Monday, July 07, 2014

  • Monday, July 07, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
This video can be seen on the Islamic Jihad Palestine Today site today.

To the settlers of Beersheva:
Your leaders have killed our children.
Bombarding our houses.
And sentenced you to death.
Flee, before it is too late.
Combined with the Hamas statement this morning that they will not accept any ceasefire while Israel limits what goods can get into Gaza, and it sure seems like they want a war.

Also, notice that the word "settler" pretty much means "Jew" for Arab terror groups and their fans.

  • Monday, July 07, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the Arab world, the best way to insult your enemy is to declare him "Zionist." Sisi's supporters in Egypt call Morsi a Zionist, while the Muslim Brotherhood calls Sisi a Zionist. Syrians call the Islamist rebels Zionist while the rebels call Assad Zionist. Hamas calls Fatah Zionist and Fatah returns the insult.

One of the most prevalent themes lately in the Muslim world is that ISIS was created by Israel (and the West.)

Now, it looks like Palestinian Arabs have joined the party.

This (pretty funny) satirical video from Al Falatiniya TV shows ISIS members looking for excuses to kill every passerby for not being Muslim enough, with the punchline in the end that they happily greet an Israeli.

ISIS, naturally, responds to these slanders by calling for a new Holocaust against Jews to bolster its antisemitic bona fides.

(h/t MEMRI)

  • Monday, July 07, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, I issued an open and unequivocal condemnation of the murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, and invited bloggers and writers to sign on.

I had no idea how many would agree when I wrote it.

Within 12 hours, over a hundred people, including some very prominent writers and bloggers, had added their names to the letter. It was shared hundreds of times on Facebook. Many people wrote to say how appreciative they were that I put into words what they were thinking.

Zionist bloggers weren't alone in their condemnation. Major US Jewish and Zionist organizations roundly condemned the murder and expressed horror at the fact that the suspects are Israeli Jews.

As I've noted in the past, the anti-Israel crowd suffers from psychological projection. They assume, reflexively, that the hate they have for Israel  is mirrored by Israelis and Zionists towards Arabs.

In the ten years I've been blogging, over hundreds of terror attacks, virtually every murder of innocent Jews was wholeheartedly and publicly embraced by the Palestinian public in their media and by their actions.   Practically every time, dead Jews were roundly cheered, and it was literally impossible to find any Arabic-language voice opposing murdering Jewish civilians. At "best," they would define every Jewish man, woman and child in Israel as "settlers" and "soldiers" in order to justify the murders. (The lone exception was the murders of the Fogel family in Itamar in 2011, which seemed to make Arabs uncomfortable.)

The contrast with how ashamed nearly all Jews and Zionists are at even the possibility that other Jews murdered Mohammed cannot be starker.

The people that signed my letter run the gamut from progressive Jews to the most politically right-wing Jews you can find . The very people who the haters assume would be haters themselves have proven that they will not hesitate to flatly condemn the murder of an Arab even if it was done by a Jew. Moreover, the condemnation was not the Abbas-style "condemnation" that we have seen so many times, where the only reason given for the statement was that the terror act was bad for the Palestinian cause, and not because murdering civilians is immoral in and of itself. . And even Western darling Abbas does not hesitate to happily pose with murderers.

The signatures show as clearly as possible how different most Zionists are from their enemies.

But I am more than willing to be proven wrong. I would be thrilled to eat my words by seeing a similar letter written by pro-Arab bloggers or writers, using plain language, to flatly condemn the murders of Eyal, Naftali and Gil-ad - or the murder of Shelly Dadon: without qualification, without "contextualizing," without equivocation. Nothing would make me happier than to see major Arab organizations declare that murdering Jewish civilians in Israel is exactly as immoral as murdering anyone else.

I don't expect to see such an initiative any time soon.

When Arabs feel the same shame at their fellows' support for terror that Zionists do, then there may be hope for peace. But as long as the cheers for dead Israeli civilians echo in the streets of Gaza and Ramallah, all we can do is wait.

Sunday, July 06, 2014

  • Sunday, July 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an English reported:

Two Palestinian workers were killed Sunday after being run over by a truck in northern Israel, a police spokeswoman said.

The two were run over while they were fixing their car on the side of the road in Haifa on Route 70, Luba Samari said in a statement.

Samari called the incident "a horrific accident."

The victims were identified as Zahi Subi Abu Hamed from Qalqiliya, and Anwar Astal from Tulkarem, the statement said.
In Arabic, Ma'an calls the victims "martyrs."

Yet even Ma'an showed photos of the injured being helped by members of Zaka, a private ambulance service staffe by religious Jewish men.

Now for the incitement.

Egyptian secularist newspaper Al Wafd reported the incident this way:

Two Palestinians were killed on Sunday evening, crushed to death by Jewish extremist settlers in the main street in Haifa, while the third was wounded seriously injured.

The operation took place when three citizens were on the side of the road working to repair damage to their car, where they were run over by a truck driven by a settler, which resulted in the deaths of two on the spot, while the third was wounded seriously injured.

The General Federation of Trade Unions of Palestine said in a statement issued on Sunday evening that the Israeli government must take full responsibility for the death of Palestinian workers due to the truck driven by an Israeli in the street No. 70 in Haifa.

"The Martyrdom of workers Zahi Subhi Abu Hamid and Anwar Astal, who lives in the city of Jaffa, the Israeli truck driver comes as a result of racial incitement and the hostile military atmosphere practiced by the occupation against the Palestinian people of all classes in all the cities and villages and towns and its camps in the Occupied Palestinian territories.
Their graphic for the article, showing what is probably a bunch of Chassidim celebrating Purim, couldn't possibly be considered antisemitic, right?

  • Sunday, July 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Two terrorists who were involved in shooting rockets to Israel were killed by an Israeli airstrike on Sunday evening.

Ma'an says:
Two members of al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, were killed as Israeli warplanes struck al-Bureij refugee camp.

The two were identified as Mazen al-Hadba and Marwan Salim.
Palestine Press Agency says they were members of the al-Husseini wing of the Fatah movement.

Palestine Today says that the Popular Resistance Committees stated that they survived a raid and managed to shoot some rockets at a "settlement."

UPDATE:  Felesteen reports that seven Hamas terrorists were killed in a targeted attack by Israel early Monday morning.

No civilian casualties reported.

Gaza terrorists shot 25 rockets at Israel on Sunday. It may be time to bring back my Qassam rocket calendar.

UPDATE 2: The IDF denies striking the Hamas tunnel where the seven were killed and assumes it was a "work accident."

If true, then the number of Palestinian Arab killed by each other this year in work accidents, misfired rockets and executions is at 38.

(h/t Yenta)

UPDATE 3: Looks like an IDF operation from several days ago that resulted in the explosions last night. (h/t Bob K)

  • Sunday, July 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Orryia Kohen:

Hasbara is the term used to describe Israel's tragicomic efforts at public diplomacy, that is to say, attempting to convince the world that it's not the Nazi-Apartheid state. Israel has had very few successes on that front. While most of humanity collectively yawns at the latest development in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, those who do care about the conflict tend to be biased in favour of the photogenic locals. Hasbara, in the meantime, is still being associated with cherry tomatoes and drip irrigation. As Melanie Philips once put it so eloquently, Hasbara is a joke.  

Regardless of its effectiveness, among anti-Zionists the word Hasbara was predictably seized upon as a synonym for propaganda. (See +972Electronic Intifada and other classic hate sites). But it isn't limited to anti-Zionist circles either. If you use Google Translate, you'll receive "propaganda" as one of the results. And if you look at Wikipedia's definition:
"Hasbara means "explanation", and is also a euphemism for propaganda."
Since Wikipedia and Google Translate agree on this subject (not to mention other, more reputable sources), it seems like a universally accepted fact. But is this truly the case?

Part of the confusion appears to stem from the different ways the word "propaganda" is used in the academia and in the wide public. In the academia it seems to have a broader meaning, related to all forms of communication aimed at influencing the public perception, such as advertising and public relations. Certainly, those activities share much in common with Hasbara. However, this isn't the way the word is generally used by the masses. Nation branding, the practice of building and managing a country's reputation, is not automatically labeled as propaganda. That is because people don't think about advertisements for New Zealand's pastoral scenery when they speak of propaganda. They think of lies, gross oversimplifications and totalitarian regimes.

Although Wikipedia tells us that propaganda was originally a neutral term, nowadays it is used almost solely with negative connotations, and is strongly associated with manipulation, distortion and jingoism. I don't believe that the precise literary definition of "propaganda" is important, in this case. The way people use the word matters far more. People's view of the word is that it describes the spread of false information for the sake of promoting a blind belief in a certain ideology, or blind support of a regime.

In Hebrew, two words are used to translate propaganda. One is "propaganda" (פרופוגנדה), borrowed from English and sharing the strong negative connotations. The second is "taamula" (תעמולה), a word that comes from the root a-m-l (ע-מ-ל), which means labor. The original meaning of the word was about making an effort to spread an idea. It doesn't carry the same pejorative connotation of propaganda. Taamula can be used both in a negative context (Nazi taamula - Nazi propaganda), and a neutral one (electoral taamula - electoral campaigns, medical taamula - marketing of medical devices). 

Rarely is Hasbara used as a synonym of propaganda, or of taamula. If you talk to a native Hebrew speaker of "Nazi Hasbara" or "electoral Hasbara", you are likely to be misunderstood. The term Hasbara simply doesn't translate well to propaganda. It can only mean Israeli propaganda.

Whether Israeli public diplomacy constitutes propaganda is a subject open to debate. That is not the question that concerns me. I'm interested in crucially different matter - the meaning of the word. To clarify the distinction, take for example the word "abortion". If someone says, "abortion is murder", he is merely stating his opinion, with which others may disagree. But if he says, "the word abortion means murder", he is stating a (supposedly) objective fact. 

To find a word's meaning, one has to look at its root and the context in which it's commonly used. The word Hasbara literally means "explaining", and thus carries almost the opposite connotations of propaganda. A person who explains himself isn't telling the listener what to think. He doesn't want the listener just to agree with him, but to understand him as well. And that desire for understanding implies that he treats the other person as creature with a brain, capable of independent judgment. It is therefore not surprising that those who oppose the use of the term argue against its apologetic overtone. 

Besides being used as a name for Israeli public diplomacy, Hasbara is mainly used in connection to information and education. The phrase "education and Hasbara", i.e. consciousness raising, is used regularly. There are Hasbara conferences on the subjects of fire prevention, employment programs, ageing and disability services, the rights of Holocaust survivors, etc. Hasbara campaigns about road safety, anorexia, recycling and veganism also occur periodically. The Israeli ministry of environment has many "education and Hasbara" centres all over the country. 

Instances in which Hasbara is used as a euphemism for propaganda can be found. However, almost all cases will be by people who happen to believe that Israeli public diplomacy is propaganda. They are entitled to keep that opinion, but that's all it is in the end - just an opinion. As I hope I've demonstrated, Hasbara isn't used as a synonym for propaganda in any other context. It's not the plain meaning of the word. By claiming the contrary, the opinion of certain people (Hasbara is propaganda) has turned into a fact (the word Hasbara means propaganda).

No wonder Hasbara hasn't been very successful. 

  • Sunday, July 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Hayat al Jadida. the official daily newspaper of the Palestinian Authority, writes in an editorial:
[Israeli Jews] are repeating the ugly and disgusting Holocaust that burned their parents and grandparents in a repeat of Nazi history...What the world can do now, the free world, now that ... Israel is set to ignite a new Holocaust against the Palestinian people and to achieve the same goals of Nazism? ? ...What can the world do [about] bloody Israeli extremism has become more than clear, what it can do and the priests of racism want human sacrifices to sate their cravings and obsessive settlement ..?

Jihad al-Khazen, a widely read and syndicated writer at Al Hayat, writes "Netanyahu wants the liquidation of 1.5 million Palestinians, as the Nazis did to the Jews before him...The settler is the modern name of a Nazi of the twentieth century."

Magda Atallah, writing in Jordanian newspaper Assawsana, says "The Talmud says that any Jew who passes near a dwelling inhabited by non-Jews asks God to destroy it. Alternatively, if the building was destroyed, he thanks God for revenge!!! Corruption beyond corruption. Lying to kill the prophets of God. The violation of privacy. Distortion of heavenly books. Judaizing the country. Killing people."

Al Resalah, which published the blood libel as fact last week, says that a group of Palestinian Arab journalists supported the writer of the editorial.

Social media is even worse, with images like these:

UPDATE: Also, in Beit Omar, this Nazi flag was seen waving:

From Ian:

Six Jewish extremists arrested in killing of Jerusalem teen
The suspects are members of a Jewish extremist cell, the Shin Bet security agency said.
Officials suspect the killing was most likely carried out by Jewish extremists in revenge for the killing of three Israeli teenagers earlier in June.
Several Israeli media outlets reported that six people in total were arrested, including a number of minors.
The suspects are from Beit Shemesh, Jerusalem and the settlement of Adam, police said, according to Channel 2.
Police: Israeli Arab Killed Shelly Dadon in Suspected Terror Attack
Israel Police on Sunday announced that an Israeli Arab was behind the murder of 20-year-old Shelly Dadon in an empty parking lot in northern Israel on May 1, and that the killer is suspected to have had nationalistic motives.
The suspect is Hussein Khalifa, 34, from Iblin, a taxi driver who drove workers to and from factories in the Migdal
Haemek industrial zone, according to the ISA – Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet).
“During ISA questioning, Hussein Khalifa confessed to murdering Dadon and disclosed many details regarding the murder,” Shin Bet investigators said in a statement. (h/t Bob Knot)
Suspected accomplice in 3 teens’ killings arrested
Husam Dofsh, who had been reported missing from his home since the abduction, called the Walla News desk hours after it was reported Friday that he was suspected of assisting in the abduction and killing of Eyal Yifrach, 19; Naftali Fraenkel, 16; and Gil-ad Shaar, 16.
Dofsh said that he was calling from his home and insisted he had taken no part in the kidnapping. He was apprehended by Israeli soldiers in a Hebron coffee shop soon after the call, and did not admit to complicity in the killing.
The Israeli military had raided Dofsh’s family house in Hebron several times since the abduction, notifying the family that he was wanted for questioning. But he was never at home when the raids took place and did not turn himself in to the IDF even after he was declared a suspect.
Murder suspects could strike again
The Etzion Brigade, stationed to cover the area where three Israeli teens were kidnapped and murdered, reinforced its forces in recent day to increase their defense capabilities due to fear among security officials that the two terrorists suspected in the kidnapping case will maneuver to carry out an additional attack in the area.
In an exclusive interview with Ynet, the commander of the Etzion Brigade, Colonel Amit Yamin, confirmed those fears stressing that an attack by Amar Abu-Eisha and Marwan Kawasmeh could manifest itself as the murder of soldiers, civilians or even an indiscriminatory suicide bombing.
There is no “cycle of violence” in Israel
There is no “cycle of violence” in Israel. There is instead an Islamic fundamentalist aggressor, identical to the one which at this moment is causing hundreds of thousands of deaths throughout the Middle East. An aggressor who hates the Jews, and whose orders to kill them is established in its charter, and who has kidnapped and killed three boys in cold-blood while singing joyously as can be heard in the terrible police’s tape recording.
If the Palestinian boy found Wednesday morning in the Jerusalem forest was killed by a group of Israeli criminals and racist psychopaths (which is still unproven at this time), this has nothing to do with the systematic and programmatic murder which has been perpetrated by Hamas for decades; an immense organization which has at hand an army, a significant stretch of land, Gaza, and access to funds.

  • Sunday, July 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

gestalt1In 2008 Stuart A. Green was a lieutenant in the United States Navy. In pursuit of a Master's Degree at the Joint Military Intelligence College he wrote a very interesting thesis entitled, simply, Cognitive Warfare (pdf) that professor Richard Landes has highlighted over at his blog, Augean Stables.

Within that thesis Green argues that the west is currently confronted by a form of aggression that is largely propagandistic and, thus, cognitive. Whether or not this is true for the west, in general, it is certainly true for the Jewish State of Israel and, thus, the Jewish people.

The Arabs failed to slaughter the Jews directly after the Holocaust in the invasion of '48. They have, after successive failures at genocide in the conventional wars that followed, relied upon the propaganda effort against Israel to convince the rest of the world that the Jewish State is a moral pariah and that the local Arabs represent a distinct, persecuted, indigenous ethnicity in need of protection from the wrathful and pernicious Jewish "Goliath."

The hope is to erode Israel's legitimacy not just with outside hostile forces such as the European Union and the Obama administration, but among Jews, themselves. They do so by preying upon, and exploiting, Jewish moral sensibilities. They seek to make us think of Jewish means of self-defense against the vast, hostile, Arab-Muslim majority as both racist and fundamentally immoral. In this way they seek to tell the world that the very inventors of contemporary western morality are the foremost examples of contemporary national immorality.

The current enemies of the Jews use various methods to defame and demoralize us, as, of course, did their predecessors, the Nazis. Before there could be a genocide there needed to be a widespread defamation justifying that genocide among "good" people. Even the Europeans of the early-middle part of the twentieth century were too civilized to accept the wholesale slaughter of the Jewish people without good reason... so the Nazis gave them good reason.

They simply made things up.

The German people were told that the Jews are a nefarious bunch who want nothing so much as to ruin everything around them as they acquire wealth for themselves at the expense of their neighbors. The German people read in Der Stürmer that the Jews were responsible for the German failure in World War I. It was a "stab in the back." German Jews, at the time, represented a grand total of one percent of the German population, yet that one percent was held responsible for the perceived failure of German society, as a whole, and thereby paid the ultimate price for that failure.

The Nazis, however, also needed the assistance of the rest of Europe if they were to succeed in wiping out the entirety of European Jewry. They needed to take existent anti-Jewish themes and broadcast them and expand them, as a matter of cognitive warfare, in order to gain a greater level of compliance for the genocide within the rest of European society. I do not know how much encouragement the rest of Europe actually needed, but they certainly complied with alacrity. France, of course, forked over its Jews upon the initiation of the Vichy government. England was gracious enough, mainly as a concession to the Nazi-Allied Arabs, to issue the famous White Paper of 1939 that kept the Jews from escaping persecution to the Land of Israel.

Cognitive warfare, it should be noted, relies not just upon lies and deception, as we see with Pallywood.  It also relies on the necessity of convincing the propagandist that his lies are the truth. Furthermore, the best kinds of propagandists are those that come from the enemy population and who come to believe that one's own people are just as nefarious and awful as the enemy tells him they are.

This is what is commonly referred to as Stockholm Syndrome, but what Harvard professor of clinical psychiatry, Kenneth Levin, refers to, in the Jewish example, as The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege.

If you are Mahmoud Abbas or, say, Hezbollah warlord Hasan Nasrallah, what in this world could be better than an American Jew that despises Israel because he considers his own people immoral and, thereby, implicitly deserving of violence?  If you represent Hamas or Islamic Jihad or Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood or al-Qaeda, this is just the gift that keeps on giving. There is nothing so joyous to an Arab-Muslim enemy of the Jewish people than a Jewish enemy to the Jewish people who decries alleged Jewish immorality in the face of  actual Arab aggression.

This is why Jewish anti-Semitic anti-Zionists, such as, for example, David Harris-Gershon, have significant value to the enemies of the Jewish people. What someone like Harris-Gershon does is teach Jewish children that the Jews are essentially evil and, in that way, helps to turn Jews against their own means of self-defense.

He, and those like him, do so by persistently and perpetually defaming the Jews of the Middle East before any audience to be found - and taking money to do so, in fact - while claiming it as a self-righteous moral imperative.

One method that he uses, however, is taken directly from the PLO playbook.

In the Long Arab War Against the Jews in the Middle East one method that is used, from the Arab propaganda side, is to simply accuse the Jewish minority of the type of aggression that the Arab majority uses against us.  For example, if the Jordanian Waqf destroys Jewish artifacts on the Temple Mount then they accuse Israel of seeking to destroy the foundation of the Temple Mount through archaeological digs.

frank1If the Jews have the Holocaust then the local Arabs have al-Nakba.

If the local Arabs are the "new Jews" then the Jews are, needless to say, the "new Nazis."

If Jesus was a Jew, then he was actually a Muslim, the first "Palestinian shaheed."

If Anne Frank was a Jew, then obviously she was an Arab in a keffiyah.

And if 95 percent of the Jewish population of the Middle East was wiped out between the time of the Muslim conquests and when Samuel Clemens showed up in the nineteenth century, wondering where everyone was, what of it?

We apparently deserve whatever beating we get.

In Palestine Betrayed, written by Efraim Karsh, the founding director of the Department of Middle East and Mediterranean Studies, King's College London, we read the following:

At the time of the Muslim occupation of Palestine in the seventh century, the country's Jewish population ranged in the hundreds of thousands at the very least; by the 1880s, Palestine's Jewish community had been reduced to about 24,000, or some 5 percent of the total population.
(Efraim Karsh, Palestine Betrayed, Yale University Press, 2010, pg. 8.)

Now, it could have been typhoons that wiped away the Jewish population in Israel between the time of the Muslim conquest and the nineteenth century or it could have been something else.

But Jews sometimes make Arabs go through checkpoints in Israel, so clearly we deserve whatever violence comes our way or the way of our children.

You get the point.

Anything worthwhile that is Jewish is made to seem Arab-Muslim and any vile act against the Jews perpetrated by Arabs is turned into a vile Jewish act against the Arab majority.

And this - finally and at long last - brings me to Harris-Gershon's latest piece entitled, I Wept for Lost Israeli Teens, and Now Weep for Lost Palestinian Teen Kidnapped by Israeli Settlers.

He writes:

After my initial grief, though, I immediately felt something else: fear. Fear for the vengeance I knew would come. Fear for innocent Palestinians who had already been collectively punished by soldiers who, looking for the missing teens, had raided over 1,600 sites in the West Bank, indefinitely detained hundreds, and – just as tragically – killed five Palestinians, including a teenager whose death was scarcely noted in Israel or America, much less mourned.
There is a face that you can trust!

I have to say, it cannot be easy being David Harris-Gershon.

I wept, too - as I am sure did many of you - but I did not weep for all people, at all times, everywhere.

I did not weep for the general condition of humanity on the day of learning of those deaths.

I did not weep for all the other people who died or who were killed on that day.

I certainly did not weep for the Arab majority persecutors of the tiny Jewish minority in that part of the world.  Just as I have never wept for the innocent Germans killed during World War II, so I have not wept for the innocent Arabs who go along with genocidal Jew Hatred and then end up paying a price for their own prejudices.

Nor, unlike the saintly Harris-Gershon, would I weep for the children of the terrorist who injured my wife, and killed two others, in the 2002 Hebrew University cafeteria bombing.


I wept for Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach and their family and their friends.

I wept for the fact that the Jewish people in the Middle East are a tiny minority under siege by a much larger hostile majority population and the fact that there are Jews out there, like Harris-Gershon, who equate Jewish minority measures of self-defense with Arab majority hostility towards the truncated and diminished Jewish population after thirteen centuries of persecution under the boot of Arab-Muslim imperial rule and a century of war upon them.

How does a Jew, who teaches Jewish children in an American Jewish day school, as does Harris-Gershon, assure that the siege against his fellow Jews in the Middle East is justified to a non-Jewish audience?

One way, of course, is to simply follow Yassir Arafat's lead by accusing the Jews of Arab wrong-doing.

It is the creation of a moral equivalency between the victims and the victimizers, as we historically began to see after the Soviet Union turned against Israel and starting advising the Arabs to place the idea of Jewish genocide within the context of "Palestinian liberation."

And thus, even as we are still mourning the loss of Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach, the Jewish enemies of the Jewish people point out that Arabs die, too, and that they have recently found a dead Arab.

Furthermore, not only do Arabs die, but just as Arabs kill Jews, so Jews kill Arabs.

Everything is equal and thus the primary implication of the writings of those like Harris-Gershon is that the Jewish dead and their families, and the Jewish people, in general, are deserving of no sympathy. In the minds of people like Harris-Gershon, because Jews have killed Arabs then Arabs have every right to kill Jews or, at the very least, we should not honestly condemn Arab majoritarian violence against the Jewish minority because... somehow... that would be unfair.

YNet reports:

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to condemn the murder and suspected kidnapping of a Palestinian teenager in Jerusalem Wednesday, just as Abbas himself had done for the three young Israelis who went missing in June but were discovered murdered in a West Bank valley on Monday.
And thus we get anti-Semitic anti-Zionists, like Harris-Gershon, endeavoring to undermine western sympathies for the besieged Jewish minority by suggesting that anything that is done to us is well deserved.

We cannot even mourn our murdered dead because we are immediately accused of guilt for the deaths of others.  Thus the families of the victims are kicked in the head twice.  The first time is by the anti-Jewish Arab racists who did the killing. The second time is by anti-Semitic anti-Zionist Jews, in sympathy with anti-Jewish Arab racists.

The purpose of this tactic is to minimize the sympathies of the vast majority of non-Jews toward Jewish persecution.

In every generation we are told why it is that we deserve a good beating, resulting in the death of Jewish youngsters. We are now told by vicious, hypocritical, western leftists, that in previous generations this was an immoral atrocity, but in this generation we are guilty and we are told this by Jewish anti-Semitic anti-Zionists such as David Harris-Gershon and his publisher at Tikkun Magazine, Michael Lerner.

Perhaps when Harris-Gershon is done telling the world just why it is that the Jews deserve a good beating, he will have failed to instigate that good beating.

As history proves over and over again, I would not count on it, however.

Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under.

  • Sunday, July 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
We unequivocally condemn the horrific murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir. It was unjustifiable under any circumstances. The killing was reprehensible and we hope that the criminals who did this sickening act are found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Israel is a country run by the rule of law. There are reports that Jews have been arrested for this crime. If a trial finds that Jews are indeed guilty of this unconscionable killing, our condemnation is redoubled. The idea that Jews could do such an act fills us with shame and horror.

The people who murdered Mohammed do not represent us in any way. It is not enough to dissociate ourselves from the dreadful act; we must also ensure that crimes like this are never repeated.

Just as the appalling murders of Naftali Fraenkel, Eyal Yifrach and Gilad Shaar do not in any way justify the hideous murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, neither does Khdeir's murder justify the violence, terrorism, destruction and incitement we have seen over the past few days against Israelis and Jews.

We hope and pray that everyone, Arab and Jew, lives in peace and security in the region.


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See also Israellycool.
  • Sunday, July 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
On Saturday morning, Molotov cocktails were thrown at Joseph's Tomb in Shechem (Nablus.)

Ma'an says that there was no damage, even though one can see the flames in this video.

This gives you an idea of how respectful Palestinian Arabs would be towards any Jewish holy site under a "peace" agreement.

Here is a video of panicked passengers in a Jerusalem bus as it is being pelted with stones:

This video shows a number of homes in Jerusalem that were tagged with Jewish stars or swastikas, eerily reminiscent of how Nazis marked shops and homes as being owned by Jews for later attacks.

Here are swastikas painted on outside the Mount of Olives cemetery in Jerusalem. There were similar attacks in Acre:

Arabs threw stones at a synagogue in Jaffa, causing damage:

Any of these events done by Jews would be causing worldwide headlines. But the world has a different standard for how Arabs are expected to act.

(h/t Yoel)

Saturday, July 05, 2014

  • Saturday, July 05, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here are parts of a video that was posted at of an Islamist rally at the Hague on Friday.

The main point of the rally was to release some Muslim prisoners, but it also included "Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, the Army of Mohammed is coming!" as well as "Down, down USA" and "Down, down Israel."

But it was at the Hague, so they must be human rights campaigners.

(h/t ZoidBender)

From Ian:

Khaled Abu Toameh: ISIS Already in Gaza Strip
Hamas is obviously nervous about the presence of ISIS terrorists in the Gaza Strip and sees them as a direct challenge to its rule. ISIS believes that Hamas is "too moderate" and is not doing enough to achieve the destruction of Israel.
Last month, Hamas sent its policemen and militias to disperse a rally organized by ISIS followers in the Gaza Strip to celebrate the recent "military victories" of the terrorist group in Iraq. Hamas prevented local journalists from covering the event as part of its attempt to deny the existence of ISIS in the Gaza Strip.
At the rally, attended by dozens of Islamists, the crowd chanted, "Khaybar, Khyabar, Ya Yahud, Jaish Mohamed Saya'ud!" ("O Jews, Mohamed's army will return.")
This is a battle cry that many Islamists like to chant to remind the Jews of the story of the battle fought in 629 CE by the Prophet Mohamed against the Jews of Khaybar, an oasis in northwestern Arabia. The battle resulted in the killing of many Jews, and their women and children were taken as slaves.
ISIS Threatening a New Jewish Holocaust
ISIS, the terrorist group controlling parts of Syria and Iraq, is using social media to promise another Holocaust against the Jews. The group's supporter placed a post on Twitter quoting Muslim Hadith (traditionally a statements or action of Muhammad) that says in part, "The Real Zionist Holocaust is Predicted in the Hadiths! The Hour [resurrection] will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them."
A ISIS video posted on June 2 (above) encourages violence against Christians and Jews, writing, "Break the crosses and destroy the lin­eage of the grand­sons of mon­keys [Jews]."
Many Americans who argue against any U.S. action against ISIS claim that we have no stake against the terrorist group. However ISIS's own propaganda demonstrates their violent intentions extend beyond Syria and Iraq and into Jewish and Christian communities across the world.
Caroline Glick: The End of the ‘Peace Process’
The video and transcript to Caroline Glick’s address at the Freedom Center’s 2014 Texas Weekend. The event took place May 2nd-4th at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas.
Chloe Valdary at Memphis Friends of Israel

Friday, July 04, 2014

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Ari Shavit and American Jewry
The success of Shavit’s book reveals the rupture in the relationship between the American Jewish community and Israel. A generation ago, being pro-Israel meant believing in the justness and morality of Israel and being willing to be inconvenienced a little or even a lot to defend the Jewish state.
Today, being pro-Israel means that you support Israel despite its immorality because you are forgiving. And supporting Israel means you’ll help Israel so long as it doesn’t inconvenience you in any way or make you feel uncomfortable about anything at all.
Ari Shavit’s libelous account of the birth of Israel is just playing to the crowd. It’s time to start worrying about how to heal a crowd that celebrates being lied to in this way.
Yes, the West Bank is dangerous. Here’s why my family lives there anyway.
What motivates my wife and me to choose this place to raise our children (some the same age as the murdered boys from Gush Etzion) in spite of it all? Why do we disregard direct threats of terror and overcome all the challenges of living in small isolated towns, far from Israel’s main cities of Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem?
To us, that’s no different from the question all Israelis face: Why live here instead of in Los Angeles or in Australia? Zionism is the national hope of the Jewish people. It promises a return to the national homeland from which our ancestors were expelled 2,000 years ago. At the core of Zionism is the historical connection of the Jewish people to this land. And not only do we see Judea and Samaria as part of Israel, but they are the heart of that national homeland. In the time of the Bible, our fathers dwelt on these hills. The cities of Shechem (also known as Nablus), Shilo, Beit El, Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Hebron are all situated along Route 60, the Road of the Patriarchs, which in biblical times was the main route taken by pilgrims to our capital, Jerusalem. In short, living here is a major part of our patriotism. By building our homes and raising our children here, we are reviving the historical connection of our people with our land. That is what Zionism is all about.
Proud to be a Zionist
We have come a long way over the last century. My great-grandparents immigrated to the United States following the Russian pogroms, leaving behind their homes as the Russian Army razed them to the ground. While their hometowns no longer exist, the Jewish people have survived millennia of genocide, persecution, inquisition, and second-class treatment. Today, the Jewish people thrive in Israel, where it is socially acceptable to be Jewish and to express our Judaism in whatever ways seem fit to us. Zionism called for such freedom and autonomy for the Jewish people, and it fueled the hopes and desires of those who fled from anti-Semitic persecution.
Zionism is not just a political right; it is a human right for the Jews to have self-determination in our rightful homeland. As a self-proclaimed Zionist, I champion the beliefs that an indigenous people, thrown out of their home for more than two thousand years, should return to where they belong. If we cannot start taking ownership in our pride for fighting for human rights, then we start losing ground in an information battle that continues its unrelenting attacks on Jewish self-determination.
For the last seven years, I have heard almost every single possible negative comment against Zionism and had almost every anti-Semitic comment directed at me. But what I must do in my last year of college is not only to combat the anti-Semitism that occurs on my campus, but also to tell the story of why I am a Zionist and why I am proud of it. Only positivity can win this war of words and information. If the Jewish people have fought hatred and persecution for millennia and survived, then so shall the Zionists.
There is No Such Thing as ‘Occupied Territory’ in Israel
While many international governments and the media wrongly refer to areas of Israel as “occupied territories,” the reality is that the Jews have historic claims and ties to this area of Israel.
The Jewish legal, moral, political, historical, and biblical right to Judea and Samaria (the “West Bank”) throughout history is very clear. There are countless people who understand and speak clearly on the fact that this area belongs to the sovereign State of Israel.
Some quotes to remember:

  • Friday, July 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
There was a big stir in Arabic media over this Facebook post by Azza Sami, deputy editor of Egypt's'Al Ahram newspaper. It translates to:
Bless you Netanyahu, may Allah make a lot of people like you to destroy Hamas, the base of corruption, treachery and being an agent for the (Muslim) Brotherhood. By Allah, whoever tells me "forbidden (to say this)", I don't know what I'll do.
After lots of withering criticism, Sami clarified her position:
I'd like to make my position clear. I did indeed make fun of Netanyahu that he threatened to finish Hamas off despite the fact that for years he hasn't been able to deal with it, and he even had to run to Mursi in order to have a ceasefire with (Hamas). The US administration praised Mursi for his success in this. As for Hamas and my accusation of it that it is treasonous: I believe I haven't said anything new. I made my position clear for the Palestinian people, that I didn't mean to call for striking Gaza. I haven't mentioned Gaza with even one word. My (Facebook) page is private and it doesn't express the newspaper's opinion.


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