Thursday, September 15, 2016

  • Thursday, September 15, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Lamia Baeshen, writing in Gulf24 News, is upset that Jews keep going on and on about what she calls the "alleged Holocaust."

Baeshen complains that at first the Jews blamed the Holocaust on Hitler, then on the Nazis, then on the German people and finally the entire world. She notes that there are hundreds of Holocaust-themed films, scores of museums and memorials, thousands of books and articles about every single detail of the "alleged" event.

Why is this a problem? Because, she says, the sheer weight of this "industry" (obviously she's been reading Finkelstein) makes it impossible for anyone to question whether it happened.

I can see how tons of documentary evidence from testimonies, Nazi archives, physical evidence of gas chambers, mass graves and cremated remains and so forth makes it difficult for Jew-haters to question the Holocaust. It must be very frustrating for people like Lamia Baeshen.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, September 15, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
As the World Bank complains about the lack of donors paying their pledges for Gaza (see my article from earlier), it is worthwhile to look at who exactly hasn't been paying - and why.

Here is their list as of July 15 sorted by percentage of pledges paid:

Donor Support to Gaza Disbursement of Support to Gaza Disbursement ratio of Support to Gaza
South Africa 1 0 0%
Serbia 0.05 0 0%
Bahrain* 6.5 0.75 12%
Kuwait 200 29 15%
UAE 200 29 15%
Qatar* 1000 192 19%
Italy5 23.7 4.7 20%
Saudi Arabia* 500 113 23%
Spain 22.8 5.22 23%
Estonia 1.27 0.32 25%
Turkey 200 64 32%
Brazil10 5 2.4 48%
Greece 1.27 0.63 50%
Croatia 0.4 0.25 63%
Slovenia 0.19 0.127 67%
Switzerland 70.4 59 84%
European Union1 348 297 85%
Norway2 145 126 87%
Germany 63.3 57.9 91%
USA 277 277 100%
World Bank 62 62 100%
Algeria 61.4 61.4 100%
Japan4 61 61 100%
UK 32.2 32.2 100%
The Netherlands 15.3 15.3 100%
Canada 14.7 14.7 100%
Denmark 14.5 14.5 100%
Australia 13.2 13.2 100%
France7 10.1 10.1 100%
Finland 9.3 9.3 100%
Russia 8.7 8.7 100%
Belgium8 7.9 7.9 100%
Austria9 5.2 5.2 100%
India 4 4 100%
Ireland 3.17 3.17 100%
South Korea 2 2 100%
Mexico 1.1 1.1 100%
Chile 0.25 0.25 100%
Hungary 0.16 0.16 100%
Poland 0.1 0.1 100%
Malaysia 0.1 0.1 100%
Singapore 0.1 0.1 100%
Bulgaria 0.06 0.06 100%
Slovakia 0.05 0.05 100%
Romania 0.05 0.05 100%
Portugal 0.03 0.03 100%
Sweden 10 11.4 114%

Notice how poorly the Arab states are in paying their pledges.

Again, the World Bank doesn't mention the obvious. And it doesn't try to figure out why.

An op-ed in a Gulf newspaper a few days ago explains it. It describes how tired the Arab nations are about the Palestinian issue, especially the infighting between Fatah and Hamas over leadership, causing the split between Gaza and the West Bank.

It says that the recent collapse of the scheduled local elections is just the latest in a series of events showing that Palestinian leaders care little about their own people, who are kept prisoner by the disputes and narrow factional interests of Hamas and Fatah. Their actions have nothing to do with helping their people and everything to do with holding on to power.

The Arab world is keenly aware of this dynamic, and they have no interest in throwing money into a bottomless pit of greed and corruption.

While the World Bank report mentions some economic issues associated with the Fatah/Hamas split, such as how Gazans don't pay their share of taxes, it ignores how Arab donors have lost interest in the Palestinian issue altogether especially when they have their own problems that are often far, far worse.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, September 15, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
The World Bank has released a report addressing the budget woes of the Palestinian Authority. From AP:
The World Bank says less than half the money pledged by donors to rebuild the Gaza Strip after the 2014 war between Hamas and Israel has been disbursed.

The shortfall is among several reasons the Palestinian economy is stagnating, with unemployment at 42 percent in Gaza and at 18 percent in the West Bank.

The World Bank says Israeli restrictions are also limiting Palestinian economic competitiveness and driving away private investments.

The bank recommends Israel allow more building in the West Bank and loosen its blockade of Gaza. It also calls on the Palestinian Authority to cut spending, especially by reducing pension payments.

The report seems fairly comprehensive, even as it blames Israel primarily for limiting PA growth in Area C.

What is most interesting is what it doesn't mention.

It notes that the PA pays extremely high salaries to its own people compared to public sector employees of other nations:
At 15 percent of GDP, the relative size of the PA’s wage bill is amongst the highest in the world and it is certainly a major contributor to the PA’s chronic fiscal difficulties. The high wage bill is mainly driven by the high average public sector wage, which as a multiple of GDP per capita amounts to 3.5 – exceeding the average ratio in MENA and in all other regions except Africa. Pay practices, the system of annual step increases (1.25 percent per year) and automatic promotions have contributed substantially to the high average wage.
The World Bank gives a number of specific recommendations:
The PA should (i) control wage increases and index the CoLA to inflation; (ii) consider implementing a temporary wage freeze for employees who are at the lower end of the public sector pay scale until their pay equalizes with private sector peers; and (iii) Implement zero-staff-growth policies in units of government that are found to be overstaffed while limiting staff growth in other units of government to a maximum of population growth (3 percent).

The World Bank doesn't mention what some $137 million of the PA budget goes to pay terrorists in Israeli jails, their families, and former terrorists who get automatic jobs without having to work.

If 15% of the GDP goes towards wages, that means that the total wage budget is about $600 million. Assuming that the bulk of the amounts paid to terrorists and former terrorists are in the PA's wage budget - and they must be, because the stipends to prisoners and former prisoners are considered salaries - that means that as much as 23% of the PA's wage budget is simply to reward terrorists!

In a document that is dense with recommendations on how the PA can bridge the budget gap and what Israel and the donors could do, this omission is not an oversight. It is deliberate. The international community is quite aware of this fact and even Norway's foreign minister complained to Abbas about this. (He responded that Norway shouldn't worry - none of their money goes towards terrorists.)

The World Bank praised the PA at reducing the relative size of the PA's wage bill from 15.5% to 15.1% over three years. Yet simply eliminating payments to terrorists would instantly reduce that metric to about 10%!

By ignoring this huge part of the PA budget, the World Bank is implicitly condoning the PA's policy of paying terrorists. And that is the real outrage.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

  • Wednesday, September 14, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Many have noted how modern antisemitism morphs to whatever the hater wants to ascribe to Jews: they are too insular or too assimilationist, too capitalist or too communist, too pious or too atheist, too rich or too wretched, all depending on the hater. Of course, in recent decades it has morphed yet again into the idea that Jews are colonialist, or racist, or victimizers instead of victims. "Go back to your land" has become "Get out of the land." There is no consistency for Jew-haters except the hatred itself.

It is therefore fascinating to see how Jew-haters thought before Christian antisemitism took prominence.

The Histories by Tacitus has a short chapter on Jews, with a very twisted history of the Jewish nation and an interesting description of the Second Temple. It was written around 100 CE.

Tacitus hated the Jews, but his reasons are quite different from the ones we are used to seeing:

Whatever their origin, these observances are sanctioned by their antiquity. The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness. Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth may be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews. But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies. They will not feed or inter-marry with gentiles. Though a most lascivious people, the Jews avoid sexual intercourse with women of alien race. Among themselves nothing is barred. They have introduced the practice of circumcision to show that they are different from others. Proselytes to Jewry adopt the same practices, and the very first lesson they learn is to despite the gods, shed all feelings of patriotism, and consider parents, children and brothers as readily expendable. However, the Jews see to it that their numbers increase. It is a deadly sin to kill a born or unborn child, [Infanticide was a common practice among the Greeks and Romans] and they think that eternal life is granted to those who die in battle or execution—hence their eagerness to have children, and their contempt for death. Rather than cremate their dead, they prefer to bury them in imitation of the Egyptian fashion, and they have the same concern and beliefs about the world below. But their conception of heavenly things is quite different. The Egyptians worship a variety of animals and half-human, half-bestial forms, whereas the Jewish religion is a purely spiritual monotheism. They hold it to be impious to make idols of perishable materials in the likeness of man: for them, the Most High and Eternal cannot be portrayed by human hands and will never pass away. For this reason they erect no images in their cities, still less in their temple. Their kings are not so flattered, the Roman emperors not so honoured. However, their priests used to perform their chants to the flute and drums, crowned with ivy, and a golden vine was discovered in the Temple; and this has led some to imagine that the god thus worshipped was Prince Liber, the conqueror of the East. But the two cults are diametrically opposed. Liber founded a festive and happy cult: the Jewish belief is paradoxical and degraded.

Tacitus' hatred for Jews shows, more than ever, that Jew-hatred is a psychological problem with the haters, and has nothing to do with reality. Jews have been and always will be the bogeyman, with the unique ability to be hated for anything and everything - even, and perhaps especially, for morality.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

House Minority Leader Forced Cancellation of Congressional Event to Promote Boycotts of Israel
A congressionally sponsored event to promote boycotts of Israel was cancelled late Tuesday evening after House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) was informed about the forum and made an impromptu phone call to the lawmaker sponsoring the event, ordering that it be shut down, according to sources familiar with the matter who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.
The Free Beacon disclosed earlier this week that a member of Congress had lent their backing to an event aimed at promoting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, or BDS, which has been widely cited as an anti-Semitic effort.
The group hosting the forum, the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, is known for employing anti-Israel and anti-Semitic language, according to human rights organizations.
The U.S. Campaign was reported to have convinced a low-level staffer in Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D., Texas) office to reserve an official congressional room for the event.
Pelosi’s office then called Jackson Lee to “demand” the lawmaker revoke her support and cancel the event, according to sources familiar with the conversation.
Pelosi learned of the event after William Daroff, a leading pro-Israel official, informed her of the Free Beacon’s reporting on the pro-BDS forum, according to sources.
BDS event on Capitol Hill cancelled after US congresswoman withdraws support
An event initially sponsored by a US lawmaker in the House of Representatives in support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS) has been canceled following the legislator's withdrawal, US Conservative publication The Weekly Standard reported Tuesday.
According to the magazine, US Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) had originally reserved a room for the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation on Capitol Hill, before pulling out of the event following complaints by fellow Democrats.
Jackson, for her part, denied any prior knowledge or connection to the event, which advertised the participation of "actual practitioners" of the BDS movement, according to the organizer's invitation.
A spokesperson from Lee's office acknowledged that a room had been booked by a former employee in the congresswoman's office, but said that neither Lee nor her aides were previously aware of the arrangement.
Congressional Forum in Favor of Boycotting Israel May Violate Rules on Discrimination
An upcoming congressionally sponsored forum to promote boycotts of Israel may violate internal rules barring the use of federal offices for events that promulgate discrimination “based on race, creed, color, or national origin,” according to congressional documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The Free Beacon disclosed on Monday that a member of Congress who refuses to be identified publicly is sponsoring a forum this week that promotes the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, or BDS, which has been criticized by Jewish organizations as an anti-Semitic effort.
Efforts by senior congressional sources to determine the name of the lawmaker sponsoring the event have so far failed, but the Free Beacon has learned that the lawmaker is required to attend the event under congressional rules governing the use of official facilities.
Internal congressional documents governing the use of federal facilities also bar lawmakers from hosting any outside organization that practices discrimination.
Human rights groups and Jewish organizations have long accused the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, the organization leading the Friday event, of engaging in anti-Semitic rhetoric and supporting discrimination against the Jewish state.
Is this law, or a public opinion poll?
The Left, which loves to brandish the "international law" argument while pointing to the obvious legal "consensus" over the settlement enterprise, which it opposes, believes the demand to evict Jews from Judea and Samaria within the framework of a peace deal is justified, rather than ethnic cleansing. But does this consensus really exist?
Even in the early 1970s, Judge Stephen Schwebel, who would later serve as president of the International Court of Justice at The Hague, argued that Israel was within its rights to hold onto the territory it had seized during the Six-Day War in 1967. His argument was based on the assessment that the war was a matter of self-defense for Israel. Schwebel said that because the original danger had not dissipated, from Israel's perspective, holding (even if not fully annexing) the land was justified, valid and that any change was dependent on resolving the conflict through peaceful avenues. Moreover, Schwebel argued that in cases where the previous sovereign (Jordan) seized the territory unlawfully (the world did not recognize Jordanian sovereignty in Judea and Samaria), then the rights of the new country -- which took control of the land through the legal action of self-defense (Israel) -- supersede the rights of the previous country. Professor Eli Lauterpacht from Cambridge, Professor Eugene Rostow from Yale and other esteemed jurists also concurred. A "consensus," you say?
Last week, Northwestern University School of Law published a comprehensive research paper entitled "Unsettled: A Global Study of Settlements in Occupied Territory." Professor Eugene Kontorovich, an international law expert, examined all the cases throughout modern history of settling in conquered territories and how those conflicts were resolved. Evidently, in no instance after World War II and the signing of the Geneva Conventions in 1949 did the international community accept the demand to vacate people who had already settled in an area as a condition for peace or independence. When East Timor requested independence from Indonesian occupation, its representatives did not condition their desired independence on the eviction of Indonesian settlers. In the negotiations between Cyprus and Turkey, the peace accord wasn't conditioned on making every Turkish settler leave the island. When Vietnam conquered Cambodia, a million settlers followed. In the Paris talks in 1990, the mediating countries rejected outright the demand to evict the Vietnamese settlers. During World War II, millions of Russians followed in the wake of the Soviet Union's occupation of Baltic countries. In the early 1990s, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, those countries did not condition their independence on evicting Russian settlers. Other cases are currently being thoroughly debated (Western Sahara and Morocco, Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, Syria and Lebanon, Russia and Georgia, and Russia and Crimea).

  • Wednesday, September 14, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,
Varda Meyers Epstein's weekly column

What kind of rabbi visits Arafat's tomb? And why would anyone defend him? These are two questions I've been asking myself for the past couple of hours, ever since I began researching the curious case of Rabbi Neil Blumofe, on a tip from my husband. Blumhofe, senior rabbi at Agudas Achim, the only Conservative synagogue in Austin, Texas, arranged a trip to Israel for his congregants that included just such a pilgrimage to the arch terrorist's tomb. That is until he got called on it by a congregant and was forced by the resultant outcry to change the itinerary.

Thank God for that! Thank God someone had the sense to call him on it. Because seriously—could anything be uglier than paying homage to an evil one who drenched the Holy Land with Jewish blood (collecting a Nobel Peace Prize along the way)?

First, the evidence. Here is the itinerary:

And here is a screenshot of the item in question on that itinerary.

Here is the letter that served to expose Blumofe:
20 July 2017
Dear Rabbi Blumofe:
I moved to Austin and joined CAA in 1991. Over the years I have seen a number of Rabbis
serve our community. From the moment you arrived, I was a “Neil fan”. You connected with
the members and you connected with the member’s kids. No one could ask for anything more
than this. With the passing of years, the vast majority of the community supported you in your
transition from Hazan to Rabbi.
I am writing you today because somehow the train has jumped the tracks.
Few in the community would know this but I lived on a Kibbutz in Israel for several years after
high school. I arrived on Kibbutz Ma’ayan Tsvi in the fall of 1977. Ma’ayan Tsvi sits next to
Zichron Ya’acov on the Hof Hacarmel and with the Kibbutz’s fields stretching from the base of
the Carmel Mountains to the Mediterranean.
Each spring, millions of birds migrate north from Africa passing over Israel towards Europe. As
they migrate, Ma’ayan Tsvi’s fish ponds make a nice place for millions of birds to eat their fill of
fish. In the spring of 1978, an American photographer, Gail Rubin was hanging around the
Ma’ayan Tsvi fish ponds taking photos of the dozens of the species of birds. Gail was the niece
of the US Senator from CT, Abraham Ribicoff. We used to chat with her as she wandered
around the ponds and on several occasions, she ate breakfast with us in a little field kitchen that
we used down by the ponds.
On Saturday, March 9, 1978, 13 PLO terrorists came ashore at our beach in two inflatable boats.
Their plan was to land in Tel Aviv and attack the beach front hotels, but the seas were rough and
they ended up on our beach some 40km north of their target. Armed to the teeth, they first ran
into Gail who was taking photos by the fish ponds. After murdering her, they cut through a
chain link fence and started shooting at vehicles traveling on Israel’s main north/south highway
connecting Tel Aviv to Haifa. They hijacked a bus full of Egged Bus Company employees who
were returning to Tel Aviv. As they headed south from Ma’ayan Tsvi towards Tel Aviv, they
were indiscriminately shooting at the vehicles heading north on the other side of the highway.
By the time all the terrorists were dead or incapacitated, 38 people, including 13 kids were
The following day, Yasser Arafat was celebrating the event. A town square in some West Bank
town was named “in honor” of the one female terrorist who participated. I’ve lived my life
knowing that only a slight twist of fate saved me from the fate that ended the lives of these 38
murdered souls.
This is but one of dozens of terror attacks which were organized by Arafat’s PLO. The blood of
hundreds of murdered Jews still drips from his dead hands.
Today I learned that you are planning on leading a group of CAA members on a trip to Israel in
June of 2017. Included in the itinerary is a visit to Yasser Arafat’s tomb. I, for one, feel that
your visit to Arafat’s tomb is beyond the pale. To me, it’s no different than were you to travel to
Germany to pay your respects at Adolf Hitler’s tomb, if one existed. Somehow your priorities
have become completely perverted. Apparently you don’t seem to understand that your place is
with the victims of his murderous actions. Not with the murderer himself.
Don’t misunderstand me. You are free to do as you please. Your politics are your own business.
And you have every right, as an American, to make common cause with the Palestinians and to
pay homage at the tomb of Yasser Arafat. But you are not free from the consequences of your
actions. You are the Rabbi to an entire congregation, not to just some faction that agrees with
your personal politics. And to be absolutely clear, the problem here is not the politics of your
Palestinian tour destinations. What’s at issue here is what is in your head and what is in your
heart. You have revealed yourself to be a man of poor judgment and little common sense.
Sadly, your moral compass is completely broken.
Paying homage at the tomb of Yasser Arafat while touring Israel on a CAA affiliated tour,
disqualifies you completely and absolutely from being the moral and spiritual leader of a
Conservative congregation of Jews.
Let me repeat myself…. As the leader of our community, your place is with the victims of his
murderous actions. Your place is most definitely NOT with the murderer.
I believe that we have come to an impasse. I cannot understand nor can I condone whatever
thought process has led you to believe that it’s a good idea for you to pay homage to this mass
murderer of Jews. The harsh truth is that there is no reason to wait until you actually visit his
tomb. The fact that you believe that it’s reasonable for you to do so, is enough. It’s more than
You are entitled to your own politics. But this is a bridge too far.
It’s time for you to resign. Depart and let us be done with you. In name of G-d, go!
Richard Brook
CC: Caroline Legatt (by email)
Enclosed: Agudas Trip Itinerary
Now you had better believe that letter got attention. And once the cat was out of the bag, Blumofe was forced to change that particular item on the congregation's anticipated itinerary. As you might imagine, however, the hue and the schrie that was raised, were very loud indeed.
On the one side you had the normal people saying, "How could you do such a thing? The guy has so much Jewish blood on his hands. What possible defense could you have for making a pilgrimage to his tomb (and with your congregants wagging their tales behind you!)? Seriously. WTF?"
And on the other side, you had, well, the others. The deranged people who wanted to plead on Blumofe's behalf, as if it were defensible for him, in his official capacity as shul rabbi, to plan to lead a group of congregants on a pilgrimage to pay homage to the murderer of their own people. What could he/they possibly say to smooth this over and make it okay?

As it turns out, a lot. Because spin always requires lots of words.

There was an editorial in the Washington Jewish Week, for instance, called, A rabbi is "lynched," which begins:

Twelve years after his death, Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader and arch-terrorist, is still causing Jews grief. This time, we’re relieved to report, no one died. But there’s no doubt that the life of Rabbi Neil Blumofe, senior rabbi of Agudas Achim in Austin, Texas, was badly shaken. And all because he included a visit to Arafat’s grave in Ramallah in a draft itinerary for a congregational trip that would include Christian clergy that the rabbi knew well.
“I do a lot of work in the non-Jewish community, where we are losing support for Israel,” Blumofe told a Jewish newspaper in New York. Blumofe saw himself in the position of providing “a pro-Israel narrative for those who question and want to be challenged.”
Instead, Blumofe, was attacked — largely online — as a traitor.
Oh, so that's what that was. He was just including the pilgrimage to Arafat's tomb because there were gonna be Christian clergy along on that trip who wanted to go there and heck, Blumofe KNOWS THEM WELL. (Is that important? The part about Blumofe knowing them well? Frankly, I can't see the significance of that idea in this context.)

The "badly shaken" part, well, that's supposed to make us feel guilty for calling Blumofe to task for wanting to pay homage (with congregants in tow) to a modern-day Hitler. Better he's shaken now, while he can still repent his ugly deeds, in my humble opinion. And since we're going backwards in the text, that bit about being "relieved to report, no one died?" Is that meant to inform us we're going way overboard, because Arafat? He's dead. He can't hurt anyone anymore. So what's the big deal about going to some place where his bones just happen to be buried?

And you see, that's the thing! It's a huge deal. You do not pay honor to the evil. You do not pay honor to one who slayed multiple members of your people with the intent of wiping them out completely (and stealing their land). No one should be feeling sorry for Blumofe. On the contrary, everyone should be yelling their heads off. He should lose his job.

What he did was BAD.

Then there was The Forward, which tried to tell us to LIGHTEN. UP. in a piece called, Meet the Jazz-Playing, Erotica-Writing Rabbi Who Planned a Synagogue Trip to Arafat’s Grave, with its " seven facts about the rabbi who went a bit viral," a sort of "did you know" compendium of "Hey Dude, this rabbi's COOL. Pass the weed," kind of facts, such as:

He [writes] his own blog and has published several stories on Jewrotica, an online community that describes itself both as a “hub for Jewish sexual expression” as well as a sex-ed resource for the Jewish community.
Writes his own blog! And does erotica, too. Whatta guy. Whatta JEW!

The New York Jewish Week, not to be outdone, carried an editorial piece from Editor and Publisher Gary Rosenblatt called, Anatomy Of A Takedown: Community builder and lover of Israel, or glorifier of Arab terrorism: could this be the same Texas Conservative rabbi?

This is a cautionary tale of what can happen when the impulse among some supporters of Israel to lash out — in a fierce and often personally damaging way — with whom they disagree plays out. It’s about the harmful ripple effect, fueled by the Internet, of a facts-and-intention-be-damned approach: Ready. Fire. Aim. All in the name of protecting Zion.The results, fed by self-righteousness on the part of the critics, and a miscalculation and feelings of hurt and alienation from the victim, dangerously deepen the gap between Jews on either side of the Israel divide.
Well, Mr. Editor Sir, for the record, the fact is that the itinerary of a trip Blumofe arranged for his congregation concludes with a pilgrimage to the tomb of a man who spilled gallons of Jewish blood. His intention? There IS no intention that can make this okay. Wanting to expose congregants to both sides of a narrative? One for their people, one for MURDERING them?

Sorry. That is not okay. I do not have to understand Arafat to repudiate his deeds. And I understand Arafat's sycophantic terrorist followers only too well. The problem, Rabbi Blumofe, is that you do NOT.

You, Rabbi Blumofe, don't understand that the only understanding they, the terrorists, want, is the one in which you and your people are in several pieces six feet under, preferably by dint of a violent act, and with your land safely in their bloodstained hands.

Apparently, Rosenblatt does not understand this, either.

Alienation? Deepening the gap between Jews? I gotta say that there is nothing I want more than to deepen the gap between me and people like Blumofe. And you should want that too, Mr. Rosenblatt. (Maybe you would if you spent some time with people whose lives were affected by terrorism, attended  a few of their funerals, visited THEIR graves.)

Finally, there was the Times of Israel piece, The American rabbi who dared consider a visit to Arafat's grave. I loathe giving them page views, so you're going to have to Google it if you want to see this piece. But as per the other apologias, the hint of the focus is in the title. Blumhofe is not evil. Why he's positively DARING. Courageous, don't you know (you peons, you utter basket of DEPLORABLES).

Here's a quote:
In addition to the Ramallah stop, the itinerary in question included a visit to the illegal West Bank outpost Havat Gilad and an overnight stay in the nearby settlement of Har Bracha, as well as a meeting with the head of its yeshiva.Blumofe had met one of MEJDI’s Palestinian guides while on a personal visit to Israel — one of many he has taken over the past several years — and said he was impressed with his critical view of the Palestinian narrative. The rabbi felt the tour operator would be a good fit for the trip he had in mind.In addition to interested Jewish congregants, Blumofe, who is the president of Interfaith Action of Central Texas, planned to include Christian clergy from streams that are not necessarily friendly to Israel. He had hoped, “based on my long term, invested relationships with various people in the interfaith community, that new relationships could be fostered and fresh paths made,” he told The Times of Israel.
"Fresh paths" such as the one leading straight to Arafat's tomb. How lovely. And of course, we'll throw in a few token visits to "illegal" Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria to make everything fair and balanced.

I spoke with Ardie Geldman about tours and tokenism. Geldman is the founder and director of iTalkIsrael, offering home hospitality, lectures, and tours in Gush Etzion to visitors from all over the world. I asked him, "So, as bad as a visit to Arafat's tomb would be, the itinerary would have exposed them to the settlers' narrative, too. Right?"

"Yes, that's true.  They are "yotzei"* with a short, obligatory visit with "the other ('settlers') side." But more often than not, their guide sets them up with what to expect to hear from the "settlers," and sure 'nuff, what'dya know, that's exactly what the settler says. 

"More to the point, the visits with Palestinians are designed to tap the visitors emotions, i.e., visits with families in their homes, with meals, hearing personal stories of tragedy suffered at the hands of the IDF and "settlers." The rule of thumb with visits to a "settlement" is first to take note of the quality of life it reflects in comparison to the Palestinian hovels to which they are taken. The discussions are generally at the impersonal and political level in which the designated "settler" or "settlers" are put on the defensive about the very existence of their community and are often made to answer for what the visitors don't like about the Israel Government's or the IDF's policies vis-a-vis Palestinians.

"And, of course, there is always the calumny of water. Yes, many Palestinian suffer from a shortage of water; no, this is not Israel's fault. In short, the visit with Palestinians is intended to engage the visitors' emotions of pity and concern, while the visit with the "settlers" is geared to excite anger."

So there you have it. Were Blumofe's intentions good? I suppose it's possible. He is just as likely to be brainwashed about Israel as any other liberal American Jew. Except for the fact that he must be at least somewhat conversant with Jewish history and the Torah as a Conservative rabbi.  And that's where I just can't fathom him dialoguing on issues such as the legality of building Jewish homes in the Jewish homeland of Judea and Samaria. Or giving honor to a murderer of his people.

Nope. I just can't find a way to square this and that's not a shortcoming in my ability to dialogue and see the other side of things. Rather it's a shortcoming of Neil Blumofe. He, Blumofe, can't accept the narrative of his own God, can't accept the Torah, can't absorb his own people's brave and tragic history. And by dragging the feet of his congregants into this mess alongside him, he has committed a grave sin.

No pun intended.

*considered to have fulfilled their obligation, as in a religious obligation.

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It's Sexist To Expect Feminists To Stand Up For Women In Muslim Countries
By Carly Morrison, Feminist Activist
feminist-memeThe male-dominated media would have you believe that being a feminist means seeking equality for women everywhere, but the male-dominated media has no right to define for us what being a feminist means. It's sexist for anyone to tell us feminists that we're supposed to fight for the equality of women in the Muslim world. An outrage.

Feminism doesn't mean what you men say it means. It means what we women say it means. And if we decide it means ignoring the yawning inequality between men and women in Muslim countries, then that is what it means. You can't define for us what our movement wants.

Definitions themselves are a patriarchal institution, after all, and we will have no part of them. Etymology - et- him-ology - has been dominated by men forever. Linguistics - lingu-his-tics - has the same defect. Sorry, men, but this is not your rule book to interpret anymore. You are in no position to tell us we have to use words the way they have been used throughout their history. His-tory.

If we want, we can claim that laws mandating the hijab, niqab, and other coverings actually empower women, and none of you are allowed to say boo. You just want an excuse to rape them, probably. So your opinion counts for nothing. You simply do not understand that when a pre-teen Muslim woman in Gaza is given by her father in marriage to a much older man, that is an act of liberation, a way of asserting cultural independence from you white males and your assumptions about what is good for women. You sexist pigs.

No offense intended to pigs. At least to the sows.

So no more of your holier-than-thou, sanctimonious preaching that feminists should be fighting polygamy, female genital mutilation, or other phenomena rampant in the Islamic world. Maybe those women WANT to have sex be a painful experience. Maybe they WANT to risk infection and death from adhering to their tribal traditions. Maybe they WANT to vie for the attention and support of a husband with multiple other wives. Maybe they ENJOY when their husbands force them to have sex. Maybe they don't WANT to drive cars. Maybe they don't WANT to leave the house without a male escort. It would never occur to you to respect those wishes, of course, because you men always know what is best for women, and their desires can be safely ignored.

And you call yourselves liberal.

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From Ian:

JCPA: The Businesses of Mahmoud Abbas and His Sons
  • Abu Abbas is not prepared to countenance Muhammad Dahlan as his successor.
  • The PA chairman’s two sons, Tareq and Yasser, own an economic empire in the territories worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and they rely on their connection with their father.
  • Mahmoud Abbas’ main endeavor is to find a fitting successor who will ensure both the continued existence of his sons’ businesses and their wellbeing.
The succession battle in the Palestinian Authority has become very elemental since Mahmoud Abbas rejected the request of four Arab states – Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates – to mend fences with his bitter rival Muhammad Dahlan. Some of those states want to see Dahlan as the next PA chairman.
Although some in Fatah view Abbas’ rejection of the Arab request as an act of “political suicide,” Abbas does not show signs of stress. At the urging of Egypt and Jordan, which fear Hamas, he called off the elections in the territories and consented to a return to Fatah by some of Dahlan’s people. As far as Abbas is concerned, he has complied with most of Egypt and Jordan’s requests. Yet, still, he is not prepared to countenance Muhammad Dahlan.
PA Prime Minister Riyad al-Maliki claims that relations with Arab states are in perfectly good order.
This week, Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala), a member of the PLO Executive Committee, revealed the way in which Abbas became PA chairman. It perhaps sheds light on how the next PA chairman, in the absence of elections in the territories, will be appointed.

PreOccupiedTerritory: Obama Surprised $3.8B In Israel Aid Need Not Be Delivered In Cash (satire)
White House officials told reporters today that President Obama was taken aback at discovering that the ten-year, thirty-eight-billion-dollar military assistance package to Israel does not have to be supplied in pallets of cash borne by airplane.
The assistance agreement, which will be formally signed today between American and Israeli officials, allocates an average of $3.8B annually between the fiscal years 2019 and 2028 to Israeli military needs. The White House officials who spoke on condition of anonymity said Obama had been laboring under the assumption that transfers of funds to other countries had to be conducted surreptitiously and in hard cash, as that was the model to which he had become accustomed in his administration’s dealings with Iran. Congressional representatives disabused the president of that notion today, and informed him that wire transfers will be used.
In fact, said the officials, the story fed to the media about a delay in the completion of the assistance agreement – that South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham would withhold his support for the package unless the amount was raised – was simply to buy time to explain to the president the mechanisms of foreign aid that do not rely on loading pallets of cash reserves on a plane and flying them directly to the recipients.
“It was understandable the president thought that’s what we do, considering how everything has been handled with Iran,” explained one aide. “With his sympathy for those who consider Israel a rogue regime, it should hardly be surprising that our chief executive assumed the same measures would be necessary to effect the aid transfer as were necessary to deliver billions of dollars to Iran as ransom for captive US sailors and to sweeten the nuclear deal.”

  • Wednesday, September 14, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Iranian Red Crescent announced that it had given meat to 25,000 Gaza families for Eid al Adha.

It seems strange that they would work directly with Israel to import the meat, but I have not heard about any imports from Egypt lately. 

In fact, I have not heard of the Iranian Red Crescent in Gaza altogether until this story. A few years ago they made noise about sending an aid ship to Gaza which was scuttled when Egypt didn't allow the ship to dock. During the 2014 war they announced an aid shipment. That's about it. 

Based on the photos and the articles I could find, my guess is that this is a new initiative where Iran recruited job-starved Gazans to start a propaganda campaign around support for Gaza. 

These photos do not indicate an operation that could feed 25,000 people for three days. It looks like this location was created just for the photo-op, not to give any serious quantities of food to anyone.

 I think Iran, alarmed at the possibility of an election (since postponed,) wants to have a more direct line of influence in Gaza than through its usual clients in Islamic Jihad and parts of Hamas. After all, a large part of its strategy is to demonize Israel and the quiet lately has not been in Iran's interests. In a time-honored tradition, they are trying to infiltrate through charity organizations - real or imagined - and getting press coverage about how much they support Gaza and its "resistance."

This is admittedly conjecture, but there is certainly  more behind this story than simply Iran giving meat to some Gazans. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, September 14, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Eid al Adha holiday is a perfect time to see the stark difference between how Israel treats Palestinian Muslims and how Palestinians think of Israeli Jews.

The IDF's COGAT released this graphic:

Sure enough, thousands of Palestinians flocked to the beaches in Tel Aviv:

A group of Jewish girls from Brazil, left, talk with Palestinians from the west bank town of Nablus during the Eid al Adha Muslim holiday at the beach in Tel Aviv, Israel, Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016. Tens of thousands of Palestinians visit Tel Aviv and other places in Israel after Israel granted travel permits to West Bank Palestinians. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)
Israel just announced that it would keep the Allenby Bridge crossing open for 48 hours straight Thursday and Friday to allow pilgrims from Hajj to return to their homes. 11,000 people crossed the bridge on Tuesday.

Far more Muslims were on the Temple Mount on the first day of Eid this year than the number of Jews who have visited the holy site in total since 1948.

Meanwhile, Israelis' Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman is saying that as long as the (relative) calm from Gaza continues, Israel will consider allowing Gazans to work in Israel the way that vetted West Bank Arabs do.

How do Palestinian leaders respond to such humanitarian gestures?

Well, Hamas reacted this way:

Hundreds of resistance fighters from the Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas Movement, paraded in Gaza streets on Saturday evening to mark the advent of Muslims’ Eid al-Adha (the Sacrifice Feast). “Palestinians’ joy will reach its zenith the day the liberation of Palestine and of the al-Aqsa comes true,” said al-Qassam Brigades. A Qassam leader said as he addressed the Palestinian masses: “Hamas resistance brigades will always sacrifice their lives and souls to defend the people, land, and holy sites.”
“The anti-occupation Palestinian youths will forever remain a thorn in the throat of the ‘new Nazis’ (in reference to the Israeli colonizers),” he added. “The Palestinian resistance has become able to settle scores with the Israelis. We will cut the very hands that dare assail our children and women,” he vowed.
“Self-abnegation has become a social phenomenon,” the fighter further stated. “Every single Palestinian citizen opts for armed resistance as the only effective response to the Israeli aggressions.”
“The Palestinian resistance will forever remain faithful to the souls of those who sacrificed their lives for the sake of their motherland. We will always track their footsteps. We either win and recover our holy al-Aqsa Mosque or else die at its doorsteps,” he concluded.
The West always assumes that confidence building measures results in both sides becoming more willing to cooperate. The fatal mistake is assuming that the Arab and Muslim worlds share the same mindset as the West.

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