Friday, September 21, 2012

  • Friday, September 21, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Four intrepid EoZ readers decided to enter the terrorist poster contest:

From LBS
From AA
From DG
From SG

UPDATE: There are a couple of good but late entries in the comments, check them out.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

  • Thursday, September 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From a report by Christian Middle East Watch:
★ In 2000 Veolia Transport became a minority shareholder in the consortium contracted to plan, build and operate a light rail transport system (LRT) in Jerusalem, running from the west to the north-east of the city, its route crossing the 1949 armistice line between Israeli and Jordanian forces. The LRT had been conceived following the Oslo Accords of 1993, as a means to bring together the Arab and Jewish populations of the city and to encourage growth and more efficient public transport.

★ Since its participation in the light rail consortium, Veolia has been the target in several countries of groups representing the Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) movement. In Britain, one aspect of this campaigning has been to pressure local councils and joint authorities to refuse to allow Veolia to bid for contracts or to reject bids submitted by Veolia (or even to terminate existing contracts). Councillors and councils are fully aware that, under UK regulations, they must not allow political considerations to affect commercial decisions in the bidding process.

★ In order to evaluate the true results of the BDS Veolia campaign in the face of dramatic claims of success at every turn, we sent freedom of information (FOI) requests to 18 councils that (a) had been the subject of a local BDS anti-Veolia campaign, and/or (b) had recently either accepted or rejected a Veolia bid for a future contract, and/or (c) were due to consider a Veolia bid in the near future, and/or (d) had voted on an anti-Veolia resolution, and/or (e) were the subject of claims of success by the BDS movement. Our FOI requests revealed that every one of these contracts was decided on straight commercial grounds and that political considerations were not applied in rejection of Veolia’s bids.

★ Our research included 17 situations where BDS campaigns had pressured local authorities to break their legal obligations in spending public money by asking them to deny Veolia the opportunity to bid for contracts or even to break existing contractual arrangements. We found that the BDS campaigns had failed in every case to achieve their aims.

★ The BDS campaign against Veolia has clearly failed and the main reason why is not hard to find. Any decision by a local authority to reject a commercial bid by Veolia on political grounds would be illegal; and even though the movement has tried to get round that by alleging “grave misconduct” on Veolia’s part (an exception under EU procurement regulations), council lawyers are highly unlikely to advise that participation in a legitimate light railway project in another country is an act of “grave misconduct”.

★ Furthermore, since Veolia never held more than a 5% stake in the LRT consortium and sold that stake in 2010, there is even less point in continuing to wage an empty and doomed campaign against a company no longer holding even a tiny financial stake in the project. The campaigners clearly sought to exploit Veolia's commercial dependence on UK public sector contracts, but have been defeated by the strict regulations governing the local authority bidding process.

★ In order to cover up its defeat, the BDS extremists have been reduced to constant repetition of the mantra that Veolia is “losing” contracts “following” BDS campaigns: a charade which this paper exposes.
The upshot is - BDSers are lying again, and did not succeed in forcing Veolia to lose a single contract.

Big surprise.

There is something else I just noticed.

You know how the BDSers always say that "Palestinian civil society" calls for their boycotts? I've discussed many times how most of the groups that signed on to the original BDS call were tiny groups (many of whom probably no longer exist) and many are not even from "Palestine."

But if you look at the original 2005 call for BDS, you see something interesting:
We, representatives of Palestinian civil society, call upon international civil society organizations and people of conscience all over the world to impose broad boycotts and implement divestment initiatives against Israel similar to those applied to South Africa in the apartheid era. We appeal to you to pressure your respective states to impose embargoes and sanctions against Israel. We also invite conscientious Israelis to support this Call, for the sake of justice and genuine peace.
This appears to be a call for direct boycotts against Israel, not secondary boycotts against those who do business in Israel  - like Veolia.

Now, who did support secondary (and tertiary) boycotts against Israel?

The Arab League, continuing their policy of boycotting Jewish businesses since 1922!

The current BDS campaign didn't start in 2005 - it started as a purely anti-semitic initiative before Israel was born, and there is a straight line between the old Arab boycott of Jewish businesses, to the Arab boycott of Israel before "occupation," to the BDS movement today.
  • Thursday, September 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egypt Independent reports:
An Egyptian Interpol official said Wednesday that theoffice sought the issuance of a red bulletin, an international wanted persons alert, against the eight defendants implicated in producing an amateur film that denigrates Islam and Prophet Mohamed.

"The warrant of arrest was issued [in Egypt] against the defendants after the prosecutor accused them of committing crimes harming the unity of the nation and defamation of the Islamic religion," said the head of Egypt's Interpol office, Brigadier General Magdy al-Shafei.

He added that his office had asked its counterpart in the US to arrest the defendants. While the US has condemned the film as reprehensible, it is unlikely the American government would prosecute the filmmakers given protections for free speech and expression in that country.
Then again, this wouldn't be the first time that Islamist countries used Interpol to persecute those who insult Islam.
  • Thursday, September 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Barry Rubin Romney Tells the Key Truth Needed to Comprehend the Israel-Palestinian Conflict
"So, of course, Romney was correct in what he said. Indeed, he was merely stating the obvious. In the current upside-down era, telling the truth is heresy, or at least there are powerful establishment figures who try to make it seem so.
What’s most important here, though, is not just this specific statement or this particular issue but a basic principle absolutely vital to the survival of the United States: If we are barred from recognizing the nature of our problems we will surely find no solutions."

Friedman has a broken clock moment: Look in Your Mirror by Thomas Friedman
"They might want to look at the chauvinistic bile that is pumped out by some of their own media — on satellite television stations and Web sites or sold in sidewalk bookstores outside of mosques — insulting Shiites, Jews, Christians, Sufis and anyone else who is not a Sunni, or fundamentalist, Muslim. There are people in their countries for whom hating “the other” has become a source of identity and a collective excuse for failing to realize their own potential."

Are Radical Imams Going to Redefine Freedom of Speech? by Alan M. Dershowitz
“Individuals have the right to pick and choose which expressions to condemn, which to praise and which to say nothing about. Governments, however, must remain neutral as to the content of expression. And governments must protect the rights of all to express even the most despicable of views. Finally, the international community must use its collective power to apprehend and punish anyone who commits violence in reaction to expressions with which they disagree. Being offended by freedom of speech should never be regarded as a justification for violence.”

Mideast carnage: Appeasement and history's lessons By ISI LEIBLER
"Today, the forces of Islamic extremism are testing our resolve to stand up and resist their efforts to globally extend their evil totalitarian ideology. If we continue burying our heads in the sand and minimizing the threat emanating from these barbaric reincarnations of the Dark Ages, we will be paving the way for our children to inherit a world which has reversed the great advances of Western civilization, especially the Judeo-Christian heritage."

The Peace Process: View from the West Bank by Hisham Jarallah
"The actions and words of Abbas and his aides over the past three years prove beyond any doubt that they have chosen to abandon the path of peace in favor of a huge diplomatic effort to delegitimize Israel in the eyes of the international community.
Romney should be commended for understanding that the conflict in the Middle East is not over a settlement or a checkpoint. Rather, this is a conflict over the very existence of Israel. In the Arab and Islamic world, there is still a majority of people who have not come to terms with Israel's right to exist.
Unlike Barack Obama, Romney appears to have understood where the real problem lies."

PCC rules that Guardian’s Conal Urquhart ‘significantly misled’ readers in flotilla story
"The Guardian’s initial coverage of the 2010 incident was as obsessive as it was one-sided, and included 71 separate pieces published in the first four days following the incident – most of which was based on the presumption that the passengers were innocent victims of Israeli aggression.
Urquhart’s grossly misleading claim – running interference for violent IHH terrorist peratives - was thoroughly consistent with the Guardian’s ongoing ideologically motivated script regarding Israel’s immutable guilt."

The Attacks on Israelis You Won’t Read About Anywhere Else, September 9-13

IAF kills Hamas operatives in Gaza airstrike
Army Radio says targets were planning major terrorist attack

Firebombing of kosher store outside Paris injures four
Motives of two men, dressed in black, who tossed Molotov cocktail into Sarcelles supermarket are still unclear.

Libyan preacher urges followers to ‘detonate wrath’ against West for anti-Islam film
Call in Benghazi mosque for economic boycott of West, and for ‘Allah to destroy’ Christians and Jews, comes days after mob kills US ambassador, torches consulate in city.
Pakistani man accused of blasphemy for not protesting Muhammad film
A Pakistani businessman who declined to take part in protests over an anti-Islam film now faces charges of blasphemy, which in Pakistan carries a death sentence.

Pakistan declares Friday a day of protest against anti-Islam film

Hebrew U — now anytime, anywhere, and for free
Israel’s premier higher education institution will be enrolling students from around the world over the Internet


18 Palestinians killed in Damascus

Eli Lake: Who’s Sabotaging Iran’s Nuclear Program?
The chief of Iran’s nuclear program says the power lines to his nuclear facilities were sabotaged. U.S. Special Forces have trained for operations inside Iran for years. Do these latest disclosures suggest they are already on the ground?

David Keyes: Hamas Advances Peace
How unfortunate that many will try to drown out the great news about Hamas by using logic, reason, fact and sensibility. They are missing the point: Hamas may be stopping rocket fire and that cannot be bad. If Hamas wanted war, it would wage war. Can anyone think of an example when a regime bided its time waiting until the right moment to attack? Besides Germany in 1938, Japan in 1941, North Korea in 1950, the Soviet Union in 1956, Egypt and Syria in 1973, Iraq in 1990, Gaza in 2009 and a few hundred other cases, I can’t think of a single one!

EJP: EU parliament committee vote on Israeli pharmaceuticals is step towards EU ACAA agreement

Warnings ahead of Yom Kippur War did not reach prime minister (h/t Yoel)

Israel's team of American (Jewish) ringers beats South Africa in the World Baseball Classic

Commentary notes what I've been saying for years - the PA budget crisis is because of Gaza, not Israel

  • Thursday, September 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From a Muslim rally in Paris earlier this week:

Dozens of times they chant "Khaybar, Khaybar al-Yahud" (the traditional implicit threat to kill Jews the way Mohammed did in Khaybar) and, more explicitly, “Tuer les juifs!” ("Kill the Jews!")

All of this happened before a grenade was thrown in a kosher supermarket in Paris.

But French imams are calling on the government to protect Muslims from violence.

Because, you see, there must be lots of other rallies in France calling for "death to Muslims," and bombs thrown into Halal grocery stores, that somehow escaped the media's attention.
  • Thursday, September 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, I posted this incongruous photo:

Very quickly, I saw that someone Photoshopped it, improving it somewhat:

So can anyone do better?

Here's my attempt to get the ball rolling (and the New Year started off right):

I know you guys can do better than that!

  • Thursday, September 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would transfer the chemical weapons to the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah, a Syrian defected general told the Times of London.

Former Syrian general turned defector, Major-General Adnan Sillu, said that aside from plans to transfer weapons to Hezbollah, Syria had planned to use chemical weapons on the Syrian people, “as a last resort,” a report on the Israeli online edition of Haaretz said, quoting the Times.

“We were in a serious discussion about the use of chemical weapons, including how we would use them and in what areas,” Sillu said.

“We discussed this as a last resort -- such as if the regime lost control of an important area such as Aleppo,” the General was quoted as saying.

The German weekly Der Spiegel on Monday claimed that Syria tested delivery systems for chemical weapons at the end of August.

“Five or six empty shells devised for delivering chemical agents were fired by tanks and aircraft, at a site called Diraiham in the desert near the village of Khanasir,” east of the city of Aleppo, Der Spiegel reported.

The Safira research center in question is regarded as Syria’s largest testing site for chemical weapons. It is officially referred to as a “scientific research center.”

Iranian officers, believed to be members of the Revolutionary Guards, were flown in by helicopter for the testing, according to the witness statements cited.

Scientists from Iran and North Korea are said to work in the expansive, fenced-off complex. According to Western intelligence agencies, they produce deadly chemical agents such as sarin and mustard gas.
If Assad feels desperate enough to use chemical weapons against Syrians in a last ditch effort, it seems likely that he would want to shoot a few rockets with chemical warheads towards Israel as well, to try to rally support. Most Arabs would cheer such a move, after all.

By the way, the Al Arabiya article was illustrated with this really good infographic, but I cannot find a larger version:

  • Thursday, September 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Arabic media is reporting:

Freed prisoner Abeer Awda, 30, attempted to burn herself on the lighthouse roundabout in downtown Ramallah, in protest against the difficult economic conditions and the laws adopted by the Palestinian government on tax and price hikes.

Palestinian police Palestinian at the scene prevented her self-immolation after she poured gasoline on herself.

Awad is an officer in the National Security Service for the Ministry of Interior in the Palestinian government in Ramallah, after she was released in the prisoner exchange deal between Hamas and Israel for the soldier kidnapped by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, Gilad Shalit.
I think it would be much more effective if hundreds of the terrorists swapped for Shalit all decided to set themselves on fire simultaneously.

Now, that would be a progressive protest!
  • Thursday, September 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
But I thought that lying was against sharia law! The mullahs would never allow this!
Iran has been systematically providing false information to the International Atomic Energy Agency because it has been infiltrated by intelligence agencies keeping tabs on Iran's nuclear program, Iran's Atomic Energy Vice President Fereydoun Abbasi Davani has admitted.

Abbasi Davani, who heads the Iranian delegation taking part in the 56th session of the agency in Vienna, made the revelation in an interview with the Al-Hayat newspaper.

"The IAEA says it gets its information from the intelligence services belonging to the member states, and we monitor and followed up seven years ago activities of the British foreign intelligence service [MI6], which gathered information for people, which then exposed [Iranian nuclear scientists] to assassination at the hands of Zionist intelligence agents. Some of the information provided by the agency related to these events. For our part, we sometimes gave false information to protect our nuclear sites and our interests. This inevitably misled other intelligence agencies," Davani told Al-Hayat.

Does this mean that the "anti-nuclear fatwa" might be a lie too? Allah forbid!
  • Thursday, September 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Besides the ones I posted yesterday, here are some of the others that is causing France to close embassies:

"With my new iPhone 5 with 4" screen you can see clearly that they've insulted the prophet!"

Problem teenager - He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't take drugs, he doesn't screw -
"My son is a Salafist!!!"

Riots in the Arab countries ...
after publication of the photos of Madame Mohammed

Salafist stupidity - Any pretext is good!
"Another insulting representation of our prophet!"

Stop kidding around about Mohammed!
"I'm a Jew!"

Mohammed reduces unemployment among young people -
there are lots of new film critics

A film about Islam triggers the rage of the fundamentalists -
"Show us an intelligent film and we start World War III!"
There are a few more that are somewhat more scatalogical

(h/t Ishai, translation h/t Islam vs. Europe)
  • Thursday, September 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
One of the major arguments that Muslims have been using to defend their desire to censor any criticism of Islam is that most European countries have criminalized Holocaust denial, so the excuse of "freedom of expression" rings hollow.

Saudi Arabia's Al Madina take a slightly different tack. They asked a panel of  Arab "experts" why "the Jews" managed to criminalize Holocaust denial but Muslims have been unsuccessful in doing the same against "defamation of religions"?

The question itself is flawed for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it isn't "the Jews" who criminalized Holocaust denial in some European countries, it was the European governments who did so, for various reasons. Secondly, in some of those countries the laws are not specifically against Holocaust denial but against denial of other genocides as well or even more generalized hate speech.

The "experts" answers, however, show why it may makes sense in some cases to prohibit Holocaust denial - because their answers conform to the typical stereotype of Jews running the world!

One said that the Jews "control the economy and the policies of the world," which the Muslims do not, so that explains why Jews are so powerful as to put these laws in place but Muslims cannot.

Another "expert" noted that this was "due mainly to the capabilities of Jews' media, they dominate the world media that have succeeded through it to impose their vision on the Western countries; in contrast the media capabilities for Muslims is weak and ineffective and lacking professionalism and craftsmanship and the ability to promote properly the principles of Islam."

The bottom line is that many European countries understand that Holocaust denial is simply a precursor to anti-Jewish incitement, and they had seen first hand what anti-semitism could result in - the genocide of millions only because they were Jewish. "Islamophobia" might exist in a very mild form, but it will not result in genocide.

The "Innocence of Muslims" video is a perfect case in point. While the producer certainly wanted to incite people against Islam, there were no deadly anti-Islam riots as a result of the film. There were no calls for mass murder. The only incitement that resulted from that film was by Muslims, not against Muslims!

Anti-semitism remains real - and especially potent in the Muslim world. Last week a Jordanian newspaper called for the genocide of Jews, without the least hint of embarrassment. The answers given by these Saudi "experts" show also that Muslim anti-semitism is alive and well, and paradoxically give more reasons to enforce laws against hate. And their anti-semitism is so ingrained that they don't even notice it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

  • Wednesday, September 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From DP-News/Sana:
The Syrian government condemned on Tuesday what it said the US-Zionist "Innocence of Muslims" film which offends Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

The Government considered, in a statement issued on Tuesday, that the producing, funding and directing of this film is a denounced and shocking act as it provokes the moral and human logic.

"The Syrian government condemns this disgusting film and calls upon all countries of the world not to show it in full or partially including on the internet as this constitutes an encroachment on religious, humanitarian and moral values and a flagrant assault against all symbols of humanity," the statement said.

The government called upon the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation to be cautious and stand together in the face of the Zionist conspiracy against the position of Prophet Mohammad and the holy religions.

The government held those who are responsible for and involved in this "immoral offensive act" regardless of their nationalities and motives legally accountable for the film, adding that no one in the whole world has a moral, religious, cultural or humanitarian justification to do such "a hateful act".
Wow, Syria really seems outraged at such depths of immorality.

Civilians, including many children, are the main victims of indiscriminate Syrian army bombing and shelling of areas abandoned to opposition forces, Amnesty International said in a report on Wednesday.

The London-based international human rights group said its first-hand field investigations had revealed a pattern of relentless attacks by President Bashar al-Assad’s military on territory lost to rebels in the north of the country, according to Reuters.

Syrian government forces are stepping up attacks on markets, hospitals and bread queues, increasing civilian deaths in the country’s worsening conflict, Amnesty said.

On Tuesday, Syrian forces killed as many as 148 people across the country, activists told al Arabiya.

The rights group said its investigators had found hundreds of civilians have been killed or injured in recent weeks “in the street, while running for cover or trying to shelter from the bombings,” according to AFP.
When was the last time angry Muslims had spontaneous deadly riots over events in Syria?
  • Wednesday, September 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yes, really:
Jordan's Salafi Jihadi Current is holding an urgent meeting on Wednesday to discuss the cartoons published by a French weekly that is deemed offensive to Islam's Prophet Muhammad.

"The West aims to offend Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through methodological plans and using the pretexts of democracy and freedom of expression," the Salafi Jihadi movement said.

"If the West considers offending the Prophet as freedom of expression, then let them be open to the reaction of Arabs and Muslims," he added.
  • Wednesday, September 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Genocides, unlike hurricanes, are predictable, says world expert. And Iran is following the pattern
Gregory Stanton, founder of Genocide Watch, says Iran has taken six of the eight steps on path to genocide. But it’s not late to follow Canada’s preventative lead
“Genocide is neither linear nor “inexorable.” It is, rather, predictable and preventable, so long as you recognize the universal signs. And Iran, in its language and action, has taken six of the eight steps on the path to genocide, according to Dr. Gregory Stanton, the world’s foremost expert on the matter.”
Abbas threatens to step down - Is it that day of the month already?

Iran's crazed gay bashers
Conspiracy is rife in certain sections of Iranian society when it comes to issues such as Israel, the US, and homosexuality. Sadly, mainstream media outlets also play their part
"The ideologues of the Islamic regime in Iran know all too well how to use external enemies to persecute enemies closer to home. According to those in power, the Jews, the Israelis, the United States, and even the West more generally are the causes of Iran’s domestic problems."

Daniel Pipes: Islamic violence advances Shariah law
"Western civilization in the balance: Islamist aspirations grow with improved communications and weakened Middle Eastern governments, ultimately posing an existential question for Westerners: Will we maintain our historic civilization against their challenge, or will we accept Muslim dominion and a second-class dhimmi status?”

Muslims Continue Showing Respect for Other People’s Religion
"That’s why when Muslims in Lebanon protested by tearing down posters of Pope Benedict, they were respecting religion. And when they rioted on the Jewish Temple Mount, more respect for religion. And when Muslims deface the Star of David, the symbol of the name of King David, a man they claim to consider a prophet, that’s just more respect for religion. With so much Muslim respect for religion out there, it’s hard to know if we can take any more."

Pakistan 'forced' scientist to trade secrets
Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistan's renegade nuclear scientist, claims he was ordered to sell nuclear secrets by Benazir Bhutto, the country's former prime minister.

IAEA renews pressure on Iran after 'terrorists' charge
The U.N. nuclear agency said on Tuesday that Iran must address concerns about its suspected atom bomb research, one day after Tehran alleged that "terrorists" had infiltrated the organization to sabotage the Islamic Republic's uranium enrichment plants.

Defected Syrian general: Damascus planned to send chemical weapons to Hezbollah
Adnan Sillu, formerly in charge of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile, tells Times of London Assad has drawn up plans to gas rebels and civilians
Hamas Calls for Abbas to Resign After he says Israel Founded to ‘Remain’
Hamas demanded the resignation of Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas after Abbas said Israel “was founded in order to remain and not in order to vanish” as the result of a nuclear war with Iran, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported Sept. 18.

CAIR Rep: Violence Shows It’s America That Needs to Change
Anti-American violence throughout the Muslim world, ostensibly over a cheap Internet film denigrating the Muslim prophet Muhammad, may be misguided, but it’s a result of “the lack of dignity, the lack of respect that they’re being shown.” And it’s up to America to change policies to calm things.

Honest Reporting: Israeli Cruise Review Sinks in Ocean of Garbage
“On September 15, Gabriella Le Breton published her review of a cruise to Israel in The Times of London. What followed was a stunning display of ignorance and a lack of fact checking.”

IDF Blog: Learn How to Defend Yourself — IDF Style (Episode 2)

The IDF incubator for Israel’s future CEOs
The top physics and math students in Israel are groomed for dazzling careers through an unusual military training program.

Millions of pounds to be spent on regenerative medicine research; millions of people to benefit
A UK-Israel scientific effort seeks to make new discoveries in stem cell therapy, molecular medicine, and other areas.

Also, UNESCO Třebíč ghetto scene of denial of Jewish heritage (Missing Peace)

Plus, how Chinese describe the difference between how Jews and Chinese do business:
The difference between Jewish and Chinese people: A Jew opens a gas station in some place and business is very good. Then a second Jew comes along and opens a restaurant, and then third Jew opens a supermarket, and the place very quickly prospers. When a Chinese person opens a gas station and business is very good, the second Chinese will definitely open a second gas station, and then the third, the fourth… Competition is vicious and it’s no fun for anybody.

(h/t Russell)

  • Wednesday, September 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egypt Independent reports:
A Coptic Christian schoolteacher, Bishoy Kamel, has been sentenced to six years in prison for posting cartoons on Facebook deemed defamatory to Islam and the Prophet Mohamed, and for insulting President Mohamed Morsi and his family.
The Sohag Misdemeanour Court imposed the following sentences on Kamel: three years for defaming Islam and the Prophet Mohamed, two years for insulting the president, and one year for insulting Mohamed Safwat who made the allegations against him.

The prosecution said Kamel had used Facebook to deliberately defame the Prophet Mohamed. He had also insulted the president and shown contempt for society’s sacred symbols, the prosecution said.

Members of Al-Jamaa Al-Islamiya and various Salafist groups attempted to attack Kamel when he was led out of the court after receiving his sentence. They pelted with rocks the police car used to transport him away from the court.
I would say that Morsi is a jerk for persecuting Copts who exercise free speech, but then I might be sentenced to prison too.

See also this similar story from January where the "insult" was a picture of Islamist Mickey and Minnie Mouse.


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