Tuesday, November 18, 2014

From Ian:

David Horovitz: Palestinian terrorists should know: It’s not going to work
Adding to the overwhelming feeling of sheer awfulness pervading the city today is the dismal sense of déjà vu. We’ve been through all of this before, in the Second Intifada terror war — the relentless attacks, the blood, the sirens, the heart-rending funerals, the families ripped apart, the effort to maintain some kind of normality when nowhere is truly safe from terrorism, the international indifference, criticism and misrepresentation.
And the sheer pointlessness of it all.
Because the final thing that has to be put in writing, even on a horrible, evil day like this, when the fingers loathe the necessity to tap the keyboard, is that it’s not going to work. Palestinian terrorists, and those who incite them and support them, should know: We are not going to be shot and stabbed and bludgeoned out of here by your brutality and the false justifications you invoke to legitimate it.
We stood firm during year upon year of Second Intifada terrorism, when you were blowing up our buses, malls, restaurants and supermarkets, and pragmatism could have dictated that we do what the terrorism was designed to make us do: flee. We do not insist on maintaining our majority Jewish state to the exclusion of your rights. Anything but. We seek co-existence. But your rights cannot be achieved by denying us ours.
For this is the homeland of the Jewish nation, the only place we have ever been sovereign or sought sovereignty. And what needs writing and saying, most especially on a terrible day like today, is that we will not be driven from it.
Jeffrey Goldberg: Hamas Endorses a Massacre
One of the most shocking aspects of the murderous attack on a Jerusalem synagogue this morning by men with guns and axes is not the attack itself—we've seen, from time to time, this sort of sectarian barbarism take place in places like Jerusalem, and Hebron. The most shocking aspect is the wholesale endorsement of this slaughter by Hamas, a group that, during this summer's war in Gaza, half-succeeded in convincing the world that it wasn't what it actually is: a group with actual genocidal intentions.
According to witnesses, the two attackers entered the synagogue, in the Har Nof neighborhood, and began killing worshipers with pistols and axes. (Both assailants were killed by police, but not before they murdered four worshipers and injured at least six others, including two police officers.)
“To see Jews wearing tefillin [phylacteries] and wrapped in the tallit [prayer shawls] lying in pools of blood, I wondered if I was imagining scenes from the Holocaust,” said Yehuda Meshi Zahav, who leads an emergency-response team, according to The New York Times. "It was a massacre of Jews at prayer.”
Eugene Kontorovich: A Tale of Two Green Lines
Efforts by academic groups to impose boycotts and other kinds of punitive measures on Israeli universities have gotten considerable attention lately. However, an opposite phenomenon has escaped notice: the widespread participation by mainstream universities in programs and collaborations with institutions located in occupied territories.
This may surprise those who recall that Israel’s establishment of Ariel University in the West Bank drew earnest condemnation from academics and even foreign ministries around the world. Yet it turns out that Ariel is not the only graduate-level institution established in what much of the international community considers occupied territory. And the others have gotten a very different reception.
Turkey has established 10 universities and many colleges in Northern Cyprus since seizing the territory in an invasion in 1974. Half of the universities are public, state-run institutions, and several are campuses of major Turkish institutions on the mainland. Some of the universities were established in just the past few years.
The United Nations Security Council, the European Court of Human Rights, and most of the international community have condemned the Turkish takeover of one third of the island of Cyprus. As of this writing, no nation other than Turkey recognizes the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” regime by which Ankara controls the territory. Turkey maintains a major settlement program, and settlers from the mainland now account for half or more of the population of the TRNC.
Israel A-Z with Frank Luntz and Tomer Kornfeld **Fixed**

(Latest  in a series)

In the aftermath of today's terror attack, it is reasonable to remember that the incitement to glorify terrorists and hate Jews is inculcated in the young. UNRWA supposedly has some standards they pretend to live up to; other schools that Palestinian kids attend are probably even worse.

Ibrahim Hajjar teaches at a UNRWA school who lives in Hebron. He enthusiastically supported today's terror attack,writing a poem in honor of the murderers.

Even though he lives in the West Bank, he is a big fan of Hamas terrorists..

He also likes photos of dead terrorists.

Do you think his liking of terrorists gets exposed when he teaches?

Hanan Jarad, an UNRWA teacher in Lebanon, doesn't seem to understand what the word "genocide" means. Her grasp of history is also suspect, based on these photos she uploaded to her Facebook page.

Not only does this show a shocking ignorance of the basics of what the Holocaust was, but this teacher isn't even aware of the much worse crimes done by Arabs to other Arabs in Syria, Libya, Yemen and elsewhere.

 I don't think UNRWA's Chris Gunness would find these offensive to begin with!

This Syrian UNRWA teacher, who doesn't give his real name, seems to believe that Adolf Hitler has wisdom to impart to him.

The "quote" says "Some believe they are men simply because they are not women." It sounds more like what an Arab with machismo issues would say, rather than Hitler.

Of course, it isn't too hard to find UNRWA teachers who also push clssic Nazi antisemitic stereotypes like Suraiah Fdilat of Hebron:

The supply of material for this series is truly inexhaustible. More tomorrow.

  • Tuesday, November 18, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
A tweet earlier today shows how deep the idea that "occupation" is the root of all evil has become entrenched in certain circles:

Of course, when I called her on it, she said that we need to look at the big picture:

Ah, the wider context! Let's look at the wider context.

Every person murdered this morning, by sheer coincidence, was a rabbi.

The Arab world's cartoonists, when they decide to create a caricature of Israel, nearly invariably make them look like this:

How many Israeli prime ministers looked like that?

However, the victims today did have black coats and beards.

Is there any lesson in "wider context" that idiots like Shabi might learn from this?

Does Shabi's "wider context" include attacks on Jews by Arabs before "occupation"? Before 1948? In Syria and Iraq?

Or is that too wide for the open-minded Left crowd to wrap their minds around?

Here is the real "cycle of violence" in the Middle East, and it isn't about violence at all. It is about existence (and not accepting second-class status in the Arab world, as Shabi seems to want to return to.)

The original sin in the Middle East for Arabs isn't "occupation." It is an excuse used by Israel-haters to justify their pre-existing hate.

The original sin is that Jews are asserting their rights to live in their own ancestral homeland in peace and security. And that sin is too much for hundreds of millions of Arabs to bear.
From Ian:

Jerusalem terror victims identified as US and British citizens
The names were released on Tuesday afternoon of the four victims - three dual US-Israeli nationals and one British-Israeli citizen - murdered in the terror attack at a synagogue in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof.
Rabbi Aryeh Kopinsky, 43, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, 68, and Rabbi Calman Levine, 55, all from the Har Nof neighborhood were identified along with Rabbi Moshe Twersky, 59, as victims murdered by two Palestinian terrorists.
Kopinsky, Levine and Twersky held dual US-Israeli citizenship after making aliya from American. Goldberg, a British-Israeli national, immigrated to Israel from Britain.
Funerals for the four were to be held Tuesday afternoon.
Kopinsky's death marked a further tragedy for his family as his daughter died three years ago in sudden circumstances.
Levine leaves behind five children and nine grandchildren.
The silence of prayer, shattered in a synagogue bloodbath
Yaakov Amos had just finished calling silently on God to “grant peace everywhere, goodness and blessing; grace, loving kindness and mercy to us and unto all Israel, Your people,” when two terrorists stormed into Har Nof’s largest synagogue at 7:01 a.m. on Tuesday.
Amos, a trained trauma therapist, was in the middle of the Amidah prayer when he heard a pair of gunshots issued in quick succession. “Boom-boom,” he said.
He swiveled around fast, his feet still together in prayer, and saw “a Jew in phylacteries” on the floor.
In those seconds, Amos was transported from the calm of the meditative prayer into the middle of a massacre, as terrorists armed with a gun, a knife and meat cleaver killed four people and injured several more. Witnesses and rescue workers described a gruesome scene inside the Jerusalem synagogue, with blood spattering prayer books and people in the middle of prayer caught in the carnage.
Times of Israel Live Blog American, British victims of Jerusalem terror attack laid to rest
Four people were killed early Tuesday morning when two Palestinian assailants entered a synagogue in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighborhood. The two terrorists, from East Jerusalem, were killed. Condemnation over the attack has poured in from Israeli and international leaders, including Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, blamed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for inciting terrorism against Israel. The Times of Israel is liveblogging developments.

  • Tuesday, November 18, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Mosques in the neighborhood of the terrorists who attacked a synagogue this morning announced three days of mourning - for the murderers.

This is being reported by the Shehab news agency.

This happens at the same time that Arabs are celebrating the murders with candy.

Indeed, some of the commenters to that post say that it is inappropriate to mourn the heroic martyrs who are being welcomed to Paradise at this very moment.

In fact, when Shahab reported the pretend "condemnation" by Mahmoud Abbas of the attack, readers were most upset. One wrote repeatedly "I am a Palestinian, Mahmoud Abbas does not represent me." Another wrote that he hopes  that, Allah willing, they kill "Rabbi Mahmoud Abbas" next.

In addition, they are calling the rabbis who were murdered "dogs" and hoping they go to hell.

Shehab also showed a photo of what they said were sweets being handed out by British Muslims.

They have congratulatory messages from people and politicians all over the world, including Tunisia, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria, Libya and Mauritania.

Shehab also reproduces this poster celebrating the attack, saying "This is the way from now on."

It looks like the consensus is to celebrate the murder of Jews praying.

These are the moderate peace partners that the EU and the West never threaten with sanctions. No, that's reserved for the nation that is trying to survive these attacks.

  • Tuesday, November 18, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
While Mahmoud Abbas issued his fake "condemnation" of the slaughter of Jewish worshipers this morning, the political party he leads embraced the terror attack.

The official Fatah website called this a "heroic operation" and its officials praised the attack.

Central Committee of Fatah member Tawfiq Tirawi said "I consider the Jerusalem operation to be a natural response to the occupation and the crimes of the settlers."

Another Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki said that Yasser Arafat was right when he said that the biggest leaders belong to the people, meaning that terrorists are more leaders than anyone.

Official spokesman for Fatah Ahmed Assaf said that "the Jerusalem operation was a natural response to the Israeli violations."

Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades called all of the victims "soldiers" and issued a statement in support of the attack calling for more "revenge" attacks.

This is besides the praise for the attack across the board from other Palestinian Arab terror groups. But it shows that there is really total support for murdering Jews among all factions of Israel's "peace partner."

All this is evident from scenes of celebration from Palestinian Arabs in support of the terror attack. Sweets were handed out and young Arab men posed with axes in joy that Jews were murdered

Do any of these celebrants look like they interpreted Abbas' "condemnation" as anything but a joke?

  • Tuesday, November 18, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Early this morning, Palestinian Arab terrorists entered a synagogue during prayers and went on a murder spree, killing four worshippers and injuring six more, using a gun, meat cleaver and an ax.

Unlike all of the recent attacks by knife or car, in this case Mahmoud Abbas issued a "condemnation."

His words shows exactly what a disgusting human being he is.

Here was his entire statement:

The president always condemns killings of civilians from any party whatsoever, and condemns the killing of worshipers today in one of the houses of worship in West Jerusalem, and also denounces all violent acts no matter what their source is, and demands an end to the ongoing incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the provocative acts by Israeli settlers as well as incitement by some Israeli ministers.

The presidency also confirms that it is time to end the occupation and end the causes of tension and violence, affirming our commitment to a just-based solution on the basis of a two-state solution, in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy, and maintain an atmosphere of calm and understandings that have been made with King Abdullah II and Foreign Minister American John Kerry in Amman.
This is not a condemnation. This is an anti-Israel polemic that uses a terror attack as a hook in order to issue a statement slamming Israel an blaming all Arab terror on the victims.

Abbas doesn't acknowledge that his own people were behind the attack. For all anyone knows from his statement, the men massacred in their prayer shawls might have been killed by people from Japan - or Mea Shearim.

Moreover, Abbas' deliberately pointing out that this attack happened in "West Jerusalem" indicates that had the men been in a synagogue in other parts of Jerusalem, everything would have been just fine.

And as with every single other "condemnation" of terror by Abbas in history, he doesn't say that the slaughter is immoral or against Palestinian Arab morals. He is bothered far more about any backlash that he might get for not condemning it than he is about the murder of four Jewish worshipers.

The synagogue slaughter didn't even merit a stand-alone sentence.

After his perfunctory "condemnation" that wasn't even that, Abbas goes on his usual anti-Israel harangue, so that the "condemnation" of the attack is dwarfed by about 10 other statements.  He turns his statement into a naked insult to the Jews who dare consider praying in other parts of Jerusalem.

And indeed Abbas didn't condemn the car terrorism or the knife attacks, because the victims either happened to be in his twisted mind either "settlers" or "soldiers." For all we know, Abbas considers ramming cars into crowds of people to be "non-violent resistance." His own official news agency invariably call them "accidents."

It is obvious that the current spate of attacks is at least partially due to Abbas' incitement, calling for Palestinian Arabs to "defend Al Aqsa by any means." His official TV station has been broadcasting antisemitism.

And Abbas' own advisors assure their people in Arabic that Abbas really does support all terror attacks. His advisor advisor Mahmoud Al-Habbash said on November 5, "First of all, allow me to say that we kiss every forehead, every hand and even every foot that carries out Ribat (religious conflict/ war over land claimed to be Islamic) at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and in Jerusalem... We are behind them. The leadership is with them... We are with them in every movement, in every action and every deed, and we welcome what they are doing at the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Abbas' "condemnation" was released in order to re-assure Western leaders that he is really a "man of peace" while he simultaneously tells his people to keep on killing Jews, and he is behind them 100%. Just try to avoid Jews whose deaths would make him look bad.

Monday, November 17, 2014

  • Monday, November 17, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Ahram:
The width of a new military buffer zone established along Sinai's border with Gaza this month has been increased another 500 metres, making it now span 1 kilometre, in an effort by the Egyptian army to take out tunnels used by militants to infiltrate the peninsula.

The Egyptian army said in a statement on Monday that the decision comes after the discovery of tunnels spanning between 800 and 1000 metres under the Sinai border, reported Al-Ahram's Arabic news website.

The army's decision to create a buffer zone on the border - 500 metres wide and 14 kilometres long - came following one of the deadliest attacks on its personnel last month, when 30 soldiers were killed in a daylight assault by militants.

Egypt's Information and Decision Support Centre (IDSC) said a total of 802 houses hosting a total of 1156 families will be removed in the initial 500 metre evacuation.
As we all know, home demolitions for security purposes is one of the most heinous crimes imaginable. Demolishing 800 homes in a couple of weeks is a war crime.

Oh, I forgot. Jews demolishing homes for security purposes is one of the most heinous crimes imaginable. Arabs can do it all they want without worrying.
From Ian:

The Ivory Tower’s Nazification of Israel
“What if the Jews themselves were Nazis?,” mused French philosopher, Vladimir Jankélévitch in 1986. “That would be great. We would no longer have to feel sorry for them; they would have deserved what they got.”
The recasting of Israelis, and, by extension, Jews as Nazis has, in fact, taken place, just as Jankélévitch envisioned. This summer’s Israeli incursion, Operation Protective Edge, provided anti-Semites and loathers of the Jewish state with resurgent justifications for assigning the epithet of Nazi on the Jews yet another time, together with oft-heard accusations of “crimes against humanity, “massacres,” genocide,” and, according to recent comments by Turkey’s prime minister Tayyip Erdoğan, in their treatment of the Palestinians, Israel has demonstrated that “. . . their barbarism has surpassed even Hitler’s.”
The Nazification of Israelis—and by extension Jews—is both breathtaking in its moral inversion and cruel in the way it makes the actual victims of the Third Reich’s horrors a modern-day reincarnation of that same barbarity. It is, in the words of Boston University’s Richard Landes, “moral sadism,” a salient example of Holocaust inversion that is at once ahistorical, disingenuous, and grotesque in its moral and factual inaccuracy.
In reflecting on the current trend he perceived in the burgeoning of anti-Israelism around the world, Canadian Member of Parliament, Irwin Cotler, once observed that conventional strains of anti-Semitism had been masked, so that those who directed enmity towards Jews were now able to transfer that opprobrium to the Jew of nations, Israel.
Dutch Officials Demonize Israelis
The truth is that there has never been an Israeli genocide against Palestinians, neither systematic nor acute, and that Israel has done everything in its power apart from not going to war at all -- that is, apart from surrendering -- to spare innocent lives, including the lives of the people trying to destroy it. This argument falls on deaf ears among many Muslims, as well as on those of the youths who support them.
Sadly, it was not long before more prominent and mainstream Dutch figures began expressing similar thoughts. Pieter Broertjes, Labour Party mayor of the Dutch city and "media capital" Hilversum, said during a radio interview, when asked what to do about Dutch Muslims travelling to foreign battlegrounds: "They are adults. Dutch citizens went to Israel to fight the British, we didn't stop them either."
After his remarks produced a backlash, Broertjes's spokesperson formally apologized, but not Broertjes himself, although he did comment on his self-described "clumsy" comparison during later interviews.
A few months earlier, his Labour Party colleague, Yasmina Haifi, championed the fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion, by stating (with a straight face): "ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. It is part of a plan by Zionists who are deliberately trying to blacken Islam's name" -- in other words, part of the supposed "Zionist conspiracy."
Jan Wijenberg, a former Dutch Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and Yemen among other places, and known for his fierce anti-Israeli stance, wrote an op-ed that took the comparison even further: "The IS goal is to establish a utopian religious state, just as the Zionists have done."
Australian Spectator: The Girl from Sderot
As a child, she and her family frequented the beautiful beaches of Gaza, enjoyed the fruits of Gaza’s famed market gardens and bought elegant furniture from local Arab craftsmen. Her family counted Palestinians among their friends, neighbours, acquaintances. In 2005, Israel unilaterally – and optimistically – withdrew from the Strip. Soldiers departed, settlers left or were forcibly removed.
And then came hell.
Today, aged 24, she – like everyone else throughout the Negev – lives on a permanent fifteen second fuse; the time it takes between loudspeakers announcing ‘Colour Red’ and Katyusha rockets hitting the ground, obliterating everything for a hundred metres and sending deadly nails, ballbearings and shrapnel for up to a kilometre. Like all women and children in Sderot she also now lives with the dread of being massacred in her bed: notes recently discovered in an Hamas tunnel reveal plans for such an attack.
Yet, devoid of bitterness or hatred, she studies Arabic at Ben-Gurion university, in the hope of eventually working as a diplomat, politician or NGO worker who might – just might – help bring about peace with the Palestinians. She is the determined face of young Israel.
Bob Carr [former Aust. FM], a lazy narcissist too concerned about his silk pyjamas and rolled oats to bother getting to grips with the wretched complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during his 18 months as Australia’s foreign minister, now seeks to grandstand with the left by cynically demonizing Israel as an ‘apartheid’ state. The girl from Sderot puts him to shame.

  • Monday, November 17, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ya Libnan:
Lebanese authorities have banned the screening of a film depicting the 2009 post-election “Green Movement” protests in Iran, organizers of a local film festival said on Sunday.

“‘The Silent Majority Speaks’, the admirable visual essay of filmmaker Bani Khoshnoudi, has been censored in Beirut,” a statement from the Cultural Resistance International Film Festival organizers said.

“The film was to be screened tonight… At noon, the Censorship Committee served notice to the festival’s organizers that it was banned for ‘insulting a foreign country,'” the statement added.
The Lebanese police must be on their way right now to arrest Hassan Nasrallah for insulting Israel!

My series continues....

This is the profile photo of Hossam Abu Khaled, UNRWA teacher:

(This photo was originally meant as Chinese propaganda.)

Here's another profile photo, this one from Samir Abu Shmalah - who is a principal of an UNRWA school in Gaza. It includes some famous terrorists, including Dalal Mughrabi.

Mahmoud Hamada, also a teacher for UNRWA, is a fan of Hamas:

This UNRWA teacher in Jordan named Hassan Seghan fully supports Arabs killing Jews by car, "Liking" this poster and putting it on his timeline..

He also has this photo of a Jewish boy, with the caption "Overcome the Jews."

Any questions?

From Ian:

Netanyahu Warns US: ISIS and Iran Must Both Lose
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed support Sunday for the US fight against Islamic State terrorists, but cautioned against any softening toward Iran.
"We want them both to lose. The last thing we want is to have any one of them get weapons of mass destruction," Netanyahu said in an interview with CBS Face the Nation.
PM Netanyahu Interviewed on CBS's "Face the Nation"

Antisemitic "documentary" demonizes Jews on PA TV
The film explains that Jews were expelled from European countries in the Middle Ages because the Europeans "could not bear their character traits, monopolies, corruption, and their control and climbing up positions in government." It also states that these countries "felt they had suffered a tragedy by providing refuge for the Jews." Finally, it claims European countries later saw the Balfour Declaration, in which Britain stated that it viewed "with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people," as "an ideal solution to get rid of" the Jews.
"Faced with the Jews' schemes, Europe could not bear their character traits, monopolies, corruption, and their control and climbing up positions in government. In 1290, King Edward I issued a decree banishing the Jews [from England]. Following him were France, Germany, Austria, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Spain and Italy. The European nations felt that they had suffered a tragedy by providing refuge for the Jews. Later the Jews obtained the Balfour Declaration, and Europe saw it as an ideal solution to get rid of them."
[Official PA TV, Nov. 11, 2014 and Jan. 1, 2013]

  • Monday, November 17, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Over the past few days, four Gaza terror groups including Islamic Jihad and PFLP brought leading Hamas and Fatah representatives into a room in order to jumpstart their supposed "unity" government.

They failed.

They met on Thursday with Fatah representatives and on Saturday with Hamas.

The most recent crisis between them occurred a week ago when Fatah targets were simultaneously bombed ahead of a planned rally to celebrate the aniversary of Yasser Arafat's death. Fatah blames Hamas and Hamas denies any involvement, blaming instead the Salafist groups in Gaza - who in turn denied it and blamed Hamas as well.

Unity has been a joke for years, and chances of any real rapprochement between the groups are remote as long as Hamas insists that it controls the security and borders of Gaza.
  • Monday, November 17, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From King Abdullah II's speech at the UN last September:

And Jordan strongly opposes threats to Jerusalem's Arab Muslim and Christian identity. And as Hashemite custodian of Jerusalem's Muslim and Chriistian holy sites, I will to oppose any violation of Al Aqsa Mosque's sanctity.

Abdullah is making things up, and he is also violating the peace agreement between Israel and Jordan, in this short video clip.

We've already looked at Abdullah's claims to be the custodian of Muslim holy places. It is false. The agreement between Israel and Jordan states "Israel respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. When negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines." If Israel is the party assigning priorities to Jordan's role, that means that Israel can override them.

In this speech, Abdullah claims not only that he is custodian of Muslim holy sites, but of Christian holy sites as well! That is not mentioned at all in the Israel-Jordan peace agreement nor in the Washington Declaration that it refers to.

Abdullah's statement is even more outrageous, because it directly violates both the previous and the following paragraphs of the agreement:
Each party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.
Jordan's king is saying here that the very presence of Jews on their holiest site is considered a 'desecration" - meaning that he is coming out against freedom of access to the Temple Mount in violation of the agreement.

The Parties will act together to promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.
Abdullah does not even acknowledge that Jerusalem has any Jewish significance, only claiming it has an "Arab Muslim and Christian identity." Hence he is violating this clause of the agreement to promote interfaith relations with Judaism, against freedom of religious worship and against tolerance and peace.

Jordan's king explicitly violated a number of clauses of his peace agreement with Israel to the entire world, in front of the United Nations. And no one blinked an eye.

(h't Irene)

Islamic Jihad just released a fawning obituary of Eyad Radi Abu Raida, a mujahid killed in Khuza'a east of Khan Younis.

Notice in the second photo Abu Raida is playing with his weapon in a mosque. This photo was taken in September 2013, not during wartime, in case anyone doubts how Gaza terrorists use mosques.

There was also a seemingly privately made video honoring him released last month.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights called Abu Raida a "civilian."

As in the past, terror groups are still releasing names of their "martyrs" months after they were killed, as one of the goals of the war was to maximize the number of seeming civilians killed. Now that the meme of "vast majority of those killed were civilians" has been accepted as fact, the organizations can be more up front about their casualties, but only one at a tie.


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