Saturday, September 13, 2008

  • Saturday, September 13, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Firas reports a man killed when he fell down the entrance of a smuggling tunnel in Gaza, saying that this was the second such death in 24 hours. This means that the 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 164.

Friday, September 12, 2008

  • Friday, September 12, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AP, of all places:(h/t LGF):
Saudi Arabia’s top judiciary official has issued a religious decree saying it is permissible to kill the owners of satellite TV networks that broadcast immoral content.

The 79-year-old Sheik Saleh al-Lihedan said Thursday that satellite channels cause the “deviance of thousands of people.” ...

Al-Lihedan was answering listeners’ questions during the daily “Light in the Path” radio program in which he and others make rulings on what is permissible under Islamic law. One caller asked about Islam’s view of the owners of satellite TV channels that show “bad programs” during Ramadan.

“I want to advise the owners of these channels, who broadcast calls for such indecency and impudence ... and I warn them of the consequences,” he said.

“What does the owner of these networks think, when he provides seduction, obscenity and vulgarity?” he said.

Those calling for corrupt beliefs, certainly it’s permissible to kill them,” he said. “Those calling for sedition, those who are able to prevent it but don’t, it is permissible to kill them.”
I guess this means that Time Warner, Viacom and Disney executives might have to start being a little more suspicious of the packages they get in the mail...
  • Friday, September 12, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
On Wednesday night, Soccer Dad asked me if I still had a picture I had made years ago and posted on this blog of a panorama of Manhattan taken from Jersey City. Unfortunately, the image hosting service that I stored it on went out of business and I no longer have the original.

As a result, I offered to create a new one.

Yesterday morning, I took a series of photos from a similar vantage point and sent them to him. Unfortunately, photographing Manhattan from New Jersey is problematic in mornings, as the sun is rising behind the skyline, so I wasn't altogether happy with the results:
(click to enlarge)

The good news is that I got the shot I posted yesterday of the Jersey City Fire Department shooting plumes of red, white and blue-colored water with the Statue of Liberty visible in the background.

In the afternoon, I tried once again to capture a panorama of Manhattan, with better results:
The rightmost image of the series was slightly out of focus but altogether I am happy with the results, and Soccer Dad used it to illustrate his 9/11 round-up.

I used my latest camera, a Nikon Coolpix S210, and I used Autostitch software to piece the ten images together (11 images in the morning shot.) Autostitch is the easiest software I've seen yet for doing this, and it works in two dimensions as well.
  • Friday, September 12, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
A 48-year old woman was killed by someone shooting indiscriminately in the air near Nablus.

Hamas continues to arrest doctors in Gaza, abducting a pediatric surgeon and a woman doctor (whose husband they had arrested a few days before.)

A terror group called Al Tawhid took credit for a bomb at the Kissufim junction today.

Another day, another bizarre study: An Arab group talks about an increasing number of Jerusalem-area Arabs addicted to drugs - and says that Israel is pushing these drugs to help "Judaize" Jerusalem. Here's the logic: Since drug abusers need lots of money for their habits, they are more likely to sell their houses to Jews.

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 162.
  • Friday, September 12, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
For a particularly hilarious example of how rumors start in the Muslim world, check out this blog post:
Israel is once again humiliating the Muslims by making fun of the Islamic symbols.

The Israeli mass Media recently published a photo of toilet bowls produced by a certain company, shaped in “Women In Jilbab".

This type of toilet bowl to facilitate urination, according to the Israeli mass Media are selling very well in the Israeli market.

A number of sources as cited by Albawaba, reported that the shape of the toilet bowl was purposely aimed at humiliating the Islamic symbols and the Muslims.

The first productions originated from the US and then imported by Israel. Now, toilet bowls of this shape can be commonly found in Israel.

Sorry to say, but how lowly is the attitude of the people of these two nations (Christian U.S. - Zionist Israel), they have no respect for other people’s religions. They can never stop poking fun at others. Little do they realize that their actions only reveal their immorality further. You can never find the Muslims doing likewise, the Muslims don’t insult other faiths or the lack of it thereof. We dont behave like immature or retarded people.
Of course, this urinal is poking fun at nuns, not Muslim women, and has nothing to do with Israel. And I have no idea if this really came from Albawaba or if the blogger made it up (no link was given.)

(I haven't yet seen any deadly Catholic riots over this, either.)

But truth has little to do with how bizarre rumors spread in the Islamic world, so we might be catching one in its early stages here.

In fact, this blogger may be a source for a number of rumors in the Muslim world.

He has no shortage of completely made-up posts. In at least one case, a post he wrote or pasted ended up being reproduced at Pakistan Daily two days later, about a supposed First Zionist-Christian Congress in Switzerland earlier this month. No real news source mentions this conference.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

  • Thursday, September 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Saudi Gazette:
JEDDAH – Security authorities have arrested three Saudis and two expatriates for spreading false propaganda through the Internet, the Ministry of Interior announced on Wednesday.

The five were misleading young people, manipulating their religious sentiments and instigating them to create trouble, an official source at the ministry said.

Using pseudonyms to suggest they have supporters, the five accused would thus lure people to communicate with them as a first step towards recruitment for “vicious and wicked goals,” the source said.

“Despite the difficulty of laying such traps, our security men are highly capable and qualified to track down and arrest such deviants who spread wrong ideas wherever they are,” Interior Ministry spokesman Major Gen. Mansour Al-Turki told Saudi Gazette.

“These deviant mentalities use modern technology like the Internet to spread to mislead surfers and spread their deviant methodology,” he said without revealing where the five accused were arrested. “It doesn’t matter which cities they are from. What matters is their deviant thinking,” he said.

The Ministry cautioned the public about advocates of “deviant thoughts, their tricky methods and malicious intentions to mislead the sons of the soil and turn them into tools in the hands of their enemies who are conspiring against their country on which Almighty Allah has bestowed the honor of serving the Two Holy Harams.” The statement warned against falling victim “to these deviants who use deceptive and misrepresentative methods in promoting their evil thoughts.”
From this article it is a little hard to figure out what exactly these people were saying. The over-use of the word "deviant" implies homosexuality, but some of their names imply terrorism ("The Encyclopedia of Jihad.") Were they advocating an overthrow of the monarchy? Were they writing fictional stories about Mohammed?

A better hint may be seen in a recent law that passed in neighboring Kuwait. The law is set to "criminalize the promotion of immoral conduct, encouraging anti-government sentiments, divulging state secrets, or insulting Islam online." Chances are that these were the sorts of things that the "deviant" bloggers were doing.
  • Thursday, September 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
(This post will remain on the top today, scroll down for other posts.)

This is a view of lower Manhattan at around 9:59 AM on September 11, 2006.

It is difficult for people who are unfamiliar with the skyline to understand how huge the twin towers were. I attempted to show in this picture, in a very limited way, the enormity of what was lost.
  • Thursday, September 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
As if we needed any more proof, here is yet another tie between the "peace activists" of the International Solidarity Movement (and their affiliates in the Free Gaza movement) and the extremist inspiration for al Qaeda and Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood.

From the ISM site:
Egyptian Committee Against the Gaza Siege: At 8am this morning (10th September), a first group from the Egyptian Committee Against the Gaza Siege, mainly Labor Party’s members, left Cairo in 4 micro-buses with food and medicine to go and try to break the criminal siege of Gaza.

When they arrived at Ismailia, located at 100 km from Cairo and 30 km from the Suez Canal, the Sinai entrance, the Egyptian police stopped the convoy and took away the driving licences of the drivers, preventing them to go forward

More than 150 people got outside the buses with Palestinian and Egyptian flags and chanting slogans in support of the Palestinians.

Several national forces are participating in this action, including the Committee Against the Gaza Siege, Engineers against Detention, al-Karamah party, Labour Party, Nasserist party, Kifâya, independent lawyers, March 9 Movement, April 6 Movement and Muslim Brotherhood’s members.

Notice how the ISM tries to downplay the Muslim Brotherhood's involvement in this protest, which is clearly a Western-style protest architected by ISM members to begin with (the photos on the site show "activists" doing sit-ins and the like.)

But if you look at the wire-service reports of the protest, the Muslim Brotherhood is mentioned a bit more prominently. From AFP:

The group of judges, independent MPs, members of the main opposition Muslim Brotherhood and activists from other parties wants to protest the continued closure of the Rafah crossing by Israel and Egypt.
From Reuters:
Along with many opposition groups, the Muslim Brotherhood, the largest opposition force in the country, favours ending the blockade and opening the border for goods and people.
Not that these other parties are so peaceful either. The Socialist Labor Party is currently illegal in Egypt, and supports the imposition fo Sharia law throughout that nation. In fact, it tried to form a coalition with the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1990 elections.

The Al-Karama party praises Maomar Khaddafi, Libya's loopy dictator not known for his human-rights record.

Yet the ISM happily partners with groups that openly advocate and condone violence, all the while maintaining that it is a "peace" group.

Apparently, the only credentials one needs to be considered a "peace activist" is to advocate the destruction of the US and Israel.

  • Thursday, September 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Click on image to make it larger.

This was the scene opposite the site of the World Trade Center this morning at 8:46, the moment the first plane crashed into the North Tower seven years ago. The Jersey City Fire Department shot red, white and blue water from a fireboat.

The Statue of Liberty can be seen in the background, next to Ellis Island.
  • Thursday, September 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Monsters and Critics:
Four Syrians and a Lebanese were killed when a truck loaded with smuggled fireworks from Syria exploded Thursday near the Lebanese-Syrian border in eastern Lebanon, police said.

The alleged fireworks smuggling operation came a few days after a UN team assessing the monitoring of the border said progress in fortifying it had been minimal and remained 'penetrable'.

'Lebanon has not yet succeeded in enhancing the overall security of its borders in any significant manner,' the report said.

Oh yeah. Fireworks.

  • Thursday, September 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
For the twelfth consecutive week, Palestinian Arabs have managed to kill each other more than the evil IDF has managed to kill them.

The score this week (Thursday-Wednesday) is 3-1. (A Nablus man was reportedly killed by the IDF as they were arresting a known Fatah terrorist, for the first Palestinian death from the IDF in nearly six weeks.)
  • Thursday, September 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Another man was killed as the tunnel he was helping to dig collapsed under the Gaza/Egypt border.

Following yesterday's explosions aimed at Hamas sites in Gaza, two Fatah men were arrested in a car full of explosives.

Islamic Jihad held its annual Iftar breakfast banquet for "journalists and intellectuals" south of Gaza City. The terrorist speakers stressed to the journalists what an important job they had in telling the world about their side of the story. (Pictures of the banquet here.)

The DFLP threatened to break the "calm" in face of alleged Israeli aggression. Islamic Jihad characterized the "calm" as "scandalous."

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 161.
  • Thursday, September 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
In a telephone interview with Ynet on Wednesday, Booth slammed Israel's policies and called Gaza "the largest concentration camp in the world today. I was startled the Israelis agreed to this.”

Despite her current predicament, Booth said she has no regrets. "My children are the ones who are suffering, because I'm being prevented from leaving and they can't see me. I don't regret it, because I wanted to come here and help these children who are suffering on a daily basis," she said.
Apparently, her children miss her but she doesn't miss them too much.
When asked about Israel's right to respond to incessant attacks emanating from Gaza, Booth evoked Holocaust-related rhetoric. "There is no right to punish people this way. There is no justification for this kind of collective punishment. You were in the concentration camps, and I can’t believe that you are allowing the creation of such a camp yourselves.

“The Palestinians’ suffering is physical, mental and emotional," she went on, "there is not a family here in which someone is not in desperate need of work, shelter or food. This is a humanitarian crisis on the scale of Darfur. "
Indeed, I have photographic evidence of the terrible conditions these concentration-camp inmates have to suffer through.

On the very same day that Lauren Booth gave this interview, Islamic Jihad held their annual Iftar breakfast for journalists south of Gaza City in a restaurant. Palestine Today covered the event.

Note the distended stomachs, the threadbare clothing, the suffering faces, and the awful humanitarian conditions that these brave Gazans are forced to survive in, day in and day out:

I don't know about you, but when I first saw these pictures the very first word that came to my mind was "Darfur!"

I was so surprised to find out that the deplorable conditions seen in these pictures did not take place in sub-Saharan Africa or in a Nazi concentration camp.

Poor Lauren, forced to witness such wide-scale suffering and starvation.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

  • Wednesday, September 10, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I like a good parody, but sometimes one finds a real-life story that is so way beyond parody that even if someone would have invented such an over-the-top character, no one would have found it believable enough to be humorous:
The Shondes, a four-piece political post-punk band from New York City, are the outsiders' outsiders, but they wear that badge with pride.

This queer political band, heavily influenced by riot grrrl and queercore as well as traditional Jewish music, gets its name from the Yiddish word for “shame” or “disgrace.” Three-quarters of the band are Jewish and three-quarters are trans.

The band's in-your-face, dramatic debut album, The Red Sea, has created comparisons to the now defunct all-girl rock trio Sleater-Kinney as well as political punk Patti Smith.

Windy City Times spoke with drummer Temim Fruchter right after they kicked off their long, fall tour.

WCT: I noticed that several of you are involved in Jews Against the Occupation ( an anti-Zionist organization ) . How much would you say Judaism influences your music, your sound? Obviously, it influences your life.

TF: I would say just as much as any aspect of our lives influences our music. For the three of us, Judaism is pretty central to who we are. So, we sort of bring that to the table as much as our activism, as much as the other stuff and components we bring to the music.

WCT: And all of your either identify as queer or trans, as well, so I'm sure it's just as important as that aspect of your life.

TF: Exactly.

WCT: Since many of your are involved in both Jewish activism, as well as the queer community, I was wondering if you ever receive any negative feedback from the Jewish community, or for the most part, are most people really progressive and welcoming?

TF: We definitely encountered people in various communities who have been challenged by some of views, particularly about Israel-Palestine, and those are some of the conversations with more mainstream Jewish outlets, so that isn't part of the subject. But we've mostly just had productive and interesting conversations. Definitely, overall, we constantly have supportive audiences—people who are really interested in the music, but people who are also interested in the content and are either challenged by it and talk about it, or support it and are excited that there is music that is affirming that content.

It always fascinated me that "Jewish activists" have completely disregarded Judaism for activism, and instead use Judaism as an excuse to justify their causes. They usually use the words "Tikkun Olam," or "perfecting the world."

That term has been mostly popularized by Tikkun Magazine, the far-left, pro-Arab magazine founded by fake rabbi and Friend of Hillary Michael Lerner.

The site says:
Tikkun Olam, healing and repairing the world, is a primary mission of the Jewish people.

Other recent citations of the phrase can be seen at the Rabbis for Obama site:
Some of us know Senator Obama personally, and we recognize that he has been inspired by Jewish values such as Tikkun Olam and the pursuit of justice, and he is deeply committed as well to a civil discourse between opposing arguments.
One could be excused if one thinks that Tikkun Olam as activism for social issues is a great mitzvah, one of the commandments given by G-d to Jews (or perhaps mankind).

The source for the phrase Tikkun Olam is not the Torah, though, but the Talmud. Many examples of Tikkun Olam are given in Tractate Gittin, but they generally are meant to stop people from doing various sins. None of the Talmudic examples have anything remotely close to what the current users of the phrase have in mind.

Another prominent example is found in the thrice-daily Aleinu prayer, where Jews ask G-d "to perfect the world under God's sovereignty" -- a purely spiritual quest. Later, Kabbalists expanded the concept somewhat but it is still oriented towards Jews doing their own mitzvot, to perfect themselves and thereby helping to repair the world, in a more mystical sense.

Either way, the concept is clearly not biblical and not nearly as expansive as many people assume. The idea has been changed into an amorphous concept that molds to whatever preconceived notions one has about the environment, or justice, or politics, or really any subject one wants. Today, we have a strange situation where the phrase is used to apply to people like the Shondes, who are the antithesis of the concept (and whose name, while meant to be ironic, ends up being anything but.)

This is not to say that the idea of Tikkun Olam is irrelevant. However, if a Jew wants to apply Tikkun Olam to today, he or she needs to increase spirituality, not decrease it; to inspire by adhering to the religion, not by replacing it with some sort of wishy-washy universalist message that has nothing to do with Judaism. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks summed it up nicely:
Our task is to become a particular living example of a set of universal truths, and therefore the conflict between the universal and the particular in Judaism is not a conflict at all because it is only by being Orthodox Jews that we are able to mitaken ha’olam - it is only by being true to ourselves that we can be true to other people. Only if we preserve the sanctity of Jewish family can we talk with authority about the sanctity of the family to the world. Only by studying Torah can we speak compellingly about the value of education and human dignity. Only by having the courage to be different can we be role models to the dignity of difference. That is why Tikkun Olam in my view is the special responsibility of we who are the guardians of Torah.
This is a univeralist goal that can only come about from a particularist application of real Jewish laws and ideas, and this is the real meaning behind Tikkun Olam.

UPDATE: Hillel Halkin at Commentary apparently made a similar point last month (full article not online.) h/t EBOZ

EBoZ emailed me the article; it makes many of the points I made but in the context of "40 short essays by a group of American Jewish intellectuals and social activists, all on the Left, appearing in a new book called Righteous Indignation." Many of those essays invoked Tikkun Olam, and, as Halkin writes, almost all of them get it wrong:
And so it goes. Health care, labor unions, public-school education, feminism, abortion rights, gay marriage, globalization, U.S. foreign policy, Darfur: on everything Judaism has a position—and, wondrously, this position just happens to coincide with that of the American liberal Left.

If it is easy to caricature most of the essays in Righteous Indignation, this is because so many of them caricature themselves. They represent the ultimate in that self-indulgent approach, so common in non-Orthodox Jewish circles in the United States today, that treats Jewish tradition not as a body of teachings to be learned from but as one needing to be taught what it is about by those who know better than it does what it should be about. Judaism has value to such Jews to the extent that it is useful, and it is useful to the extent that it can be made to conform to whatever beliefs and opinions they would have even if Judaism had never existed.

...The Jewish public interest is not a concept that plays a role in any of the 40 essays in Righteous Indignation. Just as the authors of these essays take almost no interest in the state of Israel, apart from chiding it for its various alleged faults of racism, religious intolerance, militarism, and so forth, so they take almost no interest in the American Jewish community except insofar as it is prepared to act outside of itself. They want world repair—and they want it now. An end to environmental exploitation! An end to economic injustice! An end to sexual inequality! An end to war! And since the end will not come of itself, let Jews go out into the world and force it.

What is entirely missing from the book and its righteously indignant authors is the slightest sense of the world’s complexity or of the fact that repairing almost anything can involve breaking something else. Yes, it is possible to reduce global warming significantly—but only at the cost of reducing standards of living around the world, including those of the poor. It is possible to let homosexuals marry and raise children like heterosexuals—but only by making heterosexuals wonder what is the point of marrying and raising children. It is possible not to go to war—but only by condemning the people of Iraq to life under a barbaric and aggressive dictatorship, and by continuing to condemn the people of Darfur to an indescribable misery that only military force can put an end to. There are few cost-free solutions to anything.

This is something that those who bandy the phrase tikkun olam might be expected to be aware of.
It is a very nice essay, but only available for subscribers to Commentary.
  • Wednesday, September 10, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
An 11-year old boy was shot and killed in central Gaza; circumstances still unclear.

The IDF and Shin Bet found a 15-kg bomb in Jenin.

Two Hamas sites were bombed in Gaza City, no injuries reported.

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 160.


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