Sunday, October 26, 2014

  • Sunday, October 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

Israel's Channel 10 has an amazing video showing how a Jerusalem Arab (with his voice and face disguised) is selling houses to Jews because he believes that they are the rightful residents of the area..

Quietly and under the unofficial position, facing the developing Jewish settlement in Silwan area assistance. Abu Salem (a pseudonym), is among a group of Palestinians who sold houses for Jews in East Jerusalem. Most of them fled. But Abu Salem, who is responsible for the major Jewish settlement in Silwan, still lives in the neighborhood even after he nearly paid for his transactions with his life.

In a conversation with him it turns out that Abu Salim holds an extraordinary belief among Palestinians - he has zeal for Jewish sovereignty even in areas mostly populated by Palestinians. According to him, "I am here to prove that Jews belong in the land, there is nothing to talk about. They have been 3,000 years in Jerusalem."

Against this background, you can also figure out the sights around the house: Abu Salem's problematic act is carried out by a Palestinian living under fear. Ten security cameras are placed around the house, taking care to record every nook and corner. He said, "They shot at me twice and once wanted to kidnap me and could not."
Abu Salem mentions that some of the homes have mezuzot on the doorposts that the Arabs tried to cover over with cement.

I hope to add subtitles soon.

(h/t Yoel and O)

From Ian:

'Jews Should Live Anywhere in Jerusalem, Without Terror or Fear'
Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich (Yisrael Beytenu) also paid a shiva (condolence) call Friday morning, stating: "There are no words I can say to comfort a young couple who have lost their innocent little daughter."
Chetboun addressed the growing tension in Jerusalem, making clear that "the unbelievable ease with which terror attacks take place in Jerusalem must stop."
He continued, "We must bring back our ability to deter such attacks. It is impossible to deter without holding sovereignty. But we cannot be sovereign without building in Jerusalem, in both the east and the west. Jews should live anywhere in Jerusalem without terror or fear."
Ryan Bellerose: Reality Hits Canada
What we learned this week though, is something I have been saying all along – these people do not differentiate. They want to kill everyone who is not one of them: Christians, Jews, Muslims, Indians, it really does not matter to them. Canada is learning a lesson that the entire Middle East learned in the 7th century, and that Israel has been learning since its inception: that Fundamentalist Islamic ideology is not just dangerous to its neighbors, its dangerous to everyone. The European Union is finding this out in a harsh way and now its come to our land, and if we ignore it, we will lose everything that makes our Country great.
I am President of an organisation that we started to fight back against this. One Nation Society for Democracy, ( is a group that will advocate for Canadian Rights and Values. We refuse to accept the erosion of everything that makes this country great. At our launch event in Calgary Alberta, we are bringing in 2 speakers – Melanie Philips and Father Raymond deSouza – who will speak about how Europe is currently going through some serious issues with the influx of Islamic fundamentalists and how we can work to prevent those issues in Canada. This is truly an issue that affects all of us. Acknowledgement of the issue is the first step, education is the next, and then we must mobilize and work for change.
IsraellyCool: Why Did This Palestinian Facebook Group Care About A Nepal Bus Crash?
This Hamas affiliated Facebook group with 1.9 Million “likes” (almost 4 times as many as the Times of Israel), shared a story about a bus crash in Nepal.
At the time of writing, this post has more than 9000 likes, 850 shares, and 850 comments.
Because 2 Israelis died in the crash.
“If it bleeds it leads” is a well known aphorism about journalism. I guess if it’s Jewish and it bleeds that’s even better for Palestinians.

  • Sunday, October 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

Kitchen ConfidentialI used to cook in some pretty good restaurants back east when I was a tad younger.

For awhile I wore a toque and reduced veal stock into glace de viande and did things like eviscerate soft-shelled crabs for evening service.

In my estimation, as a former professional cook, Anthony Bourdain is tops in the hierarchy of celebrity chefs.

This is true not because of his considerable cooking ability, but because of his cultural intelligence, otherwise I would not bother with the guy.

Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly - the book that allowed him to shelf his chef knives - is a memoir of a smart New York American cook who became a kick-ass sous chef and who sat up nights writing about the organized mayhem and hostile bullshit that is a busy restaurant in the city on a Saturday night.

{Speaking strictly for myself, I will never forget working a deep-fat fryer while two cooks in their twenties - as was I at the time - had a fist fight in the kitchen.  I just started hollering, "Stay the %&*# away from me!  Do not come anywhere close to here!!" as they slugged it out barely six feet from where I stood above gallons of glistening hot oil, before I simply scooted on out of there.}

Bourdain is a culinary Hunter S. Thompson and in his 2013 season two premier episode of Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown his producers and financiers dragged him kicking-and-screaming into Jerusalem.

He began his rather uncomfortable travels around Israel by telling us this:
By the end of this hour I will be seen by many as a terrorist sympathizer, a Zionist tool, a self-hating Jew, an apologist for American imperialism, an orientalist, socialist, fascist, CIA agent, and worse.
So here goes nothing.
The man is no dope.

Despite The Jerusalem Episode I remain a fan and the thing of it, of course, is that he is absolutely correct.  I wondered for years why it was that he did not go to Israel, and I sometimes indulged my darkest suspicions, but now he tells us.  He notes in his very first breath that there is no way to discuss the place without angering people and the very last thing that someone like Bourdain - or Alton Brown or Bobby Flay or, say, Paula Deen, or any person whose job title is celebrity chef - wants to do is piss-off large parts of the viewing population and thus diminish their own value in the market.

The much maligned Paula Deen, in particular, might have something to say about this matter.

We should also remember that Bourdain and his people were in Beirut in 2006 when they found themselves in a rather unpleasant situation stuck between Hezbollah and the IDF.  We basically have Bourdain on camera from the time looking out over the city from his hotel balcony watching rocket fire and saying something along the lines of, "Well, now what the hell are we going to do?"

In any case, the reviews of the Jerusalem episode were mixed.  Writing in the Jewish Journal in September, 2013, Rob Eshman tells us this:

If you like food and you like Israel, this past week’s episode of Anthony Bourdain’s “Parts Unknown” was a win-win.

And I say that despite the criticism Bourdain has received from the people who profess to love Israel. To them, he presented a biased, pro-Palestinian screed disguised as a food show.
From my perspective it is not hard to see why people who care about Israel would put forth significant criticisms of the episode, although I cannot help but notice the tone of sarcasm in Eshman's emphasized use of the word "love" in regards Israel.

Bourdain's mother was Jewish and, thus, Bourdain acknowledges his own Jewishness.  However he says, "I've never been in a synagogue.  I don't believe in a higher power, but that does not make me any less Jewish."  I agree for the obvious reason that "Jewish" refers to both a people and a religion, just as the word "Israel" refers to both a people and a country.

Bourdain, however, seems uncomfortable in Jewish shoes.  I find my Jewish shoes to be exceedingly comfy-cozy - although one needs to learn how to run fast in them - but Tony does not.

While at the Western Wall he donned a kippa, allowed an orthodox Jew to apply tefillin, and seemed entirely antsy all the way through... although not nearly so uncomfortable as when he was offered a crown of thorns for his noggin in the Christian quarter!

That he simply could not do, and I certainly do not blame him for it.  I would not put them on either!

What got Bourdain in trouble with some in the Jewish community, naturally, was politics and it is not as if the very first words out of his mouth did not suggest that he knew precisely what was coming.

If he had stuck to simply discussing the mysteries of falafel and shakshouka everything would have been just dandy and he would have flown out of Ben Gurion with nothing but well wishes and a newly found appreciation for sabih.

Unfortunately, there was no way to do that because that is not what the show is about.  It is never just about the food for Bourdain.  It is always also about culture, more generally, and thus about politics and that is a big part of the reason that I watch his stuff.  The man is intelligent, witty, charming, engaging - and an exceedingly curious and critical former degenerate - but he is emphatically not well-educated on the Arab-Israel conflict any more than I am well-educated on any number of conflicts happening around the world.

He claims:
Since 1967 half a million settlers have moved here all in contravention of international law.

Ultimately Bourdain means well, but he is simply not knowledgeable enough about the subject to think on it outside of the so-called "Palestinian narrative" which is, today, the mainstream media narrative in the west.  This is why he eyes his Jewish host in the "West Bank" with something resembling suspicion and questions him about Jewish anti-Arab graffiti.

He is, essentially, in this segment, playing "catch the Jew."

The truth, of course, is that Tony Bourdain should probably not opinionate about international law in public.  I have far more credence to speak to his cooking ability than he does to discuss international law... as my former semi-famous ex-attorney-in-law would presumably agree.

It just makes him look arrogant... and I say this as someone who likes the guy.

CAMERA, needless to say, was having none of it.  In a piece entitled, Anthony Bourdain's "Parts Unknown - Jerusalem" Serves up Palestinian PropagandaSteven Stotsky writes:
Asserting he is part-Jewish, Bourdian made sure to distance himself from his Jewish background and deny any attachment to Israel. He described himself as an "enemy" of religious devotion and claims to have never been in a synagogue. While Bourdain’s narrative initially avoided taking sides, his host in Jerusalem, Israeli-born expatriate, Yotam Ottolenghi, was less careful. Ottolenghi's recounting of Jerusalem’s status, "Basically, this city was divided into two until 1967 when there was the famous Six-Day War," misrepresents the city’s history. In fact, Jerusalem was only briefly divided after the Jordanians occupied the eastern neighborhoods in 1948, expelled the Jewish residents and expropriated their property. For most of the city's long history there was no division.

Yotam Ottolenghi 

jerusalemLaurie and I bought Ottolenghi's book not long after our last visit to Israel.

{The basmati and wild rice with chickpeas, currants and herbs is outstanding, but if you attempt the fava bean kuku make sure to use fresh, rather than canned, favas.  It makes all the difference.  In fact, on reflection, canned favas are simply heinous and should always be avoided under any circumstances other than starvation... if then.}

What we did not know, however, upon making that purchase - of the book, not the favas - is that Ottolenghi, of Jewish-Italian descent, lost his younger brother, Yiftach, to friendly fire as a soldier in the IDF.

This may, perhaps, have something to do with Ottolenghi's apparent biases.  Or, perhaps, he did not receive a very good education concerning the history of Israel, but when he said that Jerusalem, the City of David, was divided until 1967, without any historical context whatsoever, I got angry many months later and half a world away.

The problem here, of course, is not chef Ottolenghi, nor chef Bourdain.

The problem might be us... which is, I suppose, a typically Jewish response.

Because we have been so outnumbered for so long disdain toward Jews, yet again, has incorporated itself into western culture to such an extent that even American liberal semi-Jews, like Bourdain, think that Jewish people moving into Judea is some sort-of awful crime against "the native Palestinian population."

Even American Jewish liberals think this.

In other words, what the Obama administration and the European Union and the United Nations and the larger western left is telling Jewish people, including people like Bourdain, is that we can live wherever we want with the exception of our traditional homeland because this is seen as an intrusion on "indigenous" rights.

Despite the fact that their are no more indigenous people to Judea than the Jews, John Kerry and Barack Obama want to tell us that we have no right to live on the land of our ancestors without the permission of the PLO.

What could possibly more discriminatory and "racist" and anti-liberal and just plain horrendous than that?

Within living memory of the Holocaust some schmuck living on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. thinks that he has the right to tell me where I can live?

I am sorry, but it is unacceptable and we need to stand up for ourselves and the children and grandchildren of the Jewish people.

If we do not, one thing is certain, no one else will.

And however much I appreciate Bourdain as a television personality - however much he makes me want to visit every taco truck in Oakland - I cannot allow this nonsense to go without comment.

{And, therefore, for whatever it may be worth, I have not.}

See you next week.

Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under.

  • Sunday, October 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
This statement from State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki a month ago seems to have flown under the radar:
I think his – President Abbas is a friend of Secretary’s. The Palestinian people are friends of the United States.

The first half of the statement, that Abbas is a friend, is no less laughable. Maybe he is a friend of John Kerry, but he is hardly a friend of the US.

Even with the frosty relations betweeen Netanyahu and Obama, Bibi always, consistently emphasizes the friendship between the US and Israel.

I cannot find a single statement of Mahmoud Abbas' - even when he is with President Obama - saying anything nice about the US, except for thanking the US for giving him money.
Here I wish to thank the President for his continuous confirmation of the U.S. commitment to provide support to the Palestinian people, and to thank him and his administration for the support that has been provided during the past years -- various forms of support -- to the Palestinian treasury, to development projects, and to the UNRWA.
Even he doesn't claim that his people are friends of the US.

But the State Department does.

When Wikileaks first broke, I spent a bit of time going through the State Department cables. I was impressed with the hard work, accuracy and analysis of most of the diplomats working, day in and day out, in the Middle East, based on their frank dispatches. .

Unfortunately, when the leader of the State Department has his own agenda that is at odds with reality, all of that worthwhile effort goes down the drain.

There is no way a State Department analyst in the Middle East - no matter how Arabist - would say something this stupid. Even Mahmoud Abbas wouldn't say this for fear of losing popularity - which proves how insane the statement is to begin with.

But when politics interferes with clear-mindedness, politics wins.
  • Sunday, October 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The videos coming out of Silwan are unbelievable.

Not just their content, but also the fact that such explicit Jew-hatred by Arabs is not condemned by any so-called "progressives."

Last week, some Jews legally bought houses in what had been a Jewish neighborhood before Arabs moved in - and then expelled the Jews in the 1920s and 1930s.  This is considered an unspeakable crime by the Arabs, and the rest of the world chooses to twist the wording of the Geneva Conventions to pretend that Jews voluntarily buying houses is equivalent to people moving involuntarily.

Here is an Arab woman who is taunting one of the Jews who bought a house in Silwan by repeatedly poking out a rag that is patching up a hole in his front door window. She rhetorically asks, "Where are the police?" before telling the reporter that this is an exclusively Arab neighborhood - no Jews.

The title of this Arab news video is "Continuing violations of Jewish settlers against Palestinians."

Here you can see fireworks and firebombs being shot at Jews in Silwan last week. When a Molotov cocktail hits what appears to be a fire engine pouring water on a previous fire, the crowd cheers.

Here's a close-up look at last night's rioters.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

  • Saturday, October 25, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
It is not fashionable for Westerners to say that Gaza is a source of terrorism.

But Egyptians say it all the time.

Egypt closed the Rafah crossing to Gaza on Saturday morning, It is reported that the closure will last "indefinitely."

Egypt was also reported to be creating a huge buffer zone - between 1.5 and 3 kilometers - from the border with Gaza in order to stop any smuggling of weapons to and from Gaza.

President Sisi said in a speech that "new procedures will be initiated on the border with the Gaza Strip in the face of terrorism."

Now, this means that Egypt will once again be enforcing a blockade on Gaza. People will not be able to leave Gaza for medical, educational or professional reasons. This is what would be characterized as "collective punishment" if done by Israel..

Egypt, by any yardstick, is treating Palestinians in Gaza worse than Israel is. Israel has not closed the Erez crossings and hundred of truckloads of materials go to Gaza every weekday from Israel.

But how does Mahmoud Abbas respond to Egypt's latest moves to enforce a crippling siege on Gaza?

He supports them!

After Sisi's speech, Abbas said "We stand by Egypt's leadership, government and people, and we support all measures to be taken by the Egyptian leadership in order to maintain security and stability in Egypt in the face of terrorism in the Sinai and all the Egyptian territories, because of the service of the Palestinian cause and the Arab national security."

Abbas praised the Egyptian position as being "courageous in the face of terrorism," saying he has great confidence that Egypt will overcome the enemy.

How's that for hypocrisy?

From Ian:

Something Is Rotten at Foggy Bottom
That’s right, all Psaki would say is that Abbas “has renounced violence and consistently sought a diplomatic and peaceful solution”–an obviously false statement–along with the strident insistence that she doesn’t “have any other analysis for you to offer.”
It’s worth pointing out that in the very same press briefing Psaki confirmed that the victim of the Palestinian terror attack in Jerusalem was an American citizen. So even Americans not totally inclined to defend Israel from terrorism would, theoretically, be fairly embarrassed by Psaki’s pusillanimous, kowtowing claptrap.
The degree to which this administration will go to avenge perceived slights would make a middle-schooler uncomfortable. While Psaki has nothing to say about deadly anti-Semitic incitement from Abbas even when it’s followed by the murder of an American baby, the State Department reserves its outrage for Israeli officials who disagree on the record with Kerry.
Edgar Davidson: On killing terrorists: the hypocrisy and Obama's viciously anti-Israel regime
In New York yesterday police shot and killed Zale Thompson a Jihadist convert to Islam who attacked a number of policemen with an axe. Just imagine if, in response to this event, the Government of Israel issued the following statement:
"Israel expresses its deepest condolences to the family of a US citizen (Zale Thompson) who was killed by the US Police Forces during clashes in New York on October 24. We demand a speedy and transparent investigation into his killing."
Well Israel did not issue such a statement, but on the same day as the Zale Thompson killing, Israeli security forces killed a Palestinian who was throwing Molotov cocktails at them. And the US Government really did issue the following statement:
"The United States expresses its deepest condolences to the family of a US citizen minor (Orwah Hammad) who was killed by the Israeli Defence Forces during clashes in Silwad on October 24. We demand a speedy and transparent investigation into his killing." (h/t Bob Knot)
Kitchen Nightmares
It recently began serving Palestinian food wrapped in leaflets that include quotes from Palestinians defending terrorism and opposing the existence of Israel.
“How can you compare Israeli F-16s, which are some of the best military planes in the world, to a few hundred homemade rockets?” states one quote on the wrapper, a reference to Hamas rocket attacks against Israelis. “You’re pushing them to the absolute extreme. So what do you expect?”
“Palestinians are not going to just let [Israel] in and drop their arms,” it adds. “No, they’re going to kill and they are going to die.”
The statements on the wrappers were taken from interviews with Palestinians. They are published without quotation marks and do not appear to be edited for accuracy.
Another section of the wrapper refers to the creation of Israel as “an intentional and ongoing offensive.” It also alleges that Israel deliberately blocks Palestinians from obtaining drinking water, opposes non-Jews from becoming citizens, and has assassinated or imprisoned all of the non-corrupt Palestinian leaders.
According to the wrapper, Conflict Kitchen is supported in part by the Heinz Endowment, which is chaired by Kerry’s wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry.
A spokesman for the Heinz Endowment told the Washington Free Beacon that it gave Conflict Kitchen a $50,000 grant last April to support its relocation to another site in Pittsburgh.
He declined to say whether the Heinz Endowment would continue to support the group in the future, but added that, “the opinions of Conflict Kitchen do not represent those of the Heinz Endowment.” (h/t Jewess)

Friday, October 24, 2014

From Ian:

South African BDS Activists Target Woolworths Kosher Food Section With Severed Pigs Head
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel took another step into open antisemitism today when student activists in South Africa placed the severed head of a pig in the kosher meat section of a Woolworths store in Cape Town. The shocking gesture was aimed, the perpetrators said, at preventing “people who will not eat pork to pretend that they are eating clean meat, when it is sold by hands dripping with the blood of Palestinian children.”
Jewish leaders were quick to condemn the act, organized by the Congress of South African Students (COSAS,) a body affiliated with the ruling African National Congress (ANC.) “Disregarding all standards of basic decency, the Congress of South African Students today chose to send an ugly message to the Jewish community of South Africa. This morning, as a protest against Woolworths for stocking Israeli products, COSAS members in Cape Town deposited a pig’s head in the kosher meat section of a Woolworths food store,” said the South African Jewish Board of Deputies. “The SAJBD regards this incident as a hate crime and is investigating its options regarding taking the matter further.”
A spokesman for Woolworths claimed after the incident that there “were no kosher food products on the affected shelf” at the retailers’ Fort Road store in the Sea Point district. “Placing a pig’s head in our store is unacceptable and offensive to our employees and customers, including Jewish and Muslim employees and customers,” Paula Disberry, Woolworths group director of retail operations said in a statement. “We are investigating this incident and we will consider our options to prevent such distasteful protests in our stores.”
It’s Time for HRW’s Ken Roth to Go
Ken Roth has now been executive director of Human Rights Watch (HRW) for more than two decades; indeed, he has become an institution there. But if HRW is going to retain any credibility, it is time to demand Roth resign or be fired.
Here’s the problem: On October 22, a car driven by a known Hamas activist slammed into a light rail stop, injuring several Israelis and Americans, and killing a three-month-old girl. The driver of the car tried then to flee on foot, but was shot (and has since succumbed to his wounds). Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. Seems pretty cut-and-dried. Not to Roth, who wasted no time casting doubt.
This is what Roth had to say on Twitter:
“Palestinian deadly crash into train stop. Israel calls it ‘terrorist attack…typical of Hamas’ ”
To call the attack in Jerusalem simply a car crash is like calling the 9/11 attacks a plane crash, or to call ISIS’s enslavement and rape of Yezidi women as mere groping. The contempt with which Roth holds Israel is legendary. Five years ago, its founding chairman even took to the New York Times to lament HRW’s bias and politicization under Roth.
Caroline Glick: It’s time to beat the Jew-haters
The decision by the most prestigious opera house in America to produce an opera that mainstreams Jew-hatred and anti-Jewish terrorism is a great victory for elitist anti-Semitism. In the world of elite anti-Semitism, Jews are told that truth is but a narrative. Jewish history and rights have no more merit – indeed less merit – than the lies of Jew-haters. And if Jews dare to object to the propagation of lies against them, they open themselves to the easy accusation that they seek to stifle free speech.
The goal of elitist anti-Semitism is to erode the right of Jews to have and promote Jewish rights and interests. This is done by demonizing those who defend Jewish rights and advance Jewish interests, while elevating and romanticizing the lives and largely false narratives of those who seek to destroy Israel.
The Met’s singular contribution to the cause of elitist anti-Semitism is the prestige its production of The Death of Klinghoffer confers on the cause.
Another dam has been breached. Another safe zone has become a no-go zone.

  • Friday, October 24, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
OK, I admit it: I'm frustrated that I have gotten no traction on my UNRWA exposes over the past two weeks.

A UN agency with a billion dollar budget is covering up information about its teaching hate to hundreds of thousands of students, and I cannot get a single mainstream reporter to cover this. (The only coverage I got was from Algemeiner.)

I tweeted almost all of the Western UN news correspondents, and emailed many of them. Except for one who said he might use the information in the future, nada.

An NRO article from a couple of years ago reveals a little about the "old reporters club" that covers the UN, and how they were trying to expel one rogue reporter who actually asked uncomfortable questions. It seems that the article understates the case.

I'm still trying, and I'm not going to give up so easily on this. Anyone who wants to send my articles on UNRWA over to your favorite columnists, pundits, reporters or politicians, please do so until we get some coverage. And let me know their responses.

Here's a recap of the main articles of the series:

All sites mentioned there were taken down within a couple of weeks.

UNRWA's Gaza "human rights" website posts:

Site taken down:

UNRWA Gaza "respect and discipline" school website:

Site taken down:

From Ian:

Khaled Abu Toameh: Abbas's Responsibility for Murder
To understand what drives a young Palestinian to carry out such a deadly attack, one needs to look at the statements of Palestinian Authority leaders during the past few weeks.
The anti-Israel campaign of incitement reached its peak with Abbas's speech at the UN a few weeks ago, when he accused Israel of waging a "war of genocide" in the Gaza Strip. Abbas made no reference to Hamas's crimes against both Israelis and Palestinians.
Whatever his motives, it is clear that the man who carried out the most recent attack, was influenced by the messages that Abbas and the Palestinian Authority leadership have been sending their people.
Israel Can't Have Partial Sovereignty
This may not be taught in conflict resolution departments, but this is how it works in the real world: whoever shows a daily, regular presence determines affairs. If it's not us, it will be someone else.
The only way to restore security is a robust sovereign and consistent presence in Arab neighborhoods and towns. Not by hiding behind pillboxes and armored vehicles, but with constant and stubborn policing, day after day. Law enforcement is a dirty job, and professional have to do it. Crimes, murders (including "honor killings"), illegal arms and all the sundry "internal" Arab affairs need to start being our business, not something to be dealt with "in house". If we don't, we simply won't last here.
This requires a lot of effort, it's not politically correct and there may be casualties. But if we don't want to wake up with ISIS as a next door neighbor, we're going to have to act preemptively to keep it out.
The Poison Tree
Last month, addressing the U.N. General Assembly, Benjamin Netanyahu made a connection between the Islamic State and Hamas. These terrorist entities, Netanyahu said, have a lot in common. Separated by geography, they nonetheless share ideology and tactics and goals: Islamism, terrorism, the destruction of Israel, and the establishment of a global caliphate.
And yet, Netanyahu observed, the very nations now campaigning against the Islamic State treated Hamas like a legitimate combatant during last summer’s Israel-Gaza war. “They evidently don’t understand,” he said, “that ISIS and Hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree.”
The State Department dismissed Netanyahu’s metaphor. “Obviously, we’ve designated both as terrorist organizations,” said spokesman Jen Psaki. “But ISIL poses a different threat to Western interests and to the United States.”
Psaki was wrong, of course. She’s always wrong. And, after the events of the last 48 hours, there ought not to be any doubt as to just how wrong she was. As news broke that a convert to Islam had murdered a soldier and stormed the Canadian parliament, one read of another attack in Jerusalem, where a Palestinian terrorist ran his car over passengers disembarking from light rail, injuring seven, and killing 3-month-old Chaya Zissel Braun, who held a U.S. passport.
Sarah Honig: The 14th century in Washington
Kerry didn’t only fail to rebuff this dangerous allegation when it was sounded by the “regional leaders” with whom he so cozily hobnobbed. Kerry actually quoted Arab aspersions, giving them resonance and official endorsement.
And he didn’t just echo Israel’s enemies but added his own editorializing commentary to reinforce their Israel-connection contentions: “People need to understand the connection of that. And it has something to do with humiliation and denial and absence of dignity.”
Here Kerry treacherously crossed a redline, in a calculated move that should send chills down the spine of every thinking person.
Kerry intimated that by refusing to commit collective suicide, Israelis abet the nastiest menace to the civilized world. The subtext ought to be clear even to this non-erudite secretary of state.
In essence, blaming the blameless for what they have no involvement in is as morally reprehensible as the mid-14th century scapegoating of Europe’s Jews during the Black Death. Right across the Continent, the recommended remedy was to accuse Jews of poisoning the wells.
With adaptations, this remains the undisputed conventional wisdom. As Hamas avers and as Kerry chummily chimes in, when anything goes wrong the instant surefire remedy is to blame the Jew. The 14th century lives on in 21st century Washington.

  • Friday, October 24, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

Hamas just said, as it has said thousands of times before, that "armed resistance is the only way to liberate Palestine."

This means rockets, kidnappings, and terror attacks.

Dr. Younis al-Astal, Hamas leader in Khan Younis, said that Hamas "resistance" during the Gaza war has already proven that Zionists could never feel secure.

He was speaking during a festival organized by Hamas to honor the families of the martyrs of Khan Younis

Astal said that there is no way that Hamas will abandon its weapons under a unity government, saying "this is our weapon and our spirit and our jihad for the sake of God."

Of course, Hamas' insistence on terror as its main function will never sway the many Western Hamas cheerleaders. They will continue to insist that Hamas is peaceful and pragmatic as many times as Hamas will continue to say the exact opposite in Arabic.

And Western audiences never hear the Arabic.

  • Friday, October 24, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
This video, apparently taken this week, shows a Jewish man on the Temple Mount quietly sitting down.

This is, of course, an unspeakable crime.

The caption from Facebook  says "Haj Abu Badi, despite his age, does not get tired in response to the daily incursions of settlers. Here a settler is sitting and refuses to move, a provocation."

How dare someone provoke someone else?

Obviously the shouting man and the screaming woman aren't guilty of the crime of provocation, because the Jew being screamed at isn't being successfully provoked into reacting.

The logic is impeccable.

There were other videos of those Jews stomping on the precious feelings of screaming Muslim women this week.

This one might be of the same provocateur:

More generic provokers:

Here are Israeli police on the Mount, inexplicably not shooting or punching a single person.

(h/t Bob K)

  • Friday, October 24, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The "Free Gaza" movement and Hamas have been great friends for years. Here is Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh with a large group of Free Gaza members he had just given awards to:

Here's free Gaza co-founder Paul Larudee, one of the awardees above (seated second from the left,) shaking hands with this same terrorist leader:

Now, here is Larudee and other Free Gaza co-founders Kathy Sheetz and Greta Berlin being given another award from the "The San Jose Peace and Justice Center." 

Concurrent with this presentation, Congressman Mike Honda sent Certificates of Special Congressional Recognition to each of these terror supporters as well as a letter of commendation recognizing the award recipients for their "peace" work in campaigning tirelessly against Israel.

Guess who wants you to give money to Mike Honda's campaign?

Yes, that "pro-Israel, pro-peace" group J-Street:

J-Street has an interesting definition of "pro-Israel." To them, it means "supporting those who hate Israel."

(Honda's opponent, also a Democrat, doesn't seem to push any particular foreign policy line.)

See also "J-Street endorses candidates who voted against Iron Dome funding."

By the way, the San Jose Peace and Justice Center once hosted an author who defended prominent people against charges of terrorism. They included Hamas leader Khaled Meshal - and Syrian president Bashar Assad!

(h/t Anarcho-Zionist)

From insane-leftist Gideon Levy in Haaretz:

The uprising is on the way. When the next wave of terror emerges from the alleys of East Jerusalem, Israelis will pretend to be astonished and furious. But the truth must be told: Despite Wednesday's shocking incident, the Palestinians are turning out to be one of the most tolerant nations in history. Mass arrests, violent settlers, deprivation, expulsion, neglect, dispossession — and they remain silent, except for the recent protest of the stones.

After I read this I happened to see this video report from Israel's Channel 10 showing dozens of recent attacks against Jews in Jerusalem - firebombs, rocks thrown at buses, small rockets and more. It is in Hebrew but it is self-explanatory.

This version of the video was enthusiastically reproduced by a pro-terror Arab media outlet with the headline "See how the people of Jerusalem [i.e., Arabs] make the lives of Zionists into hell."

But Levy knows that things have really been quite calm.

(h/t Oliver)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

  • Thursday, October 23, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:

Abd al-Rahman al-Shaludi, who died early Thursday after being shot by Israeli police following a suspected attack on civilians in Jerusalem, suffered psychological issues following his release from an Israeli jail, his mother said.

His mother was quoted by the Wadi Hilweh Information Center as saying that her son suffered mental health issues after being released from Israeli prison custody in March, where he was allegedly tortured.

On the day of the incident in Jerusalem, she had taken al-Shaludi to see a doctor who referred her to a psychiatrist and booked an appointment for Nov. 9.
This story is interesting in a couple of ways.

Shaludi was released from prison last December. Isn't is a huge coincidence that the very day that his mother gets a referral to a psychiatrist (with a very specific appointment date, making it sound quite realistic) is the exact same day he decides to attack the Jews?

And if she was so worried about his mental state thatshe had to accompany him to the doctor, then why is she letting him drive by himself?

There could be two explanations. One is that she is telling the truth, and Shaludi decided to do a terror attack rather than be known as someone who needs a psychiatrist.

But the other possibility is that this story is completely made up.

One other interesting fact: Ma'an did not publish this story in Arabic. And neither did any other Arabic news site.*

In Arabic media, there is not one mention I could find of his mental state. After the initial reports asserting that the terror act was an accident, after the videos came out, Arab sites started being proud of his act - or changed their tone to one of outrage that Israeli police "murdered" him.

The "mental health" (because of Israel, naturally) is probably made up for Western consumption, because only Westerners would be sympathetic to someone who is mentally ill. But such a diagnosis is a source of shame for Arabs, so they make up a different story for their own people.

In an honor/shame society, the truth is not relevant. Only appearances are. This is why they lie so easily, and why Westerners cannot understand them,

Either way, the attack has nothing to do with "Israeli torture." A three month old baby was killed because killing Jews is the most honorable ambition in Palestinian society.

*UPDATE: The story about his mental health was published in Arabic here (h/t Bob K)


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