Sunday, August 10, 2014

  • Sunday, August 10, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Only a couple of weeks ago Human Rights Watch head Ken Roth was telling any media outlet that would listen that Israel was aiming at civilian targets that had no possible military value.

Now that some media are belatedly noticing that a high percentage of those killed in Gaza are young men of military age who are only a small percentage of the general population, Roth floats a new theory:

As if it is needed, this is more proof that doesn't care about those pesky little things called facts.

As this early analysis shows, and there is no doubt that it remains true, even according to the false numbers provided by the UN, the chances that a random Hamas terrorist will be killed is about 30 times the chances that any other civilian would be killed. Which means that even among young Gaza men, even according to the vastly underreported numbers, Hamas terrorists are far more likely to be killed than innocent civilians who are young men.

But that won't stop Ken Roth from finding some other slander to hurl. That's how he rolls.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

  • Saturday, August 09, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Early Saturday morning, areas of Rome were plastered with posters saying "Do not buy from Jews!" with a list of 50 Jewish-owned stores to be boycotted.

Using the Gaza war as their excuse for hate, a group called "Vita Est Militia" signed the posters.

The poster says explicitly "non comprare dagli ebrei!" which means "Do not buy from Jews!"

Here is a translation of part of it (h/t JM):

Boycott Israel!
Contribute to ending the massacre of the Palestinian people!

The boycott of every kind of Jewish merchant and product is fundamental to ending the massacre in Palestine. Every industry, factory, and shop owned by Jews dedicates a percentage of its turnover to Israel, in order to supply it with weapons and in order to continue killing people that have the right to live in their own homeland! To buy from these DISGRACES is to contribute to the killing of thousands of women, children and senior citizens, that have to struggle to stay on a land, a land stolen with violence that is transforming every street into a trench, raping women, burning babies and destroying homes. To avoid the continuation of this:


Ironically, this explicitly antisemitic poster is illustrated with a cartoon by antisemitic artist Latuff that claims that any criticism of Israel is silenced by calling it antisemitism.

A couple of weeks ago, there was a spate of antisemitic graffiti in Rome that included swastikas and this one that translates to "dirty Jews:"

The mayor of Rome and many other top officials condemned the acts.
From Ian:

Anne Bayefsky: Gaza Strip conflict: Time to face the ugly truth -- the UN encourages terrorism
As the terrorist organization Hamas breaks yet another ceasefire, it operates with the firm belief that it will be protected on the international stage. That’s because the modern United Nations has become an instrument of war, just seven decades after it was founded “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.”
It is time to face an ugly truth: The U.N. encourages terrorism. U.N. enablers on the ground in Gaza and U.N. broadcasters in the diplomatic comfort zones of Geneva and New York are partners in incitement to genocide against Israel, the Jewish state.
Think back to Rwanda, where a radio station broadcast that Tutsis were “cockroaches.” The message received was that killing was justified, that Tutsis deserved what they got. Such broadcasts were criminal.
The demonization of Israelis by the United Nations is similarly venomous, regardless of the diplomatic facade.
UNRWA calls for end to Gaza blockade
“Huge swathes of Gaza have been leveled. We cannot rebuild it with our hands tied behind our backs,” said Chris Gunness, spokesman for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA).
“The blockade must end. We are beyond the realm of humanitarian action alone. All those directly and indirectly responsible for the carnage and destruction must engage,” he said.
The lifting of Israel’s land and sea blockade, imposed in 2006 [really 2007 after coup against Fatah] after Hamas captured an Israeli soldier, has been a key demand of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority at stalled truce talks in Cairo.
Times of Israel Live blog: Israel says it refuses to negotiate while rockets fall
The Times of Israel is liveblogging events as they unfold through Saturday, August 9, the 33rd day of Operation Protective Edge. The IDF continued its air campaign in the Gaza Strip on Saturday as terrorists fired dozens of rockets at Israeli communities. The US had said Friday it hoped for a renewed truce in the ‘coming hours’ after Hamas ended a 72-hour ceasefire Friday morning and fired some 60 rockets into Israel in the course of the day. Israel began hitting back more than two hours after the rockets resumed Friday, and the Israeli delegation left the ceasefire talks in Cairo, with Israel saying it would not negotiate under fire.

Friday, August 08, 2014

  • Friday, August 08, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Things continued to be crazy this week at Chez Elder. Early this week was the biggest day ever for the blog, we celebrated our 20,000th post, and next week is an even bigger blog milestone.

Out of my top ten all-time posts, five have been written during this war and two of them were written this week.

One was my Pallywood expose of an (apparently) dead girl's body being used for photo-ops for journalists who knowingly went along with the scam. 25,000 people read that one.

The second was the story about the Malaysian couple who decided to have a "hate Israel" theme for their wedding.  Over 18,000 hits for that one. For a day or two, I ticked off the entire nation of Malaysia, as many angry citizens came here to spout their anger at Israel and support of the couple.

Other notable posts this week:

(I met the young woman who filmed this, Danielle Avel, at the anti-CNN rally, she's really great. She caught wind of the anti-Israel rally beforehand and she told me that they were deliberately targeting Jewish-owned businesses in New York for their "direct action.")

I think I have enough for another e-book! Maybe when this operation is really over I'll see if I can organize these.

Meanwhile, I have to work on my presentation for my upcoming talk...

Shabbat Shalom!

From Ian:

Israel Does Not Exist to Make Liberal Jews Feel Good
In one of the most important pieces written during the course of this conflict, Shmuel Rosner has taken to the website of the New York Times, where he is a contributing opinion writer, with a profoundly thoughtful riposte to the disapora Jews who have expressed their disaffection with Israel as a result of the goings-on—from Jon Stewart to Ezra Klein, from Peter Beinart to Roger Cohen.
Rosner says these men may be right that Israel is in danger of losing its bedrock support among American Jews in particular. He says that would put Israel in a difficult position and represent a near-tragic development. But his central point is this: Israel is not actually their country. They do not live in Israel, they do not vote in Israel, their children are not in the Israeli army. Israel is a nation of 8 million people, and it must act in accordance with the views of its electorate and the existential needs of its people as Israelis define them.
Douglas Murray: The black flag of ISIS is flying in London
There is a phrase used of, and by, jihadists: ‘First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.’ Well there’s a fine example of this on display at the moment in East London. Even the Guardian has picked up on it.
At the entrance to a council estate near Canary Wharf, amid the banners of the hilariously misnamed ‘Stop the War coalition’ (‘End the Siege on Gaza’) the Black flag of Jihad is flying. Yes, that’s right, at a major council estate in the East End of London the black flag of ISIS is flying. Here is an excerpt from what one might hope is the Guardian’s learning curve:
This isn’t the first such sighting. A couple of weeks ago I drew attention on Twitter to the fact that the black flag of jihad had been hoisted when young Muslims from the East End of London blocked the Blackwall Tunnel in a gesture of anti-Israel activity. There, among all the Palestinian flags, also flew the black flag of Jihad. The black flag has been on display elsewhere in Western Europe in recent weeks, notably at pro-ISIS and ‘pro-Palestine’ demonstrations in Holland.
Humanitarian Pressure Helped Create Terror Tunnels in Gaza
Lt. Col (ret.) Jonathan D. Halevi, an expert on the Middle East and radical Islam at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA), explained that some of the materials, including cement and iron, were smuggled into Gaza by Hamas through other tunnels from Egypt. Yet due to pressure from international human rights organizations, until recently Israel itself was also providing Gaza with those materials. While the materials were earmarked for civilian construction projects, Halevi said that in reality, they were diverted by Hamas to create the network of attack tunnels.
“The pressure [on Israel to transfer building materials] was enormous and [was put on] by several [local] human rights organizations and international [ones], and was very effective in reaching out to the world’s public opinion, including the EU (European Union) and the U.S. administration,” Halevi told “And that, in a way, helped Hamas’s efforts in building these tunnels.”
The Japanese have some questions for ‘Palestine Supporters’…AND OH ARE THEY AWESOME
You are lamenting the “low sinking” of a “once proud” nation. Please tell me, when exactly was that “nation” proud and what was it so proud of?
And here is the least sarcastic question of all: If the people you mistakenly call “Palestinians” are anything but generic Arabs collected from all over — or thrown out of — the Arab world, if they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, why did they never try to become independent until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat in the Six Day War?
I hope you avoid the temptation to trace the modern day “Palestinians” to the Biblical Philistines: substituting etymology for history won’t work here.

  • Friday, August 08, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Long time readers know that I used to use Spongebob Squarepants as part of my old logo. Alas, I had to fire him a while back because running the world sometimes involves making hard decisions.

Many EoZ fans were not happy and have been trying to get me to reinstate him, even as Spongebob  fell on hard times. I pulled some strings to get him a good job at Sabra Hummus but then I was stunned to find out that he had seemingly defected to the other side, last being seen in Ramallah even as the "unity government" was being set up.

I am happy to say that Spongebob's stint in Ramallah was actually a ruse, as he was actually working for IDF intelligence.  After  that successful mission, he was set to relax in Netanya when he was called up to serve again:

While I mull over whether to find a new position for him at my homepage, SpongeBob has been sending me more updates:

He literally laughs in the face of death!

I may have to seriously consider his application to return to his job here.

(h/t anonymous)

UPDATE: Another sighting of our spongy friend with the other troops:

(h/t Phil)

  • Friday, August 08, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
An op-ed in the Sun Star newspaper from Cebu, Philippines, by Mel Libre:

ON May 15, 1948, upon the recommendation by the United Nations General Assembly of the partition plan of Mandatory Palestine, present-day Israel was established as an independent state. The next day, five Arab neighbors, in support of Palestinian Arabs, pursued a war against the young nation.

But the early Zionist settlers fought back and, in many instances, defeated its enemies, some of which made peace, especially Egypt and much later the once-terrorist Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) of Yasser Arafat.

God’s Promised Land, given to the Israelites after Moses led them out of Egypt, has been occupied, if not ruled by different peoples including the Egyptians, Canaanites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arab Caliphates, Crusaders, Ottomans and finally the British from 1923–1948.

It was thought that the Israel-Palestine peace accord signed by Israel Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and PLO foreign policy official Mahmoud Abbas (the current president of Palestine) on Sept. 13, 1993 would finally end the animosity of the two enemies.

Israel willingly allowed the Palestinians to establish a government in a defined territory that included Biblical towns such as Jericho and Bethlehem. In 2005, Israel gave full control of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians. In 2012, with UN approval raising Palestine's status to that of observer state, Abbas decreed the use of the name, “State of Palestine.”

I am of the belief that the people of Israel have come to the acceptance of the State of Palestine that would exist for the attainment of peace in the region. But Abbas could not contain the Hamas, a terrorist group that has no love for Israel, with a declaration that "Hamas will not recognize Israel...this is a red line that cannot be crossed."

With Hamas controlling the Gaza Strip and having initiated recent attacks on the civilian population of Israel, the Jewish state retaliated with intent to destroy the enemy. The result: more than 1,800 Palestinians dead and 2,502 injured and 67 Israelis killed. Some $6 billion worth of properties were destroyed.

It is said that the Gaza Strip, with a land area of 365 square kilometers, has a population of 1.82 million people (mostly Sunni Muslims) and is one of the most densely populated parts of the world. Hamas has embedded itself in the area like a ticking bomb strapped to Israel.

The act of Israel is one of self-preservation, as it had done so from the time of its establishment in 1948. Hamas and its supporters have blood in their hands, and the world must condemn not just their acts, but the very purpose of the group.

Israel has a right to exist. Its people didn’t cower in the past. They won’t cower now, not in the future.
It is nice to see something like this, and it is sad that it seems so anomalous.

Indeed, Israel's relations with the Philippines have been mostly warm, and in 1939 the president of the Philippines saved over 1300 Jews from the Nazis, and endeavored to save far, far more.

From Ian:

Sarah Honig: Some truly hated truths
The truth is that Israel’s cardinal sin is not allowing its genocidal enemies a deluxe war. This has earned us wrath in censorious capitals and yet another preposterous summons from the UNHRC’s kangaroo court.
The truth is that none of the moral relativists out there will admit that the only imbalance in our equation is between the morality of an ultra-liberal democracy and the immorality of the primeval fanatics who beleaguer it.
The truth is that Gaza’s piteous plaintiveness must be juxtaposed with the riotous rejoicing over a single Israeli’s “capture.”
But these unvarnished truths are unwanted in the smug societies that turn up their sneering noses at us. As George Orwell is reputed to have warned mankind, "the further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."
BBC and NYT Admit Gazan Civilian Casualty Stats Not Credible
Since the conflict in Gaza began, many in the media have become obsessed with publishing “body count” casualty statistics, especially showing the number of Gazan civilian casualties. This data has been used to support those accusing Israel of committing “war crimes.” They say that the huge numbers of “civilian” deaths proves that Israel is being indiscriminate in its military operations.
Now both the BBC and the New York Times (which has been particularly fixated on the daily casualty stats) are admitting that there are serious problems with these numbers.
The BBC’s head of statistics Anthony Reuben, asks:
"If the Israeli attacks have been ‘indiscriminate,’ as the UN Human Rights Council says, it is hard to work out why they have killed so many more civilian men than women…
In conclusion, we do not yet know for sure how many of the dead in Gaza are civilians and how many were fighters. This is in no sense the fault of the UN employees collecting the figures – their statistics are accompanied by caveats and described as preliminary and subject to to revision.
But it does mean that some of the conclusions being drawn from them may be premature.
UN Watch: Letter to Navi Pillay about her silence on Hamas
Dear Navi Pillay,
Every minute of your silence since Hamas attacked Israel this morning and broke the ceasefire only confirms what we already knew: You are a fraud.
Hillel C. Neuer UN Watch

  • Friday, August 08, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Jeff Ballabon published this in a Forbes blog, and then Forbes took it down. I haven't followed all the links so I don't know if one of them is problematic, but for now, here is the article that was taken down: If someone finds out why it was taken down, or one of the links points to something ridiculously offensive or wrong, let me know.)

The 20 Most Ridiculous Things People Believe About The Hamas/Israel Conflict

  1. Israel started it!;
  2. War Crime! Israel should have provided Iron Dome to Hamas!
  3. Israeli conspiracy! Hamas is innocent!
  4. It’s all an Israeli marketing campaign for Iron Dome!
  5. Hamas! Democratically elected terrorists with a heart of gold!
  6. Hamas doesn’t want to eradicate Israel; they’re just frustrated by the occupation…that, uh, ended in 2005!;;
  7. Want peace? Send Hamas more concrete now!
  8. War Crime! Israel has bomb shelters & Gaza doesn’t!;,7340,L-4550733,00.html;;
  9. It’s a “cycle of violence”…which ends if the Palestinians get more power!
  10. No human shields, here…it’s just that Gaza is, y’know, small!;
  11. Apartheid!
  12. Genocide!
  13. Hamas: fighting for freedom!
  14. PLO + Hamas “Unity Government”: bold step for peace!
  15. Just critics of Israeli policies; no anti-Semitism here!http://everydayantisemitism.tumblr.com;;
  16. There’s no difference between Republicans and Democrats on Israel!;
  17. Duh they’re good guys – Human Rights is in their name!;;
  18. But, but – UNWRA says!;
  19. If you can’t trust genocidal terrorists, who can you trust?!?;
  20. It’s the Occupation, stupid!;

  • Friday, August 08, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
It is so nice to hear someone who gets it.

And it is so maddening that such simple truths are so rarely heard.

(h/t dabney)
  • Friday, August 08, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

The BBC just published a cautionary article about Gaza, pointing out what bloggers have been saying for weeks:

[I]f the Israeli attacks have been "indiscriminate", as the UN Human Rights Council says, it is hard to work out why they have killed so many more civilian men than women.

Matthias Behnk, from OHCHR, told BBC News that the organisation would not want to speculate about why there had been so many adult male casualties, adding that because they were having to deal with a lot of casualties in a short time, they had "focused primarily on recording the casualties".

"As such, we have not at this stage conducted a detailed analysis of trends of civilian casualties, for example in relation to the reasons why different groups are affected and the types of incidents, but hope to carry this out at some point in the coming future," he said.

"However, even in the compiling of these preliminary figures, we cross-verify between different sources, not only media and several different human rights organisations, but also use other sources, including, for example, names of alleged fighters released by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and notices by armed groups in Gaza claiming someone as a member."

A number of other news organisations have been considering the civilian-to-fighter ratio.

An analysis by the New York Times looked at the names of 1,431 casualties and found that "the population most likely to be militants, men ages 20 to 29, is also the most overrepresented in the death toll. They are 9% of Gaza's 1.7 million residents, but 34% of those killed whose ages were provided."

"At the same time, women and children under 15, the least likely to be legitimate targets, were the most underrepresented, making up 71% of the population and 33% of the known-age casualties."
Better late then never? Hardly.

After weeks of headlines blaring "indiscriminate bombings" and photos of dead babies, the world has been conditioned to believe Israel is evil and murders children wantonly. Even if there was a month of headlines showing that the original assumptions were wrong, it is too late - people internalize the first thing they read and it is very difficult to dislodge them of their initial beliefs.

The world has already been brainwashed by news media that made sweeping, false generalizations and tugged on heartstrings to take IDF actions way, way out of context. A few tiny articles several weeks later are more geared towards the news organizations pretending to assert their objectivity after the fact, knowing quite well that they have already poisoned the minds of millions with their irresponsible reporting.

The media should not be let off the hook this easily. Every single tactic that Hamas did to manipulate the media has been done before, in 2009 and 2012. There were the same threats against reporters, the same false statistics, the same manipulated photos, the same hiding among civilians, the same rockets from school and hospital and mosque grounds, the same lie about civilian casualties that were from terror rockets and explosives, the same collaborator murders being hidden as civilian casualties. There was nothing new here.

The media willingly ignored any lessons from history and happily took pages from a playbook written by terrorist organizations.

Now they are pretending to be daring and bold by questioning the lies that they have been in the forefront of pushing - lies that any news professional should have been quite aware of (if they weren't, then they should not be in that business.)

The media is not engaging in a re-evaluation of their coverage. They are engaging in the deception that they are being objective after the fact.  Articles like this - while welcome - are more cynical than they are an admission of four weeks of unquestioning reporting of official lies. The skepticism should have occured in real time, not weeks after when the world has moved on.

The damage has been done, and the news media is what caused the damage.
  • Friday, August 08, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
I attended the Support Israel Rally Against Biased Media  in New York on Thursday evening, in front of the CNN building.

I managed to stay backstage and I interviewed many of the speakers, including Joe Hyams of Honest Reporting, Hasby Award winner Ari Lesser, Daniel Mael, Lauri Regan, Daniel Pipes and Chloe Valdary, most of whom I had never met before.

The spirit of the crowd was infectious. There was lots of music besides the speeches. It was actually a lot of fun.

Thursday, August 07, 2014

  • Thursday, August 07, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
Four Palestinian fighters were reported killed in an accidental explosion east of Jabaliya in the northern Gaza Strip late Thursday.

Ministry of Health spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra said that the four bodies had been taken to Kamal Adwan Hospital in the Gaza Strip following the explosion, which took place on land.

No information was immediately available regarding the political or military affiliations of the fighters.
Of course, for the "work accidents" that must have happened over the past few weeks, the victims were counted as "civilians" who were killed by Israel.

Dozens of terrorists were killed in "work accidents" this year before the Gaza fighting. And that was when they weren't in a hurry to put their booby traps and rockets together.

Add together the "work accidents," collaborator murders, double-counted deaths, natural deaths counted as killed, those killed in secondary explosions,  those killed from the hundreds of Hamas rockets that fell short, and those killed by Hamas mortars aimed at the IDF, and chances are good that the official death toll is as much as a couple hundred over the reality.

(h/t Josh K)

From Ian:

Why I Can’t Forgive The Jews…
But these irksome Jews, with their raising the bar ever higher, are attempting to civilize war itself, resisting the temptation to carpet bomb and visit hell on the enemy once and for all, relinquishing the crucial element of surprise by leafleteering and calling Palestinians on their cell phones first.
And the torn metal from the missiles which land in Israel? Transformed into works of art to adorn your mantlepiece. They seek to bring order and civilization right up to the gates of Gehenna. If it were possible, hell itself would be abolished by these sons of David.
Col. Kemp, a British officer who served in all the major conflicts between 1977-2006, said of the Israelis, “Based on my knowledge and experience, I can say this: during operation Cast Lead, the Israeli Defense Forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in the combat zones than any other army in the history of warfare.”
The Jews are again leading the way to higher ground, making us uncomfortable with our double standards and our odious hypocrisy.
No war reporting in Gaza
The danger that lurks in the power of the press, we have previously noted, is probably less in what it publishes than in what it does not publish. A new aspect, however, has emerged from the recent military confrontation between the State of Israel and the Hamas terror group controlling the Gaza Strip: the truly dangerous press is the one which prostitutes itself.
Blogger Elder of Ziyon wrote, “Every single report on TV from Gaza should have this disclaimer: ‘Our reporters have been threatened, implicitly and perhaps explicitly, by Hamas to report only one side of the story. Viewers must not trust anything they are saying.’”
The press debacle in Gaza implies that although truth-in-advertising is an important media issue, the really disconcerting issue is truth-in-reporting. The international media is making money from lies and distortions presented as news – this is nothing but prostitution.
Media Suddenly Discover Hamas War Crimes
Throughout the war between Israel and Hamas, western journalists in Gaza failed to report anything other than civilian casualties caused by Israeli air strikes. It took the accidental, frightening appearance of Hamas rockets being fired on live TV--using journalists as human shields--for the media to report that Hamas was, as Israel had alleged, firing rockets from civilian areas. Now, with the ceasefire, journalists are finally reporting the truth.
On Wednesday, CBS News aired a report by Clarissa Ward on postwar Gaza. She noted that many civilians had lost their homes, including a man who claimed, "There is no Hamas here." She then showed viewers the Israeli military's map of Hamas tunnels in the area, and the camera panned across concrete tunnel archways being stored in the alley next door, next to a mosque. Ward noted that CBS had been denied entry to the mosque.

More from the humor site PreOccupied Territory:

red sprinklesKhan Yunis, Gaza Strip, August 6 - Among the many troubles plaguing this battered coastal Palestinian enclave, local confectioners are lamenting a lack of the right color sprinkles with which to decorate the sweets they will distribute when an Israeli is kidnapped.
It has long been customary among Palestinians, and among Gazans in particular, to hail Palestinian-inflicted casualties among Jewish Israelis with a spontaneous festive outpouring, often featuring the distribution of candy or other sweet treats. However, the fighting over the last month has made restocking all the necessary ingredients for such confections next to impossible, as Israel has allowed in only basic necessities through the Kerem Shalom crossing, and Egypt has all but closed the crossings from its side.
"We used up all of our red sprinkles ages ago, when those three Israelis were kidnapped and killed," recalled confectioner Mustafa Massikr, referring to three teenage hitchhikers shot to death more than a month ago near Hebron. "We used massive amounts of red sprinkles when we heard about those Zionists being captured, and then another huge load of them when we found out they'd been killed." However, Israel's Operation Protective Edge began soon afterwards, and that entailed restrictions on what goods had priority to cross into the Gaza Strip. Despite their dangerously low inventory, red sprinkles did not qualify.
"We almost had a difficult choice to make a couple of times over the last few weeks," agreed Rafah sweets producer Awil Killemal. "More than once there were reports that Hamas had succeeded in kidnapping a soldier, but it turned out not to be true. I'm not sure what we'd have done if there were actually something to celebrate. The green sprinkles are reserved for cakes decorated with the Hamas flag, and as far as Hamas is concerned, no other colors exist, so we're not allowed to import anything else."
"I almost find myself wishing for no Israelis to be captured," muses Massikr. "Is that perverse or what?"


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