Sunday, March 03, 2013

  • Sunday, March 03, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:
Egyptian protesters torched a police station in Port Said on Saturday, as police used tear gas to disperse crowds in the province of al-Mansura, reported Al Arabiya.

Residents said protesters set a light the police station after a security vehicle ran over demonstrators taking part in a peaceful march, leaving five people wounded.

About 500 protesters threw stones and petrol bombs and then blocked fire engines from approaching the blaze, said the interior ministry.

In Mansura, Egyptian protesters also stormed a police building, amid renewed clashes after a demonstrator's death overnight, the official MENA news agency reported.

They attacked a building that formerly housed the now-relocated regional police headquarters, but where police still have offices.

A security source told AFP police were able to repel them with tear gas.
Six officers were also reportedly injured in Port Said as demonstrators attempted to free detainees held inside the car by hurling stones at the vehicle which was on its way to Port Said’s courthouse.
Here's a video of the smoldering police station:

Things are not looking good in Egypt.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

  • Saturday, March 02, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon

(h/t Joel)
  • Saturday, March 02, 2013
From Ian:

Into the Fray: Surrendering sovereignty – again
Israeli leaders need to realize that the litmus test of good diplomacy is not to get the world to applaud your compliancy and capitulation, but to accept your pursuit of national interests and imperatives.
Talkbackers get what government doesn’t...
And finally, NormanF: “The Israeli government’s default mode is to surrender to Arab blackmail, threats and intimidation. It can’t say “no” and uphold Jewish sovereignty... Any other country on earth would never accept for themselves the “international observer” nonsense Aharonovitch peddled before the Knesset. It would reject outright all attempts to compromise its independence. What his statement proved again in the face of escalating global anti-Semitism, is that its easy to take the Jew out of the ghetto but its very difficult to take the ghetto out of the Jew!”

Elliott Abrams: Kerry wrong to push for a permanent accord
Senior official in George W. Bush administration also says Israel should not have opposed Palestinians’ UN gambit, and that Olmert’s claim he was close to a peace deal is a ‘mirage’
“Israel’s opposition to it was so strong that it actually built up the importance of the resolution,” he said, adding that the Palestinians’ non-member state status changes very little on the ground. It would have been smarter for Netanyahu to openly declare that Palestine will not become a state through UN resolutions, but it was a “mistake” to fight the UN bid so vehemently.

Full Transcript: Ambassador Prosor’s Speech on Incitement to Terror and Violence at UN Conference
Below is the full text of the speech delivered by Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, on February 28th 2013 on the subject of Incitement to Terror and Violence, at a United Nations Conference.

Far left Australian newspaper "The Age" and the odious flotidiot Paul McGeough, shill for Hamas terrorists.
Leader waits in shifting sands of Middle East
First comes one projectile, then another. Both are in full flight, moving quickly.
Launched by Khalid Mishal in the early hours of the morning, they could be rockets over Gaza. But he is in Doha, deftly quartering apples and guavas, then hurling pieces the length of the room, to a colleague at the other end of a long, leather-inlaid conference table.
Hamas chief evokes Arab Spring in push to lead all Palestinians
Khalid Mishal: terrorist or rebel with a cause?

Gantz: Rocket fired at Ashkelon Tuesday aimed for power plant
Chief of staff says he does not see third intifada unfolding; shots fired from Gaza Friday hit IDF officer’s vehicle

Syrian troops destroy ancient synagogue
One of the oldest synagogues in the world was partially destroyed by Syrian government shelling, according to a video posted to YouTube overnight Friday.
The Jobar Synagogue, located in a suburb of Damascus, is approximately 2,000 years old, and is said to have been built on top of a cave where the prophet Elijah concealed himself from persecution.

Police confiscate US consulate building plans in Istanbul
Security forces have confiscated explosives along with a series of building plans of the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul, a synagogue and a church, in a recent operation against al-Qaeda in several cities, Doğan news agency reported today.
Police departments of the Western province of Tekirdağ and Istanbul cooperated in an operation that detained 11 people and seized 25 kilograms of A-4 type plastic explosives, five rifles, five guns, several USB flash disks, CDS and remote-controlled explosive mechanisms.

Jews, Armenians Exposed to Most Hate Speech in Turkey
A study by Turkey’s Hrant Dink Foundation has found that Jews have become the main object of hate speech in the country, followed by Armenians, Christians, and Greeks.

This is over': Libya closes file on Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 despite U.S. and British pleas to re-open inquiry
Officials from new regime reject calls to hunt down remaining suspects
Authorities fear new investigation could prompt demand for compensation
Britain tonight insisted investigation into 1988 atrocity remains open

Two NJ men indicted in series of synagogue bombings
Childhood friends could face life in prison if convicted of all 30 charges
Two men were formally charged Friday in a series of firebomb attacks on synagogues in the U.S. state of New Jersey.
A grand jury handed up a 30-count indictment against Aakash Dalal and Anthony M. Graziano, Prosecutor John Molinelli said.

Irish channel must apologize for show calling Israel ‘cancer’
National broadcasting regulator rejects claim that comments were anti-Semitic, but says host failed to meet standards of fairness
The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland upheld a complaint against prominent broadcaster Vincent Browne on Thursday for referring to Israel as “the cancer in foreign affairs” on his late-night TV3 show.

Israeli start-up brings gesture tech to iPhones
PointGrab’s new CamMe app shows off a future in which users will be able to interact more easily with their iDevices
With gesture technology gaining traction as an important interaction method between man and machine, it was only a matter of time before it showed up on smartphones and tablets. Now, Israeli 2D gesture technology company Pointgrab has become one of the first to bring it to smartphones, specifically Apple’s iOS platform.

New Poll: 31% of Americans Favor Israelis Over Palestinians
The first question was whether the United States should support the Israelis more than the Palestinians, support the Palestinians more than the Israelis or should the U.S. treat both the same? To this question 55% of respondents answered that they should be treated both the same, while 31% said Israelis should be favored vs. just 4% in favor of the Palestinians.
  • Saturday, March 02, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Since the two-month long "Israel 'Apartheid' Week" has begun, I added a couple of posters to my most popular series ever:

All of the posters can be seen here.

I received over a thousand hits just last month for that poster page. Tens of thousands of people have read that page and at least that many have seen the posters being sent in email chains, on other webpages, and at counter-protests.

Friday, March 01, 2013

  • Friday, March 01, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
A prisoner being held in a Palestinian Authority jail in Jericho died on Friday, a senior Palestinian official said.

Ayman Mohammad Sharif Samara, 40, died while being detained on charges of assault, Palestinian Authority attorney general Muhammad Abdul-Ghani al-Uweiwi told Ma'an.

He was arrested on Friday and transferred to a nearby hospital, where he passed away, al-Uweiwi said.

The PA attorney general denied that the prisoner was tortured or beaten during interrogations and said that an autopsy would be performed and the results made public once completed.

An investigation into his death has already begun, al-Uweiwi added.
Why no demand for an international investigation? Why no riots about the uncanny coincidence of a prisoner dying the day of his arrest? Why no uproar?

Ah, it is another application of the Middle East version of the Inverse Square Law:

The amount of outrage over an Arab death is inversely proportional to the square of the possibility that the death can be blamed on Jews.

  • Friday, March 01, 2013
From Ian:

John Kerry: Kyrzakhstan and Palestine
So, “East Jerusalem” is Jerusalem’s Old City and its surrounding neighborhoods. The original and oldest parts of Jerusalem are in this “East Jerusalem”.
There has never been in history an independent municipal entity known as “East Jerusalem” just as there has never been an independent national entity known as Palestine just as there has never been a Kyrzakhstan.
When anti-Israel extremists created the term “East Jerusalem” it was for one reason. They wanted to rip Israel’s capital apart in order to defeat Israel. This effort tragically gained full force with the Oslo Accords. This was fully explained in the B’tzedek Online Journal on December 30, 1996 in an editorial titled The War Has Just Begun:

NSF leaders refuse to meet Kerry in protest against US pro-Morsy stance
Hamdeen Sabbahi and Mohamed ElBaradei of the National Salvation Front (NSF) will not meet US Secretary of State John Kerry during his visit to Egypt, said Heba Yassin of the Popular Current Party.
The United States insists on painting a positive image of President Mohamed Morsy, despite the criticisms and demands of the opposition, the political figures claim.

'Erdogan Uses Denigration of Israel to Walk Islamist Street'
"Erdogan has chosen to use the denigration of Israel to establish his credentials with the Islamist street,” said leading Jewish group.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center decried UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s silence at a UN conclave in Vienna as Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan charged that Zionism is "a crime against humanity," lumping it together with racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

Erdogan's hypocrisy
Erdogan? ‘Zionism, anti-Semitism and fascism are crimes against humanity.’ Oom Shmum? ‘We’re keeping shtum’
So who’s going to take Erdogan on and expose him for the bullying humbug that he is? Certainly not Ban Ki Moon and the other insidious officials at the UN. Perhaps US Secretary of State John Kerry might slip him a hushed scolding on his upcoming visit to Turkey?
I, for one, am not holding my breath.

UN slams Erdogan's Zionism remark, 'if rightly interpreted'
The UN issued a formal apology on behalf of Erdogan, "if the comment about Zionism was interpreted correctly," a UN spokesperson clarified in the statement.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon heard Erdogan's speech through an interpreter, and said in a statement that if the comments were translated properly, they were "wrong" and "hurtful."

White House slams Erdogan's Zionism remark
We reject Prime Minister Erdogan's characterization of Zionism as a crime against humanity, which is offensive and wrong," White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said in a statement.
"We encourage people of all faiths, cultures, and ideas to denounce hateful actions and to overcome the differences of our times," he said.

EXPOSÉ: Italy's New Leader: Here is What He Says on Israel
New popularist politician's remarks on Israel - among other topics - raise concerns over antisemitism...
Mr. Grillo even defended Mel Gibson's rant on the Jews: "Israel is scary, her behavior is irresponsible", the politician said. "I said it. And I'm not drunk. I'm just scared for my children. Israel is behind the United States or the United States is behind Israel, which is the cause and which the effect?".
Mr. Grillo has attacked "the Holocaust industry". During a show in Rome, Grillo invited Iraq's Saddam Hussein to point his rockets on a precise point on the map which was then Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi's house near Milan.

IDF Blog: 24h With IDF Soldiers Chapter 2: Judea and Samaria
This is where the Kfir Brigade is stationed. The IDF decided to establish the brigade in 2005 to provide an effective response to Palestinian terrorism in Judea and Samaria and to urban guerrilla warfare.

IDF Blows Up Sand in Hunt for Safe Windows
Near a southern airport, IDF workers are bombing a fake building. The goal – to find the world’s safest windows.
A group of IDF workers has spent a large part of the last several weeks in the desert in southern Israel, setting off bombs. Their goal: to find the safest windows in the world.
Major Benny Brosh, head of the research and development unit, explained the process to Arutz Sheva.
The army is responsible for testing the windows, along with similar devices developed by civilian firms that are now seeking high levels of safety certification, he said. The military runs tests that include controlled explosions to see if the windows can stand up to shock waves, shrapnel, and even poison gases.

JPost Editorial: Arrow sharp
Arrow 3 underscores Israel’s ongoing technological superiority in the region and it can buy us time. But it and accompanying lower-tier interceptors unfortunately cannot hermetically seal our skies, nor can they replace traditional offensive measures to destroy weapons of mass destruction arsenals across the lines.
There are no neat, deluxe fixes, but Arrow 3 means better protection by far than that which is currently available, at higher altitudes and at significantly greater distances from our narrow borders. For a tiny, densely populated state such as Israel that is very reassuring news.
  • Friday, March 01, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • Friday, March 01, 2013
From Ian:

LATMA: What is academic courage, and the blessed approach of the 3rd Intifada

Palestinians to Hagel Report: "We Don't Need U.S. Troops Here" by Khaled Abu Toameh
There is also no guarantee that Egypt, Jordan or any Arab country would be prepared to join a US-led force in wake of the current events in the Arab world.
Many Arabs and Muslims continue to view the US as an enemy, especially because of Washington's support for Israel. Any Arab leader who agrees to join a U.S. or NATO force will be denounced by his people as a traitor and puppet in the hands of Americans and Zionists.
Besides, who said that the Arab countries are keen on sending troops to patrol the streets of Palestinian cities?
Does anyone seriously think that Jordan's King Abdullah would ever send Jordanian soldiers to Palestinian cities? Hasn't Jordan's policy over the past two decades been to distance itself as much as possible from the Palestinians?

PMW: PA TV honors terrorists who killed 22 children and 4 adults for the second year in a row
Other terror attacks by DFLP also honored
The Ma'alot massacre was done by the DFLP in 1974. Terrorists took school children as hostages.
22 of them were murdered along with four adults.
The PA TV tribute also honored terrorists who were described as "the heroes of Beit Shean, the pride of the Palestinian revolution."
These were three PFLP terrorists who killed four civilians in the Israeli city of Beit Shean.

CIF Watch: A glimpse into how the Guardian reported Palestinian terrorism in 1974
Though the snapshot from the video is blurry, the story appears to open with the words, “Sixteen Israeli schoolchildren were killed tonight and 70 wounded by Arab terrorists…”. The focus is on the victims. The perpetrators were not described, per the author, Eric Silver, as “militants” (or some other euphemism), but, rather, “terrorists”.
The terrorists are referred to as “Arab”, not “Palestinian”.
Finally, though the strap line lurches towards something suggesting sympathy for the terrorists – by characterizing them as “trapped” – the headline aptly describes the event as a “massacre”.
It’s inconceivable that such terrorist savagery would be reported similarly today.
It’s difficult, short of scouring the Guardian Archives, to say for sure when the Guardian – a truly liberal and Zionist paper under the leadership, and subsequent legacy, of former owner C.P. Scott – began to first turn on the Jewish state. However, in 1974 (based on their coverage of the Ma’alot Massacre) they were still willing to unambiguously inform their readers that cold-blooded fanatics had murdered innocent Jewish children.

BBC Watch: Where can terrorism be named as such by the BBC?
One can be fairly confident that the BBC will not be setting up an interview between the police spokesman and Mishal Husein so that she can ask him how many residents of Northern Ireland were actually killed by “home-made contraptions”.
Notably, the BBC does not suggest any kind of linkage (implying extenuating circumstances) between the discovery of the weapons and the actions of Protestants in Northern Ireland or the policies of the British government.
In this case, the BBC has managed to report the story for what it is: the illegal possession of military-grade weapons by a terrorist group which threatens civilian lives.
It is a pity that the BBC is so often unable to apply the same standards of reporting to certain parts of the Middle East.

Accessories in Fogel Murder Sentenced
Three PA Arabs have been sentenced to prison for aiding the murderers of the Fogel family
Over two years after the vicious murders of five members of the Fogel family of Itamar, four PA Arabs have been sentenced to between two and seven years in prison for the assistance they rendered to the two Arab terrorists who carried out the attack.

Egypt confiscates missiles smuggled from Libya
An Egyptian security official says authorities have confiscated two pick-up trucks carrying 60 anti-tank missiles smuggled across the border from Libya.
The official says two truck drivers were arrested and the weapons seized just south of Cairo on Wednesday morning.

Hezbollah in a Slump
Arab sources openly denounce the organization as a subsidiary of Iran. Hanin Ghaddar, of the Lebanese web site, NOW, recently wrote:
Hezbollah is not, as it claims to its supporters, a Lebanese party whose mission is to protect Lebanese people and territories. It is a militia which uses Lebanon as a geographical base from which to launch attacks against Iran’s enemies no matter where or who they are.

Report: “Independent” Campaign Against Iranian Sanctions and Military Intervention Has Numerous Links to Regime
The Campaign Against Sanctions & Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII) was founded by Abbas Edalat in 2005. CASMII claims to be an advocate of Iranians everywhere as well as “independent of all political groups and governments, including the Iranian government.” But a recent report released by the Germany-based Stop the Bomb, a nonpartisan initiative aimed at stopping Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, appears to counter these claims. According to the report, many of the people associated with the campaign have close ties to the Iranian regime, or have publicly supported it.

Ethiopian Israeli Stars on the Rise
A new pop singer and a new Miss Israel hit the mainstream
In what might be construed as either a coincidence, a rising trend, or a cultural rebuke against Israeli immigration policies, Ethopian stars seem to be making some serious headway in the Israeli cultural landscape.
  • Friday, March 01, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
I've been seeing lots of Arabic articles about young people performing the "Harlem Shake" dance craze as a protest in Egypt and Tunisia. Bloomberg seems to have done a decent synopsis:
Farid Sayed says more than two years of protests are bringing about little change in Egypt, so he decided to try something different: dancing.
The university student and his friends brought the Harlem Shake to the Cairo headquarters of President Mohamed Mursi’s Muslim Brotherhood late yesterday. In front of the building, emblazoned with the group’s twin-sword logo, a dancer wearing a Mickey Mouse head and traditional Arab robe was joined by dozens of dressed-up protesters.

“We are sending a certain message: Our revolutionary struggle will continue and we will continue to be creative and sarcastic,” Sayed said before the rally.
Tunisians are also using the dance as a protest vehicle. A Facebook group is calling for a mass Harlem Shake today at the Ministry of Education, which is investigating students who made a dance video. Harlem Shake dancers have clashed with Salafists, followers of a strict version of Islam, and in Egypt at least four have been arrested.

While many Arabs, like people elsewhere in the world, are making videos inspired by the dance craze for fun, there’s a political edge to it in countries like Egypt and Tunisia. Their revolutions of 2011 have been followed by the rise to power of Islamist groups, raising concerns about restrictions on women’s rights and free expression.
Jonathan Rashad, who attended a Harlem Shake filming at the pyramids last month, said police stopped participants and asked them about the purpose of their dance. “They didn’t get that we were just doing that for fun,” he said. “Now, it’s becoming sort of activism, and resisting the government.”

Dance as a form of protest is “part of the renaissance movement that aims to break all taboos and red lines,” said Ezzedine Choukri Fishere, a political science professor at the American University in Cairo. Younger generations are reacting because their hopes for freer countries after the uprisings are being dashed by Islamists who are pushing them aside and monopolizing power, he said.

Tunisian Minister of Education Abdellatif Abid told Mosaique FM radio that he was ordering a probe into the filming of the video by students in a school compound in Tunis, and said those involved may be punished. Tunisian Salafists have confronted dancers over Harlem Shake videos, criticizing them as imitations of the West and as frivolous activities while Muslims are dying in Palestine.
  • Friday, March 01, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is the video I made of the personal tour I had of the immense Belzer Hasidic synagogue earlier this week, that I mentioned in yesterday's post of the interview with the Belzer representative:

  • Friday, March 01, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Youm7 reports that in the months after Egypt's revolution, a machine designed to print Egyptian ID cards was stolen from the Sinai and smuggled into Gaza, where fake Egyptian IDs are being printed to allow Gazans to move about Egypt without restrictions.

According to security sources, Egyptian authorities tried to get Hamas to cooperate in finding the machine in Gaza, but were rebuffed.

As a result, the report says, Egyptian security has been working hard to find all Palestinian Arabs in the Sinai and have set up numerous checkpoints to nab anyone using the false IDs.

Meanwhile, in another example of friction between Egypt and Hamas, several of the people involved in attacking and killing 16 Egyptian soldiers last year were positively identified as being from Gaza, both from autopsies and from what they had with them. The investigators say that a large number of Gazans were involved in the operation, together with radical jihadists in the Sinai.

Hamas denies both claims. Spokesman Abu Zuhri said that they had not the slightest basis in fact, and that the Egyptian people love the Gazans.
  • Friday, March 01, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
I mentioned earlier that Israel has closed the Kerem Shalom crossing since a rocket attack on Monday.

It looks like Hamas has gotten the message that Israel will not turn a blind eye towards these events as she did in the past.

According to the (virulently anti-Hamas) Palestine Press Agency, in response to Hamas claims that Fatah is cooperating with Israel in keeping calm in Judea and Samaria, an apparent Hamas directive calling for the arrest and prosecution of people launching rockets in Gaza was leaked.

The document, dated 28/02/2013, is titled "A directive for the public interest in order to preserve the security and safety of citizens."

The directive called on all provincial managers, specialized departments and police stations to pursue rocket launchers and bring them to Hamas officials and then be handed over to the Internal Security Agency where they will be held accountable for a severe violation of the law.

PalPress released a facsimile of the order, pictured.

Keep in mind that PalPress is criticizing Hamas for keeping the peace, just as Hamas is criticizing Fatah for not publicly pushing a full-blown intifada in their areas. Unity talks between the two have been suspended indefinitely and the accusations have been increasing.

You know how the Arab world (and their apologists) has been insisting for years that Palestinian Arabs have no desire to become citizens of any other country because they don't want to lose their "Palestinian" identity? (This includes, of course, becoming citizens of the "State of Palestine.")

The only problem is that every time a loophole opens that allows them to become citizens of Arab countries, they have jumped at the opportunity. It happened in Lebanon in the 1950s and again in the 1990s.

Now, an Egyptian law that allows children of Egyptian mothers to become Egyptian citizens has resulted in over 13,000 Gazans claiming and earning Egyptian citizenship in the last two years. Thousands more have applied for citizenship.

Anyone who claims to be "pro-Palestinian" who says that Palestinian Arabs must not be allowed to become citizens of Arab countries, if they so desire, is a hypocrite. Human rights advocates must demand that Palestinian Arabs be given the same rights that other Arabs have of applying for citizenship in any other Arab country, let alone their host countries that the vast majority were born in.

  • Friday, March 01, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Once again, contrary to what we are told by the Israel-haters, Palestinian Arab farmers visited Israel in order to cooperate in learning the latest farming techniques.

A colorful and a bit idyllic picture characterized the busy day that 40 farmers and merchants from the Gaza Strip spend during a professional-agricultural tour in Israel. The tour was coordinated by the agriculture department at the District Coordination Office (DCO) in Gaza, and was accompanied by the DCO Agriculture Coordinator, Mr Uri. Madar and Mr Eli Sadeh, also from the DCO’s Agriculture department.

The merchants came to Erez crossing as early as 8:00 am. For some, it was the first time in Israel, and others who have experienced past tours or seminars organized by the DCO, were warmly received by Eli Sadeh. The group boarded excitedly on the bus waiting for them at the crossing, and started the tour.

During the day, the group members visited agricultural factories around the country, where they were exposed to a variety of technological developments used in the agricultural industry in Israel. Between greetings and light refreshments, the farmers received information about the products manufactured in the factories, which will allow them to acquire the most appropriate products for their crops, and use it correctly. The farmers eagerly listen to every bit of information said by the professionals in the factories. Throughout the tour, the farmers asked questions about issues they encountered at the field, and received substantive and professional response.

"One tomato is enough for an entire family’s salad," marveled one of the farmers during visit in a factory for the production of different varieties of fruits and vegetables, and took a bite of an engineered tomato. Thus, this strain was added to list of products that the farmers planned to order on his return to Gaza. The list included pesticides, types of sheets and other products the farmers heard about during the day. Leaving the factory, the farmers were warmly invited to visit in the summer, during which a selection of watermelons and cantaloupes strains will be showcased.
Israel's policy of cooperation is dependent on calm from the Arab side, though:
None of this would have been possible if not for the tranquillity prevails in the Gaza Strip and around the Gaza Strip in recent months since Operation Pillar of Defense and under the framework of the new understandings, allowing Gaza’s farmers frequent visits for professional training and agricultural meetings. The Coordination and Liaison Gaza Strip will continue to promote the issue of agriculture and economy in Gaza as long as the situation will allow, and welcomes the opportunities and initiatives.
Indeed, since the rocket fire from Gaza on Monday, Israel closed the Kerem Shalom crossing, sending a message that cooperation is a two-way street. Hopefully the message has been received and goods transfers can resume soon.

This story shows yet again that the groups claiming to represent "Palestinian farmers" who call for boycotting Israel represent no one.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

  • Thursday, February 28, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Zvi:

We are accustomed to hearing bad news from UC Irvine. Last year, UC Irvine's student senate voted to join the ranks of the BDS (a.k.a. Bigotry and Double Standards) movement. UC Irvine allowed a group of hate-filled hooligans to repeatedly and aggressively attempting to silence Amb. Michael Oren.

Today, the news is of a very different kind.

A group of Irvine water researchers is visiting the region, exploring opportunities to share knowledge and to collaborate. I should say, first of all, that being water researchers, these visitors adhere to a point of view that is progressive and environmentally focused. For them, the water shortages in the middle east and around the world are looming crises that must be addressed soon in order to stave off disaster. They recently published a study on water losses in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran over the years from 2003 to 2009. The researchers were invited to Israel by Friends of the Earth - Middle East.

In National Geographic Water Currents, Prof. James Famiglietti, director of the Hydrologic Modeling Center at the University of California – Irvine comments on their recent visit to the Technion.
Technion University was our first stop on this water journey,, where we met with researchers at the Grand Water Research Institute (GWRI). During our conversation at Technion, we learned about the Israeli tools to allocate, reuse, and distribute water and how academic research improves these tools. Israel’s water monitoring and allocation system is phenomenal – every drop of water, from freshwater resources to desalinated water, is accounted for, priced accordingly, and delivered to the end-user. ....

For we Californians, it was surprising and inspiring to hear about the innovative strategies in place to meet agricultural water demands and, even more so, that the farmers were completely in support of these policies. ...

As our discussions at Technion illustrated, the support for such innovative management policies begins with knowledge transfer to stakeholders. For example, the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture hosts annual meetings that farmers, academics, and decision makers attend with the goal of sharing their respective water experiences and to work toward more efficient water practices. A core aspect of that effective communication is creating practical, actionable results rooted in technical research. During our discussion at Technion, we repeatedly heard an emphasis on interdisciplinary research, bringing together economists, engineers, hydrologists, and politicians to guide those actionable results for water management. Technion is one of many universities that are part of the Middle East North Africa (MENA)Water Centers for Excellence project, sponsored by USAID. This platform provides the foundation for collaboration between researchers throughout the MENA region including in Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Jordan.

The concept of a “water research network” is lacking in the United States, as is the connection between researchers and decision-makers at the local, state, and national levels. In Israel, this model of collaboration has resulted in meticulous monitoring of water resources to inform water management policies and the subsequent support from all stakeholders. If we could shift our water management paradigm in the United States to effectively link researchers, policy-makers, and local stakeholders with open lines of communication, the outcome could be groundbreaking.

Our meeting at the GWRI at the Technion left us with many ideas for potential collaboration between our research center at UC Irvine and the Technion. On a technical level, we discussed a wide variety of potential research topics, ranging from the development of a 3D groundwater model; the evaluation of the linkages between water and soil management at a global scale; the use of enviromatics to better manage and monitor regional water systems; and optimization of land-surface and water management models to better reflect the reality of water demand and supply. On a broader level, our meeting provided a glimpse at new strategies and tools that we, in California, can use to more effectively manage water resources, link stakeholders, communicate knowledge, and develop policies to sustainably manage our resources.

This Israel-California knowledge transfer model is an exciting venture, and we hope that over the duration of our trip we will find more ideas, collaboration opportunities, and links with civil society, academic, and governmental agencies.
Universities and researchers around the world need to reject bigotry, double standards and lies, and instead actively support collaboration with Israeli researchers. They do not need to do this for the sake of Israel; rather, they should do it for the sake of their own societies.


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