Sunday, August 30, 2015

  • Sunday, August 30, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

Remember Salma Abdelaziz, the CNN reporter who seemed to believe the story about Israel sending spy dolphins to Gaza?

As I noted at the time, every other news outlet treated Hamas' claims as a joke - but not Salma.

People made lots of fun of her on Twitter for reporting the story straight.

So, courageous young reporter that she is, Abdelaziz silently removed her tweet about the story.

At least she is showing some shame. Unlike her colleague Don Melvin, who similarly grabbed a likely sounding anti-Israel story made up by less than trustworthy sources and reported it as if it was to be taken seriously.

Melvin, unlike Abdelaziz, doubled down on his "reporting" and brushed aside criticisms, even blocking me on Twitter.

He defended that as well, claiming that I accused him of favoring genocide.

I never said any such thing.

But why should we expect accuracy and fairness from CNN reporters?

(h/t Ian, Bob K)

An UNRWA teacher in Jordan, named Nasreen Hammoud, posted this cartoon on Facebook showing a Jew (with an American fork) cutting up and eating a Palestinian child while drinking his blood.

Does this violate UNRWA's alleged "neutrality" requirements for employees? Of course it does.

Will UNRWA admit that it has a problem with so many employees posting such offensive things on Facebook? Of course not. They will continue to try to sweep it under the rug.

And I will continue to expose them as we have been doing..

Any reporter who needs more details on the research I have been doing, and how it can be reproduced by anyone, can contact me.

From Ian:

The lies and the myths of the anti-Israeli crowd
Yet over the last decade or so, fuelled by a growing body of anti-Western culture in our democracies, a rise in anti-Semitism that may be partially linked to the new demographics and a distinct and understandable discomfort amongst many Jewish people over the status quo, the type of abuse about Israel that was once only in the forums of the white supremacist sites, has entered mainstream society. Whereas in the past, such discourse would be shouted down, ridiculed and opposed as soon as it entered the conversation, the middle ground is shaking under a barrage of distortions and myth making that demonize Israel in every way that is imaginable.
These myths are now not only apparent in the writing of self-hating or Arab ‘academics’, but can be seen in mainstream news outlets, regurgitated and repackaged in left wing circles and of course spreading wildly on the university campus. You are now likely to hear one or more of these myths told as ‘fact’ around almost any dinner table. Aided by a strategy that follows Goebbels’ ‘big lie’ principle, the most absurd labels are being applied, the most daring rewrites of history are occurring and the basic elements of logic are being discarded. If you doubt this, try to explain how LGBT movements are standing alongside some of the most homophobic groups on earth to line up against the only nation in the Middle East that the gay community can reside freely in. What unites them is simply unreasonable hatred supported by a quivering mountain of lies.
This isn’t about political opinion, it is about falsehoods taking a firm grip on the narrative and demonizing Israel to the point that even some staunch supporters of Israel are become desensitised and unable to differentiate between truth and myth. So having recently read yet another batch of hate driven nonsense, I thought I would simply extract the most flagrant myths and distortions and address them in turn.
Ryan Bellerose: Why Matisyahu Put The Nail In The Coffin Of BDS
The entire point of BDS is to alienate, marginalize and silence Jews. BDS winning doesn’t require people actually boycotting Israel; it only requires them to marginalize Jews.
When Jews take the attitude “It’s not worth it so I’m not gonna bother,” BDS wins. Every single time a Jew decides not to attend an event because they may or may not encounter asshattery, BDS wins. When Jews decide to keep their Jewishness on the downlow to avoid problems, BDS wins.
So when does BDS lose? When Jews are visible, and unapologetic, when Israel supporters are loud and unabashed. That’s when BDS loses because it has no way to counter those things without revealing itself to be what it is – a movement calculated to attack Jews and isolate them.
Matisyahu just showed the pro-Israel world the blueprint on how to beat these people, and it didn’t involve the classic “not rocking the boat” as some mainstream Jewish organizations would have us believe. I couldn’t believe that I saw people advocating for Matisyahu to stay home, to collect the money for being cancelled but to not perform. In truth, nothing would have been worse; if he stayed away, it would have been a victory for those who want to silence any Jewish voice that doesn’t parrot their anti Israel garbage. By staying unseen, he would have given them what they wanted.
By going and by performing the songs he performed, Matisyahu not only showed that BDS failed but that it failed in an abject manner; that he was unafraid, not intimidated and unbowed. It was actually a heroic thing to do and he should be applauded.
Matisyahu says he felt threatened during Spain gig
It’s hard to imagine what it’s like to be a reggae artist, accustomed to festivals filled with marijuana-induced serene audiences, facing a crowd of raised middle fingers along with chants to get out—and feeling physically threatened for the first time in one’s life as a performer.
That’s the exact scenario American Jewish reggae rapper Matisyahu found himself in when he took the stage August 23 at the Rototom Sunsplash festival in Benicassim, a town near Valencia, Spain.
While standing back stage, Matisyahu noticed a Palestinian flag in the audience, but when he stepped on to set up “about 20 flags came out,” he told The Daily Beast in a phone interview. “People were standing on each other’s shoulders with flags giving me the middle finger. It was intense. It was not peaceful. It was like ‘F__k you, Matisyahu.’ I’ve never had the experience of anything like that, as a Jew or anything in my life.”
Matisyahu said that the Rototom performance marked one of the only times he’s ever felt unsafe taking the stage.
“I just assumed everyone in the festival was going to be regular reggae festival-goers, so I got really nervous. I felt totally open and that anyone could do whatever they want,” he said.
Israellycool And Readers Get Shirley Temper’s Name Splashed Across Daily Mail (Updated)
Israellycool readers recognized the biting girl as the Pallywood star “Shirley Temper”, whose exploits I have documented comprehensively on this blog. Exploits which involve deliberately trying to provoke IDF soldiers under the watchful and encouraging eye of her parents, in order to produce great images for propaganda.
And they might have gotten away with it too, had it not been for those meddling yids!
Readers inundated the Daily Mail with links to this blog showing what Shirley Temper and her family have been up to. And Brian of London also contacted an editor over at the paper.
And the Daily Mail responded – by changing the tone of the story entirely, providing context to it and revealing Shirley Temper’s history.

  • Sunday, August 30, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:

The military wing of Hamas, al-Qassam Brigades, said Saturday that one of its members had been killed in a tunnel accident in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement, the group identified the dead man as Anwar Faraj al-Ghalban, 23, from Khan Younis. The statement did not specify how or where the accident took place.

Al-Qassam Brigades said in the statement that they would spare no effort in their resistance to Israel and would keep fighting to "free Palestine."

They said that their members were doing their best despite difficult circumstances to make preparations, including by digging tunnels, to fight the Israeli occupation.
Ma'an then pretends that most of the tunnel activity is for smuggling weapons from Egypt:
Smuggling tunnels that pass beneath the Egyptian border have served as a lifeline to the outside world for Gaza's 1.8 million inhabitants since Israel imposed a crippling siege on the coastal enclave in 2007, which is supported by Egypt.

A number of fighters in Gaza have been killed by accidents during military training exercises in recent years, and the tunnel networks, which are largely used for smuggling in the coastal enclave's south and military purposes in the north, are notoriously dangerous.
Hmmm, "military purposes in the north." What might those be?
Over the weekend, a new piece of Pallywood propaganda was released, as photos of an Israeli soldier attempting to stop a boy from throwing stones went viral but, amazingly, the truth about the boy and his family's history of violence and Pallywood became part of the story. See Israellycool for the full story.

Here's a photo that has surfaced that seems to be of the kid in the arm cast appearing to throw before the  IDF soldier tried to subdue him. (UPDATE: It is a from a YouTube video but his hand appears to be empty.)

Chris Gunness of UNRWA, naturally, tweeted the incident without such context, and one of his fans responded by calling Israelis "jackals" and "ZioNazis":

Gunness responded with some advice to his bigoted follower to be careful in how he or she speaks, because the world doesn't take kindly to people who speak such obvious truths of considering Israelis to be subhuman:

He doesn't denounce his comrade for demonizing Israelis as "ZioNazis."  No, this UNRWA spokesman only gave some advice that the world, unfairly, doesn't like dehumanizing Jews and Zionists the way they deserve to be and that his tweeter should be more careful in how he shows his hate.

According to Gunness, the message is accurate, but it might get sidetracked because of the "zoological imagery" used.

He has nothing bad to say about referring to Israelis as "ZioNazis." He does not distance himself from the comment. No, Chris Gunness only wants to make sure that messages of hate against Israel are couched in more politically correct terms so that the world can be more receptive to anti-Israel propaganda.

This is yet another example of Chris Gunness' "neutrality."

Someone started a petition for the UN to investigate Gunness for violating his agency's own neutrality standards so egregiously.

UPDATE: Gunness removed his tweet, as usual without apology.

  • Sunday, August 30, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
The "boycott Israel" movement likes to target Caterpillar because Israel has used their equipment to destroy terror infrastructure.

Hamas hasn't gotten the message.

In a new video released by Hamas, they show Caterpillar equipment (0:35) being used to dig in Gaza. The first scene is apparently of them using this equipment to reach terrorists who are caught in a tunnel explosion, and people with Red Crescent logos go into the tunnel to evacuate the terrorists. It is not showing live events, of course, meaning that Hamas commissions Cat equipment for use in propaganda videos, and Gaza paramedics are apparently complicit as well - the ambulance is clearly seen as a prop.

Obviously some construction equipment and materials make it through the "siege" of Gaza.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

  • Saturday, August 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
The PFLP ended their "Vanguard of Return" summer camp in Gaza - but now they are mentioning that the camp was to train girls in becoming militants, too.

From Ian:

Questions raised over shocking West Bank image of boy with a broken arm being held at gunpoint by an Israeli soldier after girl, 13, seen biting attacker is revealed as prolific 'Pallywood star'
Questions have been raised over the authenticity of shocking images of a boy with a broken arm being held at gunpoint by an Israeli soldier after a 13-year-old girl seen biting his attacker is said to be a prolific 'Pallywood star'.
The remarkable images which surfaced online on Friday appeared to show an IDF soldier armed with a machine gun grappling with the little boy as two women make desperate attempts to pull him off following protests in the West Bank.
A young girl is seen ambushing the balaclava-clad soldier by forcing the weapon from his hands and biting him before he flees the scene.
But it is thought the young girl in the photographs is Ahed Tamimi [aka Shirley Temper], whose parents Bassem and Nariman - also pictured - are well-known Palestinian activists in their village of Nabi Saleh.
The teenager has appeared in a string of similar videos where she challenges Israeli security forces and rose to prominence after she was filmed confronting one who arrested her brother, which resulted in her being presented with a bravery award. (h/t Sergio)
Tila Tequila kicked off Celebrity Big Brother after praising Hitler on Facebook and posting a picture wearing Nazi gear in front of Auschwitz
Glamour model Tila Tequila has been kicked out of the Celebrity Big Brother house after it emerged that she posed in front of Auschwitz in Nazi gear and claimed to be 'Hitler reborn'.
Hundreds of viewers and campaigners complained about the controversial American star who has previously praised the German dictator and referred to herself as 'Hitila', which lead Channel 5 and Endermol to remove her from the house on Friday, one day after she entered.
A Channel 5 spokesman said: 'Unfortunately, Channel 5 and Endemol did not know about the views and attitudes Tila had expressed in social media postings prior to her involvement in Celebrity Big Brother.
Glamour model Tila Tequila has been kicked off Celebrity Big Brother after it emerged that she posed in front of Auschwitz in Nazi gear (pictured)
'When they were brought to our attention, she was called to the Diary Room for a discussion with producers and was subsequently removed from the house.
'The views Tila had expressed, and permitted to remain uncorrected, are totally unacceptable and, accordingly, her continued involvement in the programme was untenable.'
Israel hits back at Swiss envoy's 'ugly act' in showing Netanyahu bird droppings cartoon
Israel also took issue with Haas' upbeat characterization of Iran.
"What happened (in Zurich) proves that the nuclear deal ... created an unbridled incentive to pour billions of dollars into Iran without it being required to changes its policy of terror and belligerence," said Emmanuel Nahshon, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem.
"Greed begets attempts to grovel before the Iranian regime, with attendant loss of basic sense and self-respect."
Switzerland and Israel have at times had fraught relations.
In 2009, Israel recalled its ambassador to Switzerland to protest a UN conference in Geneva attended by then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Israel has also complained to Switzerland in the past about its purchase of natural gas from Iran.
In 1998, Swiss banks reached a $1.25 billion deal with Holocaust survivors and their descendants over the fate of funds deposited in Swiss banks by Jews during World War Two.

Friday, August 28, 2015

From Ian:

Report: Iran Cancels Berlin State Opera Show in Tehran over Israeli-Argentine Conductor
Iran said it canceled the concert of a Berlin orchestra set to be led by renowned Jewish conductor Daniel Barenboim because they consider his Israeli citizenship “illegitimate,” a BBC reporter revealed Friday on Twitter.
BBC correspondent Hadi Nili said a spokesperson for the Iranian Culture Ministry announced the cancellation, adding there is “no room in Iran for artists related to Zionist regime.”
Barenboim, the general music director of the Berlin State Opera and its orchestra, the Staatskapelle, announced this week his plan to take Germany’s top orchestra to Iran for a concert. His decision sparked outrage and protests from Israel, who lobbied the German government against the visit, The Guardian reported.
Barenboim, who moved to Israel from Argentina with his family when he was 9, has spent most of his career in Germany. He also has a Spanish and Argentinian citizenship.
The Israeli-Argentinian conductor has yet to comment on the cancellation of the concert.
Who’s Funding Pro-Palestinian Israeli ‘Human Rights’ Groups?
The organization goes by the unwieldy name of the Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretariat. According to its annual report, it is “a project implemented by NIRAS NATURA AB – Sweden, and the Institute of Law, Birzeit University, Birzeit, Palestine, with generous support from the governments of Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland.”
In other words, the money itself is European. But the ones who decide what to do with it are Niras Natura – which describes itself as an international consultancy firm in the field of sustainable development – and the faculty of Birzeit. And since the Birzeit people are the ones actually on the ground, they presumably have considerable influence over how the money is spent.
The Secretariat’s main job appears to be funneling money to other organizations. According to the annual report, it had 24 “core grantees” and 19 “project grantees” last year. Nine of the former and two of the latter are Israeli; the rest are Palestinian.
When the war broke out in July 2014, the Secretariat put out a call to its core grantees soliciting emergency funding requests. “The emergency funding call focused on activities related to monitoring and documentation of IHL [international humanitarian law] and human rights violations in the Gaza Strip, arising from the then ongoing war,” the report said. Requests were received from 11 organizations, including three Israeli ones, and the Secretariat decided to fund nine of them, including two Israeli groups – B’Tselem and BTS.
But the money was intended for “monitoring and documentation” of alleged violations by one side only – Israel. That’s crystal clear from the report’s summary of its emergency grantees’ “achievements”: Not one of the nine says a word about the massive Palestinian violations of international humanitarian law.
The section on Breaking the Silence is particularly blatant. The Secretariat would have considered its money well spent, the report declared, had BTS managed to scrounge up even a single anti-Israel testimony from Israeli soldiers:
Watch How Anti-Israel Protest Leader Responds When We Ask Her if Hamas Is a Terrorist Organization
The leader of an anti-Israel protest in New York City Wednesday contended that the United States government is “much worse” than Hamas when asked if she would characterize the group as a terrorist organization.
“Do you think of Hamas as a terrorist organization?” a reporter for TheBlaze asked protest leader Lana Povitz, who represents Jewish Voices for Peace.
“I think of the United States government as a terrorist organization,” she responded.
“What’s worse: Hamas or the United States government?” our reporter pressed.
“The United States government is much worse,” Povitz said.
The anti-Israel activist said that Hamas is “not my favorite,” adding that her “first fight isn’t with them.” When asked who her first fight is with, Povitz answered, “The U.S. government because they are funding Israel.” (h/t Effect)
U.S. Government Worse Than Hamas, Says Anti-Israel Protest Leader

  • Friday, August 28, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • Friday, August 28, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Reuters:
A film on the life of Prophet Mohammad is expected to break box office records in Shi'ite Muslim Iran after its release on Thursday, but some Sunni Muslim clerics in the Arab world are already demanding that Tehran ban it.

The state-sponsored "Mohammad, Messenger of God", directed by Oscar-nominated director Majid Majidi, is at $40 million Iran's most expensive movie to date.

"I decided to make this film to fight against the new wave of Islamophobia in the West. The Western interpretation of Islam is full of violence and terrorism," Majidi was quoted as saying by Hezbollah Line, a conservative Iranian magazine.

The 171-minute movie, the first part of a planned trilogy, focuses on the prophet's childhood. His face will not be shown on screen, in accordance with traditional Islamic strictures. The camera shows the boy actor playing him only from behind, or only his shadow.

A steadicam was customised especially to depict Mohammad's point of view by the movie's Oscar-winning Italian cinematographer Vittorio Storaro. The identity of the boy playing Mohammad has not been made public.

Egypt's Al-Azhar, the most prestigious institute of Sunni Islam, is not satisfied with such precautions and has called on Iran to ban the film.

"This matter is already settled. Sharia (Islamic law) prohibits embodying the prophets," Al-Azhar told Reuters in a statement.

"It is not permissible in Islam that someone (an actor) has contradictory and conflicting roles; sometimes we see him as a blind drunk, sometimes as a womanizer ... and then he embodies a prophet ... this is not permissible."

..."Mohammad, Messenger of God" is only the second full-length movie drama on the prophet. The first, "The Message" (1976), was directed by Syrian Moustapha al-Akkad. Anthony Quinn played Mohammad's uncle, Hamza.

That film did not depict Mohammad's face on screen, but some Muslims were offended. Akkad was killed in a 2005 suicide bombing in Amman. It is not known whether the attack was related to the movie.
This is going to be interesting.

The kid who played Mohammed should be very afraid.

From Ian:

Slandering the US - PA demonizes its largest donor
The Palestinian Authority continues to demonize anyone who has an opinion different than their own. Even the United States, the largest donor to the PA, is subject to verbal attacks by PA leaders and its official media. Any statement or activity that the PA disagrees with can be used as the hook to insult even its biggest financial supporter.
When US presidential candidate Mike Huckabee visited Israel recently, he expressed support for Israel's right to the Land of Israel. He spoke about Jewish history in the land going back thousands of years. As Palestinian Media Watch has documented, the PA denies Jewish history in the Land of Israel and Jerusalem in order to deny Israel's right to exist.
Presidential candidate Huckabee's statements in support of the Jewish right to Israel were used by former editor-in-chief of the PA official daily, and now regular columnist, Hafez Al-Barghouti to demonize the US and its policies since America's founding:
"It is possible that the US is the biggest settlement country, since it was established on the ruins of the original inhabitants, wiped out millions of them, enslaved millions of Blacks, and today enslaves millions of Hispanics in the same manner." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 20, 2015]
In the same article, Huckabee is likewise demonized as "inane creature... jellylike... wicked, despicable man... carry[ing] the genes of settlement and racism." Another Presidential candidate, Donald trump, was also demeaned as "aged teenager, the swindler and realtor, the billionaire, rabid."
Hamas Refuses Reconstruction Aid over 'Settlement' Origins
Gaza's "Economy Ministry" has successfully foiled an aid shipment of "settlement goods" through the Kerem Shalom crossing, it announced Friday.
The shipment included 204 multilock doors manufactured in Barkan, a Jewish industrial complex in Jewish areas of Judea-Samaria, all of which carried the Israeli company logo of lock manufacturer "Rav Bariach."
The doors had been labelled as being for the purpose of the reconstruction of Gaza - an issue which Palestinian Arab authorities have made into a public platform begging for more humanitarian aid.
But instead of gratefully accepting the offer, Hamas claimed the import "exploited the situation to sneak settlement goods into Gaza."
Hamas, which controls Gaza unrestricted by its pact with the Palestinian Authority (PA), sees Israel as the enemy, an illegal political entity - which it seeks to boycott. Nonetheless, it also demands that Israel open its border crossings and allow a steady flow of goods from the PA, and possibly from within Israel as well.
PreOccupied Territory: UNRWA Faces Pig Lipstick Shortage In Nazi Sympathizer Coverups (satire)
A spokesman for the United Nations agency that cares or Palestinian refugees issued an urgent call for international assistance Friday, saying that the organization is running short of materials with which to conceal or make cosmetic changes to the rampant phenomenon of teachers in its employ who openly call for terrorism against Jews and who sympathize with Nazi ideology.
Chris Gunness appealed to donors to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to provide emergency funding toward lipstick for the the agency’s herds of swine, noting that the constant need to apply the cosmetics to the animals in order to make them look better has drained UNRWA’s stock, and they now require an infusion of at least $400 million to continue. He blamed right-wing organizations for the shortage, saying it would not be necessary to apply the lipstick to the pigs if not for the smear tactics of groups and individuals opposed to UNRWA’s work who insist on finding and publicizing Facebook images uploaded by teachers and principals at UNRWA schools.
“We have to waste valuable resources making all these cosmetic changes instead of investing in the students’ future,” lamented Gunness. “We ran out of band-aids two months ago, and have had to use more expensive measures such as pig lipstick. Warmongering bloggers such as Elder of Ziyon and troublemaking organizations such as UN Watch keep pointing out how UNRWA doesn’t follow its own guidelines or disciplinary procedures, forcing us to expend our limited resources on pretending those aren’t real teachers, that the offending schools have been closed, that somebody faked the alleged images, or that auditing and disciplinary procedures have actually taken place. They’ve put us in a very difficult position.”

  • Friday, August 28, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last night I emailed the other spokesperson for UNRWA, Sami Mshasha, who usually deals with Arabic media but who has responded to me in the past. I cc'd Chris Gunness as well:


As you may know, I am a blogger who has been discovering a number of Facebook pages from UNRWA teachers, principals and other employees with highly offensive content, including anti-antisemitism, terror support and even support for Nazi imagery. I have tweeted many examples over the past day after Chris Gunness denied that any such pages exist, and claimed that all the ones found were from forged accounts.

This is clearly wrong, as I have found many pages that were from proud UNRWA members, showing events at their schools and teaching materials as well as the occasional hate message. The idea that multiple Facebook pages are elaborate forgeries is too far-fetched to even imagine.

Since Chris hasn't answered my emails for a couple of years, and he blocks me on Twitter, could you tell me what process I can use to formally complain about these Facebook pages when I find them, and what follow-up I can expect from UNRWA to ensure that there has been an appropriate and transparent response?

Also, in 2013, I discovered a Jordanian dean of students who favorably quoted Adolf Hitler. Gunness was quoted as saying that the matter will be investigated. What was the result of that investigation?

Attached are two relatively tame examples of the types of things I am finding, with the names of the UNRWA teachers who have been posting them. I have many, many more. I am most interested in learning more about how they will be investigated.

If UNRWA is truly serious about excising hate from its staff, I am seeing no evidence of it. Frankly, all the responses appear more like a cover-up.

I look forward to your response.


The workday in their time zone is now over and there has been no response.

One hint why comes from a tweet by Chris Gunness this morning:

So it appears that when well-documented evidence of abuses by UNRWA teachers comes from someone anonymous, they will use that as an excuse to ignore it. Which is a direct contradiction to Gunness' claim on TV that UNRWA takes all such reports seriously.

It is time for you to do your part. You can email Gunness at, Mshasha at, and cc: embassies or foreign offices that support UNRWA and favorite journalists. Ask them politely but specifically about the UNRWA teachers whose hate I've been uncovering, by name, without mentioning me.

Here's an example that I tweeted. Abu Mohammed al Madhoun is a teacher in Gaza; here's a photo of him addressing his New Gaza Prep (A) Boys School in front of the banner with his photo and UNRWA logo quite visible:

UNRWA cannot deny that he is an employee.

His Facebook page includes this caricature of a hook-nosed Jew being locked up by the proverbial Palestinian key:

This is a relatively minor example, but it is well documented and an indication of how he runs his school. And UNRWA says it will take expressions like this seriously. So demand that they do.

And let me know what the response is, if any.

All my UNRWA-tagged posts are here.

The top western donors to UNRWA are the US, EU, UK, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Australia, Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, France, Belgium, Finland, Ireland and Spain, in that order.

UNRWA is on the defensive. This is the time to hold them to their own stated standards of neutrality and of taking hate seriously.

The goal is to shine light on what they are desperately trying to hide. Since your tax dollars almost certainly support UNRWA, you should demand accountability and transparency from the agency.

  • Friday, August 28, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
This article from Wafa, the official Palestinian Authority news agency, speaks volumes:

Ateret Cohanim Jewish organization Thursday forcefully took over a Palestinian-owned building in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, according to Wadi Hilweh Information Center (WHIC).

WHIC said some 60 Israeli settlers broke into the area before dawn and broke into a Palestinian-owned building, claiming they had purchased it from a Jerusalemite Palestinian named Jamal Sarhan. The settlers declared the building a Jewish property.

According to WHIC, Sarhan earlier asked the tenants, all of whom are Palestinians, to leave their apartments by force in order to make way for the settlers. It said while most of the Palestinian tenants were forced to leave, one of them refused to leave his apartment and tried change the doors’ locks. The settlers, nevertheless, were able to open the locks and enter the premises.

According to local sources, Sarhan is a high-profile broker who in recent years attempted to pass the ownership of several Palestinian properties to Jewish organizations.

Maher Abdel-Wahed, Palestinian owner of an adjacent building, said the settlers’ takeover of the nearby building would likely endanger the remaining Palestinian-owned homes in the area, making a reference to the recent upscale in attacks by Jewish fanatics on Palestinians.

Abdel-Wahed urged the local Jerusalemite community in Silwan to act with no mercy against those who sell their property to Jewish settlers, since this could undermine the Arab and Palestinian presence in the city.

Recently, Jewish organizations, including Ateret Cohanim, forcefully took over multiple Arab-owned buildings in Silwan. This came amid reports of an increasing number of high profile sales of Palestinian homes to Jewish organizations in East Jerusalem.

Palestinian government and civil society organizations have at times considered all those who sell their property to Jewish settlers or settler organizations as “traitors”.

In October 2014, President Mahmoud Abbas toughened the penalty for citizens selling property to Israelis by imposing a sentence of hard labor for life on “anyone diverting, renting or selling land to an enemy state or one of its subjects.”

In the closing statement of a Ramallah conference on October 2014, Fatah’s Revolutionary Council accused Palestinians who sold their property of “high treason,” calling on the government and legal system to “take the necessary steps to deter them.”

The movement also called on the public to “boycott and humiliate them on all popular levels.”

“Those whose sick souls allowed them to sell their land or homes, or enable such sales to the enemies of the Palestinian people, are a gang of traitors to their nation and religion,” said Fatah spokesman Osama al-Qawasmi in a statement previously published by WAFA. “They have brought shame and scorn upon themselves in this world and in the afterlife.”

One would rather die than sell his honor and betray the most sacred land in the world, saturated with the blood of prophets and martyrs throughout history,” he said. “Those traitors are destined to die a humiliating death.”
Nowhere does this article say that Jews stole the properties. They bought them and the Arab owners made a lot of money. (The Silwan website admits this explicitly.)

But apparently the progressives of the world believe that Jews should be banned from buying homes in some Jerusalem neighborhoods. And Arab laws to imprison people selling buildings to Jews does not evoke the slightest angst.

Let's be honest: the world uproar when  these things happen isn't about Israelis. It's all about Jews.

Israeli Arabs can buy houses in all parts of Jerusalem without protest, and indeed thousands of them do. 

But the EU, the UN and the people who supposedly are in the forefront against discrimination want to ban Jewish purchases of homes in their holiest city.

(h/t Bob K)

Here's another UNRWA official - a principal at the Al-Fukhari Primary School in Khan Younis - who supports terror on Facebook.

Ahmed Fathi Bader posted this "prescription" for sending rockets to Israel:

Name of patient: Ben Gurion Age: 78 years old Male
1 M75 (Hamas rocket) twice a day, a rocket in the morning and a rocket in the evening at 6 o'clock, before eating, together with a warning siren

Bader posted this photo of Hamas executing "collaborators" with the comment:

"How pleased I was today when the execution of a group of collaborators with the Jews it was announced."

I have photos. I have screenshots. I have links. Anyone can check these and find out that it is true for themselves.

And Chris Gunness denies it.

(h/t Bob K)


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