El Tavori and Noa Kirel and Ivri Lider. He also served in the IDF and performed in the kids show the Festigal.

(h/t Yoel)

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  • Monday, February 05, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
This year, Egypt qualified for the World Cup finals for only the third time in its history.

The first time was in 1934.

Egypts' El Watan has a story about how the Egyptian team of 1934 played in Tel Aviv.

The team had two qualification matches against the British Mandate Palestine team in that year. In the first,  Egypt drubbed the Palestine team 7-1 in a match in Cairo. The followup game in Tel Aviv was on April 6, where the Egyptian again won, 4-1.

The article notes that there was not one Arab on the Palestine team. It claims that there were 6 Jewish players and the rest were British, although from what I can tell the team was exclusively Jewish.

From Wikipedia:

Football was introduced to Palestine by the British military during its occupation of the territory in World War I. (Actually, there were Zionist teams as early as 1906, h/t Yoel.) After the war, the sport's development was continued by "European Jews who had been exposed to soccer in their native countries".[2] Palestinian Arabs, specifically those of Islamic beliefs, refrained from participating in football's early formation due to their resistance to "Western cultural institutions".[3]
The Eretz Israel Football Association was founded in August 1928 and applied for membership in FIFA. It was accepted to FIFA on 6 June 1929 as the Eretz Israel Football Association.[4][5] It was the first of 14 sports organizations which absorbed hundreds of leading sportsmen who immigrated in the wake of antisemitism in Europe.[6]
Mandatory Palestine end up playing five international games before the end of the British Mandate in 1948 which resulted in Israel independence. During those five games, the national team fielded only Jewish players. Three anthems were played before each match: the British "God Save the Queen", the Jewish (and future Israeli) "Hatikvah" and the opposing team's anthem.[7]
In 1948 the team became, officially, the national team of Israel.

UEFA says that the original name of the association was the " Eretz Israel – Palestine Football Association."

The El Watan article notes that the current Palestine Football Association claims to have been founded in 1928, implying but not spelling out that they claim to have have some connection with the Eretz Israel Football Association.

Interestingly, an ESPN article from 2014 about the Egyptian team of 1934 - written by a South African correspondent - falsely claims that the Palestine team had "a majority of British players."  Here are the names of all the players of that team:

Coach: Mandatory PalestineAustria Egon PollakMandatory PalestinePoland Shimon Ratner
Mandatory Palestine Willy BergerGK
Mandatory Palestine Avraham ReznikDF
Mandatory Palestine Pinhas FiedlerDF
Mandatory Palestine Zalman FriedmannMF
Mandatory Palestine Gdalyahu FuchsMF
Mandatory Palestine Yohanan SukenikMF
Mandatory Palestine Amnon HarlapFW
Mandatory Palestine Perry Kraus-
Mandatory Palestine Paul Kastenbaum-
Mandatory Palestine Haim Reich-
Mandatory Palestine Avraham NudelmanFW
Mandatory Palestine David Weinberg-
Mandatory Palestine Yaacov Levi-Meir-
Mandatory Palestine Yaacov Zelibanski-

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