Monday, July 21, 2008

  • Monday, July 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the wake of Israel's release of despicable murderers of Jewish children, prominent Jordanians are asking King Abdullah to do the same:
King Abdullah II was urged on Sunday to pardon a Jordanian soldier who is serving a life sentence for killing seven Israeli schoolgirls in 1997.

"After around 12 years in prison, Ahmad Dakamseh deserves your majesty's special pardon," a group of 70 Islamists, unionists, lawyers, human rights activists and former officials said in a signed letter to the king.

In March 1997, Dakamseh fired an automatic weapon at a group of Israeli schoolgirls as they visited Baqura, a scenic peninsula on the Jordan River near the Israeli border, killing seven and wounded five others as well as a teacher.

The attack came almost three years after Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty, only the second between an Arab country and the Jewish state.

"Following the recent release of Arab prisoners, we hope to see Dakamseh free again," they said, referring to Israel's prisoner swap with Lebanon's Hezbollah militant group last week.

The signatories Islamic Action Front secretary general Zaki Bani Rsheid, former prime minister and intelligence department director Ahmad Obeidat, Jordan Bar Association head Saleh Armouti, and Hani Dahleh, president of the Arab Human Rights Organisation.

"The current political stage requires a policy that would make people happy and ease their socio-economic and political pressures. Pardoning Dakamseh will have a great effect on people," the letter said.
It remains to be explained exactly what kind of people would become happy that a mass murderer is freed in their country.

Notice that the president of the Arab Human Rights Organization is one of the people urging the release of this murderer. Apparently, the "human rights" of Arab murderers to walk around free is more important than the rights of Jewish schoolgirls to live.

Let's hope that King Abdullah will remain as aghast at this crime as his father was and let the killer rot. At the time, King Hussein went to Israel to pay his condolences to the families and truly condemned this act, not like the fake "condemnations" that we are used to hearing from Palestinian Arab leaders.

On the other hand, Daqamesh's mother defended him on Al Jazeera TV:
"I am proud of my son, and I hold my head high. My son did a heroic deed and has pleased Allah and his own conscience. My son lifts my head and the head of the entire Arab and Islamic nation. I am proud of any Muslim who does what Ahmad did. I hope that I am not saying something wrong. When my son went to prison, they asked him: 'Ahmad, do you regret it?' He answered: 'I have no regrets.' He treated everyone to coffee, honored all the other prisoners, and said: The only thing that I am angry about is the gun, which did not work properly. Otherwise I would have killed all of the passengers on the bus."
Although at his trial, his mother was quite willing to say something different in order to get him a lighter sentence: "I know my son is mentally ill because he used to have fits of rage and faint."

At least one terror group has named itself after Daqamesh, showing yet again that even the most heinous murderers of Jews are heroes in some Arab quarters.
  • Monday, July 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yourish: UN Troops salute dead terrorists

SoccerDad: Horribly wrong part II

Augean Stables: CNN’s Wedeman: I Black Heart Palestinian Children

Dhimmi Watch: Iranian woman, 31, to be hanged after 18 years in jail

My Right Word: First International Jewish Bloggers Convention
Anyone who wants to send me tickets to Israel to participate, feel free! I'll even lead a session!
  • Monday, July 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I saw this poster at a Palestinian Arab site.

The site freely admits that this was a poster designed by Zionists, but for some bizarre reason they claim that the existence of this poster is "embarrassing" to Zionists:
This poster was originally designed by Franz Kraus in 1936 and published by the Tourist Association of Palestine, a Zionist development agency. The poster shows the city of Jerusalem, with its neat parks, homes, and the Dome of the Rock.

Embarrassingly for the Zionists, this one poster effectively debunks three of their core myths; that Palestine was a land without people, that Palestine was a barren desert, and that there never was any such thing as Palestine. Well, here is a populated and green Palestine, called by name in a Zionist-published poster!
The incredible naivete in the last paragraph is breathtaking. Of course there was an area known as Palestine, but what the poster is showing is that Zionists had pride in the nation they were building. In 1936, only Jews were proudly identified as Palestinians, and the Western world also identified Palestine as the Jewish homeland. Jews were proud Palestinians before 1948, creating the popular Palestine Pavillion at the 1939 World's Fair, for example.

If anyone should be embarrassed by this poster, it is the Arabs of Palestinian lineage, because they didn't create any posters like this! This poster proves that Zionism is what made Palestine relevant, Zionist muscle and brainpower turned a backwards land into a modern marvel, and Zionists were the people who took the greatest pride and interest in Palestine in that time period.

More similar posters that for some reason are not being sold by Palestinian Arab online stores, probably because they have that evil word "Jewish" in them:

UPDATE: Here are a couple of other "embarrassing" posters I just found on the Web:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

  • Sunday, July 20, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
This photo accompanied a story in the Al Quds newspaper of London. It is apparently a picture of Shehada Jawhar, one of the leaders of Jund al-Sham Islamic group in Lebanon, who was killed this morning in continuing clashes in Lebanese "refugee" camps.

Do people who call Islam the "religion of peace" cringe when they see Islamist leaders explicitly equating weapons with the Koran, or do they perhaps have a different definition of "peace" than the rest of the world?
  • Sunday, July 20, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
In an update to last week's story about a 64 year old Saudi man who was to marry a 10-year old girl, we can all breathe a sigh of relief:
In the latest twist to a high-profile marriage in this central Saudi city, a 64-year-old man has announced that he would wait five years to consummate his marriage with his 10-year-old bride.

According to local newspapers yesterday, the man — who has already paid a SR100,000 dowry to the father of the girl and signed the marriage contract — now says he would wait until the girl is 15 to complete the marriage.

Explaining the circumstances that led to the marriage, the man’s son said his father never had a second wife. He said the girl’s father taunted his father saying he was willing to marry his daughter to him if he paid SR100,000 in dowry. “My father accepted the challenge, paid the money and became the husband of the young woman,” the son was quoted as saying.

Apparently, if you only have one wife in Saudi Arabia, there must be something wrong with you.

It is most heartening to know that this man claims he won't be raping the girl nightly. She'll just be his slave.

In other news about the wonders of polygamy in Saudi Arabia:

When a man discovered that his wife was secretly urging their son not to get married, he took revenge on her by marrying a second, younger woman.

According to yesterday’s Okaz daily, the couple, living in the southern Saudi city of Al-Madaya, has a son studying in the US. The father had been urging the young man to get married the next time he was visiting home. After discovering that his wife was tugging the young man in the other direction, the father used polygamy to get back at his wife. When the wife discovered her husband had married a 21-year-old woman, she insisted that no second wife was going to live under the same roof with her. So the man moved in with his new, younger bride.

In other Saudi marriage news, a man shot and killed his wife over a "family dispute" and a woman with her 16-year old son burned her husband to death.
  • Sunday, July 20, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Israel's "peace partners" have come together to praise Samir Kuntar and Dalal al-Mughrabi in this women's program on PA TV with female Fatah members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (from MEMRI):


Jihad Abu Zneid: Today has stirred the emotions of all Palestinians and the whole world [towards] a Palestinian woman who was, and still is, a commander and a fighter for the sake of Palestine. Allah willing, we hope that the day is near when the remains of this fighter and martyr, who has been dubbed "the Princess of Female Martyrs" – sister Dalal Al-Maghrabi, will return, Allah willing, to Jaffa, and will be welcomed by Jaffa and by the entire homeland, and we will celebrate our liberation.


We extend our deepest salutations to that Palestinian mother, to the mother and sisters of Dalal, and to all the female martyrs [who died] for the sake of Dalal and Palestine. I say to them: You have won [this honor]. Becoming the mother or sister of a martyr is an unparalleled opportunity. I wish I could be the mother or sister of a martyr, or even be martyred for the sake of Palestine myself. This would be a great honor. We all wish to die, Allah willing, for the sake of Palestine, and to become brides for the sake of Palestine – all the women and girls of Palestine wish for that. Dalal was a role model, and we were raised on her memory, and on this outstanding Palestinian image of that great Palestinian commander, Dalal, who led the best Palestinian operation for the sake of Palestine and its liberation.

Najat Abu Bakr: To Dalal, confined in her coffin, I say that, you made all the Israeli and Zionist warlords pay the price. Your price is higher than anything they expected. You are present, because while death means absence, martyrdom means presence. Oh leaders of the Zionist enemy, we are here to stay, and you will be gone.

So Israel's "peace partners" advocate on their own TV shows that all Zionists die, that all of Israel gets destroyed, and that murderers of Jewish children be considered heroes.

As LGF writes, this TV show is like a death-cult version of The View.

  • Sunday, July 20, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
We've previously discussed the plight of some 3000 Arabs who lived in Iraq for generations and are now in dire straits because they have Palestinian ancestry.

None of the oil-rich Arab countries in the Gulf have offered any help. Syria, which has accepted tens of thousands of other Iraqi refugees, refuses to allow them into the country. Jordan and Egypt have likewise been silent, despite efforts by the UNHCR for years to find countries that can accept them.

But one Arab country has stepped forward.


In what is clearly a public relations move, Sudan has offered to accept all the refugees to change people's focus away from its genocide in Darfur.

The UNHCR, while clearly not happy about this, is considering this idea as Sudan is marginally better than the camp they are in now. The PLO seems to agree to the plan as well.

Refugees International, rather than blaming other Arab countries for refusing to settle these refugees, is asking the US to pick up the slack:
"Relocating Palestinian refugees to Sudan does not offer this population a real choice for a permanent, stable home, and simply moves them from one marginalized situation to another," said Kristele Younes, Senior Advocate with Refugees International.

"We must not allow this vulnerable population to be used as pawns in a greater political game," said Younes. "The U.S. government should acknowledge the vulnerability of this stateless population and resettle them here. It is appalling that Sudan, a country infamous for its violations of international humanitarian law, has stepped in to protect these people when the U.S. would not."

To resettle this vulnerable population expeditiously, Refugees International urged the U.S. State Department Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration to create a special category to process refugee applications. Any process should be held without prejudice to the Palestinians’ right to return to their homeland.
Ironically, this organization which says it tries so hard to solve refugee problems and to allow them to become normal citizens in their host countries still feels obligated to say that even if the US would accept them as citizens they should not forfeit their "right to return" to a place they have not lived in for three generations. Indeed, RI has bought into the very using the Palestinian Arabs as pawns that they rail against, and rather than looking for a permanent solution to the rampant discrimination that Arabs of Palestinian ancestry suffer in the Arab world they continue to advocate a solution that would destroy Israel. RI apparently agrees with the UN that Palestinian Arabs should be labeled "refugees" for generations, uniquely among all the world's refugee populations, and that the West is responsible to solve all Arab suffering, allowing petrodollar-stuffed Gulf states to abdicate all responsibility for the PalArabs.

What a bold move!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

  • Saturday, July 19, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas is accused of killing a 23-year old Fatah member of the Gaza "naval police".

Hamas continues to raid houses of prominent Fatah members in Gaza, today stealing the Jeep of a former deputy minister.

Egypt found another cache of explosives meant to go to Gaza, the second in two days.

Hamas conducted military exercises in Gaza with live ammunition and missiles - in the densely-populated residential al-Sabra neighborhood of Gaza City. This panicked the residents and damaged many houses, but it was late Friday night, so no big deal.

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 114.

Friday, July 18, 2008

  • Friday, July 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
According to Palestine Press Agency, a bomb exploded east of Gaza City, injuring 7 Hamas members, two seriously.

The anti-Hamas paper claims that this was the result of internal Hamas disagreements.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

  • Thursday, July 17, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AP (h/t LGF):U.N. soldiers salute as a tractor-trailer loaded with coffins of nearly 200 Lebanese and Palestinian fighters and bearing the picture of slain Hezbollah top leader Imad Mughniyeh, right, arrives in the southern city of Tyre, Lebanon, Thursday, July 17, 2008.

These look like the kinds of people who will zealously hold Hezbollah to every provision of UN Resolution 1701, don't they?
  • Thursday, July 17, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I pointed out yesterday that the Guardian wrote an execrable biography of Dalal Mughrabi that took the Palestinian Arab narrative of her terror attacks at face value.

Today, they issued a slight correction, changing the words "Israeli soldiers" in the sentence "On the coastal highway, Mughrabi's team hijacked two buses full of Israeli soldiers" with the words "civilians." But that was hardly the only problem with the article:

* Referring to the 18-year old as a "girl," making her sound like an underaged hero, especially by referring to hijacking a bus of unarmed civilians as "daring."

* Not mentioning the earlier murder of American photographer Gail Rubin by her gang.

* One bus was hijacked, not two.

* The story of her raising a Palestinian flag is almost certainly apocryphal.

* The terror group's intent was not Israel's Ministry of Defense but rather a Tel Aviv hotel filled with civilians.

* To even report with a straight face the idea that Israeli helicopters would fire from the air into a bus filled with Israeli civilians wavers between truly stupid and purposefully malicious.

* To give any credence to the Palestinian Arab boasting that they killed 70 people, when the names and ages of the victims are public record, betrays an equal amount of stupidity to which no real reporter would ever admit.

* I have not found any of the supposed pictures of Barak shooting Mughrabi's dead body and it strains credulity that he would have done that. If the Guardian knows that "the media" captured such images, it should at least say who took them.

In other words, these two short paragraphs were not factual at all. The Guardian's credibility should be severely damaged by this sloppy, poor excuse of a biography. If there are this many mistakes in this case, how can anyone trust anything the Guardian ever says?
Firas Press published an article claiming that the recent series of earthquakes felt in northern Israel were really underground Israeli nuclear tests.

The author, Mahmoud Daoud, marshals an impressive array of facts: since the earthquakes are in the north of the country, far away from the Dimona nuclear plant, they must have really been nuclear weapons, because Israel would never test them in the south and risk an accident at Dimona. The logic is impeccable.

Once this irrefutable fact is established, it is up to crusaders - oops, activists - like Daoud to explain what Israel's plans are.

One possibility is that, after finishing its archaeological digs undermining the Temple Mount, Israel plans to destroy the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque with a small nuclear weapon.

Another likely scenario is that Israel is developing small nukes that would only destroy Arab villages or "refugee" camps, as a possible response to conventional weapons.

Indeed, the author goes on to say, the Zionist entity is already known to have used uranium bullets and bombs in Lebanon. And as part of the West, Israel already has previous experience in using nuclear weapons against civilians in Japan in World War II.

Daoud goes on to say that all of Israel's recent concessions, including the prisoner swap, the calm in Gaza, the negotiations with Syria and the talk about Shebaa Farms is part of the conspiracy, as a kind of misdirection to keep the world from seeing Israel's obvious nuclear testing.

As if further proof is needed, a large meteor seen over Israel earlier this month was really an Israeli rocket test.

In hindsight, it is all so obvious!
We've seen Zionist pigs, trained by settlers to attack innocent Palestinian Arab gardens during prayer times.

We've seen Zionist wolves, raised by the same settlers who know only to attack PalArabs.

We've even seen Zionist lions, kept by settlers as pets, instilling terror in the hearts of the oppressed West Bank Arabs.

Now, thanks to Zionist technology and the implacable hatred that Jews naturally have towards everyone else, we can witness the latest scourge: Zionist rats.

From Palestine Today (autotranslated):
Rats have become a weapon used by new Israeli colonizers against citizens in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem, in order to displace and expel them from their homes.

Districts in the old part of town are suffering and facing recently this new type of Israeli actions that aim to harass Jerusalemites in order to force them to leave.

For two months, dozens of settlers have been going to the alleys and streets of the old town, carrying with them dozens of iron cages full of rats, and to release them in the town into open drainage channels.

The citizens of the old town say that the rats grow very large, adding that different types of poisons did not contribute to eradicating them, and pointed to the large municipal slowness in dealing with this issue which is causing a humanitarian catastrophe and environmental losses.

According to Hassan Khater, Secretary General of the Islamic-Christian Front for Defending Jerusalem and its Holy Sites, these rats pose a major threat to Jerusalemites who inhabit these neighborhoods, and that the situation is serious and very poor, emphasizing the failure of the occupation in the municipality of Jerusalem to address the issue.

He reported during a press conference held in the government media center in Ramallah yesterday that the purpose of this measure is to increase the suffering of Jerusalemites in the old town, transforming their lives through the tragedy of fact, with the aim of pushing them to leave their homes and leave the city.

Khater added that the Front had received many complaints and comments from citizens Jerusalemites living in the revival of the old town, according to sabotage these rats property large number of houses and shops, calling to shed further light on this disaster.

There is a link between the colonists active in the deployment of rats in alleys of the Old City meant for the deportation and displacement of populations, and between the occupation and the deployment of hundreds of pigs in the mountains and valleys of the West Bank aimed at sabotaging the property and crops.
Yes, right now, in secret underground Zionist labs, brainy Jewish scientists (funded by the Zionist lobby) are breeding these super rats who are impervious to poisons, and trained through a combination of Pavlovian methods and embedded microchips to only attack Arab sections of Jerusalem and to leave the Jewish Jerusalemites alone. But thanks to the efforts of people like Dr. Hassan Khater (who has advocated genocide against Jews on PA TV) these schemes can be exposed for all the world to see.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

  • Wednesday, July 16, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon

A Filipino worker in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was very happy with his life. He was so happy that he even got a tattoo during one of his visits home that said "Lady Hunter ... KSA."

He came back to the Kingdom and went about his business. But a Saudi Electricity Company worker noticed his tattoo and was aghast.

He followed the man home to find out his address, and then conscientiously called our heroes, the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, telling them that clearly this man was aiming to have an illegal illicit affair with innocent Muslim Saudi women.

Our heroes at the Muttawa didn't waste any time investigating these allegations. They searched the man's home, and found even more reasons to punish the Filipino - he had pictures of Filipino women workers in his home!

Will the horrors never cease?

The Muttawa had seen enough. The man was deported away from the Kingdom and its holy places, and Saudi Arabia is a little bit safer from such deviants who dare have tattoos and pictures of women.
  • Wednesday, July 16, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Almost absent from all the discussion about the prisoner swap is the fact that Hezbollah murdered two captured soldiers, probably way after they were captured.

As David Bedein writes:
Exactly two years ago, a few days after Goldwasser and Regev were captured, the Israel government cabinet secretary Attorney Yisrael Maimon, convened a press briefing following the Israel government cabinet meeting, which this reporter attended, in which Maimon reported to the media that the Goldwasser and Regev were captured alive.

Maimon held at least 12 more briefings over the next few months in which he declared that Goldwasser and Regev were captured alive.

Maimon told the media that he relied on Israeli intelligence data which confirmed that the two Israeli POW's were captured alive.

Rev. Jesse Jackson, acting as an independent envoy, along with the Red Cross and the UN, all confirmed that Israeli POW's Regev and Goldwasser were alive.

Now that it is clear that Goldwasser and Regev died at the hands of Hizbullah while they were held in captivity, the responsibility for the murder of Goldwasser and Regev rests with the Hizbullah organization and with their sponsors in Syria and Iran.

The government of Israel now has a responsibility to the people of Israel and to the soldiers of Israel to hold Hizbullah, Syria and Iran accountable for murder of the two POWs.
Where are the human rights organizations? Where is the outcry of anger at Hezbollah's flouting of the Geneva Conventions and other international laws? Who in the West is standing up and calling Hezbollah murderers?

As my commenters have noted, Israeli sources are now saying that Regev and Goldwasser were killed during the initial attack.

So, were Jesse Jackson and the others lying?


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